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Carter Johnson


Bold Points




I am a highly motivated, hard-working, and passionate person. I truly believe I can do anything I set my mind to. My goal in life is to become a Corporate Lawyer, and possibly own my own law firm someday. I plan on pursuing a degree in business as my bachelor’s then go on to law school to pursue a Jurisdoctor. I would like to additionally picture myself as a thinker and a dreamer, with an eye for the beauty in life.


Beloit Memorial High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations
    • Law
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:



      2020 – 20233 years


      • hardest worker award
      • most improved award

      Future Interests



      RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
      "When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. He was lying on his back as hard as armor plate, and when he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose dome the cover, about to slide off completely, could barely cling. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, were waving helplessly before his eyes." -Franz Kafka, "The Metamorphosis". Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" opens with a literary thunderclap, drawing readers into a surreal world with the unforgettable declaration: "When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin." This audacious and abrupt proclamation serves as a portal to the profound and existential themes that define the novella. In exploring the opening paragraph's importance, the layers of meaning behind Kafka's narrative choices unravel, addressing the thematic prelude it provides, the intentional ambiguity surrounding Gregor's metamorphosis, and the broader implications for readers navigating the human condition. Kafka's choice to begin with Gregor's startling transformation into an insect immediately establishes a narrative departure from conventional storytelling norms. The matter-of-fact tone and abruptness defy the expectations of a gradual exposition, forcing readers to confront the inexplicable from the outset. This narrative audacity serves as a thematic prelude, signaling to readers that "Metamorphosis" is not a mere tale of physical transformation but an exploration of the psychological and existential dimensions of human experience. The bluntness of Kafka's prose demands a suspension of disbelief and a reorientation of the reader's understanding of reality. By thrusting the audience into a disconcerting scenario without a preamble, Kafka prompts a visceral and immediate engagement with the narrative. As readers, we are compelled to grapple with the extraordinary transformation as the characters within the story do, devoid of the cushioning effect of a gradual buildup. This narrative choice, while disorienting, serves a crucial purpose: it aligns the reader's experience with the unsettling nature of the events unfolding in Gregor's life. Moreover, the opening paragraph's significance is magnified by Kafka's deliberate ambiguity surrounding the nature of Gregor's metamorphosis. Rather than providing a clear explanation or rationale for the transformation, Kafka leaves it open to interpretation. This intentional vagueness is a literary device that propels readers into an uncertain and surreal realm where the boundaries between reality and absurdity blur. The lack of a definitive cause invites readers to focus on the metaphorical and symbolic dimensions of the metamorphosis, allowing for a more profound exploration of existential themes. Kafka's narrative technique challenges readers to consider the nature of Gregor's transformation beyond its physical manifestation. Is it a metaphor for societal expectations, a representation of personal alienation, or a commentary on the fragility of identity? The ambiguity invites diverse interpretations, encouraging readers to engage with the text on a deeper intellectual and emotional level. This narrative choice prompts contemplation on the nature of self, identity, and the complexities of the human psyche. Furthermore, the opening paragraph sets the stage for an exploration of existential dread and the collision between personal crises and societal expectations. Gregor's initial response to his transformation is characterized not by horror or panic but by concern for his professional obligations. The fact that his thoughts immediately gravitate towards the implications of being late for work highlights a subconscious prioritization of societal demands over personal well-being. This juxtaposition initiates a nuanced examination of existential themes, where the mundane demands of society persist despite the extraordinary circumstances. Kafka subtly critiques the dehumanizing effects of societal expectations, prompting readers to reflect on the extent to which external pressures shape an individual's sense of self. Gregor's initial reaction resonates with the masses of modern society, encouraging contemplation on the balance between societal conformity and individual authenticity. The impact of Kafka's opening paragraph is heightened by the vividness with which he describes Gregor's physical transformation. The meticulous use of language enhances the reader's sensory experience, evoking a visceral response to the surreal events unfolding. The vividness of Kafka's prose, combined with the seemingly mundane details of Gregor's room and the ordinary act of waking up, serves to amplify the eerie quality of the situation. This narrative technique imbues the ordinary with an unsettling quality, prompting readers to scrutinize the seemingly mundane aspects of their own lives. Kafka's choice to blend the ordinary with the extraordinary is a masterful stroke that adds depth to the narrative. The vivid descriptions not only engage the reader's senses but also contribute to the overall atmosphere of disquiet and absurdity. This blending of the ordinary and the surreal underscores the thematic tension between the familiar and the inexplicable, challenging readers to question the boundaries of reality and perception. The opening paragraph's significance extends beyond its immediate impact, serving as a thematic touchstone for the entire novella. Gregor's metamorphosis becomes a metaphor for the inherent alienation and isolation experienced by individuals in the face of societal expectations. Kafka's portrayal of Gregor's struggle to communicate and be understood by his family mirrors the challenges of navigating interpersonal relationships amidst personal transformations. Moreover, the opening paragraph establishes a narrative framework that subverts traditional notions of causality. Instead of providing a clear cause-and-effect relationship for Gregor's metamorphosis, Kafka emphasizes its inexplicable and arbitrary nature. This narrative choice invites readers to confront the absurdity of existence and grapple with the idea that life's transformative events may lack rational explanation. This narrative approach encourages a contemplation of life's inherent unpredictability. Kafka challenges the notion that every event has a rational cause or a predictable outcome, inviting readers to embrace the uncertainty of their own journeys. This thematic exploration resonates with the inherent complexities of adolescence, where the path to self-discovery is often marked by unexpected twists and turns. In conclusion, the opening paragraph of Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" stands as a literary masterpiece, beckoning readers into a realm of existential inquiry and surreal contemplation. Kafka's audacious narrative choices, from the abrupt unveiling of Gregor's transformation to the intentional ambiguity surrounding its nature, create a narrative tapestry that challenges conventional storytelling norms. The opening paragraph's thematic richness, combined with its profound impact on readers, serves as a testament to Kafka's literary genius.
