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Justina Diggs


Bold Points




I am a single mother of 2 beautiful girls. I am a Deans' List student at Everglades University with a GPA of 3.75. I am a rising junior looking to finish my schooling with no other setbacks, I had to voluntarily withdraw due to my finances, however, I will return this May 2024. I am going for my BA in Science of Alternative Medicine and I am looking forward to opening my wellness center to help heal our people from daily ailments, with my homemade poultices, salves, and tinctures. I am very passionate in knowing that I can have a part in this world helping others feel better knowing that they don't have to succumb to any illness but with the about proper environment and foods, their bodies have a fighting chance.


Everglades University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Alternative Medicine

    • Dream career goals:

      FAR Impact Scholarship
      As I have begun my spiritual journey in 2019, I have become more in tune with my emotions and senses. I became very interested in herbs and plants for healing instead of prescription medication. I learned that chamomile and lavender work well for anxiety and relaxation so I intertwined those into my sleep schedule and found that it worked. So a few of my family members suffered from insomnia as well so I mentioned what I used and they decided to try it and quickly noticed that it helped them as well. I have helped my family over the years with minor ailments that they have been dealing with, with herbal teas and they trust in me to do so, especially when they are sick. I have made homemade elderberry syrup as well before to assist in the healing of the flu virus in my little ones. Before doing so I did my research on elderberries and how to properly cook them before making them into syrup for consumption. My career goal once I graduate is to open up my wellness center to help others heal from the inside out by selling my tinctures, poultices, and salves. I strongly believe that the human body can heal itself with the proper foods and environments internally and externally. The body is a very intelligent vessel and intricate and it should be respected and taken care of as such. I want to build a pantry with all of my herbs and tinctures in mason jars and dark-colored jars to not only treat my clients in my center but also they can feel free and comfortable taking some home and continue treatment there until their next visit with me. Alternative medicine can help others a great deal because it is much healthier than prescribed medication and much more affordable. People who are suffering from anxiety, depression, asthma, and even COPD can be treated in my office with herbs and plants. After I complete a full assessment of course and gain all of the medical history, I will be able to concoct a much more efficient tincture and measurements as well. People can sleep more peacefully and enjoy life without the worry of how to afford certain medications or if that medication will work or not. My salves, poultices, and tinctures will assist them in ways they would not even think of and they will be satisfied and relieved. I am going to graduate with my BA in Science of Alternative Medicine, while still on the Dean's List. I am ready and look forward to healing our people from everyday ailments.
      Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
      Zendaya is such a beautiful and talented woman. I loved her on "Shake It Up," and "KC Undercover." Her acting is superb and creative all around. I especially grew fond of her once I have heard her music. Her song "Replay," has always been one of my favorites. Her swag and professional choreography were so amazing in that video. As a woman of African American status Zendaya is paving ways all around her for the next generation to prosper effortlessly. She adores her fans and supporters and carries herself with such grace, class, and respect. I truly admire her all around, however, her music career is what I connect to most because music is life and it moves people in ways one would not have thought. In a world of carnage and hate, there is music there to bring loved ones together, strangers even. Love and music will always outshine the most insidious of things. Zendaya's bubbly mannerisms, respectful attitude, and loving of people carry her through her career in such a way that it grabs the attention of the young ones and becomes the motivation for them and they gain strength and push to become their best selves. This world is tough already on colored people, so seeing another one of us succeed and win gives the rest of us hope and even faith.
      Minority Women in LAS Scholarship
      I am not sure that I am an immigrant, however, I am a single African American woman who is a mother of 2 young beautiful girls, in corporate America where we know all too well the unjust system that is pinned us minorities and immigrants. I am going for my BA in Alternative Medicine at Everglades University. I am a rising junior with a GPA of 3.75 and I have maintained my Dean's List status for the past three semesters and unfortunately had to withdraw due to my finances. It has been very difficult for me to find decent jobs and fair pay without being discriminated against due to my not being fair-skinned or white. I am determined to get back into my classes by May of this year and walk across that stage in 2026. Getting this degree is very symbolic spiritually and being that I am the first in my family to do so. I am paving the way for my daughters, they will look back and know that Mama did not give up. I want them to know that even though we may live in a world that is extremely unfair and unjust to people of color, we can still achieve success on so many different levels. I come from a family of 6 and I am the second oldest. I grew up in a household where education after high school was unheard of. My mother tried to keep me from going to college by cussing out the advisors and whoever else tried to stand up for me. I had the courage one day to move out of my mother's house when I was 18 and I put myself through school to try and make a better life for myself. I did not want to struggle like how I saw so many do when I was younger, I knew that I wanted something better for my future and my kids to come. My daughters are 8 and 9, they are my world and I make it my business to teach and show them everything that I was not and everything that I know now. One is a mathematician in her class and she is in 3rd grade, my oldest loves art and creates the world through it. As a single parent, this world is tough and can be evil at times, however, I refuse to lose and quit, I am building a legacy.