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Jack Schihl


Bold Points






I am a highly motivated honors student with a strong work ethic and dedication to excellence. The achievements I am most proud of are earning the rank of Eagle Scout and my second degree Tae Kwon Do Black Belt. I am attending Mercyhurst University as an Intelligence major to pursue a career in National Security. In my spare time I enjoy exploring local bike trails and playing show tunes on my 100 year old trumpet.


Mercyhurst University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Intelligence, Command Control and Information Operations
  • Minors:
    • Data Analytics

Cheektowaga Central High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other
    • Intelligence, Command Control and Information Operations
    • Data Science
    • International Relations and National Security Studies
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Mathematical Economics
    • Data Analytics
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Intelligence and National Security

    • Dream career goals:

      Central Intelligence Agency

    • Dog Walker

      2019 – 20234 years



    2021 – 20232 years

    Tae Kwon Do

    2015 – 20238 years


    • Second Dan Black Belt


    2017 – 20225 years


    • Cheektowaga Central

      Jazz Band
      2014 – 2023
    • Mercyhurst University

      Marching Band
      2023 – Present
    • Cheektowaga Central

      Wind Band
      2014 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Sleep in Heavenly Peace — Bed Builder
      2022 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Reinstein Woods — Summer Camp Counselor
      2021 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
    I have always loved playing Nintendo games with my friends and family, especially my younger brother. One of my first and favorite memories actually didn’t occur at home. My Dad took us to the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York instead of having us attend one of those silly half days at the end of the school year. My brother and I were Elementary students at the time and we protested missing school for this “surprise” that Dad had planned. It was worth it though because we ended up finding an awesome superhero exhibit at the museum. This is where we first discovered Lego Batman which became one of our favorite Nintendo games of all time. We loved exploring Gotham City and beating up bad guys to collect studs, which we fondly called “the coins”. We had a blast clearing some of the tougher levels and working out all of the little puzzles. Another vivid memory I have playing Lego Batman is when my brother and I were a bit older and thought we were near completing the game. By now we were in Middle School and we were trying to 100% the game together. While wandering around the Batcave, we found a special area where we could play from the villains’ perspective in Arkham Asylum. My brother found a new favorite character in the Joker while I took a liking to Mr. Freeze. A whole other world we were previously blind to opened up many new and exciting possibilities. My brother especially liked to start big brawls with the henchmen in a pit in Arkham Asylum, where we would cause mayhem and collect “the coins”. We loved Arkham Asylum and discovering all of the villains special abilities. There were three separate sub-stories following three groups of villains with their own unique scheme. The schemes included an elaborate bank heist planned by the Riddler, a plot by the Joker to poison Gotham City with gas, and The Penguin’s plan to use an army of mechanical penguins to rob the citizens of Gotham. With each diabolical plan, Batman and Robin would have to figure out how to stop the criminals before it's too late. We loved immersing ourselves in the world of Gotham, and working together to stop the villains and their plans. Nintendo has been a key piece of my childhood and I am very fond of many of their games, especially Lego Batman. I can still hear the home screen theme music forever in my memory. Just thinking about it brings a huge wave of nostalgia now that I am a college student. I still enjoy setting up time to play multiplayer games with my friends and brother on the Nintendo Switch while I am away at school. It has been a great way to keep in touch and introduce my brother to my friends. We miss each other a lot in real life but we can always escape to a Nintendo world together!
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    “Worker Of The Universe” by Rabindranath Tagore It is only the revelation of You as the Infinite that is endlessly new and eternally beautiful in us and that gives the only meaning to our self when we feel Your rhythmic throb as soul-life, the whole world in our own souls; then are we free. O Worker of the universe! Let the irresistible current of Your universal energy come like the impetuous south wind of spring; let it come rushing over the vast field of human life. Let our newly awakened powers cry out for unlimited fulfillment in leaf and flower and fruit. What is the meaning of life? Is there an all powerful and ever loving God? What is the nature of love and what is its best form? These are just a few questions philosophers have grappled with in search of some core truths of the human condition. The quest of these questions is no easy task and should not be taken lightly. Yet it is important for everyone to at least attempt to answer these questions instead of being wrapped up in current worldly affairs. Why? Because ultimately we are a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things. Humanity occupies one little planet in one little solar system in the vast sea of a galaxy in a larger ocean of the universe. We live in short blips of time in comparison to how old our planet