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daisha armstrong


Bold Points






Pursue owning my own skincare products really soon and putting them in stores worldwide. Also, continue doing cheerleading and have a great life, I need scholarships to pay for my whole tuition, Senior at reach cyber charter school, striving to be the best and make my older brother proud that passed in 2017 due to sickness. subscribe to my YouTube channel


Reach Cyber Cs

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
    • Music
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Entrepreneurship, music business admin

    • Dream career goals:

      singer/running my own small business

    • Stocker

      2017 – Present7 years



    Junior Varsity
    2009 – 201910 years


    • Small Business Administration/Management

      none yet — student
      2019 – Present


    • DaishaArmstrong

      Stained Glass
      2021 – Present
    • at home

      none yet
      2015 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      2019 – Present
    • Volunteering

      home for my mom — helper, inventory
      2019 – Present

    Future Interests


    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Friendship means everything. You have to be friends with the right people that can inspire you to do the right things and not the wrong thing. I have been around people that were a bad influence and I copied after them but I've changed my ways and now I'm that friend that is always there for you, and I am the one that will make sure you are not doing bad things, that a young person should not be doing.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    I believe that it covers managing your money as well as saving and investing. It encompasses budgeting, banking, insurance, mortgages, investments, retirement planning, and tax and estate planning. Also, This is all about how much money is going in, and where that money goes. Getting your cash flow under control is vital before you can do anything else with your money.
    Louise Speller Cooper Memorial Scholarship
    My relationship with my mother can be a little rocky, but since I am adopted since I was really little from a bad home, I have dreamed about doing something good with my life and attending college, and making something out of myself. My mom is a business owner and now I am soon going to be a business owner myself with skincare. She has influenced me in many ways by making a mistake is learning from it, take time, and doing something great for myself, I care and worry about a lot of people around me and never have time to do something for myself. So she wants me to dream big, go to college, and fulfill my dreams so that I am worthwhile. I always say the sky is never the limit there is more than that of what you can do, there is something beyond the sky! Thanks for reading! ~Daisha Armstrong
    Social Change Fund United Scholarship
    Roughly 37 million people, identify themselves as Black or African American in the United States. The Black community suffers from an increased rate of mental health concerns, including anxiety and depression. The increased incidence of psychological difficulties in the Black community is related to the lack of access to appropriate and culturally responsive mental health care, prejudice and racism inherent in the daily environment of Black individuals, and historical trauma enacted on the Black community by the medical field. Research suggests that the adult Black community is 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems, such as Major Depressive Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Additionally, Black emerging adults (ages 18-25) also experience higher rates of mental health problems and lower rates of mental health service utilization compared to White emerging adults, and older Black adults.
    Art of Giving Scholarship
    I need this scholarship, in many ways that can help. I don't need much I will take what I can get. Staring small and ending big I can get anywhere with this. This will help me financially and will have to find other ways to make and other scholarships to apply to help me as well. I have applied to all different scholarships, and I have not won one yet, but I still have hope I will someday. I heard this quote "If you want to be somebody if you want to go somewhere, wake up and pay attention". I trying to pay attention to all the open scholarhsips.
    Penny Collins Scholarship
    Intersectionality is a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. It takes into account people's overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. In my perspective, more actions should be held and taken in order to make sure everyone is getting worldwide opportunities and not just one person is being treated differently, people need to be equal and not discredited for who they are. All people need something that is there for them and not for certain people. A lot of women cannot work a mens' job. Some Migrants cannot work because of who they are.
    Maida Brkanovic Memorial Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. Me being a first-generation student is like something that I am going to accomplish myself. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As will be applying to college, I am going to be scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt will cloud my mind, about how I am was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma.
    Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship
