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Natalie Adams


Bold Points








Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural Medicine and anything outdoors. I am studying to become a natural medicine and an integrative health practitioner in the form of a Physician Assistant. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on a rural emergency ambulance, and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health. I am here to become part of the solution.


American Public University System

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General
    • Zoology/Animal Biology
    • Human Biology
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Botany/Plant Biology
    • Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
    • Biological and Physical Sciences
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
  • Minors:
    • Biological and Physical Sciences
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Shasta College

Associate's degree program
2014 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Natural Sciences
  • Minors:
    • Biological and Physical Sciences

Unitek College

Trade School
2011 - 2011
  • Majors:
    • Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Health, Wellness, and Fitness

    • Dream career goals:

      Physician Assistant - preventative medicine

    • Emergency Medical Technician

      Sierra Sacramento Valley
      2011 – Present13 years



    2014 – Present10 years


    • 1st place for fastest time overall Women all ages at whiskeytown biathalon


    2018 – Present6 years


    2010 – Present14 years


    • Several First, Second and Third place awards - adult

    Water Polo

    1997 – 20014 years


    • Best Offesnse 2000


    • Herbal Medicine

      Aromahead Institute — student / practitioner
      2019 – 2020


    • Estancia High School

      Halftime shows
      1996 – 2001

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Ducks Unlimited — volunteer, member
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Sisters of Mercy Medical Center — Emergency Room Volunteer / EMT
      2010 – 2012
    • Volunteering

