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Danika Tommy


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Hello, my name is Danika! I am deeply interested in going to college for a degree in engineering. I would love to explore the world and create deep relationships with my peers on my journey of gaining a post-secondary education. I was born in South Africa before I was adopted and later moved to the USA when I was of schooling age.


Eagles Landing High School

High School
2023 - 2024

Mundys Mill High School

High School
2020 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Hardware

    • Dream career goals:

      Create a new invention in the field of technology!

    • Store Associate

      2023 – Present1 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Self — Participant and Leader
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    C.L. Scholarship of Black Women in Engineering
    A black woman who has profoundly inspired me to achieve my goals is Tyla, a South African artist. When I first heard her viral song "Water" on the radio, I immediately recognized the instrumental as something deeply rooted in South African culture, a style of music known as Amapiano. This genre, with its distinctive rhythms and soulful melodies, has always held a special place in my heart, and hearing it played on a United States radio station was nothing short of astonishing. I was overwhelmed with a mix of surprise and elation upon realizing that a musical style from my home country was resonating so widely. It was as if a piece of home had transcended borders, reaching ears far beyond the African continent. The moment filled me with immense joy, not just for the music itself, but for what it represented. Tyla, a South African artist, had managed to break through international barriers, bringing our culture to a global audience. As I delved into Tyla's growing fame, I noticed a wave of pride and excitement sweeping through the online South African community. Social media was abuzz with comments and posts from fellow South Africans, all expressing their collective pride in seeing one of their own making such significant strides on the world stage. This shared pride was contagious. The realization that someone from my own background and heritage could achieve such monumental success was a powerful catalyst. It awakened a spark in me, igniting a burning desire to pursue my own passions and ambitions. Inspired by Tyla's achievements, I decided to focus on becoming an engineer, with the goal of making my name known in the international engineering field. I dream of creating innovative solutions and groundbreaking technologies that will bring pride and enthusiasm to my family and my country, just as Tyla has done through her music. What made Tyla's impact even more special to me was her unapologetic embrace of her South African roots. In a world where artists often feel pressured to conform to global trends, Tyla's decision to stay true to her cultural heritage was both bold and inspiring. She didn't water down her sound or alter her style to fit into a different mold; instead, she introduced the world to the rich and vibrant sounds of Amapiano, unfiltered and authentic. Her music carries the essence of South Africa, and through it, she has shared a piece of our culture with the world. Tyla's authenticity and pride in her heritage resonated deeply with me. It taught me the importance of staying true to oneself and one's roots, even when reaching for global success. Her journey showed me that embracing one's identity is not a hindrance but a strength. It made me realize that I, too, can pursue my ambitions without compromising who I am or where I come from. I can be a proud South African and make a significant impact in the engineering field, all while staying true to my cultural identity. Tyla's story has given me a new perspective on my own potential. It has reinforced my belief that achieving dreams on an international scale is possible, regardless of one's background. Her journey has made my drive to pursue my own dreams even more intense and unyielding. In many ways, Tyla's success is a reminder that our cultural heritage and personal identity are sources of strength and inspiration, capable of propelling us to extraordinary heights. Her story is a powerful testament to the idea that with passion, dedication, and hard work, we can achieve our dreams and inspire others to do the same.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have everyone in the world read just one book, it would undoubtedly be Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". I love this book not in a literary snobbish way but rather the way it is an exploration of the human psyche, a dive into moral philosophy, and a detailed portrayal of a conflicted society. My personal journey with Crime and Punishment began in 11th grade. What started as a remedy for boredom soon became an obsession, as I found myself repeatedly drawn back into its intricate world. The novel's rich world-building and profound themes offer an experience that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally gripping, making it a book of universal significance. The narrative of Crime and Punishment centers around Rodion Raskolnikov, a former student living in poverty in Saint Petersburg. Raskolnikov's internal struggle and subsequent actions set the stage for a deep philosophical inquiry into the nature of crime, guilt, and redemption. Dostoevsky's masterful depiction of Raskolnikov's psychological turmoil compels readers to reflect on their own moral boundaries and the consequences of their actions. The theme of redemption, explored through Raskolnikov’s journey, resonates deeply as it touches on the universal human experience of grappling with guilt and seeking forgiveness. Dostoevsky's vivid portrayal of 19th-century Saint Petersburg adds a rich layer of context to the novel. The city's grim atmosphere, marked by poverty and desperation, mirrors Raskolnikov's internal state and amplifies the novel's themes. The detailed descriptions of the urban landscape and the lives of its inhabitants create a palpable sense of place, drawing readers into the world Dostoevsky has crafted. This immersive world-building enhances the emotional impact of the story, making it not just a read, but an experience. The impact of Crime and Punishment on a reader is profound. As I read and reread the novel, I found myself becoming more introspective and attuned to the complexities of human nature. Dostoevsky's exploration of existential themes encouraged me to question my own beliefs and values, fostering a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. This book challenges readers to think critically and empathetically, making it a powerful tool for personal growth. By immersing oneself in this literary masterpiece, one can gain invaluable insights into the nature of humanity and the possibilities for personal redemption.