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Maya Mcinnis


Bold Points






I plan on becoming a speech therapist to help little kids improve their speech problems. I'm different, I have Cerebral Palsy and I've almost always been around other peers with different disabilities. Through the years, I've taught myself how to achieve things on my own and learned to help out my peers without having a teacher by my side guiding me through the skills. Helping little kids is definitely what I'd like to do, being a speech pathologist is my number one goal that I would love to achieve after I graduate high school.


Woodlawn High School

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2024

Woodlawn High School

High School
2020 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      speech therapist

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        capable arts — tend to the kids
        2019 – 2019

      Future Interests



      Audra Dominguez "Be Brave" Scholarship
      As a teenager with Cerebral Pasly and epilepsy, I’ve been accustomed to learning how to work around lots of physical issues that may hold me back. My entire life I’ve been around peers at school who need just as much help as me. As this next chapter of my life starts, I’ve been looking into finding myself a job to give myself a bit more independence as I head into college to become a speech therapist. Before I graduated, in my senior year of high school I was a part of an education class partnered with LSU for future educators. Being a part of that class had a huge impact on who I'll become in these next few years. Having a physical disability hasn't held me back from doing what I love the most. Of course, I've had my fair share of struggles, but nothing will quite me from becoming a speech therapist. My high school was in fact the first school in my district to have the education course with LSU. With that being said, it was a very small class with four students, and we were definitely the guinea pigs for the upcoming years. As I was in the class, I had the opportunity to work with so many students in elementary school and observe how different teachers teach their students. I was the only student in the class who has into becoming a speech therapist. All the other girls were there for teaching and I knew my heart was set the moment I stepped foot in the school. I took it upon myself to ask my instructor at the elementary school to see if I could watch the speech therapist help the handful of students, they pull out of class each day. Having a chance to tell my story, explain why I want to have the same job as her made us both feel good. I went into great detail about adversity and how hard it's been for me. After she pulled her students, I had a wonderful time watching the teacher help her students with the most difficult sounds it's hard to pronounce. These 18 years I've learned how to work around my most difficult problems. The one thing I want is to help children with their own problems that may be extremely hard to fix alone. There is nothing in this world that can stop me from what I love the most!!
      Marion John Shepard, Jr. Scholarship
      I've chosen to pursue my career as a speech therapist. As a senior in high school I've become more attached to kids in elementary school and I love nothing more than to help them. I've always had a soft spot for working with children and have planned to became a speech therapist at the age of 12. As a student with cerebral palsy, I've grown up with other students with special needs. My drive and ambition to work with kids has grown tremendously over these last two years of high school. Becoming a speech therapist with kids gives you multiple places you can potentially work at. The two main options are working in an elementary school or a private SLP office. Working in a school will most likely mean students will mention you as the "speech teacher." Becoming a speech teacher has always been the one thing I want to achieve. I love watching the student's faces glow up as they learn something new. Becoming a speech therapist will make me become more comfortable as I grow myself. I'm a very shy person, I may be good with kids but my shyness can become an issue. To pursue a career as a speech therapist at a school will mean the world to me. Kids who need help want it more than anything. Becoming a speech therapist at a school will help my students grow and potentially help them with their own confidence. I've studied the way speech therapist work, I know I can do it but getting there is the one thing that may be extra hard. We need more speech therapist in Louisiana as well, it's the one thing in school that students need the most. I'll be more than happy to help students with their problems and help them grow. Nobody wants to insecure about the most important thing, the way you speak. I want to change that, help children and their families who are also affected by the issue or speech impediment. I know what it takes to be insecure about something you can't change. Helping kids feel better about themselves will make my day, every single day I work. Long days are coming ahead of me but I'm ready for what is in store for me. Kids have always made me feel special, I can't wait to work with them as a living one day. It'll all be worth it!!
      A. Ramani Memorial Scholarship
      As my senior year comes to close, I've recently been thinking about far I've come just because of my parents and everything they've done for me. During the storm of Katrina, my mother suffered from preeclampsia which made for a high risk pregnancy. The storm ruined so many lives and made it difficult for many families to make it through that time. I was born just a week after Katrina while things were still disasterous. At some point during Katrina or soon after I suffered a stroke in utero causing severe brain damage with a final diagnosis of Cerabral Palsy as well as Epilepsy. It is believed that the stress from Katrina paired with the preeclampsia caused this. Being my parents first child, learning about my disability and trying to navigate uncharted waters was incredibly difficult. Hearing that I'd never be able to walk or talk and I’d most likely be in a wheelchair and severely handicapped must have been earth shattering. It was devastating for my parents, they had no clue what to do and nobody was there to help them. It was at that moment that my mother decided to become a stay at home mom instead of pursuing a college degree to try and give me the best chance at life. Years of physical and occupational therapy in addition to seizure medication daily have been very helpful but things are far from easy. Having Cerebral Palsy has always been difficult for me. Fortunately, I’m lucky enough to have beat the odds and can walk and talk. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. My mother gave up her life just to stay by my side to make my own life as well as school such a great experience. Both my my parents have wanted nothing but the best for me. In elementary school, my mom took years to get me into a magnet school and 5th grade was the year I was finally able to get in. As my last year comes to a close, I've become more determined to become a speech therapist. My parents have helped me get to this point, they've both taken sacrifices to help me through the next chapter of my life. I can't say I know what I'll do to pay it forward to them but I do know whatever it is has to be worth it. My mother dropped everything to give me the best life possible, the very least I can do is reward them with such a great gift. All my life I've been told to "go with my gut" and "follow my heart." I've done that, becoming a speech therapist is just that and my parents are the only two people that have impacted me and scarified their decisions just for me. I'm beyond thankful for the life they've given me. Everything has been handed to me, to pay it forward one day will make it all worth it. I live my parents, I want to give them the best live possible once I'm able to do so.
      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis, a senior here in Baton Rouge Louisiana. As my senior year comes to a close i've grown a love for working with elementary school students. When I was born, it was just a week after the horrendous storm of Katrina hit the South. My mother suffered from preeclampsia which made for a high risk pregnancy. At some point during Katrina or soon after I suffered a stroke in utero causing severe brain damage with a final diagnosis of Cerabral Palsy as well as Epilepsy. It is believed that the stress from Katrina paired with the preeclampsia caused this. Hearing that I'd never be able to walk or talk and I’d most likely be in a wheelchair and severely handicapped must have been earth shattering. It was devastating for my parents, they had no clue what to do and nobody was there to help them. These eighteen years have been quite the roller coaster, years of physical and occupational therapy in addition to seizure medication daily have been very helpful but things are far from easy. Having Cerebral Palsy has always been difficult for me. Fortunately, I’m lucky enough to have beat the odds and can walk and talk. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. I often have to teach myself an alternate way of doing things that are difficult for me. Every day things that seem insignificant to most like tying shoes, doing my own hair, or even using a knife are a no go for me. Cerebral Palsy can make me feel left out if I’m being honest, there are so many fun activities that I often can’t do because it’s too dangerous or just impossible. I’ve known for as long as I could remember that I wanted to pursue a career where i could help people, specifically children with disabilities. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining an college education. For years now, I’ve told everyone that perusing a degree in speech pathology is my goal. When I set a goal I become determined to do it to the best of my ability. I’ll be the first in my family to become a college graduate, the plan right now is to get my Master’s degree. The thought of being able to help children the same way I was helped is exhilarating. As I start this new chapter of my life, my plan is to find myself a job to stay busy and not rush into anything. I believe that rushing into school gives you such a bad time-line that could potentially cause issues. I'll be taking my time, I know what I want and I'll be working towards that but I don't want to rush myself or even my family.
