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Kamren Brock


Bold Points








I enjoy playing any and all sports. No matter the sport, I am right there waiting in line to be picked. I believe that fire to compete & be in first place led me to the College of Coastal Georgia. In fact, my favorite soccer coach went to CCGA & ever since then I have always wanted to be holding a degree from there. An obstacle that I suffer from is social anxiety. This has plagued me & prevented me from becoming a typical high school student. This has affected me in other ways; however, I believe attending college & being able to make my own decisions will allow me to move past this issue. I will be studying environmental science in order to find affordable treatment for illnesses & provide it to rural communities with limited resources. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. My mother was the only person in my family that has attended college, albeit a technical school, she could not graduate because she became pregnant with me. Therefore, I will be the first person in all my immediate family that will graduate from college. I have volunteered with Department of Family & Children Services since I was 13 years old. I assist gathering toys for children who are in foster care. I am simple, I do not require much attention from others. I keep to myself for the most part & I enjoy being the one with the gold medal standing on the podium. For others, these may seem like terrible qualities, however that drive to succeed has made me who I am today. Thank you for this consideration!


College of Coastal Georgia

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - Present
  • Majors:
    • Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering
    • Business/Managerial Economics
    • Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Sequoyah High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Environmental/Natural Resources Management and Policy
    • Business/Managerial Economics
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Civic & Social Organization

    • Dream career goals:

      Management in medical or environmental fields

    • Food line server and dishwasher

      2018 – 20202 years
    • Property Maintenance

      Fowler Properties
      2019 – Present5 years



    2021 – Present3 years


    2018 – Present6 years


    2011 – 20176 years


    • Drug Abuse

      Sequoyah High School — Senior Project
      2020 – 2021


    • Sequoyah High School

      2018 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Department of Family and Children Services — Toy drive
      2013 – Present