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    I decided to major in engineering in order to assist others. I've always wanted to make a significant contribution to the world, and I believe engineering will enable me to do so. Since my time on earth is limited, I want to have a profound impact on the world. My main passion is to advance the way patient care is conducted. Whether I improve the current machines used or create something entirely new, my goal is to enhance the methods we use to examine the human body through machinery to aid diagnosis. Although I've never envisioned myself working in a hospital, my mother has worked in one since I was a child. Many of her complaints revolved around the equipment, describing it as inaccurate and difficult for some employees to navigate. Errors and mistakes due to outdated and hard-to-use equipment can be a matter of life and death. As we enter a digital age where technological advancements are rapidly occurring in various fields, why should the way we care for patients remain outdated and inefficient? Additionally, as prosthetics become more advanced, I am driven to contribute to this progress by developing prosthetics that are not only fully functional but also resemble natural limbs. My aspiration extends beyond innovation; I aim to make these advancements affordable to the masses. Numerous diseases and accidents can result in the loss of a limb, and it is imperative that advanced prosthetics are accessible to all who need them. Engineering, to me, is more than just a field of study. It is a means to drive change and improve lives. I am inspired by the possibility of reducing human suffering and enhancing the quality of life through technological innovation. My dedication to this cause is unwavering, and I am excited about the future possibilities that engineering holds. Whether it is improving diagnostic machines or revolutionizing prosthetics, I am committed to making a difference. By combining my technical skills with my passion for helping others, I believe I can contribute to a future where medical technology is both advanced and accessible, ultimately transforming patient care for the better.
    Empower Her Scholarship
    Empowerment to me means gaining a sense of increased motivation to do and achieve something with a push. That push can be self-driven or with the help of community members or family. Empowerment lies within ourselves to embrace the idea that we can accomplish the goals in life we wish to reach despite how daunting and unrealistic they may seem. For example, I have the dream to create an invention that will help improve the healthcare field. Although it seems unreasonable and extremely out there to others, I feel a big sense of self that "Yes, I can do it." My mom has always cheered on my wildest dreams, which gives me the motivation that I can do something outside of the box. Additionally, seeing and hearing about the different types of women throughout history who have created many modern-day inventions that we use day to day inspires me immensely. I vividly remember watching the Hidden Figures movie back in elementary school, and it gave me a sense of hope that I could touch and reach a small fraction of the accomplishments that those three amazing women had achieved. The fact that women were the ones who changed the playing field of the space race, black women at that, made me fantasize about what my future entailed. The movie told a story of overcoming the roles of racist and misogynistic attitudes that they faced. That was the first time I felt like I understood what empowerment truly meant. Their story not only ignited my imagination but also reinforced my belief that perseverance and resilience can lead to extraordinary breakthroughs. This realization has become a key piece of my drive to innovate and make a meaningful impact in the world, despite any obstacles that may come my way. The latest feeling of inspiration I have felt comes from the musician Tyla. I feel a sense of confidence from her because we are both South Africans with similar racial backgrounds. Since I was young, I knew I was different from my peers ethnically and because of where I was from. Although my school often celebrated different cultures on special days, South Africa was never acknowledged. Even when I tried to explain where and what South Africa is to my peers, no one really seemed to understand because of how underrepresented South Africa is in the media and general society. When most people think of Africa, they tend to think of West African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, and Senegal. South Africa is a country that is rarely spotlighted. However, after Tyla went viral for her music that featured South Africa's Amapiano sound and spoke proudly about South Africa to the media, I felt seen. Finally, my home country was being recognized, even if it was on a small scale. That feeling of "I'm not alone" and "Other people from my country can experience success" felt exhilarating, flowing through my veins. Especially since she looked like me. That moment I saw her on TV, presenting herself as unapologetically South African, made my heart swell with joy. Empowerment, therefore, is deeply personal and multifaceted. It is about finding motivation and support from various sources, whether from historical figures, family, or contemporaries who share our backgrounds and aspirations. It is about recognizing that our dreams are valid and achievable, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Through the stories of those who have paved the way before us and those who rise alongside us, we find the strength and inspiration to pursue our passions and make our mark on the world. That is Empowerment.