Hobbies and interests
Babysitting And Childcare
Child Development
Cognitive Science
Counseling And Therapy
Drawing And Illustration
Environmental Science and Sustainability
Exploring Nature And Being Outside
Food And Eating
Human Resources
Makeup and Beauty
Marine Biology
Meditation and Mindfulness
Mental Health
Movies And Film
Muay Thai
Nutrition and Health
Painting and Studio Art
Self Care
Social Media
Social Work
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Travel And Tourism
I read books multiple times per month
Lindsey Kirk
Bold Points1x
Lindsey Kirk
Bold Points1x
I am Lindsey Kirk, a 21 year old senior at Penn State University. While I am sad to say I will be leaving my college abode in just a few short months, my experience here has impacted me immensely. Over the past few years, I have been on the path to navigating me, the girl I know as "Lindsey." This path has consisted of re-discovering myself over and over again. And it becomes more beautiful and exciting no matter how lonely and frustrating it can often feel. From this, I want to share a bit about myself and the key aspects of "Lindsey" worth sharing.
The bio prompt asks me to explain my life goals and what I am most passionate about. Phew, that's surely a load, huh? Well, what I do know is that I am trusting the process. I am trusting my path and wherever it may take me. On this path I enjoy learning about myself more and more while learning about others. I absolutely love people. I enjoy human development and understanding the balances between nature and nurture: what makes a human, human? I enjoy learning about the world around me. From the mysteries in space and sky to the depths of the ocean, and the middle ground where humanity roams. I believe we are all connected. I believe in the goodness of people. I believe in community. I believe the prosperity of our health is important. That being said, I believe one day I will do great things. I will help spread a strong word that encourages holistic health, wellness, and the importance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength.
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, General
- Education, Other
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Test scores:
Dream career field:
Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Dream career goals:
I recently joined the CEEL program at an elementary school in State College. CEEL is an afterschool Extended Learning Program and my role is to help plan and engage students in structured activities.
State College Area School District CEEL program2022 – Present3 years
Junior Varsity2018 – 2018
Muay Thai
2022 – 2022
Field Hockey
Varsity2017 – 20192 years
Plant Sciences
Penn State University — Student2021 – 2021Marine Sciences
Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center — Volunteer Learner2017 – 2017
Drawing2020 – 2021Movin' On
Performance ArtMovin' On 2022 festival2022 – Present
Public services
Villa Joseph Marie High School: Disaster and Humanitarian Relief for Haiti — Volunteer Participant2018 – 2018
Future Interests
Share Your Poetry Scholarship
I sense a bliss of romance amongst the trees
as they hug and twist together.
Footsteps behind me as I proceed
fearless of who follows, for I continue.
My curious eyes move fast but my mind moves faster,
without really thinking at all.
The trees that kiss look shaggy,
some tethered,
some stumped.
And those that have fallen guide me like a bridge
to where my next foot may land.
Humane prints on these trees guide me, too,
as I walk mindlessly through these trees,
internally wishing I was not following a guide at all.
I yearn to feel lost within the trees
like the feeling of being lost in the world I am in.
I feel fearless in these trees,
these trees in their bare form.
No leaves, no color.
Just bark and branches.
This is my favorite state of the trees,
for they often go unappreciated in their rarest form.
Perhaps most commonly perceived as their ugliest form,
but to me their nakedness is poetic.
A mark of rawness, simplicity.
In true form.
No clothes, no colors.
Just trees
and the birds that come to rest on them.
As I walk I shift dimensions.
Now surrounded by color,
Surrounded by nature’s friends.
Birds of all colors
and branches that are purple.
I finish my loop and return from where I started
leaving my fantasy of trees.
Like sun and moon
You and I float distant
We move and chase
In a cycle of dust
To find each other
An infinite lust.
Written on a plane:
Ninety nine on a plane.
Our souls in this world, the same.
Our lives on different walks of life.
To where do you go?
Two men with books.
A woman with child.
Lovers holding hands.
A few snap backs and some shades.
Not one pair of shoe the same.
The purpose is people,
these walks of life we travel.
Complicated journeys
filling our chests with energies.
The purpose is discovery,
learning who we are.
This world around me.
This world I see.
This world with huge eyes
looking back at me.
My feet stand planted
like the trunk of a tree.
My heart reaches deep
towards the roots beneath me.
Each leaf a person
in this place filled with green.
Each one unique,
every space in between.
Messages to a past lover:
I never got an “I love you” back
but I know, you felt it too.
Sometimes I wonder why we said goodbye
but I know that we had to.
We had to make room to grow and space to feel
all of the feelings that were hard to feel.
I do not know where you are
or what you're listening to.
What are you thinking about
on these days that pass through?
I wish my friends were your friends
and that yours were mine.
Wish I could hear about you
in these changing times.
A list of texts made for you,
none of them are sent.
Instead I write these poems.
My heart, it will not relent.
I feel your gentleness in this cold wind.
Trees talk to me, whispering sins.
I sit and do my studies with a blank stare.
I sit to type an essay, there's nothing there.
My heart sinks an inch every day.
Its crush gets harder when I lay.
Tangled in distractions
Which way do I go?
