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Sierra Spohn


Bold Points




My life goals include graduating from Texas A&M University with a major in meteorology. I hope to work internships with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service. I would eventually like to gain a Ph. D in Meteorology and work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service, or for space exploration companies. I am passionate about my education and I work hard to complete my goals. I am a great candidate for scholarships because I will make sure that I am worth giving the scholarship to. I have received awards such as the Overachievement Award for Technicians, the 4.0 GPA Award (3 years in a row), the Award for Academic Excellence, and the American Sign Language Honor Society Medal. In the Fall of 2021, I will be attending Texas A&M University.


Cedar Ridge High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
    • Environmental/Natural Resources Management and Policy
    • Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Director of Laboratory Studies

    • Cashier

      Dollar Tree
      2022 – Present2 years



    2017 – 20181 year


    • Health Professions Education, Ethics, and Humanities

      Cedar Ridge High School — Researcher/ Author
      2018 – 2019
    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering

      Cedar Ridge High School — Researcher/ Author
      2018 – 2019


    • Theatre at the Ridge

      Technical Theatre
      Grease the Musical, Legally Blonde the Musical, Fame!, and other smaller productions.
      2017 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Cedar Ridge High School — Host
      2020 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Cedar Ridge High School — Technical Manager
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Sanctuary In the Woods — Food Prepper/ Server/ Clean up Crew
      2019 – 2019
    • Volunteering

      Zion Lutheran Church — Food Prepper/ Activity Manager
      2016 – 2017
    • Volunteering

      Cedar Ridge High School — Student Helper
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests


    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    I have always had very large goals set for myself. I have been fortunate enough to achieve several of these goals, such as graduating high school and obtaining a 4.0 GPA. The next goal that I plan to accomplish is to graduate from Texas A&M University with a Bachelors of Science degree in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences Meteorology Program and a Masters of Ocean Science and Technology, with a minor in Computer Science and Engineering and Climate Change. After I accomplish that goal, I do plan on attending graduate school. Throughout all the challenges that I have been through to achieve my goals, there has always been one person there to support me. This person has been my mother. My mother has been through her very own set of challenges, she never graduated high school due to becoming a teenage mom, she has suffered from severe disabilities throughout her entire lifetime, and she has been a single mom to both me and my sister for all of our lives, she is unable to work due to her disabilities and non-completion of high school, and helps take care of her single mother and my sister's child (as my sister is also a single mother). Recently my mother underwent neurosurgery and, unfortunately, it is possible that she will have to undergo another. I work to help my mother support my niece and grandmother. Every day I do my best to make my mother proud. I have been so lucky to have such a strong role model in my life. My mother has been the biggest inspiration in my life. She has taught me that I can break through any challenges that try to stop me and that I can find happiness no matter the setbacks in my life.
    Caring Chemist Scholarship
    In the Fall of 2021, I will be attending Texas A&M University through the Texas A&M University Blinn-TEAM Program. This program allows me to be dual enrolled in Texas A&M University and in Blinn Community College. I plan to double major in meteorology and computer science and minor in physics or chemistry. During this time I plan on taking on internships with people in my future career field, the National Weather Service, or with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. After completing my first four years of college, I plan on finding a stable job in my career field and returning to school to obtain a Ph. D. With my degree I plan on working for the National Weather Service or for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I want to work with one of these agencies so I can research severe weather and improve on meteorological technology. Gaining a better insight into severe weather and improving on technology can help save people's lives. I have many ideas of things that I would like to do after graduating, although I know I can not do all of them. One thing I would like to work to do is to improve the tornado warning system. After personally experiencing a tornado that nearly fatally injured my mother, I understand the need for the tornado warning system. Although the tornado alert system has a ninety-five percent accuracy after forty years of development, I would like to improve on that system, even if it means only making it ninety-six percent accurate. Tornado alerts are sent out by the National Weather Service when they feel that the weather conditions become a threat to human life. The alerts are sent out wirelessly to cell phones and radios, and often interrupt television broadcasts as well. Tornado alerts can also be posted on social media by the National Weather Service. Many, but not all, towns and cities have tornado sirens that sound as well. Tornado alerts give people about 10 minutes to get to safety, but I know that with improved technology that this time can be lengthened. Another idea I have is working with weather satellites. Satellites are extremely important in transmitting weather data and making weather radars. These satellites can pick up on weather patterns, ocean currents, and even volcanic ash. Another idea I have is leading a research team or program. I am personally a natural leader and an inquisitive person. I know that I could succeed in leading a research team. I am not sure what exactly will happen after I graduate from college, but I have many ideas and very high hopes.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    Throughout high school, I worked hard to get into my dream college. I maintained a 4.0-grade point average, worked hard in technical theatre, took part in many American Sign Language Club meetings, worked a job, and completed over three hundred hours of community service. I also attended three University of Texas OnRamps classes and seven advanced placement classes. Due to all of these accomplishments, I was able to get into my dream school. I was accepted into the Texas A&M University Blinn-TEAM Program. This means that I will be dual-enrolled in Texas A&M University and Blinn Community College. I know that all the extra work I will do by attending two colleges will pay off in the end. During my college career, I will double major in meteorology and computer science and minor in physics or chemistry. Meteorology and computer science are interlaced with each other. Different systems are used to gather data and predict what could happen. Satellites transmit radar data to computers on earth. Technology is needed to communicate meteorological data to the public. Meteorology depends on technology in modern times. Even in older times, meteorology depended on technology, as telegraphs were commonly used to send out meteorological data. Technology has helped keep the public safe from severe weather for many years. I hope that by obtaining education in meteorology and computer science, I can help better understanding severe weather and keep people safe. Improved technology can give people more warning time to allow them to get to a safe place. A dramatized example of this is the movie Twister, in which the main characters used technology to better understand the formation of a tornado to create better warning systems. With improved technology, people in the path of tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, and other severe weather can stay safe. One bit of technology