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    My name is Danika Tommy, and I am deeply passionate about pursuing a career in engineering. As I stand at the end of my highschool journey, I find myself drawn towards two specific branches: computer engineering and mechanical engineering. Each of these fields offers unique opportunities to innovate and solve real-world problems. My ultimate goal is to leverage the knowledge and skills I acquire to create groundbreaking solutions that can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals worldwide. By furthering my education in either of these disciplines, I am confident that I can make a meaningful contribution to society. Computer engineering fascinates me because of its potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives through technological advancements. This field combines principles from electrical engineering and computer science, focusing on the design and development of computer systems and their integration with hardware and software. By immersing myself in computer engineering, I envision creating sophisticated systems and applications that can streamline operations in numerous industries, including healthcare. The prospect of developing innovative software that can predict medical conditions or enhance patient monitoring systems excites me, as it aligns with my desire to improve patient care through technology. On the other hand, mechanical engineering offers a more tangible approach to innovation. This field involves the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems, which are integral to countless devices and structures in our daily lives. Mechanical engineers apply principles of physics and materials science to create efficient and reliable solutions. My interest in mechanical engineering stems from a fascination with how things work and a desire to improve existing technologies. In the context of healthcare, I am particularly interested in designing advanced medical devices and equipment that can provide better diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients. Whether it's enhancing the ergonomics of surgical tools or developing more effective prosthetic limbs, I am eager to explore how mechanical engineering can make a profound impact on patient care. The healthcare industry, with its ever-evolving challenges and critical importance, stands out as the ideal sector where I can apply my engineering skills. Witnessing the incredible efforts of engineers and medical professionals to combat the virus has inspired me to contribute to this vital field. By focusing on healthcare-related projects, I hope to develop solutions that address some of the most pressing issues faced by the industry, such as improving the efficiency and accuracy of diagnostic tools, creating cost-effective medical devices, and enhancing patient comfort and safety. One of my specific ambitions is to create an invention that will significantly advance patient care. This could involve improving the design of existing medical equipment or developing entirely new devices that address unmet needs. For instance, I am interested in working on wearable technology that can continuously monitor a patient's vital signs and alert healthcare providers to any anomalies in real-time. Such innovations have the potential to save lives by enabling early intervention and reducing the burden on medical staff. By combining my engineering expertise with a deep understanding of patient needs, I aim to create solutions that not only extend life but also improve the quality of care. In conclusion, my aspiration to enter the fields of computer engineering or mechanical engineering is driven by a profound desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. Through dedication and hard work, I aim to contribute to the healthcare industry by creating solutions that enhance patient care and save lives. Whether through improving existing technologies or developing new inventions, I am committed to using my engineering skills to build a better future for all.
    Trees for Tuition Scholarship Fund
    Making a difference in my community, both during and after college, is a deeply held-aspiration of mine. One issue that stands out to me is the lack of support for students who feel alienated, yet are unable to openly discuss this feeling. It's a sentiment I personally resonate with, having experienced it myself. That gnawing sense of emptiness, even amidst a crowd of peers, is something I believe no one should have to endure alone. Feeling so lonely can spiral into harmful behaviors beyond just emotions. My motivation to help others facing similar struggles stems from a profound empathy born out of my own experiences. Whether it's through joining existing support programs, initiating new clubs or initiatives on campus, or contributing to foundations dedicated to addressing this issue, I am determined to play my part in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment. The way I feel is most likely something common, but even I'm too shy to discuss it openly. By actively participating in programs and clubs, I aim to create spaces where individuals can feel safe to share their experiences and seek the support they need. Moreover, I recognize the importance of raising awareness about mental health issues and advocating for greater resources and assistance for those grappling with feelings of alienation and loneliness. Beyond my immediate college community, I am committed to extending my efforts to the broader society. This could involve volunteering with organizations that specialize in mental health support, donating to relevant causes, or even pursuing advocacy work to influence policy changes that prioritize mental wellness and inclusivity. Moreover, I acknowledge the importance of self-care and resilience in combating feelings of alienation. Alongside my efforts to support others, I am dedicated to prioritizing my own mental health and seeking out resources and practices that promote well-being. By leading by example, I hope to inspire others to prioritize their own self-care and seek support when needed. I firmly believe that small actions can ripple outward to effect significant change. Whether it's offering a listening ear to a struggling peer or organizing events that promote understanding and empathy, every contribution counts towards building a more compassionate and supportive community. Everyone needs help even though it may seem scary to ask for help. I wish to be someone people can rely on and feel ready to tell me how they really feel deep down inside. In essence, my goal is to channel my own experiences and empathy into meaningful action that positively impacts the lives of others. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, I am dedicated to making my community a better, more inclusive place for all, both during my college years and beyond.
    Ray’s Supply Scholarship