      Mountain Gate Fire Department — Fire Fighter 1
      2012 – 2017

    Future Interests





    Michael Delaney Sullivan Scholarship
    I am aiming to aid in solvingmthe problem of world hunger and disease. Medical mycology facinates me as well as streamlining the lab and fruiting chamber process of growing mycelium. Many peer-reviewed studies have shown various species to inhibit cancer growth, as well as reverse it. A great deal of species have been shown to be beneficial. Most of the mushroom fruiting bodies also double as a tasty protein, vitamin, and mineral rich food source. By focusing on lab growing mycleium, and bringing it to fruit, I have room to explore the molecular medicine of medicinal mushrooms, with an added benefit of researching how to best implement growth mediums and processes that can be scaled up to large agriculture project, or scaled down to single family afforable growth chambers. It's a win-win! I am starting up a labratory, and self-funding my reaserch with what I can from my EMT wages while fullfilling allot of my upper grad coursework at my community college to save on tuition. Lack of funding shouldn't hold my dreams back. I beleive in persuning dreams, and they will find a way to come true. Thank you! Natalie
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had someone to provide tips, inspiration, and possibly seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide encouragement to my curious friends when I see a desire within. It's a great bonding experience and it's interesting to learn about the interconnected nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, or less financial stress. I am currently expanding and starting an aquaponics operation that I hope to build into a small business. I hope to grow my extremely passionate hobby in permaculture into a hefty yet fun side hustle that I can run while going to school and working. I love encouraging others and aid them in their aspirations. This is a very positive way to spend my time, which also helps me to feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    William M. DeSantis Sr. Scholarship
    Life will continually throw good as well as awful experiences to you. From this I have learned to appreciate the moment. No matter how hard, frustrating, or imperfect things may seem. There is always someone who is struggling and would trade you spots at any time. I have learned this lesson from work, family, and from my personal injuries. I work as an EMT on the ambulance, and often see people at their worst. When an elderly patient falls and breaks their hip, for example. It can be a sad realization that this could very well be the end of their independence forever. I love and appreciate my family. Time has flown by so fast yet my family has been there for it all. I make time in my busy schedule of full time work and full time school to see them at least once a week. For someday we will not be together. A traumatic injury occurred a year ago when I crashed my mountain bike extremely hard. I broke both elbows and arms in multiple locations, internal bleeding, concussion, broken back, etc. My independence and active lifestyle was instantly gone. I had previous taken my health for granted. It was difficult attempting to do simple tasks like showering, eating, or even picking something up. This may have made the greatest impression on me to appreciate the moment. Each little step to recovery was a major victory and while it may have been awful, it was also one of my greatest lessons in life, to not give up and appreciate what you have. Now I greatly adore the moments I have off from work that afford time for a meal with family.
    I Am Third Scholarship
    Hello! I have been a student for the majority of my life. I am 38 years old and I started college while I was still in high school. At first I studied small business and art. I worked as a merchandise buyer and manager for awhile and got to use my education in that aspect. After about a decade I wanted a change. I choose to go back to school to become a Emergency Medical Technician on an Emergency Ambulance. I have been an EMT for nearly nine years now and really enjoy it. This position has awarded me a unique opportunity to see the medical field and decide where my next move in medical should be. I then processed allot of personal deliberation, and several job shadowing positions in the medical field. While I was narrowing down career prospects, I started my Bachelor's degree in Health Science. I would take a course here and there, but this last spring semester is when I started going full time, while working full time on a rural and underserved community ambulance. I plan to have my Bachelor's completed in a year. I am also finishing up my medical prerequisites to apply for my Master's degree to become a Physician Assistant / Associate. Luckily, I very much enjoy lifelong learning, because in the medical field, that is pretty much built in. We always have to complete continued education to fulfill our requirements for license renewal. This system seems to motivate some students to use this opportunity to better themselves. I am very happy with my decision to return to college after about a seven year gap. Though I probably shouldn't have started out with a Physiology course! Whew! That course showed me I need to mature and take college more seriously if I wanted to pursue this lifelong achievement. I had allot of doubts and concerns if I should continue education at this age, but I finally decided that I am committed to this goal. If all goes well I hope to graduate from my Bachelor's at 39 years old. Then get accepted and finish my Master's at 41-42 years old. After graduation and starting a new position as a P.A. I plan to start working on a Doctorate in herbal and preventative medicine. From my experience I have discovered and have now become at peace with the belief that the beauty of life is in the journey. Sometimes it may seem intimidating or even battle my confidence when my classmates are younger and have came to this P.A. decision sooner in life. I try not to look at age as a limiting factor. My age has given me unique insights and I believe my moxie will shape me to become a more understanding physician in the future. Best wishes! Natalie
    Patrick Stanley Memorial Scholarship
