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Karisa Wieberg


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After proudly serving in the military, where I was honored with two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals and a Letter of Commendation for my contributions to communications and system upgrades, I turned my focus towards furthering my education. I graduated with an Associate of Science in Business Administration from South Plains College in 2023, and I am currently advancing my studies at Wayland Baptist University, pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science in Cybersecurity. As a driven professional with six years of leadership experience in the military, I am keenly focused on achieving a career that offers a healthy work-life balance. My time in the service has honed my skills in adaptability, problem-solving, and attention to detail, which I believe are essential in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. Balancing my career aspirations, I am also a devoted mother to two wonderful young boys. My experiences as a parent have further reinforced my commitment to achieving a stable and secure future for my family. I aim to contribute to the field of cybersecurity with the same dedication and excellence that I upheld in my military service. I am excited about the opportunity to give back to my community and set a positive example for my children, demonstrating the importance of perseverance, education, and service.


Wayland Baptist University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Computer and Information Sciences, General

South Plains College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business/Corporate Communications


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Mineman

      US Navy
      2014 – 20206 years



    2000 – 20088 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Dream Center
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      South Plains Food Bank
      2021 – Present
    Eitel Scholarship
    My name is Karisa Wieberg, and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science in Cybersecurity. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, I have chosen this field because I am passionate about helping people protect themselves and their information from cyber threats. My journey into cybersecurity began with my seven years of service in the US Navy, where I specialized in using Underwater Unmanned Vehicles to search for mines in the oceans. This experience honed my technical skills and instilled in me a deep understanding of the importance of security in all its forms. Transitioning from military life to civilian life has been a challenge, but it has also been a period of growth and adaptation. I am on track to graduate with my BAS in Cybersecurity, and I aspire to continue my education by pursuing a Master's in Computer Science. This scholarship will play a crucial role in helping me achieve these academic goals by providing the financial support I need to take care of my son while I focus on my studies. In 2015, my brother committed suicide, and I adopted his son, who I have been raising as my own ever since. I want to set a good example for him and provide him with a stable and secure future. This scholarship will alleviate some of the financial burdens, allowing me to dedicate more time and energy to my studies and my son's well-being. As I continue my education, I am driven by the desire to help people with their technology needs. Cybersecurity is a field that directly impacts individuals and communities, and I am committed to making a positive difference. By protecting sensitive information and ensuring the security of digital systems, I can contribute to a safer and more secure environment for everyone. Receiving the Eitel Scholarship will not only support my educational journey but also enable me to better balance my responsibilities as a mother and a student. It will provide the necessary resources to continue my education, set a positive example for my son, and ultimately, help others in the realm of cybersecurity. Thank you for considering my application. "For such a time as this." Es 4:14 Sincerely, Karisa Wieberg
    Hazel Joy Memorial Scholarship
    Losing a sibling is a profound experience that reshapes every facet of life. For me, the loss of my brother Chase was a turning point, marking a period of profound sorrow and eventual growth. Six years my senior, our bond strengthened significantly as adults, highlighting the unique and irreplaceable nature of our relationship. Chase was a beacon of kindness, always extending a helping hand to those in need. His plans to move closer to me, so I could assist him in raising his infant son, symbolized a future of shared responsibilities and familial bonding. Tragically, his suicide in 2015 halted these plans, leaving behind a void filled with unanswered questions and a sense of guilt that I've since worked to understand through therapy. The sudden loss introduced a pervasive anxiety about the fragility of life into my daily existence. I realized that my childhood would from then on be told from only one perspective. Growing up fortunate enough to not face such grief, Chase's passing was a stark awakening to the realities of mortality. This realization propelled me to cherish every moment, striving to live fully in a world that now felt precariously finite. Among the challenges following Chase's death, raising his son has been both a profound responsibility and a constant reminder of my brother's absence. Seeing Chase reflected in his child is a bittersweet experience, intertwining joy with the sorrow of what could have been. This journey has been a testament to the complexity of grief—where love and loss coexist in a delicate balance, urging me to find strength in vulnerability. As I navigated this terrain of grief and responsibility, therapy became a crucial tool in grappling with my guilt and sorrow. The process of healing has not been linear, but it has been transformative, enabling me to grow in empathy and resilience. Raising Chase's son, now a vibrant 10-year-old, has been an act of love that honors my brother's memory, ensuring his legacy endures through the guidance and care I provide. This experience has profoundly influenced my educational and career aspirations. Witnessing the fragility of life has instilled in me a drive to make a tangible impact, particularly in supporting others who face mental health challenges. My journey has underscored the importance of compassion and understanding in addressing mental health, guiding my aspirations towards fields where I can contribute to change. The Hazel Joy Memorial Scholarship represents not just financial support, but a validation of my resolve to transform personal tragedy into an opportunity to assist others. As I look towards the future, my goals are deeply intertwined with Chase's memory. Raising his son is a daily reminder of the love and loss that has shaped my path. Through my educational pursuits and career goals, I aim to honor Chase's legacy by contributing to a world where mental health is openly discussed and addressed. My commitment extends beyond personal achievement; it is a pledge to make a difference in the lives of others, driven by the lessons learned from loss and the enduring love for my brother.