    Future Interests






    Samuel D. Hartley Memorial Scholarship
    I would love to be considered for the Samuel D. Hartley Memorial Scholarship so I can further my education and help people who need the assistance the most. I am in my third year at the College of Coastal Georgia and I work full-time at the Sea Island Golf Center. I enjoy working there as it provides me with the ability to meet many people from all walks of life who share the same passion for Golf as I do. One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focus on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town who can charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went to the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the number of people that were there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life-flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had to get the treatment in a better-equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket and the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for researching environmental science/ biomedicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines from the environment for common illnesses and provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and underprivileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family, but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford to better my life. Thank you, Kamren Brock
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    My future self will be a medical scientist so I can develop affordable medicines for common illnesses and provide them to rural and underserved communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent.
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    I believe one thing that I do to help out seniors in my community is I buy large print books for our senior center. If I'm out shopping with my mom or if I see a good deal online with large print books I buy them up and donate them to my local senior center. When I drop off the books, I get to see the smiles of the seniors seeing that they have new material to read. I also stay a while and tell them how my day is going, tell them about school and about my family. I also help out my grandparents and other seniors in their community with basic help they may need. If they need someone to take out their trash, rake the leaves, hang up Christmas lights, I am there to assist any way I can. I also do not charge any one for the help that I provide, the joy of helping others is all that I need. I believe we overlook our elderly as a society and I would like to change that. We need to provide for them just as they took care of us.
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    The one thing that I believe would make education better for future generations is for the schools to teach practical courses. Teaching basic skills to be successful in life will allow our youth to take more initiative and help create a more idealistic community. The school should bring back the valuable classes it once had to teach skills students need to be successful not only in school but outside of the school setting. After high school graduation, students leave with little or no practical skills that will help them function on their own in the real world. Even I don’t know anything about balancing a checkbook, or how to pay my taxes, or how to work on a car. These tasks are things that someone trying to live on their own needs to know. All high schools should offer classes that teach these skills to help reduce this problem. Today there are kids who don’t know what they want to do career wise, because they have no experience with anything other than the classes they take. Students do not know what career they want to pursue until they are already in college and have changed majors 2, 3, or maybe even 4 times. People believe that we should spend the valuable time we have in high school learning our normal core subjects such as Math, History, English, and Science. A few people may argue that parents or guardians should be the ones to teach these skills to their children; however there are students that may not live in an environment where that option is available. The sad fact is, some adults either do not care enough to sit down their child and teach these things, or simply do not know about practical skills themselves. Offering practical skills classes and making it known that we offer them can get rid of this altogether. The classes should teach things such as caring for a home, interview skills, maintaining a car, balancing a budget, education on credit, etc. This would teach us to be more responsible earlier allowing us to lead our own lives sooner, instead of depending on our guardians after high school. As a college freshman who hasn’t been taught any of these skills, I find it important that the underclassmen following me and those following them, have the opportunity to be taught these important skills. Teaching basic skills to be successful in life will allow our youth to take more initiative and help create a more idealistic community. The school should bring back the valuable classes it once had to teach skills students need to be successful not only in school but outside of the school setting.
    Trees for Tuition Scholarship Fund
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    Growing up in a single parent home, I never dreamed of attending college. I had a goal of being the first in my family to attend college and now, here I am a freshman at College of Coastal Georgia. My goal in life is to word hard to get what you want and strive to be the best at everything you do. I worked hard at school and at my part time job in order to make the grades and the money to go to college. Now that I am in college, I continue to try to be the best of the best. I study hard and try to make the best grades in all of my classes. Even though I might not be the one on top, at least I try. With that mentality I have been a better person. To be more exact, my specific goals in life it to be a great son, the best brother and helpful grandson. I want to meet a girl who has the same goals and outlook in life and marry and have children. I want to teach my children the gift of giving and compassion for others. I want to be someone that others look up to. I am studying biomedical in order to find cures for illnesses around the world. I want to help the less fortunate. Having the knowledge to be able to treat others who are sick will be the biggest accomplishment I strive for.
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    Almost 53 years ago, the Beatles whispered some words of wisdom: Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. One of the most relatable passages in meditations is actually about just that. "Let it be" means let go, relax, don't worry about your troubles. These are words of comfort, reminding us not to think about sad things too much, to accept the bad things that have happened that we cannot change. But this is not the only message in Paul's song. Next he lifts the listener up and out of his own life, soon he is singing about all the broken hearted people in the world, people who hate each other or are at war. "Although they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see. There will be an answer-- Let it be." This time the words "Let it be" have a different meaning. "Let it be" here does not mean to just relax about our problems and accept bad things. It means "let it happen"-- let some new world, a happier and more peaceful world, become a reality. When Paul McCartney wrote this song in 1969 there was violence in Ireland, wars happening in Vietnam and around the world. So he was speaking about sad and angry people who are fighting one another all over the world. We still have situations like this today, with broken-hearted people fighting each other in Pakistan and India, or Palestine and Israel and even here in the United States. I think this song is Paul McCartney's greatest work. It gives us his vision for peace. It is similar in some ways to the song "Imagine," which John Lennon wrote several years later. Both songs give us hope of a happier and more peaceful world.