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Joden Chanel Pierre Louis


Bold Points




I am a young man who is willing to devote the time, energy and dedication it takes to earn a college degree in the field of Engineering. I would like to use my degree to better my life but also to contribute meaningfully to society. I will use my skills and learning toward making life easier for others. I truly believe in the mantra that states to whom much is giving much is expected.


Sharon High

High School
2020 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Electromechanical Engineering
    • Construction Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

    • Dream career goals:

    • Technical Assistant

      Clinical Science Laboratory
      2023 – Present2 years



    2019 – 20234 years


    • Offensive Unsung Hero


    2019 – 20234 years


    • Offensive Unsung Hero


    • Dispute Resolution

      Black Student Union — Vice President/ Student-Faculty Liaison
      2022 – Present


    • The Lodge

      2016 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Church — Food delivery
      2020 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Church — Youth Leadership
      2017 – 2019

    Future Interests






    Net Impact Berkeley Social Impact Scholarship
    I am currently a Senior at Sharon High School. While there I had the opportunity to participate in sports clubs such as Football and Tennis and also participated as a member of the Black Student Union. Last year I was nominated as the Vice President of that club. While serving in that role I was instrumental in bringing awareness to the Administration of the role microaggression plays in the life of the minority students. I was able to function as a Liason between the Faculty, School committee and the minority student body. This action ultimately led to the creation of a paid position that would serve future students. My action created an impact on the lives of the students and the faculty. It made the students aware that when a problem is well presented, in a respectful manner then a fair resolution can be achieved. For the faculty, it brought awareness of insensitivities that can negatively affect the life of minority students. For instance when a Muslim student reported to the administration that her Hijab was pulled by another student and others around laughed and ridiculed this action. It was viewed as a prank, an act of play and it resulted in no adverse consequences for those involved whereas when a swastika was drawn on a desk it led to an investigation and an email that outlined the school's intolerance toward prejudice and discrimination was sent to the student body and parents. During my meeting with the faculty, I asked one of the faculty members who wore a Yarmulke whether he would find it amusing if it was pulled from his head by one of his colleagues and his responses dictated that it would not. This comparison played a big role in the awareness of how acts of microaggression when ignored can affect the life of minority students. I have had the opportunity to create a consulting group consisting of myself, a minority faculty and 2 other members of the club and was able to come up with training sessions for teachers to impact their relations with minority students positively. For instance, a teacher during a class asked a black student to "stop monkey around". This statement was not well received by the student and led to a grievance situation. Although it could be viewed as a common phrase it was perceived as a racist statement by the student and others present in the class. Ways to prevent such occurrences were formulated. Thus, I believe that working on consulting projects that make an impact is important and is a valuable act
    Ella Hall-Dillon Scholarship
    I am currently a Senior in High school. Both of my parents were born in Haiti. They migrated to the United States to gain access to a better life. I was brought up by my mother as a single parent. My grandmother who also emigrated from Haiti with my mother played a role in my upbringing. Both women are resilient and have passed that to me. They have managed to learn English as their native language is French/Creole, adapt to a new culture and climate, obtain jobs and care for their family with grace and dignity. Their accomplishments have played a big role in my determination to do well in school. I often reflect on the fact that their struggles have traced a smoother path for me in life thus I must focus and set goals for myself to succeed. I have been able to do so by following their examples. As I am completing my Senior year of high school I am thankful for the fact that as an immigrant my mother instilled in me a strong value for education. I was able to get good grades and gain admission to 5 reputable Universities. Growing up I noted that my parent also was willing to help others in need. While in High school this led me to play the role of the Vice President of the Black Student Union, thus being able to mentor and advise my fellow minority classmates. My participation in that role helped improve the quality of the learning environment and creation of a paid counselor that future minority students can access when confronted with microaggressions. I am proud of my accomplishments thus far and can honestly say my family's journey in the United States play a big role in my success thus far
    Jacques Borges Memorial Scholarship
    I am a first-generation Haitian-American who is a Senior in High School. My parents emigrated to the United States in search of a better life. They married young and were separated while I was a youngster. I was brought up by my mother and grandmother. They instilled in me a desire to be unselfish and be of service to others. Education plays a big role in my family. I am often reminded that the knowledge that I acquire through my schooling will not only lead me to acquire a better life but will also contribute to the betterment of society. I have taken this advice seriously and have devoted a lot of energy and focus to my schoolwork. As a result, I have been academically successful My mother in particular made a lot of sacrifices so that I can attend a superior school where I can be challenged academically and thrive. I have been enrolled in school at Sharon High School for the past 4 years. While there I have been able to enroll in classes in the field of mathematics, physics and Engineering design which has led me to discover the field of Civil engineering and has triggered my desire to succeed in that field. I have enjoyed the Engineering design classes in particular and am currently enrolled in the Honors level of this class. I have been completing it successfully. Planning, building and implementing large infrastructure projects is the mantra of Civil engineering. It requires analytical and problem-solving. These are skills that I believe I would use to assist in building better residential infrastructure in the low-income inner city neighborhood where my extended family resides. I have observed that some of the buildings in those neighborhoods are poorly designed. As a result, it affects the quality of life of the resident. Often these buildings are affected by not only structural problems which affect the longevity and comfort of the residents but also they present poor ventilation issues. As a result, the residents of these buildings are affected with respiratory issues which places them at a greater risk for diseases such as asthma. For instance, It was postulated that a large number of residents who resided in similar buildings were the victim of Covid-19 infection during the pandemic. I am hopeful to play a role in the prevention of such calamity. I am confident that my knowledge in the field of engineering will help me to bring innovation to the construction field which would improve human life
