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Genevieve Sarpong


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Hello! My name is Genevieve Akua Sarpong. I am the age of seventeen and I graduated high school this year! Class of 2024! I was in the National Honor Society and performed extracurricular activities such as volunteering and joining the student council. I love playing badminton with friends, and watching anime, dramas, and other trendy shows! I like to listen to Korean pop, hip pop, and Afrobeats and explore various music genres. I wish to learn how to ride a motorcycle and discover the world's treasures! I am now an undergraduate and current student at the County College of Morris. How fast time has gone! At this time, I intend to continue my studies to become a nurse. I know it will not be easy but no matter what, I will conquer the upcoming challenges. The day I hopefully win a scholarship, I will use it and my determination to help me achieve this objective of helping people in need. Through my academic and career goals, I will effectively help my future patients, the people I encounter, and those who have supported and encouraged me all my life!


County College of Morris

Associate's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing

Jefferson Township High School

High School
2023 - 2024
  • GPA:

Abraham Clark High School

High School
2020 - 2023
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Christ The King Church — Lead actress
        2021 – 2022
      • Volunteering

        Abraham Clark High School — Cleaner
        2023 – 2024

      Future Interests




      Rossi and Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
      I mean, what could go wrong? I thought about it when I volunteered to cat-sit for my friend Karen. After all, how tough can it be to spend a weekend babysitting some furry feline? Underestimating the ingenuity of a cat named Mr. Whiskers was my first mistake. The second was taking for granted that everything that weekend would go according to plan. Spoiler alert: it didn't. A big orange tabby, with a penchant for chaos, Mr. Whiskers met me upon entry into Karen's apartment with a dismissive flick of his tail. He perched on the back of the couch, eyes half-closed, in that cat-like way to suggest he was plotting something but didn't care enough to put it into action—yet. Karen's instructions were simple: feed him twice daily and change litter; not let him outdoors. "He's an indoor cat," she said several times. "He has never been outside, and I don't want him to start now." "No problem," I'd said, oblivious to the adventure ahead. Things started innocently enough. I poured Mr. Whiskers a bowl of gourmet cat food, which he sniffed at disdainfully before taking a few bites. I settled in with a book, congratulating myself on a job well done. That first sign of trouble came that evening. I'd been lying on the couch, watching TV, when I heard a strange scratching sound. I looked over to find Mr. Whiskers standing at the front door, pawing at the handle with a most determined look in his eyes. I kind of laughed it off and thought it was cute. "Sorry, buddy," I said, getting up to shoo him away. "No outdoor adventures for you. He stared at me with those big green eyes, and I could've sworn I saw a flicker of irritation. But then he turned and strutted off, tail held high, and I figured that was that. The next morning, I woke up with Mr. Whiskers sitting on my chest and right in my face. I practically fell out of bed, I was so startled. He winked at me, real slow, like the picture of cat innocence, but I wasn't having it. This cat was up to something. I got up, refreshed, and prepared to take on the day. Walking into the living room, something was off. The window by the couch swung open. Panic bled into my face as I raced to check on the rest of the apartment. Everything looked normal, yet I could not shake this feeling that something was very wrong. Mr. Whiskers regarded me with a self-satisfied smirk as I shut the window. I glared at him through narrowed eyes. "You didn't… did you?" Silence. Well, it turned from bad to worse when I discovered that the cat had been outside. I knew this from the muddy paw prints leading from the window to the kitchen, where he left a trail of half-eaten cat food cans. I could tell Mr. Whiskers had plotted his great escape and now was back, gloatingly, before I had even woken up. I wasn't quite sure if I was impressed or terrified. In any case, I was doomed. I spent the next hour cleaning up the mess, all the while trying to figure out how I was going to explain this to Karen. The cat's okay, but who knew what he'd been up to outside? What if he'd met another animal? My mind races with worst-case scenarios. That evening, I decided to keep a closer eye on Mr. Whiskers. He had other plans. While I was cooking dinner, I heard a crash from the living room. I rushed in to find that the cat had knocked over a vase, sending water and flowers everywhere. "Seriously?" I groaned, grabbing a towel to clean up. Mr. Whiskers watched me from his perch on the bookshelf, looking entirely too pleased with himself. Oh, well, after breaking that stupid vase, I figured things couldn't get much worse. But then came the Great Tuna Disaster. Karen left a can of tuna