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    The word generosity to me means giving to someone selflessly. That doesn't always mean money, it could be a compliment, a smile, or doing something nice like holding the door open for someone. I believe it also means that you should be generous without expecting anything else in return. Every time I am out walking in town or in the store and I pass someone I always smile. I hope that if that person is having a bad day then that smile might change their day around. I believe that smiling brings joy to others and can promote peace in the world. Smiling can create a “pay it forward” mentality and the ripple effect can impact a multitude of people. Smiling at strangers is a small exercise in compassion that everyone can take part in and if everyone smiled it would make the world a better place. I also watch and tell others about a YouTube show called Yes Theory. It's a group of friends that believe that life's greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone. My favorite videos are ones that they approach strangers and take them on a once in a lifetime trip or experience. One time went to a strange town, found a stranger and asked them if they know of someone who gives back to their community. They found someone and they remodeled their home. Watching their video's gives me inspiration and by telling people about their videos, I hope others would be inspired. Acts of generosity, such as giving your time, talent or resources, and expecting nothing in return, have been proven to be good for our health. By my generosity I hope I inspire and make this world a better place.
    Hobbies Matter
    I have always had social anxiety while growing up which made it very difficult to make friends while in school. Needless to say attending college as a freshman this year, I thought would be no different. I'm glad to say, I was wrong. Immediately I made friends with my dorms mates and their friends which has lead me to my current and favorite hobby, paddle boarding. I've lived in a mountain community, no where near the ocean my whole life that is why I chose to attend College of Coastal Georgia. Meeting my new group of friends allowed me the confidence to learn how to paddle board. Attending a school only fifteen minutes from the beach, gives me the ability to go everyday. While I'm out there on the board in the ocean, it very calming, tranquil, and relaxing not thinking about the test I have the next day, or homework I have to complete. I've gone out early in the morning watching the sun rise, and late at night gazing up at the stars. I've seen many wild life and natural scenery that I would not be able to see by walking or driving, that was only accessible by water. My friends and I have even paddle boarded to a remote secluded island and camped overnight, which is an experience I will never forget. That is what life should be made of, experiences that when we look back on our life and say "I have had the time of my life". Paddle boarding is not only fun and relaxing it is also supporting a healthy life style by staying active. I could tell the first time that I got on the board that I was about to use every muscles in my body in order to stay on and to paddle. So I can skip the gym and head to the ocean and get all of the workout I need. The best thing that I have found out with paddle boarding is the people you meet. Like I said growing up I've all ways had a hard time making friends and this new hobby has broke me out of my shell. One of the greatest things out on the water has been meeting new people. Whether they are surfing, paddling, kayaking, boating or on the docks as we paddle by, I have met so many fascinating people and some lifelong friends. The community of paddlers is supportive and a camaraderie I haven’t experienced in all of the sports that I have participated in. What better way to recharge and feel alive than out under the sun on the water. Maybe it’s the Vitamin D, maybe the salty air or the peacefulness. I cannot deny the positive energy and vibes that come from moments out on the water. So recharge yourself and get on your board!
    Bold Art Scholarship
    Several years ago I discovered that my father's family is from Japan. My great grandmother came to the United States from Japan in the 1950's. Once I found out where they were from I wanted to learn more about the country and I discovered The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai painted between 1829 – 1833. The composition comprises three main elements: the sea whipped up by a storm, three boats, and a mountain. The mountain with a snow-capped peak is Mount Fuji, which in Japan is considered sacred and a symbol of national identity, as well as a symbol of beauty. Using the boats, with their thirty passengers, as a reference, we can see the wave must be close to 12 meters tall. The wave, which curls around like a claw to frame Mount Fuji, shows the artist’s awe and fear of the unpredictable sea. The artist is Hokusai said “From around the age of six, I had the habit of sketching from life. I became an artist, and from fifty on began producing works that won some reputation, but nothing I did before the age of seventy was worthy of attention. At seventy-three, I began to grasp the structures of birds and beasts, insects and fish, and of the way plants grow. If I go on trying, I will surely understand them still better by the time I am eighty-six, so that by ninety I will have penetrated to their essential nature. At one hundred, I may well have a positively divine understanding of them, while at one hundred and thirty, forty, or more I will have reached the stage where every dot and every stroke I paint will be alive. May Heaven, that grants long life, give me the chance to prove that this is no lie.”
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    One of the biggest problems I believe we face in the world right now is inequalities in many different areas like Wage inequality, Occupational Sex Segregation, Racial Gaps in Education, Racial Discriminations, and Residential Discrimination. If we start treating everyone as though they were created equal regardless of age, sex, race, or religious background then I believe this world will be a better place. In order to change, we must listen and ensure that everyone has the same opportunities. We must eliminate discriminatory laws, invest more in education by reducing or eliminating student debt, and also revise the tax law which harshly taxes low and middleclass incomes. We need to end residential segregation. Higher levels of racial residential segregation within a metropolitan region are strongly correlated with significantly reduced levels of intergenerational upward mobility for all residents of that area. Segregation by income, particularly the isolation of low-income households, also correlates with significantly reduced levels of upward mobility. Eliminating residential segregation by income and race can boost economic mobility for all. Each of these policies, if carefully implemented, has the potential to lift working families out of poverty, support greater economic mobility and/or reduce the growth of inequality. All of these policies could be enacted at the local, state and federal levels if there is political will. While there is still some disagreements of the best way to reduce inequality, there is a growing consensus that inequality should be reduce. Getting policymakers to prioritize these policies will depend on the actions of advocates, voters and other supporters with a vision for a fair and inclusive society so strong that they overwhelm powerful forces that seek to maintain the status quo.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    Picture this, a student who has not read a whole book in over 3 years is reading a novel religiously every chance he can get. I was that student. The book is called Into the Wild, a story about a young man who recently graduated from college and decided to go on an adventure to follow his dreams. How he began his adventure is like no other story. Imagine donating all $26,000 of your savings to a charity, throwing your phone into a river, leaving behind a note to your friends and family, and then taking off to Alaska from Virginia on foot to fulfill your dreams. This is based on a true story. The timing of being assigned this book to read and the point I was at in life seemed to be fate. This book gave me guidance and a new outlook in life which has shaped my identity. The main character, Christopher McCandless, could be described as bright, energetic, and optimistic. Unlike how I was in my junior year of high school, I was merely the complete opposite. Reading had never been exciting to me. Luckily, thanks to the school’s curriculum, that viewpoint had changed. Shortly after finishing Into the Wild, my attitude and perspective on life changed for the better and my friends and family had noticed that. I had become more adventurous and had started to see the world for what it was. Up until reading the book that changed my life, my high school career had been mundane and uneventful. Thankfully, I was assigned a book that I would soon set the standard for what life should be like. Into the Wild allowed me to not take the good things in life for granted and to experience the world for what it is.
    Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
    The joys of turning sixteen usually comes with the excitement of driving for the first time without an adult present. I shared in that excitement, other than, I did not have a vehicle to drive. My mother did not have the financial ability to save her money to pay for me a car to drive. I knew to gain my independence I needed to be creative how I earned money to buy my own vehicle and the expense of owning that vehicle. I have been saving money my whole life. Anytime I would get money for my birthday or holiday’s I would save it and not spend a dime. I had almost a thousand dollars saved up when my mom decided it was time for me to open a savings account. From that point on, I wanted to earn more money, so I asked my grandparents for chores or to baby sit my cousins, what ever I could think of I could do at a young age to make money. I would sale anything I had of value, baseball cards, Pokémon cards, and games. I would help people with homework, do online surveys, provide training for soccer for kids. Then when I turned fifteen, I was able to enter the work force and obtained my first job. At sixteen more job opportunities came and I applied at a golf course where I work at today. That job gave me the ability to save several thousands of dollars to buy my first vehicle. The day had finally come, I went to the local dealership and found exactly what I was looking for. What I wanted cost almost nine thousand dollars, but I only had five thousand. I thought my life was over, until my mom pulled me aside and explained that I could negotiate the price. This was a complete game changer for me, and it became a game on how low they will go. I test drove it, and when it was time to sit down with the sales associate, he said he would come down by five hundred. I told him I have cash and only prepared to spend four thousand. The game went back and forth until he showed me the paperwork, he got the car down to five thousand. Then after I read the final small print, they added on so much fees and extra cost it brought it up another thousand. So, I wanted to show him that even though I was young, I know what I want, so I got up and was ready to leave. He finally caved in reduced the car to include tax, tag, title, and all fees at the amount I was prepared to spend. The lifelong lessoned I learned from that experience, nothing is set in stone and everything has a price. I persevered by being creative in how I earned money to get what I wanted. Most of the time if you don’t like the price it can always be changed.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    My favorite person in history by far is Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician, Bob Marley. Why did I choose him you ask? Well he was committed to peace and unity long before all of the unrest in the world as we know it today. He receive the United Nation's Peace Medal of the Third World on June 15, 1978 for his work appealing for justice and peace during a time of political unrest in Jamaica. Those works should be remembered and applied to the unrest in our country today. It’s true that many others in popular music have spoken to these same concerns, including Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Marvin Gaye, Bruce Springsteen and Tupac Shakur. But with the exception of Tupac, these voices addressed injustice, intolerance, deprivation and oppression from outside the living heart of that experience. Marley risked his life to say the things he believed, and as a result both his art and his example managed to uplift or embolden others in cultures and conditions that no other Western pop star has entered with such authenticity. Although Marley may have lived in a world that is different to the one we find ourselves in today, the reality is that the human problems he encountered were no different from the ones we experience in the 21st century. What is perhaps most significant about Marley’s music is that his message has transcended both time and space. We now find ourselves living in a post-9/11 world where mistrust and intolerance continue to remain dominant, as much as they were back then. It comes as no surprise because Marley spoke of the human condition. His final words to his son and the words that I remind my self often is "Money can't buy life".
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    “Good morning Mrs. Murphey! I just finished chapter eight of Into the Wild.” “You did?!” She said confused, “Well how do you like it so far? I assume a lot since your way ahead of the class.” “I love it. I feel connected to the main character in a certain way that’s hard to explain.” I said as I study the cover. “Well good, just remember that there is a quiz over chapters three through five this Friday.” Picture this, a student who has not read a whole book in over 3 years is reading a novel religiously every chance he can get. I was that student. The book is called Into the Wild, a story about a young man who recently graduated from college and decided to go on an adventure to follow his dreams. How he began his adventure is like no other story. Imagine donating all $26,000 of your savings to a charity, throwing your phone into a river, leaving behind a note to your friends and family, and then taking off to Alaska from Virginia on foot to fulfill your dreams. This is a true story and there is a movie. The timing of being assigned this book to read and the point I was at in life seemed to be fate. This book gave me guidance and a new outlook in life which has shaped my identity. Thankfully, I was assigned a book that I would soon set the standard for what life could be and should be like. Into the Wild allowed me to not take the good things in life for granted and to experience the world for what it is.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    A good book is enjoyable and fun to read but a great book is one you don't ever want to put down. I have discovered a great book series that is set in the Low Country which is where I will be attending school. The series is called the Liz Talbot Mysteries by Susan M. Boyer. I read all 10 of her books in just a few months. I simply could not put them down and you will see why if you read them as well. The books are about Liz Talbot who is a private investigator and her partner and ex-brother in law, Nate Andrews. Each book is a different murder mystery that Liz and Nate have to untangle the pieces to find out what really happened but the characters from one book carry over to the following. But that's not all, Liz can see ghosts and one is her friend Colleen her committed suicide when she was a teenager. Like most books I enjoy this book also has love, life and family issues. Her family even seems just as crazy as mine! Discovering this book even prompted me to join an online book club where we discuss the books that we are reading and recommendations for new books about the Low Country. Any free time I get I pick up a book and read. I enjoy the feeling that I can escape my life and not think about school or work for that time that I am reading. To quote Liz, "This was where I'd always found peace. The ocean was my drug of choice". That how I feel attending my school on the coast of Georgia.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Driving down the road in my 1992 Chevy pickup truck, I see all these nice cars and trucks and it makes me want something new and nicer. Then I realize, majority of those people are in debt to the finance company and does not own those cars. Unlike those people, I don’t have a monthly payment that a percentage of that payment goes to finance charges. That is just throwing money away. Growing up in a single parent home, I have had to budget and see the financial choices my mother had to make to make ends meet. The first thing that I realized if that you shouldn’t charge anything unless you are prepared to pay it off before the end of the month. For the people who have credit card debt, I would suggest paying of the card as soon as possible. Not just make the minimum payment but make a double or triple payment. Paying off the credit cards will not only impact your wallet, but it will also help your credit score. You should always have a budget as well. My mom always had a weekly budget for everything from groceries to bills. She would also have a portion go to entertainment and savings. She would have everything written down in an excel spreadsheet with her income and then how much the expenses were. She would always pay the bills first then the remainder would be divided between saving and entertainment. There will always be a time that you need to have money set aside for an emergency expense like a home repair or car repair. So I would have to say the most helpful piece of advise is to save and not spend more than you already have and try not to finance anything if possible.
    Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
    Plain and simple, Pro-Life means Pro-Love. My mom, a 20-year-old young adult, without a job, without insurance, living in a hotel and not married, found herself pregnant for the first time in her life. Being young and in the situation, she was in did not know what she would do and how she could provide for herself, nevertheless, a baby. Luckily for me, she reached out to a friend who was able to help her with everything she needed to get on her feet, get housing, food, medical care, and a support group. Every life, every soul, is invaluable and needs to be preserved at all cost. People should start to think of abortion is an infringement on the right to life. The worth of life should never be determined or governed by the way another person feels. Based on statistics from the Center for Disease Control, and Guttmacher Institute, more than 1 million abortions are performed each year. Almost 1-2 African American pregnancies end in abortion. If you look deeper as to the reason why, the statistics show that 75% say the reason for the abortion is because it would interfere with work and they cannot financially support a baby. That is why all Pro-Life supporters needs to show these women that they are not alone, they can get free or cheap childcare and financial and food assistance. I see the importance of supporting people on making the right choice and letting them know they have ways to choose life and love. When I find out that someone I know is pregnant or got someone else pregnant, I let them know they are not alone. My grandmother works for the department of family and children services, so she can assist the mother to obtain medical insurance, which in my state is free to expectant mothers. Once they start the process of insurance, then they can obtain many other benefits like free groceries, free birth and child classes, free clothing for her and the child and free supplies. If the mother knows that she wants to adopt, I also can give her resource through DFCS for adoption support. Love and support don’t stop when a mother finds out that she is pregnant. When the baby is born, I set up a food donation link so her friends and family can donate money or food delivery so she doesn’t have to worry about meals, it will be provided to her for a few weeks at least. I also believe that if we cannot get abortion banned, then more education needs to be made mandatory before an abortion is performed. I also feel that insurance should not pay for these abortions. We need to make it easier to keep the baby, but sadly I feel that society has made it easier for abortion. We need to educate society that abortion ends an innocent life, which is a priceless gift. Abortion ends that life here on earth and the possibility that child might have developed the cure for many diseases. “I found the cure to cancer, diabetes and aids, but you aborted me”! I read those words on a billboard in as a child and it has stayed with me all these years and words that I share and live by daily.
    Lillie Award
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and can charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for research environmental science/ biomedicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines from the environment for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family, but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford to better my life.
    Education Matters Scholarship
    Most of my life the only biological parent I have lived with is my mother. My mother has been my reason to go to college and show her that her love and sacrifice has not gone unnoticed and appreciated. While she has shown me how I should live, my biological father has shown me what not to do in life. Growing up I knew my father, even though my parents were not together, I was still able to visit with him when he was in town and had not been using drugs. When I was young, early one morning, my mother received a phone call that my father had been arrested for murder in Panama City Beach, Florida. Murder! I knew my father had a temper but was he capable of murder? My head was spinning trying to think back and connect the dots to see if I saw any signs that he was a murderer. We received a letter in the mail from him explaining what happened and what went wrong in his life. As stated previously, my dad used drugs and while high one day he blacked out and took someone’s life. This made me so confused, I loved my father, but how can I love someone who took someone else’s life? Being so confused on how I should feel made me become an angry teenager. I rebelled against my mother, started getting bad grades in school and even started smoking weed with my friends. One day, I came home from being out with my friends, I snapped and got angry at my mom for questioning me. I wanted to get away so I walked away from my house wanting and deciding on if I should run away. My mom started going through my room and my truck and found out that I had been smoking. She later found me down the street from where I live and that was the turning point in my life. I saw the disappointment and the hurt on my mom’s face and realized that I needed to stop acting this way, but that question remained, how could I have loved someone that could kill someone? Soon after, my father was transferred to another state prison that allows contact through email. This is where we started talking again. Nothing that my father can say will ever help me to understand what made him do the things he did in order to become incarcerated and receive the death penalty, but at least I can start understanding who he was without the drugs in his life. That is who I love, the person who helped create me and not the behavior from him. His actions have shown me that just because you are confused, scared and angry, drugs are not the answer. Get help and talk with someone, anyone, and everyone who will listen. Although I have made some bad decisions in my life, I have realized I learned from my bad choices. I will have to watch my father grow old in prison and one day he will be put to death. We all must pay for our actions, and I hate that his actions killed two lives, his victim and him, but my life if not over, it has only begun.
    I Am Third Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    My favorite artist by far is Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician, Bob Marley. He receive the United Nation's Peace Medal of the Third World on June 15, 1978 for his work appealing for justice and peace during a time of political unrest in Jamaica. Those works should be remembered and applied to the unrest in our country today. His final words to his son and the words that I remind my self often is "Money can't buy life". Driving down the road in my 1992 Chevy pickup truck, I see all these nice cars and trucks and it makes me want something new and nicer. Then I realize, majority of those people are in debt to the finance company and does not own those cars. Unlike those people, I don’t have a monthly payment that a percentage of that payment goes to finance charges. That is just throwing money away. Growing up in a single parent home, I have had to budget and see the financial choices my mother had to make to make ends meet. People who have a lot of money might not have to worry about whether they'll have enough to make the mortgage payment, and they feel very fortunate. But it isn't nirvana either. If their kids have access to a lot of money, and therefore a lot of drugs, that hurts just as much as if they don't have any money and their kids are doing drugs. It doesn't save you from any of that. It's still a parent who has a child who is hurting. Therefore I live by the quote "Money can't buy life." I live in the now and try to enjoy every moment life holds for me regardless of the situation.
