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Katarina Andiel


Bold Points




Hi my name is Katarina Andiel! "There are a million things I haven't done, but just you wait!"


Yorktown Education

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft

Yorktown Education

High School
2013 - 2020


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Stage Manager, set designer or lighting/sound technician

    • Intern

      52 Degrees
      2018 – Present6 years
    • Intern

      TriDigital Marketing
      2018 – 20191 year
    • Paid Intern

      Resilient Healthcare
      2019 – 20201 year



    2007 – Present17 years


    • Dana Cup Champion
    • President Cup National Champion
    • USSF DA Player of the Match
    • Captain of team


    • Independent

      Various independent projects
      2016 – Present
    • Stellar School of Arts

      Various projects throught year
      2018 – 2019
    • Collin College Community College

      Film Criticism
      Wrote various film critics in class
      2019 – 2020
    • Independent

      Various independent projects
      2017 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Independent — Volunteer
      2015 – Present
    • Volunteering

      In-Sync Exoctics — Volunteer
      2016 – 2020

    Future Interests





    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    My sense to tell stories has been with me since childhood. When I was younger, playing with my American Girl dolls, I would come up with elaborate stories. I could play for hours on end and never get tired of it. As time went on, I started writing my ideas down on paper. Sometimes it would be full-blown stories, sometimes it would be just random thoughts that popped in my mind. Either way, something about writing has stuck with me, and I have been doing that ever since - writing, writing, writing. There’s something very calming about sitting down, staring at a blank document, and then just letting my mind wander as my fingers endlessly type. It’s amazing to have an outlet to let all my ideas out. I like to bring LGBTQ+ representation into my writing because I identify as a Lesbian and believe that more stories, films, and television shows should showcase all people no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. For me, watching all types of movies and TV has shaped me into who I am. It’s fascinating to think my favorite films started as an idea in someone’s head. I would love to have that effect on younger generations. Even something as simple as having a queer princess or prince story would greatly impact society. Rather than sit back and wait for that to happen, I have written my own script entitled "So Charming" which portrays an LGBTQ+ princess love story, and I hope this is just the start of gaining more representation.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    One thing I have learned that has changed my perspective on life is that there are multiple paths to success. Whenever one way doesn’t work out there is always another way. I learned this whenever I was in a rut with soccer, I was playing horrible, and my mindset was becoming dramatically negative. However, rather than continuing to pound repetitive soccer drills, that were not helping me, I decided to take a completely different approach. I started taking Pilates classes and it ended up having a dramatically positive effect. Sometimes taking a break and trying something new will give you a fresh view of your original problem. As for me, I took a break from soccer and tried out Pilates. I ended up loving it and worked my body out in ways I’d never felt before. Pilates allowed me to focus on my core, my flexibility, my breath and challenged me in a fun, exciting, new way. When I returned to the soccer field something changed. My decision-making was faster; my mobility on the ball was smoother; fighting off opponents was easier, and my muscles felt loose and limber. Additionally, my overall mentality was much more positive. Whenever I would make a mistake rather than attack myself, I would brush it off and work that much harder to win it back. Soccer remains a strong part of my identity; however, I now have the complementary cross-training in Pilates that balances me physically and mentally. Being open to a new approach has taught me to have a much more open mind in facing problems in the future.
    Hobbies Matter
    My sense to tell stories has been with me since childhood. When I was younger, playing with my American Girl dolls, I would come up with elaborate stories. I could play for hours on end and never get tired of it. As time went on, I started writing my ideas down on paper. Sometimes it would be full-blown stories, sometimes it would be just random thoughts that popped in my mind. Either way, something about writing has stuck with me, and I have been doing that ever since - writing, writing, writing. There’s something very calming about sitting down, staring at a blank document, and then just letting my mind wander as my fingers endlessly type. It’s amazing to have an outlet to let all my ideas out. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies because it is something that I have complete control over. It’s my decision what I write about, and I get to come up with every detail. No matter what I create, it is truly my own and there is something very beautiful about that. Writing gives me to chance to be fully imaginative. If I want to create a world where aliens study humans, I can do that. If I want to create a story where princesses fall in love, I can do that. There is no limit to what I can create when I’m writing. I believe that writing is an art form, it is a creative expressive way to communicate. Writing can be a vulnerable process especially if your story is based on your life. It is also vulnerable to share your stories with someone. Someone reading your work is almost like they are peeking into your mind and that can be beyond scary. On the flip side, however, sharing my work fills me up with a sense of pride because someone is acknowledging my hard work. Maybe my story brought a smile to their face or maybe it allowed them to escape reality for at least a moment. That is one of the best feelings for me as a writer and perfectly sums up why it is one of my favorite hobbies.