    Hello! I have been a student for the majority of my life. I am 38 years old and I started college while I was still in high school. At first I studied small business and art. I worked as a merchandise buyer and manager for awhile and got to use my education in that aspect. After about a decade I wanted a change. I choose to go back to school to become a Emergency Medical Technician on an Emergency Ambulance. I have been an EMT for nearly nine years now and really enjoy it. This position has awarded me a unique opportunity to see the medical field and decide where my next move in medical should be. I then processed allot of personal deliberation, and several job shadowing positions in the medical field. While I was narrowing down career prospects, I started my Bachelor's degree in Health Science. I would take a course here and there, but this last spring semester is when I started going full time, while working full time on a rural and underserved community ambulance. I plan to have my Bachelor's completed in a year. I am also finishing up my medical prerequisites to apply for my Master's degree to become a Physician Assistant / Associate. Luckily, I very much enjoy lifelong learning, because in the medical field, that is pretty much built in. We always have to complete continued education to fulfill our requirements for license renewal. This system seems to motivate some students to use this opportunity to better themselves. I am very happy with my decision to return to college after about a seven year gap. Though I probably shouldn't have started out with a Physiology course! Whew! That course showed me I need to mature and take college more seriously if I wanted to pursue this lifelong achievement. I had allot of doubts and concerns if I should continue education at this age, but I finally decided that I am committed to this goal. If all goes well I hope to graduate from my Bachelor's at 39 years old. Then get accepted and finish my Master's at 41-42 years old. After graduation and starting a new position as a P.A. I plan to start working on a Doctorate in herbal and preventative medicine. From my experience I have discovered and have now become at peace with the belief that the beauty of life is in the journey. Sometimes it may seem intimidating or even battle my confidence when my classmates are younger and have came to this P.A. decision sooner in life. I try not to look at age as a limiting factor. My age has given me unique insights and I believe my moxie will shape me to become a more understanding physician in the future. Best wishes! Natalie
    Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
    Being an American means to be free! As Americans, we get to benefit from the hard work and struggles of generations before us. Their sacrifices and vision, as well as our constitution, has laid the ground work for us to be the freest nation in the world. Freedom wasn't free. Many have fought, suffered and died for American freedom as we know it. The American dream is possible to all that work hard and add to our world. I am consistently grateful that I have the freedom to do what I want in my life. I dream to someday own land so that I may support myself and my family and be responsible for my own food, water and shelter. I also dream of growing enough food to share with others because I believe food, and family are our greatest medicines. This dream, teamed with our top quality American education, will allow me to help others in natural medicine as a Physician Associate. Americans also have the freedom of bearing arms, which is uncommon in contemporary nations. Sadly it is often controversial, and there is allot of attempted oppression of this right. While news media loves to paint guns and American gun owners as inhumane villains. I personally hunt and I am a competition shooter for sport. Yet in California, they have made it extremely difficult to acquire ammunition. I try to lead be exemplifying superior gun safety and promote a positive gun culture. We are so blessed to have our freedom. I love to see the large number of individuals who realize this and continue to fight to retain our American freedom. We have so many opportunities on this gorgeous continent and our future generations deserve to have our freedom and country preserved.
    Bold Influence Scholarship
    If I were a highly influential figure, the main thing that I would stand for is for everyone to establish a mindset consisting of abundance. By adopting abundance as a primary motivator, it increases abundance in your life as well as the lives of the people around you. Even if you have very little, share what you have as if you had an endless supply, for there are others who have considerably less. In spreading the love of abundance, that model of giving always returns to you. On the other hand, if you were to develop a scarcity mindset and hoard things or become selfish, it seems to only bring about more of that lower frequency. Even if you dont have allot of money, you might have time. You can make extra snacks, grow extra vegetables, or share things that you have allot of. It feels so amazing to give to others. The feeling of scarcity feels gross to me. I don't want to feel like that ever again. I try to always plan on having extra and share the things that can help or bring light to someone in need. The mindset of abundance is a beautiful inspiration to everyone around you, and there is always something you can share with others.
    Bold Talent Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had someone to provide tips, inspiration, and possibly seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide encouragement to my curious friends when I see a desire within. It's a great bonding experience and it's interesting to learn about the interconnected nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, or less financial stress. I am currently expanding and starting an aquaponics operation that I hope to build into a small business. I hope to grow my extremely passionate hobby in permaculture into a hefty yet fun side hustle that I can run while going to school and working. I love encouraging others and aid them in their aspirations. This is a very positive way to spend my time, which also helps me to feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had someone to provide tips, inspiration, and possibly seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide encouragement to my curious friends when I see a desire within. It's a great bonding experience and it's interesting to learn about the interconnected nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, or less financial stress. I am currently expanding and starting an aquaponics operation that I hope to build into a small business. I hope to grow my extremely passionate hobby in permaculture into a hefty yet fun side hustle that I can run while going to school and working. I love encouraging others and aid them in their aspirations. This is a very positive way to spend my time, which also helps me to feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Generosity to me, means giving and sharing, even if you have very little to share. It could be time, skills, humor, goods, or your homemade essential items or garden goods. The opposite side of the spectrum from generosity is being stingy and greedy, which is rather disgusting to me. I feel a major part of human physiological and social evolution is shown and expanded by sharing. My favorite physical item to share is food from my mini garden as well as fresh eggs from my happy chickens. My goal is to practice abundance, and share the fruits of my labor.