in the pantry as a treat for Mr. Whiskers. I was feeling generous, so I gave that to him for dinner. I opened the can and set it on the floor, waiting for him to dive in. Instead, he sniffed it, looked up at me, and walked away. "Picky, huh?" I muttered, reaching down to pick up the can. But before I could do that, Mr. Whiskers pounced. He knocked over the can, with tuna juice spreading on the floor and a smell that knocked me over. "Why?" I cried as the cat dashed off, leaving me to clean up the mess. It took an hour to air out the smell from the apartment, and by then, I was questioning my life choices. Cat-sitting was supposed to be easy. What had I ever done to deserve this? That night I locked every window and double-checked the doors before locking myself in the bedroom. Poor Mr. Whiskers was innocently sleeping on the bed, curled into a ball of orange fluff, looking as angelic as an angel. I wasn't buying it. The next morning, I woke up to find that Mr. Whiskers had somehow finagled his way into the pantry and knocked over a bag of flour. He had a floor full of white paw prints in the kitchen and sat in the middle, licking his paws. When sweeping the flour, I couldn't help giggling. It had been a disastrous weekend in so many ways. Naturally, Mr. Whiskers was a pest; however, he was just about the most diverting cat I had ever met. When Karen came home, I told her everything. She laughed so hard she cried that I realized that despite the chaos, I had a good time. Maybe things hadn't gone according to plan, but sometimes it's those times when the best stories happen. Well, what could go wrong? When dealing with a cat like Mr. Whiskers, your answer will be "everything." Sometimes, that is exactly what makes life interesting.
      Maxwell Tuan Nguyen Memorial Scholarship
      Inspiration creates dreams. From a very young age, I was enchanted by stories my mom would tell about her work in health care. While describing the alleviation and gratitude of her patients, her sparkling eyes showed me just how much she affected their lives. Her compassion and dedication did not turn out to be just very admirable qualities for me; in fact, they were more or less beacons that led me to pursue her example. My interest in pursuing nursing is driven by the necessity of making an important difference, just as my mother has done. Ever since childhood, I have admired my mother for her dedication and unselfishness in serving the field of medicine. Her hard work in helping people and her happiness in making a difference inspired me to follow a medical career path. My journey towards this goal has been profoundly influenced by her impact and the values instilled in me by her. I saw how my mom changed the lives of her patients. My mother used to narrate stories to me about the various cases of people who came to her for help, portraying their miseries and relief from being cared for. She had a listening ear, looked after her patients with respect, and treated everyone kindly irrespective of their background. Her good results and the appreciation she got from the people she helped raised my interest in medicine. Her dedication also taught me the worth of resilience and perseverance. There have been days of long working hours, tough cases, and emotional stress, but she has never given up. Grace in sailing through troubled waters and a sense of purpose still going strong had left a mark on me, so I wanted to develop a similar mindset. Furthermore, I am dedicated to making a difference in so many ways. First, with my lifelong dream to pursue a medical career, I would wish to be a registered nurse with a patient-centered approach. Much like my mother, I feel every patient must be heard, respected, and valued for his or her individuality. Hence, in my practice, I wish to nurture close relationships with patients and their families so that I can understand the special needs and issues that every one of them goes through, thereby addressing treatment appropriately. I would be interested in working in underserved areas where healthcare is not easily accessible. My mother always told me the necessity of reaching out to people who need healthcare and who do not have access to it easily. Therefore, I would like to pursue the same path as my mother in continuing care of these frequently overlooked and disadvantaged populations. I hope that in each life I could positively impact by promoting health in underserved communities with health disparities through direct patient care or outreach programs. Finally, I am dedicated to lifelong learning and want to be a part of the medical profession as it continues to evolve. Through being current on the newest research and technology, I can deliver the greatest treatment to my patients. I intend to participate in medical education and mentorship, sharing my expertise and experience with the next generation of healthcare professionals. My mother inspired me to pursue nursing. Her traits of determination, compassion, and resilience have inspired me to undertake something that has the potential to affect the lives of many others. I hope that her adoration for her history manifests itself in compassionate patient care, service to marginalized areas, lifelong learning, and the creation of a healthier and more just world for all.
      Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
      From arranging school-wide activities to assisting with school fundraisers, my high school experience has been a frenzy of activity and progress. The thing that motivates me is not the desire to thrive intellectually, but to make a real impact in my community. Being a member of the Student Council, National Honor Society and other voluntary groups has provided a broad background for my high school experience and created a solid foundation for future success. First, through my responsibility as a member of the Student Council, I have built leadership and organizational skills. Planning events, being a team leader, and properly communicating with peers and school administrators have become second nature to me. Of the rewarding experiences within this position on the Student Council, I will find it very engaging to be able to take up matters across the school and come up with a solution from which all students can benefit. For example, much planning and coordination were needed to ensure that a successful fundraising event took place to help underprivileged students. This exercise taught me the importance of teamwork and strategy. The role in the Student Council has, therefore, enlarged my network, and I can interact with school leaders and other representatives of students within the school and provide experience in problem-solving and critical thinking by tackling the different problems and conflicts that arise in the council, enabling these skills not only for academic but also for personal applications. Furthermore, my membership in the National Honor Society has been an indication of my academic excellence. The need to maintain a high GPA for NHS membership has instilled a strong work ethic and dedication to my studies. The involvement of NHS in service-oriented activities has rendered ample opportunities for me to give back to the community. It has been very fulfilling to take part in many service projects, such as tutoring for little kids and holding food drives. These experiences taught me how to be compassionate and the art of empathizing, which reiterated that it is only good to help others. The four pillars of NHS are: scholarship, service, leadership, and character which are all factors in my personal development. This prepared me regarding the demands of college and further professional pursuits in being well-rounded and able to handle many different responsibilities. In addition, volunteering has been an integral part of my extracurricular activities. My participation in community service projects like cleanup and fund-raisers allowed me to feel more deeply connected to my neighborhood. I have discovered from these experiences what it takes to put in a lot of effort, be committed, and advance society. The most essential thing I've learned from volunteering is how to balance my time between volunteering, school, and other responsibilities. The acts of keeping up with these obligations can help one to develop discipline and become more efficient in task completion, which is vital to success. Moreover, I feel a sense of purpose and contentment knowing that my efforts are helping to improve the lives of others. To conclude, my involvement in the Student Council, National Honor Society, and many volunteer activities has been life-changing. These experiences have also provided me with valuable life skills. They expanded scholarship and college entrance chances while also instilling a sense of community and personal fulfillment. These are the things that have helped me grow as a leader, student, and compassionate individual, enabling me to confront the difficulties ahead and make significant contributions to society.
      Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
      In the flash and glamor of Hollywood, among stars famous for their talent, shines one young star who twinkles brightly to remind the world that, indeed, things may be quite different out there. Zendaya utilizes her celebrity to bring attention to problems close to her heart, demonstrating her status as the quintessential modern-day Renaissance woman: from racial equality to mental health awareness. Activism isn't simply something she does on the side; it's what her multitalented profession hopes will propel her into being a true role model in an industry that is often attacked for its superficiality. To begin with, Zendaya, a modern Renaissance woman, is an extraordinary actress, songstress nonpareil, and social justice warrior. Her career encompasses various roles, including fashion angel, songstress nonpareil, and social justice warrior. Zendaya's activism is centered around advocating for equality, inclusivity, and mental health awareness. In a world where social media can magnify voices, Zendaya has used her platform to speak out against racial injustice, systemic racism, and police brutality. She supports the Black Lives Matter movement and shares resources and education with her followers, demonstrating her dedication to racial equality. Her dedication to making meaningful change is evident in her diverse career. Furthermore, her activism extends to things like gender and representation. She has been vocal about including more women and people of color in a notoriously diverse field. Most significantly, her role as Rue in "Euphoria" was a vastly complex character who wrestles with addiction and identity which remains trailblazing not only in its raw portrayal of the issues but also for placing a young Black woman at the very center. This is exceedingly impactful in an industry that tends to push marginalized voices to the sidelines. One other area in which Zendaya has made huge contributions is mental health awareness. It is refreshing and encouraging for many of her fans who feel that against a backdrop of society where most mental health issues are almost stigmatized, she is very open about her struggles. Talking about her experience with anxiety and being under constant pressure from being famous, Zendaya has helped normalize conversations around mental health. She was also recognized for raising awareness about addiction and mental illnesses through her character Rue in "Euphoria," which allowed people who have never suffered an addiction to feel and embrace the character and her struggles. In addition, her activism extends beyond social media, integrating it into her professional and personal life. She carefully selects roles and projects, demonstrating her commitment to social justice. Her co-production of "Malcolm & Marie" incorporated themes of love, art, and identity, despite navigating race and power dynamics in Hollywood. Zendaya's influence extends to fashion, breaking stereotypes and inspiring body positivity. Her campaign with Tommy Hilfiger featured diverse models, demonstrating her concern for inclusiveness. Her fashion choices and public appearances inspire a new generation to embrace their uniqueness, promoting the idea that beauty and talent are not defined by their appearance. To conclude, Zendaya's involvement matched her personality and principles. Despite the convenience of focusing on personal achievement in her chosen field, she opted to utilize her power to help make the world a better place for everyone. Her dedication to equality, diversity, and mental health awareness elevates key social concerns and sets a strong example for her followers and fellow artists. This part of her career rather than her dedication to making the world a better, more just place is impressive and inspirational.
      Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
      It was in the frantic emergency room, reverberating with urgency at each moment and each action changing the course of my life, that I found my calling. It was during a charged atmosphere in chaos such as this one that I realized the potency of a truly dedicated and knowledgeable nurse. Drawing on my experience, and under the constant motivation of my mother, I have been inspired to advance my nursing studies with the desire for more through enhancing skills, passionate leadership, and a desire to make a greater contribution to the healthcare field. I have a profound understanding of the influence that competent nursing care can have on people's lives since I have personally witnessed how healthcare can change people's lives, particularly via dealing with patients and their families. My mother has been my biggest advocate for completing my schooling and has frequently pushed me to go for greatness. My desire to seek additional nursing education has been impacted by her belief in me and the support she provided throughout the lowest points of my life. The medical field is always evolving, necessitating ongoing learning and change. To better position myself to provide my patients with the best treatment possible, an advanced certification or degree would keep me informed about the most recent advancements in medicine, evidence-based procedures, and developing technology. Advanced education provides the opportunity to be more specialized in some area of nursing that interests me the most. Be it critical care, oncology, pediatrics, or mental health, developing expertise and necessary skills will let me become a true professional in my chosen area. This will further empower me to make more informed decisions and provide advanced treatments, comprehensive care, and attention in areas that are particularly unique to the patient's needs. One of my major goals is to improve patient care with advanced knowledge and skills. Advanced education or specialized certification will place me in a better position to handle complex cases, critical situations, and the formulation of treatment plans. This would finally lead to improved patient outcomes and a standard of care above ordinary levels. I aspire to take on leadership roles within the nursing profession, where I can influence positive changes in healthcare practices and policies. By obtaining an advanced degree, I aim to develop strong leadership skills that will enable me to advocate for patients, mentor junior nurses, and contribute to the growth and development of the nursing profession as a whole. Through advanced education, I hope to participate in research projects that explore innovative approaches to patient care, develop new treatment protocols, and address emerging healthcare challenges. An integral part of developing the nursing profession is training and teaching future generations of nurses. Upon attaining a higher certification or degree, my purpose would be to take on academic positions to teach future nurses, mentor them, and inspire them toward professional excellence. I want to groom well-trained and sensitive nurses who will transform the future of health care through my contribution to nursing education. Lastly, I am committed to advocating for healthcare equity and engaging with the community to promote health and well-being. Through advanced education, I plan to develop a deeper understanding of public health issues and work toward addressing healthcare disparities. Through collaborating with community organizations and participating in outreach programs, I hope to make a positive impact on the health of underserved populations. My decision to pursue an advanced certification or degree in nursing is inspired by a combination of personal experiences, professional aspirations, and a desire to contribute more significantly to the healthcare field.
      Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
      Within the realm of K-Pop, where creativity and aptitude are paramount, one group has succeeded in standing out not just for their musical abilities but also for their capacity to establish a strong emotional bond with fans throughout the globe. Since their debut in 2018, ATEEZ has captivated the globe with its eight-man boy band. ATEEZ does not ride the tide of K-pop, but rather leads it, inspiring and capturing hearts all around the world. ATEEZ is a South Korean boy group founded by KQ Entertainment that debuted on October 24, 2018, and has quickly become one of the most popular boy groups in South Korea and throughout the world. Of the aforementioned eight members: Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho—ATEEZ has carved out a unique niche for themselves in the K-pop business through dynamic performances and creative song concepts with remarkably powerful thematic themes. Here's a look at how ATEEZ influenced both their followers' lives and worldwide society. ATEEZ is characterized by high-energy performance and diversification of musical styles in a mixture of Hip-Hop, EDM, Pop, and Rock. ATEEZ as a group has powerful anthems and emotional ballads in the discography, with many complex choreographies showing their talents in dancing. Among these pieces are the anthemic "Crazy Form," "Say My Name," "Wonderland," and "Utopia," among others, which have become anthems for their fans, ATINY. Many of their songs often carry themes of adventure, self-discovery, and resilience, hence herding deep connections to listeners from across the globe. As a matter of fact, their concept narrative is a strong aspect of their albums and music videos, providing fans with immersive experiences. The group's series "Treasure" follows this structure, taking viewers on an exploration and learning trip. This storytelling component makes the music more intriguing and encourages fan participation and speculation, bringing them closer to their audience. ATEEZ has promoted Korean culture worldwide through international concerts and music festival appearances, introducing fans to K-pop and Korean culture. Their worldwide reach is expanded by engaging followers on social media, sharing peeks into their lives and creative methods, making them more approachable and personable. Furthermore, the group has achieved numerous milestones including a spot on the American TV show "The Kelly Clarkson Show" and featuring world artists like Kim Jong Kook, a member of a duo K-pop group, Turbo. Their success has not only topped charts but also opened new boundaries for K-Pop, putting them in the mainstream spotlight. ATEEZ is known for charitable works and good influence, participating in various charity events and campaigns to raise awareness about issues like ending violence against children. Their commitment to using their influence for good has earned them respect and admiration from fans and peers. Fashion plays a significant role in ATEEZ's identity. They are known for their bold and stylish outfits, often incorporating unique themes and concepts that complement their music, further solidifying their status as style icons in the K-Pop industry. Overall, I am a huge fan of ATEEZ and have been an ATINY since their debut. It is great to say that they have never disappointed fans in terms of showcasing their talents to their fans and making them happy. ATEEZ has had an unparalleled effect on global culture and its supporters. They have truly pushed the boundaries of what a K-pop group can achieve via musical creativity and intriguing narrative. The ability to connect with a diverse audience while still having a good impact genuinely distinguishes them. Their continuing expansion and growth will inspire ATINY, if not more, as well as the music and entertainment community as a whole.
      Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
      Imagine a world where it is hard to know right from wrong, and one good deed may sow the seeds for a chain reaction that ends in your worst nightmare. At this point, Monster is a quintessential pick for an engaging and captivating anime. The rich, complex storytelling makes this psychological thriller based on Naoki Urasawa's manga worthwhile for one to keep on watching. There's a very complex plot, deep psychological themes, and also deep characterization that survives long beyond the credits roll. First, its subtle and captivating storyline draws one in. Monster is a captivating series with a multiple-stranded plot, focusing on Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a renowned neurosurgeon who saves a young boy who later becomes a vicious psychopathic killer. The series combines suspenseful elements with psychological aspects, delivering a narrative full of surprises and turns. Each episode meticulously peels off a different layer of the story, leaving viewers at the edge of their seats. The sophistication lies in the intricate web of interlinking events and motivations, making it a multi-viewing series. Furthermore, this deep psychological anime explores the nature of evil, morality, and the consequences of trauma. It challenges viewers to question the boundaries between good and evil and what motivates individuals to act heinously. The antagonist, Johan Liebert, explores human darkness and psychological complexities, making the series both invigorating and chilling. The psychological depth of Monster encourages viewers to reflect on their beliefs and understanding of human nature. Monster's timeless appeal lies in its exploration of ethical and moral issues, focusing on justice, responsibility, and human evil. The series encourages deep introspection and debate, making it an entertaining and intellectual exploration. The lack of clear answers and depiction of morally ambiguous situations adds to its appeal. Next, Monster is a captivating anime series featuring a diverse cast of characters, including Dr. Tenma, a celebrated surgeon, and Johan Liebert, a well-written antagonist. Tenma's journey from a celebrated surgeon to a fugitive seeking redemption is deeply involved, driven by moral dilemmas and personal struggles. The series also features a tapestry of relationships, highlighting the complex motivations and backstories of the characters. As a matter of fact, it is the atmosphere of Monster that strengthens its psychological and dramatic elements. The dark tone and brooding atmosphere are vividly supplemented by the haunting soundtrack and detailed animation, making viewers feel completely submerged in the world of the series. The tension and sense of presage that permeates the series add to its captivating nature, further making every viewing experience intense and engrossing. The personal journeys of the characters; the redemption of Dr. Tenma and the quest by Johan for his identity; infuse it with a philosophical depth that adds to the series' richness. All of this serves to delve into deeper themes with new insights and reflections upon every viewing. In all, This is a series like no other, with its complexities in plot, profoundness of psychological investigation, and multi-dimensionality of characters that bring forth Monster. That one provokes thought and brings out intricate moral issues. Masterly storytelling, atmospheric tension, and philosophical reflections combine to set Monster as a timeless classic inviting everybody to revisit and find more depth in this engaging story.