      Teaching Like Teri Scholarship
      I've always loved teaching kids, at a young age I knew that working with children was what I wanted to do. I went from playing teacher as a young child to getting the chance to work with kids at an elementary school in my town. I'm in a program that is specifically for seniors who want to become a teacher one way or another. I don't want to be a teacher, I want to be a speech therapist and potentially work at an elementary school. Growing up and watching students with special needs is where it all started. In middle school, I would help my physical education teacher with each student and their needs. I had known my coach for years before everyone else and she felt comfortable giving me a chance with my peers. Helping in the classroom made me realize that helping students is what I'm meant to do. Since middle school, I've grown to have a love for speech therapy and how it works. I already knew that helping is what I want and it's teaching as well. Not to mention, becoming a speech therapist with elementary school students is perfect for me. I've always had a drive to work with kids, to become a speech therapist is the one thing I want. As my senior year comes to an end, my drive to become a teacher to students with speech impediments has grown tremendously. I know what it's like to be different, as a kid you never want to be picked on and all I want is to prevent that for my students. Teachers always want what's best for their students, even when I become a speech therapist I want the same thing as any other educator. To make my kids feel as if they're at home is something that will make a huge difference in these children's lives. You never know what a child's home life is like. Hypothetically, a student may have a terrible home life and part of the reason they come to school is to escape for a while. If that were ever the case, I would have that drive to provide them the help that they need. Students need breaks, my drive to become an educator has come from watching I've worked with the past year. This year, I've become a future educator during the LSU Foundation of Education class with three other students. Working with the students in elementary school has helped me gain this drive to help in any which way is possible.
      Angelia Zeigler Gibbs Book Scholarship
      As my senior year comes to a close, I've grown a habit of counting down the last few weeks of school. This chapter is coming to a close and it's beyond terrifying to say the least but i'm excited to see whats next for me. This past year, I've been researching what it takes to become a speech therapist. I've always been wonderful with kids and the one thing I want to do is help kids one way or another. It takes a lot of work to become certified to work with children. As my high school years come to a close, I want to name the new chapter "The Real World." Once I graduate I'll be dealing with the real world and all the hardships that come along with it. My plan right now is to get into college that's close to home. LSU is the best option but it's also a very expensive for just one single semester. To get a Master's degree to become a speech therapist takes at least 6 years and that's a pricey future. I'm calling the next chapter of my "The Real World" because it's going to become real and scary the second I graduate from high school. I would say I'm prepared for this next chapter but not everything happens as perfect as you may picture it. To start this new chapter after I graduate is the most important thing for myself to achieve as of right now. As I've said before, LSU is definitely the best option but I'll be taking my time. I'm not on a time-line that has a absurd deadline, as I start this "The Real World" chapter I'll begin it with finding myself a good job. After that, I may start school at a community college here in Baton Rouge. Life has become more difficult for me, I've recently touched the top of the ice burg when it comes to becoming an adult with real world issues and problems that need to be done. I already know that this next chapter of my life with be long, terrifying, and overwheming but I'm ready for it!!
      Selma Luna Memorial Scholarship
      After high school, I plan on getting a Master's to become a speech therapist. As I work with young children, I plan on working as hard as possible to inspire them to want to grow and become better. All I want is to help, I love kids and I'm great while working with them. As a teenager with cerebral palsy, I've grown up with many uncomfortable situations and I personally know how terrible that feeling is. I plan on not on working with the children but also growing a great relationship to where they trust me. To get the kids to trust me is my first goal once I get to that point. Student's who need speech therapy are clearly there for some type of reason, as the teacher I want to inspire them how to grow as individuals outside of the classroom. No matter who the child is or how old they are, I want them to trust me and feel comfortable within themselves. As a very quiet person, my biggest fear used to be scared of asking for help when I needed it the most. I want to give my kids the chance to feel free when they're with me. I want to inspire kids to become to love themselves no matter the case. Speech therapists all around the world work so very hard to teach students how to fix their struggles. As I become an SLP after college, I plan on working with kids to help them understand themselves a bit more. I always look forward to seeing kid's faces light up when they see me, it's such a great feeling to have and makes me feel unbelievably excited for the near future. As of right now, I'm a senior in high school and I've become a student teacher for an LSU Foundation of Education class my school has offered this year. We're a class of four girls, it's all very new to us as well as our school. It's a wonderful feeling to help teachers and grow relationships with the class of 25 2nd graders. To make my students feel good is the only thing I want for them. Even when I become a speech therapist, the one thing I want to achieve is to inspire my students to grow even after I help them with speech classes.
      Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
      If I were to make a crossover Disney episode, I'd choose Shake it Up and Hannah Montana to bring their two worlds together. The episode would start off with Cece Jones and Rocky Blue lounging at home watching a dance competition in their hometown Chicago. Now we both know that Cece and Rocky have the huge dream of becoming professional dancers. A few weeks ago, there was an announcement on the news in which the one and only Hannah Montana was coming to Chicago to have a concert with two lucky girls who are able to join her. Right after the dance competition, they switched the channel to the news to find out who won the tickets to spend the long night with Hannah. Now, many girls around the age of both Cece ans Rocky signed up to becoming lucky enough but Cece become doubtful and scared that they wouldn't be picked. In a matter of two minutes, they announced that Cece Jones and Rocky Blue were to the two girls who were picked for the time of their lives. Now, it was insane they both got this lucky and began to cry over where they would be 24 hours from then. The girls didn't sleep that night, they prepared of the next day while blasting Hannah's music for everyone to hear. This was the first time that Hannah Montana chose to do this at a concert and she became more and more excited by the minute to meet Cece and Rocky. As the sun went down and the moon awoke, the two girls entered the venue and went behind the stage to meet their idol. It became hard for Rocky to not burst into tears because of how starstruck she was along with Cece. Hannah showed up in the room where Cece and Rocky were, they talked for a bit and made fools of themselves because of what was going on. Montana told the girls what would happen. she went into detail about how the fans may cause issues because they weren't chosen. The night before, fans of Hannah became angry as they read about Cece and Rocky being picked. "It can be really dangerous and scary out there for you guys." Hannah explained. Hannah and her family were used to this, the girls had never preformed for anyone and there were 650,000 in this venue just to see Hannah sing. Hannah along with Cece and Rocky went on stage, the lights were bright and the 650,000 fans screaming shocked everyone on stage. Over the matter of a few minutes, fans on the floor became devastated and angry and Cece and Rocky were even up there dancing with the entrance song. It was dangerous, scary to say the least and the fans started running on stage to get their shot to be with Montana. No matter where the girls went fans tried to get to them. It was at that moment that Hannah called the show off due to people getting hurt. She didn't want to but calling it off was the only that would've stopped people from being out-of-pocket. The episode comes to close when Cece, Rocky, and Hannah go behind the stage to talk about what happened. Nothing about that was normal and by the end of the night Cece and Rocky got a great experience with a few up's and down's to it. Hannah Montana's next show was in Boston MA, she invited the girls to the next show with all expenses paid.
      Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship
      My mother has been my ride-or-die since day one, quite literally. Since the day I was born, she's been by my side through everything and I can't thank her enough. When I was born, the doctors informed my parents that I had a stroke in utero that caused severe brain damage and a final diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy as well as Epilepsy. My mother has given me the drive and power to succeed after I graduate high school. She's always wanted the best for me, as soon as they knew I had a stroke she dropped everything for me. When I was born, it was at that moment that my mother decided to become a stay-at-home mom instead of pursuing a college degree to try and give me the best chance at life. She gave up her life just for me, most moms wouldn't do that as quickly as she did. My mom just wants the best for me, she has shaped me into the power-driven person I've become. The past eighteen years have been quite the rollercoaster and she has shown me everything I know. My mom has made me realize that anything is possible for me. It sounds cliche but it's beyond true. Growing up with a disability hasn't always been easy, but to have a person to grow with and learn ways around certain activities with me is beyond amazing. I would love nothing more than to become a speech therapist to work with little kids one day. My mom is the only person who has helped me figure out college, it's quite confusing and overwhelming and she's been very, very, helpful. No matter what happens, she supports me and my decisions. She inspires me to be the best I can possibly be and do everything with 100% power. My mom constantly gives me such amazing life lessons that I'll keep in mind for years to come. No matter what I do wrong, she encourages me to keep going even further to do a better job. Over the last few years, I've grown to feel even more thankful for how much she does for me. For the last eighteen years, she has stayed home to get me the best possible life. Sometimes I feel beyond spoiled by having such a loving, amazing, mother who does everything in her to keep me happy and healthy. She never gives up, if things get hard she'll power through and keep going. My mama is my rock, she deserves the world because of how wonderful she is to me. No matter how hard I can be on her, she never ever gives up. There is nobody like my sweet mama, I love her so much and she's my best friend.
      Marie Humphries Memorial Scholarship
      I've always been interested in teaching students in elementary school, and for as long as I can remember I've almost always been intrigued by speech therapists. As a teenager with Cerebral Palsy, I've grown up around peers my age who need speech therapy and I've always been fascinated by how well the help can improve one's speech. My dream career is to become a speech therapist, I have a strong desire to help children who may battle with a speech impediment. I've always been excellent with children and I know how much energy it takes to work with the little ones. Becoming a speech therapist is truly the one thing I desperately want to become after college. I'm currently in a Foundation of Education with three other students who will become teachers in elementary schools al well. A few months ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to watch a speech therapist work with students to try to help their speech impediments. It was at that moment that I fell in love with the job, nothing will change my mind about it. In elementary and middle school I had a physical education teacher who changed my view of teaching at a very young age. Coach Anderson was the only teacher who made me feel something special inside, she made me realize that my job is to work with students one day. In middle school, I was in her class with other students very similar to me. The class was small but all the students had disability as well. I was the only student she had known well enough so she made me feel right at home. In the class, every other day we would work out and she would teach me how to work with students who may have even worse disabilities than myself. I was the one student who would help everyone else and it was a feeling that I loved. I was too young to understand it, but as I'm looking back I can see that Coach Anderson helped me change my perspective on teaching. She helped me a ton, at the young age of 13 we would talk about the future like I had a clue. Throughout the three years of middle school, I grew to love teaching her class more and more. To become a speech therapist will give me that exhilarating experience that I've been craving. I love to help people, helping little kids will make my day ten times better. I know what I'm meant to do and my gut tells me to work with children. As a senior in high school, I've become more determined to set my goal and achieve it. As of right now, I need to get through the last few months and graduate. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me!!!
      William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
      As of right now, my education goal is to get the best grades possible in all of my eight classes. As a senior, I've been focused on doing all my work correctly to have all A's. After graduating in May, I plan on looking into my top college LSU to see what I need to do. I want to be a speech therapist to help children in elementary school. I'm wonderful with kids and have always been that way. Becoming a speech therapist is the one thing I want to do and work toward over the next few years. To achieve my goal of becoming a speech therapist I need to be in school to get a Master's degree. Getting a Master's degree takes a lot of work and many years of college, I've become more excited by the minute to start school after I graduate senior year. This scholarship will help me pay for the necessities during my freshman year. My cousin who is currently at LSU has informed me that textbooks can sometimes be quite pricey. This scholarship will help me pay for the necessities to get through school. I need to save as much money as possible to pay for things that I'll need the most. School is expensive, I'll need help along the way to be able to pay for it but my parents can't do it alone. I've been applying for many scholarships to help my parents out. I'm beyond grateful for them and what they do for me but LSU or any other college is way more expensive than I thought. I have my future planned out, I've wanted to be a speech therapist since I was in middle school so I've become determined to do what I truly want. The next step as of right now is to graduate, get through the next few months of school, and do my very best to finish of all the hardships and goals I've set for myself. School has always been fun for me, I've always loved doing certain assignments and on May 9th, it'll be over with. I can't wait to end this chapter and start the new one. It may take a lot of work to get there but no matter what I know it'll be worth it. Thanks to scholarships and my parents, I'll be at a wonderful school to become the only thing I want to be, a speech therapist!!!
      Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis and I'm currently a senior in high school. I suffered a stroke in utero causing severe brain damage with a final diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy as well as Epilepsy. The doctors told my parents that I'd never be able to walk or talk and I'd have to be in a wheelchair. I've overcome everything the doctors told my parents that day, I'm fully capable of walking, talking, and I've never been in a wheelchair. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. I often have to teach myself an alternate way of doing things that are difficult for me. Every day things that seem insignificant to most like tying shoes, doing my own hair, or even using a knife are a no-go for me. Cerebral Palsy can make me feel left out if I’m being honest, there are so many fun activities that I often can’t do because it’s too dangerous or just impossible. I’ve known for as long as I can remember that I wanted to pursue a career where I could help people, specifically children with disabilities. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining a college education. For years now, I’ve told everyone that persuing a degree in speech therapy is my goal. When I set a goal I become determined to do it to the best of my ability. My life has been a rollercoaster full of ups and downs that have shaped me into the young woman that I am today. Most of my help has come from my family, and I'm beyond thankful for them. Growing up with Cerebral Palsy has shown and taught me so much, it has shown me that helping kids is all that I want to do. Just because I'm different won't stop me from working up to what I truly want after high school. The thought of being able to help children the same way I was helped is exhilarating. I’m fortunate enough that my parents have worked so hard for me to get this far and I’m beyond thankful for them and what they’ve done for me. When I make it to college, I’ll be proving to everyone that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
      Aserina Hill Memorial Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis a senior here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I've recently started my last semester of school and have been researching what is necessary for college. I'm not in any extracurricular activities but I've become interested in helping others that need help the most. As a teenager with Cerebral Palsy, I've grown up learning how to overcome obstacles that are difficult for me to do with only my left hand. I have taught myself the easier ways around certain activities. With that being said, throughout school, I have always been around peers of mine who have different types of disabilities and tend to need more help than me. I strongly believe that being in a special education classroom has changed my perspective on what I've chosen to do as my future career. After high school, I plan on going to college to get a Master's degree to later become a speech therapist with kids from kindergarten into 5th grade. Helping children is what I love to do, I believe that I have a very special connection with kids who I work with. I'm involved with an LSU Education class to become a teacher and just over the past few months I've grown to have a wonderful relationship with the classroom I've been assigned to. If I were to start my charity, I'd choose to raise money for children of all ages with disabilities to have a chance to get their necessities if money is an issue within the family. Whether it be hospital bills, medicines, or even wheelchairs, I would love to be able to help as many families as possible. To provide help building a ramp for a wheelchair or other needs is something else I'd also love to include with my charity. My volunteers will find families in need and do everything in their power to meet the families and children's needs or even wants. Hospital bills can become outrageous, so providing that money will help out more than I will ever know. As a teenager with a disability, I know how hard certain things may be on parents and loved ones. I understand the stress it puts parents through when certain events happen and all I want to do is help families who are in desperate need of help. I'd be more than happy to meet any needs and wants of the guardians of a child with special needs. All I want to do is to help, I've started to plan out my future but all that matters to me is I make a difference in people's lives. I very much dislike watching people suffer, helping out as much as possible will make my day ten times better.