      Windward Spirit Scholarship
      President Franklin Roosevelt's iconic statement, "This generation has a rendezvous with destiny," accurately reflects the cyclical nature of generational responsibilities. Today, Millennials and Gen Z inherit a world marked by economic instability, environmental crises, and global conflicts. Our journey is akin to the “rendezvous with destiny”. Through these cycled issues given by destiny, there is a pressing need for change in the modern world. The modern world is characterized by an overwhelming amount of complex issues such as economic struggles. The economic problems faced by Millennials and Gen Z are a stark reminder of the urgency of the need to fix them. We are set to be handed an economic landscape corrupted with insolvency. For example, there is the burden of student loans designed to perpetuate poverty, and a medical insurance system that favors the older generation rather than aiding the future. We must change these issues in order to protect those that come next, because that is who is being affected by the problems. Additionally, the younger generation faces the daunting responsibility of addressing global warming as the older generation has been gifted with the time to ignore it. The dangers that are posed by not alleviating global warming are detrimental to our survival as a human species. We are also tasked with reforming a tax structure that as stated in the text, “perpetuates Greed”. We must take the state of the structure out of the hands of who it feeds, and turn it towards those it starves. Furthermore, our generation and the past generations encounter similar economic challenges, with low incomes and underemployment approaching the same level. The Greatest Generation confronted a world engulfed in war, and they accepted their duty with grace and a genuine sense of responsibility. We are left with a world that without action will allow history to repeat itself and again turn to war. These similarities show the cycle of generational responsibilities and stand as proof that generations of the past have fixed the problem as it has pertained to them, rather than fixing it for now and the future, which is what we must take action to do now. In conclusion, the modern world is in dire need of change, as evidenced by the numerous challenges facing Millennials and Gen Z. Our “rendezvous with destiny” is marked by economic and tax instability, environmental crises, and global conflicts. However, after our understanding of the nature of these issues to reemerge, we are ready to change them once and for all, which would make us “The Greatest Generation 2.0”. We are, as the generations before us were, at the forefront of changes that can protect us and future generations to come.
      Barbie Dream House Scholarship
      Within the halls of my Barbie Dream House an echo of childlike laughter can be heard. But not just any child. It’s my own voice through every year, and every moment I’ve lived that bounces off the walls like the expression used to describe a hyper kid. A hyper kid that I was and in a way, still am. My Barbie Dream House reflects my growth and me as a person by having aspects that can relate to various stages in my life so far. To describe the surroundings, it would be located in a peaceful forest that parallels the tranquility of my content mind. All around gorgeous trees stand tall with birds flying high and sunlight filtering through like glitter. Nearby would be a creek, much like the one I’ve spent time at as a little kid. Trails stem out from the house leading to many paths in the forest, each one having worn footsteps from me walking them daily. Animals of every species roam the ground and I would fulfill my childhood dream and befriend all of them. The exterior would look grand and slightly intimidating, but also warm and inviting just like how my own appearance has been described. It’s 2 stories high. Not too big, not too small, to reflect the limitations of the dreamer’s mind little me possessed. The colors are a comforting cream toned brick with a light pink front door surrounded by summer flowers. Gold crested windows would sit delicately around the house, each one having a flower box that matches the ones on the door. A pink front door to represent my favorite color now, and gold windows to represent my old favorite. Two cats, one grey and one a tabby-my best childhood pets-could be seen sleeping in the windows. A wraparound porch would hold swing sets and various chairs to sit at while sharing sweet memories. The roof resembles the classic ones seen in pictures of old, happy cottages. Vines and moss cover areas of the brick. An elegant rectangular pool would sit to the side of the house with a light wooden awning over the top. The ladder and trim of the pool would be gold to match the windows. Everything matches each other because of my prospected need for order in my life. The interior beginning from the door is a small entryway lined with more flowers that opens up into a perfectly sized living room. It would be decorated with happy little pieces. Artwork from old school projects live on a large fireplace mantle. Above the mantle a massive painting of splattered colors sits. One that my dad and I have a canvas for but have yet to make. The rest of the room is filled with plush couches, crystals, tapestries and greenery. The dining room would be a cozy place to spend time with friends and loved ones. A dining room I have yet to truly experience. The kitchen would be one of the rooms filled with laughter. Laughter from attempts to cook with people and from how lovely something tastes. The library is the highlight of the house with massive shelves lining each wall and a window seat with vines and globe string lights. The bedroom would possess lush silk sheets, more crystals and greenery, and be in the perfect position to watch both the sun and the stars rise. To start each day anew and end each night happy, gifting the echos more laughter. Over all, my Barbie Dream House is everything I have been, everything I am, and everything I have yet to be.