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    My favorite way to encourage others is through my favorite sport, soccer. Soccer is a team sport, and it may seem too obvious to say that I encourage my teammates here but let me explain. Of course, I cheer on my friends during practices and games; whenever they make a good play, an intense tackle, or score a goal! Those moments are ten times more special when you hear your team yelling your name or clapping for you, so I love to return the favor for them. Additionally, I encourage my teammates off the field. Even if I am not the closest with someone, I still want them to feel loved and appreciated which is why I always make an effort to talk to everyone or ask people how their day was. I encourage others to open up about their feelings. For example, one practice I noticed my teammate Emily was super quiet and reserved, this is unlike her, so I asked her what was up. She denied anything was wrong, but I could tell something was bothering her. Rather than let her simmer in silence I asked her to go to the bathroom with me and it was then when we were alone, she confided in me and let out her emotion. I think these small moments can truly bring people together, and encouragement can help promote this.
    Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
    I am committed to speaking my mind through promoting LGBTQ+ representation, especially in the arts. For me, watching all types of movies and TV has shaped me into who I am. It’s fascinating to think my favorite films started as an idea in someone’s head. I would love to have that effect on younger generations. One of my favorite projects I’ve made is a 13-page script entitled “So Charming” which tells the story of Princess Kaia Bernard and her journey to find Jo, the writer of a love letter she received. She travels to Jo’s kingdom and stumbles upon a girl, Josephine. She said she works for Jo and will keep her company until he is available. During this time, they fall in love, and it’s revealed Josephine was the author of the letters. Now Kaia must face the decision of telling her parents and kingdom. Can you imagine if a movie like that was on the big screen? So many people would feel loved and appreciated because unfortunately the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t have any princess or prince love stories and that needs to change! This can even take place on a small scale, from everyday conservations to social media posts. Speaking your truth and not hiding any part of yourself is truly speaking your mind. It allows you to be honest and encourage others to follow suit.
    Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
    My all-time favorite film is, actually a series, The Harry Potter movies. The fantasy world of wizards and mystical creatures is so intriguing, and I love how there are never-ending stories within this world. From learning about magic to mixing potions and even playing quidditch there is so much excitement in every scene. Hogwarts has it all and that’s what makes it so special, the fact that you immediately get drawn into the action. You feel as though you are there experiencing the drama, loss, love, and joy that the characters are feeling. I truly love how you get to know every character inside and out. Each aspect of their personality is unique, and you learn to love their flaws and imperfections as though they are your best friends. Throughout the series, each character evolves into a better version of themselves and it genuinely feels like you are growing up with them. Watching these films is an exhilarating experience and no matter how many times you watch them, you can go back and notice something new every time. The complexity of every single element in every single moment is just mind-blowing and I profoundly respect everything that went into making them. The writing, set design, costume design, editing, score, cinematography, lighting, effects, and everything in between was done impeccably, and the final products prove that. Additionally, this series influenced me to pursue screenwriting. The intricacy of storylines, characters, settings, and dialogue overpowered me with emotion and inspired me. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly that they impact others the way Harry Potter impacted me.
    Nervo "Revolution" Scholarship
    I’ve always known I wanted to go into the film industry and make a living by telling stories. It’s amazing such elaborate worlds and plots came from a simple piece of “paper” and an idea. This for me naturally grew into falling in love with storytelling. Seeing fantasy worlds of wizards, mystical creatures, princesses, or even zombies are so intriguing, and I love how there are never-ending stories within each world. While I’m watching a film nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in the story and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, and joy the characters are feeling. It is mind-blowing to me all of these worlds came from a single idea. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. I want to be a screenwriter and make an impact on the world. I identify as a lesbian and my impact will be bringing more LGBTQ+ representation to the big screen. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. I would love to have a positive effect on younger generations. From an early age, I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of sexuality, gender identities, and gender expressions they need to be taught that love is love. They need to see that there is nothing wrong with being different or feeling like an outcast. By constantly, having tv shows or movies talk about these topics would allow everyone to feel appreciated and included. It will be a challenge to bridge the gap, but it is more than possible. Encouraging marginalized communities to share their stories will allow the industry to adapt and shift to a more accepting audience. Whenever I watch a movie and find out it was made by a female director or the main character is part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am overjoyed with excitement. It is truly so inspiring to see people like me having success in the business I want to pursue. That feeling I just described happens all over the world to countless individuals every day. The positive chain reaction that can come from these interactions is incredible. It can prompt them to share their unique stories and spread their perspectives on the world. Their stories could inspire others which could inspire others and it’s a never-ending chain of passion and enthusiasm. The world needs to see my films because positivity breeds positivity. Let’s say a young girl is struggling with her sexuality and she turns on the tv to see a character who is going through the same thing. The comfort from seeing her situation on the screen would bring an indescribable amount of relief. It shows that she is not alone, and many people are experiencing the struggles she is. I know this because I could have used that comfort when I was questioning my sexuality. The main point of all this is to show that you are not alone no matter how much it might feel like it. My future impact, through screenwriting, is to share stories about the LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities to allow everyone (and I mean everyone) to feel included. It is my biggest life dream to see my script transform into a film on the big screen, that would be beyond incredible. Plus, I love the female empowerment that this scholarship represents, and I believe my passion for screenwriting and spreading awareness makes me a unique candidate.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    My sense to tell stories has been with me since childhood. When I was younger, playing with my American Girl dolls, I would come up with elaborate plotlines and stories. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was essentially creating a script without writing it down. And when I joined forces with my friends the stories would get wilder and even more complex. We used our imaginations and would play for hours on end and never get tired of it. As time went on, I started writing my ideas down on paper. Sometimes it would be full-blown stories, sometimes it would be just random thoughts that popped in my mind. And I have been doing that ever since - writing, writing, writing. There’s something very calming about sitting down, staring at a blank document, and then just letting my mind wander as my fingers endlessly type. My brain is somewhat chaotic, to say the least, so I always have numerous ideas bouncing around. I have my unique perspective on life and that’s another reason I love writing. I identify as a lesbian and I’m lucky enough to have a very supportive community surrounding me. My family and friends accept me for who I am and even prompt me to share my experiences in my writing. I love using examples from my real life or even taking a traditional idea and flipping it on its “conventional” head to become an LGBTQ+ story. I believe we need more representation in movies and television. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand that whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. For me, watching all types of movies and TV has shaped me into who I am. It’s fascinating to think that my favorite films started as an idea in someone’s head. I would love to have that effect on younger generations. My appreciation for screenwriting has only grown because I know how much work goes into each minute, each second, we see on screen. Developing a story and keeping audiences engaged is an art I can’t wait to continue learning more about. Screenwriting is my passion and seeing the process of ideas turned into a script is the most exhilarating experience. I will be double majoring in film and media studies as well as business to achieve my screenwriting dream. Film and media studies will teach me all the proper techniques, behind the scenes knowledge and allow me to gain valuable connections with teachers and classmates. Getting the theoretical information from a staff that has been in the industry and truly understands what it takes to succeed is an irreplaceable chance. Plus, the practical hands-on experience I will gain will only improve my skills. Getting to learn about film every day is something I genuinely am looking forward to. The additional major in business will aid me in my pursuit of filmmaking. Learning how to market myself, targeting my skills to a specific audience, strategy on finance, and how to manage a company are all things I’m eager to learn about. Taking full advantage of every opportunity college has to offer is my first step to success. Beyond college, I will use every ounce of information I have learned to create a name for myself in the film industry. My biggest dream in life is to watch a script I wrote be premiered on the big screen, I sincerely believe with my desire to learn and rigorous college education I will be able to attain this goal. Even if I don’t make it to the big screen if I can bring joy or comfort to just one individual then I have succeeded.
    Mirajur Rahman Self Expression Scholarship
    AMPLIFY Digital Storytellers Scholarship