that I would like to work to improve on is the tornado warning system. After personally experiencing a tornado that nearly fatally injured my mother, I understand the need for the tornado warning system. Although the tornado alert system has a ninety-five percent accuracy after forty years of development, I would like to improve on that system, even if it means only making it ninety-six percent accurate. Tornado alerts are sent out by the National Weather Service when they feel that the weather conditions become a threat to human life. The alerts are sent out wirelessly to cell phones and radios, and often interrupt television broadcasts as well. Tornado alerts can also be posted on social media by the National Weather Service. Many, but not all, towns and cities have tornado sirens that sound as well. Tornado alerts give people about 10 minutes to get to safety, but I know that with improved technology that this time can be lengthened. Meteorology and technology help save lives every day. Severe weather is a serious threat to human life, but the technology used helps warn people. Improved technology can help forecasters have a better insight into the weather and allow meteorologists and the public to better understand serious weather threats.
    Lisa K. Carlson DCPS Scholarship
    I have had large educational goals set for myself ever since middle school. In middle school, I decided that I wanted to succeed in high school and work hard to do so. I achieved that goal. I graduated with a 4.0 grade point average after taking classes at the University of Texas and advanced placement classes. I was a member of the National Honors Society and received a medal for completing 4 years of American Sign Language with a 4.0 grade point average. I also received a cord for completing over 300 hours of community service in my four years of high school. I was able to do all of this while working and participating in technical theatre and American Sign Language Club. I have learned how to balance work, extracurriculars, school, and personal time. Knowing how to do this will help me succeed in college and in my future career. Now that I have completed high school, I have high goals for myself for college. I will be attending Texas A&M under the Blinn-TEAM Program, meaning that I will be dual-enrolled in Texas A&M and Blinn Community College. I hope to maintain a 4.0 grade point average and make the Dean's Honor Roll. I also hope to join many extracurricular clubs. The largest goal I have set for myself is obtaining my Ph. D in meteorology. My educational goals will support my future professional goals by preparing me for the career field I hope to go into. I hope to work for the National Weather Service or for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These institutions require lots of experience and have high education standards. The National Weather Service requires at least 24 semester hours of credit in meteorology or atmospheric science, six semester hours of physics, three semester hours of ordinary differential equations, and at least nine semester hours of course work appropriate for a physical science major. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration requires graduate degrees, such as a master’s degree or doctorate. Personally, I hope to exceed the standards that they have set. I would also like to join the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union. As a first-generation student, I have worked hard to succeed in high school to get into my dream college. I know I will continue to do well in college because of how hard I have worked to get there.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    I have had experience with anxiety. When I first began high school, my anxiety held me back from achieving the goals that I strived to reach. For example, in middle school, I had been the newspaper editor for two years. When I joined the high school newspaper, my anxiety held me back from wanting to interview people and try out for the editor position. My anxiety also held me back from joining the clubs that I wanted to join. I felt too scared due to my anxiety, it planted thoughts in my head that I was not good enough to do the things I wanted to do. I also struggled to make friends because I felt too anxious to talk to new people. During my sophomore year of high school, I joined a class called Advanced Placement Seminar. The class teaches students how to write college-level essays and public speaking. Taking that class made me come out of my shell, and I began to make friends. Although I had quit the newspaper the year before, I continued on in my technical theatre class. As time went on, I became a natural leader in the class. Now, as a senior in high school, I have held several leadership positions. I have obtained a better understanding of my anxiety and have better control over it. This has allowed me to succeed academically. Because I was able to gain better control over my anxiety, I have set large goals for myself academically. Although I still have my struggles with anxiety, I know I am strong enough to get through my issues and be a successful person. My struggle with anxiety taught me that I am a strong person who can succeed.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    I had many setbacks during the pandemic. During the worst of it, it was extremely hard to see the light in the darkness. I missed my birthday, my grandfather passed away, and I felt very anxious and stressed about everything going on. But in the end, I learned that I was a stronger person than I gave myself credit for. I did achieve things during the pandemic. I was able to maintain my 4.0 GPD despite struggling in online school and received a 4.0 GPA award. I also completed a Geoscience summer camp with Texas A&M University. This camp reignited my passion for my education. It also helped me realize that I wanted to major in meteorology. I learned that I can push through the problems that I face and succeed in every way.