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Charitie Massengale


Bold Points






I'm from a very small town in Oklahoma, with goals to better myself. I'm a collector of stray animals, and a complete autodidact, with dreams of pursuing a career in Law and governance. As of now I plan to become a Judge Advocate General In the United States Air Force after I earn my Masters degree.


Bennington High School

High School
2019 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Political Science and Government
    • Business/Managerial Economics
    • History and Political Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Air Force Judge Advocate General

    • Farm hand.

      Graham Farms
      2019 – 20212 years



    2019 – Present5 years


    2020 – Present4 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Families Feeding Hope Foundation. — Volunteer, and donor.
      2021 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Mission 22 — Ambassador.
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests






    Scorenavigator Financial Literacy Scholarship
    Growing up, my dad was always teaching me important life lessons, especially when it came to personal finances. He would often sit me down and explain the importance of budgeting, saving, and not getting in over my head with debt. His financial discipline and wisdom have had a profound impact on me, shaping my approach to handling money and planning for the future. My dad's teachings about personal finances were rooted in his own experiences and values. He grew up in a modest household where money was tight, so he learned early on the value of hard work and thrift. He instilled in me the importance of living within my means, avoiding unnecessary debt, and building a solid financial foundation for the future. One of the key lessons my dad taught me was the importance of budgeting. He would show me how to track my expenses, set financial goals, and prioritize my spending. By learning how to budget effectively, I gained a better understanding of where my money was going and how to make informed financial decisions. In addition to budgeting, my dad also stressed the importance of saving for the future. He would encourage me to start saving early, whether it was for a rainy day fund, a big purchase, or long-term goals like retirement. By emphasizing the importance of saving, my dad helped me develop good saving habits that have served me well throughout my life. My dad taught me to be wary of taking on too much debt. He would caution me against using credit cards impulsively or taking out loans without careful consideration. By understanding the risks of debt and the importance of managing it responsibly, I've been able to avoid the pitfalls that can come with excessive debt and financial stress. As I look towards the future, I plan on using what I have learned about personal finances from my dad to inform my studies in political science and law. In political science, I will explore how government policies and regulations impact personal finances and economic stability. By understanding the role of government in shaping financial systems, I hope to advocate for policies that promote financial literacy, consumer protection, and economic empowerment. In law, I will delve into the legal framework that governs financial transactions, contracts, and consumer rights. By studying contract law, consumer protection laws, and financial regulations, I aim to become well-versed in the legal tools that can protect individuals from financial exploitation and fraud. Ultimately, I hope to use my knowledge of political science and law to advocate for financial justice and empower individuals to make informed financial decisions. My dad's teachings about personal finances have been invaluable in shaping my understanding of money management and financial responsibility. By instilling in me the importance of budgeting, saving, and avoiding debt, he has equipped me with the tools to navigate the complexities of personal finance with confidence and prudence. As I pursue my studies in political science and law, I will draw on these lessons to advocate for financial literacy, consumer protection, and economic empowerment. With a solid foundation in personal finance and a commitment to social justice, I look forward to building a future that is financially secure and socially responsible.
    Nell’s Will Scholarship
    Receiving any scholarship support would be incredibly meaningful to me as a low-income woman pursuing a degree in law. This financial assistance would alleviate the burden of tuition costs and allow me to focus on my studies and further my goal of becoming an attorney advocating for the underprivileged. As a child growing up in a disadvantaged community, I witnessed firsthand the injustices faced by those who could not afford legal representation. I am driven to use my education to help bridge this gap and provide a voice for those who need it most. Historically, women have faced numerous barriers in pursuing higher education and entering the field of law. Despite the progress made in recent years, there is still a significant gender disparity in the legal profession, particularly among low-income individuals. By receiving this scholarship, I hope to not only overcome my own adversity as a low-income woman but also inspire others facing similar challenges to pursue their dreams. If awarded this scholarship, I plan to pay it forward by using my education and legal expertise to advocate for those who cannot afford representation, and work for the CASA organization to advocate for abused and neglected children. I envision working with organizations that provide pro bono legal services to low-income individuals and underserved communities, ensuring that everyone has access to justice regardless of their financial circumstances. By giving back to my community in this way, I hope to make a meaningful impact and contribute to a more equitable society. Overcoming the adversity of being a low-income woman pursuing a degree in law will certainly present challenges, but I am determined to persevere. I will seek out mentorship and networking opportunities to help me navigate the complexities of the legal profession and connect with others who share my passion for social justice. Additionally, I will leverage my experiences and personal background to bring a unique perspective to my work, advocating for the underprivileged with empathy and understanding. In conclusion, receiving scholarship support would not only alleviate the financial burden of pursuing a degree in law but also empower me to advocate for the underprivileged in a meaningful way. By paying this support forward in my future career as an attorney, I hope to make a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most. Despite the challenges I may face as a low-income woman, I am committed to overcoming adversity and using my education to create a more just and equitable society.
