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wanderleia Dierings


Bold Points




My journey begins in the heart of Brazil, a land of breathtaking natural beauty but also a place where dire poverty casts a long, unforgiving shadow. I was born into this world, into a life of humble beginnings that would ultimately shape my unwavering determination. Our home was a modest wooden house tucked away on a remote farm, far from the bustling cities and their conveniences. In those early years, I witnessed firsthand the harsh realities of life in rural Brazil. Electricity, a simple convenience for many, was an unattainable luxury for us. The sun dictated our daily routine, and every task became a Herculean challenge. Darkness descended early, and evenings were illuminated by flickering candlelight. To imagine flipping a switch and bathing the room in light was a distant dream, a luxury we could only yearn for. As for the internet, it was an elusive fantasy that would take years to materialize. In a world where information and communication flowed freely, we were isolated from the digital revolution. My parents, hardworking and resilient, were the anchors of our lives. To this very day, they continue to toil tirelessly on that very farm, their hands cultivating the earth, nurturing crops like corn and soybeans. My mother, a figure I deeply admire, was a relentless force throughout my life. She fought valiantly, driven by an unwavering desire to provide us with everything she possibly could. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.  


SUNY Westchester Community College

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      Future Interests






      Crenati Foundation Supporting International Students Scholarship
      Growing up in my home country, I have witnessed both the challenges and the immense potential that lie within my community. Through the education and opportunities I have received, I am committed to making a positive impact and investing in the growth and development of my home country. In this journey, I will leverage my skills and knowledge to address local challenges, give back through mentorship and volunteering, start or support local initiatives, advocate for positive change, and collaborate with local organizations and government bodies. Addressing Local Challenges: As an individual who has been fortunate enough to receive a quality education, I recognize the power of knowledge and expertise in transforming communities. I will identify the key issues that plague my home country and utilize my education and career to help address these challenges. Whether it is working on infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life or developing sustainable solutions for environmental issues, I am committed to using my skills to make a tangible difference. Giving Back through Mentorship and Volunteering: I firmly believe in the power of mentorship and the impact it can have on shaping the lives of young individuals. By sharing my knowledge and experiences, I can inspire and guide others to pursue their aspirations and contribute positively to society. Additionally, I will actively volunteer for community organizations, dedicating my time and efforts to initiatives that align with my values and goals. Through mentorship and volunteering, I aim to create a ripple effect of positive change within my community. Starting or Supporting Local Initiatives: To create sustainable change, it is essential to empower local initiatives that directly impact my community. I will explore the possibilities of starting my own social enterprise, organizing community events, or supporting existing local businesses. By doing so, I can contribute to the economic growth of my home country and foster an environment that nurtures entrepreneurship and innovation. Advocating for Positive Change: Using my voice and platform, I will actively advocate for issues that matter to my community. Whether it is lobbying for better education or healthcare resources, raising awareness about environmental concerns, or fighting for social justice, I will be a vocal advocate for positive change. By engaging with relevant stakeholders and leveraging my education and career, I can drive conversations and push for policies that benefit my community as a whole. Collaborating with Local Organizations and Government Bodies: I recognize that creating a lasting impact requires collaboration and cooperation with local organizations and government bodies. By working hand in hand with these stakeholders, I can help implement sustainable solutions and policies that address the needs of my community. Through partnerships, I can amplify the reach and impact of my efforts, bringing about positive change on a larger scale. Conclusion: Investing in my education and career has provided me with the tools and opportunities to make a meaningful impact on my home country. By addressing local challenges, giving back through mentorship and volunteering, starting or supporting local initiatives, advocating for positive change, and collaborating with local organizations and government bodies, I am determined to contribute to the growth and development of my community. My journey towards making a positive impact in my home country is a continuous effort, fueled by dedication, collaboration, and a deep sense of responsibility. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community.
      Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
      One aspect of the game that resonates deeply with me is the use of technology. The incorporation of advanced technology not only enhances the gameplay experience but also allows for innovative and immersive features. From realistic graphics to interactive virtual worlds, technology has the power to transport players into a whole new dimension of gaming. It constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible, making each gaming session a thrilling and captivating adventure. The use of technology in games has revolutionized the way we play and experience virtual worlds. It has opened up endless possibilities for creating stunning visuals, realistic physics, and dynamic gameplay mechanics. The constant evolution of technology keeps me excited and eager to see what new advancements will be introduced in future games. It truly enhances the overall gaming experience and keeps me coming back for more. Overall, the field of technology in games offers a wealth of opportunities for exploration, innovation, and impact. By focusing on this aspect of gaming, you can delve into the cutting-edge developments that are shaping the future of the industry and contribute to the advancement of technology in a field that resonates deeply with you. Furthermore, the integration of technology in games has also led to the rise of esports, a rapidly growing industry that combines competitive gaming with professional sports. Esports tournaments attract millions of viewers and offer lucrative opportunities for skilled players. As a scholar specializing in technology in games, you could explore the impact of technology on the esports industry and contribute to the development of innovative technologies that enhance the competitive gaming experience. Additionally, the field of technology in games is not limited to entertainment purposes. Serious games, which use gaming technology for educational or training purposes, have gained significant attention in recent years. By studying technology in games, you could explore how gaming can be used as a tool for learning, skill development, and problem-solving in various domains such as healthcare, business, and social sciences. Your research could contribute to the design and implementation of effective serious games that have a positive impact on education and training. In conclusion, the field of technology in games offers a wide range of opportunities for exploration and impact. From pushing the boundaries of what is possible in gaming to revolutionizing industries like esports and education, technology continues to shape the future of the gaming industry. As a scholar in this field, you have the chance to contribute to these advancements and make a meaningful impact on the intersection of technology and gaming.