My head walks in circles
And chases your shadow.
Anna Sage Scholarship
After the wave of the infamous "COVID," I found myself questioning everything that I thought I knew. I felt myself going through immense physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes. I used nature as a way to cope through the difficult time our world was experiencing. From this, I became especially connected to nature and discovered the world of holistic medicine & wellness. I found myself spending most of my time outdoors, admiring the world around me and wanting to know everything about it. I started to research alternative medicine and the ways in which our society can naturally heal and prosper. Specifically, the implementation of proper nutrition and exercise, the importance of spending time in nature and getting adequate sunlight, daily meditation, hemp and CBD management, wild mushroom benefits (ex: Lion's Mane mushroom for the brain), sleep patterns, etc.
As a fourth-year student at Penn State University, I am majoring in Rehabilitation and Human Services in the College of Education. In order for me to continue to thrive and be my best self, I plan to have a career that opens a door to nature, spirituality, and healing. I want to share with others the importance of spending time in nature and how powerful nature can be on supporting one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.
My major has allowed me to expand on my holistic health journey and create my own unique path. I have taken so many interesting courses at Penn State that have opened my mind to the beauty of the world. Within my major, I have been able to take a human anatomy class where we work with cadavers, a horticulture course, a class on honeybees, psychology courses, etc. Outside of school, I actively and independently educate myself on nature, holistic healing, and natural lifestyles by taking online courses, reading articles, and bettering my own lifestyle through my own daily practices.
I am pursuing a career like this because I want to change the narrative of health. I feel our society is one consumed by materialism, consumerism, and living a backwards way of living regarding our health and wellness. I have a deep knowing that I will do something different and potentially change the lives of many.
I felt called to apply to Anna's scholarship not only because I met the requirements of being a student in education, healthcare, and science, but also because it was highlighted that she left a legacy of love and persistence. The motive behind my eagerness to enter this field is rooted in the love for humanity and possessing the persistence to do whatever it takes to spread my message. If I am a recipient of this scholarship, I will use this blessing to continue my love of learning. I am just grateful to have the opportunity to apply to such a scholarship!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my entry.
#Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
It's back to school time. And with that, comes a variety emotions. Many students may experience feelings such as anxiety, frustration, excitement, doubt, etc. While these feelings are normal, there needs to be a way to cope with them. After some contemplation on what students, including myself, can do during these times, I finally came to an answer. I wanted my tip to be something inclusive, an act ANYONE can do. This is because some students may not have access to call a friend or parent (International students), purchase their favorite meal (cost conscious student), or do something out of reach given particular circumstances. My tip is for students to go outside in nature. The most efficient way one can ground themselves is through the natural ground, breathing in fresh air, and taking a break from their exterior world. In the outdoors, one may find a sense of peace amongst the back to school chaos. Take a walk. Lay in the sun. Read a book. Listen to music. Whatever it is that feels most comfortable, try it outside. Five to ten minutes outdoors each day can make an incredible impact. I discovered myself outdoors...you can too.
Chuck Swartz and Adam Swartz Memorial Scholarship
While I do not often find myself in research labs or advocacy programs, I do know one thing. I love our world. I love nature and the beauty it shares with humanity each and every day. I've always felt connected to nature...like it was a part of me in a way. As I became older, I realized this was true. We, as humans, are interconnected to the networks and existence of nature. Nature is a reflection of self. Ultimately, in times of distress, depression, or any deep emotion, I turn to nature as a place to feel safe and reconnect with myself. So, how does my somewhat philosophical talk relate to conserving Pennsylvania's natural environment?
Well, as someone who was born and raised in Bucks County, PA, this state is what I call home. Moreover, as a young adult living on the cusp of what feels like reality and virtual reality, I watch my home being neglected each day. Our people are no longer spending their time outdoors and exploring nature, and definitely no longer learning about the ways in which our home came to be and how to care for it. Our people are living in a virtual reality and neglecting the greatness that is right outside their doors!
While I cannot control the technological reality our world has come to, I can make a step in switching the narrative. I can use my own social media platform to promote an awareness for our natural environment. In fact, I have started to do so. I created an instagram page that reflects not only my personal journey in life and the things I find interesting in our world, but I spread the word on how important it is that we open our eyes and make a change. My posts have ranged from discussing the importance of taking a walk outside to encouraging others to join groups that advocate for natural change. Using my voice and targeting those glued to their phone is one way I can help conserve PA's natural environment.
Another way I can help converse our environment is to remain aware each day of my own actions, as well as the actions of those around me. As a student at Penn State, this is easily accessible. If I am keeping it real, tailgating and partying are two things PSU students love to do. As fun as it can be, it surely results in LOTS of trash. At the end or even in the midst of these events, my friends and I make sure to keep our area clean. Or as clean as we can keep it in the mean time. To our neighboring partiers, our message is shared. And surprisingly, it works. I am happy to say my fellow student colleagues care about their environment as well. Whether this stems from my personal advocacy or an internal dialogue amongst themselves, I wish this to continue.
Pennsylvania will always be home for me. I will always try my best to push for the best for my home and the people that reside in it. My steps may be small, but they mean the world to me and those that are also taking tiny steps.