    While I’m watching a film nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in the story and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, and joy the characters are feeling. It is mind-blowing to me all of these worlds came from a single idea. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. I identify as a lesbian and my impact will be bringing more LGBTQ+ representation to the big screen. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. I would love to have a positive effect on younger generations. From an early age, I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of sexuality, gender identities, and gender expressions they need to be taught that love is love. They need to see that there is nothing wrong with being different or feeling like an outcast. By constantly, having tv shows or movies talk about these topics would allow everyone to feel appreciated and included. It will be a challenge to bridge the gap, but it is more than possible. Encouraging marginalized communities to share their stories will allow the industry to adapt and shift to a more accepting audience. Whenever I watch a movie and find out it was made by a female director or the main character is part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am overjoyed with excitement. It is truly so inspiring to see people like me having success in the business I want to pursue. That feeling I just described happens all over the world to countless individuals every day. The positive chain reaction that can come from these interactions is incredible. It can prompt them to share their unique stories and spread their perspectives on the world. Their stories could inspire others which could inspire others and it’s a never-ending chain of passion and enthusiasm. The world needs to see my films because positivity breeds positivity. Let’s say a young girl is struggling with her sexuality and she turns on the tv to see a character who is going through the same thing. The comfort from seeing her situation on the screen would bring an indescribable amount of relief. It shows that she is not alone, and many people are experiencing the struggles she is. I know this because I could have used that comfort when I was questioning my sexuality. My future impact, through screenwriting, is to share stories about the LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities to allow everyone (and I mean everyone) to feel included.
    GRLSWIRL Scholarship
    I’ve always known I wanted to go into the film industry and make a living by telling stories. It’s amazing such elaborate worlds and plots came from a simple piece of “paper” and an idea. This for me naturally grew into falling in love with storytelling. Seeing fantasy worlds of wizards, mystical creatures, princesses, or even zombies are so intriguing, and I love how there are never-ending stories within each world. While I’m watching a film nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in the story and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, and joy the characters are feeling. It is mind-blowing to me all of these worlds came from a single idea. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. I want to be a screenwriter and make an impact on the world. I identify as a lesbian and my impact will be bringing more LGBTQ+ representation to the big screen. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. I would love to have a positive effect on younger generations. From an early age, I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of sexuality, gender identities, and gender expressions they need to be taught that love is love. They need to see that there is nothing wrong with being different or feeling like an outcast. By constantly, having tv shows or movies talk about these topics would allow everyone to feel appreciated and included. It will be a challenge to bridge the gap, but it is more than possible. Encouraging marginalized communities to share their stories will allow the industry to adapt and shift to a more accepting audience. Whenever I watch a movie and find out it was made by a female director or the main character is part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am overjoyed with excitement. It is truly so inspiring to see people like me having success in the business I want to pursue. That feeling I just described happens all over the world to countless individuals every day. The positive chain reaction that can come from these interactions is incredible. It can prompt them to share their unique stories and spread their perspectives on the world. Their stories could inspire others which could inspire others and it’s a never-ending chain of passion and enthusiasm. The world needs to see my films because positivity breeds positivity. Let’s say a young girl is struggling with her sexuality and she turns on the tv to see a character who is going through the same thing. The comfort from seeing her situation on the screen would bring an indescribable amount of relief. It shows that she is not alone, and many people are experiencing the struggles she is. I know this because I could have used that comfort when I was questioning my sexuality. The main point of all this is to show that you are not alone no matter how much it might feel like it. My future impact, through screenwriting, is to share stories about the LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities to allow everyone (and I mean everyone) to feel included. It is my biggest life dream to see my script transform into a film on the big screen, that would be beyond incredible. Plus, I love the female empowerment that this scholarship represents, and I believe my passion for screenwriting and spreading awareness makes me a unique candidate.
    "What Moves You" Scholarship