      1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
      This year began with me standing in Times Square, the captivating hum of New York City overwhelming me with an emotion wonderfully expressed by Taylor Swift's "Welcome to New York." As I reached a year of new beginnings, personal growth, and meaningful moments, songs from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" formed the soundtrack to my experiences, with each tune reflecting different aspects of my journey. If my year so far had a soundtrack, numerous songs from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" would play prominently, each expressing a different aspect of my experiences and feelings, weaving together a tapestry of development, transformation, and personal discovery. The first on the list would be "Welcome to New York". This song nicely describes the feeling of new beginnings and the thrill of exploring unknown territory. This year, I've gone on new experiences and welcomed substantial changes, and I feel like I'm entering a vivid chapter of my life, similar to how Taylor Swift describes her arrival in New York. The lively tempo and positive lyrics reflect the joy of beginning over, representing the enthusiasm and promise that come with new prospects. The next song is "Blank Space," which is about human growth and relationships. "Blank Space" embodies the concept of beginning again, learning from previous experiences, and approaching life with a new perspective. The song's fun yet thoughtful tone reflects my path of self-discovery and the anticipation of creating new chapters. It's about accepting the opportunities that await, admitting past mistakes, and moving on with an open heart. This year has been about better understanding myself and realizing that each new day is a fresh slate ready to be filled with new experiences. Furthermore, another noteworthy song is "Clean," which captures the spirit of rebirth and conquering obstacles that have characterized my year. The words resonate with my journey of discovering peace and resilience because they talk about the clarity and power that follow adversity. Although there have been challenges this year, I've also become stronger and more confident. "You're still all over me like a dress I can't wear because of the wine stains." This sentence perfectly captures the difficulty of moving on from the past while still realizing its lasting influence. "Clean" encapsulates the sensation of clearing the slate and beginning again with a clear heart and mind which is a concept that has proven very pertinent to my path. Last but not least, "Out of the Woods" perfectly captures the apprehension and ensuing relief that frequently accompanies times of transition. The song's story of enduring an unstable relationship and coming to a sense of security resonates with my own experiences this year of enduring uncertain times. "Are we out of the woods yet?" is a question that people ask a lot, and it reflects the year I've spent a lot of wondering and looking for answers. Overall, the music from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" perfectly captures the concepts of fresh starts, maturing, enduring memories, conquering obstacles, and the pursuit of consistency. The soundtrack is a true reflection of my year, especially after graduation, with each music reflecting a distinct facet of my trip. The tunes and words of Taylor Swift have a profound emotional resonance for me. They are the ideal companion to the highs and lows, victories and setbacks, and epiphanies that have characterized my year.
      Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
      Watching "All the Bright Places", reminded me of the emotional depths I had when reading Jennifer Niven's novel, which captured the raw realism of mental health difficulties that spoke to my own experiences. "All the Bright Places" by Jennifer Niven holds a special place in my heart, not only as a firmly grasping novel but also as an amazing cinematic adaptation. The plot focuses on two adolescents, Violet Markey and Theodore Finch, who find peace and significance in each other despite their hardships. What distinguishes this adaptation for me is how it perfectly integrates the emotional depth and delicacy of the novel with the visual and audio aspects of the film, resulting in a truly touching experience. When I first read "All the Bright Places," I was enthralled by Niven's portrayal of the difficulties associated with mental health as well as the honest, frequently traumatic process of rehabilitation and self-discovery. The book's evocative descriptions and intensely intimate story let me fully into the heads of the characters. Due to Niven's realistic and sad writing, Violet and Finch's narrative has a profoundly poignant resonance. The cinematic adaptation, directed by Brett Haley perfectly captures the essence of Niven's novel. One of the most notable features to me was the casting of Elle Fanning as Violet and Justice Smith as Finch. Their performances gave the characters a genuine authenticity, brilliantly portraying the emotional depth and vulnerability at the heart of the story being told. Fanning's portrayal of Violet's loss, as well as Smith's representation of Finch's problems with bipolar disorder, were delicate and dramatic, bringing levels of authenticity to the story. The film effectively employs its locations visually, reflecting the book's emphasis on the role that geography plays in the lives of the people. Furthermore, not only are the moments when Finch and Violet discover the wonders of Indiana, especially from the Blue Hole to the highest point in the state which was essential to their healing processes. The emotional effect of the drama is increased by the cinematography, which beautifully and melancholically depicts these settings. Featuring its eerily lovely music, the film heightens the atmosphere and creates an immersive experience that lingers long after the credits have rolled. An additional spot where the film shines is its depiction of mental health. While many adaptations attempt to capture a character's interior monologues and details, "All the Bright Places" does it through smart language and visual storytelling. The film gently treats the issue of mental illness, rejecting clichés in favor of a realistic representation that fosters empathy and understanding. This polite and honest portrayal helps to bridge the divide between the private experience of reading and the collective knowledge of watching the film. The adaptation also succeeded in conveying the book's central message which is the ultimate value of human connection and the power of compassion. The chemistry between Violet and Finch, how they encourage and push each other, and the real joy and pain they experience, all feel true to the novel's ideology. I felt the same emotional engagement and empathy when seeing their relationship evolve on television as when I read it. In the end, the reason the movie version of "All the Bright Places" holds particular significance for me is that it pays homage to the complexity and emotional range of Jennifer Niven's book while utilizing the advantages of visual storytelling to produce an impactful and unforgettable cinematic experience. The realistic social quality of the film and the reflective nature of reading are skillfully combined, giving the story's themes of love, grief, and mending a fresh, powerful impact.
      Jeanie A. Memorial Scholarship
      Life is full of many obstacles. Success is about making progress despite the pace at which you are going. There has never been a successful individual who did not fail. The challenges and difficulties that are being faced are a necessary part of what makes life useful. The obstacles and challenges aid one in acknowledging their inner potential and unleashing one’s hidden talents. There's no limit to what may be accomplished with perseverance. Our encounters of hurdles in life, drive us to be our best selves. In my culture, where I come from -Ghana in West Africa - the responsibility falls heavy on the oldest sibling of the household. The eldest sibling has to achieve and do the most positive things in life for the younger siblings to follow. As the oldest sibling, it feels like there is a boulder on my shoulders most of the time. Whatever I do, I am being watched and the slightest room for failure invites criticism and disappointment. With this in mind, I never hesitated to grasp this opportunity to make my family proud of me. Last summer, I was overwhelmed by college expectations as an upcoming senior. My school counselor suggested attending the Bridge Program at Union County College for an early college experience. During my few weeks in college, the different atmosphere, the courses, the bigger environment, the workload- it was just so much to digest. I had never experienced such a life. When I got home, I could not wait for the next day. My eyes would be burning, my lips dry and my entire face yearning for sleep but I always felt enthusiastic. I loved the activities I did with other students there; it broadened my scope of friends and I felt supported for every decision I made. On the last day, my advisor instructed that the students enrolled in the Bridge Program would have to be at the auditorium in the afternoon for a final event. Suddenly, I was called by my advisor to her office and she said, “During the end of the Bridge Program every year, students are selected to make a reflective speech about their experiences at the school. Today, Genevieve, I would like you to make a reflective speech about your experiences to represent the students and school as a whole”. I froze. It was like time had temporarily stopped. She continued to elaborate on the fact that I had participated in many activities they had provided and the grades I attained from my courses were the reasons for choosing me. “Yes! Please, I would like to make this speech! Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity!” I said with a feeling of exhilaration. After feeling happy for a while, I snapped back into reality. During this time, it was already last minute, so no preparations were made. I began to feel the suffocating pressure. I felt that I had expectations to uphold for the school. I hurriedly prepared my speech in the nick of time before the event began. As I took my seat, my advisor hosted the event. When it became my turn, everyone was watching me. The crowd of parents, students, staff members- everyone was watching me. I had to stand my ground and battle the anxious feeling. As I finished my speech, the audience clapped for me. In the format of these people, I expressed my gratitude and took my seat. At the end of the event, I realized that I was stronger than I thought.