    Jean Ramirez Scholarship
    In the wake of my brother's suicide in 2015, my world was irrevocably changed. At the time, I was serving in the US Navy, far from home, but deeply entrenched in the ripple effects of his decision. He left behind a son, just a year and a half years old, who now calls me "mama." This young, vibrant soul, now ten, has been the beacon of joy and purpose in my struggle with loss and responsibility. The journey through grief as a suicide loss survivor has been akin to navigating an uncharted sea, where the waves of sorrow and guilt often threatened to engulf me. The persistent thought, "I could have done more," has been a storm of its own, challenging my mental strength. Yet, through intensive self-reflection and therapy, I've come to understand that while I am not to blame, I hold the power to shape the future from the remnants of tragedy. Channeling my energy into raising his son has been my anchor, transforming my grief into a testament of love and resilience. I am furthering my education for him. Facing the challenges head-on, therapy has been my lighthouse, guiding me through the fog of despair and helping me understand the intricacies of my own healing, as well as how to navigate my son's trauma. His journey through play therapy and learning to express his anger healthily has been a source of pride and hope. Together, we've learned to be rocks for each other, a testament to the power of love and support in healing. Throughout my seven years in the military, the specter of suicide was a recurring shadow, adding layers to my understanding of loss and the importance of mental health support. These experiences, though harrowing, have underscored the urgency of addressing mental health proactively and have inspired me to advocate for those who battle silently. In reflecting on my journey, the lessons learned from the vessel of loss and the role of caregiver have been transformative. They have taught me the value of compassion, the strength found in vulnerability and the steadfast spirit of human resilience. My son, a constant source of light, has been pivotal in finding hope and purpose amidst sorrow. He is a living testament to the idea that from the deepest pain can emerge the greatest joy and the most profound lessons. As I look to the future, I am buoyed by hope and the belief that our capacity to love, support, and uplift one another is the most potent antidote to despair. The journey of a suicide loss survivor is marked by profound sorrow but also by the unyielding resilience of the human spirit. In sharing my story, I aim to light a beacon for others navigating the tumultuous seas of grief, offering a message of hope and solidarity.
    Shays Scholarship
    At 33, reflecting on my journey thus far, I find that my pursuit of higher education is deeply intertwined with my life experiences, both challenging and enriching. My seven years of service in the U.S. Navy were foundational, instilling in me a discipline and resilience that have become integral to my identity. However, it was an event early in my career that profoundly shaped my path: the sudden loss of my brother, which led me to adopt and raise his son. Navigating the complexities of sudden parenthood while serving in the military was a formidable challenge, yet it was this very experience that reinforced my commitment to lifelong learning and my passion for science, particularly in the field of cybersecurity. The world of cybersecurity, a domain I chose to delve into after my military service, fascinates me with its ever-evolving landscape. The rapid advancement of technology and the increasing reliance on digital platforms make cybersecurity not just a field of study, but a crucial pillar in safeguarding our society's future. It excites me to think of the vast potential in this field – from protecting sensitive data to thwarting cyber attacks, the implications are vast and vital. The thought of contributing to a safer digital environment, where people can navigate the complexities of the internet without fear, is a driving force behind my educational goals. My journey has not been without its trials. Transitioning from a military role to a civilian and academic life, all while raising a young child as a single parent has tested my resolve and adaptability. However, these challenges have only strengthened my determination to succeed. They have taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of adaptability, and the need to stay abreast of technological advancements. Through my studies in cybersecurity at Wayland Baptist University, I aim to merge my military-honed skills with my academic learning, aspiring to make a significant impact in the field. The Shays Scholarship would be instrumental in this pursuit, helping to alleviate the financial barriers to my education and allowing me to focus fully on achieving my academic and professional goals. In essence, my motivation for higher education is a blend of personal growth, a sense of duty toward my family, and a deep-seated passion for science. I am committed to not only furthering my knowledge and skills but also to contributing positively to the field of cybersecurity, ensuring a safer and more secure future for the next generation, much like I aspire to do for my son.