    Urena Scholarship
    Personal development is a crucial aspect of one's life that involves improving oneself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to reach their full potential. It is about setting goals, taking actions, and making choices that lead to personal growth and fulfillment. Personal development plays a significant role in shaping an individual's personality, enhancing their skills, and increasing their self-awareness. For me, personal development is important as it allows me to become the best version of myself by pursuing a career in law, developing spiritually, and working on my ability to cope with change. First and foremost, pursuing a career in law is a significant part of my personal development journey. Law is a field that requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively. By pursuing a career in law, I am constantly challenging myself to learn new things, stay updated on current events, and improve my analytical abilities. This not only helps me professionally but also personally as it teaches me resilience, perseverance, and adaptability. The legal field is known for its demanding nature, and by working towards becoming a successful lawyer, I am pushing myself to overcome obstacles, face challenges head-on, and grow as an individual. Secondly, developing spiritually is another essential aspect of personal development for me. Spirituality provides a sense of purpose, inner peace, and connection to something greater than oneself. It involves exploring one's beliefs, values, and principles and aligning them with their actions and behaviors. By focusing on my spiritual growth, I am able to cultivate a sense of mindfulness, gratitude, and compassion. This helps me stay grounded, centered, and resilient in the face of adversity. Through practices such as meditation, prayer, and self-reflection, I am able to deepen my understanding of myself and my place in the world, leading to personal growth and self-improvement. Lastly, working on my ability to cope with change is a crucial part of my personal development journey. Change is inevitable in life, and learning to adapt to it is essential for personal growth and success. By developing resilience, flexibility, and a positive mindset, I am better equipped to handle unexpected challenges, uncertainties, and setbacks. Coping with change requires emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and the willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. By embracing change and seeing it as an opportunity for growth and learning, I am able to constantly evolve and become a better version of myself. Personal development is important to me as it allows me to grow, evolve, and thrive as an individual. By pursuing a career in law, developing spiritually, and working on my ability to cope with change, I am taking proactive steps towards becoming the best version of myself. Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires commitment, effort, and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it. I believe that by investing in my personal growth and self-improvement, I am able to reach my full potential and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
    Dr. Edward V. Chavez Athletic Memorial Scholarship
    Losing a parent, especially a mother, can have a profound impact on a person's life. The loss can create a void that is difficult to fill and can bring about a range of emotions from sadness to anger to confusion. My mother took her own life after battling PTSD after getting out of the military. In my own experience, losing my mother was a devastating blow that left me feeling lost and alone. The challenges I have faced since her passing have been huge, but I have found solace and strength in sports, particularly softball, golf, and basketball. The loss of my mother affected me in ways I never could have imagined. I felt a deep sense of sadness and grief that seemed to consume me at times. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that she was no longer there to provide guidance and support. I also faced the challenge of navigating life without her, making decisions on my own and learning to cope with the void her absence had left in my life. Through the darkness of my grief, I found a beacon of light in sports. Softball, golf, basketball, and taking care of my animals became my refuge, providing me with a sense of purpose and direction. These sports and activities not only allowed me to channel my emotions and energy in a positive way but also helped me to build resilience and determination. I found comfort in the camaraderie of my teammates and the sense of accomplishment that came with working hard and improving my skills. Softball, golf, and basketball have enhanced my life in more ways than I can count. They have taught me the value of teamwork, perseverance, and dedication. They have pushed me to push my limits, both physically and mentally, and have helped me to develop self-confidence and self-discipline. They have also provided me with a sense of community and belonging, helping me to forge friendships and connections that have lasted a lifetime. As I look towards the future, I am determined to pay forward the lessons I have learned through sports and my experiences with loss. As I pursue a career as an attorney, I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to help others who are facing challenges similar to the ones I have faced. I hope to be a source of support and guidance for those in need, offering them a listening ear and a helping hand during their darkest moments, just as sports and my animals did for me. I believe that triumph can arise out of tragedy, and I am determined to use my own journey of healing and growth as a source of inspiration for others. By sharing my story and my experiences, I hope to show others that it is possible to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances and emerge stronger and wiser on the other side. I have found a way to cope and thrive. Softball, golf, and basketball have enhanced my life in countless ways, providing me with strength, resilience, and a sense of purpose. As I look towards the future, I am committed to using my experiences to help others and create triumph out of tragedy.