    Breanden Beneschott Ambitious Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Global food shortages and food insecurity are becoming a larger concern for many poor and working class families. Healthy, organic food is becoming more expensive, and the option of cheap processed food is more widely accessible (especially in food banks). Climate change has been erratic, and can wipe out an entire season's crop without warning. Rain and water sources are less reliable and harder to obtain. In these changing times, even the rare seasoned farmer, has trouble producing adequate yields to sustain even current production. We need to ramp up our economic growth and produce more of our own food. We can start locally to impact global change. Hello, my name is Natalie, I am currently expanding my education and skillset by starting an aquaponics operation that I hope to build into a thriving business. My largest struggle is not having enough funding. I have purchased my large greenhouse and equipment on a 0% introductory interest rate credit card to start. Though, I am going to need to pay that back soon. I have several hundred gallon water tanks and I am balancing pH and nutrient (mostly nitrogen) levels. The system has a simple concept of housing freshwater fish in a large tank. Then filtering their solid waste from useable nitrogen waste to deliver the nutrition to irrigated soilless vegetable plants, herbs, and seedlings. This system is self sustaining and can continue without allot, or any, outside supplementation. Aquaponics reuses the water and recirculates it consistently. This process consumes a negligible amount of water compared to soil cultivated produce. I am currently expanding and adding a rainwater collection reserve tank as well. I am growing lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers mostly. I sell the vegetables, or even the live plant starts easily. An expansion of my startup business is consulting. I want to educate others and help them dive through the often daunting and overwhelming process of learning this technique and setting up their own operation. There is no doubt that we are facing a global shortage of food, and we can use this opportunity to employ innovative techniques such as aquaponics on small scale farms as well as commercial production. This business model has the opportunity for explosive growth and not allot of capitol is needed. Instead expertise, passion and commitment are in full supply to take back our food supply and solve our food scarcity as well as hedging against rising inflation. I am not new to agriculture and homesteading I have about 20 egg laying chickens, I grow meal worms for my chickens, and they absolutely love them! I have two pet rabbits that produce amazing fertilizer, and I mate them when the weather is nice to sell the lovely bunnies. I have a covey of quail I raise for meat and eggs. I keep bees organically, I also grow shiitake and turkey tail mushrooms on logs. I hope to expand my extremely passionate hobby in permaculture into a hefty yet fun side hustle with potential for a full fledge business that I can run while going to school and working full time. Thank you! - Natalie Adams a.k.a Natalie ATOMS ;)
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    I am constantly working to better myself and to expand upon my knowledge and skills. By doing so I am becoming more confident. I have suffered low confidence levels for the majority of my life. I have worked hard on becoming more confident, and it's a constant practice for me. I came to a realization that if I am also focusing on doing what's good for others, I can't be be wrong, and that is what has helped to increase my confidence dramatically!
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    I bravely go to work each day as an EMT on the ambulance in an ongoing pandemic. Our staff as well as hospital staff are greatly reduced and everyone is working extra hours. The burnout rate is high and everyone is tired. My job has taken different turns now, and the public are restless. It seems more and more dangerous to perform my job in the public. Somedays I feel like I make a difference, and other days seem lost. Bravely comes in when I have come to a breaking point, but step back, take care of myself, and prepare to jump back in and help others. Bravery wavers daily, but each day can start anew.
    Community Service is Key Scholarship
    I volunteer for Mountain Gate Fire Department as a Fire Fighter / Engineer / EMT and Respond to Fire / EMS calls because it's in a rural area and an ambulance is often 40 minutes away. I arrive first at scene to assure scene safety, and provide life saving care to patients, then relay pertinent patient findings to oncoming medics. I love being responsible for maintaining a safe Fire Engine, Water Tender, and Med unit by completing truck checks, and assuring critical equipment is stocked. It is very fulfilling to help others and to bring the acumination of calm reassurance though my decade of EMS service (it's hard to calculate hours). 40 minutes is a long time, and many people could die without skilled lifesaving interventions. I am honored to have the opportunity to make such a positive impact in so many people's lives. My most significant take away from this community service is the illumination of need for rural healthcare. A long time to get to scene could be detrimental to life saving efforts.
    Grow Your Own Produce Sustainability Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I am currently expanding my learning and starting an aquaponics operation that I hope to build into a small business. My largest struggle is not having enough funding. I have purchased my greenhouse and equipment on a 0% introductory interest rate credit card to start. Though I am going to need to pay that back soon. I am working on building a business plan, as well as seed starting at the moment. I also have 3 adult egg laying hens, and I have 25 chicks in a brooder. It has been difficult to find a warm safe place for the chicks. They started in my spare bathtub, but that was a mess of course! Now they are in the coop with a ceramic chick heater. I grow meal worms for my chickens, and they absolutely love them! I have two pet rabbits that produce amazing fertilizer, and I mate them when the weather is nice to sell the lovely bunnies. I keep bees organically, I also grow shiitake mushrooms on logs. I hope to grow my extremely passionate hobby in permaculture into a hefty yet fun side hustle that I can run while going to school and working full time. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
    I already know that the future will be better! Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I was in bad shape after. I broke my back, lacerated my liver, had a concussion, fractured both elbows badly, wrist, and thumb. I had a log span of recovery and I am building myself back up. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I broke my back and both elbows. Life was extremely hard for the first 6 months. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    I try to make my friends, family, and the people in my life feel loved by showing my appreciation and sharing with them. I try to be vocal when I notice thoughtful actions of my loved ones. I like to tell them when I see their hard work and perseverance through difficult tasks. I like to leave many tokens of my appreciation and proof that they are in my thoughts by making small needful items for them such as soap, lip balm, honey, candles, homemade snacks, and homegrown vegetables. I like to surprise them with these gifts I also love to send them funny and cute pictures or memes in attempt to brighten their day. I feel this is very meaningful, and often people feel underappreciated. So to me, a little effort and thought goes a long way. I try to show love by expressing appreciation. I feel like the whole world could use more of this.