      TEAM ROX Scholarship
      Over the years, I've become more and more driven to work towards my future of becoming a speech therapist. I'm different, definitely not like everybody else with Cerebral Palsy. These eighteen years have become interesting to say the very least with everything I've been through and done. I've developed my skills over time by learning my way around certain things such as cooking or doing my hair. Every single day is an obstacle that I have to pass through and I've learned my way around these obstacles by coming up with ways to do them with my left hand. It's become my purpose to help others with their problems because watching people glow up is a feeling that I love to have. To become the one person helping certain kids with speech impediments is my dream job. With the skills that I've learned, becoming a speech therapist and helping the little ones make my day. I don't want to do anything else but work with elementary school students. I believe I've developed these skills for more reasons than I know. I think that I've become so good with little kids that it's what I'm meant to do. I've always had a soft part for kids, even when I was younger I'd go around and help anyone else who was even younger than me. Becoming adapted to helping kids with special needs has also played a big role in what has helped me develop my skills and even my passion for helping others with what I would love to do shortly. Growing up with a disability has made me have a tough time but the skills I've learned have led me to this moment. Having this power to get what I want is what's helping me the most. I've always had some sort of passion to help others, but as I get older I want to help whichever way I can. Nothing will stop me from doing what I love the absolute most. Everyone wants to be the best that they can possibly be. I just want to help little kids grow and learn how to go on with their day without feeling insecure. All I've ever wanted is to help, help anyone, and make them feel better about themselves at the end of the day. Nothing will ever stop me from chasing my dreams. I have a long way to get there but I know it's possible!!
      Hubert Colangelo Literacy Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis and my story is a bit all over the place for the most part. I'm eighteen years of age and currently a senior in high school preparing for the college life that is soon to be heading my way. During the Katrina Flood of 2005, I had a stroke in utero which caused severe brain damage to me. A week after the Flood, the doctors told my first-time parents that I had a stroke and along with that, I'd have severe Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. This caused my parents to have a tough time because they had no clue what to do. My parents were lost, they had no clue what to do because they never had any help. One doctor in particular said I'd never be able to walk, or talk, and I'd have to be in a wheelchair. I've beat the odds because I'm doing everything they said I couldn't do. These eighteen years I've learned how to do everything with my left hand without having a struggle. My mother is my motivation, she drives me to reach for my goals and get what I want the very most. Now that I'm in high school, I've got to crack down on these last few months and work so very hard to get into my top college LSU. My overall goal is to become a speech therapist and work with elementary school students. I've always been great with little kids, my family has helped me find my path throughout the years to find that one thing I've become driven to do shortly. Before I get to that point, I need to get into a good enough college to understand even more what it takes to become a speech therapist.
      Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
      So far, I can say with everything in me that my mental health is wonderful!! I've been in such a great place lately and that is exactly what I need for this time of year to do all of the necessary college things. I'm in my senior year, it's a very stressful feeling with so much work to do before next school year. My mental health currently is at the best it's been in a long time and I feel amazing. I can't even start to imagine where I would be if my mental state was still as bad as it was a year ago. As I've said, I'm in a great state as of right now and that's everything I need to have the confidence to get into a good enough college. Last year, my mental state was horrible and I don't think many people around me could tell. It was so bad kept it to myself for a while, it took me months to open up to my friends at school. Almost all of last year in 2022, I was in my first relationship and it was a roller coaster of emotions for me. For the first few months, my mental health was amazing, I was happy and nothing was wrong with me. As the months went on, I became more and more sad with myself and my boyfriend at the time. I became lost and didn't know what to do with myself, being naive didn't help at all because all I wanted was to be free. The relationship I was in took it out of me, I felt drained and my family knew for months before I brought it to their attention. At school, I started to tell my closest friends and they helped me feel a little bit better about myself. My friends and family made me notice that my mental health was terrible because of the relationship I was in. I became so tired and mentally drained that I felt like giving up which wasn't going to do anything but hurt the people I love the most. In December, I got broken up with, I was free and at first, it didn't feel real. It's what I wanted for my mental health but didn't know what to feel in the moment. I began to tell myself that becoming free is what I've needed the most in a long time. Over the first few months of 2023, I grew to dislike who I was the year before, I knew that I didn't know what I was doing. My mental health was so bad that I didn't understand what to do with myself. Now, I'm happier than ever!!!
      'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' Insight Scholarship
      "Once upon a time in Hollywood" to me means a deeper meaning than expected from most people. When I was little, I always thought that Hollywood was amazing, that everything was perfect and nothing bad happened. But, as I'm getting older, I can see that Hollywood isn't always good and has almost always had so,e type of problem with many people. Hollywood is a crazy place, it's amazing and devastating all at the same time. Hollywood to me has always been a little rough, from the very beginning, even before my own parents were born, there were bad things happening that tend to be put out there because it's the "It place to be." "Once upon a time in Hollywood" to me means, at the very start of everything, things were pretty good and nothing was bad. As you can imagine, over the years there have many issues in the area of Hollywood with people with big names such as O.J Simpson, Olive Thomas, and Britney Spears who we still have issues with today. Things in Hollywood aren't great, there are too many scandals and problems with celebrities and fans that cause some of these problems. Hollywood used to be decent, it used to be an okay place to be. For a while, there weren't as many problems, Hollywood didn't have dangerous things going on at first before it became the "place to be." Now, we can see at least one new scandal in Hollywood happening every week. It's almost rare for anything not to happen for a while. I personally think it's sad how unsettling Hollywood can be, it's not always bad but terrible things usually happen a lot there. "Once upon in Hollywood, there were wonderful things, everything was good in 1911 when it was first founded. Now, we can see murders, overdoses, and celebrities being treated horrendously. There was a Golden Era of Hollywood, it was between the years of 1927 and 1969, the film industry was amazing and things were terrific. Once upon a time, Hollywood was great, things were more than amazing and everything was decent and not so bad. Things have changed and I don't like it, it's going downhill fast and it'll stay like that for a long time. The Golden Era was for a while but I don't think we'll see anything like that again. Hollywood was once a grate place, that's no longer the case and it breaks my heart.