    First-Gen in Health & Medicine Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    To say that 2020 was a year to remember is an understatement. So much happened during 2020 that was epic. We had a global pandemic, the presidential elections with a major upset to the setting president, and protest for racial injustice. While all of that alone is remarkable, what I will remember most is meeting my paternal family for the first time. Then the pandemic happened and with all the chaos came a message from someone claiming to be my biological brother. Wow! I had a brother which I knew about, but he reached out to me. What began a terrible year to ending great! I was able to start a great relationship with my half-brother with who I hope I can look up to for advice in the future. So yes, 2020 will be a year I will never forget.
    Fleming Law College Scholarship
    Smartphones are basically computers at our fingertips. They can do astonishing things, but at what cost and how much are they distracting us from our lives? We can join meetings, video chat with family across the country, work from home, bank and basically do anything and everything we need to for our daily activities. A smartphone is considered as important as a learning tool. With the help of the internet on our phone, we can find a solution to any problem or an answer to any question. A smartphone offers the world’s largest library as stated by Ray Kurzweil “Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge.” Who has not watched a movie, clip or listened to music on their phone? I am pretty sure that everyone with a smartphone, has watched a movie a time or two. You can play games, watch movies, and watch video for educational or exercise purposes. I found out that 42% of cell phone owners used their phone for entertainment when they are bored. It is also said that a picture is worth a thousand words. With a smartphone, we can capture the world’s most beautiful images. Many times, we are not able to visit outside our own country but with the tools provided to us through our phones are able to visit anywhere. Mobile phones are also providing a sense of security and important for emergency services. My mom, as well as many other parents, can track me and my driving wherever I go. This proves to my mom that I can be trusted to go where I say I am going, to follow the speed limit and if she cannot reach me, she can see exactly where I am at all times. We both feel better that in case of an actual emergency like an accident, breakdown, or medical emergency, I can call for help. This is very important since I will be driving back and forth to college which is 6 hours away from home in the next few months. With all the positives there are also many negative influences of being a mobile phone owner. Despite being useful and necessary in our day to day lives it does cause many to be more unsocial. If you ever see a couple out on a date, I will guess majority of them are also on their phone instead of engaging in conversation. Phones have also isolated us from family and friends, which is a irony since it can also connect us. They have also caused thousands of car accidents. Using a mobile while driving is a major reason for car accidents. Per the National Safety Council report “Cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving”. While I won’t say that I never have text and drove, because the reality is that I have, but I know that I shouldn’t. I have enabled safety features on my phone that will allow me to text and drive by my voice and I never check a text while driving down the road. That will always wait until I am stopped at a red light or when I am at my destination. Despite the downsides, it’s hard to dispute the advantages of cell phones and its assistance in our daily lives. Cell phones are an outstanding accessory, but like everything they have their benefits and drawback and it us up to us to decide what impact this will have in our lives.
    Little Bundle Supermom Scholarship — High School Award
    Growing up with a single mother is great at times, but it's not easy. I have learned over the last 18 years that a single mother will do anything it takes to make you happy and give you the best possible life they can, but doing any major task alone is stressful and difficult. We had our rough patches that are unique to a single mother household. However, that doesn't mean growing up with a single mother is any worse than growing up with any other type of family. In fact, from my experience, it may even be better. I love my mom and would not change what we have experienced together for anything else. I grew up the only son of a single mother, so it was one-on-one relationship. As I got older, I always knew I could go directly to her for any advice on any topic, from friendships to puberty. Nothing was off limits. But because she worked long hours to be able to provide for me, she didn't have the time or energy to do things that the average parent would do when I was younger. She couldn’t take me to school in the mornings and she wasn't able to play much with me after grueling work weeks. One thing my mother always made sure we had was to sit down at the same table for a home-cooked meal. I'm not going to lie, parts of my youth did make me sad, especially when I compared my home life to other kids'. But not getting to see my mom all the time was also my "normal." Every family is different and has a different daily routine. When you're the child of a single parent, you get used to the fact that they can't always be there. But the best part of my day was always when she came home from work at and I could finally see her and hug her and jump on her. It made me deeply appreciate the moments we did have together, and it made them more precious to me. Since my mom was often away from home and working, I had to grow up a little bit faster than my friends. I had to be the adult in the house when my mom wasn't around. Because my mom was frequently absent, I had to learn how to be strong on my own. I had to learn how to be responsible for myself and for others. When my mom couldn't field an electrician's visit because she was at work, I had to do it. I also had to make sure the pets were fed and properly taken care of. My mom didn't pester me about my responsibilities because she had her own. As a result, I became more mature more quickly and learned things about the world and about growing up that my peers didn't learn until much later. Thick skin and independence are invaluable as you become an adult. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather who was not able to take care of himself due to us living in a rural part of Georgia. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family, but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    My favorite artist by far is Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician, Bob Marley. He receive the United Nation's Peace Medal of the Third World on June 15, 1978 for his work appealing for justice and peace during a time of political unrest in Jamaica. Those works should be remembered and applied to the unrest in our country today. His final words to his son and the words that I remind my self often is "Money can't buy life".
    "Your Success" Youssef Scholarship
    Ever since I was a little kid, I enjoyed playing sports. No matter the sport, if it included a competition, I was right there waiting in line to be picked. I believe that fire to compete and be in first place led me to the College of Coastal Georgia. In fact, my favorite soccer coach went to CCGA and ever since then I have always wanted to be holding a diploma from there. An obstacle that I suffer from is social anxiety. This has plagued me and prevented me from becoming a typical high school student with a ton of friends. This has affected me in other ways; however, I believe going to CCGA and being able to make my own decisions will allow me to move past this issue. When I do interact with others, it's a constant flow of humor and brotherly love. I have a close-knit friend group who likes to play video games every night and hang out at each other’s houses at every chance given. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather who was not able to take care of himself due to us living in a rural part of Georgia. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family, but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life. My mother was the only person in my family that has attended college, all be it a technical school and she could not graduate because she became pregnant with me. Therefore, if I attend CCGA and graduate, I will be the first person in all my immediate family that has graduated from a college, let alone a four-year college. I am simple, I do not require much attention from others, I keep to myself for the most part, and I enjoy being the one with the gold medal standing on the podium. For others, these may seem like terrible qualities, however those qualities have led me to my dream school.