    I have demonstrated leadership through my technical activities. My resume and extracurricular activities are well-rounded, but I focus on my Entrepreneurship activities. I enjoy solving physical challenges, and I love to compete in groups. I often take the lead in helping direct the overall vision of our efforts. I enjoy coordinating group members to capitalize on everyone’s strengths and minimizing our overall weaknesses. My experience as an exco-captain and captain for my old competition cheerleading team, and for the PennDOT Innovations Challenge. I have a track record for accomplishing my goals. I also like taking complex topics and distilling down the most important parts to explain how I like to be the team leader and not a follower because I have to get where I want to be in life. My experiences with different things I have done in life exposed me to different professionals, and I take small lessons from each environment and employ them in my life. I see that entrepreneurship in the real world also depends on groups and just yourself, so I recognize the importance of being an effective team player and someone that can work alone. I see myself continuing my efforts when I apply to one of my dream schools. I want to contribute to classroom discussions and join relevant organizations so I can continue exploring my interests and connecting with interesting people.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    My favorite artist is Pablo Picasso. He is my favorite because he just goes with the flow of his work. Making a mistake is like not in his worry. A quote he said was " Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon. When we love a woman we don't start measuring her limbs. " He just lets his hands do whatever and feel whatever.
    Pandemic's Box Scholarship
    COVID-19 has changed my life in many ways. I am not allowed to so much family, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins because of this. I cannot participate in clubs, activities, and many other things I love to do. I always have to wear a mask 24/7 and I can’t do as much. There are days when I just want to go outside but I am scared because I don’t know who around me is sick when I want to take a walk.
    Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
    My all-time favorite movie is Up. It's a perfect story about a man who deals with the loss of his wife while finding the son he could never have along the way. It tears you down and builds you back up stronger than you were before you watched it.
    Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
    In 2017 I lost my brother. He was my everything I have 5 brothers left and I cannot lose them. Ever since I lost my brother, my brother's friends have been there for me taking me places and helping me with situations that I cannot even help myself on. They are not like my uncles and aunts to me till today and it meant a lot because they lost their best friend and I lost my brother where we hanged around each other 24/7. I still thank them today, and it really meant a lot where I can help people who lost someone as well and grieve with them as well.
    Mary Jo Huey Scholarship
    Entrepreneurship can be a tough and long journey for many people. Some get lucky and succeed the first time. For me, that wasn't the case. I continue to learn and grow. Along the way, I picked up the following lessons that I now apply to each new business. One of the biggest motivations for becoming an entrepreneur is the unlimited income potential here; with the right timing and the right idea, you can build wealth that just isn't possible with a traditional career (granted, it's not that easy).
    Mechanism Fitness Matters Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. Fitness is a big deal in my life because it helps me in many ways. I have a heart condition called costochondritis and doing a warm-up, workout, yoga every day helps. This helps me every day to reduce your risk of a heart attack. Manage my weight better. Have a lower blood cholesterol level. And have stronger bones, muscles, and joints and a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. lower your risk of falls. Staying healthy physically can help you stay healthy emotionally too. If you're eating the right food and keeping fit, your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and also fight illness. Eating well and exercising often when you're a teenager will also help you stay in good health later in life.
    Teen Entrepreneur Scholarship
    I have to learn how to strive to work hard, and also, focus on school and my grades, and my future. My support system has helped me in many ways. I have to learn to be patient, responsible for what I am doing, and helpful and inspiring for others, in the world. You have to have good communication, with people around you, make things and do things that can satisfy everyone as your customers. Don't rush something if you not ready for it. You have to start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. The Lord gave us two ends: one to sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the most. Just know Doors will slam in your face. You must pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and knock again; it's the only way to achieve your goals in life. Having a business was my dream and I took it. Dreams are like sailing, sometimes the water gets choppy, but you need to keep moving forward and not look back.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    I think that society is very important to women because in this world today many are still fighting for what is right and men have what women don't. Yea women have the right to vote, speak up for themselves, but do they have jobs in the industry where men work, and they can do welding and plumbing, I never saw a woman working for a plumbing company. Women are just as hard-working as men, even as a mother they are. They are not lazy, people. In Argentina, women are not legally allowed to polish glass. Belarusian women cannot drive buses with more than 14 passengers. Many golf clubs around the UK are exclusively for men, including Scotland's Muirfield, which hosted this summer's Open Championship. Women are able to play as guests or visitors, but they cannot join as club members, which prevents many of them from pursuing the sport professionally. In France, it's illegal for women to perform labor activities that involve carrying loads heavier than 55 pounds, and women also cannot transport cargo weighing more than 99 pounds via wheelbarrow. These are examples around the world woman are NOT allowed to do in the real world, society. These actions should be met by the president who "promised" to make the world a better place, make all people on earth happy, safe, accountable, and responsbile. Just like how the 19th amendment came about is how all these should come about, sign a petition, form, have a gathering, to make sure all women get rights, as well as men, do in this world.