      American Dream Scholarship
      The American Dream for me is to make my parents proud of me. My parents, with their enduring love and commitment, never had the privilege of completing their high school education. While they possessed the invaluable skills of reading and writing, the absence of a formal diploma marked their lives. Despite their own educational limitations, they made colossal sacrifices to afford my sibling and me the luxuries of a stable home and an unwavering focus on education. Completing high school in Brazil was, in itself, a monumental achievement, a hard-fought victory over adversity. The pursuit of knowledge became a family endeavor, a shared commitment to breaking free from the constraints of our circumstances. Education became our beacon of hope, a path toward a brighter future. The decision to journey to the United States to learn English marked a significant turning point in my life. The prospect of pursuing higher education in this new land, however, initially seemed like an insurmountable mountain. The exorbitant costs and the fierce competition among a sea of students left me daunted. But through unyielding determination and the unwavering support of my family, I navigated the complex admissions process. This year, I took the bold step of embarking on an educational journey characterized by rigorous coursework that tested the limits of my intellect and determination. I chose Westchester Community College not only for its esteemed reputation in Westchester, New York, but also for its commitment to diversity. In this endeavor, I am not merely studying; I am rewriting my family's history. I see a path that leads to the attainment of a profession, the establishment of my own business, and the provision of employment opportunities for others. My journey is about more than personal success; it's about contributing to my community by creating jobs and inspiring others with my story. Making a meaningful contribution to my community and beyond. Last semester was a pivotal moment in my educational journey. I achieved commendable grades and earned a recommendation for a future internship, a validation of the effort I've been putting into my studies. What's truly fulfilling is that I'm already applying the knowledge and skills I've acquired to practical situations, bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. But my journey is about more than individual accomplishments. It's about carrying forward the enduring spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope that has defined my family's remarkable journey. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment have inspired me to strive for greatness and give back to my community. I see myself not only as a student but as a future leader, someone who can create opportunities for others, provide stable employment, and inspire those who face their own challenges. By sharing my story, I aim to motivate individuals who may be navigating difficult circumstances, letting them know that with determination and hope, they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to use my education to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through community projects, mentorship, advocating for equitable access to education, or entrepreneurship, I am committed to being a force for positive change. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.
      Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
      The prospect of pursuing higher education in this new land, however, initially seemed like an insurmountable mountain. The exorbitant costs and the fierce competition among a sea of students left me daunted. But through unyielding determination and the unwavering support of my family, I navigated the complex admissions process. This year, I took the bold step of embarking on an educational journey characterized by rigorous coursework that tested the limits of my intellect and determination. I chose Westchester Community College not only for its esteemed reputation in Westchester, New York, but also for its commitment to diversity. In this endeavor, I am not merely studying; I am rewriting my family's history. I see a path that leads to the attainment of a profession, the establishment of my own business, and the provision of employment opportunities for others. My journey is about more than personal success; it's about contributing to my community by creating jobs and inspiring others with my story. Making a meaningful contribution to my community and beyond. Last semester was a pivotal moment in my educational journey. I achieved commendable grades and earned a recommendation for a future internship, a validation of the effort I've been putting into my studies. What's truly fulfilling is that I'm already applying the knowledge and skills I've acquired to practical situations, bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. But my journey is about more than individual accomplishments. It's about carrying forward the enduring spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope that has defined my family's remarkable journey. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment have inspired me to strive for greatness and give back to my community. I see myself not only as a student but as a future leader, someone who can create opportunities for others, provide stable employment, and inspire those who face their own challenges. By sharing my story, I aim to motivate individuals who may be navigating difficult circumstances, letting them know that with determination and hope, they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to use my education to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through community projects, mentorship, advocating for equitable access to education, or entrepreneurship, I am committed to being a force for positive change. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.
      Marian "Nana" Rouche Memorial Scholarship
