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Joshua Dong


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My name is Joshua Dong, and I am currently a student at Cornell University, pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management with an impressive 4.0 GPA. This scholarship represents not just financial assistance but an encouragement towards my aspiration of making a significant impact in the field of accounting. My academic journey at Cornell has been a blend of rigorous coursework and practical experience. I have immersed myself in subjects such as Business Management and Organization, Statistics, Spreadsheet Modeling, and Financial Accounting, which have laid a robust foundation for my future career. I have actively sought out real-world experiences to complement my studies. My roles in organizations like Project Destined and PGIM have allowed me to apply my academic learnings in real estate analysis, showcasing my analytical skills and my ability to handle complex financial data. I co-founded Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization that aims to provide assistance to homeless communities. This experience has taught me the value of accountability and transparency in financial dealings, further fueling my passion for accounting. It has also shown me how effective financial management can be a force for good, bringing about positive changes in society.


Cornell University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Business/Managerial Economics

Jericho Senior High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Business/Managerial Economics
    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
    • Finance and Financial Management Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Real Estate

    • Dream career goals:

    • Centergy Tax

      Centergy Tax
      2023 – 20241 year

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Help Homeless Inc — President
      2020 – Present
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    Living sustainably in today’s world is not just a personal choice; it's a moral imperative. The decisions we make daily, from the food we consume to the way we travel, have profound impacts on our planet. As someone deeply invested in creating a better future through initiatives like Help Homeless Inc and pursuing a career in real estate with a focus on affordable and sustainable housing, I am acutely aware of the importance of reducing one's carbon footprint. My journey toward sustainability is guided by intentional choices that reflect my commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Firstly, my approach to sustainable living is rooted in mindfulness about consumption. This includes minimizing waste by practicing recycling and composting, and prioritizing the purchase of products with minimal packaging. Recognizing the significant environmental impact of food production, I've shifted towards a more plant-based diet. This not only reduces the demand for resource-intensive animal agriculture but also aligns with my health and ethical values. In the realm of fashion, I opt for second-hand clothing or sustainably made garments, reducing my contribution to the fast fashion industry, which is notorious for its heavy environmental toll. Transportation is another area where I make conscious choices to live more sustainably. Whenever possible, I prefer walking, cycling, or using public transportation over driving. This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also promotes a healthier lifestyle. For longer distances, I choose trains over planes when feasible and support airlines that offer carbon offset programs. These choices, while sometimes more time-consuming, represent my commitment to reducing my carbon footprint in every aspect of my life. In my academic and professional pursuits, I advocate for and work towards sustainable practices. My involvement with Project Destined and my aspirations in real estate are centered around the development of sustainable, affordable housing. This includes advocating for energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and green spaces in urban development projects. By integrating sustainability into my career, I aim to amplify my impact, contributing to the creation of communities that are not only economically viable but also environmentally responsible. The importance of reducing one's carbon footprint cannot be overstated. Climate change poses an existential threat to our planet, impacting biodiversity, human health, and economic stability. Every ton of carbon dioxide we prevent from entering the atmosphere contributes to mitigating the adverse effects of global warming. Beyond the environmental imperative, there's a social dimension to sustainability. By living sustainably, we can address inequalities, ensuring that resources are used judiciously and preserved for future generations. It's about creating a world where economic development does not come at the expense of our planet's health. In conclusion, the intentional choices I make to live sustainably reflect my commitment to environmental conservation and social equity. These decisions, from diet and transportation to my professional aspirations, are grounded in a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of our actions and their impact on the planet. I believe that by living sustainably, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but also contribute to a more just and equitable world. It's a testament to the belief that individual actions, when collectively embraced, can drive significant change towards a more sustainable future.
    VNutrition & Wellness’ Annual LGBTQ+ Vitality Scholarship
    In a world where education is not just a pathway to personal growth but also a means to effect societal change, my academic journey at Cornell University in Applied Economics and Management is anchored in a commitment to create a more inclusive and equitable society. The obstacles faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, marked by discrimination and social stigma, necessitate the need for educated advocates who can foster understanding, empathy, and tangible change. As an ally and advocate, I am dedicated to using my education to contribute positively to society, particularly in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. My pursuit of a degree in Applied Economics and Management is not solely for personal advancement but is intrinsically linked to my desire to champion inclusivity and equity in the professional world. The principles of economics and management provide a unique lens to understand the systemic barriers that hinder the progress of marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals. With this understanding, I aim to develop inclusive economic policies and business practices that promote equal opportunities, fair treatment, and a supportive environment for all, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. As I aspire to venture into the realm of real estate and management, my goal is to establish workplace cultures that are not only diverse but also genuinely inclusive. This involves advocating for policies such as comprehensive anti-discrimination protections, inclusive healthcare benefits, and equitable hiring practices. Additionally, I plan to actively support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurship through mentorship programs, financial support, and creating platforms for their businesses to thrive. Beyond the professional sphere, I am committed to engaging with community initiatives that support LGBTQ+ rights and well-being. This includes volunteering with organizations that provide resources and support to LGBTQ+ youth, participating in advocacy campaigns, and using my platform as a future business leader to raise awareness about the challenges faced by this community. My experience with Help Homeless Inc has equipped me with the skills to organize, mobilize, and advocate for marginalized groups, a skill set I plan to utilize in championing LGBTQ+ rights. In the realm of education, I aim to collaborate with educational institutions to develop and support programs that educate about LGBTQ+ issues, promote understanding and acceptance, and provide support to LGBTQ+ students. This includes initiatives like inclusive curriculums, support groups, and resources that cater to the mental and emotional well-being of LGBTQ+ students. In conclusion, my education at Cornell University is a tool that I plan to wield to make a significant impact on society, particularly in advocating for and supporting the LGBTQ+ community. By integrating principles of economics and management with a deep commitment to inclusivity and equity, I aim to contribute to a society where LGBTQ+ individuals are not just accepted but celebrated for their unique identities. This scholarship represents an opportunity to further my education and bolster my efforts in creating a more inclusive and equitable world for all.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    In the demanding and dynamic landscape of college life, mental health stands as a pivotal factor that shapes our academic success, personal growth, and overall well-being. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I have come to understand and value the importance of mental health, not just as a concept but as a vital practice in my daily life. Understanding the Importance of Mental Health My belief in the importance of mental health is rooted in the understanding that our mental state significantly influences our perception, decision-making, and interactions with the world. In the rigorous environment of Cornell, where academic pressures and the challenges of navigating a new phase of life are prevalent, maintaining mental wellness is crucial. It is the lens through which we view our challenges and successes. Good mental health enhances resilience, fosters creativity, and promotes a more profound capacity for learning, all of which are essential in a demanding academic field like mine. Strategies for Maintaining Mental Wellness Maintaining mental wellness, especially as a college student, requires a conscious and consistent effort. My approach to mental health is multi-faceted, combining physical well-being, social support, and personal development: Physical Activity and Mindfulness: Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of my mental wellness strategy. Engaging in sports, be it cycling or badminton, not only keeps me physically fit but also serves as a stress reliever and a source of joy. Additionally, I practice mindfulness and meditation, which help in fostering a calm and focused mind, essential for tackling the complexities of my studies. Building a Supportive Community: The value of a supportive community cannot be overstated. I actively engage with peers and participate in clubs and organizations, such as my role in Help Homeless Inc and the Alpha Fund. These engagements provide a sense of belonging and a network of support, which is vital for mental well-being. Balancing Academics and Personal Interests: Balancing academic responsibilities with personal interests is crucial for mental health. I allocate time for hobbies and interests outside of my academic pursuits, like reading and engaging in nonprofit work. These activities provide a creative outlet and a break from the rigors of academic life. Seeking Professional Help When Needed: Recognizing the importance of professional support, I do not hesitate to seek counseling services offered by the university. Professional guidance is instrumental in gaining insights into managing stress and anxiety, particularly during challenging times. The Role of Mental Health in Shaping the Future As I navigate my college journey and prepare for a future in economics and management, the importance of mental health remains paramount. It is the foundation upon which I build my academic achievements and the lens that shapes my worldview. Good mental health is not just about coping with challenges; it's about thriving in the face of them. Conclusion In conclusion, mental health is a critical component of my life as a student and a future professional. It is the bedrock of resilience, a source of creativity, and a catalyst for personal and academic growth. By maintaining my mental wellness through a balanced lifestyle, supportive community, and professional guidance, I am better equipped to navigate the challenges of college and beyond. This scholarship, aimed at raising awareness for mental health, resonates deeply with my values and experiences, reaffirming my commitment to prioritizing mental wellness in all aspects of life.
    Caring 4 Carrie (C4C) Kidney Advocacy Scholarship
    Kidney disease, often a silent struggle, leaves an indelible mark on those it touches. My journey, as Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, has been intricately intertwined with this challenging ordeal, not through personal affliction, but through the experience of a cherished family member. This journey has profoundly shaped my perspectives, aspirations, and character. While I have not personally battled kidney disease, its impact entered my life through my grandfather's struggle with chronic kidney failure. Witnessing his journey, marked by resilience yet fraught with challenges, has been a poignant chapter in my life. His battle was not just with the physical symptoms but also with the psychological and emotional toll of a life-altering illness. The countless hospital visits, treatments, and the overall uncertainty significantly impacted our family, introducing me to the complexities of healthcare and the importance of empathy and resilience. Empathy, a virtue ingrained in me through this experience, has become a cornerstone of my personal and academic life. Seeing my grandfather's courage and the unwavering support of healthcare professionals inspired my profound respect for the medical field and the compassionate individuals dedicated to caring for others. This experience has catalyzed my interest in the intersection of healthcare and economics, particularly in how economic policies and management strategies can improve healthcare delivery and accessibility. This personal experience has fueled my aspiration to make a positive impact in healthcare management. Witnessing the financial strain that medical expenses can impose, I am driven to explore how economic principles can be applied to make healthcare more affordable and efficient, especially for chronic conditions like kidney disease. My academic pursuit in economics and management is not just a career path but a platform to contribute to meaningful change in healthcare systems. My grandfather's journey with kidney disease, though fraught with challenges, was also a story of hope and perseverance. It instilled in me a sense of resilience and a deep understanding of the value of health and well-being. In my career, I plan to honor his legacy by advocating for healthcare policies that prioritize patient welfare and economic sustainability. In conclusion, my indirect experience with kidney disease has been a defining element of my life, shaping my character and guiding my academic and career goals. It has taught me the value of empathy, the importance of resilience, and the need for effective healthcare management. Through my future endeavors in economics and healthcare, I aim to contribute to a world where the burden of chronic illnesses like kidney disease is alleviated, and patient care is both compassionate and efficient. This scholarship, in honor of Carrie Lee Williams and Carrie Silvania, symbolizes not just financial support but a commitment to a future where the challenges of kidney disease are met with hope, resilience, and innovation.
    Reginald Kelley Scholarship
    In an era where the dichotomy between arts and sciences is increasingly blurred, my academic pursuit in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University stands as a testament to this fusion. My passion for this field stems not just from an interest in economic theories and business strategies, but from a deep-seated desire to leverage this knowledge to create tangible, positive change in the world. Economics, often perceived as a science of numbers and graphs, is in essence, a study of human behavior and societal dynamics. It is an art in itself, requiring a deep understanding of the diverse tapestries of societies and the multifaceted nature of human decision-making. In my academic journey, I've been captivated by the way economic principles can be applied to solve real-world issues - from poverty and inequality to environmental sustainability. This intersection of theory and practical application is where my passion lies. My ambition is to utilize my expertise in economics and management to contribute to the field of sustainable real estate development. The real estate sector, a pivotal component of the global economy, has far-reaching impacts on communities and the environment. I envision a future where this industry is transformed to prioritize sustainability and social responsibility, aligning economic growth with environmental conservation and community well-being. In my career, I aim to pioneer innovative approaches in real estate that champion sustainability. This involves developing affordable housing solutions, integrating green building technologies, and promoting urban designs that foster community engagement and environmental stewardship. By doing so, I aspire to address critical issues such as housing affordability, urban sprawl, and the carbon footprint of buildings. Beyond professional endeavors, I plan to engage in advocacy and policy work to promote sustainable practices in the real estate sector. This includes collaborating with government bodies, NGOs, and industry players to develop policies that encourage sustainable development and responsible investment in real estate. My role as a leader in Help Homeless Inc and my involvement in various campus organizations have provided a strong foundation for this advocacy work. In conclusion, my passion for Applied Economics and Management is driven by a conviction that this field is a powerful tool for societal transformation. It is a unique blend of the scientific understanding of economic principles and the artistic nuance of managing and influencing human behavior and societal trends. Through my career in sustainable real estate development and advocacy, I aim to make a significant contribution to creating a world where economic prosperity coexists with environmental sustainability and social equity. This scholarship would not only support my academic journey but also fuel my commitment to making a difference in the world, one sustainable project at a time.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    In a world brimming with diverse literature that enlightens, entertains, and educates, if I had to choose one book for everyone to read, it would be Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow." As Joshua Dong, a student of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, my selection of this book is influenced not only by its relevance to my academic discipline but also by its profound impact on understanding human behavior and decision-making. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" delves into the dual systems of our mind: the fast, intuitive, and emotional System 1, and the slow, deliberate, and logical System 2. Kahneman's exploration into how these systems shape our judgments and decisions is a journey into the complexities of human thought. It's a book that doesn’t just cater to students of psychology or economics but speaks to anyone interested in the nuances of human behavior. This book's universality lies in its ability to resonate with a wide audience. Whether a student, a professional, an entrepreneur, or someone just navigating daily life, understanding the biases and heuristics that guide our decisions is invaluable. In my journey, blending economics with management, Kahneman's insights have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of market behaviors, consumer psychology, and organizational decision-making. Kahneman's work is more than theoretical; it offers practical applications. It equips readers with the tools to recognize when they might be falling prey to cognitive biases and how to switch to a more analytical mode of thinking when needed. This knowledge is crucial in a world where decisions, big and small, shape our lives and societies. In essence, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" is a book that has the power to transform how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. It teaches us to be better decision-makers, more empathetic individuals, and more critical thinkers. By promoting a deeper understanding of the human mind, it lays a foundation for not just personal growth but also for building societies that are more aware, compassionate, and rational. Recommending this book is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and improved understanding of the complexities of human nature.
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    As Joshua Dong, a Cornell University student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my aspirations to create a legacy go beyond the confines of traditional business paradigms. My entrepreneurial spirit is fueled by a vision to intertwine business acumen with social responsibility, aiming to establish an enterprise that not only thrives economically but also makes a significant positive impact on society. My dream is to establish a real estate investment firm with a twist – focusing on developing affordable, sustainable housing solutions. This venture will not just be a business; it will be a mission-driven entity that addresses the critical issue of homelessness and housing instability. The goal is to create a model where profitability and social impact coexist, leveraging the power of business to drive societal change. This reflects my deep-rooted belief that entrepreneurship should extend beyond financial success to encompass a broader commitment to community welfare and sustainability. The firm will specialize in investing in and developing properties that are environmentally sustainable and accessible to low-income families. By integrating innovative building techniques and green technologies, we aim to reduce the ecological footprint while providing quality, affordable housing. This approach will not only cater to the pressing need for sustainable living spaces but will also create a ripple effect, inspiring other businesses to adopt socially responsible practices. My journey so far, including my leadership roles in Help Homeless Inc, the Alpha Fund, and various academic endeavors, has been a testament to my commitment to innovation, resilience, and empathy. These experiences have honed my skills in strategic planning, financial analysis, and team management, all of which are essential in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. However, what truly sets me apart is my ability to empathize with and understand the needs of diverse communities, a skill that is invaluable in creating a business that serves and uplifts the society. Entrepreneurship is a path riddled with obstacles, requiring not just a strong vision but also the tenacity to overcome challenges. My experiences have taught me the importance of resilience, whether it be in managing a non-profit organization or excelling in a demanding academic environment. This resilience, coupled with a relentless pursuit of innovation, will be my guiding force in navigating the entrepreneurial landscape. In summary, my plan to create a legacy is rooted in the desire to establish a business that transcends conventional objectives, aiming instead to address critical social issues through sustainable and innovative solutions. The real estate investment firm I aspire to create will be a beacon of social entrepreneurship, demonstrating that business success and societal impact can go hand-in-hand. By shining my light through this venture, I hope to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs to view their businesses not just as a means to economic success, but as powerful tools for positive societal change. This scholarship will be a pivotal step in achieving this vision, providing the necessary support to pursue my academic goals and lay the foundation for a legacy that makes a lasting difference in the world.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    Selected Paragraph from Plato's "The Apology": "For I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons nor for your properties, but first and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man, public as well as private. This is my teaching, and if this is the doctrine which corrupts the youth, I am a mischievous person." Central Thesis: In this excerpt from Plato's "The Apology," Socrates emphasizes the paramount importance of nurturing the soul and virtue over material wealth, suggesting a profound commentary on ethical values and their role in societal prosperity. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my approach to this philosophical text is influenced by my academic background, where the interplay between ethics, personal development, and economic prosperity is frequently explored. Expounding the Underlying Meaning Socrates' teachings, as articulated by Plato, are not merely a call to moral living but a profound statement on the foundational elements of a flourishing society. He urges his listeners to prioritize the "improvement of the soul" - a concept that transcends mere religious or spiritual connotations. In Socratic philosophy, the soul's improvement is closely linked to the cultivation of virtue, wisdom, and ethical understanding. This pursuit is portrayed as inherently more valuable than material wealth, as it leads to a more profound and lasting form of prosperity. Socrates' claim that "virtue is not given by money" challenges the Athenian society's conventional wisdom, where wealth and status were often equated with virtue and honor. He posits that true virtue is a precursor to material wealth, not its consequence. This perspective aligns with modern concepts in economics and management, where ethical business practices and personal integrity are increasingly recognized as key drivers of long-term success. The phrase "every other good of man, public as well as private" encapsulates Socrates' holistic view of societal well-being. He implies that the cultivation of virtue within individuals contributes not only to their personal good but also to the public good. This notion resonates with contemporary discussions on corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, where the personal ethics of leaders and citizens play a critical role in shaping a just and prosperous society. Relevance to Contemporary Society Socrates' teachings, as interpreted here, hold immense relevance in today's world, particularly in the realms of education, business, and governance. In the context of my field of study, Applied Economics and Management, this philosophy underscores the importance of ethical leadership and personal development. It advocates for a model of economic prosperity that is grounded in virtue and ethical considerations, aligning with modern sustainable and ethical business practices. Furthermore, Socrates' emphasis on soul improvement and virtue echoes the contemporary educational focus on developing well-rounded individuals who are not only technically competent but also ethically grounded. This approach is vital in creating leaders who can navigate the complex moral landscape of modern business and economics. Conclusion In conclusion, Socrates' exhortation in "The Apology" is a timeless reminder of the importance of ethical living and personal development. His teachings encourage a shift in focus from material wealth to the cultivation of virtue, wisdom, and ethical understanding. This philosophy aligns closely with modern principles in economics and management, advocating for a model of societal prosperity that is rooted in ethical and sustainable practices. As a student of Applied Economics and Management, the insights gleaned from this close reading of Socrates' teachings reinforce the significance of integrating ethical considerations into personal development and professional practices.
    RAD Scholarship
    As Joshua Dong, a Cornell University student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey intertwines my academic pursuits with a profound connection to the cycling community and a dedication to enhancing road safety. The tragic story of Rob Dollar and the alarming statistics of bicycle-related fatalities resonate deeply with me, not just as a student but as someone who cherishes the freedom and community spirit inherent in cycling. My relationship with cycling began as a means of exploration and escape, offering a sense of liberation and connection to my surroundings. Cycling became more than a hobby; it evolved into a medium through which I experienced the pulse of different communities and the diverse landscapes of my hometown. This passion for cycling has been a constant companion, providing both physical fitness and mental clarity. It's a community where I’ve found camaraderie and a shared sense of purpose. While my major in Applied Economics and Management may not directly align with civil engineering or city planning, my commitment to utilizing my knowledge for the betterment of public spaces is unwavering. I envision applying my expertise in economics and management to advocate for and develop sustainable, cyclist-friendly urban development projects. My goal is to work collaboratively with city planners and engineers, leveraging my analytical skills and economic insights to design safer, more inclusive roads and public spaces. My primary goal is to contribute to the development of infrastructure that not only prioritizes cyclist safety but also encourages more people to embrace cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation. This includes advocating for dedicated bike lanes, better lighting in cycling paths, and advanced traffic calming measures in urban areas. Moreover, I aim to utilize data-driven approaches to understand traffic patterns and identify high-risk areas for cyclists, thereby informing targeted interventions. My involvement in the cycling community extends beyond personal rides. I actively participate in local cycling groups, advocating for road safety awareness, and engaging in community-led initiatives that aim to improve cyclist safety. These experiences have not only enriched my understanding of the challenges faced by cyclists but also fueled my determination to be part of the solution. In my academic journey, I have always strived to align my studies with my passion for making a tangible impact in the community. Receiving this scholarship would enable me to further my education while continuing to advocate for safer roads for cyclists. It would provide the resources to delve deeper into research on urban planning and sustainable development, areas that are crucial for creating safer cycling environments. In essence, my connection to cycling is not just a pastime; it's a catalyst for my dedication to creating safer roads. As I continue my academic journey at Cornell, I am committed to integrating my passion for cycling with my professional aspirations, aiming to contribute to a world where tragedies like Rob Dollar's are a thing of the past. This scholarship is not just financial support; it's an enabler of my vision to harmonize economic management with sustainable, safe cycling infrastructure, ensuring a safer future for all road users.