    School Spirit Showdown Scholarship
    Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - High School Award
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Women in Music Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now.
    Elevate Black Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    A Sani Life Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Black Marketing Leaders Grant
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Brady Cobin Law Group "Expect the Unexpected" Scholarship
    Once you know what you want your legacy to be, you can start building it. You can start living in the way you want to be remembered. It will allow you to start doing what matters, now. Knowing what you want your legacy to be will allow you to make better use of your time and other resources. It will influence your day-to-day decisions in a positive way. Leaving a legacy means being remembered for what you want to be remembered for. Whether that is a particular tangible achievement. I guess legacy is about leaving some sort of impact on the world If you give the people the opportunity to get to know the real you, you beyond the bravado of Instagram filters and Snapshot stories, one way or another, you'll leave a legacy.
    Writing With a Purpose Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    JuJu Foundation Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. A Woman that I Admire and look up to is Beyonce. Beyonce went through things as a child but still made her dreams come true and help many people in her community. Honestly, Beyonce is the "Queen bee" and a really good singer. Beyonce went to a little girl's Funeral that Passes from Brain cancer, she "Halo", and I thought it was wonderful. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. Beyonce's mom really didn't believe in her making her music career known and famous. She did not let that stop her from doing anything. Beyonce showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who I was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as I am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    John J. DiPietro COME OUT STRONG Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. A Woman that I Admire and look up to is Beyonce. Beyonce went through things as a child but still made her dreams come true and help many people in her community. Honestly, Beyonce is the "Queen bee" and a really good singer. Beyonce went to a little girl's Funeral that Passes from Brain cancer, she "Halo", and I thought it was wonderful. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. Beyonce's mom really didn't believe in her making her music career known and famous. She did not let that stop her from doing anything. Beyonce showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who i was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as i am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    KUURO Master Your Craft Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    RJ Mitte Breaking Barriers Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Philadelphia Black Entrepreneurs Grant
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Mirajur Rahman Perseverance Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I want to study either business admin, music, or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. The title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form.
    Harold Reighn Moxie Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. I showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who I was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as I am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. I showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who I was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as I am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    Taylor Price Financial Literacy for the Future Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things.
    Donald De La Haye "No Regrets" Scholarship
    "What Moves You" Scholarship
    The quote I chose is, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." --Steve Jobs. This quote fits me because I feel as though you cannot succeed in life, if your living someone else life your not living yours. Living someone's life is just living their dream and what they want to do, not what you want to do. Don't depend on someone to make them live their life for you and you have your own to live because hey life is short.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong, I think my greatest achievement date would be around May 2023-2024. Even though I am graduating high school in 2022, I feel as though around that time, I am going to do something great. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I am applying to college, I am scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt is clouding my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form.
    Black Entrepreneurs of Philadelphia Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now.
    Sander Jennings Spread the Love Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. I showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who I was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as I am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it, because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things.