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    My experience with mental health has played a significant role in shaping my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations to become an attorney. Mental health has always been a taboo topic, surrounded by stigma and misunderstanding. However, through my own struggles and experiences, I have come to realize the importance of mental health awareness and the impact it can have on all aspects of life. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the effects of mental health issues within my family. My mother struggled with depression and PTSD from her service in the military, and it had a huge impact on our family dynamics and relationships. This experience made me acutely aware of the importance of mental health and the need for proper support and resources for those struggling with these issues. It also instilled in me a sense of empathy and compassion for others facing similar challenges. In November of 2019 she took her own life, I was lost, alone, and even fell into some bad habits. As I navigated my own mental health journey, I came to understand the power of advocacy, and became an advocate for Mission 22 in her honor. This realization inspired me to pursue a career in law, with a focus on advocating for those with mental health challenges, children of abuse and neglect, and all those who are underserved and mistreated, to truly work to ensure their rights are protected. One key figure who has greatly influenced my beliefs and aspirations in this area is Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her dedication to fighting for equality and justice, particularly for marginalized communities, serves as a constant source of inspiration for me. Justice Ginsburg's commitment to using the law as a tool for change and her unwavering dedication to upholding the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background, has shaped my own beliefs about the power of the legal system to effect positive change in society. In addition to Justice Ginsburg, I have also been inspired by the work of mental health advocates such as Patrick J. Kennedy. As someone who has openly discussed his struggles with mental illness and addiction, Kennedy has been a leading voice in raising awareness about mental health issues and advocating for better access to treatment and support services. His work has shown me the importance of speaking out about mental health challenges and working to create a more supportive and understanding society. Through my experiences with mental health, I have come to understand the impact that mental illness can have on relationships. I have seen firsthand how mental health issues can strain relationships and create barriers to effective communication and understanding. This awareness has motivated me to cultivate strong, supportive relationships built on trust, empathy, and open communication. In my career as an attorney, I hope to use my experiences with mental health, and PTSD to advocate for those who may not have a voice or the resources to seek help. I want to work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive legal system that recognizes and addresses the unique challenges faced by individuals with mental health issues. By leveraging my own experiences and insights, I hope to contribute to positive change in the legal field and beyond.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    I lost my mom when I was 12 to service related injuries from military service. My Grandpa (Papa) has been my rock. My grandparents raised me until my mother got out of the military. I was so elated when she did, but the transition from everything I had ever known to living with my mom was tough. Unfortunately she took her own life in November 2019, and my world was in pieces once again. I was lost, I had no aspirations, I even fell into some bad habit. But he was always there to pick me up and steer me in the right direction. When I came to him with the dream of becoming an attorney he helped and supported me in every way possible. Funding my concurrent college classes, relaying a happy quote to me when I was overwhelmed, even waking up at five AM to make me breakfast because he knew I would go all day without eating. Recently when my means of funding my education fell through I was devastated. We sat at the kitchen table for hours making phone calls trying to find out the military benefits that I am eligible for to pay for my education. He could sense the strain all the bad news was putting on me, and made it clear that he would "mortgage the farm" to make sure that I go to school. That's not something that I'm willing to allow him to do so I have made the goal to save enough, get enough scholarships, and grants, even take out student loans to pay my way without him having to bear the financial burden. But beyond his support in my educational goals, he supports me in every part of my life. He supported me in all of my sports, horse, housing and taking care of the stray animals I bring home. He picks me up when I'm down, supports all my dreams regardless of how crazy they are. He holds my feet to the fire when I'm wrong, and doesn't hold back when he doesn't agree with my choices. he is the true embodyment of a father's love, and I couldn't dream of a better dad. made me think of a quote I read "being a daddy's girl is like having a permeant suit of armor, for the rest of your life." He has truly been my suit of armor.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    I had always been interested in practicing law, but I realized it was a calling after I attended a CASA fundraiser in Bonham, Texas. CASA of Fanin county is an organization that supports neglected and abused children in, and outside of the court house. Watching those attorneys, district attorneys and judges attend that fundraiser and serve their community, and seeing how they made an impact in those children's lives, really solidified my goal to practice law. Upholding justice and advocating for those in need is what I want to center my career around, so becoming a part of the CASA organization is a huge goal of mine.
