Hobbies and interests
I read books daily
Jonathan Whetnall
Bold Points1x
FinalistJonathan Whetnall
Bold Points1x
I'm on the pursuit of becoming the first person in my family to graduate with a bachelors degree. I'm getting my bachelors in Informational Technology as I am very passionate in all technologies. I'm incredibly intrigued by numbers and data as I grew up playing sports. In my free time, I've been studying data analysis jobs and work, so that when I graduate I am ready for a good job. I currently work part time, attend school full time and take care of my grandma. I'm applying for scholarships because any financial help is life changing and helping me pursue my dreams.
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Science, Technology and Society
- Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Data Analyst
Web Assessor
Lionbridge2020 – Present5 years
- Present
Public services
Local Shelter — I've volunteered for years now cleaning at our local shelters. I help clean the cat cages and also take photos of the cats to promote adoptions. I've helped coordinate events to promote adoptions too.2011 – Present
Future Interests
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
Never being satisfied is how I keep a growth mindset because the moment we become complacent or satisfied is the moment we become lazy. Finding an internal motivation is one way I continue to strive for greatness. I just want to be the best version of myself and only I can dictate that. Using external motivation is a good tool as well that I use. Between growing up under difficult circumstances with abuse and then no one in my family has ever graduated from college I regularly am reminded that I should be working hard. That alone motivates me to grow on a daily basis and work incredibly hard.
Mapping out my future goals is another key to keeping my growth mindset because oftentimes when we get tied into busy situations we can forget about the long-term goals. By seeing my end goals, working backwards and striving towards them I can stay focused and never get off track.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
The best way to live a long, healthy life is through what we consume on a daily basis. I believe that those who don't consume animal products are on their way to living a much healthier life. This is usually a controversial topic because people can get very defensive about it but I will break it down through the lens I see it through.
To begin with, if you consume animal products you are consuming death. How do you get meat? You kill an animal, therefore it is dead. By consuming dead animals, you are consuming death which entirely goes against living a long, healthy life. Now let me ask, why do we always hear individuals talk about eating a salad when they want to feel healthy? Maybe it's because they want to consume something that is full of life and not affiliated with death. If we always eat "healthy" foods like plant-based products, I am confident many would be healthier and live much longer.
Food is fuel, and when we consume lively produce we consistently feel better which is why I believe a plant-based diet with no meat products is a key to a long, healthy life. Cut out the middleman, the animals, and go straight to the source. Vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and beans all contain the nutrients we need, hence why cows don't eat meat and they can get all the nutrition they need.
Lastly, look at all the biggest animals in the world... They all don't consume animals. Cows, monkeys, hippos, elephants and many more don't consume dead flesh, so maybe we shouldn't as well.
Bold Investing Scholarship
The most important investing tip I've taken to heart is this: "Invest as much as you are willing to lose"
This quote is so important because many people on social media or YouTube only talk about how you can double or triple your money. Many don't talk about the risks of the stock market which worries me that the majority of our people don't research the stocks or investments they are going to invest in. All we see it's the wins in life, hence why they are giving advice on social media but to know we may not "win" in every stock is very important.
There is a risk in everything whether that's going to school (student debt), investing in stocks (stock plummets), or investing in rental properties (property devalues). Realizing that investments are risky or not always rewarding is key because that makes the quote above hold value. Only invest what we are willing to lose because investing is not easy or else everybody would do it.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
As a society, we all want instant gratification and success. It takes a while to realize opportunities, money or promotions within our jobs don't just drop into our laps. That's why I have had to grow and learn how to become patient. For example, I'm attending college and I'm currently just under two years from graduating but I certainly can get impatient from time to time. I know that if I were graduating tomorrow I would be able to obtain my dream job with a significantly better salary than I am receiving right now at my part-time job. I am aware I cannot speed up the process which has allowed me to become patient and play the long game in a variety of aspects in my life.
I have learned the importance in being patient because I have observed many patient people receive more in life. Now let me set something straight, there's a difference between being lazy and patient. Some people won't work hard and they will get frustrated because they are being patient. Others realize you have to work hard and with that hard work comes all of our desires and wants. It was important for me to realize it doesn't drop into our laps over night. With this mindset, I am confident I can continue to grow each day and become very successful one day.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
The biggest problem in the world right now is Cardiovascular Disease, as it's the leading cause of deaths in both the world and America. The World Health Organization says that in 2019, an estimated 17.9 million people died because of this disease. They also say that in the last year and a half, a total of 4.3 million people have died since COVID began. To me, this is incredibly alarming because Cardiovascular Disease is combatable and it's also four times bigger than COVID.