    Brynn Elliott "Tell Me I’m Pretty" Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. A Woman that I Admire and look up to is Beyonce. Beyonce went through things as a child but still made her dreams come true and help many people in her community. Honestly, Beyonce is the "Queen bee" and a really good singer. Beyonce went to a little girl's Funeral that Passes from Brain cancer, she "Halo", and I thought it was wonderful. I want to make people happy, proud, make them want to be here, help them through the pain and problems that they are going through right now. Beyonce's mom really didn't believe in her making her music career known and famous. She did not let that stop her from doing anything. Beyonce showed Independence, Learn to love your body and who you are. Don't change yourself, your ways for someone else because that is only going to make you feel a different way and make yourself realize this is not me. I have tried to change myself for my Family, friends because they did not accept who i was and who I am today. Being different does not mean anything, I have hurt myself by changing myself many times. I will take these inspirations and life lessons and use them for myself, as i am still growing and use them for other people and tell other love who you are don't change yourself.
    Nervo "Revolution" Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Passion for Family, Community, Business, and Intellectual growth are what motivate me on the daily basis. These are vital parts that have contributed to framing me into the person I’ve become. They have also shaped my short-term and long-term goals in life. It’s critical for one to have a vision for their life and what they anticipate to accomplish. Without a vision or desire, there is no hope for one to continue and to pursue anything. My experiences within my passions have helped me align my vision for my life. They have given me the valuable knowledge that has set me up for success to get to this point in life. Music played a sparingly important role in our lives to illustrate, that it could cure depression that we could have experienced through our continuous life. Music may bring back memories from the past that could be notably, as our childhood and regrets we had may experience. Music could be different in many tones such as, many colors that would resemble the remedy of the song or how the artist may feel about themselves. For example, music could be a rhythm that dancers may use to express through the art of movement to show how they are feeling. Music could connect to our lives, for instance, it can relate to the important experiences in our lives that we all have been through.
    Brandon Zylstra Road Less Traveled Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder. My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business. I tell myself, "I can and will do it, because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things.
    Better Food, Better World Scholarship
    Natural foods are more than good for everyone and I feel as though more people should take that advantage t have healthy natural food. I can learn about these topics on the daily news, and other platforms, the ways I can contribute is by having flyers, putting ads, putting more organic and natural foods out there in the world.
    Cynthia Lennon Scholarship for Girls
    Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship
    I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma. My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful.
    A Heroes Family Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful.
    Verb Women In Business Scholarship
    GRLSWIRL Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want nothing sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because, this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful. I have watched TikTok businesses pop off, and a few things stood out to me and I want to see if I can do it. I want to make the glass album plaques, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, lip gloss, and probably more. Since my mom owns her own business she caters and sells food and has a bakery, so since she has been doing this for a very long time and makes her hours and schedule I know I can do the same. I want to major in small business management, business admin. and music as well. so this scholarship will help me in many ways to pursue a dream I really want to have and achieve. Ever since my brother passed I tried to make myself better and help myself and strive harder and harder every day.
    Future Black Leaders Scholarship
    I did competition cheer since I was in second grade, I stopped in 5th grade and I really want to go back to it. Right now since COVID-19 is still ongoing I have not been doing much except watching my nieces and nephews. My finical situation is like an ehh, this scholarship would mean so much to me because I would have the weight off of my shoulder and I would not have to worry about much. Ever since my brother died sometimes money is tight and I need this to help me when I go to college. Upon Graduation, my career goals are to get into a recording studio and make some inspirational music for people to hear and tell them they are not alone in what they are going through. I want to have my own small business and make my way to the top and never stop what I love doing. Thank you!
    Ella Henderson Dream Big Scholarship
    My music has changed me in many ways. I want people to know music is to let your feelings out and let them flow. I listen to music when I am doing school, eating, showering, sleeping because it will always be with me. I cannot go a minute or day with the type of music I listen to. If you are mad you can listen to a song that can help your anger out and or sad songs to make you cry when you feel depressed.
    Nikhil Desai Reflect and Learn COVID-19 Scholarship
    COVID-19 has changed my life in many ways. I am not allowed to so much family, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins because of this. I cannot participate in clubs, activities, and many other things I love to do. I always have to wear a mask 24/7 and I can’t do as much. There are days when I just want to go outside but I am scared because I don’t know who around me is sick when I want to take a walk.
