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Michelle Green


Bold Points




Hi! I’m Michelle Green, a 42 year old mom of one, pursuing my education in law, to provide low income families with affordable legal services. My passion is encouraging people to heal childhood traumas, and become the absolute version of themselves, while I continually, strive to do the same, myself. Your scholarship will give me the opportunity to become a lawyer and help as many people as I can reach!


Ivy Tech Community College

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Legal Professions and Studies, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Legal Professions and Studies, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

    • Sales

      2016 – Present8 years


    • Acting
      "Even if its not with me"
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests






    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    In the tapestry of dreams that weave through the corridors of our minds, there exists a thread, delicate yet resilient, that guides us towards a purpose larger than ourselves. It is the dream of not only personal success but the realization that success can be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of others. My dream, radiant and ambitious, is to traverse the realms of legal studies, ascending from a paralegal to an attorney, and ultimately crafting programs that extend the arm of justice to those who often find themselves marginalized—the low-income individuals in our society. The journey begins with the pursuit of knowledge, the cornerstone upon which dreams are built. Enrolling in a legal studies program is akin to embarking on a voyage, each course and lecture a compass directing me towards a deeper understanding of the law. As I navigate this academic terrain, I recognize the importance of not merely absorbing information but actively engaging in discourse. My dream is not a solitary endeavor but a communal aspiration. I envision classrooms resonating with debates, where diverse perspectives converge and clash, refining the raw ore of ideas into the tempered steel of reasoned argument. The transition from legal studies to the role of a paralegal is a pivotal step in my journey. It is the intersection where theory meets practice, where the pages of textbooks transform into the tangible fabric of legal processes. As a paralegal, I will immerse myself in the daily cadence of legal proceedings, honing my skills as I assist attorneys in case preparation, research, and document drafting. It is in law school that I will learn to wield the law as a tool for justice, not merely a collection of statutes and precedents but a force capable of shaping a fair and equitable society. As I traverse the challenging terrain of legal academia, I will also actively seek mentorship. In the legal profession, wisdom is often passed down through the ages, and I aspire to be both a student and a conduit for this legacy. My dream, however, is not confined to personal success; it extends far beyond the individual realm into the collective sphere of societal change. The seed of my vision is the creation of programs designed to dismantle the barriers that prevent low-income individuals from accessing legal services. It is an acknowledgment that justice should not be a privilege but a right, and the lack of financial resources should not impede one's access to it. To realize this aspect of my dream, I will leverage both my legal expertise and the networks cultivated during my journey. Collaborating with like-minded individuals, legal professionals, and community leaders, I will spearhead initiatives that bridge the gap between the legal system and those who are economically disadvantaged. These programs may involve pro bono services, legal aid clinics, and educational workshops that empower individuals with knowledge about their rights and avenues for legal recourse. In conclusion, my dream is not a static image but a dynamic, evolving narrative. It is a story of personal growth, professional development, and societal impact. The dream is not just about ascending the academic and professional ladder but about using that elevation to extend a hand to those still on the climb. Through a synthesis of education, experience, mentorship, and advocacy, I am determined to realize a vision where legal services are not a privilege for the few but a beacon of hope for all, illuminating the path to justice for those who need it the most.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where galaxies twirl in cosmic ballets and stars ignite like celestial fireworks, lies an intricate tapestry of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. The pursuit of understanding the nature of our universe transcends mere curiosity; it is an inexorable journey that defines our human essence and propels us toward a future where the boundaries of knowledge are perpetually pushed. The cosmic symphony, with its enigmatic harmonies and unseen rhythms, beckons us to embark on a quest for enlightenment, forging a path where science, imagination, and philosophy converge. At the heart of this quest lies the profound realization that comprehending the universe is not a luxury but a necessity. The universe, a cosmic canvas painted with the strokes of dark matter, pulsars, and quasars, holds the key to our origin, purpose, and destiny. Each discovery is a brushstroke that adds depth to our understanding, allowing us to decipher the cosmic narrative that began with the primordial whispers of the Big Bang. It is a journey of introspection, an exploration of our cosmic identity and a relentless pursuit of the truths that bind us to the cosmos. To embark on this odyssey, we must embrace a diverse array of ideas and concepts that weave together the fabric of our cosmic comprehension. The lens of science, with its empiricism and methodology, serves as our primary guide. Through the meticulous observations of astronomers, the probing experiments of physicists, and the analytical acumen of cosmologists, we unravel the secrets of black holes, dark energy, and the cosmic microwave background. The scientific method, a beacon in the intellectual darkness, illuminates the cosmic shadows, transforming ignorance into knowledge. Yet, our quest is not confined to the sterile corridors of laboratories and observatories. It extends into the realms of philosophy, where we grapple with questions that transcend empirical boundaries. The contemplation of existence, the