How do you combat Cardiovascular Disease? It's directly impacted by cholesterol, which is consumed through eating meat and dairy products. Cholesterol coats our arteries and stiffens them. Over time you are likely to get heart attacks and blood clots. If we can educate our society and show them alternative ways of eating that they aren't used too, it would greatly lower our cholesterol levels and combat this disease heavily. There are many studies done that show healthy arteries when eliminate meat and dairy products.
Removing meat and diary would allow many people in the world to live longer and healthier lives. By removing these products, you would also combat climate change because factory farming is a major contributor to our Co2 in the world. It's crazy to think that when we remove meat and dairy, we save our own bodies, and our actual planet.
In conclusion, I see Cardiovascular Disease as a major problem and I see that removing meat and dairy can solve TONS of problems whether that's individually, or worldwide.
"Wise Words" Scholarship
A quote that means a lot to me and that I've really based my life around is, "I don't see why someone should lose their life, just so you can have a snack." - Russell Brand
I'm not one of those crazy vegans who goes around fighting others because they eat meat, or because they don't see the same perspective I see. I get it, everybody makes their own decisions and you can't control others which I why I control my actions.
I find it such a powerful quote because I have done tons of research on the topic, and I found that animals feel emotions just like we do as humans. It's really not complex because happiness comes from a chemical called serotonin and fear is nothing more than a mixture of adrenaline and excitatory neurotransmitters like glutamate. With the knowledge of that, I realized nothing wants to die. We watch our cats or dogs suffer when they're sick or if they hurt themselves, and you realize they want to live or feel emotions. We see their emotions and we get so attached to them we are willing to do anything for them, but for some reason there is a major disconnect when it comes to pigs, cows and chickens. I found there doesn't have to be a major disconnect, no animal wants to die. For me, by not purchasing those products I feel that I'm saving a few chickens, cows or pigs here and there and hopefully that allows them to live a happy life if they aren't in a mass slaughter house. I try to do my part by keeping animals alive, just like how I want to remain alive for as long as possible.
All of my research has brought me to how I live my daily life. I aim to cause the least amount of suffering. Now people take that way too far at times, because the moment we step outside we are endangering all the little insects on our sidewalks, or as we drive our cars to work we are taking part in polluting the earth. I'm not anything like that, I just watch what I consume on a daily basis. I have been without meat and dairy products for 11 years now and I personally feel wonderful. I also don't buy leather products because in today's day and age there are plenty of other options available. Lastly, I volunteer weekly at my local shelter to help out the cats and dogs and I also help trap feral cats so they can get spayed or neutered and then adopted to live a happier life.
My main goal is to give, and allow those that want to live an opportunity. I've found all my nutrients through a vegan diet and found happiness knowing animals get to live happier lives by my daily choices.
Thanks for the consideration for this scholarship!!
Understory Studio Conservation Scholarship
1. The reason I consider myself in a underrepresented group is because no one in my family has ever graduated from college with a bachelors degree. My mother is the only one who attended college but she never actually got her associates because she immediately jumped into her field in order to put food on our table. I'm setting an example now to my future kids and family.
2. A barrier for me is simply fiancés because I'm currently juggling full time school, which is four classes per semester. Then I'm also taking care of my grandma because she is no longer capable of doing very much on her own and I work at neighbors houses when I can to make a couple dollars so that I can pay my bills. If I had more of a financial income or help, I would feel like I could breathe much better going forward.
3. The reason I am pursuing my bachelors is because I knew I needed to set myself up as well as my family. I've grown up in poverty and I thought the only way out would be work as hard as possible. With that thought process, I work as hard as I can everyday to get good grades and learn all the class material.
4. I try to do my part in restoring nature because I have been vegan/plant-based for 11 years now. I see how factory farming is a major contributor to climate change. Whether we believe in climate change or not, we see how Mother Earth is changing drastically right now and I feel like I'm doing my part with what I eat everyday. I also work with my local shelter to save dogs and cats and get them readopted to good families. We get them spayed and neutered so that they don't reproduce in terrible situations. Everyday I feel like I'm making an effort to restore nature.
Lisa K. Carlson DCPS Scholarship
Since a young age, I’ve always been interested in business and technology. I did lemonade stands growing up to make money and to try to become an entrepreneur, and I was always browsing the web as I was so fascinated by computers. Luckily, both technology and business go together which is why I’m currently getting a Bachelors of Science in Informational Technology, with a Minor in Business. My goal is to learn as much as I can all while obtaining as many certificates in the process of my bachelor’s degree. I have already gotten a Certificate in Web Development and Web Design, and as I get further along into my degree, I will get a Certificate in Cybersecurity. By getting a bachelors, 2 certificates and a minor will allow me to reach my goals because I will get more job options that fit choices.