      Gabriel Martin Memorial Annual Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis and I had a stroke in utero which has caused me to have Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. My medical conditions have caused me to struggle with everyday activities that may be super simple for everyone else. Cerebral Palsy can make me feel left out if I’m being honest, there are so many fun activities that I often can’t do because it’s too dangerous or just impossible for me to do. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. Years of physical and occupational therapy in addition to seizure medication daily have been very helpful but things are far from easy. Having Cerebral Palsy has always been difficult for me. Fortunately, I’m lucky enough to have beat the odds and can walk and talk. Becoming this lucky has been amazing, as of right now, I have many goals for my future but my top goal for this upcoming month is to get a great ACT score to later apply for LSU here in my hometown of Baton Rouge. I recently got the ACT prep books so I've been studying for the December 9th date at Baton Rouge High School. I’ve known for as long as I can remember that I wanted to pursue a career where I could help people, specifically children with disabilities. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining a college education. For years now, I’ve told everyone that pursuing a degree in speech pathology is my goal. When I set a goal I become determined to do it to the best of my ability. I’ll be the first in my family to become a college graduate, the plan right now is to get my Master’s degree. The thought of being able to help children the same way I was helped is exhilarating. I’m fortunate enough that my parents have worked so hard for me to get this far and I’m beyond thankful for them and what they’ve done for me. I've had a set plan to become a speech therapist for so long that I don't think I'd find anything else just as interesting for me to do as a career. When I make it to college, I’ll be proving to everyone that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
      Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
      I'm Maya McInnis and currently a senior here in Baton Rouge Louisiana! I'm eighteen years old and have been spending much of my school year so far getting ready for college. I had a stroke in utero which caused me to have severe brain damage along with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. When I was born, the doctors told my parents I'd never be able to walk or talk and I would have to be in a wheelchair. Well, I've proved those doctors wrong and have done everything they said I wouldn't be able to do. Having Cerebral Palsy has always been difficult for me. Fortunately, I’m lucky enough to have beat the odds and can walk and talk. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. Being different hasn't set me back much, it may be hard to do simple tasks such as chopping vegetables or doing my hair but that's okay. I work around my struggles and do everything in my power to do it and do it correctly. I love kids, they make me so happy and it's amazing how they make me feel when I'm around them. To have the ability to work with kids makes me feel thrilled, to say the least. I've always been nothing but amazing with children so having the chance to work with them as a living makes me feel delighted! I’ve known for as long as I can remember that I wanted to pursue a career where I could help people, specifically children with disabilities. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining a college education. For years now, I’ve told everyone that pursuing a degree in speech pathology is my goal. When I set a goal I become determined to do it to the best of my ability. I’ll be the first in my family to become a college graduate, the plan right now is to get my Master’s degree. The thought of being able to help children the same way I was helped is exhilarating. I’m fortunate enough that my parents have worked so hard for me to get this far and I’m beyond thankful for them and what they’ve done for me. When I make it to college, I’ll be proving to everyone that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
      "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
      I'm on team Jeremiah all day!!!! From the start, I had a soft spot for Jeremiah because of the way he treated everyone. Many people think that Conrad was the "good" brother and in some cases that's true but not all the time. Conrad did multiple things during each season that was a crap thing to do and was out of pocket. In my opinion, Belly is the toxic one in the show, she treated everyone so badly including her mother at the end of the last season. Jeremiah wants the best for people, he does his best to make everyone happy and tries to engage himself in situations that Conrad may think are unnecessary. Jeremiah always put his friends and family first, he rarely did anything for himself before helping Belly or his mom with something. Jeremiah is a very considerate person while Conrad doesn't care about anyone but himself. For the most part, he hid his feelings from people when times for him were tough. When he was struggling with the death of his mother, he did his best to hide his feelings in front of Belly to try to find Conrad when he ran away without saying anything. Conrad was just plain write rude to people, he treated his family and friends like crap and it wasn't fair to his mother before she died of Cancer in between the two seasons. Conrad never hid his feelings and ran away from home when times were tough, he didn't want to stay at the house to keep it from getting sold to the family that were interested in it. He didn't care about the fact that Belly and Jere were struggling with the grief and house issues with their aunt. I think that Conrad is super inconsiderate and selfish in the way he acts. At the end of the last season, Jere are Belly end up getting together because it was hard for them to stay friends. Jeremiah wanted something and he got it even if Conrad and Belly used to date before them. It is rude to date your brother's ex without thinking about Conrad's feelings but being with Belly is the first thing that he got for himself for a long time. Jere became happy again after the death of his mother, he was struggling and later on, became happy in the end. I'm on team Jeremiah because he treats Belly, his friends, and his family better than Conrad ever did. Even when they were all kids, Jere included himself and tried to make Belly feel more comfortable in their house when it was that time of year every year.
      Girls Ready to Empower Girls
      My mother has been my inspiration for as long as I can remember, she's stuck by my side throughout everything I've been through. My first ever break up, first boyfriend, school, fights with friends or other family, she's been through it all with me. My mom is amazing in so many ways and means the absolute world to me but there aren't enough words to thank her for everything she's done for me. My mother drives me to have the power to do whatever I want, she's always been that way and I can't thank her enough for that. For as long as I can remember, I've known that working with kids who have special needs is what I want to do. That's been my overall goal for all of high school and some of middle school and I plan on sticking to this plan. My mom has always said I'm good with kids, now that I'm older I understand where she's getting that from. Becoming a speech therapist takes a lot of work and I have an overwhelming idea it'll be a bumpy road ahead but I have it with the help from my mother. She encourages me to pick my future career of being a speech therapist, she knows exactly what I want and helps me get to where I need to be. She has supported me since the day I was born, knowing I'm different because of the stroke in utero I had, she stuck by my side through thick and thin. As I'm getting older, I need her help more and more, especially with college coming right around the corner. No matter what she's doing, she'll stop it just to come help me prepare for the real world, it's coming soon and she wants the absolute best for me. She has inspired me to go to college to get my Master's Degree in communication and sciences disorders to later on achieve my overall goal of becoming a speech therapist. I can't thank her enough, everything I've done over the past four years in high school has led up to working my way to college. She is the reason I haven't given up, I wouldn't want to give up but when I struggle she's the only one to get me back up on my feet. The only woman in my life who has inspired me to take this path is my mother, she's who drives me to what I need.
      James Gabriel Memorial Scholarship
      Some may say that they don't know who or what their greatest driving force is. But, this question for me is the easiest for me to answer. My mom is my greatest driving force she gives me the motivation to do whatever is on my mind. She's always there for me, I've been so lucky to make such great memories these eighteen years because of her. I'm a little bit different, I have cerebral palsy which was caused by severe brain damage during the stroke in utero. My mom has stayed by my side, she takes care of me and I'm beyond thankful for everything she's done for me. My mother encourages me to do everything to the best of my abilities and helps me when I need it the most. She doesn't give up on me and that's what I'm thankful for the most. As soon as I was born she put her career on hold to watch over me. Now that I'm older, she has gone into detail about my birthing story and what happened. Both my mother and father had a hard time when I was first born so they did everything in their power to get the best for me. They had nobody helping them, they did everything on their own with no one to motivate them and drive them the correct way. That's why my mom is my greatest driving power, she never had that as a child and young adult so she's giving me what she never had. I'm beyond thankful for everything she's done for me, it's been a bumpy road but my family and I've all made it this far thanks to my wonderful, talented, brilliant mother. I'm so very lucky to be this fortunate to have the help I get every day. I know not everyone gets as lucky as me so to have my mother by my side through it all means a lot. There aren't enough words to describe how amazing she is. My mother is my biggest driving force, she pushes me to get what I want and get to where I need to be. My mom is the one and only person I'll go to if I need help for anything because she's the main one I trust the most. I love her with all my heart and I know the older I get the more she'll drive me to get what I need.