    Lyndsey Scott Coding+ Scholarship
    My name is Karisa Wieberg, a dedicated cybersecurity student at Wayland Baptist University and a proud Navy veteran. At 33, my journey has been one of diverse experiences, from serving in the military to embracing the challenges of motherhood. These experiences have shaped my ambitions, blending a deep interest in computer science with a commitment to community service and leadership. As a woman in a field traditionally dominated by men, my path represents not just personal growth but also a stride toward diversifying the world of technology. In the ever-evolving domain of cybersecurity, my goal is to become a vanguard in digital security, focusing on safeguarding information systems. My time in the Navy instilled in me a nuanced understanding of strategic defense, an insight I now aim to apply to the cyber realm. I am particularly interested in developing robust cybersecurity protocols for public and private sectors, ensuring the safety and integrity of digital infrastructures. I aspire to be at the forefront of combating cyber threats and contributing to the advancement of digital security technologies. Beyond the realm of technology, my ambitions are rooted in community enrichment and empowerment. Drawing from my experiences as a veteran and a mother, I am driven to make a positive impact in my community. This includes mentoring young individuals, especially girls and women in STEM, to help broaden their horizons and break gender stereotypes in technology fields. I am also passionate about volunteering and participating in initiatives that aim to uplift and support underrepresented groups, fostering a culture of inclusivity and resilience. My vision for the future is an amalgamation of my technical acumen and my passion for community development. I see myself leveraging my cybersecurity expertise in roles that extend beyond traditional tech jobs - roles that intersect with community engagement and education. For instance, I could spearhead community workshops on internet safety, helping individuals understand and navigate the complexities of the digital world. Additionally, by mentoring aspiring students in STEM, I can contribute to a more diverse and dynamic technological landscape, paving the way for innovative solutions born from varied perspectives and experiences. Ultimately, my goal is to embody the ethos of the Lyndsey Scott Coding+ Scholarship by using my skills in computer science to enrich not just the field itself but also the lives of those around me. Thank you for considering my application for the Lyndsey Scott Coding+ Scholarship. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to potentially be a part of this inspiring initiative that celebrates diversity and innovation in the field of computer science.
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    The beginning of my career in the United States Navy was marked not only by the challenges of military life but also by a personal tragedy that redefined my path. My brother's sudden passing left a deep void, and in its wake, I faced the life-altering decision of adopting his son, my nephew. This was a profound responsibility, thrust upon me unexpectedly. Transitioning to parenthood, especially under such circumstances, was a monumental task. I was navigating the demands of my naval service while stepping into the role of a single parent to a child who had lost both his parents. The road was fraught with emotional and practical challenges. There were times when the balance between my duties as a sailor and a parent seemed insurmountable. However, giving up was never an option. With each passing day, I learned to adapt, drawing strength from the resilience that military life had instilled in me. I was determined to provide a stable, loving home for my nephew, ensuring his well-being and emotional health were prioritized, even as we both grappled with our grief. This period of my life was a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of family, and the strength that can be found in facing life's unexpected challenges head-on. Leadership is often portrayed as a quality displayed in professional settings, but my most profound experience of leadership has been in my personal life. The decision to adopt my nephew and raise him as my own was the epitome of taking responsibility in a time of crisis. This decision reshaped my understanding of what it means to lead and influence another's life positively. In the Navy, I honed skills like discipline, strategic planning, and the ability to lead under challenging circumstances. Yet, applying these skills to parenthood, especially as a single parent, was a different realm of leadership. It involved guiding a young child through the complexities of life, instilling values such as resilience, empathy, and courage. My leadership journey transcended traditional roles and ventured into shaping a young mind to face the world with confidence and optimism. Parallel to my role as a parent, my academic pursuits in cybersecurity at Wayland Baptist University are fueled by a commitment to serve and protect my community. In today's digital age, safeguarding our virtual spaces is as crucial as protecting our physical world. My goal is to blend my military discipline, cybersecurity expertise, and personal experiences to lead initiatives that enhance community safety and resilience. In this way, I aim to honor the legacy of individuals like Jimmy Cardenas, who exemplify true leadership and dedication to community service.