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Demetria Wright


Bold Points




As I approach the start of my higher education, my goals are very clear: to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) as my major and a minor in business from Texas Southern University. This academic pursuit aligns perfectly with my desire to make a positive impact on people's lives, which is one of the reasons why I'm drawn to the nursing field. I believe that my compassion, determination, and unshakable commitment to helping others positions me as a deserving candidate for this scholarship.


Joppatowne High

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Salon Assistant

      Hair Salon
      2023 – 2023
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    My mother's kindness has been a cornerstone, reshaping my thinking, influencing my values, and leaving an indelible mark on my journey through life. Growing up, I witnessed acts of kindness from my mother that extended far beyond mere gestures. Her kindness is a living philosophy, a way of being. She approached life with a heart full of compassion, and her daily actions demonstrated the transformative power of kindness. One of the most profound ways my mother's kindness impacted me was in how it changed my perspective on the world. She taught me to see beyond the surface, to look deeper into the hearts and experiences of others. Her example showed me that kindness was not just a response to the obvious needs of others but a willingness to understand the unspoken struggles and pains that people carry. As I observed my mother's interactions with people, I learned that kindness was a universal language. It transcended barriers of culture, language, and background. Whether she was comforting a friend in distress or assisting a stranger in need, my mother's acts of kindness resonated with an authenticity that touched everyone she encountered. My mother's kindness also transformed my thinking in terms of empathy and compassion. She instilled in me the understanding that we all carry our own burdens, and the simple act of listening and showing genuine concern could alleviate another person's suffering. Her ability to empathize, to put herself in another's shoes, became a model for me to follow. Through her example, I realized that kindness was not only about giving but also about receiving. My mother emphasized that showing vulnerability and accepting help from others was a part of the same cycle of kindness. She taught me that in being kind to ourselves, we become better equipped to be kind to others. Moreover, my mother's kindness had a ripple effect on the people around her. The positivity she radiated drew people closer, creating a supportive and loving environment. This taught me that kindness could not only change individual lives but could also change the world, one person at a time. As I enter into adulthood, my mother's kindness became the lens through which I evaluate my own actions. I began to question how I could incorporate her profound lessons into my own life. I understand that kindness isn’t just a passive quality but an active choice. It requires conscious efforts to choose kindness in the face of indifference or hostility. My mother's kindness also changes the way I perceive success. It isn't merely about personal achievement but about using one's success to uplift others. Her life is a testament to the idea that true success lay in the positive impact we make on the lives of those around us. In conclusion, the kindness of my mother has a profound and lasting impact on my life. It has changed how I think, how I interact with the world, and how I approach challenges and opportunities. Her kindness has shaped me into a more compassionate, empathetic, and resilient individual. It has taught me that in a world often filled with turmoil, the most powerful force is the kindness that we share with others. My mother's kindness is a gift that keeps on giving, and I am grateful to be a recipient of this precious legacy.