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Paris Carthen


Bold Points






Marketing Copywriter mentored by 8-figure Career Grossing Copywriter. Finance Major. Caribbean descent


University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Finance and Financial Management Services

Western Nevada College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Accounting and Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Financial Services

    • Dream career goals:

      Business Owner

    • Sales Associate

      2020 – 20211 year


    • Business/Commerce, General

      Western Nevada College — Advisor
      2021 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Red Cross — Donating School Supplies for disrupted K-12 schools
      2017 – 2017

    Future Interests




    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    From the moment I stepped onto the UNLV campus, the excitement of entering college was overshadowed by an invisible weight that clung to me – a weight called depression and anxiety. The transition from high school to college was supposed to be liberating, a time of self-discovery and new beginnings. Instead, it felt like I was navigating a storm in the darkness of my own mind. The initial weeks were a tumultuous whirlwind of classes, unfamiliar faces, and the overwhelming pressure to succeed. As my classmates reveled in the newfound freedom, I found myself paralyzed by the grip of anxiety. Simple tasks, like attending lectures or socializing, became daunting challenges. Each step felt heavier than the last, and the once-promising journey through higher education became a seemingly insurmountable climb. Depression cast a long shadow, affecting not only my academic performance but also my relationships and overall well-being. Isolation became my companion as I withdrew from friends and family, creating a self-imposed barrier against the world. The vibrancy of college life seemed like a distant dream, and I felt trapped in a never-ending cycle of negativity. However, in the depths of despair, a flicker of resilience ignited within me. Seeking help from UNLV's counseling services was a pivotal decision. Opening up about my struggles was difficult, but it marked the first step toward breaking free from the clutches of depression and anxiety. The support I received from mental health professionals and the understanding environment they provided became a guiding light in my journey to recovery. As I navigated therapy sessions and support groups, I discovered that I was not alone. Many of my fellow students faced similar challenges, and together, we formed a community of strength and understanding. Through shared experiences, we found solace and motivation to confront our demons head-on. The academic road was not without its bumps, but with newfound determination, I sought assistance from professors, academic advisors, and classmates. UNLV's commitment to fostering a supportive learning environment became evident as faculty members extended a helping hand, guiding me through the intricacies of coursework and providing resources for success. Embracing extracurricular activities and campus involvement also played a crucial role in my transformation. Clubs, events, and volunteer opportunities not only enriched my college experience but also became outlets for self-expression and personal growth. The once-daunting journey through UNLV transformed into a path of self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment. As I stand on the threshold of graduation, I reflect on the transformative power of perseverance. The shadows of depression and anxiety that once defined my college experience have given way to a newfound sense of purpose and strength. UNLV, with its unwavering support and commitment to student well-being, became the backdrop for my personal triumph over adversity. My journey is a testament to the resilience that resides within each of us, waiting to be unearthed even in the darkest moments. Through the challenges, setbacks, and moments of despair, I emerged not only as a college graduate but as a survivor – resilient, empowered, and ready to face the world with newfound optimism.
    Yolanda and Sam Shuster Scholarship
    Growing up in a household shaped by the indomitable work ethic and resilience of my mother, I've been profoundly influenced by her story and journey. My mother, an African-American woman, dedicated over three decades of her life to her role as an accountant at the Freeman Company, a testament to her unwavering commitment and tenacity in the face of adversity. As an African-American woman navigating the corporate landscape, my mother encountered challenges that demanded not only professional acumen but also resilience in overcoming racial biases. Despite these obstacles, she consistently demonstrated grace under pressure, dismantling stereotypes and forging a path for herself. Her journey was not without its hurdles, but her ability to rise above adversity, fueled by a determination to defy expectations, has been a guiding light in my own pursuits. My mother's educational journey further underscores her perseverance. She attended two colleges in California, where she honed her skills and cultivated a passion for accounting. Later, she pursued an additional degree in the Virgin Islands, connecting with her Caribbean and Virgin Island heritage. This educational diversity not only enriched her professional capabilities but also instilled in her a broader perspective that transcended geographical boundaries. Being a single mother added another layer to her narrative. Balancing the demands of a full-time career, raising me, and pursuing higher education showcased her resilience and dedication. Her ability to navigate the intricacies of parenthood while excelling in her professional and academic pursuits has been a beacon of inspiration for me. The fusion of her Caribbean and Virgin Island heritage with her experiences as an African-American woman has instilled in me a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and the importance of embracing one's roots. I've witnessed firsthand the richness that comes from honoring one's heritage while forging ahead in a multicultural society. As a heir to the business lineage, I carry the legacy of my mother's work ethic, determination, and ability to overcome adversity. Her story serves as a driving force behind my own academic pursuits, pushing me to strive for excellence and face challenges with resilience. In every lecture, assignment, and personal endeavor, I am reminded of the strength that runs through my veins, inherited from a woman who defied odds, shattered barriers, and paved the way for future generations.
    Sustainable Business Scholarship
