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Folk Tales
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Trena Caldwell
Bold Points1x
Trena Caldwell
Bold Points1x
My life goals are to help as many elderly people enjoy life without being alone, to not have to struggle to eat, pay bills and survive on their own. I love helping people, counseling, and providing a safe, happy living environment means a lot to me. I watched my aunt go from a fun-loving person to of empty shell of herself. I took care of her for 16 years, a dementia patient with a family that threw her away. My degree will provide me with the tools to open group homes, counseling those who feel they have no one to turn to, those who have lost hope. I've been doing this type of work my whole life. My experience working in an assistant living home aspired me to do whatever I have to, to make my dream a reality. I'm passionate about my schooling and am motivated to finish strong, there are so many people in need of caring compassionate people who are willing to help them live out their golden years with dignity and love. My aunt had my father and me, it wasn't easy but it was worthwhile, I don't want to see the elderly or sick people thrown away like trash, I can't help everyone but I'm willing to help those I can. Thank you, Trena
Post University- Online
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Psychology, Other
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
creative director
Caregiver for my grandfather he had stage 4 lung cancer
Work with hospice2006 – 2006Supervisor
Southside Residential care2001 – 20043 years
i played softball 24 years
Varsity1974 – 199824 years
- highest batting average, MVP, Best all around
- Present
i work with wound care
Amedisys — Caregiver learning wound care2011 – 2019
Public services
Assistant living home — Specialist 1& 2 Supervisor2001 – 2004
Future Interests
REVIVAL Scholarship
Being a single mother I had to put whatever my needs were aside to give my son the life I didn't have. He was a good student, a great athlete and he understood he couldn't have everything he wanted, but he had everything he needed.
I couldn't afford to buy clothing and shoes for both of us, so I sacrificed for him. I had dreams of going to college after I graduated but the money wasn't there, not the support.
When my son started his senior year I started my college journey at Post University 2018, a 56-year-old African American giving my all. I maintained a high GPA throughout my four years.
My education means a lot to me, with my degree I can make a difference in the lives of those who need counseling, someone to reach out to when they feel lost and alone, feeling there's no way for a better life.
I also have dreams to open a few group homes, our seniors are falling by the wayside dying alone feeling like they've been thrown away like yesterday's trash.
Dealing with all I faced in my future, I look forward to helping young people believe they can achieve anything they put their minds to, I'm a believer, "it's not what they call you, it's what you and answer to. It's important for our youth to not let their negative or lack of resources decide who they are or will be. They need to help the seniors in their neighborhoods, cut their grass, ask how they are doing and what can they do for them.
I would like to educate our seniors to not be afraid to ask for help. When we look out for everyone in our neighborhood everyone has a better chance at living in peace and happiness, that's my biggest obstacle, saving our youth and building up our senior. Higher education with my degree can help me get closer to my dream thank you.