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Equality Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an E.M.T. on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health. So I want to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June 2021. I wrecked my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. My medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients, and for overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely. As did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. My personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large surgical scars are a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Or genetic testing, and provide foundations to against undesired gene activation or suppression. I will further my natural medicine studies after becoming a Physician Assistant to become an herbalist and offer herbal advice and products to the community to prevent disease.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    Invest in yourself if you want to help others. I have invested allot of time into learning as well as physically planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    Invest in yourself if you want to help others. I have invested allot of time into learning as well as physically planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better is getting to eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. I want to master gardening and share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    Hello, I like to employ a couple study strategies to achieve academic success. To me success is an accumulation of hard work and good habits. A large goal can seem overwhelming at first, and procrastination can become easy, which may result in unnecessary stress. Luckily a goal can be broken down into more manageable pieces. Let's say you have a difficult or intimidating class starting next week. Anxiety may kick in and you may not be inspired to start your study work right away. I like to employ a strategy to avoid the overwhelming nature of this. I like to set aside a small block of time each day for studying and homework. That way I am more focused and ready to get my work done. If I seem to be falling behind, then I need to add more time to my daily study allotment. Also, starting the first day that the class opens is the best, so you can try to get ahead of the workload. This way, allot of stress is relieved for me. By being slightly ahead of assignments, you have a small buffer in case something urgent springs up in life that may need to collect more of your energy. The best time to achieve academic success is now, and with these strategies, I believe you are more equipped to succeed.
    Bold Loving Others Scholarship
    I try to make my friends, family, and the people in my life feel loved by showing my appreciation and sharing with them. I try to be vocal when I notice thoughtful actions of my loved ones. I like to tell them when I see their hard work and perseverance through difficult tasks. I like to leave many tokens of my appreciation and proof that they are in my thoughts by making small needful items for them such as soap, lip balm, honey, candles, homemade snacks, and homegrown vegetables. I like to surprise them with these gifts I also love to send them funny and cute pictures or memes in attempt to brighten their day. I feel this is very meaningful, and often people feel underappreciated. So to me, a little effort and thought goes a long way. I try to show love by expressing appreciation. I feel like the whole world could use more of this.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    The attached art piece by Ksanask,P_wei is my current desktop on my computer. It iconifies the the wonderful tool of Oyster mushroom mycelial networks to clean up natural toxin such as oil spills. I am an amateur mycologist. I absolutely love to study the fungal kingdom and it's environmental uses for remediation. Fungi are primary and secondary decomposers who break down solids such as, lignins, which are the primary structural component of plants into soil for plants to use. Mycelium is really symbiotic with plants. There were studies of trees planted in pots with and without mycelium and the trees without the fugal network at its roots appeared unhealthy, nearly half as large, and slightly unhealthy compared to those with beneficial mycelium. This knowledge led me to discover the research studies to indicate Oyster Mushrooms can effectively clean up contaminants such as oil spills or other toxic waste. Mycelia consume their food externally by secreting powerful enzymes that break down molecules. They basically “digest” whatever substrate, or surface, they’re growing on, converting it to nutrients. Thus the contaminant is no longer around. Using mycelium to beneficially clean up or restore environments is called "Myco-remediation" and this concept inspired me to work and study fungi! This artwork serves as a reminder as well as a starting point in mycological studies. I love the colorful and free nature of this piece. To me, it conjures the feeling of openness and freedom by the "floating" mushrooms on a imaginatively colorful and open background. This art piece conveys the sense of limitlessness and a free-form foundation to expand upon mycological understanding. This is just the beginning!
    Bold Books Scholarship
    The most inspiring book that I've read is "Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World" by Paul Stamets. Mycelium is the main body of fungi who basically sprout mushrooms as its "fruit." It can be comparable to the roots and above ground structure of plants and trees. I learned that mycelium / fungi interact and enable the majority, if not all plant life to acquire more saccharides from the soil food web. I learned that fungi are primary and secondary decomposers who break down solids such as, lignins, the primary structural component of plants into soil for plants to use. Mycelium is really symbiotic with plants. There were studies of trees planted in pots with and without mycelium and the trees without the fugal network at its roots appeared unhealthy, nearly half as large, and slightly unhealthy compared to those with beneficial mycelium. The other astonishing fact I learned from this informative book was that Oyster Mushrooms can effectively clean up contaminants such as oil spills or other toxic waste. Mycelia consume their food externally by secreting powerful enzymes that break down molecules. They basically “digest” whatever substrate, or surface, they’re growing on, converting it to nutrients. Thus the contaminant is no longer around. Using mycelium to beneficially clean up or restore environments is called "Myco-remediation" and this book began opened up these specific uses to me and inspired me to work and study fungi!
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    I enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    Motivation. It's a great time of year to make your vegetable and fruit garden preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you too can start, build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, it starts with a serious of small steps. The best time to start is now!
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    I am passionate and motivated about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I experienced many traumatic injuries, and nearly died. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way! I couldn't be where I am now without online college courses, zoom, and online pre-PA clubs / discussion forums. I was unable to drive for awhile, so online courses were the only way for me to continue my education, and I could take breaks when I was in too much pain and needed to rest. Pre-PA clubs and groups have provided support and techniques for preparing for PA school, as well as tips and tricks for the difficult and highly competitive school application process. I may have been discouraged without them. I am looking forward to schools offering more hybrid and distance learning formats, I believe it offers access to more individuals who are striving to become their best!