    “Always remember the 3 H’s: happy, hungry, and humble.” This quote was told to me by one of my soccer coaches, Derek Missimo. Three simple words hold so much meaning to me and remind me to keep striving towards my goals. Happy reminds me to be present in every moment. Be grateful, find joy, and never take anything for granted. Try not to get caught up in negativity, but rather focus on the positives in life; even if it’s something as simple as watching a new movie or taking a car ride there is always something to make you smile. Especially, during quarantine and the COVID pandemic, this has been something that I have to constantly remind myself of. The next H is hungry, and this is not relating to wanting food. This is relating to the fire in your belly and desire to better yourself. Taking every opportunity, making the most of it, and then striving for more. I use this idea to push myself to learn anything I can about the film industry as I want to become a screenwriter. Constantly watching movies, reading scripts, taking film-related courses, and writing, writing, writing. The last H stands for humble. Always recognizing how you got your success and who helped you get there. Being grateful for your success rather than bragging about it. Also, knowing that you can always strive to be better and raise the bar for yourself. Staying humble is especially important when you are marketing yourself or telling your story to others. Acknowledging your success and gaining pride from it is a great thing and I am all for celebrating your goals, but there is a fine line between overdoing it versus being proud. Whenever I notice myself getting cocky, I take a step back and remind myself of this quote and it brings me back to reality. Happy, hungry, humble that’s the way I want to live my life. Finding joy in things others find insignificant is something that proves to me just how amazing the world is. Being excited to learn, grow, and soak any knowledge will only better me as a person. And lastly, staying humble allows me to find peace with myself and my work, embracing the flaws and celebrating the victories. No matter what life throws I me I know I will be prepared by remembering the three H’s.
    Wheezy Creator Scholarship
    I want to create scripts for movies and/or television. I’ve always been drawn to the film industry - watching movies and TV shows are some of my favorite passions. This for me naturally grew into falling in love with storytelling. Seeing fantasy worlds of wizards, mystical creatures, princesses, or even zombies are so intriguing, and I love how there are never-ending stories within each world. While I’m watching a film nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in the story and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, and joy the characters are feeling. It is mind-blowing to me all of these worlds came from a single idea. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. I identify as a lesbian and my impact will be bringing more LGBTQ+ representation to the big screen. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. I would love to have a positive effect on younger generations. From an early age, I believe kids need to be exposed to all types of sexuality, gender identities, and gender expressions they need to be taught that love is love. They need to see that there is nothing wrong with being different or feeling like an outcast. By constantly, having tv shows or movies talk about these topics would allow everyone to feel appreciated and included. It will be a challenge to bridge the gap, but it is more than possible. Encouraging marginalized communities to share their stories will allow the industry to adapt and shift to a more accepting audience. Whenever I watch a movie and find out it was made by a female director or the main character is part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am overjoyed with excitement. It is truly so inspiring to see people like me having success in the business I want to pursue. That feeling I just described happens all over the world to countless individuals every day. The positive chain reaction that can come from these interactions is incredible. It can prompt them to share their unique stories and spread their perspectives on the world. Their stories could inspire others which could inspire others and it’s a never-ending chain of passion and enthusiasm. The world needs to see my films because positivity breeds positivity. Let’s say a young girl is struggling with her sexuality and she turns on the tv to see a character who is going through the same thing. The comfort from seeing her situation on the screen would bring an indescribable amount of relief. It shows that she is not alone, and many people are experiencing the struggles she is. I know this because I could have used that comfort when I was questioning my sexuality. The main point of all this is to show that you are not alone no matter how much it might feel like it. My future impact, through screenwriting, is to share stories about the LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities to allow everyone (and I mean everyone) to feel included.
    LGBTQIA Arts and Personal Development Scholarship