    Combined Worlds Scholarship
    In a world teeming with diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, travel stands as a formidable educator, transcending the confines of traditional learning. As Joshua Dong, an Applied Economics and Management major at Cornell University, I have come to appreciate the profound impact of travel on personal growth and development. Exposure to varied cultures, perspectives, and environments not only enriches the mind but also fosters a deep-seated sense of empathy and global awareness. Traveling is more than a mere escape from the mundane; it is a journey into the unknown, a plunge into the depths of diverse human experiences. It dismantles the barriers of ethnocentrism, encouraging one to embrace the beauty of diversity. This aligns with my academic journey at Cornell, where I have learned to appreciate diverse viewpoints in my studies and extracurricular activities, such as my involvement with Help Homeless Inc, where understanding diverse socioeconomic backgrounds is crucial. Immersion in different cultures through travel is an enlightening experience. It teaches tolerance, respect, and the value of seeing the world through others' eyes. Engaging with people from different backgrounds, understanding their history, and experiencing their daily lives cultivates a profound sense of global citizenship. As someone aspiring to make an impact in the world of real estate and social entrepreneurship, understanding the cultural nuances and societal needs of various communities is invaluable. This knowledge is not only crucial for my professional aspirations but also for my personal growth as a global citizen. Travel inherently broadens one's perspectives. It challenges preconceived notions and biases, leading to a more open and accepting worldview. This expansion of outlook resonates with my experience in leadership roles within Cornell’s Alpha Fund and Real Estate Consulting Club, where I learned the importance of considering diverse perspectives in decision-making processes. Encountering different ways of life and problem-solving approaches during travels can significantly enhance critical thinking and adaptability skills. Exposure to varied environments and ecosystems through travel fosters a deeper appreciation for the planet and its intricate systems. Understanding the environmental challenges faced by different regions aligns with my interest in sustainable real estate development. It instills a sense of responsibility to adopt practices that are respectful of the environment and sustainable for future generations. In conclusion, travel is a transformative experience that extends far beyond leisure. It is an educational odyssey that molds individuals into more empathetic, open-minded, and culturally aware beings. For me, Joshua Dong, each journey is a step towards becoming a more informed and compassionate individual, equipped to make meaningful contributions in the realms of real estate and social entrepreneurship. This scholarship would not only support my academic pursuits but also my journey of personal growth and development, allowing me to explore and appreciate the vast tapestry of our world’s cultures and environments.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey to higher education has been one of determination, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of my ambitions. This scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it is a beacon of hope and an enabler of dreams for students like me who have faced hurdles in the quest for education. My plans for the future are ambitious yet grounded in a desire to make a tangible impact on society, particularly in the realms of real estate and social entrepreneurship. Coming from a background that values education yet faces the constraints of financial limitations, I understand the gravity of this scholarship. My parents instilled in me the importance of education, but the financial burden of college remained a looming challenge. Winning this scholarship would alleviate some of these financial pressures, allowing me to focus more on my studies and less on the economic constraints. My career aspiration is to break into the highly competitive field of real estate investment banking or private equity straight out of undergrad. This ambition is not merely a professional goal but a conduit to my larger vision of leveraging real estate for social good. My ultimate objective is to establish my own alternative investments firm, concentrating on commercial real estate, blockchain, farmland, and other unique assets. The core of my ambition is to use this firm as a platform to initiate and fund projects centered on developing transitional and subsidized housing through my non-profit organization, Help Homeless Inc. This scholarship would play a critical role in my journey. Firstly, it would significantly reduce my financial burden, allowing me to allocate more time to crucial internships and extracurricular activities that are integral to my professional growth. Secondly, the scholarship would enable me to pursue additional courses and certifications that are vital to my field of study but often financially out of reach. This includes advanced courses in financial modeling, real estate development, and sustainable investment practices. The knowledge and experience I gain through my education at Cornell are tools I intend to use to impact communities positively. By focusing on affordable housing projects, I plan to address the pressing issue of homelessness and housing instability. This scholarship will not only support my educational endeavors but also indirectly contribute to the societal impact I aim to make through my career and non-profit work. In essence, this scholarship is more than just a means to fund my education; it's a stepping stone towards achieving my goals and making a difference in the world. It will provide me with the resources to excel academically, gain critical industry experience, and eventually create a ripple effect of positive change through my professional and philanthropic efforts. By supporting my educational journey, this scholarship will be instrumental in helping me open doors not only for myself but also for those less fortunate, aligning perfectly with my vision of using education and real estate as tools for societal betterment.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    In the bizarre and thrilling world of Hawkins, Indiana, where supernatural forces and enigmatic occurrences are the norm, assembling an ultimate dream team to combat yet another otherworldly menace is not only crucial, it's a survival imperative. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my approach in forming this team is deeply rooted in my analytical mindset and leadership experiences, particularly through my involvement with Help Homeless Inc, the Alpha Fund, and my real estate ambitions. 1. Eleven: The Psychic Powerhouse First on my team would be Eleven, an obvious choice but indisputably the most potent asset against any supernatural entity. Her telekinetic powers and psychic abilities make her an unparalleled force. In real estate, much like in battling supernatural forces, understanding and anticipating the unseen is key. Eleven's ability to 'see' beyond the physical realm and manipulate objects and minds provides a tactical advantage akin to analyzing market trends and forecasting in the financial world. Moreover, her resilience and ability to overcome her dark past resonate with me, mirroring the determination I’ve exhibited in my journey from founding a non-profit to excelling in the competitive field of finance at Cornell. 2. Steve Harrington: The Protector and Tactician Steve Harrington, once a high school heartthrob turned responsible 'Mom' of the group, would be my second choice. His evolution into a fiercely protective figure and adept strategist showcases a growth mindset that is essential in both leadership and crisis management. His resourcefulness and courage, evident in his encounters with Demogorgons, align with the skills I honed as Vice President of Internal Affairs in Alpha Fund, where strategizing and risk management were daily tasks. Steve’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding his younger friends parallels my own dedication to supporting and guiding my teams towards common goals, be it in academic projects or in managing real estate investments. 3. Max Mayfield: The Fearless Scout Max Mayfield's inclusion in the team is driven by her fearless nature and ability to navigate through challenging situations. Her skateboarding skills symbolize agility and the capacity to maneuver through turbulent circumstances - a trait I relate to, considering the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of managing a non-profit and navigating the complex world of real estate investments. Max’s emotional intelligence and ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds is a skill I’ve cultivated through my leadership roles and my interactions in various clubs and organizations at Cornell. In conclusion, this formidable trio – Eleven, Steve, and Max – forms a balanced team combining raw power, strategic planning, and agility. Their collective attributes reflect my journey and skills: Eleven's psychic insights mirror my analytical and anticipatory abilities in finance and real estate, Steve's leadership and protective instincts resonate with my role in managing teams and projects, and Max's agility and emotional intelligence align with my adaptability and people skills developed through my extracurricular engagements. Together, we stand as a testament to the power of diverse talents uniting against the unknown, embodying resilience, strategy, and adaptability - essential qualities in both supernatural battles and the pursuit of academic and professional excellence.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    In the vast universe of Netflix's offerings, one series stands as a jewel in the crown of storytelling: "The Crown." This masterfully crafted show offers more than just a glimpse into the lives of the British royal family; it presents a rich tapestry of history, politics, and human emotion. As a student of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, I have found "The Crown" to be not only a captivating narrative but also an enlightening exploration of leadership, duty, and the relentless march of time. Here’s why clearing your weekend to immerse yourself in the world of "The Crown" is an experience not to be missed. "The Crown" is a storytelling triumph, blending historical accuracy with dramatic flair. Each season transports viewers through different eras of Queen Elizabeth II's reign, offering a unique perspective on pivotal moments in history. The show's meticulous attention to detail, from the grandeur of the sets to the intricacies of the costumes, creates an immersive experience that is both visually stunning and intellectually stimulating. While "The Crown" delves into the personal lives of the royals, it transcends the typical trappings of a drama series. It provides a nuanced look at the complexities of governance, the weight of constitutional responsibilities, and the interplay between public and private life. As someone deeply interested in economics and management, I find the series' exploration of leadership under scrutiny and the balance of power particularly intriguing. "The Crown" serves as a window into post-World War II history, shedding light on significant events and their impact on the global stage. From the Suez Crisis to the Apollo 11 moon landing, the series weaves historical events with personal narratives, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the world we live in today. It’s a compelling way to engage with history, making it accessible and relevant. The series boasts remarkable performances that bring depth and humanity to historical figures. The portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II, played by Claire Foy and later Olivia Colman, is a nuanced study of a woman navigating the demands of her role while grappling with personal desires. The show allows viewers to empathize with characters often viewed from afar, humanizing public figures in a way that is rarely seen. "The Crown" raises profound questions about duty, sacrifice, and the changing nature of the world. It challenges viewers to consider the role of tradition in a rapidly evolving society and the personal cost of public service. These themes resonate with me as a young person preparing to enter a world where the balance between personal ambition and societal expectation is often delicate. In conclusion, "The Crown" is more than just a series; it's a journey through time, a study of characters and events that have shaped the modern world. Its blend of historical narrative, compelling character studies, and sumptuous production makes it a must-watch. Clear your weekend, settle in, and prepare to be transported into the captivating world of "The Crown," where history comes alive with every episode.
    Friends of Ohm Labs Scholarship
    In the pursuit of higher education, financial constraints often loom large, casting a shadow over dreams and aspirations. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I have firsthand experience with the ways in which financial challenges can impact one's educational journey. This essay reflects on how my financial situation has shaped my education, how a scholarship could facilitate the realization of my dreams, and the potential societal impact of fulfilling these aspirations. Attending a prestigious institution like Cornell comes with substantial financial implications. The cost of tuition, books, and living expenses pose continuous hurdles, often necessitating sacrifices and difficult choices. These financial constraints have meant forgoing valuable opportunities such as attending certain conferences and participating in enriching extracurricular activities that require funds, which could have further enhanced my educational experience. Despite these challenges, I’ve maintained a commitment to academic excellence, but often with the knowledge that my financial situation is a limiting factor in exploring the full breadth of opportunities available. A scholarship would be a transformative element in my educational journey. It would alleviate the financial burden, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the Cornell experience. This support would enable me to take advantage of opportunities currently beyond my reach, such as engaging more deeply in research projects, contributing more significantly to campus organizations like Help Homeless Inc., and pursuing internships that align with my career goals but may not be financially feasible. The freedom to engage in these activities without the looming stress of financial strain would be instrumental in shaping my future, allowing me to harness the full potential of my academic pursuits. My dream is to utilize my education in Applied Economics and Management to develop sustainable solutions to economic and social challenges. Specifically, I envision creating innovative economic models that address homelessness and housing instability. The knowledge and experience gained through a financially unburdened educational journey would empower me to contribute meaningful solutions to these pressing issues. Furthermore, my commitment to community service, as demonstrated through my role in founding Help Homeless Inc., reflects my dedication to societal betterment. I aim to leverage my education to expand the scope and impact of this organization, driving systemic change in how we address homelessness and economic disparities. In essence, my financial situation has been a constant consideration in my educational journey, one that has taught me resilience and resourcefulness. A scholarship would not only ease this financial burden but also propel me towards realizing my aspirations to create positive societal change. It represents an investment not just in my education but in the potential societal contributions I aspire to make, using the knowledge and skills honed through an unencumbered academic journey. In this way, the ripple effect of this scholarship would extend beyond my personal achievements, fostering a legacy of empowerment and positive growth in society.
    Youth Equine Service Scholarship
    While my journey as a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management may not directly intersect with equine volunteerism, my experiences in community service, particularly through founding Help Homeless Inc., have imparted valuable lessons about myself and the essence of volunteering. These insights, akin to those one might gain in equine non-profit organizations, reflect the universal truths of service work and its transformative impact. This essay explores the self-discoveries and personal growth I've experienced through my commitment to community service. Volunteering has revealed to me the depths of my resilience and empathy. In establishing and running Help Homeless Inc., I've encountered situations that tested my limits, from managing logistical challenges to confronting the emotional weight of the homelessness crisis. These experiences taught me to persevere in the face of adversity and to approach every individual and their story with empathy and understanding. Much like working with horses, which demands patience and sensitivity, my service work has honed my ability to connect with others on a profound level, recognizing the value of every interaction. Service work has also taught me the importance of adaptability and cooperation. In the dynamic environment of non-profit work, plans often change, and unexpected situations arise. I've learned to be flexible, to think on my feet, and to collaborate effectively with a team. These skills are crucial in any setting where one must work harmoniously with others towards a common goal, be it in managing a non-profit organization or in caring for and working with animals like horses. Balancing my academic responsibilities with my role in Help Homeless Inc. has significantly improved my time management and organizational skills. Juggling coursework, meetings, and community outreach efforts required a meticulous approach to scheduling and prioritization. These skills are not only invaluable in the context of volunteering but are also transferable to various aspects of personal and professional life. Perhaps the most profound lesson learned through volunteering is the joy and fulfillment that come from selfless service. Working for a cause greater than oneself, be it helping the homeless or supporting equine organizations, brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction that transcends personal gain. This realization has reshaped my perspective on success and happiness, highlighting the importance of contributing positively to the community and the lives of others. In conclusion, my volunteer service with Help Homeless Inc. has been a journey of self-discovery, teaching me resilience, empathy, adaptability, and the value of selfless service. These lessons, while gleaned from a context different from equine volunteerism, resonate with the universal experiences of all who dedicate their time and energy to a cause they are passionate about. My experiences have not only equipped me with valuable life skills but have also instilled in me a lifelong commitment to service, shaping my aspirations and guiding my actions towards creating a positive impact in the world.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    As a Cornell University student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my life often revolves around analytical frameworks and strategic thinking. However, amidst the rigor of academia, I found an unexpected source of introspection and self-discovery in Taylor Swift's music, particularly during her transformative Eras Tour. Her diverse range of music, spanning multiple eras, has provided me with a soundtrack for my own personal and academic journey, helping me uncover deeper layers of myself. Taylor Swift's musical evolution mirrors my own path of self-discovery at university. From the youthful exuberance of her early albums to the introspective and mature themes of her later work, each era of her music resonates with different facets of my college experience. As Swift grew and evolved as an artist, her music became a mirror reflecting my own growth, from an eager freshman to a more thoughtful and experienced upperclassman. Swift's lyrics have a unique way of capturing complex emotions and experiences in a relatable manner. Her songs about love, heartbreak, resilience, and personal growth have been a source of solace and inspiration. They've encouraged me to embrace my vulnerabilities and turn them into strengths. As I navigated the challenges of balancing my studies with my work in Help Homeless Inc., her music became a comforting companion, reminding me that it's okay to be imperfect and that growth often comes from adversity. Experiencing the Eras Tour, even if only virtually, was like journeying through different chapters of life. Each era of Swift's music encapsulates different emotional landscapes that resonate with various stages of my life. Her ability to articulate feelings of longing, joy, disappointment, and triumph in her songs has helped me understand and articulate my own emotions better. It's as if her music gave voice to feelings I couldn't express myself. Swift's evolution as an artist, particularly evident during the Eras Tour, has also influenced my professional aspirations. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to reinvent herself inspire me to pursue my goals with the same passion and resilience. Her journey encourages me to seek out new experiences, be open to change, and stay true to my values, even in the face of challenges. In conclusion, Taylor Swift's music, especially as showcased in the Eras Tour, has been instrumental in my journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Her songs have provided a soundtrack to my life at Cornell, offering both comfort and inspiration. As I bid farewell to this chapter of her music history, I take with me the lessons learned and the emotional connections forged. The Eras Tour Farewell Scholarship is not just a celebration of Swift's musical journey but also a recognition of how her music has become intertwined with the lives of her fans, including myself, guiding us through our own eras of growth and transformation.
    PRIDE in Education Award
    As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey has been profoundly shaped by the principles of diversity and inclusivity, particularly in relation to the LGBTQ+ community. The experiences I have gained, both personally and through my involvement in community service, have underscored the importance of being an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This essay explores my personal development, the impact of the LGBTQ+ community on my life, and the reasons behind my choice of major. Growing up, I was fortunate to be surrounded by a diverse array of cultures and perspectives, which fostered in me an appreciation for inclusivity and acceptance from a young age. My interactions with friends and peers who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community have been eye-opening, providing me with insight into the challenges and triumphs they experience. These relationships have played a significant role in shaping my values and beliefs, particularly regarding the importance of equality, empathy, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The LGBTQ+ community has had a profound impact on me, both personally and professionally. It has taught me the value of understanding and celebrating differences, and the importance of standing up for the rights and dignity of others. My commitment to being an ally has been reinforced through my involvement in community service initiatives, including my work with Help Homeless Inc., where I have encountered individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from the LGBTQ+ community. These experiences have heightened my awareness of the unique challenges faced by marginalized groups and have motivated me to advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society. My decision to major in Applied Economics and Management was driven by a desire to understand the mechanisms that underpin economic and social systems and to use this knowledge to create positive change. I believe that economic empowerment and inclusive policies are key to addressing many of the challenges faced by marginalized communities, including the LGBTQ+ community. My goal is to develop sustainable solutions to economic inequality and to advocate for policies that promote inclusivity and diversity in the business world and beyond. As I progress through my studies, I aim to integrate my passion for LGBTQ+ advocacy with my academic pursuits. This involves exploring how economic policies and business practices can be leveraged to support the LGBTQ+ community, such as through inclusive workplace policies, support for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, and initiatives that address economic disparities within the community. In conclusion, my identity as an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and my choice of major are deeply interconnected. They represent my commitment to using my education and future career to promote a more inclusive and equitable society. The PRIDE in Education Award resonates with my personal and academic journey, offering not only financial support but also recognition of the importance of allyship and the role of education in advancing LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity. As I continue my journey at Cornell, I am dedicated to being a voice for change, championing the values of diversity, inclusivity, and respect that the LGBTQ+ community has instilled in me.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    As the autumn leaves begin their colorful dance to the ground, my thoughts often turn to the cozy comfort of Starbucks' fall-inspired beverages. Among these seasonal delights, one drink holds a special place in my heart: the Pumpkin Spice Latte. This iconic beverage has become more than just a drink for me; it's a cherished autumn ritual that weaves itself into my personal and academic life, offering warmth, comfort, and a sense of nostalgia during the bustling fall season at Cornell University. The Pumpkin Spice Latte, with its rich blend of espresso, steamed milk, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove, heralds the arrival of autumn. Its familiar taste and aroma evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, transforming the simple act of sipping coffee into an immersive autumn experience. For me, this beverage represents more than the flavors of fall; it symbolizes a period of transformation and reflection, mirroring the changes in the environment around me. As a student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, fall is a time of intense academic engagement, marked by midterms, group projects, and deadlines. Amidst this hectic period, the Pumpkin Spice Latte becomes my faithful companion. It's the warm embrace I seek during long study sessions in the library, the comforting presence that fuels late-night research, and the indulgent reward after a successful presentation. It's as if each sip of this spiced concoction infuses me with renewed energy and focus, making the challenges of academic life a bit more manageable. Beyond its role as a study aid, the Pumpkin Spice Latte has been an integral part of my social rituals in the fall. It's the centerpiece of catch-up sessions with friends, as we gather around our steaming cups, sharing stories and plans for the future. It's present during solitary moments too, providing solace as I reflect on personal growth and aspirations, often while gazing out at the autumnal scenery from a cozy corner in Starbucks. The Pumpkin Spice Latte has also inadvertently become a catalyst for reflection and inspiration. As I navigate the challenges and opportunities of university life, this beverage has been a constant reminder to savor the small joys and appreciate the beauty of change. It inspires me to embrace each season of life with enthusiasm and to find comfort in the familiar amidst the ever-evolving landscape of college. In summary, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is more than just my favorite fall-inspired drink from Starbucks; it's a character in my own autumn narrative. It's intertwined with my experiences as a student, a friend, and a young adult navigating the complexities of life. This beverage, in all its seasonal glory, has become a symbol of warmth, comfort, and the sweet nostalgia of autumn days spent in pursuit of knowledge, friendship, and self-discovery. As I continue my journey at Cornell, I look forward to the return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte each year, welcoming it as an old friend and a cherished part of my autumn traditions.
    Bruce & Kathy Bevan Scholarship
    In the intricate dance of balancing academic pursuits with work responsibilities, students like myself often find themselves orchestrating a symphony of tasks and deadlines. As Joshua Dong, a Cornell University student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey of juggling educational commitments with work responsibilities, particularly through my involvement in Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded, has been a transformative experience. This essay reflects on how this balancing act has shaped my personal and professional growth. Balancing the rigorous academic demands of Cornell with the responsibilities of running Help Homeless Inc. has been a challenging yet enriching experience. The process of managing coursework, engaging in in-depth research, and participating in group projects, while simultaneously leading a non-profit organization, has taught me the art of time management and prioritization. This dual role has necessitated meticulous planning and organization, ensuring that both my academic and work commitments receive the attention and dedication they deserve. This journey has significantly contributed to my personal growth, particularly in developing resilience and adaptability. Juggling work and school has exposed me to diverse situations, from meeting tight deadlines to handling unexpected challenges in the non-profit sector. These experiences have honed my ability to adapt quickly, think on my feet, and maintain a calm demeanor in the face of adversity. The resilience built through these experiences has been invaluable, teaching me that persistence and a positive attitude are crucial in overcoming obstacles. Professionally, balancing work and school has equipped me with a diverse skill set. Managing Help Homeless Inc. while pursuing my degree has allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge from my coursework in real-world scenarios, particularly in understanding economic models and management principles. This practical application of knowledge has deepened my understanding and provided a holistic view of the subjects I study. It has also enhanced my leadership, communication, and team collaboration skills – competencies that are essential in any professional setting. This balancing act has also influenced my career aspirations. My experiences have sparked a keen interest in social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. I envision a future where I can blend my passion for community service with my academic background, possibly leading initiatives within organizations that prioritize social impact alongside business success. This vision is driven by the belief that business and social good can coexist harmoniously. In conclusion, balancing work and school has been a journey of self-discovery, skill-building, and purpose shaping. It has molded me into a resilient, adaptable individual with a broad skill set and a clear vision for my future. The scholarship in honor of Bruce and Kathy Bevan’s generosity resonates deeply with my experience, offering not just financial relief but also recognition of the challenges and triumphs of students who strive to excel in both academic and professional arenas. This support would be instrumental in furthering my education and career goals, allowing me to continue contributing positively to both my academic and work communities.
    Inflow Digital Marketing Scholarship
    In an era where digital landscapes are continually reshaping the way we interact, communicate, and conduct business, my decision to pursue a career in digital marketing stems from a recognition of its transformative power and potential. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I envision a future where I amalgamate my academic grounding with the dynamic world of digital marketing. This essay outlines my motivation for choosing this field and my aspirations for a future role in an industry that sits at the intersection of technology, creativity, and strategy. My choice to venture into digital marketing is driven by a blend of personal interests and professional observations. The digital realm has always fascinated me – its ability to connect people, disseminate information, and influence decisions is unparalleled in modern history. My academic journey in economics and management has further illuminated the significance of digital platforms in shaping market dynamics and consumer behavior. Digital marketing represents a confluence of analytical acumen and creative expression, offering a platform to innovate, influence, and impact. Moreover, my experiences with Help Homeless Inc., the non-profit organization I co-founded, have underscored the power of digital platforms in advocacy and outreach. Harnessing digital tools for social good has not only been rewarding but also eye-opening, revealing the vast potential of digital marketing to effect positive change. Looking ahead, my ideal future role lies at the nexus of digital marketing and social entrepreneurship. I aspire to work in an industry where digital marketing is not just a tool for commercial success but also for social impact. My goal is to join or establish a digital marketing agency that specializes in serving socially responsible businesses and non-profits. This agency would be dedicated to amplifying the voices of organizations that work towards societal betterment, leveraging digital strategies to expand their reach and efficacy. In this role, I envision employing a data-driven approach to understand and engage diverse audiences, crafting compelling narratives that resonate and inspire action. I aim to blend traditional marketing principles with innovative digital tactics, staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies to keep our strategies cutting-edge and effective. The impact of such a role would extend beyond the confines of conventional marketing. By focusing on socially responsible clients, my work in digital marketing would contribute to raising awareness on critical issues, from homelessness to environmental sustainability. It would be about creating campaigns that not only inform but also mobilize, driving tangible change in communities and societies at large. Moreover, as someone coming from a background that is not traditionally associated with digital marketing, I hope to serve as a role model for others from underrepresented groups. I aim to demonstrate that digital marketing is a field ripe with opportunities for diverse talents and perspectives. In conclusion, my aspiration to build a career in digital marketing is fueled by a desire to merge my passion for social impact with the dynamic capabilities of digital platforms. In an ideal future role, I see myself at the helm of a digital marketing initiative that champions social causes, leveraging the power of digital storytelling to make a difference in the world. The Inflow Digital Marketing Scholarship represents not just a financial aid for my educational pursuits but a stepping stone towards realizing this vision, contributing to a more inclusive and impactful digital marketing landscape.