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    I would share this sentence with the world: "The best time to start is now!" "It's a great time of year to make your vegetable and fruit garden preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you too can start, build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, it starts with a serious of small steps. The best time to start is now!
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    It's a great time of year to make your vegetable and fruit garden preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you too can start, build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Music Scholarship
    I song that I have been inspired by is "Goodnight Moon" by Shivaree. It grabs you in from the beginning and presents the setting. The contrast of her sweet but scared voice and the detailed adjectives and subject matter in the literature of the song cannot be ignored. I am fond of this story where the main character is afraid and scary occurrences are closing in on her, yet she has prepared herself the best that she can. I believe she realized that some things are out of her control and has came to terms that this could be her last night around. The future is unknown. It can be planned and steps can be taken to protect yourself, or steer it in your direction of choice, but there are so many other factors at play. I am inspired by her warrior spirit in the face of her world and safety eroding around her.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    To me legacy is a lasting impression, or positive purpose, to continue while you're no longer around. Legacy carries weight. I intended to impact the world by empowering others to remain or regain their health and power. I want to help humans by educating them in integrative medicine as a Physician Assistant. People often think that legacy is what they pass on to their children or grandchildren. Though that is entirely correct, I am not planning on having children, so legacy needs to take shape in another form. I am a first generation college student working full time on an ambulance, and a full time senior finishing a Bachelor's degree in Biology / Health. I never thought I would be able to go as far as I could in school because, when I was younger I believed only the wealthy could afford tertiary education. I am self funding my education on an EMT salary. I am a current beekeeper and I study pesticide free treatments for varroa mites (an awful destroyer of honeybees). I am actively pursuing research projects to protect honeybee health and want to educate others on pesticide free procedures and how important it is to actively control mites with natural methods. I would love to have a research study published. I also want to work with other scientists in this field to combine my other academic focuses, such as Mycology, to benefit honeybees. Many fungi are antiviral, and the varroa motes are a known vector for disease. In early findings, supplementing specific mycelium to honeybees may reduce transmission and make the environment more habitable for honeybees. Science and research offer many facts and discoveries for an environmentally friendly life. Combine science with awareness and we can greatly increase our conservation efforts on our beautiful planet Earth!
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    What a beautiful way to honor your father! To me, legacy means lasting impression, or effect. In a way that shapes the future in a similar intent to your own while you're not around. Legacy carries weight. I intended to impact the world by empowering others to remain or regain their health and power. I want to help humans by educating them in integrative medicine as a Physician Assistant. People often think that legacy is what they pass on to their children or grandchildren. Though that is entirely correct, I am not planning on having children, so legacy needs to take shape in another form. I am a first generation college student working full time on an ambulance, and a full time senior finishing a Bachelor's degree in Biology / Health. I never thought I would be able to go as far as I could in school because, when I was younger I believed only the wealthy could afford tertiary education. I grew up in a loving household though my parents were unable to offer much guidance as to schooling or careers paths, though they are always encouraging me to go after my dreams- especially my best friend, my mother, who's pictured below with my brother and I. I am self funding my education and facing significant financial burden on an EMT salary. I am a current hobby beekeeper and study pesticide free treatments for varroa mites (an awful destroyer of honeybees). I am actively pursuing research projects to protect honeybee health and want to educate others on pesticide free procedures and how important it is to actively control mites with natural methods. I would love to have a research study published. I also want to work with other scientists in this field to combine my other academic focuses, such as Mycology, to benefit honeybees. Many fungi are antiviral, and the varroa motes are a known vector for disease. In early findings, supplementing specific mycelium to honeybees may reduce transmission and make the environment more habitable for honeybees. Science and research offer many facts and discoveries for an environmentally friendly life. Combine science with awareness and we can greatly increase our conservation efforts on our beautiful planet Earth as well as our global infrastructure.
    Understory Studio Conservation Scholarship
    I believe I have been an underrepresented minority by being a woman Fire Fighter and EMT on the ambulance for the last decade. When I began my journey in EMS, there were only two other females on the ambulance : and zero females on the fire department. I felt increased pressure to exceptionally perform, and received more criticism than other genders. I didn't tolerate this and began to become more confident and more supportive of my lady coworkers. We stuck together and stood up for each other. Presently, women make up nearly half of the workforce on our rural ambulance and there are several in the fire department. This job requires a strong individual, but we had to be extra tough to stand our ground. Today's world is more accepting and I see allot less sexism in the workplace and beyond. My love for emergency medical response opened my curiosity to delve deeper into biological studies and restoration. I am a first generation college student working full time on the ambulance, and a full time senior finishing a Bachelor's degree in Biology / Health. I am self funding my education and facing significant financial burden on an EMT salary. I am a current hobby beekeeper and study pesticide free treatments for varroa mites (an awful destroyer of honeybees). I am actively pursuing research projects to protect honeybee health and want to educate others on pesticide free procedures and how important it is to actively control mites with natural methods. I would love to have a research study published. I also want to work with other scientists in this field to combine my other academic focuses, such as Mycology, to benefit honeybees. Many fungi are antiviral, and the varroa motes are a known vector for disease. In early findings, supplementing specific mycelium to honeybees may reduce transmission and make the environment more habitable for honeybees. Science and research offer many facts and discoveries for an environmentally friendly life. Combine science with awareness and we can greatly increase our conservation efforts on our beautiful planet Earth as well as our global infrastructure.
    Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way! Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way! I couldn't be where I am now without online college courses, zoom, and online pre-PA clubs / discussion forums. I was unable to drive for awhile, so online courses were the only way for me to continue my education, and I could take breaks when I was in too much pain and needed to rest. Zoom meetings made online science labs possible, and felt more realistic and normal by providing the cooperative team environment. Lastly, pre-PA clubs and groups have provided support and techniques for preparing for PA school, as well as tips and tricks for the difficult and highly competitive school application process. I may have been discouraged without them. I am looking forward to schools offering more hybrid and distance learning formats, I believe it offers access to more individuals who are striving to become their best!
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I broke both elbows at once! As well as compressed discs in the spine, and lacerated my liver. I luckily had the help of my family and friends to get me through that difficult time, and to provide me with tools to recover. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Chief Lawrence J. Nemec Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    I volunteer for Mountain Gate Fire Department as a Fire Fighter / Engineer / EMT and Respond to Fire / EMS calls because it's in a rural area and an ambulance is often 40 minutes away. I arrive first at scene to assure scene safety, and provide life saving care to patients, then relay pertinent patient findings to oncoming medics. I love being responsible for maintaining a safe Fire Engine, Water Tender, and Med unit by completing truck checks, and assuring critical equipment is stocked. It is very fulfilling to help others and to bring the acumination of calm reassurance though my decade of EMS service. 40 minutes is a long time, and many people could die without skilled lifesaving interventions. I am honored to have the opportunity to make such a positive impact in so many people's lives.
    Pettable Pet Lovers Scholarship
    My little Boo Boo! Boo Boo was my beloved Chihuahua of 14 years. She was a spicy little girl who earned my admiration and we bonded over our mutual dislike for others. At the time I was recovering from abandonment issues and was emotionally unavailable so I distanced myself from others in a aim to protect myself. She had similar behavior, but she loved me, I was the exception. Her love for me while hating others provided insight to my own self-issues and she was a powerful influence to let go of pain, and how to love again. RIP.
    High-Achieving Athletes Scholarship
    Whiskeytown Off-Road Duathlon - First place overall time for Women! My first duathlon! Though I have raced many semi-pro mountain bike races, I have never competed in cross country. Running is not my strongest asset. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and focused on maximizing my strength in mountain biking to compete against the reigning female champion. Ran 3 miles, biked 7 miles, then ran 3 miles again! I received an award as First place overall time for Women! Hosted by SWEAT running club to promote health and fitness in Northern California.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Career Goals Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone the interconnected play of nature and soil web. It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can start building and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Eleven Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. I faced a major obstacle when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I wrecked my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. I am returning to work full time as well as full time school and I am happy to turn it up to 11 by going above and beyond in providing quality and empathetic patient care! My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seeds and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or to share the experience or harvest with loved ones! There is always something new to learn in gardening. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as seed saving, sprouting, companion or rotational planting, for example. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. I wasn't raised with a farm or garden but I was always curious. I didn't know where or how to jump in and get started. If I would have had a friend there to provide tips, inspiration, and maybe even seeds, that would have helped immensely. I try to provide that to my curious friends when I see a desire in them. It's a great bonding experience and by teaching someone. They will often raise new questions and valuable ideas. Last week my neighbor requested help with her garden planning. She was overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. So we took a look at the area where she wanted to plant and we visualized where the sun would shine and what would be in the shade. Then she told me what foods her and her family love to eat and we wrote a list. We came up with the plan to make two large planter boxes, have some nice soil delivered, and when to start planting seedlings and when to direct sow. She went from overwhelmed and unconfident to encouraged and relieved in a short afternoon! It's a great time of year to make preparations for spring. We can also build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land together. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individual's confidence, provide a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and build relationships. I love encouraging others and aiding them to start or continue their aspirations. I am a full time EMT and full time student so I don't have allot of free time. This is a very positive way to spend my time to help others which in turn helps me feel love and positivity. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you too can start, build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I want to impact the world by preventing chronic disease and unnecessary suffering. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I wrecked my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I wrecked my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    The best way to live a long, healthy life is to enjoy what you do and to share what you love with others! I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    Invest in yourself if you want to help others. I have invested allot of time into learning as well as physically planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow. The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow! The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow! The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones! There is always something new to learn. We can share our experiences with gardening techniques such as companion or rotational planting. I love helping family or friends start up a new garden. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in the garden, but it's a great time to make preparations for spring. We can build new planter boxes, build a greenhouse, gather composting material, or clear some land. I am happy to help because gardening can have a positive effect on an individuals confidence, a more intimate understanding of natural science, increased wonder, less financial stress, and building relationships. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you can build and expand your garden little by little. If you haven't started a garden yet, the best time to start is now!