nature of time, and the fabric of reality itself invites us to ponder the metaphysical dimensions of our cosmic abode. Through the synthesis of scientific rigor and philosophical reflection, we transcend the limitations of reductionism, glimpsing a holistic understanding that transcends the sum of its parts. Imagination, the ethereal companion of reason, emerges as a vital force in this cosmic odyssey. Through the kaleidoscope of creativity, we envision scenarios where wormholes connect distant galaxies, civilizations flourish on exoplanets, and the fabric of spacetime folds in ways unfathomable. Science fiction becomes a mirror reflecting the possibilities that lie beyond our current understanding, propelling us to explore the uncharted territories of our cosmic imagination. In the fusion of scientific inquiry and creative reverie, we chart a course toward a future where the boundaries of the possible are redefined. The pursuit of understanding the universe is not a solitary endeavor but a collective symphony where diverse minds converge. Interdisciplinary collaboration becomes the crucible where physicists and artists, astronomers and poets, converge to forge new pathways of insight. It is in this intersection of disciplines that we find the richness of perspective required to unlock the cosmic enigmas that elude singular modes of inquiry. The cosmic tapestry, woven by the hands of diverse intellects, becomes a testament to the unity of human curiosity. As we navigate the cosmos, we encounter the boundless frontiers of technological innovation. Telescopes pierce the cosmic veil, revealing distant galaxies and ancient light. Particle accelerators recreate the conditions of the early universe, unraveling the secrets hidden within the subatomic fabric. Artificial intelligence sifts through colossal datasets, identifying patterns and anomalies that elude the naked eye. In the fusion of technology and intellect, we augment our capacity to perceive the cosmic wonders and decipher the cosmic codes encrypted in the cosmic background radiation. In this grand cosmic ballet, the imperatives of understanding the universe extend beyond the confines of scientific institutions. It is a societal endeavor that necessitates a collective commitment to education, fostering a culture where scientific literacy and curiosity flourish. The cosmic quest becomes a shared narrative, inspiring future generations to gaze at the stars with wonder, question the cosmic mysteries with boldness, and contribute their unique voices to the ongoing cosmic conversation. In conclusion, the imperative to understand the nature of our universe transcends the boundaries of scientific inquiry; it is a holistic endeavor that intertwines reason, imagination, philosophy, and collaboration. As we unravel the cosmic tapestry, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, peering into the cosmic mirror to understand our place in the vast expanse of space and time. The quest for cosmic understanding is not merely an intellectual pursuit; it is a voyage that defines our shared human destiny, propelling us toward a future where the cosmic mysteries are illuminated, and the universe unveils its deepest secrets.
    Zakita D. Bond Memorial Scholarship
    As a single mother raising a 13-year-old boy, life's challenges can often feel like an overwhelming maze. However, amid chaos, there's a tapestry of creativity and innovation woven into the fabric of your journey. My essay explores the unique strategies employed by myself and mothers like me, to reset, recharge, and reignite the path forward. The Power of Personal Rituals: Amidst the chaos of daily life, the simple yet profound act of embracing personal rituals becomes a beacon of stability. Whether it's a quiet moment of meditation, a literal, "Talk with God," before the day begins or a brisk walk in the evening, these rituals offer not only a chance to reset but also to share moments of connection with my son, Michael, and our puppy, Staxx. These shared moments can become a source of strength for both of you, creating a bond that weathers life's storms. Creating a Supportive Haven: You're not alone in this journey. Other single mothers understand the unique challenges you face. Establishing a close-knit support network with fellow moms, some of my peer group, provides a safe space for sharing experiences, advice, and the occasional venting session. This collective strength becomes a lifeline, allowing you to reset and face challenges with renewed vigor, fortified by the understanding that others have navigated similar paths. Adapting Professionally with Flexibility: Balancing work and parenting is a delicate dance, and as a single mother, flexibility is my secret weapon. Embracing remote work or exploring freelancing opportunities allows you to tailor your professional life to fit the demands of both career and parenting. Through these innovative work solutions, you not only ensure financial stability but also create room for unexpected moments of joy with your son. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Consider the untapped potential within you. What passion or skill lies waiting to be transformed into a personal venture? Whether it's a side hustle, a craft business, an online platform, or, in my case, entrepreneurial pursuit, has not only opened doors to financial independence, but also served as a canvas for your creativity. As a single mother, turning your passions into projects can be a transformative way to reset your trajectory and set an inspiring example for your son. Educational Journeys: Your journey doesn't have to follow a linear path. Pursuing further education or acquiring new skills can be a thrilling adventure for both you and your 13-year-old. Online courses, workshops, or community college classes can be flexible options that allow you to explore personal growth while setting an educational example for your son, emphasizing the value of lifelong learning. Conclusion: In the labyrinth of single motherhood, your resilience shines through your unique blend of creativity and innovation. From personal rituals that ground you to the support network that uplifts you, and from flexible work solutions to entrepreneurial ventures and educational pursuits, each strategy becomes a brushstroke in the masterpiece of your life. As you navigate this maze, as I do with my 13-year-old son, remember that the journey itself is a testament to your strength and ingenuity, offering moments of reset and rediscovery along the way.