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Keighty Sainsbury


Bold Points




Hello, my name is Keighty. I am a mom of 2 handsome and rowdy boys, a wife, a believer, a lover of the land, and a dreamer! Life is crazy with all the moving parts, I seldom get time to myself. However, I have made the decision that I want to further my education, follow my dreams, and become someone that my husband and children can be proud of and inspired by. The field I am going into is one that I have dreamt about for many years, I truly feel like it is my life's calling, and will allow me to help and support women and then families. I have been called to be a Midwife and am sprinting towards the finish line. I want to help women and moms love their birth experience and feel safe/comfortable through the process. I love my life and I am truly blessed and grateful for all that I have. With that being said, money is tight, and unfortunately, most midwifery schools do not accept student loan programs. For me to pursue this I will need to pay completely out of pocket or (with any luck) through the assistance of a few scholarships. I appreciate you taking the time to read my bio and consider awarding me your scholarship. Should I receive your scholarship, I'm not sure words could express my gratitude but I would work tirelessly every day to try and honor the donation you've made towards my dream. Every little bit will help get me closer to success. Thank you.


National College of Midwifery

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services

Paradigm High School

High School
2013 - 2015


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
    • Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Alternative Medicine

    • Dream career goals:

      To become a Midwife and run my own practice.

    • Compliance Advisor

      Healthcare Compliance Pros
      2023 – Present1 year



    Junior Varsity
    2013 – 20152 years


    • Thousand Word Photography

      2023 – Present
    Arin Kel Memorial Scholarship
    It has become apparent to me that memories, laughter, and my beloved baby brother's essence are deeply intertwined. It's been one year, one month, and twenty-one days since he made the unsettling decision to leave, leaving us with an overwhelming sense of loss that grows with each passing day. He was only 17 years old when he passed away. My brother, Johnny, radiated infectious laughter, a beaming smile, and a comforting presence that brightened even the darkest moments. He filled our shared experiences with boundless affection, love, humor, and joy, inspiring me to pursue my dreams and aspirations. As I navigate life's journey and pursue my education, I am steadfast in my commitment to carry forward Johnny's legacy of love, compassion, and kindness. I have decided to take on the challenges of training to become a practicing Midwife. Though physically gone, his spirit remains a guiding light, urging me forward with courage and resilience. I will do my best to honor his memory by embracing his values, extending kindness to others, and encouraging those around me to grow, as he often did for me, despite him being younger. To cope with the overwhelming grief of losing my brother, I've found solace in shared memories and cherished moments we shared. Rekindling my relationship with God became my refuge amid the chaos, offering peace and comfort through prayer, meditation, and quiet reflection. Despite the tears that still flow, I find comfort in trusting God's promise of eternal reunion. While the pain may endure, I take comfort in knowing that my brother's spirit lives on in the hearts of those who loved him, and his legacy continues to inspire and uplift others. Guided by his memory and fueled by his love, I am reminded that even in the darkest of times, there is light—a light born from love, faith, and hope. P.S. I was trying to upload a photo but it wasn't giving me any way to do so, stating the I could "Upload up to 0 images"
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    My passion for women's health and empowerment has propelled me to this pivotal moment, poised to make a positive impact on the world through my career. As I begin my midwifery training, I am brimming with purpose and excitement. Throughout this essay, I will delve into my background and articulate my vision for uplifting and empowering women as a future midwife. From a young age, I've been drawn to healthcare, inspired by my father's commitment to serving others. Witnessing the strength and resilience of the women in my life sparked a deep desire to support and advocate for their well-being. This passion has driven my academic and professional pursuits, leading me to choose midwifery as a means to make a tangible difference in the lives of women and their families. Central to my vision as a future midwife is the belief in the transformative power of positive and uplifting support. I have first handedly experienced the journey to motherhood and have found that it is a deeply personal experience, one that is filled with both joy and challenges. I aspire to be a source of unwavering encouragement, empowerment, and positivity for the women under my care. I intend to create a nurturing environment for expectant