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    In the tapestry of life, certain individuals stand out as beacons of kindness, profoundly impacting our journey and reshaping our perspectives. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University pursuing Applied Economics and Management, I have been deeply influenced by the kindness of an individual whose impact extends beyond conventional mentorship. This essay reflects on the profound influence of a person I met through my work with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded, and how their kindness has reshaped my worldview and aspirations. The person who has significantly impacted my life is not a traditional mentor, teacher, or family member, but an individual I met through Help Homeless Inc. – a formerly homeless person whose journey intersected with mine. Their name and identity are less important than the lessons they imparted. Despite having faced unimaginable hardships, their resilience, kindness, and optimism left an indelible mark on me. This individual, who had experienced the harsh realities of life on the streets, taught me the true meaning of resilience. Their ability to maintain hope and extend kindness to others, even when they themselves had so little, was a powerful lesson in human strength and dignity. This encounter challenged my perceptions of hardship and success, making me realize that resilience is not just about enduring tough times, but also about maintaining one’s humanity and capacity for kindness through it all. Their influence has been instrumental in reshaping my approach to education and service. Observing their unyielding spirit despite the odds has motivated me to approach my studies with a renewed sense of purpose. I no longer view my education merely as a path to personal success, but as a tool for creating meaningful change in the lives of others. It has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility to use my knowledge and resources to advocate for those who are less fortunate. The kindness of this individual has also transformed how I engage with my community. It has inspired me to approach every act of service with empathy and humility. I have learned that true service is not about bestowing charity from a position of privilege, but about connecting with others in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding. This perspective has become a guiding principle in my work with Help Homeless Inc. and other community initiatives. In conclusion, the kindness of this individual, encountered through my non-profit work, has profoundly impacted my life. They have not only changed how I think but have also inspired me to carry forward a legacy of kindness, resilience, and hope. This scholarship, in honor of Coleen Elizabeth Lemon, resonates deeply with my journey, symbolizing not just financial support, but also a recognition of the transformative power of kindness in shaping one’s path. It is an opportunity to honor the legacy of Coleen and my mentor by continuing to pursue higher education with the aim of serving and uplifting others.
    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    In the journey of life, certain individuals imprint upon us indelible lessons that shape our paths and perspectives. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management, I have been profoundly influenced by a mosaic of experiences, primarily through my involvement with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded. This essay reflects on the collective influence these experiences have had on my life and the invaluable lessons I have learned from them. The Collective Influence of Experience While it's challenging to pinpoint a single individual as the most influential in my life, I have been shaped by a tapestry of influences, each contributing uniquely to my development. My journey with Help Homeless Inc. has been particularly transformative, bringing me into contact with a variety of individuals, each with their own story of resilience, hardship, and hope. These encounters have collectively influenced me more profoundly than any one person could. Learning Resilience and Empathy One of the most significant lessons I've learned through my experiences with Help Homeless Inc. is resilience. Working closely with individuals who have faced homelessness and adversity has taught me the true meaning of strength in the face of challenges. Their ability to persevere despite significant obstacles has been a powerful lesson in enduring and overcoming hardships, a lesson I apply in both my academic pursuits and personal life. Empathy is another critical lesson gleaned from these interactions. By understanding the diverse backgrounds and struggles of the individuals we assist, I've developed a deeper sense of compassion and a broader perspective on the complexities of human experiences. This empathy has fueled my commitment to social justice and inspired my aspiration to use my education to address socioeconomic disparities. The Importance of Community and Giving Back My experiences have also underscored the importance of community and the impact of giving back. Witnessing the transformative power of support and assistance has reinforced my belief in the value of community service. It has motivated me to continue my involvement in non-profit work and to advocate for policies that support underprivileged communities. Shaping My Academic and Professional Goals These collective experiences have profoundly shaped my academic and professional goals. They have steered me toward a career path where I can make a tangible difference in society, particularly in areas of economic inequality and sustainable development. My major in Applied Economics and Management is not merely a field of study but a tool to effect positive change in the world. In conclusion, the most influential aspect of my life has been the collective experiences and lessons learned through my involvement with Help Homeless Inc. These experiences have taught me resilience, empathy, the importance of community, and the value of giving back. They have shaped my academic pursuits and molded my aspiration to use my education for societal betterment. The scholarship aimed at supporting students from challenging backgrounds resonates deeply with my journey, offering not just financial assistance but also recognition of the importance of overcoming adversity and contributing positively to the world.
    Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
    While I, Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, have been fortunate not to experience the profound loss of a close family member, my journey has been profoundly shaped by encounters with loss and its impacts on others. My experiences, particularly through my involvement with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded, have illuminated the deep and lasting effects of loss and the resilience required to navigate through it. This essay reflects on how these indirect experiences with loss have shaped my life and fueled my determination to make a meaningful impact in the world. Encountering Loss Through Others My understanding of loss has been shaped by witnessing its impact on the lives of those I have worked with in Help Homeless Inc. Engaging with individuals who have experienced significant losses, including the loss of homes, family members, and a sense of security, has provided me with a nuanced perspective on the profound effects of grief and loss. These encounters, though not personal losses, have deeply affected me, teaching me empathy, resilience, and the importance of community support. Learning Resilience and Empathy Seeing the strength and determination of those who have experienced significant loss has been a profound lesson in resilience. It has shown me that the human spirit's capacity to endure and overcome adversity is immense. This realization has been a driving force in my academic and personal life, inspiring me to pursue my goals with determination and to support others in their times of need. Witnessing the resilience of others has also fostered a deep sense of empathy in me. It has taught me to approach others with compassion and understanding, recognizing that everyone's journey is marked by unique challenges and experiences. Shaping My Path and Purpose The experiences of those I have met through my community work have significantly influenced my path and purpose. They have reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact in the world, particularly in addressing social issues like homelessness and economic inequality. My academic pursuits in economics and management are not just career choices but tools I aim to use to contribute to societal betterment. Inspired by the resilience of those who have faced great loss, I am motivated to develop sustainable solutions to societal challenges and to advocate for policies that support the most vulnerable in our community. Carrying Their Legacy Forward In conclusion, while I have not experienced the loss of a close family member myself, the losses encountered through my community involvement have had a profound impact on my life. They have shaped my understanding of resilience, empathy, and the importance of community support. These experiences have motivated me to use my education and skills to make a positive impact in society, carrying forward the legacy of those who have endured great loss. The scholarship in memory of Eden Alaine represents not just financial support for my educational endeavors but also an affirmation of my commitment to transform the lessons learned from loss into purposeful actions for a better world.
    LGBTQ+ Wellness in Action Scholarship
    In the dynamic landscape of higher education, where academic aspirations intertwine with personal growth, the importance of mental and physical wellness cannot be overstated. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University studying Applied Economics and Management, my journey towards maintaining wellness amidst the rigors of academia underscores the challenges and triumphs of a modern-day student. This essay explores the significance of mental and physical health in my life and the obstacles faced in sustaining them. The Importance of Mental and Physical Wellness For me, wellness is the cornerstone of academic and personal success. Mental health is crucial, as it influences my ability to focus, learn, and engage creatively with my coursework and extracurricular activities. It's the lens through which I view challenges and opportunities, affecting my reactions and decision-making processes. Similarly, physical health is fundamental to maintaining the energy and strength needed to manage a demanding academic schedule, participate in community service, and fulfill my leadership roles, such as co-founding Help Homeless Inc. Furthermore, in a broader sense, wellness is a state of empowerment. It enables me to operate at my full potential, turning obstacles into stepping stones for growth. As a student, my wellness journey is not just about personal health; it's also about setting an example and advocating for a culture where health is prioritized. This is particularly relevant in the context of my peers and community, where stress and pressure can often lead to neglect of mental and physical well-being. Challenges in Maintaining Wellness The pursuit of wellness as a student comes with its unique set of challenges. The high-pressure environment of Cornell, characterized by rigorous academic standards and a competitive atmosphere, often leads to stress and anxiety. Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments can feel overwhelming, impacting both mental and physical health. Additionally, the financial strain of education, despite not being overwhelming in my case, adds an undercurrent of stress that can detract from wellness. Moreover, as someone deeply involved in community service, I am often confronted with the emotional toll of empathizing with those facing significant hardships, such as the homeless individuals we work with in Help Homeless Inc. While this work is fulfilling, it requires a strong mental and emotional constitution to manage the vicarious stress and prevent burnout. Overcoming Obstacles and Promoting Wellness In response to these challenges, I have adopted a proactive approach to wellness. I prioritize self-care routines, including regular exercise and mindfulness practices, to maintain physical health and manage stress. Time management and setting realistic goals have been key in balancing academic and personal responsibilities. Additionally, I advocate for mental and physical wellness among my peers. Through my roles in student organizations, I promote open discussions on health, encouraging others to seek support and prioritize their well-being. This advocacy is not just about personal health; it's about fostering a supportive community where wellness is a shared value and responsibility. In conclusion, as a student, my mental and physical wellness are vital for navigating the demanding journey of higher education. The challenges in maintaining this wellness are real, but they are surmountable with the right strategies and a supportive community. By prioritizing my health and advocating for wellness, I aim to empower not only myself but also those around me, reinforcing the notion that true success encompasses both academic achievement and holistic well-being.
    Outstanding Indians at Orchards at Monroe Scholarship
    Navigating the realms of higher education at Cornell University, as an Applied Economics and Management major, I, Joshua Dong, have encountered firsthand the intricate dance of managing financial constraints while aspiring to academic and professional excellence. The cost of education, coupled with living expenses, creates a challenging landscape for students from less affluent backgrounds. This essay outlines how my financial situation has shaped my educational journey, how a scholarship could transform my aspirations into reality, and the societal impact I hope to achieve through my dreams. The Impact of Financial Constraints on Education My financial situation, while not dire, has always been a balancing act. Attending an esteemed institution like Cornell involves substantial expenses beyond tuition, including books, housing, and other academic resources. These costs have necessitated careful budgeting and occasional sacrifices, limiting my access to certain enriching experiences such as specialized workshops, networking events, and internships that require upfront costs. Despite these challenges, I’ve maintained a commitment to academic excellence, but often with the knowledge that my financial situation is a limiting factor in exploring the full breadth of opportunities available. The Role of Scholarship in Realizing Dreams Receiving a scholarship would be akin to opening a door that has been slightly ajar, inviting me to a world of untapped potential. It would alleviate the financial pressures that currently curtail my ability to fully immerse myself in the Cornell experience. This financial liberation would allow me to delve deeper into my studies and participate in extracurricular activities and internships, enriching my education and broadening my professional horizon. Specifically, it would enable me to focus on my passion for addressing socioeconomic issues, particularly in the realms of homelessness and affordable housing, which align with my major and personal experiences. The Societal Impact of My Dream My dream is to utilize my education in Applied Economics and Management to develop sustainable solutions to economic and social challenges. Specifically, I envision creating innovative economic models that address homelessness and housing instability. The knowledge and experience gained through a financially unburdened educational journey would empower me to contribute meaningful solutions to these pressing issues. Furthermore, my commitment to community service, as demonstrated through my role in founding Help Homeless Inc., reflects my dedication to societal betterment. I aim to leverage my education to expand the scope and impact of this organization, driving systemic change in how we address homelessness and economic disparities. In essence, my financial situation has been a constant consideration in my educational journey, one that has taught me resilience and resourcefulness. A scholarship would not only ease this financial burden but also propel me towards realizing my aspirations to create positive societal change. It represents an investment not just in my education but in the potential societal contributions I aspire to make, using the knowledge and skills honed through an unencumbered academic journey. In this way, the ripple effect of this scholarship would extend beyond my personal achievements, fostering a legacy of empowerment and positive growth in society.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    In life's complex tapestry, loss often emerges as a defining thread, reshaping our perspectives and priorities. While I, Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, have not experienced the loss of a close family member in the literal sense, my journey intertwines with experiences that echo the essence of loss and the consequent refocusing on what truly matters. Through my encounters with individuals who have faced significant hardships and my involvement in community service, I have learned valuable lessons about resilience, purpose, and the enduring human spirit. The closest I have come to experiencing loss in a profound way was through my leadership role in Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded. Interacting with individuals who had lost everything – their homes, families, and sense of security – I witnessed the raw impact of loss on the human spirit. These encounters, though not personal losses, deeply affected me and provided a stark perspective on the fragility of life and the importance of resilience. This exposure to loss and hardship steered me towards focusing on what matters most in my life: making a positive impact on society, particularly in addressing homelessness and social inequity. Witnessing the strength and determination of those who have faced immense loss inspired me to "fight" for change and contribute towards building a more compassionate and inclusive world. My academic pursuits in economics and management are not mere career choices; they are tools I aim to use to combat social issues. I am motivated to develop sustainable economic models that can alleviate poverty and homelessness, inspired by the resilience of those I have met through my non-profit work. The loss and struggles witnessed in others have instilled in me a sense of responsibility to use my education and skills for the greater good. Furthermore, these experiences have reshaped my approach to life and relationships. They have taught me to value empathy, foster deeper connections, and appreciate the often-overlooked blessings in life. The loss experienced by others has been a poignant reminder to cherish my loved ones and to not take moments of joy and togetherness for granted. In conclusion, while I have not personally suffered the loss of a close family member, my interactions with those who have faced significant losses have profoundly influenced my life. They have compelled me to focus on what matters most: contributing positively to society and fighting against the injustices that cause such loss and hardship. The Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship resonates deeply with my journey, representing not only financial support for my educational endeavors but also a recognition of the resilience and purpose forged in the face of loss. This scholarship will aid me in my "fight" to make a meaningful difference in the world, inspired by the strength and determination of those who have overcome great adversity.
    Veerakasturi and Venkateswarlu Ganapaneni Memorial Scholarship
    In the pursuit of higher education, financial challenges often loom large, casting a shadow over the dreams and aspirations of many. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I have firsthand experience with the ways in which financial constraints can impact one's educational journey. This essay reflects on how my financial situation has affected my education, how a scholarship could facilitate the realization of my dreams, and the potential societal impact of fulfilling these aspirations. The Impact of Financial Constraints on Education The pursuit of a degree at a prestigious institution like Cornell comes with substantial financial implications. My journey has been a balancing act of maintaining academic excellence while navigating the financial challenges that accompany higher education. The cost of tuition, books, and living expenses pose continuous hurdles, often necessitating sacrifices and difficult choices. These financial constraints have meant forgoing valuable opportunities such as attending certain conferences and participating in enriching extracurricular activities that require funds, which could have further enhanced my educational experience. The Role of Scholarship in Achieving Dreams A scholarship would be a transformative element in my educational journey. It would alleviate the financial burden, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the Cornell experience. This support would enable me to take advantage of opportunities currently beyond my reach, such as engaging more deeply in research projects, contributing more significantly to campus organizations like Help Homeless Inc., and pursuing internships that align with my career goals but may not be financially feasible. The freedom to engage in these activities without the looming stress of financial strain would be instrumental in shaping my future, allowing me to harness the full potential of my academic pursuits. The Societal Impact of Realizing My Dream My dream is to intertwine my education in economics and management with my passion for community service, specifically in areas of homelessness and sustainable housing. The knowledge and skills acquired through my degree, augmented by experiences unlocked by a scholarship, would empower me to make meaningful contributions to society. My goal is to develop sustainable economic models that address homelessness and housing instability, creating a tangible positive impact on communities. By improving the lives of those in need, I aim to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society. Furthermore, my commitment to community service extends beyond professional aspirations; it includes a personal dedication to advocating for economic and social justice, striving to create a ripple effect of positive change within the community. In conclusion, my financial situation, while challenging, has not dampened my determination but rather fueled my resolve to succeed. A scholarship in honor of Veerakasturi and Venkateswarlu Ganapaneni would not only be a financial lifeline but a catalyst propelling me towards my educational and professional goals. More importantly, it would enable me to contribute to society in meaningful ways, turning the dream of a better world into a tangible reality.
    Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
    In the rigorous academic environment of Cornell University, where the pursuit of excellence is often coupled with high stress and immense pressure, the importance of mental health becomes not just a personal concern but a collective necessity. As Joshua Dong, a student majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my experiences have led me to understand that mental health is as crucial as physical well-being for academic and personal success. This essay reflects on why mental health is important to me as a student and how I advocate for mental health in my community. Mental health is pivotal for students because it directly influences our ability to learn, engage, and grow. In the midst of intense academic challenges, maintaining mental wellness ensures that we are not just academically proficient but also holistically healthy. As someone who has witnessed the impact of mental health struggles among peers, I've realized that mental resilience is a key component in managing the demands of college life. It is essential in fostering a balanced life where academic achievements are paralleled with personal well-being. At Cornell, I have taken a proactive stance in advocating for mental health. My involvement in leadership roles, particularly in Help Homeless Inc., has provided me with a platform to promote mental wellness. I have worked to create an environment where discussions about mental health are encouraged and supported. Understanding the unique challenges faced by the homeless population, many of whom struggle with mental health issues, has further deepened my commitment to this cause. Through organizing workshops and awareness campaigns, we have aimed to educate and provide resources on mental health, not just for our members, but also for the communities we serve. Moreover, as the Vice President of Internal Affairs in the Alpha Fund at Cornell, I have striven to foster a supportive and inclusive culture. Recognizing the stressful nature of finance and economics, I have advocated for regular check-ins with team members, promoting open conversations about stress management and mental well-being. By sharing resources and creating a space where team members can voice their concerns without fear of judgment, we aim to destigmatize mental health discussions within academic and professional settings. Beyond organizational involvement, I advocate for mental health through everyday interactions. Whether it's offering a listening ear to a peer or participating in university-led mental health initiatives, I believe in the power of small actions to create a supportive community. I actively engage in dialogues about mental health, aiming to dispel myths and misconceptions, and emphasize the importance of seeking help. In conclusion, mental health is crucial to me as a student because it underpins every aspect of my life – academic performance, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being. Through my roles in various organizations and daily interactions, I advocate for mental wellness, striving to create a community where mental health is openly discussed, understood, and prioritized. As I continue my journey, I am committed to being a part of a larger movement that changes the mental health narrative, fostering a culture of empathy, inclusivity, and support. The Learner's Annual Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship represents not just an acknowledgment of these efforts but also a reinforcement of my dedication to this vital cause.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    In a world teeming with challenges, the pursuit of making a positive impact can seem daunting. Yet, as Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I am committed to this pursuit, driven by a deep-seated belief in compassion, selflessness, and community service. The Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship embodies these values, and it is in this spirit that I outline my plans to effect change in the world. My journey in making a positive impact began with the co-founding of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting homeless communities across the nation. This experience not only honed my skills in leadership and organization but also deepened my understanding of the complexities surrounding homelessness. It instilled in me a profound sense of empathy and a commitment to finding sustainable solutions to societal issues. Looking ahead, my plan to make a positive impact is multifaceted and rooted in the integration of my academic background in economics and management with my passion for community service. Firstly, I aim to leverage my education in economics to develop innovative economic models that address income inequality and promote sustainable development. By focusing on economic policies that drive equitable growth, I believe I can contribute to creating a more inclusive and prosperous society. Secondly, my interest in real estate and my minor in Fungal Biology fuel my ambition to promote sustainable housing and environmental stewardship. I envision utilizing my knowledge in these fields to develop affordable, eco-friendly housing solutions. This initiative would not only address the pressing issue of homelessness but also contribute to urban sustainability and environmental conservation. Moreover, I plan to continue my involvement in community service and non-profit work. This will include expanding the reach and impact of Help Homeless Inc. and collaborating with other organizations to advocate for policies that support marginalized communities. By building networks of like-minded individuals and organizations, I hope to amplify the collective impact of our efforts. In addition to these specific goals, I am committed to fostering a culture of compassion and empathy in every sphere of my life. Whether in academic settings, professional environments, or personal interactions, I aim to lead by example, promoting values of inclusivity, understanding, and social responsibility. In conclusion, my plan to make a positive impact on the world is an ongoing journey, one that is propelled by a blend of academic knowledge, practical experience, and a deep commitment to service. Through innovative economic solutions, sustainable housing initiatives, and continued non-profit work, I aim to contribute to a world where compassion and selflessness are not just ideals but the foundation of our collective actions. The Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship represents not just financial support for my education but an affirmation of a path dedicated to service and positive change.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    In a world teeming with chaos and unpredictability, mathematics stands as a beacon of order and rationality. As Joshua Dong, a student majoring in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, my love for mathematics stems from its universality, its inherent logic, and its profound applicability in deciphering the complexities of the world around us. My fascination with math began as an appreciation of its precision and clarity. In mathematics, every problem has a solution governed by indisputable principles. This certainty, in a landscape often clouded by ambiguity, was both comforting and intriguing. It was a realm where challenges could be met with definite answers, and where abstract concepts could be transformed into concrete solutions. As I delved deeper into my major, I discovered that mathematics is not just about numbers and equations; it is the language of logic, the tool for problem-solving, and the foundation of critical thinking. In the field of economics and management, math has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of business models, economic theories, and financial analytics. It has enabled me to approach complex problems with a structured and analytical mindset, turning theoretical concepts into tangible strategies. Moreover, my passion for math extends beyond its academic allure; it lies in its versatility and omnipresence in everyday life. Whether it's in analyzing market trends, optimizing resource allocation, or even in the simple act of budgeting, mathematics is ubiquitous. Its principles govern the technology we use, the businesses we run, and the economic decisions that shape our society. In essence, my love for mathematics is rooted in its elegance, its discipline, and its immense power to explain and improve the world. It is not just a subject I study; it is a lens through which I view and understand life. As I continue my academic journey and embark on my future career, I am excited to harness the power of mathematics to make meaningful contributions to the fields of economics and business, and beyond.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    In a world where each individual’s journey is uniquely marked by triumphs and tribulations, my own path has been significantly shaped by encounters with mental health challenges and an ardent commitment to inclusivity. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my experiences with mental health and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights have deeply impacted my beliefs, relationships, and aspirations. This essay explores how these experiences have influenced my life and fueled my dedication to fostering a more empathetic and inclusive society. Mental health awareness became a focal point in my life during my tenure at Cornell, where the high-pressure academic environment brought to light the mental struggles faced by many students. Witnessing peers grappling with stress, anxiety, and depression underscored the importance of mental wellness and the need for supportive communities. This realization was a catalyst for my involvement in initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness and creating a culture of understanding and empathy on campus. My role as a leader in various organizations, including Help Homeless Inc., further illuminated the mental health challenges faced by diverse populations. Interacting with individuals from various backgrounds, many battling the invisible scars of mental trauma, instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility to advocate for mental health awareness. These interactions have not only enriched my understanding but also highlighted the intersectionality of mental health with other societal issues, including those faced by the LGBTQIA+ community. As an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, I have been deeply impacted by the experiences and challenges faced by non-binary and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Understanding their struggles with acceptance, identity, and mental health has been both eye-opening and heart-wrenching. It has reinforced my belief in the importance of creating safe, inclusive spaces where everyone feels valued and accepted, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. My experiences have taught me invaluable lessons in empathy, inclusivity, and resilience. I have learned that mental health is a continuum that affects us all, and that support and understanding can be powerful catalysts for healing. The challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, especially in terms of mental health, have underscored the need for advocacy, education, and policy changes to ensure their rights and well-being. In my academic and future professional endeavors, these experiences have shaped my aspiration to integrate mental health advocacy and inclusivity into my career. Whether through developing workplace policies that support mental wellness or engaging in community initiatives that promote LGBTQIA+ rights, my goal is to contribute to creating a more empathetic and inclusive society. In conclusion, my journey has been profoundly impacted by mental health challenges and the experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community. These encounters have not only shaped my understanding of the world but have also inspired my commitment to advocacy and change. The Elijah’s Helping Hand Scholarship Award resonates with my journey, representing a commitment to persevere through personal battles while supporting others in their struggles. It is a testament to the power of empathy, understanding, and inclusivity in transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and positive impact.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    Amidst the dazzling array of Spider-Man portrayals that have graced the big screen, each actor has spun a unique web that captures the essence of Peter Parker in diverse ways. As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my favorite portrayal of Spider-Man resonates deeply with my own journey of growth, resilience, and discovery. It is Tom Holland's embodiment of the young, evolving superhero that has left the most indelible mark on me. Tom Holland's Spider-Man strikes a chord with me for several reasons. His portrayal of Peter Parker as a high school student navigating the complexities of adolescence while grappling with the enormity of his superhuman responsibilities mirrors the balancing act that many of us face in our daily lives. As a college student juggling academic rigors, extracurricular commitments, and personal growth, I find Holland's Spider-Man relatable and authentic. His youthful exuberance, coupled with a palpable sense of responsibility, reflects the inner conflicts that often accompany the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Moreover, Holland's Spider-Man embodies resilience and adaptability, traits that are essential in today's rapidly changing world. Despite facing formidable challenges and adversaries, his Spider-Man demonstrates an unwavering commitment to his principles and a remarkable ability to adapt to new situations. This resilience is something I strive to emulate in my own life, whether it's navigating the complexities of managing a non-profit organization like Help Homeless Inc., or adapting to the dynamic environment of Cornell's Alpha Fund. Holland's portrayal also stands out for its emotional depth. His Spider-Man is not just a superhero; he is a multi-dimensional character who experiences growth, makes mistakes, and learns from them. This portrayal of a fallible yet evolving character resonates with me as it mirrors the journey of personal development that we all undergo. Watching Holland's Spider-Man learn to harness his powers and understand the weight of his choices has been a source of inspiration, reminding me that growth often comes from facing challenges head-on and learning from them. Additionally, Tom Holland brings a refreshing authenticity to the role. His natural ability to convey the youthful optimism and inherent goodness of Peter Parker, coupled with his physical agility and commitment to the role, makes his portrayal both engaging and believable. This authenticity is something I aspire to in my academic and professional endeavors – to approach each task with integrity and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. In conclusion, Tom Holland's portrayal of Spider-Man is my favorite because it encapsulates the essence of youth, resilience, and growth. His Spider-Man is not just a superhero fighting villains; he is a symbol of the challenges and triumphs that accompany the journey of self-discovery and responsibility. As I continue my academic and personal journey, I carry with me the lessons of resilience, adaptability, and authenticity exemplified by Tom Holland's Spider-Man – a character that has not only entertained but also inspired and resonated with me on a deeper level.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    In the journey of life, especially in the pursuit of education, support systems play a pivotal role, often acting as the backbone of our achievements. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I have been fortunate to receive unwavering support from various quarters, each contributing uniquely to my academic and personal growth. This essay reflects on those who have supported me the most in reaching my educational goals and the ways in which their support has been instrumental. At the forefront of my support system stands my family. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities have been the guiding light through my educational journey. From a young age, they instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance. Their sacrifices, both big and small, laid the foundation for my pursuit of higher education. It was their unwavering belief in the power of education that drove me to excel academically and maintain a 4.0 GPA at Cornell. Their emotional support, particularly during challenging times, served as a reminder that I was not alone in this journey, fostering resilience and determination within me. Another pillar of support has been my involvement with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded. This experience was not just about giving back to the community but also about learning valuable life lessons. My teammates and mentors in this venture provided me with support that went beyond the conventional. They taught me the importance of empathy, leadership, and effective communication – skills that are as crucial as academic knowledge. Their guidance helped me navigate the complexities of managing a non-profit while balancing academic responsibilities, shaping me into a more rounded individual. At Cornell, my professors and academic advisors have been instrumental in guiding my academic path. Their expertise and willingness to share knowledge have enriched my learning experience. They have challenged me to think critically, encouraged me to explore diverse interests, and provided guidance in making informed decisions about my academic and career goals. Their support has been a testament to the impact that educators can have on their students' lives. My peers, too, have been a source of immense support. The collaborative environment at Cornell, especially within the Alpha Fund and the Cornell Real Estate Club, has fostered a sense of community and mutual growth. Working alongside talented and driven individuals has not only pushed me to elevate my own standards but also provided a network of support where we could share ideas, challenges, and triumphs. This camaraderie has been a cornerstone of my educational experience, reminding me that success is often a collective effort. In conclusion, the support I have received in reaching my educational goals is a mosaic of different influences – my family’s unwavering belief, the invaluable lessons from my non-profit experience, the guidance of my educators, and the solidarity of my peers. Each of these elements has contributed significantly to my journey, shaping me into the person I am today. As I continue to strive towards my goals, I carry with me not only the knowledge and skills I have acquired but also the profound gratitude for the symphony of support that has accompanied me every step of the way.
    Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
    In an era where the tapestry of global narratives is intricately woven with threads of varied perspectives, the role of diversity in public relations becomes not just relevant but imperative. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my engagement in a field seemingly distant from public relations has nonetheless provided me with profound insights into the importance of diverse voices in shaping public narratives. This essay explores the impact of diversity in public relations and its potential to reshape societal discourse and foster a more inclusive world. Public relations, at its core, is about storytelling and shaping perceptions. It is the art of crafting narratives that resonate with audiences and influence societal views. The power of diverse voices in this realm is transformative – it enriches public discourse with a spectrum of experiences, beliefs, and perspectives that challenge the homogeneity often seen in mainstream narratives. In a world where traditional media and communication channels have often marginalized minority voices, the infusion of diversity in public relations is a stride towards rectifying historical imbalances and broadening our collective understanding. From my academic pursuits in economics and management, I have learned that diversity is not just a social imperative but an economic strength. Diverse voices bring unique insights and innovative approaches to problem-solving. In public relations, this translates to campaigns and strategies that are more creative, empathetic, and effective in reaching a broader audience. By embracing diversity, the industry can produce more nuanced and culturally sensitive communications, fostering deeper connections between brands and their increasingly diverse consumer bases. Moreover, diverse voices in public relations have the power to challenge stereotypes and dismantle prejudices. They can shine a light on underrepresented stories and issues, elevating them from the peripheries to the mainstream. This not only enriches the public dialogue but also contributes to a more informed and empathetic society. For instance, incorporating perspectives from various ethnic, socio-economic, and gender backgrounds can lead to more inclusive representations in media, breaking down the barriers of ignorance and intolerance. In my journey, involvement in various organizations like Help Homeless Inc. has underscored the importance of representing diverse viewpoints. As a leader in this nonprofit, I have seen how inclusive and culturally sensitive communication strategies can significantly impact community engagement and support. This experience has cemented my belief in the power of diversity in shaping narratives that not only inform but also inspire positive societal change. Furthermore, diverse voices in public relations play a crucial role in shaping the public's understanding of global issues. In an interconnected world, the ability to communicate complex topics – such as climate change, social justice, or economic disparities – in a relatable and inclusive manner is vital. Diversity in this field ensures that these narratives are not monolithic but reflective of the global community's multifaceted nature. In conclusion, the impact of diverse voices in public relations is profound and far-reaching. It is about more than just adding different perspectives; it is about fundamentally transforming how stories are told and heard in society. As public relations continues to evolve, the inclusion of diverse voices will be pivotal in shaping narratives that are not only reflective of our world's diversity but also instrumental in building a more understanding, inclusive, and cohesive society.
    Koehler Family Trades and Engineering Scholarship
    As I, Joshua Dong, embark on my academic journey at Cornell University, pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management with minors in Real Estate and Fungal Biology, my path may seem divergent from the traditional engineering or trades route. However, the essence of engineering – the drive to innovate, problem-solve, and create positive change – deeply resonates with my educational and career aspirations. This essay explores my passion for this degree, how my upbringing and life events have shaped me, and the lessons learned along the way. My upbringing was marked by a profound appreciation for education and the power of knowledge. Raised in an environment that valued academic excellence, I was always encouraged to explore various fields and push the boundaries of my understanding. This background laid the foundation for my passion for economics and management, fields that, much like engineering, require analytical thinking, creativity, and a problem-solving mindset. A pivotal moment in my life that greatly influenced my career choice was my involvement with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded. This endeavor not only exposed me to the complexities of managing a charitable organization but also highlighted the crucial role of economic principles in addressing social issues. Through this experience, I learned the importance of strategic planning, resource allocation, and sustainable development – skills that are at the core of both engineering and economics. My choice to minor in Real Estate and Fungal Biology, while seemingly unconventional, is driven by a similar impetus that motivates engineers and tradespeople: a desire to create and innovate for the betterment of society. In real estate, I see the potential to develop sustainable housing solutions, and in fungal biology, I find opportunities to explore environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Both areas offer avenues to apply economic and management principles in tangible, impactful ways. The lessons I've learned through my life experiences are manifold. Leading Help Homeless Inc. taught me the value of teamwork, leadership, and resilience. It showed me that complex problems require collaborative and multi-faceted solutions, a principle that is central to engineering and the trades. My academic experiences at Cornell have further honed my analytical skills and fostered a mindset geared towards innovation and ethical responsibility. Moreover, my upbringing and experiences have instilled in me a sense of duty to give back to the community. I've learned that success is not measured solely by personal achievements but also by the positive impact one can have on others. This belief drives my aspiration to use my degree in economics and management to develop solutions that are not only economically viable but also socially and environmentally responsible. In conclusion, my passion for pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management is rooted in a deep-seated desire to innovate, solve problems, and contribute positively to society. My upbringing and life experiences have shaped me into a person who values knowledge, embraces challenges, and strives to make a meaningful difference. Through this scholarship, I aim to further my education and continue on a path that, while different in discipline from engineering or the trades, shares the same core values of creating innovation and positive change in the world.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    In a world where mental health often lurks in the shadows of societal discourse, my experiences and observations have profoundly shaped my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. As Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University studying Applied Economics and Management with a minor in Fungal Biology, my journey intertwines with the complexities of mental wellness, echoing the ethos of the Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship. This essay is a reflection of how mental health has influenced my life and fueled my commitment to advocate for change. My understanding of mental health was initially academic, as I witnessed peers grappling with the pressures of university life. The high stress and anxiety endemic in the academic environment provided a firsthand look at the mental health challenges faced by many students. This observation was a pivotal point in my educational journey, driving me to look beyond the traditional curriculum and seek a deeper understanding of mental wellness. The plight of mental health became more pronounced through my leadership role in Help Homeless Inc., where I encountered individuals from diverse backgrounds, many of whom struggled with mental trauma. This exposure was not only enlightening but also heart-wrenching, as it underscored the pervasive nature of mental health issues in all strata of society. It instilled in me a profound sense of empathy and a determination to address these often-overlooked aspects of wellbeing. My beliefs have been significantly shaped by these experiences. I've come to understand that mental health is as crucial as physical health, and yet, it is often stigmatized and misunderstood. This realization has fostered a belief in the importance of open dialogue, education, and the destigmatization of mental health. It has also led me to advocate for a holistic approach to health, one that encompasses both the mind and body, and recognizes the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In my relationships, both personal and professional, my experiences with mental health have cultivated a deeper level of empathy and understanding. As the Vice President of Internal Affairs in the Alpha Fund at Cornell, I have strived to create an environment where discussions about mental health are not only accepted but encouraged. This role has allowed me to support my peers, foster a culture of openness, and advocate for mental health awareness within the university community. Professionally, my aspirations in the field of economics and real estate are now imbued with a commitment to mental wellness. My goal is to integrate concepts that promote mental health into the business and economic models I will develop in my career. This includes creating work environments that support mental wellbeing, advocating for policies that address mental health in the workplace, and contributing to projects that have a positive impact on community mental health. My minor in Fungal Biology, though seemingly unrelated, has also influenced my perspective on mental health. The study of fungi, with their complex and often unseen networks, mirrors the intricate and often invisible nature of mental health. This analogy has reinforced my belief in the importance of understanding the underlying factors that affect mental wellness and the need for systemic solutions to mental health challenges. In conclusion, my experiences with mental health have profoundly shaped my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. They have transformed my approach to education, instilled a deep sense of empathy, and driven me to pursue a career that not only achieves professional success but also contributes positively to mental wellness. The Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship resonates with my journey, representing a commitment to bringing the darkness of mental health issues to light and fostering innovative solutions to address this critical societal challenge.
    Kevin Boblenz Scholarship
    As I, Joshua Dong, reflect on my journey at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management with a minor in Fungal Biology, I find my path intersecting with the values and passions that Kevin Boblenz cherished in his lifetime. Agriculture, an often-overlooked yet fundamental pillar of our society, has profoundly influenced my academic pursuits and future aspirations. This essay delves into my personal narrative and my commitment to making a positive impact through agriculture. My interest in agriculture, particularly in the realm of fungal biology, is a unique aspect of my academic journey. While majoring in economics and management provides me with a robust foundation in business principles, it is my minor in Fungal Biology that has opened my eyes to the intricate and vital role of agriculture in our world. This combination of studies has not only enriched my knowledge but also sparked a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of agricultural systems and economic frameworks. My involvement in agriculture began as a curiosity but quickly blossomed into a passion. Studying fungal biology has taught me about the crucial role fungi play in agriculture, from improving soil health to enhancing crop yields. This knowledge has not only expanded my understanding of the agricultural ecosystem but has also fueled my desire to contribute to sustainable farming practices and food security initiatives. At Cornell, my engagement with agriculture extends beyond the classroom. Participating in various projects and research initiatives, I have had the opportunity to apply my learnings in real-world scenarios. These experiences have been instrumental in shaping my perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the agricultural sector. They have also solidified my resolve to integrate sustainable agricultural practices into my future career in real estate and investment banking. Looking ahead, I envision a career that harmoniously blends my expertise in economics, real estate, and agriculture. My aspiration is to leverage this unique skill set to promote sustainable development, particularly in urban areas where agricultural practices are often sidelined. By integrating concepts like urban farming and green spaces into real estate development, I aim to create environments that support both ecological and economic sustainability. Moreover, my passion for agriculture has instilled in me a sense of responsibility towards community engagement and education. Inspired by Kevin Boblenz's dedication to education, I am committed to advocating for agricultural literacy and awareness. I believe that educating communities about the importance of sustainable agriculture and its impact on our daily lives is key to fostering a more environmentally conscious society. In conclusion, my journey in agriculture, though distinct from the traditional path, has been a cornerstone of my personal and academic growth. It has shaped my goals, informed my worldview, and inspired my future endeavors. Through this scholarship, I hope to honor Kevin Boblenz's legacy by continuing to explore the intersection of agriculture and economics, and by making a positive impact on the world through sustainable practices and community education. My commitment is not just to succeed academically but to sow the seeds of change, nurturing a future where agriculture is recognized and valued as a vital component of our global ecosystem.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Mental health, often shrouded in the shadows of misunderstanding and stigma, is a topic that resonates deeply with me, Joshua Dong. As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I have been on a journey that intertwines academic pursuits with personal growth and social empathy. This essay delves into how my experiences with mental health have shaped my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world, honoring the spirit of the Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship. My journey with mental health began in the corridors of academia, where the pursuit of excellence often comes with high stress and anxiety. Witnessing peers grappling with the pressures of academic and social expectations at Cornell was my first real encounter with the nuanced complexities of mental health. These observations were further compounded by my leadership role in Help Homeless Inc., where I interacted with individuals from diverse backgrounds, many of whom battled the invisible scars of mental trauma. These experiences were transformative, instilling in me a profound sense of empathy and a determination to understand mental health beyond superficial stereotypes. I learned that mental health issues do not discriminate; they can affect anyone, regardless of their background or achievements. This realization was a pivotal moment in my life, reshaping my goals from solely academic and career-oriented to encompassing a more holistic approach towards well-being and empathy. Professionally, my ambition to excel in real estate investment banking and establish my own firm remains unwavering. However, these goals are now imbued with a deeper purpose: to create environments that foster mental wellness. Through my career in real estate, I envision developing spaces that not only serve functional purposes but also promote mental well-being, such as affordable housing with built-in community support systems for the underprivileged. My relationships, too, have been profoundly impacted by my growing understanding of mental health. In my role as Vice President of Internal Affairs in the Alpha Fund at Cornell and my interactions within various student organizations, I have become more attuned to the mental well-being of my peers. I've learned to listen actively, offer support, and advocate for a culture where discussing mental health is not a taboo but a vital part of our collective growth. This scholarship, in honor of Ethel Hayes, resonates with me as it embodies the principles of openness and dialogue that I have come to champion. In my personal journey, I have seen how open conversations about mental health can be liberating and healing. It is through dialogue that we can dismantle the stigmas, understand the nuances of mental health, and foster a supportive community. Moreover, my understanding of the world has shifted from a focus on individual achievement to recognizing the interconnectedness of our mental well-being. I now see success not just in terms of personal milestones but in how we uplift each other in our most vulnerable moments. This perspective has motivated me to be an advocate for mental health awareness, particularly in communities where such discussions are often stigmatized or ignored. In conclusion, my experiences with mental health have profoundly shaped my life's trajectory. They have redefined my goals to include a commitment to creating environments that support mental well-being, enriched my relationships with empathy and understanding, and broadened my view of the world as an interconnected tapestry of diverse mental experiences. This scholarship, in honor of Ethel Hayes, represents not just financial assistance but an affirmation of the path I have chosen: to illuminate the shadows of mental health and contribute to a world where such conversations are embraced with openness and compassion.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    In a world that often equates success with academic accolades and conventional milestones, my definition of success has evolved to encompass a broader, more inclusive vista. For me, Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University studying Applied Economics and Management, success is not merely a collection of grades or titles but a continuous journey of growth, learning, and impact. It is about transforming personal passions into tangible actions that leave a positive imprint on society. This essay outlines my vision of success and how the opportunity to participate in this scholarship program will be instrumental in achieving my goals. Success, in my eyes, is a multifaceted concept. It is as much about achieving personal and academic excellence as it is about creating a meaningful impact beyond myself. My journey at Cornell, marked by a strong academic performance with a GPA of 4.0, is just one aspect of my definition of success. However, what truly encapsulates my vision of success is my commitment to addressing societal issues, notably the challenge of homelessness and housing instability. As the co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a national non-profit organization, I have strived to make a tangible impact in the lives of the homeless. This endeavor has not only been about raising funds and awareness but also about empowering student leaders across various chapters to take action in their local communities. My involvement in this initiative has taught me that success is deeply intertwined with the ability to inspire and mobilize others towards a common goal. This scholarship opportunity presents a unique platform to further my aspirations in real estate investment and community development. My career goals are centered around breaking into real estate investment banking or private equity, deepening my insights into real estate developments and transactions, and eventually establishing my own alternative investments firm. The cornerstone of these aspirations is my ambition to leverage my real estate knowledge to develop transitional and subsidized housing through Help Homeless Inc. The skills and experiences I hope to gain through this scholarship program are crucial to my success. I am keen to deepen my understanding of financing affordable housing projects, navigating the regulatory environment, and understanding the impact of governmental policies on affordable housing. These competencies are not just academic pursuits but vital tools that will empower me to make informed decisions in my real estate career and, more importantly, in my efforts to provide stable housing solutions. Moreover, success for me is also about embracing diverse avenues for personal growth and education. My participation in the Project Destined Real Estate Analyst program, my role in Cornell's Alpha Fund, and various internships, including with PGIM and Skybridge Capital, have all contributed to a practical understanding of the real estate and finance sectors. However, the knowledge gained through these experiences is a stepping stone towards a larger goal: creating a sustainable impact in the realm of affordable housing. In essence, success for me is a balanced blend of personal achievement, academic growth, and societal contribution. It is about harnessing my passion for real estate and finance to address a pressing social issue. This scholarship opportunity is not just a financial aid; it represents a gateway to enhance my skills, expand my network, and bring me a step closer to realizing my long-term goal of developing affordable housing solutions. It aligns perfectly with my ethos of taking proactive action and not merely waiting for change to happen. In conclusion, my vision of success transcends the traditional academic route and delves into the realm of social entrepreneurship and community service. This scholarship is more than just an opportunity; it is a catalyst that will propel me towards achieving my multifaceted goals. It is a crucial step in my journey to not only succeed academically and professionally but also to make a lasting, positive impact on society.