    Lindsey Vonn ‘GREAT Starts With GRIT’ Scholarship
    Throughout my life I have face numerous challenges and obstacles that have tested my, tenacity and resilience. from personal loss, to illness in my family, and even professional setbacks. These setbacks and hurdles showed me that with persistence and a gritty mindset that beyond that loss and failure hard work and hard work, hope and positivity will always create success. Just before my high-school career began I lost my mom to suicide. It was a a dark time for me I fell into some bad habits. I acquired a complete disregard for my education and lost focus. I just became a shell, unsure of who I was, clueless about my path. realizing that I couldn't live with that anger anymore I began sitting with the discomfort of the unknown, that being the first step in knowing who I was, and finding my direction. After my mom passed away, my grandparents took me back in. Not even 6 months after, my papa collapsed, a long road of surgeries and hospital stays, which eventually led to open heart surgery. During this time my grandmother stayed by his side through it all, months of taking care of our little farm by myself, and caring for my little sister and two younger cousins. This time in my life was not easy, I was drained physically and emotionally, balancing the weight of my little world crumbling down, and the social world of a teenage girl in rural America. Looking back on it now I admire the strength and endurance that I posses. Looking more to resent times, I now take concurrent classes at a local college, and in place of my high-school algebra II class I took college algebra. It was a struggle to say the least. My math education was interrupted by hardship, loss, and covid, my personal struggle with understanding math concepts didn't help. long, strenuous days of studying, a few tears, and lots of caffeine, I passed my final with a whopping 62! Some may be disappointed in themselves for finishing a simple algebra class with a C, but for me it was a major win. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and study for that class, and it really showed me that there is no excuse for me to fall short of my goals. I have also faced many setbacks in my professional career. like rejections in job interview and bad experienced with people in the feild I am pursuing. But I refused to allow that to affect me. I viewed every single one of those failuresand bad experiences as an opportunity to learn, how to better cope with rejection, and even how to continue after what feels like a huge setback. I think most of the grit and self determination I have stems from love and passion. My love for my family through loss helps me to persevere. My passion to help and pursue lifelong education has been one of my biggest motivations for determination. grit and ambition is what I encompassed as a result of my unwavering love and passion.
    Snap EmpowHER Scholarship
    The traditional female role. the focus on having a family, creating a home, and settling down. This is such a common focus amongst the women in my family. Though these things are all a goal of mine as well, my career is my priority. I've watched as many women in my family married young, and started a family at a very early age and their unwillingness to seek opportunity and create change has been a huge inspiration for my personal shift in focus. In the future I will complete my bachelors in political science, then go on to earn my Juris Doctorate. Beyond breaking free from the traditional female role, one of my biggest inspirations for becoming an attorney is creating change. Law is always something I have been passionate about and had interest in. That interest was solidified when I attended a benefit for Children's Advocacy Center (CAS) of Fannin County, Texas. Watching so many members of the justice system come together, donate their time and resources for such a charitable cause, and have such a large out-poor, helped me come to the realization that working in the justice system is the method for me to become a voice for children who have fallen victim to abuse and neglect. I think the most significant way that I will support women empowerment in my career is the avocation for women in practice. Like providing legal-aid for women who are facing gender based harassment, assault, and violence. Working in the legal system opens a door directly into politics. This makes it easier for me and other practicing female attorneys alike to participate in lobbying for new legislation that protect the rights of women and challenge the existing laws that creates discrimination against women in all walks of life. My career path excites me because it opens doors for lifelong education. It will be the vessel for me to advocate for children in exigent circumstances. My work will open door for the advocation for female equality in, and outside of the workplace, as well as fighting for gender equality to make sure that women and girls get the chances, recognition, and credit they deserve. It will allow me to create change for minority groups who are enduring oppression. For myself, it will also allow me to break the mold, create a new story, and set a president for the other women in my family.