      David Foster Memorial Scholarship
      I started high school in 2020, very nervous about what was ahead of me. Freshman year was a breath of fresh air and I loved the new things I was able to do in school with a bit more freedom. In sophomore year, my English teacher Ms. Boullion was my very favorite teacher. I'm in my senior year but to this day I think she's the best. Ms. Bouillion made learning fun, I made new friends in her class but I just loved the overall class because of her. I would go to her if I needed help with anything, and she'd help me with it. The people in the class were great but Ms. Bouillion helped me through some stuff. Even now, she talks to me and makes me want to stay at school and do my best. She genuinely wants the best for me and wants to help if I need anything from her. She made me realize what I really wanted to do with my life, I knew I wanted to work with kids who have disabilities but she drove me in the right direction to become determined to want this. Ms. Bouillion has been there for me since my sophomore year and I'm thankful she's been by my side throughout the stressful times. Just a few days ago, she was talking to me about college and gave me such wonderful advice on college essays. I've been super stressed out recently and she honestly made me feel just as better about graduating and that entire process. My sophomore year was a rollercoaster of emotions, I was super busy and had a rough school year but she made each school day so much better just by being so happy and bubbly in the classroom. No matter what mood I'm in, she makes me feel so much better. Sounds cliche but, she is the one teacher who made me realize that anything is possible for me even if I'm different. I had a stroke in utero which caused severe brain damage to me. The stroke has caused to have cerebral palsy as well as epilepsy. It's not easy, I struggle every day with some of the simplest things. All four years of high school have been scary leading up to my last year and now that I'm here it's beyond overwhelming. Ms. Bouillon has been my number-one supporter leading up to this moment, she has helped me a lot and definitely set an impact on me.
      Rick Levin Memorial Scholarship
      My middle school Special Education P.E. coach Anderson shaped me into who I am today. I've known her since Kindergarten at my elementary school. I was in regular P.E. with all the other kids but she knew about my disability and knew deep down I didn't want to participate in the activities that were hard for me. She'd let me sit out and watch everyone else play games, little old me admittedly knew she was a good teacher for understanding me. Going into middle school, I was nervous that she wouldn't be there to help me. She ended up being my Special Education P.E. coach and I never felt so happy. All throughout middle school, she bonded with me and told me what to expect once high school came. I had no idea what I'd come into after starting high school in 2020 with COVID-19. Coach Anderson gave me advice, she helped me understand the world of kids who are just a bit different with disabilities. She had known me longer than the other kids she taught at the middle school so we both felt comfortable with each other. Although I was a little kid in middle school, we still talked every single day in school about teaching kids and random stuff. It was still technically a P.E. class so for the most part our workout was walking around our school campus three to four times. She helped me realize that working with children is what I want to pursue and do as a career. She helped me see what it takes to take on the role of becoming an amusing special education physical education teacher. I haven't talked to her one-on-one in about a year but if I had the chance to sit down with her, I'd thank her for helping me get to where I am today. She may think of me as one of many other students she's had all throughout the years but she has really helped me out. I was about five years old when I first met her but ever since the day I was around her, she has always made me feel right at home. Never once was I uncomfortable or scared to talk to her. Coach Anderson has impacted me and inspired me to go into a future career of working with children because she showed me exactly what it takes to be amazing with kids of all ages. Seems hard, but after watching her for nine years I know what it takes. I've never been so impacted by any other teachers like her, she has been by my side throughout most of my childhood up until 2020 and I'm so thankful for everything she's done for me. Being a special education P.E. takes a lot of time out of your day, you never know what you'll deal with or what issues you may face and I've watched Coach be in some intense circumstances with students. Sometimes I felt bad and wanted to chip in to help out but I was still considered her student so it wasn't my place to do so. We never had the chance to talk about college before lockdown started but I know that she knows my dream is to work with children. She inspired me to do the best of the best and go with my gut, she helped me see what it takes and taught me amazing real-world problems that I'll face some time throughout my adult life. I'm beyond thankful for my dear Coach Anderson, I love her so much and she was definitely a part of my career choice.
      Frank and Patty Skerl Educational Scholarship for the Physically Disabled
      Some may say I’ve been dealt a bad hand of cards, but for me this is just my everyday life and I’m okay with that. It all started eighteen years ago when I was in my mother’s womb. She suffered from preeclampsia which made for a high risk pregnancy. 2005 was a tough year, Katrina devastated South Louisiana any so many of it’s residents. I was born just a week after Katrina while things were still disasterous. At some point during Katrina or soon after I suffered a stroke in utero causing severe brain damage with a final diagnosis of Cerabral Palsy as well as Epilepsy. It is believed that the stress from Katrina paired with the preeclampsia caused this. Being my parents first child, learning about my disability and trying to navagate uncharted waters was incredibly difficult. Hearing that I'd never be able to walk or talk and I’d most likely be in a wheelchair and severely handicapped must have been earth shattering. It was devastating for my parents, they had no clue what to do and nobody was there to help them. It was at that moment that my mother decided to become a stay at home mom instead of pursuing a college degree to try and give me the best chance at life.Years of physical and occupational therapy in additon to seizure medication daily have been very helpful but things are far from easy. Having Cerebral Palsy has always been difficult for me. Fortunately, I’m lucky enough to have beat the odds and can walk and talk. I can only use my left hand, it’s impossible for me to do anything with my right hand or anything bilateral to succeed at a task. I often have to teach myself an alternate way of doing things that are difficult for me. Every day things that seem insignificant to most like tying shoes, doing my own hair, or even using a knife are a no go for me. Cerebral Palsy can make me feel left out if I’m being honest, there are so many fun activities that I often can’t do because it’s too dangerous or just impossible. I’ve known for as long as I could remember that I wanted to pursue a career where i could help people, specifically children with disabilities. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining an college education. For years now, I’ve told everyone that persuing a degree in speech pathology is my goal. When I set a goal I become determined to do it to the best of my ability. I’ll be the first in my family to become a college graduate, the plan right now is to get my Master’s degree. The thought of being able to help children the same way I was helped is exhilarating. I’m fortunate enough that my parents have worked so hard for me to get this far and I’m beyond thankful for them and what they’ve done for me. When I make it to college, I’ll be proving to everyone that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
      Bright Lights Scholarship
      I’ve known for as long as I could remember that as a career I would love to help people, specifically children for that matter. Working with kids as a career is definitely what I would love to do. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining my career choice. I will not let my difficulties stop me from getting in the way of my life, school studies, and career. For years now, I’ve told everyone that being a speech pathologist is what I want to do. When I set a goal, I become determined to do it the best of my abilities. With that being said, my goal is to go to college to later on become a speech pathologist. I’ll be the first in my family to become a college graduate, the plan right now is to get my Master’s degree. My parents didn’t have the chance to become a college graduate, so to become a student this coming year is extremely exciting. I’m fortunate enough that my parents have worked so hard for me to get this far and I’m beyond thankful for them and what they’ve done for me. When I make it to college, I’ll be proving to everyone that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. This scholarship will help my family and I by giving us that extra boost of help. Since neither of my parents went to college, we’re all very long about everything. It’s very confusing without help so to get this scholarship will not only help but will make feel even better about getting into a good school. To become a first-generation college student in my family is extremely important and exciting. My mom could’ve gone to school but she chose to stay home with me since I desperately needed her help because of my cerebral palsy and epilepsy. I’m different, anI needed someone to be with me at all times. She could’ve had the chance to go but her gut was to stay home. Both of my parents have done so much for me, to win this scholarship will help them out as well as me. I plan on going to LSU since it’s extremely close to home and it’s a very pricey school. Winning scholarships is one of very many goals I currently have. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me!!