    I’ve always been drawn to the film industry - watching movies and TV shows are some of my favorite passions. This for me naturally grew into falling in love with storytelling. Seeing fantasy worlds of wizards, mystical creatures, princesses, or even zombies are so intriguing and I love how there are never-ending stories within each world. While I’m watching a film nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in the story and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, and joy the characters are feeling. It is mind-blowing to me all of these worlds came from a single idea. I want to do that; I want to write stories so compellingly it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. Getting a rigorous college education at Wagner College will prepare me for a career as a screenwriter. Gaining knowledge in the classroom and applying that to my projects will improve my skills tremendously and taking advantage of every opportunity will set me on a path of success. As a Lesbian, I strive to bring inclusion into my writing and films; my future impact is to bring more LGBTQ+ representation to the big screen. The film industry has made considerable strides in inclusion, but there is more to go. Imagine a scenario where kids regularly see gay, non-binary, and transgender actors on the screen. This will help them understand whatever they are feeling is valid and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And even if they are cisgender and straight it will help them understand where other people are coming from. For me, watching all types of movies and TV has shaped me into who I am. It’s fascinating to think my favorite films started as an idea in someone’s head. I would love to have that effect on younger generations. One example of bringing equality into my work is through (my favorite project thus far) a 13-page script entitled “So Charming” which tells the story of Princess Kaia Bernard and her journey to find Jo, the writer of a love letter she received. She travels to Jo’s kingdom and stumbles upon a girl, Josephine. She said she works for Jo and will keep her company until he is available. During this time, they fall in love and it’s revealed Josephine was the author of the letters. Now Kaia must face the decision of telling her parents and kingdom. Can you imagine if a movie like that was on the big screen? So many people and even kids would feel loved and appreciated because unfortunately the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t have any princess or prince love stories and that needs to change! It will be a challenge to bridge the gap, but it is more than possible. Encouraging marginalized communities to share their stories will allow the industry to adapt and shift to a more accepting audience. Whenever I watch a movie and then find out it was made by a female director, I am overjoyed with excitement. It is so inspiring to see people like me having success in the business I want to pursue. That feeling I just described happens all over the world to countless individuals every day. The positive chain reaction that can come from these interactions is incredible. It can prompt them to share their unique stories and spread their perspectives on the world. Their stories could inspire others which could inspire others and it’s a never-ending chain of passion and enthusiasm. I am eager to be apart of this future and make my mark on the world. Attending college is the first step to making my dreams come true and this scholarship would be extremely beneficial. Not only do I need the dream-enabling financial support, but I also seek the recognition of being a winner of this particular scholarship. To be selected out of thousands of applicants would be such an incredible honor. I love how this scholarship focuses on the LGBTQ+ and marginalized communities. Something I was once so afraid of people finding out is now one of my greatest strengths. I am so proud to see the growth in myself and the amount of confidence I have gained throughout this past year. Being able to proudly say I was awarded this scholarship would be like if Willy Wonka gave me the golden ticket. An unreal, extremely prestigious prize I would be beyond grateful to receive.
    Creative Expression Scholarship
    Nikhil Desai "Perspective" Scholarship
    I played so horribly! Every touch, every pass, and every decision I made just went wrong. Staring out the window at the never-ending road didn’t help to soothe my mind. I contemplated quitting right then and there, but a little voice in my head told me “you’ve played this game for 12 years; maybe you just need a break.” And luckily, I would be able to, since it was finally Christmas break. I didn’t have to think about soccer, more specifically, my embarrassing performance for at least three weeks. It was relaxing spending time with my friends and family; however, the thought of going back to soccer was constantly lingering in my mind, and (as much as I hated to admit it) I wasn’t ready to go back. Soccer is such a big part of my identity, my world. It is part of what makes me who I am, so why am I reluctant to return? I dodged these questions and just ignore them, that is, until one day my mom asked me to go to a Pilates class with her. I resisted going at first because I wanted to improve my soccer skills and didn’t see the correlation. Yet, eventually, I was ready to try something new and this presented itself as the perfect opportunity, so I said yes. Pilates was different from the beginning. Usually, every time I work out, I put on my soccer jersey, black shorts, black socks, and soccer cleats, but this time I put on a tank top, leggings, and sticky socks. Sticky socks! This is a drastic change from my Adidas Copa Mundials. I arrived at the studio and was immediately fascinated. Numerous wood-framed machines with springs, pulleys, and ropes filled the room along with mats, a ballet barre, and various props. Before I knew it, it was time for class. My abs were on fire, my arms were shaking, my attention to detail grew sharper and the emphasis on my breath kept me grounded the whole workout. It was a short, intense hour, but I felt so good afterward. I was stretched out in places I didn’t know could be stretched. I was sore in places I’d never felt before but, most importantly I was happy. I continued Pilates multiple times per week from then on. When I returned to the soccer field something changed. My decision making was faster; my mobility on the ball was smoother; fighting off opponents was easier; my muscles felt loose and