    Alice and Gary Barthell Scholarship
    My background plays a huge role in my desire to serve in the United States Military. I come from a large military family. My mom was in the Army and served eight years until her retirement due to injury in 2013. My grandfather who raised me most of my life was in the army for 25 years, he endured 4 deployment and was stationed all around the world until he got out honorablly in 2005. I grew up being thrown around between my grandparents and my mother when she was able to take care of me where she was stationed. So needless to say, I understand the impact, good and bad, that growing up in a constantly changing environment has on a child. With that sort of instability I have grown to understand why serving in the armed forces meant so much to my mom. Serving in the United States Millitary would provide me with a sense of purpose. To be a part of a team and a mission whose impact is much bigger than mine alone. As I mentioned I come from a multigenerational military family, so I come from a background where respect for the armed forces has always been present. A huge drive for me to go to the Air Force is the benefits and stability that it provides. watching so many people and their families in the States struggle to pay their medical bills or refuse health care because they can't afford it has made me come to the realize the importance of having reliable heath and dental care. The job stability and stability of housing and pay within the military is also a huge drive to join. knowing that for the length of my contract I will have guaranteed housing, pay, and a job is hard to pass up. I want to stay active duty in the Air Force For at least 20 years to draw a retirement. After I get out of the military I want to go back to the state of Texas and practice law as a civilian. Working as a Judge Advocate general in the United States Air Force for 20 plus years is a huge selling point on a job application. The experience that working in the military will provide me with is eminence. Over all, the military is something that I have grown up around, and something I could picture myself doing. A career in the military provides passion and purpose, which is a huge reason for me to join. Along with healthcare and dental care that are guaranteed when you are serving. The military also provides a sense of stability within the market of your career field because of them contracting you out, and even after I get out of the military the experience will open a lot of doors for me.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    Volunteering has been a life-changing experience for me. When I first started volunteering I was doing it because I was told it would look good on my college application and future resumes. I didn't care about the cause or the people I was helping it was more like doing it to check off a box. But after a few months of volunteer work with families feeding families, I began to understand how much just a meal impacted the lives of some of the people that I served. One of my favorite nonprofit organizations to work with and support is Mission 22. I lost my mother in late 2019 to suicide and working with Mission 22 opened my eyes to the severity of PTSD in our military service men and women along with the wound they leave with their families when they go. Working with and learning about Mission 22 also made me realize that mental health needs to be made just as much of a priority as physical health because not all service members that come back unharmed from harsh deployments come back unharmed. In September 2020, I remember working with a family that had lost a loved one to suicide, he served two deployments and left behind his wife and 3 little girls. The impact this time had on me was enormous I watched a community of people extend a hand to help a family that many of them had never known until then. I know that many people all over the world will give to others in need even if they don't know them, but it showed me the love that we share with our fellow man. Volunteering taught me the power of community. when I was volunteering I was surrounded by people who cared about the same thing I did. It taught me the power of teamwork. We were all working towards a common goal, and it was amazing to see what he could accomplish when we worked together. I made some amazing friends through volunteering and felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself. Overall volunteering has profoundly changed my mindset. It made me more grateful for what I have, more compassionate toward others, and more connected to my community. Earning this scholarship would help me achieve my education goals and make college more accessible for me. Earring scholarships will help me cover a variety of expenses such as tuition, fees, books and housing.
    Bernard W. Creque III Scholarship
    As the child of a fallen soldier, I've been exposed to a level of sacrifice and dedication that few people can truly understand. I have seen firsthand the impact that my mother's sacrifice had on my family, my community, and our country. This experience had a profound impact on my life, shaping my values, my goals, and my ambitions. Losing a family member no matter the circumstance is a difficult experience, but it was up to me as an individual to decide how I wanted to respond to the experience of losing my mother. Being the daughter of a fallen soldier was a difficult experience, but it was also a source of motivation. It inspired me to work toward my goals fiercely, as I came to realize how precious life is and how I should make the most of the time I have. One way that losing my mother has inspired me to work harder, is by giving me a sense of purpose. Months after she passed away I felt that I needed to do something that honored her memory, and that's when I became an ambassador for Mission 22. Accepting that my life would never be the same as the chapters of life and childhood have unfolded without her being there, has also motivated me to work harder to achieve my goals because I would like to think that if she saw me now, she would be proud of the progress I have made. Being the child of a fallen soldier has made me more ambitious in ways like taking advantage of my time, we never know which breath will be our last so it is important to work toward our goals no matter the obstacle that stands in front of us. It has inspired me to set more ambitious goals and work harder to achieve them. Even though she is not here, I still feel as if i have something to prove to her. Losing my mother has not only inspired me to be more ambitious and work harder, but it has also given me a sense of perspective. It has made me realize that the challenges I have, and will face in my own life are not as significant as those that I know she had to face. This has given me the strength and resilience to overcome the challenges I face in my own life. I always find that it is extremely important to remember that my mother's legacy lives on through me. she made the ultimate sacrifice and that is something to be proud of. I hope that I can honor her memory by not only following in her footsteps but leading a life outside of the military that would make her proud.