      Diverse Abilities Scholarship
      I’ve known for as long as I could remember that as a career I would love to help people, specifically children for that matter. So, to become a speech pathologist is what I want to do. I'd love to work with elementary school kids to help them with the problems they may face. For me, my dream job looks like a lot of work but I know I want to do it. Being a speech pathologist will keep me on my feet and give me something to do every day. It may be a really hard task for me because I'm slowed down physically but I have a feeling that I'll love every bit of it. For the career I'm choosing, the most important quality for me is being able to have an impact on the kids that I'd be working with. I'm beyond excited to have a chance to work with kids but I'm even more excited to have some type of impact on them and their families. It'll be such an experience to watch the children grow and feel better about themselves if they feel down about their speech impediments. Kids these days have become so rude to each other so I'd be more than happy to make them feel better if it's something I can help with. I'm extremely ready to help kids and that quality is very good for what I want to do. To be a speech pathologist, you have to be good with kids and I know for a fact I am. You have to know how to work with them and have lots of patience for kids of all ages. I can do it, I know that this career path is what I want. When I set a goal, I become determined to do it to the best of my abilities. With that being said, my goal is to go to college to later on become a speech pathologist. Working with kids as a career is definitely what I would love to do. Being restricted physically may stop me from many things but it will not stop me from obtaining my career choice. I will not let my difficulties stop me from getting in the way of my life, school studies, and career. Having an impact on the kids will have an impact on me and my own family one day, I want that and now I'm determined to achieve my dreams.
      Joieful Connections Scholarship
      After this last year of high school, I plan on going to college to pursue my dreams of becoming a speech pathologist. For as long as can remember, I've always wanted to work with little kids. I'm great with kids so to work with them as a career sounds like a dream to me. But, to achieve my goals of working with kids I need to get my bachelor's degree to do so. I'm pretty much set on going to LSU here in my hometown Baton Rouge. Going to college with as many scholarships will definitely help my family through the years to pay for school. To become a speech pathologist the things I need to study have to be very specific. I've spent a lot of time doing my research and I'm pretty sure that I want to study communication and science disorders. Sounds very overwhelming and it might be but I'm ready for whatever is ahead of me to have my dream job. To achieve my dream of going to college I have to do my best to look into what I need to be doing now before I graduate in May. Going to school to become a speech pathologist is a long process but I'm determined to do whatever is needed. After pursuing college and getting into the real world my plan is to go to one of the best elementary schools here in Baton Rouge to become a part of the staff to help the students there with some type of speech impediment. If that is able to happen then I'd love to be a part of a small organization that isn't a part of a school. No matter what happens and by some chance I get dealt a bad hand of cards, I still think that working with kids no matter what or where I am. But first, I have to do everything in my power to get into a good college so I don't have a year-long break between high school and my freshman of college. As of right now, my one goal as a senior is to get all the important tests dome so I can start applying to my top colleges as soon as possible. I hate to put things on hold but it's all very overwhelming and a lot top take in at once. As overwhelming as it is, I'm still so ready to start thi s new chapter of my life. Let's see what's in store for me!!!
      A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
      Hi, I'm Maya McInnis and I'm currently a senior in high school. I'm 18 years old and have a while left of my last year here in school but I've been doing everything possible to try to get into my dream college here in Baton Rouge Louisiana. I'm a bit different, I have cerebral palsy and epilepsy. My mother had preeclampsia and I had a stroke in utero which caused me to have severe brain damage. Now, you may think I struggle on an everyday basis, and sometimes that's true depending on the certain thing I'm doing. But, just because I struggle and I'm held back physically that doesn't automatically mean there aren't activities that I can't do. As of right now, I'm doing everything I can to get into my dream college LSU which just so happens to be approximately 25 to 30 from my house. I've been doing lots of research, talking to my cousin who goes to LSU, and applying for scholarships to help my family out. It's a lot to deal with but I know I can do it. I have no choice but to do it because I know for a fact I'm going to college directly after I graduate from high school. I want to make some type of positive impact on people, I love helping so to make an impact on the world through my career makes me feel so happy and bubbly. Being a speech pathologist is my dream, I want to work with kids and help them with their problems. There are many things I could do when it comes to my future career but helping kids with speech sounds the most fun for me. Being a speech pathologist sounds overwhelming but there is definitely a plus side to all this. As my career has been picked, I can say that at some point I will have an impact on this world. Working with kids will have the impact of helping them as much as possible. As a speech pathologist, I'll have the lovely impact of helping the lives of families to their kids who may be struggling. I may not have a great big impact on the world with my future career but I sure will be helping kids and families one way or another. I can't wait for that, I'm beyond happy to be an important life in certain kid's lives!! I have to get there soon but I have a long way to be able to chase my dreams.
      Barbie Dream House Scholarship
      My Barbie Dream House will be located in Lafayette Louisiana. It'll be a big house, with about 3 stories and 6 bedrooms. The exterior is white with subtle pink features and lots of pretty plants that gross around the four big columns that hold up the house. The inside is over the top with big grand staircases going both ways up to the second floor into a living room. There are four bathrooms and the biggest one goes into the master bedroom which has many cool features. The master bath has a clawfoot bathtub but a shower and a jacuzzi as well, there is a vanity and multiple drawers for storage and extra towels for guests who may need them. The master bedroom has an Alaskan King bed with light pink sheets and blankets all over it. A big TV sits across the room on the wall with a blush pink velvet couch and a coffee table that holds magazines. In one of the living rooms, it's just for reading, more like a personal library with many different books for all ages. There is a feature that has a dog shower so it isn't difficult for owners to get the bathroom all dirty after washer their pets. Each room is white with pink elements but not too much to where it's hurting the eyes. The kitchen is bigger than two bathrooms combined and holds everything imaginable that one would need to cook or bake. The floors are white along the ceiling but the backsplash is a very light pink that's more of an off-white. The cabinets are that light blush pink that has a mat-ish tone to it. Each room has its own story, it has its own thing that means something to Barbie. In the walk-in closet, everything is put on display and easy to get to. There is a train-like feature that goes round and round holding jewelry and hats for Barbie and her friends. In the middle of the entire Barbie home, there is an elevator so it can be quicker and easier to get from floor to floor. The backyard is a different story, when you open the back door it's almost like a garden, and past that, with all the flowers, it opens up to a big grand pool with three big slides and water fountains that can turn on and off with a push of a button by the outside kitchen with a dishwasher. There are multiple tables to sit at with umbrellas if possible and an outdoor shower and bath. In the garden, there are many different flowers and fruit trees with other spots to grow veggies to cook in whichever kitchen you choose. That's my Barbie Dream House, hope you enjoyed it!!