      My parents, with their enduring love and commitment, never had the privilege of completing their high school education. While they possessed the invaluable skills of reading and writing, the absence of a formal diploma marked their lives. Despite their own educational limitations, they made colossal sacrifices to afford my sibling and me the luxuries of a stable home and an unwavering focus on education. Completing high school in Brazil was, in itself, a monumental achievement, a hard-fought victory over adversity. The pursuit of knowledge became a family endeavor, a shared commitment to breaking free from the constraints of our circumstances. Education became our beacon of hope, a path toward a brighter future. The decision to journey to the United States to learn English marked a significant turning point in my life. The prospect of pursuing higher education in this new land, however, initially seemed like an insurmountable mountain.. But through unyielding determination and the unwavering support of my family, I navigated the complex admissions process. This year, I took the bold step of embarking on an educational journey characterized by rigorous coursework that tested the limits of my intellect and determination. I chose Westchester Community College not only for its esteemed reputation in Westchester, New York. I see a path that leads to the attainment of a profession, the establishment of my own business, and the provision of employment opportunities for others. My journey is about more than personal success; it's about contributing to my community by creating jobs and inspiring others with my story. Making a meaningful contribution to my community and beyond. Last semester was a pivotal moment in my educational journey. I achieved commendable grades and earned a recommendation for a future internship, a validation of the effort I've been putting into my studies. What's truly fulfilling is that I'm already applying the knowledge and skills I've acquired to practical situations, bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. But my journey is about more than individual accomplishments. It's about carrying forward the enduring spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope that has defined my family's remarkable journey. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment have inspired me to strive for greatness and give back to my community. I see myself not only as a student but as a future leader, someone who can create opportunities for others, provide stable employment, and inspire those who face their own challenges. By sharing my story, I aim to motivate individuals who may be navigating difficult circumstances, letting them know that with determination and hope, they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to use my education to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through community projects, mentorship, advocating for equitable access to education, or entrepreneurship, I am committed to being a force for positive change. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.
      Phoebes in Philanthropy Scholarship
      One of the most compelling reasons I yearn for a college education is the profound impact I aspire to make on society. With my degree, I envision a path of relentless dedication to inspire countless others. Permit me to share that in my family and generation, I stand as the pioneer, venturing into the realm of higher education and the unique opportunity to study beyond the borders of my homeland. My journey begins in the heart of Brazil, I was born into this world, into a life of humble beginnings that would ultimately shape my unwavering determination. Our home was a modest wooden house tucked away on a remote farm, far from the bustling cities and their conveniences. In those early years, I witnessed firsthand the harsh realities of life in rural Brazil. Electricity, a simple convenience for many, was an unattainable luxury for us. The sun dictated our daily routine, and every task became a Herculean challenge. Darkness descended early, and evenings were illuminated by flickering candlelight. To imagine flipping a switch and bathing the room in light was a distant dream, a luxury we could only yearn for. As for the internet, it was an elusive fantasy that would take years to materialize. In a world where information and communication flowed freely, we were isolated from the digital revolution. The concept of instant access to knowledge and the world beyond our farm was beyond our reach. My parents, hardworking and resilient, were the anchors of our lives. To this very day, they continue to toil tirelessly on that very farm, their hands cultivating the earth, nurturing crops like corn and soybeans. My mother, a figure I deeply admire, was a relentless force throughout my life. She fought valiantly, driven by an unwavering desire to provide us with everything she possibly could. I see a path that leads to the attainment of a profession, the establishment of my own business, and the provision of employment opportunities for others. My journey is about more than personal success; it's about contributing to my community by creating jobs and inspiring others with my story. Making a meaningful contribution to my community and beyond. Last semester was a pivotal moment in my educational journey. I achieved commendable grades and earned a recommendation for a future internship, a validation of the effort I've been putting into my studies. What's truly fulfilling is that I'm already applying the knowledge and skills I've acquired to practical situations, bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. But my journey is about more than individual accomplishments. It's about carrying forward the enduring spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope that has defined my family's remarkable journey. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment have inspired me to strive for greatness and give back to my community. I see myself not only as a student but as a future leader, someone who can create opportunities for others, provide stable employment, and inspire those who face their own challenges. By sharing my story, I aim to motivate individuals who may be navigating difficult circumstances, letting them know that with determination and hope, they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to use my education to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through community projects, mentorship, advocating for equitable access to education, or entrepreneurship, I am committed to being a force for positive change. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.
      Eli Motherhood Scholarship
      One of the most compelling reasons I yearn for a college education is the profound impact I aspire to make on society. With my degree, I envision a path of relentless dedication to inspire countless others. Permit me to share that in my family and generation, I stand as the pioneer, venturing into the realm of higher education and the unique opportunity to study beyond the borders of my homeland. My journey begins in the heart of Brazil, a land of breathtaking natural beauty but also a place where dire poverty casts a long, unforgiving shadow. I was born into this world, into a life of humble beginnings that would ultimately shape my unwavering determination. Our home was a modest wooden house tucked away on a remote farm, far from the bustling cities and their conveniences. In those early years, I witnessed firsthand the harsh realities of life in rural Brazil. my journey is about more than individual accomplishments. It's about carrying forward the enduring spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope that has defined my family's remarkable journey. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment have inspired me to strive for greatness and give back to my community. I see myself not only as a student but as a future leader, someone who can create opportunities for others, provide stable employment, and inspire those who face their own challenges. By sharing my story, I aim to motivate individuals who may be navigating difficult circumstances, letting them know that with determination and hope, they too can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to use my education to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through community projects, mentorship, advocating for equitable access to education, or entrepreneurship, I am committed to being a force for positive change. My journey is a testament to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation, contribute to a better world for all.