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Oliver Lucas


Bold Points




Junction City Senior High School

High School
2022 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Human Biology
    • Biology, General
    • Music
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Graduate college, medical school, and complete my residency to become a fully licensed diagnostic radiologist.

      Antony Cesar Memorial Scholarship
      Regardless of who you are, coming out to the world as transgender has never been a simple or easy feat. It's scary. It's confusing. It's strange and new. Sometimes it's unexpected, and sometimes, it's something we've been dreading for years. My experience was no different. I grew up in a small town where outsiders and unfamiliarity were shunned, with little safety provided by the school board. After being bullied and harassed throughout nearly my entire school career simply for being one of these outsiders, I was sure that suddenly telling these peers of mine who already detested me that I wished for them to address me as an entirely new person would be an incredulous request. For many of them, it was. But for my family and the small close-knit group of friends that I had managed to find, a new chapter of our quickly evolving lives is all it was, and I was met with nothing but love and support. Despite this unwavering support from those closest to me, the broader societal rejection took a toll on my mental health. The relentless bullying, the stares, the whispers behind my back—it all culminated in a profound sense of isolation. Being transgender and struggling with mental health often go hand in hand, a tragic connection all too common in our community. I faced dark moments where the thought of ending my life seemed like a way to escape the pain, to silence the voices of hatred forever. There were times I stood on the precipice, contemplating whether to risk outing myself and facing further harm or to let the red trickle down my wrists and never wake up to such possibilities again. But something inside me fought back. The love from my family, the encouragement from my friends, and the deep-seated belief that my life had a purpose greater than the suffering I was enduring pushed me to hold on. I realized that like many of my former peers from my small and coddled town, some people choose to hide from change instead of trying to understand it. Some choose to lash out in fear disguised as anger. And some inflict violence that drives others to the brink of despair. But I knew that instead of letting this darkness consume me, I wanted to channel my experiences into something positive. I chose to pursue a career in diagnostic radiology. To me, this field represents hope and the preservation of life. Each scan, each diagnosis is a step towards healing, towards giving someone a chance at a healthier, happier life. I am passionate about this field because it aligns with my desire to make a tangible, positive impact in the world. The idea of being able to detect and help treat illnesses, potentially saving lives, resonates deeply with my own journey of survival and resilience. My plan to reach my goals is clear and steadfast. I am committed to excelling in my studies, focusing not just on the technical aspects of radiology but also on developing the compassionate care approach that Dr. Gray embodies. I aim to volunteer at local clinics, shadow professionals in the field, and immerse myself in medical research to stay at the forefront of advancements in radiology. I am determined to not only achieve academic excellence but also to advocate for greater understanding and support for transgender individuals in the medical field. By awarding me this scholarship, you are not just supporting my educational aspirations; you are investing in a future where every patient is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve, regardless of their gender identity. You are honoring Cesar’s legacy by helping me, and others like me, overcome the hurdles we face and achieve our dreams. Together, we can create a world where every life is valued and every story is heard.