mothers, recognizing that pregnancy and childbirth bring a spectrum of emotions. Through compassionate listening, empathetic understanding, and affirming encouragement, I aim to foster a safe space where women feel valued, respected, and empowered to make informed decisions about their care. Additionally, I advocate for holistic and woman-centered care practices, prioritizing the well-being of mothers and women in general. This includes promoting shared decision-making, informed consent, and trauma-informed care, empowering women to actively participate in their healthcare journey and have their voices heard. As a woman, I've experienced firsthand how resilience, empathy, and strength enrich lives. Being a wife taught me the importance of respect, partnership, and companionship in a committed relationship. As a mother, I've cherished the joy and responsibility of nurturing my children. These roles form the bedrock of family, community, and society, offering opportunities for growth and enduring connections. My desire to become a midwife is driven by a deep-seated need to uplift and empower women and mothers. Through compassionate care, advocacy, and a commitment to health equity, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of women and their families. As I embark on this transformative journey, I am honored to have the opportunity to walk alongside women during one of the most significant experiences of their lives, and I am dedicated to supporting and uplifting them every step of the way.
    Building a Better World Scholarship
    Nurturing Hope: A Christian Midwife's Journey of Compassionate Care and Faithful Witness As a Christian woman embarking on the journey to become a midwife, my aspirations extend beyond the confines of medical practice. Grounded in the principles of compassion, service, and faith, I am dedicated to utilizing my role as a midwife to enhance the well-being of those I serve and share the transformative power of my Christian faith. I am excited to navigate the intersection of professional excellence and spiritual conviction, to foster healing, hope, and holistic well-being in the lives of expectant parents. Midwifery is a profound calling that invites me to embrace the sanctity of childbirth and the journey to parenthood. Rooted in the belief that each individual is fearfully and wonderfully made, I approach my training with an unwavering commitment to providing compassionate and personalized care to expectant parents and their families. Through attentive listening, empathetic presence, and steadfast support, I aim to cultivate a nurturing environment where my clients will be honored. Their needs will be upheld physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I plan to have my practice run with empathy, enabling me to walk alongside expectant parents during their most vulnerable moments. By acknowledging their fears, hopes, and aspirations, I seek to alleviate anxieties, celebrate milestones, and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their childbirth experience. Through the art of compassionate care, my goal is to facilitate positive birth experiences that foster the bond between parents and their newborns, thus contributing to a more compassionate world. In the future, my role as a Christian midwife will allow for my faith to serve as a guiding beacon, illuminating my path of service and witness. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Christ, I am compelled to embody love, compassion, and humility in all facets of my work. Integrating my Christian values into my practice will assist with interactions with clients, colleagues, and communities with a sense of purpose and conviction. One approach I recognize is sharing my faith is through the practice of presence. Whether offering comfort to a laboring mother, providing encouraging words, or silently offering prayers for strength and guidance, I aim to embody the compassionate presence of Christ in every encounter. I will encourage my clients to embrace unconditional love and acceptance exemplified by Christ by fully embracing each moment, from conception to delivery, and beyond.  I recognize the importance of sharing my faith. Understanding that every individual is on their own spiritual journey, I approach interactions humbly, refraining from imposing my beliefs on others. Instead, I seek to welcome the transformative power of faith and God through acts of kindness, compassion, and service. In conclusion, my journey is becoming a testament to the profound intersection of faith and vocation. As I embark on this path of service and witness, I am committed to creating a better world through compassionate care. By embracing the sacredness of childbirth, cultivating empathy, and sharing the transformative power of my Christian faith, I strive to nurture hope, healing, and holistic well-being in the lives of those I serve, thereby contributing to the realization of God's kingdom of love and justice on earth.
    Natalie Joy Poremski Scholarship
