Lutheran Evangelical
Hobbies and interests
Drawing And Illustration
American Sign Language (ASL)
Art History
Babysitting And Childcare
Bible Study
Business And Entrepreneurship
Clinical Psychology
Community Service And Volunteering
Exercise And Fitness
True Crime
Travel And Tourism
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Self Care
Painting and Studio Art
Nutrition and Health
National Honor Society (NHS)
Mental Health
Foreign Languages
Food And Eating
Adult Fiction
Christian Fiction
Literary Fiction
Realistic Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Jasmine Sixel
Bold Points1x
Jasmine Sixel
Bold Points1x
My underlying life goal that I strive to achieve no matter what I decide to go into is to help others. Having compassion and empathy for others has always been a strong characteristic of mine, and supporting others, especially those in need, is something I feel very strongly about. That may be as a dance teacher, a teacher in a schoolroom, a journalist informing others, or something else equally as important and creative. One of my dreams has always been to start a non-profit to benefit women who were human trafficked or women and children who have been abused or are in need.
University of Northwestern-St Paul
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Marketing
- Bible/Biblical Studies
- English Language and Literature, General
Fox Valley Lutheran Hs
High SchoolGPA:
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Company Founder
Sales Clerk
Fava Tea Company2019 – Present6 years
Varsity2019 – Present6 years
Studio M School of Dance
DanceYou Just Got Served, The Greatest Show, Disney, 10 year anniversary2011 – 2020
Public services
Harbor House Domestic Abuse — Babysitter2020 – Present
Future Interests
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
I have numerous hobbies that I extremely enjoy. They range from reading to writing to dancing to wood burning. Each of these offer me different ways to express myself and fuel my creativity.
I would have to say that my favorite hobby is dance. I have been dancing even before I first started writing stories for my parents. I am never able to explain how dance makes me feel other than that it feels amazing. When I move my body to the music I am able to comprehend and convey my emotions. My favorite genres of dance are jazz and musical theater. I have been able to keep up this hobby throughout the years by attending studio dance and then joining my high school dance team as a freshman.
I also love to create. When I wood burn, I create something that is unique and mine. Wood burning also connects me to my dad and my grandpa. My dad loves wood working and has helped me numerous times with pieces. My grandpa was the one who bought me my first wood burning kit, although he has not been able to see the progress I made because he passed away a year after I started practicing with it. The last Christmas I had with him, I wood burned him and my grandma a sign with their names, which to this day, is hung in their living room. I have practiced wood burning, created new pieces, played around with techniques and styles, and even showcased at art fairs.
Moriah Janae Dance Grant
I have been dancing since I was two years old- young, I know. People are always amazed at the fact that I have been dancing since I was that little. My parents joke around and say that the reason that they put me in dance was because I needed to learn to be independent, for up until that time I would not leave my mom’s side without crying. Whatever the reason, though, does not matter- from the first moment I took a step into the dance room, I fell in love. It is safe to say that dance is my first love- and will most likely always be in my heart, even if I do not keep dancing for the rest of my life. I did studio dance from then through freshman year of high school. I transferred studios when I was around seven years old. Freshman year of high school, I made the dance team, and have been on the dance team ever since, including both the fall and winter seasons of each year. My sophomore year of dance team I was named dance team captain, and am currently still captain, a role I am so blessed to be in.
Jazz has always been my favorite genre. I find that when I connect with the lyrics and emotions of the song, I dance best. One of my favorite parts of dance is storytelling. Everytime I dance I have the opportunity to tell a story- whether it be mine or someone else’s. I honestly cannot describe how dancing makes me feel- I feel in my element, like there is nothing else in the world that matters. I am actually very introverted, something that surprises many people when I tell them I am a dancer. I never thought about this aspect until recently, but I believe that dance has helped me put myself out there, pull me out of my comfort zone, and teach me how to express myself in a way that nothing else has. Dance is the one form of ‘exercise’ that I love- although I don’t really see it as a form of exercise, but instead as the one thing that never fails to make me happy and a form of moving my body in a way that feels good.
One of my many dreams is to own a dance studio of my own. I would say that this is the biggest dream I have. I know that being an entrepreneur in some form is most likely in my future. I would love for my love for dance to be a part of that future. I would love to be able to grow my skills as a choreographer and have my own choreography be danced by others. It would be amazing to be able to teach other young dancers what has made my life so amazing, and let that love change their lives, too. I understand that a lot of hard work will have to be put into this dream, however. Even though I have done dance since I was very young, I never put in as much work as I should have, until it was almost too late. But I know that I can get to where I want to be because dance is my passion and the one thing that helps me wake up every single morning.
And my parents did get what they asked for- a very independent daughter.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
I have struggled with anxiety ever since I was little. I would not be able to eat food in the morning because I was so nervous about going to school and I would not be able to sleep at night because I was anxious. Reading books was one of the ways I could wind down, giving me something else to focus on and bringing me into a completely different world. As I entered high school, however, I became more and more busy, adding on more activities to my schedule, and in turn, causing me to get closer and closer to burnout. My doctor even noticed that I was constantly stressed and she ‘prescribed’ me to do at least one thing I love everyday. I pushed it off for a while, giving myself the excuse of ‘not enough time’. Finally, when my burnout and anxiety got so terrible, I decided to do something about it.