    RushOrderTees Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    I have watched TikTok businesses pop off, and a few things stood out to me and I want to see if I can do it. I want to make the glass album plaques, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, lip gloss, and probably more. Since my mom owns her own business she caters and sells food and has a bakery, so since she has been doing this for a very long time and makes her hours and schedule I know I can do the same. I want to major in small business management, business admin. and music as well. so this scholarship will help me in many ways to pursue a dream I really want to have and achieve. Ever since my brother passed I tried to make myself better and help myself and strive harder and harder every day.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful.
    Impact Scholarship for Black Students
    Pursue music, singing, cheerleading and have a great life, I need scholarships to pay for my whole tuition, 11th grade, striving to be the best and make my older brother proud that passed in 2017 due to sickness. My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother's passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful. I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma.
    3LAU "Everything" Scholarship
    My everything is music, and my best friend is my brother Kevin aka “sav.” He passed in 2017 and he has his own music on YouTube and sound cloud. I love singing and songwriting myself. Even though I always doubt myself I want to have enough for college. I wrote an original song called lost dedicated to my brother here it is hope you like it. Lost dedicated to “Kevin” Verse 1 Trying not to lose it in here Working up to a pulse I wonder how we got lost in it all And I wonder how we got lost in it all Pre-Chorus These days when we can barely feel Something has been lost, but it has not been found And I can’t find you anymore Chorus If I lost you if I lost you If I lost you if I lost you if I lost you And I told myself one more time I was so lost in my head Verse 2 I just wanna let myself be heard Get lost in this world Floating in the sky, I lost my light I thought you were still here Pre-Chorus The more I lost my brother The more I probably lose my mind Chorus If I lost you if I lost you If I lost you if I lost you if I lost you I told myself one more time I was so lost in my head Bridge How we lost our way Every day we had this hope (hold) Chorus If I lost you if I lost you If I lost you if I lost you if I lost you And I told myself one more time I was so lost in my head
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Daisha Armstrong. I am a junior right now at Reach Cyber Charter School. I want to study either business admin, music, music production, and or entrepreneurship during college. I want to apply to a four-year school to achieve my goals and my higher education for the major I want to study. All of these majors fit me I always wanted to own my own small business but did not know where to start, I have a huge passion for singing and songwriting, and I want to help young people get started with being a young entrepreneur myself when I get started with my very own business.
    Breanden Beneschott Ambitious Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    Problem Solving Skills are the most important skills to have. The majority of our lives are spent solving problems. The benefits of learning are endless."Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions". You have to be able to solve a problem without being dependent on a tool or dependent on another person, and you also have to be able to solve a problem without transferring your problem or forcing your problem on other people. Some things you have to learn how to do yourself, that is a fact of life. Some things you have to do yourself. But if you have a chance to work with other people to solve a problem, then you should consider the help of others, because when people work together to solve a problem, then problem-solving can be a lot easier and be a lot faster than trying to solve a problem all by yourself. But not everyone learns the necessary knowledge and skills that are needed to become a problem solver. Problem-solving is at the core of human evolution. It is the methods we use to understand what is happening in our environment, identify things we want to change, and then figure out the things that need to be done to create the desired outcome. Problem-solving is the source of all new inventions, social and cultural evolution, and the basis for market-based economies. It is the basis for continuous improvement, communication, and learning. If this problem-solving thing is so important to daily life, what is it? Problem-solving is the process of observing what is going on in your environment; identifying things that could be changed or improved; diagnosing why the current state is the way it is and the factors and forces that influence it; developing approaches and alternatives to influence change; making decisions about which alternative to select; taking action to implement the changes, and observing the impact of those actions in the environment. Each step in the problem-solving process employs skills and methods that contribute to the overall effectiveness of influencing change and determine the level of problem complexity that can be addressed. Humans learn how to solve simple problems from a very early age (learning to eat, make coordinated movements and communicate) and as a person goes through life problem-solving skills are refined, matured, and become more sophisticated (enabling them to solve more difficult problems).
    First-Generation, First Child Scholarship