and universe is. In order to truly give meaning to our lives, it is important to go in search of the truth because it will set you free from ordinary day-to-day life. The search for truth will allow you to step back and appreciate the beauty of life and the great gift that it is. As the American rock band Cinderella sings, you “Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone”. Philosophy helps us appreciate what we “got” before it's gone through its search for the truth. This appreciation for what we have and the search for the truth is precisely shown in Rabindranath Tagore’s poem, “Worker of the Universe” in his wider collection called “The Heart of God”. In this poem, Tagore shows his appreciation for God when he says “It is only the revelation of You as the Infinite that is endlessly new and eternally beautiful in us and that gives the only meaning to our self . . . then we are free” (Tagore, 37). This reveals Tagore’s strong belief in God and that he searches for the truth of beauty through God, highlighting how much he appreciates the divine. Tagore also asks that the “Worker of the Universe! Let the irresistable current of Your universal energy . . . come rushing over the vast field of human life”. While this can be comprehended in a variety of ways, one interpretation is that the love of God, a higher power, washes over all of humanity. This can raise several questions regarding the nature of God’s love, which is a very complicated and profound philosophical question. Depending on what religious background someone comes from, the meaning of God’s love can range from protecting one from harm to giving one the strength through an arduous time in their life. Either way, in asking that God’s “universal energy” cover all of human life, Tagore is implying a certain truth, that there is a God looking out for us and that he gifts us in ways we can’t fully comprehend. For Tagore, this is the truth he had sought to give his life purpose. In the same way finding God and his love gave Tagore his purpose, it is up to each and every one of us to find something in our lives that gives us a higher meaning than the menial tasks of daily living. Through works such as Tagore’s “Worker of the Universe”, we can learn two things, how to think philosophically in our search for the truth and how to appreciate the gifts that we have been given. It is important for everyone to try and answer the big questions and search for ultimate truths because they will free us from the monotonous daily routine to order our lives towards higher ambitions. Searching for and finding higher meaning in our lives will help us make more sense of the world around us and beyond as well as help us appreciate the great and beautiful gift that life is.
    Boun Om Sengsourichanh Legacy Scholarship
    Boun Om has set a great example for the next generation of leaders to follow. We need to inspire more people like him to dedicate their lives to making the world a better place. As an Eagle Scout, I have always been passionate about helping others and I look forward to a career in public service. I know the lessons I learned in Scouting will provide a strong foundation to build upon. My major at Mercyhurst University is Intelligence Studies. There are three areas of intelligence that I will learn about in preparation for my career in public service. The first is national security intelligence. This area of intelligence deals with national threats to our country and examines the intentions of our enemies and potential adversaries. The second area is military intelligence, which explores and identifies the capabilities of foreign militaries and how the United States military can prepare to respond. The third is law enforcement intelligence, which deals with crime statistics and focuses on finding ways to fight crime more efficiently. The job I intend to pursue in one of these areas is called an Intelligence Analyst. As an Intelligence Analyst, I will gather information, analyze it, and produce reports that help decision makers decide on the best course of action. I would like to work for one of the many member agencies and organizations in the United States Intelligence Community (US IC) and put my Intelligence Studies degree from Mercyhurst to good use. After I graduate from college, I would like to work for either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). I would like to work at one of these three agencies because I want to help make the world a safer place by preventing mayhem. The better informed our leaders are, the better equipped they will be to handle the issues that face our communities. As part of my degree program in Intelligence Studies, I am working at the Center for Intelligence, Research and Analysis Training (CIRAT) Lab on campus. The CIRAT Lab gives students the opportunity to work with industry partners and get real world experience making usable products for businesses and agencies. The CIRAT project I am working on is for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA). The basic goal of the project is to root out high value drug traffickers in the Washington/Baltimore area. Everything we do is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which was very exciting. While I can’t share exact details of the project, I can say I am learning quite a bit about how intelligence is gathered, analyzed and reported. I know our work will help law enforcement dismantle large drug trafficking operations, which is extremely satisfying and enjoyable. I know the work I am doing and plan to dedicate my life to will make a difference in my community and maybe even the world. I look forward to continuing my education at Mercyhurst and taking the next steps in my intelligence career to protect all that we hold dear.