    Jessie Koci Future Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters, where the route is as exhilarating as it is challenging. As a current student at Cornell University, pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management, I am laying the groundwork for my entrepreneurial aspirations. My chosen field of study, reflective of my passion for innovation and leadership, is the cornerstone upon which I plan to build my entrepreneurial ventures. The discipline of Applied Economics and Management appeals to me for its blend of analytical rigor and practical application. It offers a comprehensive understanding of economic principles, business strategies, and management practices. This knowledge is crucial for any entrepreneur, as it equips one with the skills to make informed decisions, understand market dynamics, and effectively manage resources. My goal is to leverage this education to develop sustainable business models that not only yield economic success but also contribute positively to society. My drive towards entrepreneurship is fueled by a desire to create and innovate. I envision entrepreneurship as a platform to implement ideas that can address real-world problems. My experience as the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, has solidified my commitment to creating ventures that have a meaningful impact. The entrepreneurial career path, with its potential for significant social contribution and personal fulfillment, aligns with my ambition to make a difference in the world. The key to success in any entrepreneurial endeavor, I believe, is a combination of resilience, adaptability, and a deep understanding of one’s field. My academic journey at Cornell is focused on developing these attributes. The challenges and learning opportunities that come with managing a non-profit organization have taught me the importance of perseverance and flexibility in the face of adversity. These experiences have prepared me to navigate the uncertainties and risks inherent in starting and running a business. Moreover, success in business is not just about financial profitability; it is also about creating value and positively impacting lives. My entrepreneurial pursuits will be guided by a commitment to ethical practices, sustainability, and community engagement. I aim to build businesses that are not only successful in a traditional sense but also in contributing to the betterment of society. In my view, a successful life is one that balances personal achievements with contributions to the greater good. It involves realizing one’s potential while uplifting others. Success is about making a lasting impact, whether through innovative products, services that improve lives, or business practices that set new standards in ethical and sustainable operations. In conclusion, my choice to study Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University is a strategic step towards realizing my entrepreneurial dreams. The skills and knowledge gained from this field will be instrumental in my success as an entrepreneur. My commitment to innovation, coupled with a dedication to ethical and socially responsible business practices, sets the foundation for a successful career and a fulfilling life. The Jessie Koci Scholarship would not only support my academic pursuits but also endorse my vision of entrepreneurship as a means to drive positive change in the world.
    GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, navigating the complexities of adolescence has been a journey of self-discovery, challenges, and growth. Olivia Rodrigo’s album "GUTS" resonates deeply with this phase of my life, particularly the lyric, "Do you get déjà vu when she’s with you?" from her song "Deja Vu." This line encapsulates the universal teenage experience of navigating first loves, the bittersweet nature of moving on, and the process of self-realization. This lyric mirrors my own experiences during my teenage years, where emotions are intense and every experience feels magnified. The sense of déjà vu in the song speaks to the common adolescent theme of comparing oneself to others, especially in the context of relationships. As a teenager, witnessing an ex-partner move on and wondering if they are replicating the same memories and moments with someone else is a poignant, often heart-wrenching experience. This line captures the essence of the insecurity and vulnerability that come with teenage love and loss. The emotional landscape of adolescence is fraught with the highs and lows of first experiences, particularly in the realm of relationships. Rodrigo’s lyrics touch on the longing, jealousy, and introspection that accompany these experiences. Her ability to articulate these complex emotions in her music has given a voice to a generation of teenagers grappling with similar feelings. Her songs provide a form of solace and understanding, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their experiences. Moreover, the lyric from "Deja Vu" represents the broader challenge of adolescence: the journey of discovering one’s identity. This period is marked by significant changes – not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. The process of comparing oneself to others and the experiences of heartbreak and jealousy are part of the larger narrative of understanding who we are and what we value. For me, this has been a time of significant personal growth, where I have learned to balance my academic ambitions with emotional well-being. My experience as the CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, has also been influenced by the trials and tribulations of adolescence. The empathy, understanding, and resilience I developed during this time have been crucial in my work with the non-profit. These teenage experiences have taught me the importance of compassion and perseverance – qualities that are essential in addressing societal issues like homelessness. In conclusion, Olivia Rodrigo’s "GUTS" album, and particularly the lyric from "Deja Vu," resonates with my teenage experience. It captures the essence of adolescence, a time filled with intense emotions, self-discovery, and personal growth. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today, influencing my academic pursuits, my work in community service, and my approach to life. The ‘GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship’ would not only support my educational journey but also honor the challenges and lessons of adolescence that have been instrumental in shaping my perspective and aspirations.
    Julie Holloway Bryant Memorial Scholarship
    My journey as a bilingual individual, balancing the nuances of two languages, has been a defining aspect of my identity and academic pursuits. My name is Joshua Dong, and I am a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management. My first language is Mandarin, a rich and complex language that has shaped my worldview and communication skills. As I look towards my post-graduation plans, my bilingual abilities play a crucial role in my aspirations and the challenges I navigate. Growing up with Mandarin as my first language, I was immersed in a culture steeped in history and tradition. This early exposure to a language that is both intricate and expressive has given me a deep appreciation for linguistic diversity and cultural heritage. However, transitioning to an English-speaking educational environment posed significant challenges. The initial language barrier was not just about learning a new language; it was about adapting to different modes of expression, understanding cultural nuances, and navigating a world where my primary language was not the dominant mode of communication. One of the key challenges of being bilingual was acting as a bridge between my family and the English-speaking world. From a young age, I found myself in the role of a translator, helping my family navigate various situations – from medical appointments to parent-teacher meetings. While this responsibility honed my linguistic skills and cultural understanding, it also placed a significant burden on me, often making me feel like I was straddling two worlds. Despite these challenges, being bilingual has also brought numerous benefits. It has provided me with a unique perspective, allowing me to see the world through the lens of two distinct cultures. This ability to navigate and appreciate diverse cultural contexts has been invaluable in my academic and professional life. At Cornell, my bilingual skills have enabled me to connect with a diverse community, participate in multicultural initiatives, and bring a unique perspective to discussions and projects. Post-graduation, I plan to utilize my bilingual abilities in my career in economics and real estate. The skill to communicate and understand cultural nuances in Mandarin and English is a significant asset in the globalized business environment. I aim to work in international real estate investment or economic consultancy, where my ability to navigate different cultural and linguistic contexts will be crucial in building relationships, understanding market dynamics, and facilitating cross-border collaborations. Moreover, being bilingual has instilled in me a passion for language and communication, which I plan to leverage in advocacy and community engagement. My experience with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, has shown me the power of effective communication in rallying support and driving change. In the future, I intend to use my bilingual skills to advocate for issues close to my heart, such as affordable housing and social equity. In conclusion, being bilingual in Mandarin and English has been a journey of challenges and opportunities. It has shaped my identity, influenced my academic choices, and guided my career aspirations. The experience of navigating two languages has equipped me with a unique skill set and perspective that I plan to leverage in my professional life, contributing to a more connected and understanding world. The scholarship for multilingual individuals would not only support my educational journey but also recognize the challenges and strengths that come with being bilingual, further empowering me to achieve my goals and make a positive impact.
    Vegan Teens Are The Future Scholarship
    Embarking on a vegan lifestyle is a conscious choice I made over a year ago, a decision that not only aligns with my ethical beliefs but also deeply intertwines with my academic and professional aspirations. As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my vegan journey is more than a dietary preference; it's a commitment to a sustainable, compassionate, and ethical way of life that influences my academic focus, personal values, and future ambitions. The decision to adopt veganism was driven by a combination of ethical considerations, environmental awareness, and a deep sense of responsibility towards animal welfare. Learning about the extensive animal cruelty in the meat and dairy industries was a pivotal moment that propelled me to embrace veganism. This ethical stance against animal exploitation extends beyond dietary choices; it's a holistic approach to living that respects all forms of life and seeks to minimize harm to animals and the environment. Veganism is important to me because it represents a proactive step towards mitigating the climate crisis and addressing global water misuse. Understanding the significant environmental impact of animal agriculture – from greenhouse gas emissions to water and land use – my choice to be vegan is also an environmental choice. It's about being part of the solution to some of the most pressing global challenges we face today. Incorporating veganism into my academic and professional life, I plan to utilize my education in economics and management to promote sustainable business practices and ethical consumption. One of my key aspirations is to develop or work with businesses that champion vegan products and practices, thereby mainstreaming veganism in the market. By integrating ethical and sustainable principles into business models, I aim to demonstrate that economic success can be achieved without compromising ethical values. Furthermore, my experience in running a non-profit organization, Help Homeless Inc., has taught me the power of community engagement and advocacy. I plan to leverage these skills to actively participate in and lead awareness campaigns that educate people about the benefits of veganism. Through workshops, seminars, and social media initiatives, I aim to debunk myths about veganism, showcase its health and environmental benefits, and encourage more people to adopt this compassionate lifestyle. Additionally, I am interested in exploring the intersection of veganism and policy-making. Through research and advocacy, I aspire to influence policies that encourage vegan-friendly initiatives, such as subsidies for plant-based products, stricter animal welfare regulations, and public awareness campaigns about veganism. My goal is to create a broader systemic change that makes veganism accessible and appealing to a larger population. In conclusion, veganism is a core part of my identity, influencing my ethical beliefs, academic pursuits, and professional goals. It represents my commitment to a more compassionate, sustainable, and ethical world. My plan to use my education and experiences to grow the vegan movement is multifaceted – from influencing business practices to engaging in community advocacy and policy-making. The Vegan Teens Are The Future Scholarship would not only support my educational journey but also bolster my efforts to promote veganism, making a positive impact on the planet, animals, and society.
    Hermit Tarot Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University, pursuing a degree in Applied Economics and Management, my foray into the world of tarot has been an enlightening journey, adding a unique dimension to my personality and worldview. Among the rich tapestry of tarot cards, The Tower has always captivated me the most. This might seem like an unconventional choice, given The Tower's often ominous portrayal, but it holds profound personal significance and aligns intriguingly with my academic and life pursuits. The Tower, typically depicted as a structure struck by lightning with figures falling from it, symbolizes sudden change, upheaval, and the breakdown of existing structures. To me, The Tower represents the inevitable and often unpredictable changes that life throws our way. It resonates with my experience of navigating the uncertainties and challenges of academic life and my role as the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization. Just as The Tower signifies the destruction of the old to make way for the new, my journey has involved embracing change, whether in shifting my perspectives in my studies or in adapting strategies to effectively run a non-profit amidst varying challenges. In my academic journey, The Tower reflects the transformative process of learning and unlearning. It encapsulates the moments when established theories are challenged, and new ideas emerge, a parallel to my experience in the dynamic field of economics and management. It represents the intellectual disruptions that are essential for growth and innovation – moments where I've had to let go of preconceived notions to embrace new concepts and strategies. Similarly, in the realm of community service, The Tower signifies the impactful changes we aim to instigate in society. Working with Help Homeless Inc., I've witnessed firsthand how the metaphorical 'towers' of societal norms and structures need to be challenged to address issues like homelessness and social inequality. The card reminds me that transformative change often requires the deconstruction of existing systems and beliefs, paving the way for more effective and inclusive solutions. Moreover, The Tower resonates with me on a personal level. It symbolizes moments of self-realization and the breaking down of personal barriers. It represents those pivotal points in life where significant change leads to personal growth and evolution. This card teaches resilience and adaptability – qualities that have been crucial in my journey as a student and a community leader. Contrary to its foreboding imagery, I view The Tower as a card of hope and rebirth. It is a reminder that after every downfall, there is an opportunity to rebuild stronger and wiser. It encourages embracing the chaos of change as a catalyst for positive transformation. In conclusion, The Tower is my favorite tarot card because it encapsulates the essence of life's unpredictability and the transformative power of change. It aligns with my academic journey, my work in community service, and my personal growth. The Hermit Tarot Scholarship, in supporting my educational endeavors, would enable me to continue embracing the lessons of The Tower – to fearlessly face change, to learn and grow from it, and to use these experiences to make a positive impact in the world.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    In the boundless world of Minecraft, a game that blends creativity, strategy, and exploration, my favorite aspect has always been the construction of intricate, self-sustaining communities. This facet of the game deeply resonates with me, echoing my academic focus in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University and my passion for real estate and community development. Building in Minecraft is not just an exercise in architectural creativity; it is a venture into the principles of planning, resource management, and community design. Constructing a thriving, self-sustaining community within the game mirrors my aspiration to create real-world sustainable housing solutions and address homelessness. In Minecraft, every block placed, every structure built, and every system established has a purpose and contributes to the larger goal of creating a harmonious community. This parallels my approach to tackling real-world issues – where every strategy developed and every decision made is towards building a better, more inclusive society. Moreover, Minecraft's emphasis on resource management and sustainability aligns with my interest in economics. Just as in the real world, resources in Minecraft are finite, requiring thoughtful allocation and planning. This aspect of the game has honed my skills in efficient resource management and strategic planning, critical competencies in both my academic pursuits and my role as the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc. Managing a non-profit, much like managing resources in Minecraft, requires careful balancing of limited resources to achieve the greatest impact. Another reason Minecraft’s community building resonates with me is its collaborative nature. In multiplayer mode, players come together, each contributing their unique skills and perspectives to achieve a common goal. This spirit of collaboration and teamwork is a cornerstone of my educational and professional ethos. At Cornell, working on group projects, participating in student organizations, and collaborating with peers and professors are experiences that mirror the collaborative nature of Minecraft. These experiences reinforce the importance of teamwork, communication, and diverse perspectives in achieving collective goals. In conclusion, my favorite aspect of Minecraft – building self-sustaining communities – deeply resonates with my academic focus, career aspirations, and personal values. It is a virtual manifestation of my real-world interests in economics, real estate, and community development. The game has not only been a source of entertainment but also a platform for developing skills and insights that are applicable in my academic and professional life. The Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship, by supporting my educational journey, would enable me to further pursue my passion for creating sustainable and inclusive communities, both in the virtual world of Minecraft and in the real world.
    Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
    The essence of community involvement for me, Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, is rooted in a fundamental belief: the most meaningful and enduring success is that which uplifts others. This philosophy has been the cornerstone of my engagement in various community initiatives, driven by a commitment to use my education and resources to effect positive change. What primarily inspires me to get involved in my community is the profound understanding that every small action can make a significant difference. Growing up in a family that values empathy and service, I was taught early on that our contributions, no matter how small, can ripple out to create substantial impact. This belief was further reinforced during my grandmother's battle with cancer, where I witnessed firsthand the power of community support and the difference it made in our lives. The compassion and assistance we received during this challenging time profoundly impacted me, instilling a deep-seated desire to give back and support others in my community. My involvement in the community has been multifaceted, but most notably through my role as the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding homeless communities. Through this platform, I have worked tirelessly to influence change by organizing fundraising campaigns, coordinating with local shelters, and raising awareness about homelessness. These efforts are not just about providing immediate relief but are aimed at addressing the systemic issues that contribute to homelessness, thereby creating long-lasting change. At Cornell, my academic focus in economics and management is also aligned with my community service goals. I have been actively involved in projects and research that examine economic policies and strategies to improve community welfare. This includes exploring sustainable housing solutions, which is a passion of mine, spurred by witnessing the housing challenges faced by the homeless population. By applying the knowledge gained through my studies, I aim to develop innovative solutions that can be implemented to better the lives of those in underserved communities. Moreover, my community involvement extends beyond organizational settings. I am a firm believer in the power of everyday acts of kindness and volunteerism. Whether it's mentoring younger students, participating in local clean-up drives, or simply offering a helping hand to those in need, I strive to make a positive impact in my daily interactions. These actions, though small, are significant in fostering a sense of community and empathy. In conclusion, my inspiration to get involved in my community stems from a deep belief in the transformative power of collective action and compassion. My work with Help Homeless Inc., combined with my academic pursuits at Cornell, is a testament to my commitment to influencing positive change in my community. The Walking in Authority International Ministry Scholarship would not only support my educational endeavors but also reinforce my dedication to service, enabling me to continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around me.
    Hicks Scholarship Award
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my life has been profoundly shaped by my indirect experience with cancer, specifically through my grandmother's brave battle with the disease. This experience, while deeply challenging, has instilled in me a sense of purpose and determination that drives my academic and professional goals. Growing up, my grandmother was a pillar of strength and resilience in our family. Her diagnosis with cancer was a shock to us all, but the way she faced her illness with courage and optimism left an indelible mark on me. Witnessing her journey, from the initial diagnosis to the arduous treatments, opened my eyes to the fragility of life and the importance of health and well-being. It was during this period that I developed a keen interest in understanding the socio-economic factors that influence healthcare accessibility and quality. The experience of supporting my grandmother through her cancer journey has been a key motivator in my pursuit of a degree in Applied Economics and Management. It has directed my focus towards the economic aspects of healthcare systems and the disparities in healthcare access. My goal is to utilize my education to contribute to policy-making and economic strategies that improve healthcare access and affordability, especially for chronic diseases like cancer. In addition to shaping my academic focus, this experience has also molded my personal and professional values. I have learned the importance of empathy, resilience, and the power of community support. These values have been integral in my role as the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., where we work to provide resources and support to one of the most vulnerable segments of society. The resilience I witnessed in my grandmother during her cancer battle inspires me to bring the same level of dedication and empathy to my work with the non-profit. Furthermore, the experience has heightened my awareness of the psychological and emotional impact of cancer on patients and their families. This awareness has fueled my passion for volunteer work, particularly in initiatives that support cancer patients and their families. I am committed to using my skills and resources to make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by cancer, whether through advocacy, fundraising, or direct support. In conclusion, the cancer journey that touched my family, particularly my grandmother's battle, has been a defining aspect of my life. It has shaped my academic pursuits, guiding me towards a career where I can contribute to meaningful change in healthcare policy and economics. It has also instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to service, driving my involvement in community and non-profit work. This scholarship, by supporting my educational journey, would enable me to further my goals of creating a positive impact in the healthcare sector, honoring the strength and resilience exemplified by my grandmother and all those who face cancer.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    In the quirky and often absurd world of "The Office," I find myself resonating most profoundly with the character of Jim Halpert. As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I see reflections of Jim's character in my approach to education, leadership, and my aspirations. Jim's blend of humor, intelligence, and subtle defiance against the mundanity of office life parallels my journey of balancing academic rigor with the need for creativity and lightheartedness. Jim Halpert's character is known for his witty pranks, but beyond the humor, he embodies a sense of ambition and a desire for something more fulfilling in his career. This mirrors my own journey at Cornell, where amidst the serious pursuit of academic excellence, I strive to maintain a sense of humor and lightness. Jim's ability to find humor in everyday situations, to make the best out of a mundane environment, has influenced my approach to my studies and extracurricular activities. It has taught me the importance of balancing seriousness with fun, and ambition with contentment. Moreover, Jim's character development throughout the series, from a laid-back salesman to a more driven and focused professional, aligns with my growth as a student and a leader. His transition into a more serious role at Athlead reflects my own evolution as I navigate my academic path and co-found Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization. Like Jim, I've learned to channel my aspirations into tangible actions, taking on responsibilities that challenge and fulfill me. "The Office" has also shaped my understanding of workplace dynamics. It presents an exaggerated yet insightful depiction of office life, highlighting the importance of relationships, communication, and the value of each individual's contribution. Watching the interactions between characters, from the comedic antics of Michael Scott to the eccentricity of Dwight Schrute, has provided me with a nuanced perspective on the importance of diversity, tolerance, and empathy in any team setting. These lessons are particularly relevant as I collaborate with diverse groups at Cornell and in my non-profit work. Jim's relationship with his colleagues, especially his friendship with Pam, exemplifies the importance of support and understanding in a professional environment. This has influenced my approach to teamwork, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and support among team members. In my role as CFO of Help Homeless Inc., I strive to foster a collaborative and supportive environment, much like the one Jim contributes to at Dunder Mifflin. In conclusion, resonating with Jim Halpert from "The Office" has shaped my sense of humor and my perspective on workplace dynamics. It has taught me to find joy in the small things, to balance ambition with a sense of humor, and to value the human element in all professional endeavors. The show, through its portrayal of office life and its diverse characters, has subtly influenced my approach to my academic and professional life, instilling in me the importance of balance, relationships, and a positive work environment.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, the Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship resonates deeply with my aspirations and values. The scholarship's emphasis on community service and team spirit aligns perfectly with my experiences and future career goals. This financial support would be a substantial step towards achieving my ambition of making a meaningful impact in the field of real estate and economics, particularly in addressing affordable housing and homelessness issues. Throughout my high school years and into my university life, I have actively engaged in community service and team-oriented activities. As the co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, I have dedicated myself to serving the community by addressing the critical issue of homelessness. This experience has not only honed my leadership and teamwork skills but also deepened my understanding of the complexities surrounding social issues. Receiving the Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship would significantly ease the financial burden of my college education, allowing me to focus more intently on these initiatives and my academic pursuits. Financial constraints have always been a consideration in my educational journey. Balancing the rigorous academic demands at Cornell, where I have maintained a 4.0 GPA, with part-time jobs to support my education, has been challenging. This scholarship would provide much-needed relief, enabling me to allocate more time and resources towards academic excellence and community service, rather than financial concerns. My future career goals are centered around using my education in economics and real estate to create sustainable and innovative solutions for affordable housing. I aspire to work in real estate investment banking or private equity, focusing on projects that not only yield financial returns but also contribute positively to society. The skills and knowledge I gain at Cornell will be instrumental in this endeavor, and the Morgan Levine Dolan Scholarship will play a critical role in ensuring that I can fully embrace these learning opportunities. Furthermore, the values underscored by the Morgan Levine Dolan law firm, particularly the emphasis on community service, resonate with my personal ethos. The scholarship will not only support my educational aspirations but also reinforce my commitment to service and teamwork. It will enable me to continue developing projects and initiatives through Help Homeless Inc., expanding our reach and impact in the community. In addition, this scholarship will support my broader vision of contributing to societal well-being through my career. By alleviating financial pressures, it will allow me to engage in internships and networking opportunities, crucial for entering and making a difference in the competitive field of economics and real estate. These experiences are vital for gaining practical insights and establishing connections that will be invaluable in my professional life. In conclusion, the Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship represents an opportunity for me to further my education and career goals without the looming challenge of financial constraints. It aligns with my commitment to community service and team collaboration, values I have demonstrated through my work with Help Homeless Inc. and my academic endeavors. This scholarship would empower me to continue making a difference in my community and pave the way for a career dedicated to creating positive societal change through the field of real estate and economics.