    Living in faith is fundamental to my identity and values, especially in how He affects my everyday decisions and dedication to the Pro-Life movement. My commitment to God has significantly influenced my career path and future goals, propelling me towards advocating for the sanctity of life at all stages and utilizing my education to foster positive change. After many prayers and fasts, I have received confirmation that I am meant to be a birth worker and will soon begin training to become a Midwife. My journey towards midwifery commenced with a profound belief in the sanctity of every life, rooted deeply in my Christian faith. From conception to natural death, I believe all individuals possess inherent dignity and worth. This position shapes not only my daily actions but guides my professional aspirations as well. Recently, I have noticed there has been an influx of Pro-choice midwives, and I would like to see that change. Being a mother of 2 rowdy boys, I am very aware of the sacredness of childbirth and its transformative impact on mothers and their babies. Guided by my faith, I approach midwifery with a commitment to provide compassionate and holistic care that respects the dignity of every person involved. I feel entrusted with providing support to women and their growing families through the miracle of birth. My faith continues to inspire my career trajectory and aspirations. As I prepare to embark on midwifery training, I am determined to leverage my education to effect positive change and safeguard all stages of life. I envision myself working across diverse healthcare settings and aim to deliver comprehensive care that upholds the autonomy and dignity of every individual. I intend to equip myself with the requisite knowledge, skills, and resources needed to address the multifaceted needs of pregnant women and their families. I hope to be able to serve as a source of support and empowerment, providing evidence-based care that enhances the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Lastly, I am committed to advocating for policies and initiatives that prioritize maternal and infant health, centered around a Pro-Life position, ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare for all, irrespective of socioeconomic status or background. In summary, my faith serves as the guiding force behind my future vocation as a midwife and my advocacy within the Pro-Life movement. As I embark on this new chapter, I am driven by a profound sense of purpose and a desire to utilize my education and training to foster positive change and safeguard all stages of life. With humility, compassion, and unwavering faith, I embrace the opportunity to serve as a beacon of hope and healing in the field of midwifery.
    Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my life, my mother has been my guiding light, shaping me into the person I am today through her unwavering love, guidance, and support. Her profound influence has reached every corner of my being, serving as a constant source of inspiration and strength. From my earliest memories, she provided my siblings and me with a nurturing presence that empowered us to explore the world with confidence and curiosity. I was not the easiest kid, always on the move, but she was always behind me with a smile and a hug whenever I needed it. Whether cheering me on at school events, guiding me through the insane waters of adolescence, or simply lending an ear to my hopes and dreams, she has been and will always be my greatest cheerleader and confidante. During my teenage years, I grappled with mental health challenges and suffered through many heartbreaks. Yet, despite raising six children, five of whom were adopted, and confronting her trials, including health issues and financial hardships, she remained steadfast for me. My mama emerged as my anchor, standing as a pillar of strength. Her resilience and unwavering positivity taught me the importance of finding silver linings in life's challenges. Furthermore, she instilled a profound sense of empathy, compassion, and kindness towards others. She demonstrated the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect, irrespective of their circumstances, through her actions. Whether assisting neighbors in need or offering an understanding ear to a friend in distress, she exemplified how small acts of kindness can profoundly impact lives. In addition to her kindness and compassion, my mom has been a source of wisdom, offering invaluable guidance and advice as I continue to navigate life's challenges, now as a wife and mother. Her wisdom has been acquired through a lifetime of experiences and lessons learned and has served as a guiding light, helping me make difficult decisions, overcome obstacles, and stay true to my values. I try to reach out to her at least three times a week, if not more, to seek her counsel and enjoy general conversation. I trust her implicitly to provide honest feedback, even if it's difficult to hear, knowing that her unwavering support is rooted in love and care. My mama has become one of my closest friends. Above all, she taught me the importance of genuineness and staying true to myself. Through her example of living authentically and unapologetically, she encourages me to embrace my individuality, pursue my passions, and chase my dreams with unwavering courage and conviction. Her influence continues to shape my journey, inspiring me to live a life guided by love, compassion, and authenticity. I could not be more grateful for my mama.