      Ruebenna Greenfield Flack Scholarship
      Im Maya McInnis, am currently a junior in high school, starting the process of planning my college life. As of right now, I'm seventeen years old, turning eighteen in September. Before I was born, I had a stroke in utero which caused me to have Cerebral Palsy. When I was born, in the hospital, the doctors told my parents id never be able to talk or walk. For them, they were new parents and as their first kid, I scared them with CP and later on epilepsy. Through the years, since I was around ten years old, I've taken medicine twice a day every single day to avoid having seizures from epilepsy. When I was ten, I had my first ever seizure when my mom was pregnant with my little brother. Living with CP isn't as hard as you would think. Yes, I know that may be hard to think but I've lived like this my entire life all seventeen years so I teach myself how to work around the obstacles I face. There are many, many things I do on a day-to-day basis with only my left hand. Heck, I do everything on my own with my left hand 24/7. Now, I'm ending my high school years and plan to become a speech pathologist after graduating from college. My background from the very beginning up to now has basically shaped me into who I am right now. I've been around little kids and kids my own age who have disabilities just like me. Being a speech pathologist would have a wonderful, positive impact because it is helping little kids and their speech impediments. Having a job where I would be working with kids and watching their progress after a while of being with them is what I would love to do the most out of every possible job out there. Having a positive impact on the world as well as on kids and their families makes me feel special. Although I haven't even started college yet, I still plan on putting my best effort into making the world a better place and bringing frowns into many smiles as there will be a soon improvement in my job being a speech pathologist. Bringing smiles to faces is what I found joy in. It makes me happy even imagining it, kids in general need help with stuff but if there are extra things that they need help with, I would absolutely love to help and prevent possible bullying.
      Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
      My all-time favorite on Taylor Swift's 1989 album is Shake It Off, seems corny but for me it's true. 1989 might be one of my favorite albums from Taylor herself but Shake It Off is the best in my honest, true opinion. When I was around nine or ten years old I went to the 1989 World Tour with my cousin and her mom. That was the first ever concert I'd been to and the very last song she sang for us was Shake It Off. She sang it with such power and it was my favorite moment right then and there with the colorful fireworks going off above us in the sky. It was cheery on top, at the time that song wasn't my favorite at all but something changed. Everything was just perfect, she was my favorite music artist back then so to see her in the same stadium in my hometown was very special. The message of the song is just to shake off the hate if someone hates you. Just stay positive, stay happy, don't let people get to you and get into your feelings. It's just altogether a good song that brings people together somehow. I don't know what it is about the song for me but every single time I hear it no matter what mood I'm in, it makes me happy and forget about the stuff I may be feeling at that very moment. The music video even makes me happy in a way. It shows her fans and the world what her personality is and shows that it doesn't matter how people look, dance, or act around one another. She has some of her fans with her in the music video to make it even better if it were just her and the dancers. She lifts people's moods, makes so many people happy, and even helps people get through some rough times that may be present. She even helped me, the song Shake It Off made me feel something when I got broken up with. My boyfriend, now ex, treated me like I wasn't worth his time, and listening to that song make me feel happy and worth something again. Taylor's music helped me through my breakup with both aspects of being sad and happy. Shake It Off has been released for a while and even before I was in middle school but that song in particular means the most to me out of all the other 1989 songs.
      I Can Do Anything Scholarship
      The dream version of myself is to become a strong young woman in college studying to become a speech pathologist to watch little kids grow and succeed from their problems.
      Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
      I thankfully haven't had anything to do with gun violence and I'm lucky enough to still be here with all the school shootings that have sadly been happening through the past few years as they often just get worse and worse. After I graduate high school, I plan on being a speech pathologist, that being said, that would mean I would have to work with kids of all ages if possible. Throughout my career, I want to help kids and their speech issues but I also want to be there for them and comfort them with the issues such as school shootings. As a speech pathologist, all you do is teach people how to talk without having a stutter or any other issues. But, I want to be there for them and make them feel good about themselves by improving their skills but also just not having that scary, overwhelming thought while going to school with the absolutely awful shootings that happen all around the world and mainly in the U.S. Being a support person for little kids with development issues is the best thing possible for them because sometimes having someone to talk to is all they need. Helping them and being their speech pathologist and almost like a therapist is what I want. Being there for the ones who need it most is what I want, I want to teach kids in school that gun violence is nowhere near okay and it needs to be stopped at any point in time. As I'm in my junior year in high school, I've realized that I've been putting such effort into schoolwork that I haven't put the time into being in extracurriculars here at school. Next year, I hope to make a club to prevent gun violence and other things such as bullying drug use, and vape/cigarette use. Here in Louisiana, the number of kids in public high schools with vape use and drug abuse is terrible and nowhere near where it should be considering we are all still so very young. My school is really involved with sports and not so much the gun problems being held. So, I would love to help out and hopefully have an impact on the bigger problems being held around many, many schools mainly high schools. Being in any school activity for my 12th grade will be great and will look great for my top school id love to go to LSU.
      Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
      I’m very unique in many different ways, I have cerebral palsy and epilepsy, when I was in the womb I had a stroke in utero during the Katrina flood her in Louisiana. I’ve gone all seventeen years learning a new skill to help myself through obstacles every single day. It’s definitely a hard time sometimes when there are obstacles that are almost always impossible for me to succeed and fix. Yes, I’m a bit different from everyone else but just because I have one working hand, that doesn’t stop me from living my life to the fullest extent and doing stuff I love to do. I hate to bring myself down when I’m not able to do a specific thing but they doesn’t stop me from at least trying my hardest to accomplish whatever it may be. I’m a huge family and live kids with all my heart so working with kids all ages is what I would like to possibly do in the future after I graduate high school. My mom always taught me to do my best to help out if there is help need at any point and growing up, I’ve seen many other kids with disabilities who aren’t able to talk or have a tough time speaking in general. Helping kids with speech problems would be such a delight for me to do because I’d be helping out many, many people and families. Sometimes, I’ll be simply watching tv or talk to someone out and public but it absolutely breaks my heart when people, especially kids, have speech issues that are unable to fix without the help that is definitely needed for that type of issue. I think that I’d be giving back to the community by helping many little ones and their families stop an unnecessary or unhelpful situation or issue. I hope to think that me to go to college for helping out with being a speech therapist definitely have an impact to my community as a whole. Being a seventeen year old teenager with a disability, I’ve been around my fair share of other peers with many other different disabilities so I’ve always seen what it’s like to help students out with their mental state. My middle school teacher showed me what it’s like to help non-verbal students and it’s a difficult job but I love kids so much that I’m definitely up for the job to help out. I’ve always been very straight forward and I never procrastinate so being a speech pathologist is definitely up my alley and will definitely help out with my own community!