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    I was drawn to apply for this scholarship because of its emphasis on both volunteerism and sports. As an Eagle Scout and Tae Known Do Black Belt, these are two things that I am very passionate about. This scholarship will help me continue my education and find ways to give back to society. The career I intend to pursue after college is Intelligence. An Intelligence Analyst is someone who gathers information, analyzes it, and produces reports for decision makers to act upon. I would like to use my Intelligence Studies degree to serve one of the many member agencies in the United States Intelligence Community (US IC). I will dedicate my career to helping make the world a safer place for everyone. When I was eleven years old, I joined Boy Scout Troop 500. We went on numerous camping trips and learned many lessons about responsibility and leadership. These lessons were put to good use during fundraisers and community service events, where we worked cheerfully and without complaints. I enjoyed these events because I take pride in knowing that my efforts have a positive impact on the lives of others. The Boy Scout slogan is “do a good turn daily”. I have chosen to live by this slogan because it is so rewarding. It could be as simple as holding the door for someone or something a bit more involved like volunteering for a charitable cause. Either way, it feels good going to bed each night knowing that I made a difference. Tae Kwon Do is another activity that has contributed to my character. Over the past eight years, Tae Kwon Do has taught me to persevere through adversity and set high goals for myself. I have trained hard to master control over my body and mind to perform amazing feats like breaking two, 1-inch thick boards with a single kick. In earning both my first and second Dan Black Belts, I have learned the power of immense dedication and focus needed to perfect the techniques of a martial artist. These are just a few key insights into the activities I enjoy and how they have prepared me for my future. I emulate the leadership capabilities of an Eagle Scout and the dedication of a Black Belt everyday. I believe that I will be a great asset to the Intelligence Community because of my fortitude, reliability, and capacity for hard work. The lessons I’ve learned through Boy Scouts and Tae Kwon Do have truly made me a “Jack” of all trades.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    In completing my first semester of college, I have found that my chosen career will make a tremendous impact on society. My major is Intelligence Studies and there are three areas of intelligence that I am interested in. The first area is national security intelligence, which evaluates national threats to our country and examines the intentions of our enemies and potential adversaries. The second area is military intelligence, which studies the capabilities of foreign militaries to quantify risk and prepare our resources. The final area of intelligence that I am interested in is law enforcement intelligence, which is focused on finding ways to fight crime more efficiently. The position I intend to pursue upon graduation is an Intelligence Analyst. An Intelligence Analyst is someone who gathers information, analyzes it, and produces reports for decision makers to act upon. Using my Intelligence Studies degree, it is my goal to work for one of the many member agencies and organizations in the United States Intelligence Community (US IC). The US IC helps make the world a safer place for everyone and I want to be a part of that. My contribution to society will be protecting the country that I love and warning of any trouble to come. Like a watchman in the night, it will be my duty to prevent ill from being done to my family, friends and community. I believe that this is my calling in life since I have always done it to some extent. Being an older brother, I have always looked after my younger brother and helped him stay out of trouble. As the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of my Boy Scout Troop, I helped keep my troop safe on hikes and campouts. That role of protector carried over into college as well. I have made it a priority to ensure the safety of my friends on campus while we are having fun. I have always kept watch over those I care about, steering them clear of danger and generally keeping them out of harm's way. A career in intelligence will be a natural progression for me, as it is an integral part of who I am. When I secure a position in the US IC, it will be my duty to forewarn of potential problems and forecast the actions of our adversaries. It will be an honor to protect this country that I love. I consider it my destiny to protect our future for generations to come.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    I am thrilled to be attending Mercyhurst University to earn a degree in Intelligence Studies! During my first semester, I sought out a student mentor who introduced me to the Center for Intelligence, Research and Analysis Training (CIRAT) Lab on campus. The CIRAT Lab matches students with industry partners to gain real work experience through internships. The goal of my first internship was to help identify high value drug trafficking targets in the Baltimore / Washington DC area. I was immediately asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to participate which was very exciting for me. While I can’t share the specific details of the project, I can say that the work our team did was important and we submitted a complete report to national law enforcement. I know that our efforts made a difference and I am so proud to have been a part of it. After only one semester, I can already say with confidence that I made the right decision to go to Mercyhurst because of the amazing opportunities that the University has offered me. In