    Veerappan Memorial Scholarship
    The intersection of financial constraints and educational aspirations is a road I have traveled with determination and hope. My name is Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management. My financial situation, while presenting significant challenges, has also been a powerful motivator in my journey towards achieving my dreams and contributing positively to society. Financial challenges have been a consistent backdrop in my pursuit of higher education. They have taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and resourcefulness. Balancing academic excellence with financial responsibilities has not been easy. To support my education and reduce the burden of tuition, I have taken on part-time jobs and relentlessly applied for scholarships and grants. These experiences, although challenging, have instilled in me a deep sense of gratitude and resilience. They have also honed my skills in time management and prioritization – crucial abilities that have furthered my academic success, evident in my maintaining a 4.0 GPA at Cornell. A scholarship, such as the one offered in memory of Veerappan by the Voonna siblings, would be instrumental in alleviating the financial strain of my education. It would provide me with the much-needed resources to fully focus on my academic and extracurricular pursuits, particularly my involvement with Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization I co-founded. This financial support would allow me to dedicate more time and energy to developing my skills and knowledge in economics and real estate, fields I am passionately committed to. My dream is to leverage my education in Applied Economics and Management to create sustainable solutions for affordable housing and to address homelessness. This dream stems from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of education and its ability to effect societal change. With the knowledge and skills gained through my studies, I aim to develop innovative economic models and strategies to create affordable housing opportunities and support community development initiatives. Achieving this dream would not only fulfill my personal and professional goals but also have a significant positive impact on society. By contributing to the field of affordable housing, I would be directly addressing a critical social issue – providing stable, safe, and affordable homes to those in need. This endeavor would not only improve the quality of life for many but also contribute to the economic and social stability of communities. Furthermore, my commitment to service and community engagement, as demonstrated through my work with Help Homeless Inc., would be greatly enhanced with the support of this scholarship. It would enable me to expand the reach and impact of our initiatives, thereby touching more lives and fostering a culture of empathy, support, and community building. In conclusion, the financial challenges I have faced have been significant but they have also been formative. They have shaped my character, honed my abilities, and solidified my resolve to make a difference in the world. The scholarship offered by the Voonna siblings would be a critical step towards realizing my dreams, allowing me to pursue my academic and professional aspirations without the looming burden of financial constraints. It would empower me to contribute to society in meaningful ways, continuing the legacy of service and education embodied by Lasya and Gagan Voonna, and their generous family friend.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    If my 2023 could be encapsulated in a melody, it would undoubtedly resonate with the dynamic rhythms of Taylor Swift's "1989 (Taylor's Version)." As a dedicated student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey this year has mirrored the themes of ambition, resilience, and self-discovery that are so eloquently woven into Taylor’s album. The songs that particularly resonate with my life are "Blank Space" and "Shake It Off," anthems that reflect my experiences, aspirations, and the lessons learned along the way. "Blank Space" has been a significant track for me, echoing my academic and personal experiences in 2023. The lyrics, "I've got a blank space, baby, And I'll write your name," speak to the opportunities and the blank canvas that this year has presented. Each challenge and success at Cornell has been akin to writing a new story in this 'blank space.' Maintaining a 4.0 GPA, tackling complex projects, and engaging in deep academic explorations, I've continually added to this metaphorical blank space, crafting a narrative of hard work, perseverance, and academic rigor. As co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., this song also resonates with the journey of writing a new chapter in the lives of those we aid, filling blank spaces with hope and support. "Shake It Off" is the other track that symbolizes my 2023. Its upbeat tempo and empowering lyrics perfectly encapsulate my approach to overcoming obstacles and criticisms. As Swift sings, "But I keep cruising, Can't stop, won't stop moving, It's like I got this music in my mind, Saying it's gonna be alright," I am reminded of the resilience required in both academic and extracurricular pursuits. Whether it's navigating the demanding environment of Cornell or managing the challenges of running a non-profit, there have been moments of doubt and external pressures. However, like the song suggests, I've learned to 'shake off' these challenges, focusing instead on my goals and the positive impact of my work. These songs from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" do more than just provide a musical backdrop for my year; they are a source of motivation and reflection. "Blank Space" encourages me to embrace new opportunities and write my own story, while "Shake It Off" reminds me to remain resilient in the face of challenges. They represent the duality of my experience – the ambitious student and the passionate non-profit leader, both facets striving towards making a meaningful impact in their respective fields. In conclusion, "1989 (Taylor's Version)" is not just an album for me; it's a narrative that mirrors my journey in 2023. It captures the essence of my experiences at Cornell, the challenges and triumphs of running a non-profit, and the personal growth that has accompanied these endeavors. The scholarship celebrating this iconic album aligns perfectly with my journey, offering not just financial support but also a recognition of the values and experiences that Taylor Swift’s music represents in my life.
    Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
    As an avid K-Pop enthusiast and a dedicated student at Cornell University, pursuing Applied Economics and Management, I find myself deeply resonating with the energetic and inspiring world of K-Pop. Among the plethora of talented groups and artists, BTS stands out as not just my favorite but also as a significant cultural force that has impacted both my life and the global stage. BTS, with their eclectic blend of music, powerful performances, and meaningful lyrics, has been more than just a source of entertainment for me. They have been a beacon of inspiration, resilience, and unity. As someone navigating the rigorous academic environment of Cornell, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and managing responsibilities as the CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc., BTS’s music and message have been a constant source of motivation and comfort. Their songs, often dealing with themes of self-love, mental health, and societal pressures, resonate deeply with my experiences as a student and a young leader striving to make a difference. One profound way BTS has impacted my life is through their advocacy for mental health and self-acceptance. In a world where the pressure to succeed can be overwhelming, BTS's music has been a reminder to prioritize self-care and embrace one's imperfections. Songs like "Love Myself" and "Answer: Love Myself" have been particularly impactful, encouraging me to maintain a healthy balance between my academic pursuits and personal well-being. Furthermore, BTS’s journey from a relatively unknown band to global superstars is a testament to hard work, perseverance, and the power of dreaming big – values that I hold dear. Their story inspires me to pursue my goals with the same tenacity and dedication, regardless of the obstacles I may face. Their global success, breaking language barriers and cultural differences, exemplifies the universal power of music and its ability to connect people across the world. BTS's influence extends beyond music; they are cultural ambassadors who have brought Korean culture to the global stage. Through their music, fashion, and artistry, they have introduced millions to the richness of Korean culture, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity. This aligns with my belief in the importance of cultural awareness and the role it plays in creating a more inclusive and empathetic society. In terms of their contribution to global culture, BTS has been instrumental in bridging cultural gaps and promoting global unity. Their participation in international platforms like the United Nations General Assembly, advocating for youth empowerment and global solidarity, highlights their commitment to using their influence for positive change. This global outlook resonates with my aspirations in economics and real estate, where understanding and embracing global perspectives is crucial. In conclusion, BTS is not just my favorite K-Pop group; they are a symbol of hope, resilience, and the unifying power of music. Their impact on my life and global culture is immeasurable – they inspire, educate, and connect people from all corners of the world. The K-Pop Stan Scholarship, by supporting fans like me, not only acknowledges the cultural significance of K-Pop but also enables dedicated students to pursue their academic and professional dreams, much like BTS inspires millions to chase theirs.
    In Memory of Liv Scholarship
    As the grandchild of immigrants, my story is woven with threads of resilience, sacrifice, and an unwavering pursuit of the American dream. My name is Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management. The journey of my grandparents, who traversed continents for a better life, has been a fundamental part of my narrative, shaping my values, aspirations, and perspective on the world. My grandparents’ story is one of tenacity and hope. Leaving their homeland for the United States, they embarked on a path filled with uncertainty, driven by the promise of opportunities and a better future for their family. Their sacrifices were immense; they navigated a new culture and language, worked in challenging and unfamiliar jobs, and faced the daily struggles of starting anew in a foreign land. Their resilience in the face of these challenges has been a constant source of inspiration for me. Growing up, I was deeply influenced by their work ethic and their commitment to family and community. Their stories of struggle and triumph instilled in me a deep appreciation for education and hard work. This legacy has been a guiding force in my academic journey, where I strive to uphold their values of perseverance and dedication. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA at Cornell is not just an academic achievement for me; it is a tribute to their sacrifices and a testament to the opportunities they created through their hard work. If I had the opportunity to walk in someone's shoes for one day, it would be my grandfather’s. To experience a day in his life during those early years of immigration would give me profound insights into the challenges he faced and the courage he exhibited. It would allow me to understand the depth of his resilience, the strength of his character, and the hope that fueled his journey. This experience would undoubtedly deepen my appreciation for the sacrifices made by my grandparents and reinforce my commitment to using my education to honor their legacy. Their story is not just one of survival but of contribution. Despite the odds, they devoted themselves to helping others in their community, embodying the values of generosity and kindness. This aspect of their life has significantly influenced my own path. As the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, I have channeled these values into action, working towards making a positive impact in the lives of others. Their immigrant experience has also shaped my perspective on the importance of community and the power of collective action. It has taught me the value of empathy, cultural sensitivity, and the importance of giving back to society. These lessons are integral to my aspirations in the field of economics and real estate, where I aim to develop sustainable solutions for affordable housing and contribute to the economic empowerment of underprivileged communities. In conclusion, being a grandchild of immigrants is an integral part of my identity. It is a story of resilience, sacrifice, and hope, which continues to inspire and guide me. The Liv Scholarship, in honoring the memory of someone who embodied these values, resonates deeply with my own life story. Receiving this scholarship would not only support my educational pursuits but also serve as an acknowledgment of the legacy of perseverance and generosity passed down by my grandparents, motivating me to continue their tradition of hard work and community service.
    NE1 NE-Dream Scholarship
    In an era where authenticity and self-expression are often clouded by societal expectations, my story is a testament to the pursuit of personal dreams amidst these challenges. I am Joshua Dong, a dedicated student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management. My dreams, deeply rooted in my passion for real estate and economics, are driven by a desire to create impactful societal change, particularly in the realms of affordable housing and homelessness. From a young age, growing up in Long Island, New York, I was acutely aware of the disparities in living conditions and opportunities around me. This awareness evolved into a dream: to leverage my skills and knowledge in economics and real estate to address the pressing issue of homelessness. My passion for this cause is not just academic; it is a personal commitment to use my education for the greater good. At Cornell, maintaining a 4.0 GPA in a demanding program is more than academic achievement; it represents my dedication to equipping myself with the necessary tools to realize my dreams. The rigorous coursework in economics and management provides a solid foundation to understand market dynamics, financial modeling, and strategic planning – skills essential for developing innovative solutions in real estate. Furthermore, co-founding and managing Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, has been a critical step in actualizing my dreams. This experience has not only been a platform to make an immediate impact but also a valuable learning journey. It has taught me the intricacies of managing an organization, the importance of empathetic leadership, and the power of community engagement. These lessons are vital in my pursuit to create sustainable and impactful changes in the housing sector. My passion for fulfilling these dreams stems from a deep-seated belief in the power of individual agency to effect change. I am driven by the conviction that with the right knowledge, skills, and determination, I can contribute to solving some of the most pressing societal issues. This drive is further fueled by the challenges I have faced and overcome in my journey – from balancing academic and extracurricular responsibilities to navigating the financial constraints of higher education. Looking to the future, my dream extends beyond individual achievements. I envision myself playing a pivotal role in shaping policies and developing projects that address affordable housing and homelessness. I aim to work in real estate investment banking or private equity, focusing on projects that yield not only financial returns but also social impact. My ultimate goal is to establish a firm that specializes in developing affordable housing projects, contributing to the creation of equitable and inclusive communities. In conclusion, my story is one of perseverance, passion, and a commitment to making a difference. The dreams I hold for myself are anchored in a desire to use my education and skills for societal betterment. Receiving this scholarship would be a significant step towards fulfilling these dreams, alleviating the financial barriers to my education and empowering me to continue my journey with renewed vigor and purpose. It would enable me to focus on my academic and professional goals, bringing me closer to realizing my vision of creating a more inclusive and equitable society through the field of real estate and economics.
    Online Learning Innovator Scholarship
    In the evolving landscape of education, where digital innovation is as crucial as traditional learning, my academic journey at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, has been significantly enriched by online platforms and resources. The Learner's Annual Online Innovator Scholarship aligns perfectly with my approach to education, where leveraging digital tools is pivotal in enhancing learning and applying knowledge effectively. My pursuit of excellence in economics and real estate is buttressed by a plethora of online resources. Platforms like Coursera and Khan Academy have been instrumental in supplementing my classroom learning. Through courses on macroeconomic principles, financial markets, and real estate fundamentals, these platforms have provided me with a broader understanding and a more diverse perspective on various subjects. The flexibility and depth of these courses have allowed me to delve deeper into areas that are covered only briefly in my university curriculum. Another invaluable resource has been online databases and libraries, including JSTOR and Cornell's own extensive digital library. These repositories of knowledge have been crucial for my research projects and assignments, allowing me access to a wealth of information that is not readily available in physical texts. They have enabled me to draw on a wide range of scholarly articles, case studies, and historical data, enhancing my research skills and enabling me to apply academic theories to real-world scenarios more effectively. In addition, financial modeling software and tools available online, like Excel and ARGUS Enterprise, have been vital in applying my academic knowledge practically. Through online tutorials and webinars, I have honed my skills in financial analysis and modeling - competencies that are crucial in my field of study but are often not adequately addressed in traditional classroom settings. Furthermore, as the CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, online collaboration tools like Zoom, Slack, and Google Workspace have been indispensable. These tools have not only facilitated seamless communication with my team but also allowed us to manage projects efficiently, organize fundraising campaigns, and engage with our community stakeholders. The ability to collaborate and manage a team remotely has been a valuable learning experience, teaching me the importance of adaptability and effective online communication in a professional setting. Online discussion forums and platforms, such as Reddit and LinkedIn groups, have also played a significant role in my learning process. Engaging with a community of peers, professionals, and academics on these platforms has provided me with diverse insights and feedback on various topics, further enriching my understanding and application of knowledge. In conclusion, the array of online platforms, tools, and resources that I utilize has been fundamental in shaping my educational journey. They have enabled me to delve deeper into my field of study, develop practical skills, and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts. These digital resources have not only complemented my formal education but have also been integral in my extracurricular endeavors, facilitating continuous learning and professional growth. The Learner's Annual Online Innovator Scholarship represents a celebration of this modern approach to education, and receiving it would be an affirmation of my commitment to leveraging digital innovation for academic excellence and practical application.
    John J Costonis Scholarship
    The John J. Costonis Scholarship, honoring a legacy of perseverance and academic excellence, profoundly resonates with my journey and aspirations. I am Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management. My story, like John J. Costonis’s, is one of unwavering dedication, hard work, and a relentless pursuit of academic and professional excellence. My future goals are ambitious yet grounded in a realistic understanding of the effort and perseverance required to achieve them. I aspire to make a significant impact in the field of economics and real estate, focusing on developing sustainable solutions for affordable housing and addressing homelessness. This ambition stems from my deep-seated belief in using one's skills and knowledge for the betterment of society. Working towards these goals has been a journey marked by both triumphs and challenges. Maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA at Cornell is a testament to my dedication to academic excellence. However, this achievement has not come without its share of hardships. The rigorous academic environment, coupled with my commitment to extracurricular activities, has required a delicate balance of time management, discipline, and sacrifice. As the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., I have navigated the complexities of managing a growing non-profit organization, all while staying committed to my studies. The experience has been incredibly rewarding, yet demanding, often requiring me to work late into the night and over weekends to fulfill both academic and organizational responsibilities. The financial aspect of pursuing a college education has also been a significant challenge. As someone who is not afforded the luxury of financial handouts, I understand the value of scholarships and financial aid in alleviating the burden of tuition and other educational expenses. Working part-time jobs, applying for scholarships, and careful financial planning have been integral parts of my college experience. These efforts are not just to support my education but also to ensure that I do not compromise on the quality of my academic and extracurricular engagements. Another challenge has been the emotional and mental toll of juggling various responsibilities. There have been moments of doubt and exhaustion, where the weight of academic and organizational responsibilities seemed overwhelming. However, these experiences have taught me the importance of resilience, self-care, and seeking support when needed. They have also reinforced my commitment to my goals, reminding me of the bigger picture and the impact I aspire to make in the world. Looking to the future, I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead, especially as I venture into the competitive field of real estate and economics. The road to achieving my goals will undoubtedly be paved with obstacles, but my experiences at Cornell and with Help Homeless Inc. have equipped me with the skills, determination, and resilience to overcome them. In conclusion, the John J. Costonis Scholarship symbolizes the values that I hold dear - hard work, determination, and a commitment to academic and professional excellence. Receiving this scholarship would not only provide financial relief but also serve as a recognition of the efforts and sacrifices I have made in pursuit of my goals. It would further empower me to continue on this path of hard work and dedication, honoring the legacy of John J. Costonis and contributing positively to the field of economics and real estate, and to society at large.
    Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
    In the rich and diverse universe of anime, one series has profoundly resonated with me, weaving its narrative and characters into the fabric of my life: "Naruto." As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my connection with "Naruto" transcends mere entertainment; it aligns with my personal journey, embodying themes of perseverance, resilience, and the pursuit of goals against all odds. "Naruto" is not just an anime; it's a saga of an underdog's relentless quest for recognition and self-improvement. Naruto Uzumaki, the titular character, starts as a mischievous loner, ostracized and underestimated by his peers. His journey of growth, fraught with challenges and setbacks, mirrors my own path in many ways. As I juggle the rigors of academic life at Cornell, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and managing responsibilities as the CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc., I often draw parallels between Naruto's trials and my own. What makes "Naruto" endlessly captivating is its portrayal of resilience and unwavering determination. Naruto's steadfast commitment to his goals, despite numerous setbacks, resonates deeply with me. It mirrors the dedication required in my field of study and in the work I do with Help Homeless Inc. His journey is a constant reminder that perseverance and belief in oneself are paramount in overcoming any obstacle. Furthermore, "Naruto" masterfully explores the nuances of human emotions and relationships. The bonds Naruto forms, the rivalries that evolve into deep friendships, and his ultimate quest for acceptance and recognition strike a chord with me. These elements highlight the importance of empathy, understanding, and collaboration - skills that are essential in my academic pursuits and in my aspiration to create positive societal impacts through my career. The series also imparts valuable lessons on leadership and moral integrity. Naruto's evolution from a misfit to a respected leader demonstrates the virtues of humility, compassion, and steadfastness. These qualities are reflected in my role as a leader in both academic and non-profit settings, where integrity, empathy, and a commitment to service are crucial. Additionally, "Naruto" is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to inspire and motivate. The intricacies of its plot, the depth of its characters, and the vibrancy of its setting are not only captivating but also intellectually stimulating. As someone deeply interested in the complexities of human behavior and societal dynamics, I find the series' exploration of themes like identity, destiny, and societal structures thought-provoking and relevant. In conclusion, "Naruto" is much more than an anime series to me; it is a source of inspiration and a reflection of my own life's journey. Its themes of resilience, personal growth, and the pursuit of one's dreams resonate with my academic and professional aspirations. The Anime Enthusiast Scholarship, therefore, represents an opportunity to celebrate the profound impact that this series has had on my life, shaping my perspectives and fortifying my resolve to pursue my goals with unwavering determination.
    Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, the principles of free speech and critical thinking are not just academic concepts to me, but essential elements of my intellectual and personal development. The Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship resonates with my belief in the power of open dialogue and diverse perspectives in fostering a robust educational environment. Free speech is the bedrock of intellectual growth and personal development in American college settings. It allows students to explore a multitude of perspectives, challenge preconceived notions, and engage in meaningful discourse. In my field of Applied Economics and Management, free speech is pivotal. It encourages a marketplace of ideas where theories can be debated, economic policies scrutinized, and innovative solutions developed. This open exchange is crucial for understanding complex economic systems and their societal impacts, fostering a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the world. Moreover, free speech is integral to personal development. It empowers students to express their thoughts and opinions, fostering a sense of individuality and confidence. In an environment where ideas can be freely expressed and challenged, students learn not just to speak but to listen, critically analyze, and empathize with different viewpoints. This is essential in cultivating well-rounded, thoughtful individuals capable of contributing positively to society. Preserving the right to free speech is vital for maintaining the integrity and vibrancy of academic institutions. It ensures that campuses remain centers of learning and innovation, where intellectual diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. In the absence of free speech, there's a risk of creating echo chambers that stifle creativity and critical thinking, essential skills in today's ever-evolving world. In my academic and extracurricular pursuits, I actively promote diversity of thought and critical thinking. As an analyst in the Cornell Alpha Fund, a student-run finance club, I engage with peers in rigorous debates and discussions on investment strategies and economic theories. This involves presenting ideas, defending them against scrutiny, and considering alternative viewpoints. Such activities not only enhance my understanding of financial markets but also reinforce the importance of open dialogue in reaching well-informed decisions. Additionally, my role as CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, involves engaging with diverse groups and understanding varied perspectives on social issues. This requires a deep appreciation for open dialogue and the ability to consider and respect different viewpoints, essential in developing effective strategies to combat homelessness. My field of study in economics and management inherently promotes critical thinking and diversity of thought. It explores the interplay between markets, policies, and human behavior, requiring an openness to various theories and models. By studying this discipline, I contribute to a campus culture that values intellectual diversity and the free exchange of ideas. In conclusion, free speech is a fundamental right that fosters intellectual and personal growth among American college students. It's essential for nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and empathy. Through my studies in economics and management and my involvement in extracurricular activities like the Cornell Alpha Fund and Help Homeless Inc., I strive to advance the values of free speech, ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and respected. The Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship aligns perfectly with my commitment to these ideals, supporting my educational journey in a field that values and promotes the free exchange of ideas.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    As a driven student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I, Joshua Dong, have always been motivated by a profound desire to contribute positively to society. The Robert F. Lawson Scholarship resonates deeply with my aspirations, as it embodies the spirit of service and dedication to helping others that I hold dear. My journey towards making a positive impact began in my hometown of Long Island, New York, where I learned the value of service and community involvement from an early age. Inspired by the challenges faced by those around me, I co-founded and currently serve as the CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding homeless communities across the nation. This experience has not only been an avenue for immediate impact but also a profound learning opportunity, teaching me the complexities of social issues and the power of organized, compassionate action. At Cornell, my pursuit of a degree in Applied Economics and Management with a 4.0 GPA is driven by a clear vision: to merge my passion for economics and real estate with my commitment to social welfare. The intersection of these fields presents a unique opportunity to address some of the most pressing issues facing society today, such as housing instability and economic inequality. My goal is to utilize my expertise in real estate investment and economic policy to develop sustainable solutions for affordable housing, thereby directly impacting the lives of underprivileged communities. One of the critical lessons I have learned through my academic and philanthropic endeavors is the importance of understanding systemic issues from a multidimensional perspective. Economics and real estate are not just about markets and investments; they are about people, communities, and the environments in which they live. My career aspiration is to work in real estate investment banking or private equity, focusing on projects that not only yield financial returns but also contribute to community development and social equity. I envision creating innovative financing models and partnerships that facilitate the development of affordable housing and community revitalization projects. Furthermore, I am deeply inspired by the legacy of Robert F. Lawson, whose life exemplified service and altruism. Like Lawson, I believe in the importance of continuous personal and professional growth, not for self-aggrandizement but for increasing one's capacity to serve others. I plan to embody this ethos throughout my career, constantly seeking ways to leverage my skills, knowledge, and resources for the greater good. In addition to my professional goals, I am committed to ongoing volunteerism and community engagement. I believe that real change happens at both the macro and micro levels, and I intend to remain actively involved in grassroots initiatives that address local needs. This will not only keep me connected to the communities I aim to serve but also ensure that my professional endeavors are grounded in real-world challenges and solutions. In conclusion, the Robert F. Lawson Scholarship represents more than financial assistance for my educational journey; it is an affirmation of my commitment to a career dedicated to helping others. With the support of this scholarship, I will be empowered to further my education and professional development, ultimately enabling me to make a substantial and lasting impact in the world of economics, real estate, and community service.