My main goal is the graduate with a GPA of 3.5. This is a major goal for me because nobody in my family has graduated before, which makes it very important for me to set a standard for my future family and kids. By setting an example, I’m now showing my future kids what hard work looks like which will ultimately affect the generations after me.
I’ve been raised by a single mother most of my life and she’s been able to take care of me for a majority of that on less than $25,000 a year. Luckily once I graduate, I will have opportunities to make $70,000+ a year. This will allow me to help her out financially if need me, whether that’s buy groceries or any daily needs. The great thing about my degree and job options is there is so much room for growth. I will get to learn specifics on the job, then advance as time goes on. My goal is to obtain an internship so I can begin my in-work experience, therefore when I graduate my resume and knowledge go hand in hand and I can get a job that I want. Once I graduate, my long-term goal is to over see a department at a technology firm. I’ve always been a good leader which would help me overlook a department in my field. With all that said, getting my degree is my consistent and short-term goal. I’m working as hard as I can by taking 4 classes at once so that I can graduate sooner. The quicker I graduate, the more successful I will be long-term. Thanks for considering me as a scholarship candidate.
WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
My greatest accomplishment to this point was beginning college at the start of 2020. This is such a big accomplishment because I had been out of school for four to five years with no direction or plan. Straight out of high school, I was forced to work because my mom needed financial help. I worked for two years and then my grandpa who lived across the USA had a major accident and could no longer live without assistance. My mom, brother and I moved across the US so that I could take care of him. I took care of him for nearly two years before he passed away. At that point, I realized I had future plans or skills that would allow me to get a well-paying job. I dreaded going to college but ultimately, I knew it would be wise. Since starting my bachelor’s degree, I feel like I actually have a direction and future plan in my life that will fulfill my happiness. This has led to more motivation to continue college and take as many classes as I can per semester while I work. This experience thus far has shown me I’m capable of anything. Starting college before felt so overwhelming because it’s a lot of money and many years. Since realizing I’m capable of pushing myself to the limits, I’m taking four classes per semester and working part-time. Unfortunately, due to the economy and inflation, I’m forced to get a full-time job and juggle my classes. Last semester, I got a 3.75 GPA in my four classes which was incredible because I was working then too. I will continue to work and go to school until I reach my goal of graduating. Graduating will then become my biggest accomplishment as then I hope to get a job within my degree. I’m getting a degree in Informational Technology which has many jobs opening up as the industry grows. Getting a job within my degree will be a big achievement but ultimately, having a family one day and being able to provide for them and give them the correct life route will be amazing. I look forward to that the most and that is what I am striving for every day. I didn’t have much direction growing up which is why it will be a great accomplishment and achievement to provide and lead my kids to a successful future.
JuJu Foundation Scholarship
Becoming the first person in my family to graduate and become successful inspires and drives me every day. I grew up with a single mother who did every thing for me whether it was buying football cleats for the season or driving across the state in order to play in a basketball tournament. My father was abusive and we quit having contact with him when I was 13 so all the parenting duties landed on my mom. She worked incredibly hard to put food on our table and a roof over our head and for that reason, I work hard every day in my college courses and at my job. All of this motivates me because for my entire childhood and early adulthood I’ve seen my family struggle financially. I’m looking and striving for a future where I can have a family of my own and not put my kids through what I went through. How does that look? They don’t have to worry about anything such as, food, where we’re going to live, etc.
College wasn’t an option for me directly out of high school because I was trying to help my mom out with the food bills. She didn’t push me to go to college either because she never graduated from college. Now is a different story, I am pursuing it for the long-term perks of getting a well-paying job.
If you consider me for this scholarship, I would be incredibly honored as it would be a financial blessing.
Keep being great JuJu!
Mechanism Fitness Matters Scholarship
Fitness and health are incredibly important to staying healthy which is why I attend my local gym 5-6 days a week. In nearly two and a half years I've gained 23-25lbs of muscle with a workout program called HST. It focuses on light weight, slow and controlled reps. My goals aren't to become a major weight lifter, they are to be strong so I can play with my future kids and keep up with them as they grow older. The gym is certainly important but what I find much more important is my diet. I've been a vegan for 11 years now due to the health benefits and the animal cruelty side of it. For years I heard, "if you're vegan you cannot gain muscle". That is actually quite the opposite as I use to be 145lbs and now I'm hovering at 170lbs. I took on the challenge of proving you can be healthy as a vegan and not becoming the stereotype as they have a bad image. With this diet and weight lifting program, I am able to work and do school with a clear mind all day without getting tired. It's important to focus on what we consume because food is fuel. My healthy diet and lifting routine has kept me from getting sick for years now and also kept COVID away from me.