the spring semester, I will continue working on the drug trafficking project and have committed to dedicating at least 100 hours to the CIRAT lab. While this work is unpaid, it is extremely rewarding and provides me with valuable experience for my future career. I plan to use this scholarship to help offset the costs of tuition as well as an overseas trip to Germany to learn about Intelligence during the Cold War. The purpose of this trip is to learn how intelligence was gathered, analyzed and deployed to affect the outcome of the Cold War from people who actually conducted it. I will be traveling with two Mercyhurst professors who served as Intelligence Officers during the Cold War and watched as the Berlin Wall came down. It will be fascinating to travel with them and learn about their first hand experiences during one of the most defining moments of the 20th Century. My first semester of college was full of new and exciting opportunities. I am confident that my time at Mercyhurst will help me achieve my ultimate career goal of becoming an intelligence analyst to make the world a safer place for everyone. I have cemented my dreams and confirmed that I am on the right path to fulfill my life purpose. The future is bright and I'm going to seize the day, Carpe Diem!
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    While there are many great shows and movies on Netflix, there is only one that stands out in shaping an entire generation. The series that has left an indelible mark on all who watched it is “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. I believe everyone should watch this show because it gives precious nuggets of life advice throughout its sixty-one episodes. The Last Airbender follows the adventures of Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Zuko, the five main protagonists in the series. Over the show's three seasons, each character grows and changes in preparation for the culminating battle with Fire Lord Ozai. Together they must prepare to end the war that has brought ruin to the four nations it has engulfed. Avatar promotes great life lessons that are presented in each protagonists’ story arc, each showing how they have grown and changed over the course of the series. Aang starts the series very child-like and generally unfocused. His thoughts and actions are as wild as his airbending. He is endearingly whimsical but learns to become more serious as he grows into his role and responsibility as the Avatar, master of all four elements. Similar to Aang, Sokka grows into his role as the leader of the team despite being a comedic character early on. Katara’s arc is unique in that she develops the motherly support role she has taken on for her village and expands that to the entire team. Toph learns that it is okay to rely on other people for help and that she doesn’t need to isolate herself because of her blindness. My favorite story arc is Zuko’s, who learns that redemption doesn’t come from simply serving the Fire Lord, but from finding his own unique destiny. He teaches Aang fire bending and learns to fight alongside his friends. Zuko also learns that his honor can’t be given to him by someone but that his honor must be earned by doing what he believes is right. All of these individual stories and lessons culminate in the satisfying conclusion of each character fulfilling their destiny to help Aang defeat Fire Lord Ozai, not by killing him but by taking away his ability to fire bend. Avatar truly has some great life lessons that the whole family can learn from, making it a truly transformative Netflix series. Out of all the movies and shows you can watch on Netflix, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is one that should definitely be on your watch list. With its amazing coming of age tales, it has truly defined my generation. It has taught countless people the importance of fulfilling their individual responsibility, accepting help when needed, the power of redemption and how to live honorably. This series is unforgettable to me and I hope it is the same for you!
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    When a game gives you as much freedom as Minecraft does, sometimes the simplest activity can bring the greatest sense of accomplishment. For me, this activity is building a home that is especially suited to my personality. Building a home is much more than establishing a place to sleep and store your treasures. A home is a sacred space uniquely designed for both comfort and pleasure. Building a house allows me to express my creativity with exact specifications for functionality and enjoyment. With such an expansive map, it is important for all Minecraft players to build some kind of structure to keep their treasure in. While I love exploring far away places in Minecraft, I feel it is necessary to have a home to return to. It’s nice to have a place that is familiar and comfortable to set up long term investments like gardens and mines. Having a home is also the perfect place to prepare for your amazing adventures into the great unknown. I built my favorite Minecraft house with a Pizza Hut styled roof. It required a lot of extra wood and effort, but the result was spectacular. The house is set on top of a cliff and overlooks a vast sea in front of it. To enter the house, you must climb a grand spiral staircase and walk down a long boardwalk lined with beautiful gardens to an impressive double door entrance. The setting and layout of the house give it a regal appearance that just takes your breath away. It’s really something to see. I take great pride in building things that inspire shock and awe in all those who view it. The interior of the house is where I’ve established my base of operations. My upstairs bedroom is full of chests with rare resources and priceless treasure. The basement has a nether portal with armor stands and an entrance to a mine. These features make the house a very efficient asset in addition to its superficial beauty. My Pizza Hut house is by far the best thing I have ever built in any video game and that is why building a house is my favorite activity in Minecraft. This achievement is near and dear to my heart and as the old saying goes, “Home is where the Heart is”.