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I had to choose one book that everyone in the world would read it would have to be "To Kill a Mockingbird" by harper lee. It is a classic novel that tells the story of a young girl named Scout that was growing up in a small rural town in the 1930s, and the lessons she learned about racism preconceived ideas of people and the importance of standing up for what she thought was right. I believe that this book is still so relevant today because it teaches us about empathy and compassion, and how we can all work together to make this world a better place. The themes of the book are universal and can be applied in many different situations. Whether it is fighting systemic racism, standing up to those with bad intentions, or just being a better person. Reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" can truly be a transformative experience, And I think that if everyone in the world were to read it, we would be one step closer to creating a more just and equitable society. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeing the world through someone else's eyes, and of the fact that we all have a responsibility to fight for what is right. If you have not read "To Kill a Mockingbird" yet I highly recommend it, and if you have, I encourage you to share it with others and spread its message of hope and kindness as far and as wide as you can.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    My vision of my future self is a successful lawyer living in the state of Texas, committed to bettering my community.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    Commitment is more than a promise to do or give something. It is the quality of being committed and dedicated to the hard, strenuous work you have to put in to achieve or support something. I think that is what makes me unique, through trial and tribulation I stay persistent in not only my journey to further education but in every aspect of my life. Volunteering and advocacy have been a huge part of my life growing up, I have always tried to live by my grandfather's rule "First you have to take care of yourself, then with the help of Jesus Crist take care of those who can't take care of themselves." I am currently an ambassador for Mission 22 which is a nonprofit organization that helps to aid in veteran suicide prevention by providing treatment to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries related to their service in the United States military. This is an organization that I want to continue to work alongside because veteran suicide is something that has affected me and my family greatly. An organization that I truly want to become involved in after earning my law degree is CASA of Grayson County. CASA is a not-for-profit organization that speaks on behalf of abused and neglected children. In November of last year, I and my grandpa attended an auction and benefit dinner for CASA and I loved their mission and what they stood for. Families feeding families is something the Three Valley Riders put on to aid in feeding the community. They provide around ten hot meals a month to different parts of the community. I volunteer as much as I can and would like to continue for the entirety of the organization's lifespan. The Three Valleys also helps the community and families of the community a lot by setting up benefit dinners, memorial rides, blood drives, food drives, toy drives, and poker runs for families in need. I have been a member of the Three Valley Riders since I was around twelve years old, they kind of took me under their wing and they have been my family ever since. Community service has been a huge part of my life growing up I have done a lot, and I am grateful to have had the guidance and lessons of selflessness that those in my circle, have instilled within me. I was blessed immensely with grand opportunities of service and the amazing family that I have gained along the way, and I will forever be grateful for what community service has done for me and my values as an individual. I hope to extend those same values, and efforts for years to come.
    Youth Equine Service Scholarship
    Volunteer service has taught me a lot about myself and the world around me. I've gained a greater understanding of different ways of life and how such small things I take for granted daily could change someone else's life in ways I could never understand. Volunteering has instilled a newfound sense of humanity in me that I truly don't believe I would have if it weren't for community service. One extremely interesting thing I've learned from volunteering is that smiling is a universal language, we may have different backgrounds and speak different languages, but a smile communicates a lot. What I mean by a smile communicates a lot is that we may have different skin tones or accents but when you share smiles with one another you both kind of acknowledge that we are the same and that we all bleed red. I love that volunteering always reminds me that every person has their own story, a story about who they are and how they came to be. I think we as a society kind of forget about individuality and kind of begin to treat others like objects. It really does make for a more fulfilling volunteering experience when you not only acknowledge their unique narrative but you respect and treat them with kindness. One of my weaknesses is I tend to forget about the little things, and volunteering has taught me that the little things have a huge impact. Like pulling weeds from your garden for example, you may not think it has a big impact but it helps with the overall beautification of your garden and property. Volunteering really does help me understand that simple actions have a big impact. I think one of the most important things volunteering has taught me is that community is important. I feel as if I automatically become a part of the community after serving in families feeding families and other organizations similar to it. It also helps me to learn from and meet/ learn from a range of new people and create memorable experiences with others that I will remember my entire life. I struggle a lot with social connections and meeting new people and volunteering helps me with this an immeasurable amount, and through this positive social interaction I strengthen my ties to the community and find a vital sense of joy. In conclusion, volunteering has taught me a lot about myself, and the people in my community. Volunteering reminds me that the little things make a huge different and that everyone has their own story.