    In the current global landscape, the integration of sustainable practices within businesses is no longer merely an ethical consideration but a strategic imperative. The impact of human activities on the environment has reached unprecedented levels, necessitating a paradigm shift in the way businesses operate. It is paramount to comprehend and communicate the multifaceted significance of sustainability for businesses, coupled with specific and actionable eco-friendly practices. Foremost, the adoption of sustainable practices is crucial for mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. Businesses, as major contributors to carbon emissions and environmental degradation, bear a responsibility to proactively address these issues. Implementing energy-efficient measures stands out as a pivotal initiative. This involves a comprehensive audit of energy consumption, followed by the incorporation of renewable energy sources and the deployment of energy-efficient technologies. By doing so, businesses not only reduce their carbon footprint but also position themselves to benefit from cost savings in the long term. Secondly, businesses can make substantial strides in sustainability by reevaluating and optimizing their supply chain practices. Sustainable supply chain management involves scrutinizing every stage of the production process, from sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product. Companies can prioritize suppliers with eco-friendly practices, emphasizing responsible sourcing and minimizing waste throughout the supply chain. This not only aligns with environmental goals but also ensures the long-term viability of the business by fostering resilience in the face of changing consumer expectations and regulatory landscapes. Companies may implement comprehensive recycling programs, minimize single-use plastics, and encourage employees to adopt sustainable practices in their daily activities. Furthermore, fostering a culture of waste reduction and recycling within the organizational fabric is imperative. Businesses can implement comprehensive recycling programs, reduce single-use plastics, and instigate employee-driven initiatives to promote sustainability in the workplace. Creating a green culture not only positively impacts the environment but also enhances employee engagement and corporate reputation. In conclusion, the incorporation of sustainable practices is not merely a trend but a necessity for businesses navigating the challenges of the 21st century. Energy efficiency, sustainable supply chain management, and a culture of waste reduction are integral components of a comprehensive sustainability strategy. As a finance student myself, articulating a nuanced understanding of these concepts and their implications for businesses demonstrates a keen awareness of the contemporary socio-economic landscape and a commitment to shaping a more sustainable future. Businesses must integrate sustainable practices into their operations to address environmental challenges and align with the growing societal demand for eco-friendly products and services.
    Kyle Lam Hacker Scholarship
    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, there are moments when the unexpected intersects with the extraordinary. One such instance from my journey involves a surprising twist of hacking skills that transformed me from an unintentional saboteur into an unexpected hero. The initial exploration revealed a landscape of chaos—a symphony of corrupted files, masked behind the malevolent dance of rogue programs. Instead of succumbing to frustration, I saw an opportunity to showcase the very skills that had inadvertently led to this challenge., I delved into the intricate dance of code, determined to unravel the malicious threads that had ensnared the computer's functionality. With a surgeon's precision, I identified and isolated the viruses, dissecting their digital anatomy. My fingers danced across the keyboard, executing commands that dismantled the malicious code and restored order to the besieged machine. It was a delicate balance between eradicating the threats and salvaging the integrity of the system. As the last remnants of the viruses were purged, a transformation occurred. The computer, once a victim of digital maladies, now hummed with renewed vitality. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to the power of hacking skills wielded not for harm but for salvation. However, the true delight emerged not from the technical conquest but from the expressions of gratitude that followed. The owner of the resurrected computer, initially distraught by the invasion of viruses, now wore an expression of disbelief and relief. I had unwittingly become the unexpected hero of this technological saga. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the dual nature of hacking skills—their potential for both chaos and creation. It underscored the importance of ethical hacking, where the same expertise that could disrupt could also be harnessed to mend and protect. In the aftermath of this encounter, I embraced a newfound responsibility. I pledged to channel my hacking and tinkering skills not only to overcome challenges but to contribute positively to the digital realm. This commitment has become a guiding principle, shaping my approach to technology and influencing my aspirations in the field. In conclusion, the tale of the computer rescue serves as a vivid chapter in my journey—a narrative that highlights the transformative power of hacking skills when employed with purpose and responsibility. As I pursue my academic and professional endeavors, I carry this experience as a reminder that knowledge, when used judiciously, has the potential not only to delight but also to become a force for positive change.
    Sherman S. Howard Legacy Foundation Scholarship
    Nurturing Community Through Faith: My Involvement in the Local Church The Sherman S. Howard Legacy Foundation Scholarship presents a unique opportunity for me to reflect on the profound impact of my involvement in the local church and its instrumental role in shaping my commitment to community service. As a dedicated member of my church community, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of faith-driven service and its lasting effects on the well-being of our local community. Active participation in my local church has not only deepened my spiritual convictions but has also instilled in me a sense of responsibility toward serving others. Through various church-led initiatives, including community outreach programs and volunteer opportunities, I have been able to channel my faith into meaningful action. These experiences have provided a platform for me to extend a helping hand to those in need within our community. One of the key ways my involvement in the church has contributed to community service is through organized outreach events. From food drives to clothing donations, our church community actively engages in initiatives that directly benefit the less fortunate. This hands-on involvement has taught me the importance of empathy and the value of lending support to those facing challenges. Additionally, my church has been a catalyst for collaborative community projects. By partnering with local organizations and charities, we have been able to amplify the impact of our service efforts. Through teamwork and shared values, we have tackled issues such as homelessness, education disparities, and access to healthcare. These collaborative ventures have broadened my perspective on community needs and fostered a spirit of unity among diverse groups. Furthermore, my involvement in church-led youth programs has allowed me to connect with and mentor younger members of the community. Through activities like tutoring, mentorship, and leadership development, I have had the privilege of contributing to the personal and academic growth of local youth. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the power of education as a tool for empowerment and community upliftment. Receiving the Sherman S. Howard Legacy Foundation Scholarship would not only recognize my commitment to community service but also provide the financial support needed to continue making a positive impact. This scholarship would enable me to pursue higher education and, in turn, equip me with the knowledge and skills to contribute even more effectively to the well-being of my community. In conclusion, my involvement in the local church has been a guiding force in my dedication to community service. It has been a source of inspiration, fostering a sense of compassion and a commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others. The Sherman S. Howard Legacy Foundation Scholarship represents an opportunity to further align my academic pursuits with my passion for community service, creating a lasting legacy in the spirit of Sherman S. Howard. Thank you for considering my application.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    Dear Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship Committee, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to apply for the Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship. As a dedicated student with a strong commitment to my educational aspirations, this scholarship would play a pivotal role in helping me achieve my academic and career goals. Currently pursuing my B.A. in Finance at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I am deeply passionate about sales and marketing. This scholarship would alleviate the financial burdens associated with my education, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my studies and extracurricular activities without the added stress of financial constraints. One of the key ways this scholarship will support my educational aspirations is by providing the necessary resources for me to invest in additional learning opportunities. Whether through workshops, conferences, or specialized courses, these experiences will enhance my understanding of Sales and contribute to my professional career as a copywriter. Creating ad content for businesses to improve commissions and revenue earned every month. Furthermore, the Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship will afford me the chance to focus on my academic endeavors without the distraction of the overwhelming cost of tuition and classes. This financial support will enable me to dedicate more time to research projects, community service, and internships, all of which are integral components of my educational journey. Beyond the immediate impact on my academic pursuits, this scholarship will have a lasting effect on my future. By helping me graduate with reduced financial burdens, the Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship will open doors for me to pursue advanced studies or enter the workforce with a strong foundation. This, in turn, aligns with my long-term goal of [mention your career aspirations or how you plan to contribute to your field or community]. In conclusion, receiving the Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship would be a game-changer in my educational journey. It would not only provide financial relief but also serve as a testament to my support and belief in my potential. I am committed to utilizing this opportunity to its fullest, not only for my personal growth but also to honor the legacy of Hyacinth Malcolm by making a positive impact in my field. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the scholarship's mission and carry forward the spirit of academic excellence and community engagement that it represents. Sincerely, Paris Carthen Jr.
    Augustus L. Harper Scholarship
    Education is not merely a collection of facts and figures but a transformative journey that shapes individuals and societies. For me, the importance of education lies in its ability to unlock doors to a world of knowledge, personal growth, and societal progress. Firstly, education empowers individuals with knowledge and critical thinking skills. It serves as a gateway to a vast reservoir of information, enabling us to understand the complexities of the world around us. This knowledge is not just about memorizing dates and equations; it's about developing a deep understanding of different cultures, perspectives, and the interconnectedness of global issues. Through education, I have gained insights that have broadened my horizons, fostering a sense of empathy and a desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Education is also a catalyst for personal growth and development. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, confront new ideas, and discover our passions. Through various academic and extracurricular experiences, I have honed essential life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. These skills are not only vital for success in academia but are invaluable assets in navigating the complexities of the professional world. Furthermore, education plays a pivotal role in fostering a sense of social responsibility. As I've delved into diverse fields of study, I've come to recognize the power of education in addressing societal challenges. Whether it be environmental sustainability, social justice, or economic inequality, education equips individuals with the tools to become agents of positive change. It inspires a commitment to making a meaningful impact on the world and leaves us with a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society. On a personal level, the value of education has been profound. It has provided me with a sense of purpose and direction, guiding me toward a future where I can make a meaningful contribution to the world. The challenges and triumphs of my academic journey have shaped not only my intellectual abilities but also my character, instilling in me resilience, perseverance, and a lifelong love for learning. In conclusion, education is a beacon of hope, a force that has the potential to uplift individuals and societies. It is through education that I have found purpose, gained valuable skills, and developed a sense of responsibility toward the well-being of our global community. As I continue my educational journey, I am committed to leveraging the power of education to contribute meaningfully to society and to inspire positive change in the world.