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Delving into the mysteries of the universe is a profoundly important endeavor, as it not only unravels the intricacies of the cosmos but also deepens our understanding of our own existence. This quest, which intersects with multiple disciplines including physics, philosophy, and even technology, is fundamental to our collective knowledge and self-awareness. My journey, particularly in the realms of cybersecurity and military service, has instilled in me a profound appreciation for complex systems, be they digital networks or cosmic phenomena. As a cybersecurity student, I’ve learned to appreciate the elegance of complex systems and the importance of safeguarding information. This perspective is crucial when considering the universe, a vast and intricate system governed by laws we are only beginning to comprehend. My goal is to integrate the principles of cybersecurity - the protection of data and systems - into the study of the cosmos. This approach is not only about securing data but also about ensuring the integrity and reliability of the information we use to understand the universe. In a field where new discoveries often challenge existing paradigms, maintaining the accuracy and security of data is paramount. Furthermore, my experience in the military has equipped me with a strategic mindset and adaptability. These skills are invaluable in scientific inquiry, especially in fields like astrophysics and cosmology, where new technologies and theories continuously reshape our understanding. I aim to bring this adaptability to my studies, ready to embrace new ideas and discoveries that further our understanding of the universe. My ambition is to contribute to an era where technology and scientific exploration go hand in hand, leading to groundbreaking discoveries about our universe. The interdisciplinary nature of my education and experience, spanning business, cybersecurity, and military strategy, provides me with a unique lens through which to view the cosmos. I believe that understanding the universe requires not just scientific acumen but also a diverse set of perspectives and skills. Receiving the Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship would be a significant milestone in my educational journey. It would support me in my pursuit of higher education, enabling me to delve deeper into the study of the universe. More importantly, it would allow me to contribute to a field that holds the key to answering some of the most fundamental questions about our existence. My commitment to this quest is driven by a desire to be part of a community that seeks to understand the cosmos not just for its scientific value, but for its profound impact on our perception of reality and our place within it.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    My interest in computer science was initially sparked by my military experience, where I was deeply involved in communications and system upgrade projects. This experience opened my eyes to the transformative power of technology and its potential to solve complex problems. After my service, as I embarked on my educational journey in business administration, I realized that a deeper understanding of cybersecurity - a crucial aspect of modern business - would significantly enhance my ability to contribute meaningfully in the tech-driven world. My current studies at Wayland Baptist University in Cybersecurity are a natural extension of this growing passion, blending my background in leadership and my fascination with the ever-evolving digital landscape. Upon completing my degree, my dream job is to work in a role where I can leverage my cybersecurity expertise to protect and secure digital information. My ideal position would allow me to blend my military-honed skills in strategy and leadership with my technical knowledge, possibly in a role that focuses on developing and implementing robust cybersecurity measures for a leading tech firm or a governmental agency. Above all, I aspire to a career that upholds a strong work-life balance, allowing me to excel professionally while being a present and engaged mother to my sons. I believe I embody the qualities that Chris Jackson exemplified: passion, ambition, and a compelling story. My journey from a military veteran to a cybersecurity student, while juggling the responsibilities of motherhood, reflects my deep-rooted passion for technology and my ambition to excel in this field. Like Chris, I understand the struggles of affording an education, and this scholarship would greatly assist in alleviating financial barriers, allowing me to focus fully on my studies. My commitment to not only achieving my educational goals but also to setting an example for my sons aligns with the spirit of the scholarship. I am determined to use this opportunity to build a career that honors Chris's legacy of impact in the technology sector and his dedication to family.