    Dan Leahy Scholarship Fund
    The person I admire most is my grandfather who raised me. Throughout the years I have observed the way he prioritized making a living for his family and how important it is to prioritize a career and earning a retirement above everything but your family. He joined the military straight out of high school and with the help of a financial assistance program similar to the GI bill he was able to enter college to earn a bachelor's degree in computer science of some kind but because of the strain of finances even with military assistance, the stress on my grandmother that was five hours away with four young children, and being active duty military, he was unable to finish. This has truly shown me the importance of prioritizing my education instead of getting in a rush to settle down because even though he says he wouldn't have done anything differently I know that he would have loved to have a "sheepskin" under his belt as he would say. I always knew what I wanted to do when I was grown and I have begun to map out my plan and make my dreams and goals a reality over the last few years. Since I aspire to become a lawyer in the Air Force, proper speech, logical skills, and the way I articulate myself will be extremely important in the future. I began competing in speech competitions put on by the FFA when I was in seventh grade. So after doing speech competitively for two years I continued into my ninth-grade year and I saw how much more confident I became with public speaking and how I am now better able to advocate for groups like mission 22. but after ninth grade, my school began offering a speech class so I decided to take it in hopes that I can continue to gain knowledge and experience with public speaking from my time spent in the class and competing in speech and debate. I was a shy shell of a person and though I still am, participating in speech has helped me tremendously. speech has and will continue to help me improve my linguistic and logical skills, along with proper posture and movement when speaking publicly. Whether I am speaking in a speech competition, in a classroom with my fellow students, in everyday conversation, or even in the courtroom in the future.
    Hulede Collegiate Golf Scholarship
    I am an ambassador for mission 22 and very involved in a nonprofit organization called families feeding families which helps to feed families that are less fortunate in our community. A branch of families feeding families is called shop with a cop it aids in providing toys and meals for families that are less fortunate that apply for it during the Christmas season. So for the last few years, I have had the pleasure of assisting in the shopping process of these families as well as helping to serve hot meals to those in need. One of my biggest goals in the future is to become a big part of mission 22 I am very passionate about the cause because my mother was a veteran that committed suicide as a result of PTSD. Becoming more involved in mission 22 and making it more known to my community helps veterans that are suffering from PTSD to get therapy and treatment, and I feel that that is the best way I can honor my mother's memory. Another thing that I would love to become involved in is the CAC a non-profit organization based out of North texas that advocates for and helps hundreds of children fing hope after abuse and neglect. The way I plan on taking advantage of my time in college is by making sure that I prioritize what I am there for which is receiving an education if I am fortunate enough to. When I am in college I would also like to make connections with those in the professional world and make meaningful lifelong connections, while still getting to explore and experience new things that only a bigger city has to offer. I want to walk amongst diversity and have conversations with people that have different opinions and values from me. This scholarship would help me to pay for my college and help to alleviate some financial strain for me while attending college. it will allow me to focus more on my getting my education than on how I am going to pay for it. The more scholarships I receive the less I will have to work in order to pay for my studies. The money I receive from scholarships will also help me to stay in college so I won't be forced to drop out of college and as a result not earn my degree, scholarships are the reason people like me can get a college education.
    Scholarship for Golfers
    Golf is much more than a game for leisure. Golf has been very helpful in every aspect of my life it helps mentally, physically, and even emotionally. In simple terms, the object of golf is to hit the ball into the hole in the fewest amount of strokes but it's so much more. It takes visualization to be able to see and formulate a clear plan of action in your head. I began playing golf around 3 years ago when my father invited me to go play a round of golf with him and his best friend. My first thought was "golf is a sport for old retired men not for a young woman", but I decided to go because it was quality time I could spend with my dad. I soon realized after playing 18 holes in ninety-degree weather that golf was a long, hard, exhausting game, and I loved it. Now here I am three years later I continue to play, learn and get better. I plan on playing for the rest of my high school career and hope to play in my chosen college. Golf is not only a sport I want to play while going to school, I want to continue to play for the rest of my life. Golf will help me in my chosen career path also, I have had my mind set on law for a few years now, and golf will help me network with clients. Understanding the mental game of golf is crucial to being competitive. If you're serious about competing in the game of golf, you need to understand, that without a good mental game, you have no game. Regardless of the physical ability you may possess, if your mental game isn't up to par, you are going to have a hard time competing at high levels in this sport. Focus and mental stamina and know-how are key components in any winner's arsenal. Some of the best golfers ever have argued that the mental game is the most important. They put it above any physical ability you may have. They claim that if you have a better mental game, it can make up for any lack in your physical game, but I believe that your physical shape and skill are still a vital part of golf. Golf is important to me for many reasons, personally, it helps me calm my anxiety because it helps me to focus on what I am doing at that very moment. It challenges my mental ability, if you have ever played golf you know that it is a very frustrating game that comes with a lot of mental challenges. Golf is also a good source of exercise. When you swing a golf club you are working out the major muscles in your back, legs, arms, and core. Not to mention the calm nature of the golf course itself with the meticulously kept fairways, lush grass, and beautiful families of pines and oaks. Golf allows you to see nature in a very enlightened calm way.