    Szilak Family Honorary Scholarship
    My mother is a single parent. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago. She underwent genetic testing and discovered that she was a carrier of the BRAC gene. As a result, she underwent multiple surgeries which included bilateral mastectomies with reconstruction and Oophorectomy. She was hospitalized for a long amount of time while undergoing those surgeries. Following her surgeries she underwent chemotherapy and lost her hair and a lot of weight initially. I ultimately needed to move to my grandmother's house during that time. I was 6 years at that time but remember her pain and struggle during that time. Needless to say, I worried about my future and missed the close relationship I once enjoyed with her. This was a time of turmoil. Not knowing what the future hold for me. Even at that young age, I was aware that the word cancer is often associated with death. My mother tried her best to relate to me in a positive and supportive manner and reassure me that she would fight and adhere to all the recommended medical procedures to get well so that we can continue to reestablish our close relationship Once she recover and completed her treatment I returned to her care on a full-time basis. I was overjoyed and appreciated the role she played in my life. My grandmother was very kind to me but could only help me with the basics such as food, shelter and taking me to school. My mother however could connect better with me and attend to my wants such as attending tennis and swimming lessons which I previously enjoyed before her illness. When I struggled with my schoolwork because she was younger she could help me. I was once again able to attend play dates and birthday parties when I was invited. There are certain rituals that we had established such as going to a Chinese restaurant for takeout on Friday nights and church service on Saturday nights which we resume. These rituals formed a role in my life that bring me a sense of comfort, consistency and love. My mother's struggle with cancer has led me to work hard in school and succeed. I have chosen to pursue a career in the field of Biochemical/mechanical Engineering so that I can play a role in working on designing medical equipment that can provide quicker and better cancer discovery and also that is also painless. Hopefully, in my career field, I can play a role in technology that can continue to increase the survival rate of those affected by cancer
    Harry D Thomson Memorial Scholarship
    I am currently a Senior at Sharon High School. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 2004. Both of my parents were born and raised in Haiti. They moved to the United States during their formative years to gain access to a better life. They met in college, and I was conceived. Their relationship did not last. I was brought up by my mother who relocated to Sharon after I completed the 6th grade so that I can gain access to a better education. Initially, I struggled with her decision because adapting to change for me is not always easy. I had to leave behind my extended family which consisted of my grandparents, aunts and cousins who resided nearby and the friends I made at Pope John Paul Academy which I attended from the first grade. As I grew older I cherished her decision because I was able to obtain a great education. I enrolled in many challenging courses and worked hard to succeed. I participated in many clubs and sports activities. I played football which provided me with skills such as teamwork, integrity and focus. Most importantly to remain on the team I needed to maintain a high level of academic standard. My participation in Clubs such as the Black Student Union afforded me the ability to gain leadership skills. I was nominated as a Vice President of that club and it allowed me to provide a better learning environment for Minority students at the school. I served as a Liasion between the faculty and students when issues that dealt with microaggression arose. This gave me valuable skills which led me to be a good independent thinker and analyzer. I am proud of my achievements and look forward to continuing on the same path as I transition to college
    John F. Puffer, Sr. Smile Scholarship
    I am currently a Senior at Sharon High School. My mother decided to move to Sharon, Mass. once I completed the sixth grade in Boston to help me acquire a better education. It was a hardship for her as a single parent. At first, I struggled with the idea of moving to a new community, living far from my extended family and leaving behind the friends I had made in Elementary school. I respected her choice and came to realize that although it would require a lot of work on my part it is a challenge that I must embrace. I have worked diligently to get good grades in most of my classes. I have taken Honor classes in the areas of Engineering Design, Photography and French and have excelled in the subjects. In addition to these classes, I have achieved good grades in classes such as Calculus and Chemistry which at first made me anxious. I would not have been able to do well if I did not challenge myself. I seek out assistance from my teachers whenever necessary and also from my peers. I would like to point out that asking for help from others is not an easy thing for me but I quickly learned that at times I had to put aside my pride to achieve. While at Sharon High School I participated in clubs and sport activity. As a club member, I had the opportunity to mentor younger classmates and eventually was nominated the Vice President of the Black Student Union. My proudest achievement was to act as a Liasion between the faculty, school committee and minority students when tension arises due to microaggressions and other reasons. My participation has led to the creation of a permanent position of a person whom minority students would be able to reach out to if needed. It also helps create an awareness of issues that can arise due to cultural misunderstandings and insensitivities. I am proud of my achievements thus far and so is my family and community. My actions and the steps that I took to achieve them have been beneficial to myself as well as future students. In addition, my academic efforts have led me to gain admission at various universities where I can continue to excel and prepare for a career. I looked forward to continuing toward this path as I embark on college in the Fall