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    My name is Sierra Spohn and I have a passion for my education. I love to learn and to take advantage of opportunities presented to me. I have participated in many upper-level classes, including AP World History, AP Seminar, AP Research, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Macroeconomics, AP Government and Politics, OnRamps Rhetoric, OnRamps US History, and OnRamps Biology. I have received many educational awards including the Overachievement Award for Technicians, the 4.0 GPA Award (3 years in a row), the Award for Academic Excellence, and the American Sign Language Honor Society Medal. I have also participated in many extracurricular activities such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration High School Scholars Program, GeoX Summer Camp, Newspaper, Yearbook, Technical Theatre, Environmental Club, and American Sign Language Club. As can be seen by my educational resume, I love working hard to better my education. I have set very high goals for myself that I know I can achieve. One of the first goals that I set for myself was to be accepted into Texas A&M University. I was able to achieve that goal. In the Fall of 2021, I will be a freshman at Texas A&M University and I will be majoring in meteorology. I hope to join extracurriculars at Texas A&M University and graduate with honors. I would also like to have internships at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. After graduating and finding a stable job in the meteorology field, I would like to go back to school and obtain my Ph. D. My plan to give back to others is to help innovate and improve technology to better prediction times of severe weather so people have plenty of time to evacuate and/ or take shelter. I want to help save human lives from eh dangers of severe weather. I would also like to work as a volunteer to help rebuild from the damage of severe weather. I have personally experienced severe weather. When I was a toddler, a tornado threw a horse trailer through the side of my family's mobile home and almost severely injured my mother. I hope to spread awareness and better technology so that fewer people have to go through what I did. What excites me about this world is all of the opportunities that are out there. I hope to capture the opportunities that are presented to me. The world is big and exciting, and I hope to take full advantage of it.
    A Sani Life Scholarship
    2020 was a crazy year for everyone. Mine began normally enough, but in the spring things began to change. My family had been planning a trip to Colorado to visit family. We were worried that if we didn't make the trip soon, we would be unable to see them until 2022. The day we were planning to leave, the Texas governor was speaking about closing the state border so that no one could enter or exit the state. In the end, the border remained open. My family made the trip to Colorado. Once we got to our destination, things began to go downhill. Everything had started to shut down and there was a possible blizzard that was going to hit. After a few days, we decided that we had to go back home. The governor had started talking about closing the state border again and we needed to beat the incoming blizzard. We began the long drive home, and we were almost in Texas when we got the call. While visiting my aunt, we had come in close contact with a person who had COVID-19. We were extremely nervous. We were driving back to Texas, so we had to stop at gas stations to get gas and use the restroom. We didn't want to endanger anyone due to the possibility of contracting COVID-19, but we also had to get home. We decided that we would do our best to stop as little as possible. We also took disinfectant wipes that we use before and after touching anything. It was a long and worrying trip home. Once we got home to Texas, we all got COVID tested and completed the 2-week quarantine. Thankfully, none of us contracted COVID-19. But the pitfalls did not stop there. I was unable to have a 17th birthday party due to us quarantining. I felt so sad because of this. But then- only a week later -my grandfather passed away due to congestive heart failure. I felt like everything was falling apart. I didn't even have the constant of school, which I usually loved but began to hate due to online classes. My anxiety got worse and I felt helpless. But, I was able to work through all of the problems that I was worried about. During the summer I began to feel better. I was no longer stressed about school, so I was able to work through my problems. I was also able to attend an online summer camp. During the camp I was able to meet geoscience professors at Texas A&M. It made me realize that Texas A&M is my dream school and that I had a passion for meteorology. I applied to Texas A&M University and was accepted. I learned something about myself that year, I learned that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. I was able to push through everything that was thrown at me. I will remember the whole experience and remind myself that I am strong.
    "What Moves You" Scholarship
    A quote that I find motivational is "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." This quote was said by Charles D. Warner. To most people, this quote does not seem very motivational. But to me, this quote means a lot. I have always had a passion for meteorology. My passion comes from a childhood experience, the experience being a tornado throwing a horse trailer through the side of my family's mobile home. My mother had run into her bedroom to grab a blanket to protect me and my sister in case the window in the bathroom (where we were hiding) shattered. It was while she was in her bedroom when the horse trailer came through the wall, the only reason it did not hit her was because her bedframe stopped it. Most people would be scared of this experience and try hard to stay away from tornadoes. But this experience made me want to try hard to be close to tornadoes. As soon as I could read, I began to read about the weather. I currently own a large collection of meteorological books. During my junior year of high school, I knew I had to pursue a career in meteorology. I will begin doing so in the Fall of 2021, during which I will be attending Texas A&M to major in meteorology. My goal is to learn more and expand human knowledge on meteorology and help better technologies to save human lives. Through my own experience and the move Twister, I learned that severe weather can be hard to predict. Even with technology, meteorologists cannot 100% accurately predict the weather. I want to help innovate and create technology that can predict better and allow people more time to evacuate or take shelter. I hope to do more than talk about the weather, but actually do something about it. This quote reminds me of my large goals that I hope to achieve and inspires me to work hard to achieve them.