    Mikey Taylor Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health has affected me in many aspects of my life, it has affected my emotional, psychological, and even my social well-being. In the past, I have experienced severe depression, and continue to suffer from anxiety. I endured a lot of stress due to the pressure I constantly put on myself to be the best version of myself I can be along with the stress that comes with everyday responsibility. Mental health has influenced my beliefs in many ways, we have grown in a society that doesn't normalize mental health. If you are like me you have always been told to keep up with your physic, take care of your body, eat right, etc. But we are taught to sweep our feelings and emotions under the rug and not speak of them. This has forced me to grow up rather quickly and healthily work through my emotions rather than ignoring them. So now that I have endured the wrath of mental health I value mental health just as much as I do physical health. Suffering from a mental illness such as depression has not only affected me in ways of how I perceive and deal with my problems but it also affected my social life tremendously. It is easiest for me to talk about how my mental health has affected my relationships because my mental health has affected my social life the worst. I tend to completely social distance myself when my stress and anxiety are at a high. I begin to hyper-focus on my schooling and ignore my friends, family, and rarely leave my house, and it sucks because I don't want all of my teenage years to be spent worrying, and stressing so much that I neglect the people that I care about most, and leave me unable to shift some of my attention onto creating meaningful lifelong connections. Poor mental health has a way of making me feel hopeless and lack motivation. When it's at its worst I tend to be less productive and I lack engagement in my work. Mental health has also affected my ability to socialize and problem-solve. I hate that I have missed out on so many grand opportunities to advance in my desired career field. And even though my mental health continues to affect me negatively, I have become better at recognizing my emotions and working through them rather than resorting to self-isolation. I know it will be a battle that I will fight for the rest of my life but in the end, I need to remember that it is important to devote time to my relationships, goals, and do my part to normalize talking about mental health struggles,
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    The loss of a loved one will always be a painful personal journey, and a coping experience that no one can prepare you for. The affects of grief are different for everyone. In my own personal journey it has been a roller coaster of various emotion, I've been angry, I've cried myself to sleep, and I have pleaded with god. But I had to come to the realization that my anger and sadness would not change what happened, so instead I allowed it to change me for the better. My mother died November 7th 2019 by suicide leaving behind me and my little sister. She suffered from PTSD as a result of a few gruesome deployments, Multiple Sclerosis, and bipolar disorder. I knew she has struggles both mentally and physically, but unfortunately there was nothing I could do as a 12 year old girl. She definitely had her problems but she was an amazing person, role model, friend, and mother. I acquired a lot of emotional maturity from the trauma. I am now able to deal with my emotional pain rather than suppressing it. I found comfort in books and golf and even found a passion for law. My long term goal is to become a judge advocate general in the United States Air Force, following in my mother foot steps, and I am trying to be the best person I can be for myself and my little sister. I truly believe that through the pain and anger I found purpose and became a better person.
    Bold Bravery Scholarship
    In the past I have dealt with significant hardships, and through those hardships I showed myself my true bravery by acknowledging my strength, and embracing the uncertainty, After I lost my mother, I never ventured out of my comfort zone, and I lived in fear of losing a loved one, which ultimately kept me from connecting to others on an emotional level. I soon realized that for the sake of myself and my younger sister, that I could no longer live in fear. The nights of tossing and turning, scared that something would happen to my family as they were sleeping had to end. Its definitely been a journey, but the way I practice bravery in my everyday life is by not shutting down, or continuing to suppress my emotions. I've learned that I would rather love and endure the pain of losing someone, than to have to live with the regret of never loving them at all. The way i live boldly is by saying yes to new adventures, ideas, experiences, setting boundaries,forgiving myself, and most of all, by conquering my fears, and insecurities.