    McClendon Leadership Award
    Leaders who dedicate themselves to the achievement of shared goals can change the world. They must take responsibility for the success or failure of their team and keep moving forward. Together we can accomplish great things, if we only have the courage to do so. I first learned about leadership when I joined Boy Scout Troop 500 in Depew, New York. While working towards the rank of Eagle, I experienced many different leadership styles and started to develop my own. I learned that leadership is about more than just being in charge, it’s about setting a good example and owning your results. If the campfire went out, someone had to relight it. If we burned our dinner, we had to eat peanut butter and jelly. We accepted the consequences of our actions and made changes when necessary to achieve better outcomes. These lessons were put to good use during fundraisers and community service events, where we worked together cheerfully and without complaints. We took pride in knowing that our hard work would have a positive impact on the lives of others. Tae Kwon Do is another activity where I learned about leadership. Earning a Black Belt requires immense dedication and focus to perfect the techniques of a martial artist. It is equally important to help students of lower rank on their journey, since they look up to you as a role model. Everyone must do their absolute best in class both for themselves and for each other. Dedication to an art is one similarity between a musician and a martial artist. I started playing the french horn in fourth grade and the trumpet in fifth grade. I loved challenging myself by listening to movie themes like Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean and then figuring out how to play them. It was even more rewarding to help my friends transpose these songs onto different instruments so that we could all play together. Leading those who shared my love of music work towards continuous improvement was one of the most rewarding experiences I had in band. These are just a few of my experiences with leadership and why I think it’s important. As I continue on to college, I will emulate the courage of an Eagle Scout, the dedication of a martial artist and the passion of a musician everyday. I believe these skills will help me throughout my life to lead teams to success and change the world.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    Leadership requires a dedication to excellence that promotes the achievement of shared goals. It’s about taking responsibility for the success of your team by setting a good example. Before I even knew how to read, I remember always feeling a drive to perfect the things I do, from writing my first letters and numbers to building my first lego sets. This strive for excellence carried over into my school work and other activities like Scouting, Tae Kwon Do and music. When I was eleven years old, I joined Boy Scout Troop 500 in Depew, New York. Since then, I have gone on numerous camping trips with my troop and have learned many lessons about responsibility and leadership. These lessons were put to good use during fundraisers and community service events, where we worked together cheerfully and without complaints. We took pride in knowing our hard work would have a positive influence on the lives of others. I have recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout, following in the footsteps of my father, to show that I possess the grit and determination to attain the highest rank in Scouting. Even though I have achieved this goal, I still attend weekly meetings to lead and inspire the next generation of scouts. Tae Kwon Do is another activity that has contributed to my leadership abilities. Over the past eight years, Tae Kwon Do has taught me to persevere through adversity and set high goals for myself. In earning both my first and second Dan Black Belts, I have learned the power of immense dedication and focus needed to perfect the techniques of a martial artist. It is equally important to help students of lower rank on their journey, since they look up to you as a role model. This pushes me to do my absolute best in class both for myself and for other students who are watching me to set a good example. Dedication to an art is one similarity between a musician and a martial artist. I started playing the french horn in fourth grade and the trumpet in fifth grade. I love challenging myself by listening to movie themes like Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean and then figuring out how to play them. It’s even more rewarding to help my friends transpose these songs onto different instruments so that we can all play together. I enjoy teaching others who share my love of music and dedicate themselves to continuous improvement. These are just a few key insights into the activities that have made me a great leader. I emulate the courage of an Eagle Scout, the strength of a martial artist and the passion of a musician everyday. I will continue to use these skills throughout my life to lead teams to successful outcomes.
    Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