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    Title: "The Suite Life of Wizards: A Magical Mishap in Time" In a whimsical fusion of Disney Channel nostalgia, my envisioned crossover episode unites two beloved shows: "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" and "Wizards of Waverly Place." This episode, titled "The Suite Life of Wizards: A Magical Mishap in Time," combines the comedic escapades of the Tipton Hotel with the enchanting wizardry of the Russo family, culminating in a narrative that transcends time and space. Plot: The episode opens in the bustling lobby of the Tipton Hotel, where Zack and Cody Martin are planning their latest scheme: a time capsule to commemorate their memorable moments at the hotel. Meanwhile, Alex Russo, visiting Boston with her family, overhears their plan and decides to add a magical twist to the time capsule by enchanting it with a time-travel spell from her wizard's handbook. However, the spell goes awry, accidentally transporting Zack, Cody, Alex, and her brothers, Justin and Max, back in time to key moments in both shows' histories. The first stop on this unintended journey is the iconic "Wizards of Waverly Place" episode where Alex wins the family wizard competition. The presence of Zack and Cody disrupts the competition, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and a chaotic wizard duel. As they try to navigate this new world of magic and mayhem, Zack and Cody's usual antics add to the confusion, creating a comical chaos only they can. In the next scene, the group finds themselves in the "Suite Life" episode where Zack and Cody discover a secret room in the hotel. Here, the Russo siblings experience the non-magical but equally thrilling world of Zack and Cody's adventures. The crossover reaches its peak when a magical mishap by Max intertwines the two worlds, causing characters from both shows to randomly swap places in time. The climax occurs when the group realizes that the time-travel spell is about to expire, threatening to leave them stranded in the past. A race against time ensues, with both the Martin twins and the Russo siblings combining their wits, wizardry, and a bit of luck to reverse the spell. The episode is peppered with references to iconic moments from both shows, including guest appearances from beloved characters like Mr. Moseby and Harper Finkle. The resolution comes as the group successfully returns to the present, with Zack and Cody gaining a newfound appreciation for magic, and the Russo siblings learning to value the simpler, yet equally adventurous non-magical life. The episode ends with the time capsule being buried, now containing a magical item from the Russo family as a symbol of their unique crossover adventure. In conclusion, "The Suite Life of Wizards: A Magical Mishap in Time" is more than just a crossover episode; it's a celebration of the magic of childhood, the power of friendship, and the joy of unexpected adventures. This storyline not only brings together two iconic Disney Channel worlds but also reminds us of the lessons learned from these shows - the importance of family, the value of embracing the unexpected, and the magic that lies in every moment of life.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    I must admit, as a student deeply immersed in the world of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, finding solace and connection in a series like "The Summer I Turned Pretty" might seem unexpected. Yet, it's precisely this divergence from my academic rigors that drew me to Jenny Han's captivating story, making me an ardent member of Team Conrad. Conrad Fisher, with his mysterious and intense demeanor, is a character who resonates with me on multiple levels. His depth and complexity mirror the intricate layers of real-life relationships and personal growth. As someone who thrives on understanding the nuances of human behavior and societal dynamics, Conrad's character offers a nuanced perspective that aligns with my analytical nature. One specific moment in the series that solidified my allegiance to Team Conrad was his quiet but profound struggle with internal conflicts and responsibilities. This was particularly evident in the way he dealt with his mother's illness. Conrad's tendency to internalize his pain, to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders, is a trait I find both relatable and admirable. In my own journey, balancing academic excellence at Cornell with the responsibilities of co-founding and managing Help Homeless Inc., I've often found myself in Conrad's shoes, trying to navigate personal challenges while maintaining a strong front. Another aspect of Conrad that appeals to me is his evolution throughout the series. His initial aloofness, often misconstrued as indifference, gradually peels away to reveal a deeply caring and protective individual. This transformation is a beautiful portrayal of human vulnerability and the power of emotional growth. In my studies and in my work with Help Homeless Inc., I have learned the importance of adaptability and emotional intelligence, qualities that Conrad embodies as his character develops. Furthermore, Conrad's interactions with Belly showcase a realistic and often challenging side of first love – the side that involves risk, uncertainty, and the courage to be vulnerable. One particular scene that stands out is when Conrad finally opens up to Belly about his fears and insecurities. This moment of raw honesty is a powerful reminder of the strength that lies in vulnerability, a lesson that has been pivotal in my personal and professional growth. Team Conrad's ethos also aligns with my future aspirations. Just as Conrad learns to navigate his complex emotions and relationships, I aim to apply my understanding of human behavior and market dynamics to create positive changes in the real estate sector. His journey inspires me to embrace challenges, understand the multifaceted nature of human interactions, and apply these insights to my professional life. In conclusion, my choice of Team Conrad is not just about preference but about finding a character whose journey mirrors the complexities and learnings of my own life. Conrad's character development, his handling of personal struggles, and his journey towards emotional maturity provide valuable insights that transcend the realms of a TV series and resonate with my own experiences as a student, a leader, and a future change-maker in the world of economics and real estate.
    Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
    The Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, honoring a legacy of service and the empowerment of youth, profoundly resonates with my own journey of faith, perseverance, and aspiration. My name is Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management. This scholarship represents not just financial assistance but an affirmation of the values and faith that have been my guiding lights. My journey, marked by steadfast faith and dedication, began in a small community in Long Island, New York. Raised in a family that held faith as its cornerstone, I learned early the power of belief and the strength it provides in times of adversity. This faith has been a constant companion, guiding me through challenges and shaping my perspective on life and success. At Cornell, maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA amidst rigorous academic demands is a testament to my hard work and faith-driven resilience. My faith has been a source of strength and inspiration, helping me navigate the challenges of academia and leadership roles. As the Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., I've faced numerous obstacles. From strategic decision-making to managing a growing organization, my faith provided the moral compass and the fortitude needed to make impactful decisions and to persevere through trying times. One of the most significant challenges I faced was balancing my academic responsibilities with my commitment to my non-profit work. There were moments of doubt and exhaustion, but my faith was the beacon that led me through. It taught me to trust in my abilities, to find strength in vulnerability, and to view every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Faith has also been integral in shaping my vision for the future. It instills in me a sense of purpose and responsibility, driving my ambition to use my education in economics and real estate to create positive societal impacts. My goal is to address issues like homelessness and affordable housing, and my faith underpins this commitment. It teaches me empathy, compassion, and the importance of service to others, aligning perfectly with the legacy of Jim Maxwell. Looking forward, I see my faith as an unshakeable foundation upon which I will build my career and continue my service to the community. It will guide me in making ethical decisions, leading with integrity, and striving for excellence in all endeavors. My aspiration is to be a force for positive change, leveraging my skills in economics and real estate for the betterment of society. I am committed to embodying the values of service, leadership, and faith, just as Jim Maxwell did. In conclusion, the Jim Maxwell Memorial Scholarship is more than a financial aid; it is a recognition of the role that faith plays in driving success and service. It is an opportunity that aligns with my core values and supports my academic and professional aspirations. With this scholarship, I am not just continuing my educational journey; I am honoring a legacy of faith-driven service and committing to a future where my actions can positively impact the lives of others, just as Jim Maxwell’s did.
    Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
    As a dedicated student pursuing Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, my life often oscillates between the rigor of academic pursuits and the need for leisurely escapism. Nintendo, a cornerstone of my childhood and a beacon of creativity and innovation in the gaming world, has always provided that perfect balance. Amidst the myriad of games that Nintendo has offered, one stands out not just for its gameplay but for the memories it has etched in my heart: Mario Kart. Mario Kart, with its vibrant tracks, eclectic characters, and the thrill of competition, is my go-to game for co-op play. It's not just a game; it's a conduit for bonding, laughter, and the occasional friendly rivalry. One particular multiplayer session stands out, transforming Mario Kart from a simple pastime into an emblem of camaraderie and unforgettable memories. It was during my sophomore year at Cornell, a time when the pressures of maintaining a high GPA and managing my role as CFO and Co-Founder of Help Homeless Inc were at their peak. A group of friends and I decided to take a much-needed break and what better way to unwind than a Mario Kart tournament. We gathered in the common room, controllers in hand, ready for some light-hearted competition. The race was set in the iconic Rainbow Road, known for its challenging course and the nostalgia it evokes. As the race commenced, the room was filled with an electric mix of concentration and laughter. Each twist and turn of the track was met with shouts of excitement and playful banter. I was in the lead, navigating the neon-lit course with a blend of skill and sheer luck, when suddenly, in true Mario Kart fashion, a blue shell struck, sending my character spiraling. The room erupted in a mix of groans and cheers. That moment, albeit simple, was profound. It wasn't about winning or losing; it was about the shared experience, the unity, and the sheer joy of playing together. It reminded me of the importance of taking breaks, of the strength found in shared moments of relaxation amidst the relentless pursuit of academic and professional goals. Mario Kart, in that multiplayer session, transcended being just a game; it became a symbol of friendship, stress relief, and the joyous spontaneity of life. This game, therefore, holds a special place in my heart. It reminds me that while striving for excellence in academia and leadership is crucial, so is cherishing moments of joy and connection with friends. As I continue my journey at Cornell and beyond, I carry with me not just the knowledge and skills I've gained but also the invaluable memories and lessons learned from those Mario Kart races - the importance of balance, the joy of shared experiences, and the strength found in camaraderie. In conclusion, Mario Kart's place as my top choice for co-op play is solidified not just by the fun of the game itself but by the memories and the lessons it has imparted. It is a reminder of the lighter, joyful aspects of life, balancing the rigors of academic and professional pursuits with moments of genuine connection and fun.
    Pierson Family Scholarship for U.S. Studies
    Navigating the intricate journey of higher education as an international student embodies a mosaic of challenges and aspirations. My name is Joshua Dong, and my pursuit of higher education in the United States is a narrative interwoven with resilience, ambition, and a relentless quest for knowledge. Born and raised in Long Island, New York, I may not fit the traditional mold of an 'international' student. However, my family's background and my engagements have given me a unique perspective on the struggles that international students often face, alongside a deep appreciation for the diverse opportunities offered in the U.S. educational system. My family's story is one of perseverance and determination. Originating from a lineage that valued education and hard work, I grew up understanding that academic excellence was not just a goal but a gateway to opportunities. This ethos was a cornerstone of my upbringing in a community that celebrated diversity and championed the pursuit of knowledge. My educational journey, currently at Cornell University where I am studying Applied Economics and Management with a 4.0 GPA, is a testament to these values. The challenges I faced were not in crossing borders but in navigating the complexities of a multifaceted identity. Balancing the cultural nuances of my family's heritage with the dynamics of the society I grew up in was a delicate task. It involved understanding and appreciating different perspectives, a skill that is crucial in my chosen field of economics and real estate. This cultural dexterity has been instrumental in my role as Co-Founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., where I engage with diverse communities and address the pressing issue of homelessness. One of my most significant challenges was overcoming the preconceived notions of what my academic and career path should look like. Breaking away from traditional expectations to pursue a path in economics and real estate was a decision that required conviction and self-awareness. This journey taught me the importance of following one's passion, being adaptable, and the power of informed risk-taking. A pivotal source of inspiration in my life has been my father. His journey, marked by resilience in the face of adversity and an unwavering commitment to his family, instilled in me the values of hard work, integrity, and the importance of education. His example has been a guiding force in my life, motivating me to strive for excellence and to use my education to make a meaningful impact. Looking ahead, my post-graduate plans are firmly rooted in the desire to merge my passion for economics and real estate with a commitment to social impact. I envision myself breaking into real estate investment banking or private equity, where I can deepen my understanding of market dynamics and capital raising. Ultimately, I aim to leverage this expertise to create innovative solutions for affordable housing, contributing to a more equitable society. In conclusion, my journey to and within the United States' higher education system has been a blend of personal and academic growth. It has been shaped by the challenges of balancing cultural identities, the inspiration drawn from my father, and a clear vision for my future. This scholarship represents more than financial assistance; it is a validation of my journey and a catalyst to further my aspirations in the realm of economics, real estate, and social impact.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    In a world where the arts often mirror life’s complexities, Zendaya, an icon of versatility and advocacy, stands out as a beacon of inspiration. Her multifaceted career, spanning acting, singing, fashion, and activism, resonates deeply with me, Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University. While each aspect of Zendaya's career is commendable, it is her activism and the way she leverages her platform for societal change that I admire the most. As a dedicated student majoring in Applied Economics and Management with a 4.0 GPA, my educational path may seem distant from the arts. However, the underlying thread connecting my aspirations with Zendaya’s career is the drive to make a meaningful impact. Her activism, particularly her commitment to using her voice for social justice, is a powerful example of how one can use their influence to foster positive change in society. Zendaya’s approach to activism is not about grandstanding but rather, a commitment to being a conscientious participant in societal discourse. Her willingness to speak on issues such as racial equality, voting rights, and mental health demonstrates a profound understanding of her role as a public figure. This resonates with my own journey. As the co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, I have been deeply involved in addressing social issues, particularly homelessness and housing instability. Zendaya’s activism inspires me to continue using my platform, no matter the scale, to advocate for change. Moreover, Zendaya’s career is a testament to the power of resilience and adaptability—qualities that are crucial in my field of study. In the world of economics and real estate, success often hinges on the ability to adapt to changing markets and societal needs. Zendaya's career evolution, from a child star to a critically acclaimed actress and activist, mirrors the kind of adaptability and growth that I strive for in my academic and professional life. Her commitment to authenticity, especially in an industry often criticized for its lack of diversity and representation, is particularly inspiring. Zendaya’s roles, choices, and public presence are not just for entertainment; they challenge norms, stimulate dialogue, and encourage a more inclusive society. This aligns with my belief in the importance of ethical leadership and representation, be it in the non-profit sector or in the corporate world. In essence, Zendaya’s multifaceted career, especially her activism, embodies the ideals of using one’s talents and platform for the greater good. Her journey is a blueprint for how I envision my role in society—as a change-maker, thought leader, and advocate for social justice. The scholarship in Zendaya’s honor is not just a financial aid for my education but a symbolic affirmation of aligning one's career with the pursuit of societal betterment. It reinforces my commitment to utilizing my education in Applied Economics and Management to create tangible impacts in the realms of affordable housing and social equity, akin to how Zendaya uses her art for advocacy.
    Shays Scholarship
    In the realm of science and academia, motivation is often born from a confluence of curiosity, aspiration, and necessity. My name is Joshua Dong, a student at Cornell University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management. My academic journey, characterized by a steadfast commitment to excellence, as evidenced by my 4.0 GPA, is driven by a deep-seated passion for understanding the intricate mechanics of our world, particularly through the lens of economics and real estate. My motivation to pursue higher education stems from a profound realization of its transformative power. Education, to me, is not merely a pathway to career advancement; it's a gateway to understanding the complex interplay between economic systems and societal well-being. It's about acquiring the knowledge and skills to effect meaningful change. This realization dawned upon me early, leading to my decision to delve into the sciences of economics and management. What excites me the most about this field is its dynamic nature and its profound impact on every aspect of our lives. Economics is not just about markets and money; it's a science that explains human behavior, decision-making, and the allocation of scarce resources. It's a tool that can be used to address some of the world's most pressing issues, from poverty and inequality to environmental sustainability and global finance. The more I delve into this field, the more I am fascinated by how economic principles can be applied to real estate, my other area of keen interest. This intersection is where I find my true calling. Real estate, often perceived as a mere business sector, is much more in my perspective. It's about creating spaces where people live, work, and interact. It's about understanding market trends, demographic shifts, and economic policies. My interest in this sector was piqued during a transformative project with my father, where we remodeled a house. This experience was more than just a renovation project; it was a first-hand lesson in how physical spaces can impact people's lives and communities. It underscored the importance of thoughtful, sustainable development and ignited a desire in me to leverage my economic knowledge in the realm of real estate. My educational journey is also deeply personal. As the co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., I have seen how economic instability and poor housing policies can devastate lives. These experiences have solidified my resolve to use my education in economics and real estate to develop solutions for affordable housing and to tackle homelessness. The Shays Scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it symbolizes a belief in the potential of science to better our world. For me, it's a crucial support in my quest to blend economic principles with real estate development to create more equitable and sustainable communities. This scholarship would not only ease the financial burden of my education but also empower me to continue pursuing my passion for using science to make tangible, positive changes in society. With this support, I aim to further my understanding, refine my skills, and emerge as a change-maker who can contribute significantly to the field of science and beyond.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    As I reflect on my journey, I realize that overcoming adversity has been a defining aspect of my life, shaping my goals and dreams. Born in Long Island, New York, I am Joshua Dong, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. My academic journey, marked by a 4.0 GPA, is a testament to my commitment to education and personal growth. However, my path hasn't been without challenges. From a young age, I was drawn to the complexities of finance and real estate. My passion for these fields was not just academic; it was deeply personal. My first encounter with real estate was through a project with my father, where we remodeled a house. This experience opened my eyes to the potential of real estate in transforming lives. It aligned perfectly with my long-term goal of creating subsidized, transitional, and affordable housing. But the road to realizing this dream was fraught with obstacles. One of the most significant adversities I faced was navigating the challenges of starting and running a non-profit organization, Help Homeless Inc., during my high school years. This venture aimed to aid homeless communities across the nation and empower student leaders. However, this journey was not smooth. I encountered numerous hurdles, from strategic disagreements within the founding team to the complexities of managing a growing organization with limited resources. These challenges tested my resolve, leadership, and problem-solving skills. Yet, they also taught me valuable lessons in compromise, strategic thinking, and the power of persistence. The experience with Help Homeless Inc. was a turning point. It reinforced my belief in the transformative power of real estate and finance in addressing societal issues like homelessness. This realization fueled my academic pursuits and career aspirations. At Cornell, I immersed myself in studies and activities that honed my skills in these areas. As an analyst in the Cornell Alpha Fund and a member of the Cornell Real Estate Consulting Club, I have developed a nuanced understanding of finance and real estate. These experiences have not only broadened my knowledge but have also allowed me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, further solidifying my career trajectory. Moreover, the adversity I faced instilled in me a sense of responsibility and an "ownership mentality," a key mantra at Project Destined, where I was an analyst. This mentality is about taking responsibility for not just my actions but also for the community around me. It's about striving for excellence and being a proactive agent of change. Whether it’s in the realm of finance or real estate, I carry this mindset with me, always looking for ways to make a positive impact. In conclusion, the adversities I faced have been instrumental in shaping my goals and dreams. They have taught me resilience, leadership, and the importance of a community-focused approach. As I continue my academic and professional journey, I am more committed than ever to leveraging my skills in finance and real estate to create meaningful, sustainable change in society. The Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship would not only be a recognition of the challenges I have overcome but also a crucial support in my mission to transform the landscape of affordable housing and make a lasting impact in the world.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    My journey towards embodying the virtues of selflessness and generosity, particularly in helping others achieve their potential, has been significantly shaped by both my personal experiences and academic pursuits. As a student majoring in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, my academic journey has not only equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of economic and managerial principles but has also instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility towards contributing positively to society. This commitment is further reflected in my co-founding of Help Homeless Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding homeless communities and empowering individuals across the nation. Developing Skills through Education and Experience My education has been instrumental in developing my skills, especially in areas critical to understanding and addressing community needs effectively. Courses in finance, real estate, and management have provided me with a solid foundation to analyze complex problems, devise strategic solutions, and implement sustainable projects. This knowledge has been crucial in my efforts to help others, enabling me to approach societal issues with a nuanced perspective and an innovative mindset. Moreover, my leadership roles within various campus organizations, including the Cornell Real Estate Consulting Club and Alpha Fund, have honed my abilities in team management, project coordination, and effective communication. These experiences have taught me the importance of collaboration, empathy, and adaptability in leadership, allowing me to inspire and guide my peers towards achieving shared objectives. Passion for Helping Others My passion for helping others stems from a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of education and economic empowerment. Witnessing the challenges faced by my community, particularly those related to homelessness and financial instability, I was compelled to take action. Co-founding Help Homeless Inc. was a manifestation of this drive, born out of a desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Through this platform, I have been able to mobilize resources, organize fundraising events, and collaborate with shelters and organizations to provide support to homeless individuals and families. Furthermore, my commitment to helping others extends beyond immediate aid to fostering long-term development and self-sufficiency. By conducting workshops on financial literacy and career development, I aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve their circumstances. These initiatives are designed not only to address current needs but also to equip people with the tools to achieve their full potential. Making a Difference The essence of my purpose lies in the belief that helping others be their best is the most profound impact one can make. This conviction drives my involvement in community service and advocacy for social justice. Looking ahead, I am determined to continue leveraging my education and experiences to contribute to societal progress. My long-term goal is to establish a social enterprise that focuses on affordable housing solutions, thereby addressing the root causes of homelessness and creating opportunities for economic advancement. In conclusion, my journey of helping others achieve their best selves is a continuous process of learning, growth, and action. Inspired by the values of the incredible individual in whose memory this scholarship is established, I am committed to living a life of purpose, guided by selflessness and a dedication to making a positive difference. Through my efforts, I hope to honor her legacy by empowering individuals and communities to unlock their true potential and thrive.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    As an engaged member of the #BookTok community and a devoted advocate for continuous learning and personal development, my ideal bookshelf is a curated collection of titles that reflect a deep commitment to exploring diverse narratives, complex characters, and transformative ideas. Inspired by the vibrant and insightful recommendations from #BookTok, this collection not only mirrors my academic pursuits in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University but also underscores my passion for understanding human stories and societal dynamics. The power of #BookTok lies in its ability to bring hidden literary gems into the spotlight and foster a global conversation about literature's impact on individual growth and community building. "Educated" by Tara Westover is a cornerstone of my ideal bookshelf. This memoir resonates deeply with the #BookTok community, offering a compelling narrative about the pursuit of knowledge under challenging circumstances. Westover's journey from a survivalist family in Idaho to earning a Ph.D. from Cambridge University echoes my belief in education's transformative power, aligning with my academic and career goals. The discussions it sparked on #BookTok about self-discovery and the value of education have inspired countless readers, including myself, to reflect on our own educational journeys and the role of learning in shaping our identities. "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig has become a must-have title on bookshelves across the #BookTok community, captivating readers with its exploration of life's infinite possibilities and the search for meaning. This novel's impact on #BookTok has been profound, encouraging readers to contemplate their own life choices and the paths not taken. For someone deeply interested in the intersection of personal development and societal contribution, like myself, Haig's imaginative narrative offers a unique perspective on regret, hope, and the human capacity for change. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is another essential title that has gained significant traction on #BookTok. Clear's practical guide to habit formation and improvement aligns with my dedication to self-improvement and efficiency, both in personal and professional realms. The book's popularity on #BookTok has sparked widespread discussions about the small changes that lead to remarkable results, influencing my approach to goal setting and the incremental steps necessary for achieving long-term objectives. "Normal People" by Sally Rooney has also found its place on my ideal bookshelf, thanks to #BookTok's endorsement. Rooney's exploration of complex relationships and the subtleties of human connection speaks to the core of our social beings. The #BookTok community's engagement with the book's themes of love, friendship, and personal growth has highlighted the power of storytelling in understanding our own relationships and the intricacies of human emotion. Lastly, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid stands out as a must-have title, celebrated by #BookTok for its captivating storytelling and exploration of fame, identity, and love. Reid's novel has sparked vibrant conversations within the #BookTok community about historical societal norms, the price of fame, and the quest for authenticity. This book's impact extends beyond entertainment, prompting readers to reflect on the narratives we accept and the stories we tell ourselves. In crafting my ideal bookshelf inspired by #BookTok recommendations, I have chosen titles that reflect a broad range of human experiences and insights. These books have not only impacted the #BookTok community by fostering a collective engagement with literature but have also enriched my understanding of the world and my place within it. As I continue my academic and professional journey, these titles serve as reminders of the power of stories to inspire, challenge, and transform us.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    My educational and career goals are centered around leveraging the power of business and technology to address societal challenges, particularly in the realms of affordable housing and financial inclusivity. As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I am dedicated to gaining a deep understanding of economic systems, financial modeling, and the impact of technological innovations on real estate development. Inspired by the story of William A. Stuart, who exemplified lifelong learning and hands-on problem-solving, I aim to embody the spirit of curiosity and innovation in my pursuit of creating sustainable, equitable solutions for communities in need. Educational Goals: My immediate educational goal is to excel in my current program, focusing on subjects that blend finance, real estate, and technology. I am particularly interested in exploring how data analytics, blockchain, and sustainable design can be utilized to revolutionize the real estate market, making it more accessible and affordable. Beyond my undergraduate studies, I plan to pursue an MBA with a concentration in Real Estate and Technology Management. This advanced degree will equip me with the leadership skills, strategic thinking, and technical expertise necessary to navigate the complexities of the business world and lead impactful projects. Career Goals: Upon completing my education, my career aspiration is to establish a real estate investment firm that specializes in developing affordable, sustainable housing projects. Utilizing innovative construction techniques and green technologies, I aim to create housing solutions that not only address the issue of homelessness but also contribute to the environmental sustainability of urban areas. Additionally, I plan to continue expanding the reach and impact of Help Homeless Inc., the nonprofit organization I co-founded, by leveraging business principles to scale up our initiatives and forge partnerships that amplify our mission. Utilizing the Scholarship: This scholarship represents a crucial stepping stone towards achieving my goals. Financial constraints often pose a significant barrier to higher education, and this scholarship would alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with pursuing a degree at Cornell University. By reducing the need for part-time work or student loans, the scholarship would allow me to dedicate more time to my studies, research projects, and extracurricular activities that align with my career aspirations. Furthermore, the scholarship would enable me to participate in internships and hands-on learning opportunities without the added stress of financial insecurity. These experiences are invaluable for applying theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, developing practical skills, and building a professional network in the fields of real estate and finance. Inspired by Bill Stuart’s example, I am particularly interested in engaging with projects that involve sustainable technology and innovative design, enhancing my understanding of how these elements can be integrated into affordable housing developments. In conclusion, my education and career goals are driven by a desire to make a tangible difference in the world by addressing critical issues such as housing insecurity and environmental sustainability. This scholarship would not only support my academic journey but also empower me to pursue hands-on learning opportunities and professional development experiences that are critical for achieving my aspirations. Like William A. Stuart, I am committed to a path of lifelong learning and innovation, using every opportunity to explore, create, and contribute to a better future for our communities.