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    Some of the simple pleasures in my life are hiking with my family and dog as well as growing my own food. Getting to explore outside and being immersed in nature make me so happy! I love to see the interconnectedness of biology and environments. It makes that precious experience even better when shared with family or friends. I really enjoy planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit from seed and watching them grow! The only thing better than that is getting to finally eat them or share them with loved ones. I always learn new techniques such as companion or rotational planting. It's currently winter, so not much is going on in my garden, but I get to make preparations for spring. It can seem overwhelming at times, but you build and expand your garden little by little. if you haven't started a garden yet, he best time to start is now!
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I wrecked my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. Broke my back, both elbows, hand, wrist, liver laceration, concussion, and was hospitalized for ten days. My personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact in the world through my medical career. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. I want to work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Studyist Education Equity Scholarship
    I always wanted to be a Doctor. My family wasn't rich, and no one had even attended college. Society had persuaded me I couldn't be a Doctor because I didn't have the money to afford it, and I had no one to offer me advice on how to proceed or how to acquire loans or grants. I spent allot of my time distracted from my dream because of educational inequity. I am happy to stand for the belief that college should be available to all.
    You Glow Differently When You're Happy Scholarship
    My younger brother, my longtime confidant and partner in time outs became separated by distance and adult life. After a couple years of convincing and visits. He decided to move closer to my mother and I. He drove 10 straight hours solo with a uhaul packed up tight and finally arrived to stay with me that eventful evening. It was amazing to reunite the family and exciting to have the future in hand!
    Finesse Your Education's "The College Burnout" Scholarship
    "We got this!" playlist by artist, Atoms (Natalie Adams) 1.“I’d Love to Change the World,” Jetta: “I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do.” 2. “Hide And Seek,” Imogen Heap: “Where are we? What the heck is going on?” 3. “Get’ch Head in the Game” the cast of "High School Musical" 4.“’Till I Collapse,” Eminem: “’Cause sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength.” 5. “Five O’Clock Somewhere,” Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett: “It’s only half-past 12 but I don’t care. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.”
    Saroya Byrd Legacy Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    McCutcheon | Nikitin First-Generation Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    STAND TALL AMONG THE GREATEST! Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy grew for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and non-humane processing of a patient. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. I want to pre-screen patients and provide natural opportunities in preventative medicine.
    Deborah's Grace Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a Physician Assistant. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Mirajur Rahman's Satirical Experiential Essay Scholarship
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a PA. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!
    Posh PA Underrepresented Minority Grant
    Hello my name is Natalie Adams. I am passionate about Natural / Preventative Medicine as well as Natural Science. I am studying to become a natural medicine and preventative medicine practitioner. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician on the ambulance and I see how the medical industry isn't focused on preventative health so I'd like to become part of the solution. My life crash landed when I experienced a personal traumatic injury in June of 2021. I crashed my mountain bike on a large jump at a high rate of speed. I fractured my spine at T4 and T6, shattered my right olecranon, right radial head, right hand, left radial head, and received a 4/5 liver laceration. My Medical care was atrocious. I had hardly been on the receiving side of medical care prior to this life changing incident. My empathy for patients as well as overworked and understaffed medical professionals, grew immensely as did my desire to provide exceptional medical care. I have worked on the ambulance for a decade and was familiar with the medical system, but it didn't prepare me to endure the feelings of helplessness and cold, non-humane processing of a patient. I believe most people enter medical services to help others. I believe that is a great start. It's hard to teach empathy and difficult to learn how to alleviate suffering. I believe my personal experience has helped provide insight to the patient's needs and I will always take this experience with me. My large bilateral elbow-area surgical scars are even a physical reminder to greatly consider the patient. I want to use my experience in medical and as a patient to make a positive impact on the world through my medical career as a PA. Though I can't protect others from many traumatic injuries. I can work alongside patients to prevent them from developing chronic conditions. For example, I could provide prediabetes screening and lifestyle coaching to prevent disease. Another form of testing I would love to provide is genetic testing, and provide foundations to aide against undesired gene activation or suppression. A Physician Assistant has a unique opportunity to work in multiple medicine disciplines. In accordance with preventative medicine, I would like to further my natural medicine studies after PA school to become an herbalist and be able to offer herbal advice and potential products to the community to prevent disease. I believe providing affordable natural medicine is an underserved area, and by the time I graduate PA school, there should be even more opportunity to impact health in a positive way!