I started small: just washing my face at night, then adding on a few skin care steps, drinking a cup of tea or hot chocolate, adding a container of vegetables to my lunch, starting a bullet journal. Unfortunately, over time I had lost my love of reading books, which was something that I wanted back. Lately, my latest step to take care of myself has been setting a goal to read at least a couple of minutes every night.
It may not seem like these little things are important or consequential, but they are very impactful in my life. These simple self-care habits remind me of my self-worth every time I do them. They remind me to love myself, and that life is not a sprint but a marathon- one that is meant to be enjoyed.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
My favorite ways to help others are by giving my time and energy to others and by letting them know that I notice them. Growing up in church, I often heard that we can give not only with our money but with all of our “time, talents, and treasures”. As I have gotten older, I have found this to be true. I may not be able to donate thousands or even hundreds of dollars to a local charity, but I can use my talents of gift making to offer items that they may need. I may not be able to give a substantial amount of money to my church, but I can help out on Sundays by watching children while their parents are in Bible study. I may not be able to give enough money to make a difference at our local domestic abuse shelter, but I can regularly volunteer there and impact the lives of all who have been affected by domestic abuse.
Of the three activities I mentioned, volunteering at the local domestic abuse shelter, Harbor House, is my favorite way to give back to my community. While I am sure I make an impact there, I feel that they have made more of an impact on me. While volunteering, not only do I have the opportunity to help others who are in difficult situations, but I also have a chance to learn about their circumstances, something that I never really understood before. I have learned how to help others who are in the same situation and have become much more informed. I love being able to help others in ways that allow me to share my talents, gifts, and especially, the deep compassion that lives in my heart.
Bold Wisdom Scholarship
"Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad"- a Chinese proverb.
I read this quote in the book, The Student Leadership Challenge, for a leadership learning group at my school. It may just be that I am a dancer, but this quote resonates with me deeply. I do not always convey my ideas to others, which is especially detrimental to the fact that I am the captain of my dance team. I have so many dreams for the future, but none of them are possible without the help of others, something that can be hard for me to swallow as an extremely independent person. I, instead, must use my position of leadership to motivate others to also want to reach those goals.
The main point of this section in the book was that without a common vision, those you are leading will not have any interest in you. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to share your vision with all and find a way to connect to them. This is such an important step as a leader. I have found that when everyone on the dance team sees themselves in my vision for the future, it motivates them to work harder and contribute all they have to that goal. The quote illustrates beautiful imagery: if those you are helping or leading do not ‘hear the music’ there is no way they will be able to, even be willing to, dance with you.
Everyone in their life, no matter their future, their career choice, their lifestyle, will have to lead people. I encourage everyone to remember that while you may have an amazing idea or vision, no one will follow unless they can all hear the music.
Bold Loving Others Scholarship
Being the independent one in my family, I have often been the one to notice others, including friends, peers, and even strangers. I have found that I have an abundance of kindness and compassion in my heart, something that can be both a blessing and a burden- but something that I mostly count as a blessing. This huge part of me causes me to always try to solve others’ problems or show them that they are noticed- that is the way that I show others I love them the best.
My top love language towards others is gift-giving. I love writing little notes or giving tiny gifts to those I care about. I am fairly creative and art-inclined, so I use my talents to create items for others. Having friends that struggle with mental illnesses, I use these little gifts to try to remind them that I love them, even if they do not always feel like they are loved. I am also a good listener- I often lend an ear to my friends when they are struggling or just need someone to NOTICE them, something that people often forget about. I like to notice those that go unnoticed, because I feel that those are the ones that need the most encouragement. This last Christmas, I bought a mug for a girl that is very quiet and has very few friends at school. I had started talking to her, and realized that she was one of the sweetest people I had ever met. When I gave her the gift, she was so overwhelmed with gratitude and in turn I was filled with joy. I hope that I can continue to make others feel noticed and appreciated, even as I go to college and pursue a career in the world today.
Bold Joy Scholarship
In today's world, joy can be hard to come by. Videos on our phones, the news, even just looking out of the window can remind us of the hurt and pain in our world, especially the pain that directly affects us. We are constantly bombarded with bad news and negative thoughts. It is easy to wallow in sadness and self-pity, something that I have found myself doing more than I would like to admit. While the dictionary definition of joy is “a feeling of great pleasure or happiness”, as Christians we see joy as something greater. In the Bible, Jesus describes joy as a deep-rooted choice, not just a feeling, that comes especially from worshiping and rejoicing in him. My faith greatly impacts my viewpoint on joy in this world. Joy is one of those things that is hard to find, but once it is, it is much easier to retrieve again.
I have personally found many sources of joy in my life, but the one that impacts me the most is dance. This is the one source that I can continually come back to- it is the joy I have found and can retrieve again and again. Dance is the one thing that can lift my mood after a bad day. It allows me to express myself. When I dance, I leave my heart and my feelings on the floor. It allows me to move my body and tell a story, whether I am telling the heartbreak or joy of others, or my own individual story. I do not think that I can accurately describe in words the way dance makes me feel. It makes me want to cry and laugh and shout all at the same time- it makes me want to share my joy with the world.