    Slytherin! After reading the Harry Potter books and watching the movies, it was easy for me to conclude that I would be sorted as a Slytherin, the archetypal “bad guy” house. Slytherin is home to the worst villains including Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and the person I despise the most, Dolores Umbridge. Despite this, I believe I would be destined for the Slytherin common room simply because I perfectly match the qualities of a Slytherin. Ambition, devout loyalty and self-reliance are just a few of the good Slytherin traits that I exemplify in my everyday life that would grant me entry into a house famous for its villains. It is well known that Slytherins are defined first by their ambition. Their drive for success can be quite admirable, especially when the goal or the methods used aren’t malicious in nature. Like Salazar Slytherin, I am aiming to achieve great things, hopefully on the same level as helping to establish the greatest wizarding school in the world. In the same way Salazar surrounded himself with great people in creating Hogwarts, I seek to surround myself with people who also aspire to do great things. I believe that the people who set their goals high are the people who go on to accomplish great things. Another admirable trait that embodies a true Slytherin is their fierce loyalty to those they care about. The loyalty of Slytherins is more selective and devout than the loyalty displayed by Hufflepuffs. Take the Malfoy family for example. Narcissa Malfoy put her life at risk for her son, Draco, when she pronounced Harry Potter dead in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Like Narcissa, I am willing to go to great lengths to protect the ones I love. My loyalty extends to my country, which I plan to work for as an intelligence analyst so that I may warn them of impending threats. I believe that fervent loyalty to those you love is one of the most honorable things you can do. It is important to be there for your people, through thick and thin. It is why I subscribe to the type of loyalty portrayed by Slytherins rather than that of Hufflepuffs. Out of all the traits that define a Slytherin, it is their self-reliance in their own abilities that I find most admirable. Like other Slytherins, I am confident that I have what it takes to accomplish my goals. I believe it is best to rely on myself in order to get things done. Like Severus Snape, I don’t mind going it alone when tasked with something like spying on Voldemort. I follow the principle of “if you want something done right, then do it yourself” almost religiously. I always try to figure it out myself before asking others for help. I value this Slytherin trait the most because it shows how, like other Slytherins, I don’t want to burden others with my problems. The self-reliance and confidence of a Slytherin is why I ultimately fit best with this house. Through my strengths and my ambitious aspirations, I most clearly embody the traits of a Slytherin. Despite the popular stereotype, I believe that there are plenty of good traits that Slytherins possess like ambition, devout loyalty and self-reliance. If you really got to know some Slytherins, you would find that behind the few infamous villains, there are quite a few decent folks clad in green at Hogwarts, like me.
    Ruth Hazel Scruggs King Scholarship
    Ruth sounds like an amazing woman! She reminds me of my grandmother, who was also a nurse and a farmer. My grandmother achieved a delicate balance of becoming a health care professional while working on the farm and raising three kids. She is one of my greatest role models and I hope to make her proud by earning a degree and contributing to the world. One of my greatest accomplishments so far was becoming an Eagle Scout. My grandmother always supported my personal journey and encouraged me to be the best I could be. She valued education and hard work as the primary pillars of success. For as long as I can remember, we participated in community service events such as church cleanups, nature trail maintenance and fundraising to benefit others. One of my favorite opportunities to serve was building beds for children with an organization called Sleep in Heavenly Peace. It was so rewarding to build something with my own hands that would help a child in my community get a good nights sleep. In addition to Scouting, I also study Tae Kwon Do. While earning my Black Belt, I learned the importance of perseverance to achieve a goal. It isn’t always easy learning new skills but persistence and dedication pays off. I learned to focus my attention on the details that could improve my performance and achieve success. Tae Kwon Do has given me the confidence to become a strong leader and set a good example for others. The important values I learned from my grandmother were amplified by both Scouting and Tae Kwon Do. This gave me a strong foundation on which to build my future plans. My intended major at Mercyhurst University is Intelligence Studies. After I graduate from college, I would like to work for either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as an intelligence analyst. I would like to work at one of these three agencies because I want to help make the world a safer place by taking down criminals and those that want to cause mayhem. By being an intelligence analyst, I will be able to find and collect information on potential threats that decision makers can then act on. The better informed our leaders are, the better equipped they will be to handle the issues that face our country. Ultimately I didn’t end up choosing health care or farming as a career path but I know that my education and hard work will contribute to the world in a meaningful way.
    Wellness Warriors Scholarship