    Advancement of Minorities in Finance Scholarship
    As an aspiring leader in the realms of business and finance, my journey is deeply rooted in my family's narrative—one of resilience, aspiration, and the transformative power of education. Growing up in a household where each dollar was meticulously accounted for, I witnessed firsthand the challenges and limitations imposed by financial constraints. Yet, it was these very challenges that ignited my passion for the world of finance and business, inspiring me to pursue a career that not only promises personal growth but also offers the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to society. My family's needs growing up taught me the value of financial literacy and economic empowerment. My parents, who worked tirelessly to provide for our family, instilled in me the importance of education as a tool for breaking the cycle of poverty. Their sacrifices enabled me to attend Cornell University, where I am majoring in Applied Economics and Management. This academic journey has not only broadened my understanding of economic theories and business strategies but has also sharpened my resolve to use this knowledge to address the systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality. The underrepresentation of minorities in the financial industry is a reflection of broader societal disparities. This reality resonates with me on a personal level, fueling my determination to bridge the gap and pave the way for greater inclusivity within the field. My career aspirations in finance and real estate are anchored in a vision to democratize access to financial resources and affordable housing, recognizing these as fundamental pillars of economic stability and social equity. Post-graduation, I plan to make a positive impact on my community by leveraging my expertise in finance to promote financial literacy among underrepresented groups. By collaborating with local organizations and schools, I aim to develop programs that empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions. This initiative is not merely about imparting theoretical knowledge; it's about fostering a culture of financial awareness and independence, which I believe is crucial for breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Furthermore, my work with Help Homeless Inc., a nonprofit organization I co-founded, reflects my commitment to using business principles for social good. Post-graduation, I intend to expand the scope of our initiatives, focusing on sustainable, affordable housing projects that address the root causes of homelessness. Through innovative financing models and partnerships with local governments and businesses, I aim to create housing solutions that are accessible to those in need, thereby contributing to the well-being and stability of the community. In essence, my aspirations in business and finance are deeply intertwined with my personal history and the lessons learned from my family's experiences. The journey has been one of navigating financial hardships, embracing educational opportunities, and cultivating a vision for a more inclusive and equitable society. With the support of this scholarship, I am poised to further my academic and professional endeavors, committed to making a tangible impact on my community and beyond. In doing so, I hope to inspire future generations of underrepresented students to pursue their dreams in finance, demonstrating that diversity is not just a metric to be achieved but a strength to be celebrated, driving innovation, creativity, and progress in the industry.
    Jorian Kuran Harris (Shugg) Helping Heart Foundation Scholarship
    Embarking on a journey through the dynamic landscape of business and entrepreneurship at Cornell University, where I major in Applied Economics and Management, I have embraced the profound complexities and boundless opportunities that define the modern business world. My academic pursuits are not merely a pathway to personal achievement; they represent a commitment to leveraging business principles for societal advancement. The Jorian Kuran Harris (Shugg) Helping Heart Foundation Scholarship stands as a beacon of support that would not only alleviate the financial burdens associated with higher education but also empower me to further my vision of integrating innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility within the realms of finance and real estate. My long-term goals and career aspirations are anchored in the desire to make meaningful contributions to society through business. Inspired by the transformative potential of real estate, I envision establishing a venture that develops affordable, sustainable housing solutions. This ambition is deeply intertwined with my commitment to social entrepreneurship, as evidenced by my role as co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing homelessness. The scholarship would enable me to delve deeper into specialized studies and hands-on experiences, sharpening my expertise in financial analysis, market dynamics, and sustainable development practices essential for driving my future ventures. Experiencing physical or emotional weakness has been a part of my journey, offering profound lessons in resilience and perseverance. During my sophomore year, I encountered significant challenges balancing academic responsibilities, extracurricular commitments, and my work with Help Homeless Inc. The pressure culminated in a period of intense stress and doubt, questioning my capacity to achieve my ambitious goals. This phase of emotional turmoil forced me to confront my limitations and reassess my approach to personal and professional development. Overcoming this situation required a multifaceted strategy. Firstly, I sought mentorship from professors and industry professionals, whose guidance provided new perspectives on managing workload and prioritizing tasks. This mentorship was instrumental in developing a more strategic approach to my commitments, emphasizing quality over quantity. Secondly, I embraced the importance of self-care and mental health, integrating practices such as mindfulness and exercise into my daily routine. This not only improved my physical well-being but also enhanced my mental clarity and focus. Lastly, I learned the value of vulnerability, sharing my struggles with peers and finding strength in collective support and understanding. These experiences have taught me that weakness is not an inherent flaw but an opportunity for growth. They have instilled in me a resilience that I carry into every challenge I face, reinforcing my belief in the power of perseverance, adaptability, and community support. The Jorian Kuran Harris (Shugg) Helping Heart Foundation Scholarship represents more than financial assistance; it signifies a vote of confidence in my potential to effect change through business. It would provide the resources necessary to pursue my education and career aspirations without the looming shadow of financial strain, allowing me to focus fully on my studies and extracurricular endeavors. Moreover, it would honor the legacy of Jorian Kuran Harris by embodying the principles of innovation, determination, and compassion that I strive to uphold in my personal and professional life. In conclusion, my journey through business and entrepreneurship is a testament to the transformative impact of education, mentorship, and community. With the support of the Jorian Kuran Harris (Shugg) Helping Heart Foundation Scholarship, I am poised to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the business world, driven by a steadfast commitment to making a positive difference in society.
    Colby R. Eggleston and Kyla Lee Entrepreneurship Award
    In the heart of my local community, amidst the bustling streets and diverse populations, lies an untapped opportunity for a business that not only promises economic viability but also pledges to address a critical societal issue: homelessness. Drawing from my academic journey in Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, my vision is to establish a real estate firm focused on developing affordable, sustainable housing solutions. This business, inspired by my work with Help Homeless Inc, would not merely offer shelter but strive to uplift the entire community by fostering stability, security, and opportunities for economic advancement. The Business Concept: Sustainable, Affordable Housing Solutions The core mission of this real estate firm would be to create housing solutions that are both affordable for low to middle-income families and sustainable, minimizing environmental impact. By leveraging innovative construction methods, such as modular housing and green building practices, the firm would provide cost-effective, energy-efficient homes, reducing the economic burden on its residents and promoting environmental stewardship. Contribution to the Local Community This business would contribute to the general welfare of the community in several profound ways. First, by increasing the availability of affordable housing, it would directly combat homelessness and housing insecurity, a pressing issue in many urban and suburban areas. This initiative would not only provide immediate shelter but also promote long-term stability for vulnerable populations, enabling better access to employment, education, and healthcare. Second, the emphasis on sustainable development would encourage a shift towards more environmentally responsible living across the community. By incorporating green spaces, renewable energy sources, and sustainable materials, the project would enhance local biodiversity, improve air and water quality, and foster a culture of sustainability. Lastly, this venture would stimulate economic growth by creating jobs in construction, property management, and ancillary services. It would also open opportunities for local businesses by increasing foot traffic in revitalized neighborhoods, thereby knitting a tighter community fabric. Development Strategy Developing such a business would require a meticulous, phased approach. The initial step would involve extensive market research to identify areas with the most acute need for affordable housing and to understand the local real estate landscape. Engaging with community leaders, potential residents, and local governments early in the process would be crucial to align the project's goals with community needs and to secure support. Financial modeling and securing funding would constitute the next critical phase. This would involve crafting a compelling business plan to attract investors and exploring public-private partnerships to leverage grants and subsidies aimed at affordable housing projects. Additionally, I would apply my academic knowledge and professional experience in real estate analysis to ensure financial feasibility and sustainability of the project. The operational phase would focus on acquiring land, finalizing designs, and beginning construction. Collaboration with architects and builders who share a vision for affordable, sustainable housing would be essential. Throughout this process, maintaining open lines of communication with the community would ensure that the project meets their needs and expectations. In conclusion, starting a business dedicated to affordable, sustainable housing in my local community embodies my belief in the power of entrepreneurship to drive social change. By addressing the critical need for housing through innovative, sustainable solutions, this business would not only contribute to the economic vitality and environmental well-being of the community but also represent a step towards a more inclusive, stable, and prosperous society. As I continue my academic and professional journey, I am committed to turning this vision into a reality, leveraging the knowledge, skills, and networks I have acquired to make a lasting impact on my community.
    Sustainable Business Scholarship
    In today’s rapidly evolving world, the imperative for businesses to implement sustainable practices has never been more critical. The intersection of environmental stewardship and business operations is not just a matter of ethical responsibility; it is a strategic imperative that ensures long-term viability, resilience, and profitability. As a student of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, with a keen focus on real estate and finance, I understand the profound impact that businesses have on our planet. The importance of integrating sustainable practices into business models stems from the urgent need to address climate change, conserve resources, and foster a healthier, more equitable society. Sustainable business practices are essential because they acknowledge the finite nature of our planet's resources and the intricate balance required to maintain ecosystem health. These practices are not just about reducing negative environmental impacts; they are about creating positive change, driving innovation, and opening new markets. By adopting sustainable models, businesses can mitigate risk, enhance their reputation, and achieve competitive advantage. Moreover, sustainability aligns with the growing demand from consumers, investors, and governments for transparency, responsibility, and positive social impact, thereby securing the trust and loyalty of stakeholders. To reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future, businesses can implement several eco-friendly practices: Adopt Renewable Energy Sources: Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in renewable energy, businesses not only lessen their environmental impact but also protect themselves against fluctuating energy prices and secure long-term energy supply. For instance, as a future real estate investor, I am committed to prioritizing developments that incorporate renewable energy sources, thereby reducing operational costs and minimizing the carbon footprint of my projects. Implement Energy Efficiency Measures: Energy efficiency is a cost-effective strategy for reducing carbon emissions. Businesses can undertake audits to identify energy wastage and implement measures such as upgrading to energy-efficient lighting, optimizing heating and cooling systems, and investing in smart building technologies. In the realm of real estate, this translates to designing buildings with energy-efficient materials and systems from the outset, ensuring that properties not only consume less energy but also provide healthier living environments. Foster a Circular Economy: Moving away from the traditional linear economy model of "take, make, dispose" to a circular economy model can significantly reduce waste and carbon emissions. Businesses can achieve this by designing products for longevity, facilitating repair and refurbishment, and recycling materials at the end of their lifecycle. In finance and real estate, this approach can be applied by investing in properties and projects that prioritize sustainability, from construction methods that minimize waste to creating spaces that encourage recycling and reuse among tenants. In conclusion, the adoption of sustainable practices by businesses is not merely a response to environmental challenges; it is a forward-looking approach that recognizes the interdependence of economic success and ecological balance. As a business student passionate about sustainability, I am dedicated to being at the forefront of this transition, leveraging my education and future career in finance and real estate to advocate for and implement practices that ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all. It is through such commitment that we can hope to meet the shared responsibility of caring for our environment, ensuring that businesses not only thrive but do so in harmony with the planet.
    HM Family Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University majoring in Applied Economics and Management, my journey transcends the conventional boundaries of STEM, bridging the gap between analytical rigor and real-world application. My career aspirations are rooted in a vision to innovate within the realms of finance and real estate, sectors inherently reliant on the principles of STEM for analytical, technological, and strategic advancements. This interdisciplinary approach is driven by a profound belief in the power of STEM to address complex societal challenges, including economic disparity and homelessness—a belief inspired by the intersection of personal experience, mentorship, and the transformative potential of education. My passion for this path was ignited by witnessing firsthand the disparities in access to financial education and affordable housing within my community. This realization spurred a commitment to leveraging my education in economics, complemented by a self-directed exploration of data analytics and financial modeling, to create equitable solutions in these areas. The foundation of my aspirations was further solidified through my engagement with Cornell’s diverse academic community, where mentorship from professors and professionals exposed me to the tangible impacts of STEM in finance and real estate. These experiences underscored the critical need for innovative solutions in these sectors—solutions that require a deep understanding of economic principles, quantitative analysis, and technological proficiency. The decision to pursue a career that sits at the nexus of STEM and social entrepreneurship was also profoundly influenced by the legacy of trailblazers who have demonstrated the transformative power of integrating STEM expertise with visionary leadership. Figures such as Robert F. Smith, whose work in private equity is complemented by his commitment to addressing educational and economic inequalities, have shown me that success in STEM fields can and should be leveraged for societal benefit. This has emboldened my resolve to utilize my skills not only to excel professionally but to contribute meaningfully to my community. My career aspirations are thus twofold: to become a leader in real estate investment, harnessing the analytical and technological tools of STEM to drive sustainable development and affordable housing projects; and to expand the impact of Help Homeless Inc., the nonprofit organization I co-founded. Through Help Homeless Inc., I aim to apply STEM principles to innovate in the creation and distribution of affordable housing, employing data-driven strategies to maximize impact. This work is not just about providing shelter; it’s about utilizing STEM to create systemic solutions that uplift entire communities. To achieve these goals, I am committed to continuous learning and innovation. I plan to further my education in finance and real estate, with a focus on incorporating STEM-based analytical techniques and emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. These tools offer unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, transparency, and scalability in financial and real estate markets, enabling more effective solutions to the challenges of affordability and access. In conclusion, my career aspirations are a testament to the belief that STEM is a crucial driver of social and economic progress. Inspired by the potential to effect change and guided by the examples of mentors and pioneers in the field, I am dedicated to pursuing a path that combines the analytical prowess of STEM with a deep commitment to community service. Through this journey, I aspire to contribute to a future where the achievements in STEM fields are not only celebrated for their technical innovations but for their role in building a more equitable and just society.
    Augustus L. Harper Scholarship
    Education stands as the cornerstone of personal and societal advancement, embodying a transformative power that extends beyond the acquisition of knowledge to the shaping of destinies. My journey through the realms of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, underscored by a flawless academic record, is a testament to my unwavering belief in education's vital role. This belief is not merely academic; it is a deeply held conviction that education is a fundamental right and a pivotal force for change, mirroring the life and legacy of Augustus L. Harper. My pursuit of education is both a personal mission and a tribute to figures like Harper, who have demonstrated that education is a pathway out of poverty and a tool for societal upliftment. The importance of education in my life cannot be overstated. It has been the key to unlocking doors of opportunity that once seemed impenetrable, especially in the fields of finance and real estate. Through rigorous coursework and practical experiences, such as my roles with PGIM and Centergy Tax, education has equipped me with the analytical skills necessary to assess market dynamics, manage assets, and understand the intricate mechanics of the real estate market. These experiences have not only brought value to my professional aspirations but have also laid the foundation for my commitment to social entrepreneurship through my nonprofit organization, Help Homeless Inc. Here, education intersects with action, enabling me to apply financial and managerial principles towards addressing the critical issue of homelessness, thereby amplifying the impact of my academic pursuits on real-world challenges. Moreover, education has instilled in me a sense of responsibility to give back to the community. Inspired by Harper’s dedication to helping others access education and succeed, I have taken leadership roles in organizations such as the Cornell Real Estate Consulting Club and Alpha Fund. These platforms have allowed me to mentor peers, share knowledge, and foster an environment of mutual growth and learning. By promoting financial literacy and encouraging economic empowerment, I aim to extend the ladder of opportunity to others, just as it was extended to me. However, the value of education extends beyond professional development and community service; it has been a profound source of personal growth. Engaging with diverse perspectives and challenging ideas has broadened my worldview, taught me the importance of empathy, and fueled my passion for innovation. Education has transformed me into a critical thinker, a problem-solver, and, most importantly, a lifelong learner. It has taught me that the pursuit of knowledge is not just about achieving personal success but about using that success to effect positive change in the world. In conclusion, education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world, as Nelson Mandela famously stated. It has been the driving force behind my achievements and the foundation upon which I build my dreams. Like Augustus L. Harper, I believe that education is the key to escaping poverty, achieving success, and empowering others. As I continue my academic and professional journey, I remain committed to using my education to contribute to a more equitable and just society, honoring the legacy of those who have paved the way for me.
    Devante Lane Scholarship
    As a student at Cornell University, majoring in Applied Economics and Management, I recognize the profound impact education can have on addressing societal issues, including the epidemic of gun violence that plagues many communities, including New York. My journey in academia is not just a pursuit of personal success but a mission to leverage my knowledge and resources to create safer, more resilient communities. Drawing inspiration from the life and aspirations of Devante Lane, I am committed to using my education to combat the scourge of gun violence, a mission that is deeply personal and paramount to the well-being of our society. My approach to reducing gun violence through my college education centers on economic empowerment and community development. Understanding that economic disenfranchisement often underpins the cycle of violence, my goal is to apply my studies in economics and management to foster economic opportunities in underserved areas. By collaborating with local businesses, non-profits, and government entities, I plan to initiate programs that provide job training and entrepreneurship opportunities, especially for the youth. This strategy is grounded in the belief that by creating pathways to economic stability, we can address one of the root causes of violence. Furthermore, my role as the co-founder and CFO of Help Homeless Inc., a non-profit organization, has equipped me with invaluable experience in mobilizing resources and people towards a common goal. Leveraging this experience, I aim to expand my efforts to include initiatives specifically designed to prevent gun violence. This includes organizing workshops and seminars in partnership with local schools and community centers to educate young people about conflict resolution, the importance of community, and the devastating impact of gun violence. Through these educational programs, I hope to foster a culture of peace and mutual respect among the youth in New York. In addition to economic empowerment and educational initiatives, I understand the importance of policy advocacy in effecting lasting change. Therefore, I plan to use the knowledge gained from my college education to advocate for sensible gun control measures that protect communities while respecting individual rights. This includes engaging with local and state policymakers, participating in advocacy groups, and using my voice to raise awareness about the importance of comprehensive background checks, safe storage laws, and measures to prevent the trafficking of illegal firearms. The tragic loss of Devante Lane is a stark reminder of the urgency with which we must address gun violence. In honor of Devante's memory, my commitment is to not only pursue academic excellence but to use my education as a tool for social change. By focusing on economic empowerment, education, and advocacy, I believe we can make strides towards reducing gun violence in New York and beyond. It is through collective action and shared responsibility that we can honor Devante's legacy and ensure that our communities are safe for all. My journey in higher education is dedicated to this cause, with the hope that my efforts will contribute to a future where young, vibrant lives like Devante's are not cut short by senseless violence.