    I’m a first-generation college student to-be, and my journey to higher education hasn’t been easy. For many first-generation college students, family members who are familiar with the college admissions process are scarce or nonexistent. This means being proactive about seeking advice and mentorship. As I was applying to college, I was scared, nervous, and unsure of myself. Self-doubt clouded my mind, about how I was going to figure everything out. Though all these emotions bubbled up inside of me, the physical effects of my stress never showed. From self-doubt to lack of emotional and financial support from family to lack of academic infrastructure and lack of actionable activity from my parents, and going to pursue college was made extremely difficult. Being a first-generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. A first-generation college student is the first person in a family to attend college or any type of secondary education. This title “first-generation college student” has created a stigma for so many students making their time in college more difficult than someone who has come from a family of college graduates. First-generation college students often find themselves lost and without the edge of students who come from parents and/or siblings who went to college. Over many years the college has been known as the main path to success, yet many students find themselves being first-generation college students and face many challenges that come with it, despite the efforts colleges make to remove this stigma.
    Charles R. Ullman & Associates Educational Support Scholarship
    Volunteering your time to support a cause you are passionate about is something you will never regret. It will enrich your life, familiarize you with your community, and connect you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your life. Helping your community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, to better understand how you fit into the world around you. By immersing yourself in a community and surrounding yourself with people who are dedicated to bettering the world, you can learn so much about how the world works. You gain a unique sense of purpose by serving those around you, one which often manifests in other areas of your life. Of course, it’s also important for your community! Without volunteers, many of the services and events we enjoy in our communities would not be so readily available. Spending time helping out at local shelters or food banks provides an important service to less fortunate neighbors. Giving back to the place you call home helps to unite the community and bridge some of the social, economic, and political gaps. Donating your time to support those around you is extremely beneficial, both for you and your community. It is statistically proven that people who volunteer regularly are healthier both physically and mentally. Individuals who have volunteered throughout their lifetime typically live longer and have better psychological well-being. In addition to the health benefits, volunteering gives people a sense of purpose. The fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. Giving back is also a great way to get to know your community and its citizens. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to meet lots of new people. Working alongside individuals who also care about improving their surroundings will allow you to broaden your network of friends. Additionally, it will help you to better understand the circumstances of other members of your community. Having a broad, open-minded perspective of the different walks of life around you will help you to be an effective and empathetic citizen. People skills are not the only skills you will gain through volunteering! Dedicating time to help others will teach you patience, kindness, and resilience. Not only will you improve your communication abilities by working alongside a diverse team of people, but you will also gain a plethora of other experiences that will help you as you navigate your future. Volunteering may even help you discover a new passion or interest. With a college degree in one of these areas, I hope to impact my community in various ways. First, with the knowledge obtained from college, I hope to counsel young people who are on the verge of going astray. In today's society, there are so many negative factors that influence young people. I want to help them understand the importance of setting goals and striving to become productive citizens. I also want to give them a sense of hope that with perseverance, they can become great role models for other young people. Being a community volunteer has helped me to understand that by obtaining a college degree, I can help impact the lives of many homeless individuals.
    Make Your Mark BIPOC Arts Scholarship
    Art for me is singing and writing a song that is a way to express myself in many ways and help myself get feelings out there. I want to be the next Beyonce or something like that and express my feelings as a young kid. Passion for Family, Community, Business, and Intellectual growth are what motivate me on the daily basis. These are vital parts that have contributed to framing me into the person I’ve become. They have also shaped my short-term and long-term goals in life. It’s critical for one to have a vision for their life and what they anticipate to accomplish. Without a vision or desire, there is no hope for one to continue and to pursue anything. My experiences within my passions have helped me align my vision for my life. They have given me the valuable knowledge that has set me up for success to get to this point in life. Music played a sparingly important role in our lives to illustrate, that it could cure depression that we could have experienced through our continuous life. Music may bring back memories from the past that could be notably, as our childhood and regrets we had may experience. Music could be different in many tones such as, many colors that would resemble the remedy of the song or how the artist may feel about themselves. For example, music could be a rhythm that dancers may use to express through the art of movement to show how they are feeling. Music could connect to our lives, for instance, it can relate to the important experiences in our lives that we all have been through. From the freshman year of high school experience, I had low self-esteem and was very depressed because most of my best friends from the middle school attended a different high school. I was very depressed during that time so I stayed home all day and listen to music while doing homework to relax my anger at what my parents had done to me to be forced to leave my best friends. After I had stayed in Eagle Rock high for months, there have been so many clubs to join yet I did not join any of them because I felt that I did not adapt to the school environment enough yet to be able to meet new people in my high school. After my second semester