    As an Eagle Scout and Tae Kwon Do Black Belt, I have always been physically fit; but I know life as a college student will present unique challenges to staying that way. I will have to find some balance between my sedentary school work and different types of exercise and activities on campus. I will also have to develop self control regarding what I put in my mouth. Mercyhurst University has an unlimited food plan. I could easily eat cheeseburgers and pizza with sugary drinks and ice cream for dessert at every meal. They also have a beautiful salad bar with many healthy options to choose from. It will be up to me to make good choices more often than not. I will have to find the discipline to choose the salad bar and skip the daily desserts. Like most college campuses, Mercyhurst has a gym for traditional workouts and also one for indoor sports. They do not have martial arts. I will have to include some modified version of my Tae Kwon Do regime into my new college life to stay physically fit. I could also join one of the intramural sports teams, such as volleyball or dodgeball. As an Eagle Scout of Troop 500 I have always had opportunities to go hiking and biking on the weekends. I hope that I can find a group of friends to have similar adventures with during college. I already checked out one of the local bike trails, I just need to find someone to ride or walk with. In addition to Tae Kwon Do and Scouting, I have always been involved in my high school band. I played both the French Horn and Trumpet. At Mercyhurst, I plan on joining the Marching Band to play the Mellophone. We will practice 4 hours a week and play at all of the home football games. This will be both good exercise and way to contribute my musical talents. The lessons and ideals I learned from both Scouting and Tae Kwon Do gave me a strong foundation to build my future plans. My intended major at Mercyhurst University is Intelligence Studies. After I graduate from college, I would like to work for either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as an intelligence analyst. I would like to work at one of these three agencies because I want to help make the world a safer place by taking down criminals and those that want to cause mayhem. By being an intelligence analyst, I will be able to find and collect information on potential threats that decision makers can then act on. The better informed our leaders are, the better equipped they will be to handle the issues that face our country. This is how I plan to keep my body and mind sharp and make a positive impact on the world.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    As an Eagle Scout of Troop 500 I have been involved in community service for more than half my life! For as long as I can remember, I have participated in church cleanups, nature trail maintenance and fundraising events to benefit others. One of my favorite opportunities to serve was building beds for children with an organization called Sleep in Heavenly Peace. It was so rewarding to build something with my own hands that would help a child in my community get a good nights sleep. As my responsibilities with the troop grew, I learned the importance of leadership, teamwork and responsibility. It takes a strong and dedicated leader to inspire a group of people to carry out a successful mission. When we are camping in the woods, everyone has to be responsible for themselves and others. We have to work together to coordinate meals and shelter. We teach other necessary skills along the way so that we can all have a safe and enjoyable time. In addition to Scouting, I also study Tae Kwon Do. Upon earning my Black Belt, I learned an important lesson from one of the highest ranking masters at my school. Master Darone told me that as a Black Belt, I needed to set a good example for the lower belts. That lesson became more apparent as time went on. I have vivid memories of training with lower belts, some of whom were adults, modeling their moves after mine, asking and taking my advice. I learned that I must always set a good example and be a good leader because someone may be looking up to me. The lessons and ideals I learned from both Scouting and Tae Kwon Do gave me a strong foundation to build my future plans. My intended major at Mercyhurst University is Intelligence Studies. After I graduate from college, I would like to work for either the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as an intelligence analyst. I would like to work at one of these three agencies because I want to help make the world a safer place by taking down criminals and those that want to cause mayhem. By being an intelligence analyst, I will be able to find and collect information on potential threats that decision makers can then act on. The better informed our leaders are, the better equipped they will be to handle the issues that face our country. This is how I plan to make a positive impact on the world.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    The dream version of my future self is a strong and ambitious leader that effectively communicates a plan of action to achieve specific objectives that make a difference in this crazy world!
    Textbooks and Tatami Martial Arts Scholarship
    Tae Kwon Do is an important activity that has contributed to my character. Being a martial artist has taught me to persevere through adversity and set high goals for myself. I have worked hard to master control over my body and mind to perform amazing feats like breaking two, 1-inch thick boards with a single kick. In earning both my first and second Dan Black Belts, I have learned the power of immense dedication and focus needed to perfect my skills and techniques. One of the things I like about being a black belt is that other students of lower rank look up to you as a role model. This pushes me to do my absolute best in class both for myself and for other students who are watching me to set a good example. Holding myself accountable for my performance has helped me develop confidence to become a strong leader. I hope to continue practicing Tae Kwon Do in college and as an adult. It has made me a better person both inside and out.