    College has always seemed like a distant horizon, a place far removed from my current reality. Yet, as I find myself on the brink of graduation from high school, the transition to college suddenly feels imminent, almost like the blink of an eye. Time, which once seemed to pass at a leisurely pace, now rushes forward with a sense of urgency, enveloping me in a whirlwind of anticipation and apprehension. As someone who typically perceives time as a slow-moving entity, this sudden acceleration has stirred up a mix of emotions within me, including a tinge of anxiety. The rapid approach of this new chapter in my life brings with it a myriad of uncertainties and challenges. However, amidst the whirlwind of change, I find solace in the unwavering belief in my capabilities and the determination to overcome any obstacles that may come my way. My aspirations for college are anchored in my passion for computer engineering. With technology playing an increasingly integral role in our daily lives, the field of computer engineering holds endless possibilities for innovation and advancement. It is this ever-expanding landscape of technological evolution that has captured my fascination and fueled my desire to pursue a degree in this field. The decision to major in computer engineering was not made lightly but rather stemmed from a deep-seated curiosity about the inner workings of the technology that surrounds us. As I navigate through my daily life, I often find myself pondering the intricacies of my computer and wondering about the processes that drive its functionality. This curiosity has blossomed into a desire to delve deeper into the realm of computer engineering, to unravel the mysteries of hardware and software, and to explore the boundless potential for innovation within this field. Beyond mere curiosity, my passion for computer engineering is rooted in a desire to make a tangible impact on the world around me. I envision myself not just as a passive consumer of technology but as an active creator, shaping the future of technology through my own contributions. Whether it's developing cutting-edge software solutions or designing revolutionary hardware devices, I am driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what is possible and to leave my mark on the ever-evolving landscape of technology. In pursuit of this goal, I am eager to immerse myself in the rich academic environment of college, where I can cultivate my skills, expand my knowledge, and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share my passion for innovation. I am excited by the prospect of engaging with challenging coursework, hands-on projects, and research opportunities that will broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding of computer engineering. Ultimately, my goal in college extends beyond earning a degree; it is about embarking on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and intellectual exploration. As I set forth on this new chapter of my life, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm for the adventures that lie ahead. With determination as my compass and passion as my driving force, I am ready to seize the opportunities that college has to offer and to chart a course towards a future filled with endless possibilities in the field of computer engineering.
    Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
    Since the tender age of thirteen, I have found solace, inspiration, and joy in the vibrant world of K-pop, with NCT emerging as my ultimate favorite group. Their revolutionary concept of an unlimited number of members initially piqued my interest, offering a refreshing departure from the conventional norms of the music industry. However, it wasn't just their innovative approach that captivated me; it was their exceptional talent, infectious energy, and unwavering dedication to their craft that truly won me over. As artists, NCT has undeniably left an indelible mark on my life, introducing me to a realm of creativity, passion, and artistic expression that I had never experienced before. Their music resonates with me on a deeply personal level, serving as a soundtrack to my most cherished memories. Each member brings something unique to the table, contributing to the group's dynamic and multifaceted identity. Beyond their musical prowess, however, it is the profound impact that NCT has had on my personal growth and development that truly sets them apart. Through their journey as a group, NCT has taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of openness, acceptance, and the beauty of diversity. With members hailing from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, NCT exemplifies the power of unity in diversity, proving that despite our differences, we can find common ground and forge meaningful connections. One of the most remarkable aspects of NCT is their emphasis on inclusivity and belonging. Despite the vast number of members in the group, NCT openly acknowledges the complexities and challenges that come with such diversity. They recognize that not all members may be equally close, given differences in language, culture, and upbringing. Yet, they foster an environment of mutual respect, understanding, and camaraderie, where every member is valued and appreciated for their unique contributions. This idea of inclusivity and acceptance extends beyond the confines of the group itself, resonating deeply with fans like myself who have found a sense of belonging within the Nctzen community. A prime example of this is the friendship I forged with an internet friend who lives miles away from me. Despite the distance and disparate life experiences that separate us – with me in the suburbs of Georgia and her in bustling New York City – we found common ground and formed a deep bond through our shared love for NCT. Our friendship serves as a testament to the unifying power of music, transcending physical boundaries and cultural barriers to bring people together in unexpected ways. As someone who tends to be more reserved and introverted by nature, attending an NCT concert was a transformative experience for me. Amidst the sea of enthusiastic fans, I felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that I had never experienced before. It wasn't just the electrifying performances or the infectious energy of the crowd that captivated me; it was the palpable sense of unity that permeated the air. In that moment, surrounded by thousands of strangers who shared my passion and enthusiasm for NCT, I felt a connection and belonging that transcended words. In conclusion, NCT has not only enriched my life with their music but has also served as a catalyst for personal growth, self-discovery, and meaningful connections. Through their unwavering commitment to inclusivity, acceptance, and unity, NCT has taught me valuable lessons about the beauty of diversity and the power of music to bring people together. As I continue on my journey as a fan, I am grateful for the profound impact that NCT has had on my life, with countless memories, friendships, and experiences to cherish.