    Little Bundle Supermom Scholarship — College Award
    Growing up with a single mother is great at times, but it's not easy. I have learned over the last 18 years that a single mother will do anything it takes to make you happy and give you the best possible life they can, but doing any major task alone is stressful and difficult. We had our rough patches that are unique to a single mother household. However, that doesn't mean growing up with a single mother is any worse than growing up with any other type of family. In fact, from my experience, it may even be better. I love my mom and would not change what we have experienced together for anything else. I grew up the only son of a single mother, so it was one-on-one relationship. As I got older, I always knew I could go directly to her for any advice on any topic, from friendships to puberty. Nothing was off limits. But because she worked long hours to be able to provide for me, she didn't have the time or energy to do things that the average parent would do when I was younger. She couldn’t take me to school in the mornings and she wasn't able to play much with me after grueling work weeks. One thing my mother always made sure we had was to sit down at the same table for a home-cooked meal. I'm not going to lie, parts of my youth did make me sad, especially when I compared my home life to other kids'. But not getting to see my mom all the time was also my "normal." Every family is different and has a different daily routine. When you're the child of a single parent, you get used to the fact that they can't always be there. But the best part of my day was always when she came home from work at and I could finally see her and hug her and jump on her. It made me deeply appreciate the moments we did have together, and it made them more precious to me. Since my mom was often away from home and working, I had to grow up a little bit faster than my friends. I had to be the adult in the house when my mom wasn't around. Because my mom was frequently absent, I had to learn how to be strong on my own. I had to learn how to be responsible for myself and for others. When my mom couldn't field an electrician's visit because she was at work, I had to do it. I also had to make sure the pets were fed and properly taken care of. My mom didn't pester me about my responsibilities because she had her own. As a result, I became more mature more quickly and learned things about the world and about growing up that my peers didn't learn until much later. Thick skin and independence are invaluable as you become an adult. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather who was not able to take care of himself due to us living in a rural part of Georgia. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family, but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Pelipost Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    Most of my life the only biological parent I have lived with is my mother. My mother has been my reason to go to college and show her that her love and sacrifice has not gone unnoticed and appreciated. While she has shown me how I should live, my biological father has shown me what not to do in life. Growing up I knew my father, even though my parents were not together, I was still able to visit with him when he was in town and had not been using drugs. When I was young, early one morning, my mother received a phone call that my father had been arrested for murder in Panama City Beach, Florida. Murder! I knew my father had a temper but was he capable of murder? My head was spinning trying to think back and connect the dots to see if I saw any signs that he was a murderer. We received a letter in the mail from him explaining what happened and what went wrong in his life. As stated previously, my dad used drugs and while high one day he blacked out and took someone’s life. This made me so confused, I loved my father, but how can I love someone who took someone else’s life? Being so confused on how I should feel made me become an angry teenager. I rebelled against my mother, started getting bad grades in school and even started smoking weed with my friends. One day, I came home from being out with my friends, I snapped and got angry at my mom for questioning me. I wanted to get away so I walked away from my house wanting and deciding on if I should run away. My mom started going through my room and my truck and found out that I had been smoking. She later found me down the street from where I live and that was the turning point in my life. I saw the disappointment and the hurt on my mom’s face and realized that I needed to stop acting this way, but that question remained, how could I have loved someone that could kill someone? Soon after, my father was transferred to another state prison that allows contact through email. This is where we started talking again. Nothing that my father can say will ever help me to understand what made him do the things he did in order to become incarcerated and receive the death penalty, but at least I can start understanding who he was without the drugs in his life. That is who I love, the person who helped create me and not the behavior from him. His actions have shown me that just because you are confused, scared and angry, drugs are not the answer. Get help and talk with someone, anyone, and everyone who will listen. Although I have made some bad decisions in my life, I have realized I learned from my bad choices. I will have to watch my father grow old in prison and one day he will be put to death. We all must pay for our actions, and I hate that his actions killed two lives, his victim and him, but my life if not over, it has only begun.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    Growing up in a single parent household was a struggle financially at times. I might not have had the brand new Nikes everyone was wearing or the latest up to date clothes or phone but my mom made sure I had what I needed and never missed out on a chance to learn life lessons. The joys of turning sixteen usually comes with the excitement of driving for the first time without an adult present. I shared in that excitement, other than, I did not have a vehicle to drive. My mother did not have the financial ability to save her money to pay for me a car to drive. I knew to gain my independence I needed to do what it took to make and save money to buy my own vehicle and the expense of owning that vehicle. I have been saving money my whole life. Anytime I would get money for my birthday or holiday’s I would save it and not spend a dime. I had almost a thousand dollars saved up when my mom decided it was time for me to open a savings account. From that point on, I wanted to earn more money, so I asked my grandparents for chores or to baby sit my cousins, what ever I could think of I could do at a young age to make money. Then when I turned fifteen, I was able to enter the work force and obtained my first job. At sixteen more job opportunities came and I applied at a golf course where I work at today. That job gave me the ability to save several thousands of dollars to buy my first vehicle. The day had finally come, I went to the local dealership and found exactly what I was looking for. What I wanted cost almost nine thousand dollars, but I only had five thousand. I thought my life was over, until my mom pulled me aside and explained that I could negotiate the price. This was a complete game changer for me, and it became a game on how low they will go. I test drove it, and when it was time to sit down with the sales associate, he said he would come down by five hundred. I told him I have cash and only prepared to spend four thousand. The game went back and forth until he showed me the paperwork, he got the car down to five thousand. Then after I read the final small print, they added on so much fees and extra cost it brought it up another thousand. So, I wanted to show him that even though I was young, I know what I want, so I got up and was ready to leave. He finally caved in reduced the car to include tax, tag, title, and all fees at the amount I was prepared to spend. The lifelong lessoned I learned from that experience, nothing is set in stone and everything has a price. Most of the time if you don’t like the price it can always be changed.