    Wellness Visionary: Radiant Shenti Scholarship
    Nurturing Life: A Holistic Journey into Midwifery Embarking on the path of alternative and holistic health studies has been a deeply personal voyage, marked by transformative experiences that continually shape my understanding of health and well-being. My journey into this realm began with the anticipation of preparing for the birth of my second child, a pivotal moment guided by the insights of my amazing and supportive doula. She provided me with a binder full of materials, tips, and instructions to assist me in developing a better understanding of pregnancy from conception to parturiency and into postpartum care for me and my baby. As I delved into the preparations she provided me, I found myself drawn to the alternative approaches she practices that celebrate the innate wisdom of a woman's body and prioritize holistic well-being. This departure from conventional birthing practices sparked a profound curiosity and reverence for the natural processes of childbirth. My exploration into holistic health practices deepened as I immersed myself in a variety of resources, including literature, personal anecdotes, and online communities. Each encounter enriched my understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the childbirth journey. This holistic perspective not only resonated with me on a personal level but also informed my evolving vision for healthcare—one that embraces the holistic principles of healing and empowerment, acknowledging the often-overlooked power that herbs and natural remedies hold. As I navigated through my preparations, a profound calling stirred within me—the calling to become a midwife. This desire did not just appear to me as a future career choice; it was a soulful journey grounded in purpose and service. I have spent hours engrossed in natural birth videos, each delivery bringing tears to my eyes as I witnessed the strength and beauty inherent in the birthing process, igniting a profound sense of purpose and determination within me. Witnessing the transformative potential of midwifery care has inspired me to pursue further education and training, driven by a desire to become a guardian of women's health and well-being. I have several women in my life who have experienced birth, some conventionally with OB/GYN and Hospital births, some with holistic/natural births occurring in a birth center or comforts of their own homes. I have spoken at length with several of them and have found that the ones who have chosen to use a midwife and the holistic route tend to be happier with their birth experience and have a smoother recovery. That says a lot to me about the importance that midwives carry with their clients and their families. Their stories have reinforced my belief in the importance of holistic approaches to childbirth. At the core of my vision for enhancing the lives of clients lies the integration of traditional wisdom mixed with modern evidence-based practices. As an aspiring midwife, I hope to deliver comprehensive care that honors the physiological processes of childbirth while embracing the latest advancements in medical science. Through a holistic approach to care, I aim to empower clients to make informed choices aligned with their values, fostering a sense of agency and autonomy throughout the birthing journey. Furthermore, I envision a future where holistic approaches to health and wellness are not only embraced but celebrated and integrated into mainstream healthcare systems. By advocating for policy changes that support midwifery and holistic care, I aim to contribute to a paradigm shift in healthcare, emphasizing prevention, empowerment, and holistic well-being. Reflecting on my experiences, I recall moments of profound revelation that solidified my desire to pursue midwifery as more than a profession but as a calling. One such moment occurred during a prenatal yoga class, where I witnessed the transformative power of breath and movement in facilitating a deeper connection between myself and my growing baby. This experience strengthened my belief in the holistic nature of childbirth and the importance of incorporating mind-body practices into prenatal care. Looking ahead, I am inspired by the possibilities of integrating holistic midwifery care into a variety of settings, from home births to hospital environments. By collaborating with obstetricians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, I believe we can create interdisciplinary care teams that offer comprehensive support to birthing individuals and their families. Through partnerships with community organizations and advocacy groups, I am committed to advancing policies that promote equitable access to midwifery care and address disparities in maternal health outcomes. In essence, my journey into holistic midwifery has been a tapestry woven with threads of self-discovery, compassion, and a deep reverence for the sacredness of birth. As I continue on this path, I am guided by a steadfast commitment to nurturing life in all its forms and empowering individuals to embrace their inherent strength and resilience. With humility, gratitude, and an unwavering commitment to holistic healing and compassionate care, I embark on the next phase of my journey.