limber. Additionally, my overall mentality was much more positive. Whenever I would make a mistake rather than attack myself, I would brush it off and work that much harder to win it back. There are multiple paths to success and rather than pounding myself on repetitive soccer drills I took a completely different approach, cross-training, and it ended up having a dramatically positive effect. Rather than focusing mostly on my legs, Pilates helped me to focus on my core which is the powerhouse to everything. Sometimes taking a break and trying something new will give you a fresh view of your original problem. Pilates is something I continue to practice today and will keep doing in the future. I’ve grown to love it so much that I’m currently in the process of becoming a certified Pilates instructor! The workouts and people that flipped my dreary attitude to a positive mindset have inspired me to do the same for others and that’s exactly what I am now doing. Soccer is once again a strong part of my identity; however, I now have a complementary cross-training activity in Pilates that balances me physically and mentally. Being open to a new approach has taught me to have a much more open mind in facing problems in the future.
    Donald De La Haye "No Regrets" Scholarship
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    I’ve always known I wanted to go into the film industry and make a living by telling stories. It’s amazing such elaborate worlds and plots came from a simple piece of “paper” and an idea. Film & Media Studies is the perfect major as it emphasizes a mix of hands-on and intellectual knowledge. Getting a rigorous college education is exactly what I need to fully prepare myself to become a screenwriter. To prepare for the future I will, in the classroom, complete assignments to the best of my ability, ask questions, and be fully invested in the moment. And, out of the classroom, I will get involved in clubs, campus events, and create films on my own. Business Management, my second major, will be a great coupling with Film as this will allow me to have a much better grasp on the business side of the film industry, not only the creative side. I’m looking forward to learning about marketing myself through internships/job opportunities, building a professional resume, attending job fairs, and learning what it takes to thrive in a job after college.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    One of the boldest things I have ever done was posting a coming-out photo on my Instagram. At the time, only my inner circle of friends knew, everyone else had no idea. I figured what better way to tell them all at once than by doing a photo shoot. I borrowed my friend's already funny graphic tee and put my own lesbian spin on it. I was so nervous to click the post button, but once I did I was overwhelmed with love and support. I couldn't ask for a better family or group of friends, thank you so much!
    Scholarcash Role Model Scholarship
    One role model in my life is from my favorite movie series, Harry Potter. She is brilliant, confident, kind, and can hold her own against all odds. If you haven’t guessed it already this person is Hermione Granger. One of my favorite aspects about her is unlike most other characters she does not come from a magical family, yet she becomes the strongest and smartest wizard in the entire series. Watching her on-screen has taught me to put myself in uncomfortable situations and make the most of those awkward moments in life. For example, in the movie, Hermione often is teased for having non-wizard parents which she could have let affect her entire schooling experience; however, she never allowed this to occur. She took those moments and turned them into a passion for her craft. I have been put in similar situations in my life and reminded myself to be like her. Hermione helped me push myself in my schoolwork and studies. While many of my friends wanted to go to parties or take the easy route, I did not. I buckled down, became a true bookworm, and turned my drive into success. Apart from her brilliance she has the biggest heart and is willing to sacrifice anything for her friends. The friendship between Hermione, Harry, and Ron is an unbreakable bond, and they always have each other’s backs. I try to bring that amount of love into my relationships. Whenever you truly care for someone you have to constantly show it, exactly like Hermione does. Her ability to listen and take action with each friend is a very impressive skill. Hermione has also impacted my future career goals in countless ways. First of all, The Harry Potter movies are some of the films that influenced me to pursue filmmaking and screenwriting. The fantasy world of wizards and mystical creatures is so intriguing, and I love how there are never-ending stories within this world. While watching the films nothing else matters; I am wrapped up in Hogwarts and feel as though I am there experiencing the drama, loss, love, and joy that the characters are feeling. The complexity of each little element in every little moment is fascinating. It is mind-blowing to me that this world came from an idea and a "piece of paper". I want to do that; I want to write stories so compelling that it stays in your mind and heart long after the film has ended. Hermione has further propelled my love for film because she shows me that it is okay to be different from everyone else. Being different makes you stand out and allow your voice to shine through. She can listen to the people around her and share her knowledge to make them better. I want to be able to do that will my films and stories. Not only do I want to pursue filmmaking I want to pursue it at a rigorous and exciting college. Taking my education to the next level is something I have always dreamed of and I can’t wait to fulfill my desire at Wagner College.