    Wheezy Creator Scholarship
    What do you want to create? What do you want to say through your creation? Why do you think it’s vital for the world to see your creation? I want to create songs that actually have a meaning for teens and young kids that are going through tough times and I know they can have a healing and stuff when they listen to a song of mine when I get my music out there and help them. I went through a lot as a teen and still am going through stuff but I want to help not only me but other kids and teens strive to be the best, instead of listening to music that talks about suicide, and murder, and violence in any shape or form. it is vital bc it will help a lot of people overcome things they are going through right now even with COIVD-19 right now. Going through a lot like a mid they should have to be alone and some people don't even pay attention that these kids are suffering from things that they are going through right now and I want to be able to help them. Thank you so much for reading this!
    Creative Expression Scholarship
    Kap Slap "Find Your Sound" Music Grant
    If money was not an issue, I would be living my life peacefully, happy, and gracefully. In my spare time, I would do a lot of stuff spending more time with the ones I love. If I was smart enough I would do my own research and find cures for every sickness and disease out there in this world today. I would be helping all of the less fortunate out there and finding ways and communicating with them to help them get back on their feet. I wouldn't worry about a lot of money issues and financial issues in this world. If money was not an issue for me I would help other people and use my money for them because when the less fortunate can't afford things I wanna be able to help them, and not just be selfish with my money. Sometimes money can change people, but it will never change me, just because I have a lot of money does not mean I have to be mean, rude, and telling people hey I have more money than you and you don't have anything. You have to be mindful there are not a lot of people out there that do not have anything. I always told myself if I ever became big in the music and business industry and I had tons of money I would donate the money to children's hospitals because they need it, I would give them toys, electronics, and more. I wanna help people more than help myself, this scholarship would mean so much to me because I have people in my life right now that do not believe in me and I really need this to show them I am going to college. Thank you for reading this.
    AMPLIFY Mental Health Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Every day is different, there are days where I am just down and I don't want anything sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother passing in 2017 I have to be brave and be happy and be the best I can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now I have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than I need this scholarship because this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful. thanks!!
    Gabriella Carter Music and Me Scholarship
    One song that is special to me is called “wake up” from the Netflix series Julie and the phantoms. This song is about kind of realizing that you can do something and you can get through anything and don’t give up. After my brother passed in 2017 I thought the world ended but now I listen to this upbeat song when I need inspiration, my brother was a music artist as well, on YouTube, he is under the name “lum sav” I listen to his music so I can hear his voice. I realize that my brother is still watching over me and wants me to strive to be the best version of myself. He was the best caring and giving brother anyone could ask for. This scholarship will help so much. Julie from the Netflix series lost her mother when she was little, and her mother was a music artist as well Julie wanted to finish and fulfill her mother’s dream. I can listen to this 10,000 times if I could and dance and prance around the house, I love the vibe the upbeat pop music that gets me going and feeling good knowing I am the best person I could ask for. If you are ever feeling down, hopeless, any bad emotions listen to this song and tell yourself, "I can and will do it, because I am strong." I just want people to know they need to love themselves and make their dreams come true. If you love yourself it's kind of the key to yourself to let yourself know I am worthy of things.
    Mental Health Movement Scholarship
    My name is Daisha Armstrong, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Everyday is different, there are days where i am just down and i don't want nothing sometimes not even food. But just thinking about my brother passing in 2017 i have to be brave and be happy and be the best i can be so he is proud of me. I cry sometimes at night just thinking is he coming back, but now i have to realize he is gone. this will help me more than i need this scholarship because, this will help the weight off my shoulder and just help me with everything so winning this would be more than a great opportunity I would be more than grateful. thanks!!
    African-American Entrepreneurs Grant — Female Award
    I have watched tiktok businesses pop off, and a few things stood out to me and I want to see if I can do it. I want to make the glass album plaques, earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, lip gloss, and probably more. Since my mom owns her own business she caters and sells food and has a bakery, so since she has been doing this for a very long time and makes her hours and schedule I know I can do the same. I want to major in small business management, business admin. and music as well. so this scholarship will help me in many ways to pursue a dream I really want to have and achieve. Ever since my brother passed I tried to make myself better and help myself and strive harder and harder everyday.