    School Spirit Showdown Scholarship
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    Two days after my 18th birthday, I did something bold! I got my first tattoo. The tattoo has a lot of meaning to me. When I was a toddler a tornado destroyed the mobile home that my family and I lived in. This ignited my passion for meteorology at a young age. During high school, I attended GeoX and realized that I wanted to go to college for meteorology. And now, that is exactly what I am doing. This tattoo not only represents my past but also my future and my passion for meteorology.
    Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
    My name is Sierra Spohn. During high school, I have taken many AP and Dual Credit classes, these include AP World History, AP Seminar, OnRamps US History, OnRamps Rhetoric, AP Research, AP English Literature, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Government and Politics. I have participated in many extracurricular activities, including 1 year in Newspaper, 1 year in Yearbook, 2 years in Environmental Club, 3 years in National Honors Society, 4 years in Technical Theatre, and 4 years in American Sign Language. I have also received many awards, including the Overachievement Award for a Technician, the 4.0 GPA Award for 3 years in a row, and the American Sign Language Honor Society Medal. The biggest influence in my life is my mother. No matter how many hardships she faced, she never gave up and worked harder to achieve what she could. My mother was born with a disability that greatly affected her overall health. As an infant, doctors worried she would not survive, but she did. Her parents were divorced and money was tight. As a child and teenager, my mother often had to take care of her younger siblings and work. Due to the need to work and teenage pregnancy, my mother was unable to graduate from high school or go to college. After my birth, my mother was able to find a decent job, which was hard for her due to her lack of a high school degree. As she worked, her bosses noticed that she was hardworking and a natural leader, and she was promoted from the bottom up. In the end, my mother did not have the American dream success story she hoped for, but she is still very inspirational to me. My mother was able to provide me and my sister the childhood that she never had, and encouraged us to work hard and follow our dreams. Her dream was for me and my sister to accomplish whatever we wanted. I was able to work hard in school to accomplish what I wanted. My mother's experience helped to shape my educational and career goals. I wanted to graduate high school, which I will very soon, and I will then go on to be a first-generation college student. During the Fall of 2021, I will be attending Texas A&M University. I hope to work internships during college and graduate with honors. I will then secure a job with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Weather Service, or with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. My goal is to work for one of these administrations while obtaining my Ph. D in meteorology. I know I can complete these goals because my mother taught me a very important lesson- if you have dreams, work hard to achieve them. I know I can make my mother proud by achieving my dreams.
    Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
    One of my greatest achievements in my life is getting into my dream school. Being a first-generation college student is difficult, I never knew what I should be doing to get to where I needed to be and I was unsure about what colleges I should be looking into. During my freshman year of high school, my counselor asked me what my ambitions were and what I wanted to do after high school. I told her that I honestly didn't know, but I hoped to go into the STEAM field. I later learned about Texas A&M University, and I decided that that was where I wanted to go. The problem was that I had no idea what I should be doing for me to get accepted into the university. I did plenty of research on the topic and set out a plan. I was going to study hard and take AP and Dual Credit classes, volunteer, and join student organizations. I did those things, and it helped me realize my passion for my education. I worked hard to succeed in my AP and Dual Credit classes, which helped me gain and maintain a 4.0 Grade Point Average. I joined extracurriculars such as Technical Theatre, American Sign Language Club, Environmental Club, National Honors Society, Yearbook, and Newspaper. I greatly enjoyed volunteering for my school and other organizations. I loved working hard and learning new things. During my junior year of high school, I learned about a National Aeronautics and Space Administrations program, called the High School Aerospace Scholars. I was accepted into the program and I worked hard to get through it. This cemented the idea that I was going to go into the STEAM field. During the summer between my junior year and senior year, I was accepted into the GeoX Summer Camp at Texas A&M University. The camp taught participants about geoscience and the future careers that one can go into. Doing this camp helped me make a decision about what I want to major in. I decided that I wanted to major in Meteorology. In my senior year of high school, I applied to multiple colleges, including Texas A&M University, the University of Texas at Dallas, Tarleton University, and more. I got into almost all of the schools I applied to, including Texas A&M University. All of my hard work during high school - the AP classes, the Dual Credit classes, the extracurriculars, and the volunteerism - helped me get into my dream school. I know I am capable of working hard to achieve all of my goals and dreams.