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Case Lowery


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My name is Case Lowery, I am an 18 year old senior from Avon, Ohio. My interests include lacrosse, going for runs/walks, the outdoors, reading, golf, and giving back to my community. I have helped extensively with my county's law enforcement through the LOCO blue association, local concession stands through Avon's Athletic Boosters, I have given back to my cities youth lacrosse program through coaching 2 hours a week from 2021- current. In the summer I work at Westwood Country Club, where I am a bagboy, assisting members and completing manual labor tasks. Next year, I am attending The College of Wooster where I have committed to continue my lacrosse career. At The College of Wooster I plan to study business with a minor in data science. Because of the prestigious nature of The College of Wooster, a hefty price tag is associated and any amount of scholarship I can earn will pay dividends to my academic career.


Avon High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Data Science
    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Engineering, Other
    • Business/Commerce, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Golf Bag Room Attendant

      West Wood Country Club
      2023 – Present1 year


    Cross-Country Running

    2018 – 20213 years


    2010 – Present14 years


    • Chemistry

      Avon Highschool — Lab Assistant
      2022 – 2022


    • Class at Avon High School

      Graphic Art
      2024 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Avon Athletic Boosters — Concession stands worker
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      LoCo Blue Association — I have worked the Pete Soto Chili Cookoff for multiple years, where I have escorted guests, taken out trash, cooked chili, assisted law enforcement and aided in raffle activities.
      2023 – Present

    Future Interests





    Mark Neiswander "110" Memorial Scholarship
    As a proud resident of Avon, Ohio, I have been privileged to grow up in a community that embodies the core values of freedom, support for small businesses, and equal opportunities for all. These values, deeply ingrained in the fabric of our nation, are what make me proud to be an American. One aspect of American society that fills me with pride is our commitment to freedom. From our founding principles enshrined in the Constitution to our ongoing struggles for civil rights and liberties, the concept of freedom lies at the heart of the American identity. As an American, I cherish the freedoms of speech, expression, and opportunity that enable individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations without fear of oppression or discrimination. Furthermore, I take immense pride in the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation that characterizes American society. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, driving economic growth, creating jobs, and fostering a sense of community pride. As an advocate for small businesses, I believe in the importance of supporting local entrepreneurs and empowering them to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. In my community, small business are being phased out as large commercial restaurants and businesses are taking over. One of my wishes for future America is to reinstate these small businesses that provide that help reconnect citizens and entrepreneurs. Moreover, the principle of equal opportunities for all is a cornerstone of the American dream. Regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic background, or any other defining characteristic, every individual deserves the chance to pursue their goals and fulfill their potential. As an American, I am committed to promoting equality and advocating for policies that level the playing field and ensure that no one is left behind. I feel that small town communities, like the one I live in, are the best at holding these values. Often times, in large urban cities violence is common because of people damaging over because of their racist or sexist beliefs. Despite the many reasons to be proud of our country, I recognize that there are areas in which we fall short of our ideals. One change I want to see in our country is a greater emphasis on addressing systemic inequalities and disparities that persist in our society. From racial injustice to economic inequality to educational disparities, there are numerous challenges that require urgent attention and action. To effect this change, I believe in the power of community empowerment and grassroots activism. By fostering dialogue, raising awareness, and mobilizing resources at the local level, we can work towards creating meaningful change and advancing the cause of equality and justice for all. Whether through volunteering, organizing community events, or advocating for policy reforms, each of us has a role to play in building a more equitable and inclusive society. As I embark on my journey at the College of Wooster, located in a small town where these values are deeply ingrained, I am committed to upholding the principles of freedom, support for small businesses, and equal opportunities for all. Through education, activism, and community engagement, I will strive to effect positive change and contribute to the ongoing pursuit of a more perfect union. In conclusion, what makes me proud to be an American is our unwavering commitment to freedom, entrepreneurship, and equality. One day hoping that our society as a whole values small towns and small business once again.
    Bros for Good Scholarship
    Throughout my high school journey, I had always been “the quiet kid”, the one who didn't have much to say or was not known by many, until 2024. In my senior year of high school, my mission was to reach out to others, make new friends, give back to my community, and overall become a better more involved person. This year has marked a significant turning point in my commitment to becoming more involved in my community. Fueled by a desire to make a tangible difference and inspired by the values of service and leadership instilled in me from an early age, I embarked on a journey to actively engage with those around me and contribute positively to the fabric of my community. One of the key sources that I have sought to increase my involvement is through volunteering. Recognizing the immense value of giving back, I dedicated countless hours to the Avon Youth Lacrosse program, where I had the privilege of teaching and coaching the youth. Through this experience, I not only shared my passion for the sport but also had the opportunity to nurture leadership skills and mentorship qualities in the next generation. Witnessing the growth and development of these young individuals has been incredibly rewarding, reinforcing my belief in the transformative power of community engagement. Furthermore, I made a conscious effort to actively participate in various community events and initiatives throughout the year. For example, from 2021- 2024 I volunteered with the LoCo Blue Foundation, an association giving back to the law enforcement of Lorain County. In the past I had just strictly stuck to my tasks while volunteering, not making any conscious efforts to increase my community service. Differently, this year during the event I decided to show my appreciation and commitment to the foundation I was volunteering for. While at the Pete- Soto chili cookoff, the largest event of the foundation, I showed my appreciation by thanking the law enforcement officers individually and putting intent into the conversations I was having. Additionally, while I was taking the trash out, providing manual labor, etc. during the event I kept in my mind why I was working. I was working for the countless hours law enforcement officers give back to our community, and if i am able to give back to them during one event it shows a small aspect of the appreciation i have for them. Looking back on my journey towards becoming more involved in my community this year, I am filled with a sense of pride and fulfillment. Volunteering, participating in community events, and helping local foundations have not only expanded my horizons but also forged deeper connections with my neighbors and fellow community members. As I continue on this path of active involvement, I am committed to making meaningful contributions to the well-being and prosperity of my community, one step at a time. Throughout this year, I have felt like I have greatly grown from "the quiet kid" to the person who is actively involved with all aspects of their community.