    White Coat Pending Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    I have several goals and asperations in life so it was very difficult for me to just choose one while going to college. After I decided to go into the biomedical field, I also decided that I like the environmental studies and economics. All of these studies interest me, so I will double major and have a minor. I love school and while I did not apply my self at high school very well, I realize the importance in a great education now that I am a little older. I will be the first in my entire family to go to college. My mother is a single parent who struggled to make ends meet at times in my young life. I don't want that for myself or my future family. Thank you for this consideration.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life. Thank you, Kamren Brock
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    There really isn't an image I could share of me doing the most bold thing I have ever done, but I reached out to my biological family on my fathers side a few years ago. They are of Japanese heritage and I thought it was so special to get to know them and the struggles they encountered coming here from Yamagata, Japan. Even thought we have only spoke on the phone and text I still have a good relationship with them. Hopefully soon I will take that next step and meet them in person.
    JuJu Foundation Scholarship
    Ever since I was a little kid I enjoyed playing sports. No matter the sport, if it included a competition, I was right there waiting in line to be picked. I believe that fire to compete and be in first place led me to the College of Coastal Georgia. In fact, my favorite soccer coach went to CCGA and ever since then I have always wanted to be holding a diploma from there. Throughout my early childhood, I visited the beach multiple times and every time we had to leave, I dreamed of what it would be like to live by the beach. Applying for CCGA has allowed me this opportunity of a life time to fulfill my dream. When I actually do interact with others, it's a constant flow of humor and brotherly love. I have a close-knit friend group who likes to play video games every night and hang out at each others houses' at every chance given. An obstacle that I suffer from is social anxiety. This has plagued me and prevented me from becoming a typical high school student with a ton of friends. This has affected me in other ways, however I believe going to CCGA and being able to make my own decisions will allow me to move past this issue and become a better me. My mother was the only person in my family that has attended college, all be it a technical school and she could not graduate because she became pregnant with me. Therefore, if I attend CCGA and graduate, I will be the first person in all of my immediate family that has graduated from a college, let alone a four year college. In the shortest possible summary, this is who I am. I am simple, I do not require much attention from others, I keep to myself for the most part, and I enjoy being the one with the gold medal standing on the podium. For others, these may seem like terrible qualities, however those qualities has led me to my dream school.
    Mary Jo Huey Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Misha Brahmbhatt Help Your Community Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Bervell Health Equity Scholarship
    One of the most discussed matters in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the people of the United States of America. While many focuses on accessible and affordable health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible and affordable procedures within the healthcare provider system. With this scholarship, I will be beginning my college education in the biomedical field gaining the knowledge to help those who need the assistance the most. Growing up in a small Georgia town, the closest hospital was twenty minutes away. While this is close considering many in the all over this nation must drive more than an hour or sometimes longer to the obtain the necessary medical treatment they require. In many communities in rural Georgia, there is only one family doctor in town and are able to charge whatever he or she wants for an appointment and medicine because they are the only provider for many, many miles around. Most country families rely on home remedies to treat any ailment for their selves and their children in order to save money for the medicine and because of the length of drive for treatment. Minimal medical care was not a concern to me until my grandfather went in the hospital for what we thought was simply an upset stomach. After waiting in a hospital waiting room for many hours due to the amount of people that was there, he found out that he was having a massive heart attack. Since my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the upset stomach was just a disguise for the heart problems he was having. Since he was in a rural part of Georgia, they had to life flight him to another hospital better equipped to treat his heart attack. This flight alone was not covered under any medical insurance even though this was the only option he had in order to get the treatment in a better equipped hospital. He had to pay out of pocket which the cost alone made me want to fight for better access to affordable providers. That is when my passion for medicine took form. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help more people like my grandfather. I have decided to study in this field because I want to find affordable medicines for common illnesses and to provide it to rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. These are the communities I plan to serve, the underserved and under privileged communities of Georgia. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education and become the first in my family to go to a four-year college. It would show not only my family but I could prove to myself that I can accomplish the skills and education that my family was not able to afford in order to better my life.
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    Ever since I was a little kid I enjoyed playing sports. No matter the sport, if it included a competition, I was right there waiting in line to be picked. I believe that fire to compete and be in first place led me to the College of Coastal Georgia. In fact, my favorite soccer coach went to CCGA and ever since then I have always wanted to be holding a diploma from there. Throughout my early childhood, I visited the beach multiple times and every time we had to leave, I dreamed of what it would be like to live by the beach. Applying for CCGA has allowed me this opportunity of a life time to fulfill my dream. When I actually do interact with others, it's a constant flow of humor and brotherly love. I have a close-knit friend group who likes to play video games every night and hang out at each others houses' at every chance given. An obstacle that I suffer from is social anxiety. This has plagued me and prevented me from becoming a typical high school student with a ton of friends. This has affected me in other ways, however I believe going to CCGA and being able to make my own decisions will allow me to move past this issue and become a better me. My mother was the only person in my family that has attended college, all be it a technical school and she could not graduate because she became pregnant with me. Therefore, if I attend CCGA and graduate, I will be the first person in all of my immediate family that has graduated from a college, let alone a four year college. In the shortest possible summary, this is who I am. I am simple, I do not require much attention from others, I keep to myself for the most part, and I enjoy being the one with the gold medal standing on the podium. For others, these may seem like terrible qualities, however those qualities has led me to my dream school.