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Christian Koszka-Lombardo


Bold Points




The goals I have are to graduate from the Air Force Academy and graduate as an officer in the Air Force. Along with this I love golf and hocky and love being outside. On top of all this I will give 100 percent in anything I do and will never give up on something I start.


Monroe High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Enforcement

    • Dream career goals:

    • Pizza Maker

      Rivers Edge Pizza
      2021 – 20221 year


    Ice Hockey

    2020 – 20233 years


    • Team MVP


    • Band at Monroe High School

      Marching Band Shows
      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Youth Sports — Referee and Coach
      2020 – 2022

    Future Interests




    Miss Julie Oddo Math Scholarship
    Throughout my four years at Monroe High School, I have made many memories that I will remember for the rest of my life. From things in the classroom to events after school, they have all played a role in my high school experience. However, I would like to focus specifically on my experiences in the classroom as I talk about my favorite memories. I have taken a lot of classes in the past four years and have had many different teachers. They have all done great things for me and have helped me get where I am today. But even though all my teachers had made a difference there was one that stood out and is the source of some of my best memories. Her name was Miss Oddo. She was my Math 3 teacher which I had sophomore year. My sophomore year was interesting in itself because it was the first year that my school was fully online after COVID. Prior to this, I had only taken one online class in high school (which was sign language) so I was not fully prepared for what online school would bring. While in her class it was always a comfortable learning environment that felt open for students to make mistakes and learn from them. Instead of being focused on getting everything right, she was more interested in helping the student grow in all areas, not just math. I feel this is what made her such a great teacher. On top of all of this, her personality was so much different from any other teacher that I have ever had. The attitude that she brought to the class made everything about it so much more enjoyable. Even when I was stuck on zoom and did not have the opportunity to see her in person she still always made herself available for students to ask questions or even just to have the opportunity to talk. I feel that this caused me to be more involved in her class and to have that much more enthusiasm. Jumping to when we were in person and had the opportunity to physically be in her class it just made everything that much better. While being in person I was able to really experience the passion she had for her class and students. This includes the decorations she would put up or even the costumes she would wear on different days. Another thing that meant so much to me was that even in the following years to come and I was no longer in her class she was still so open to talk. I could walk by her class at any time and still feel welcomed. This meant so much to me and I know it did for many others. She was a wonderful person in so many different ways. She gave me the skills that I needed to be successful in the following two years that I had left in high school and I have so much to thank her for. I do not want the impact she had on me and others to go unnoticed. I am thankful for everything she did for those at Monroe High School. Her memory will live on not only in those of us that were blessed to have her as a teacher, but now also in others around the world as we embark on our journeys and apply the skills that she taught us in math but also as people.