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Caitlin Moroney


Bold Points




My name is Caitlin, and I'm an 18-year-old senior hailing from Middletown, New Jersey. Ever since I can remember, my dream has been to become a doctor. I've always been fascinated by the intricacies of the human body and the prospect of making a positive impact on people's lives through healthcare. Next fall, I'll be taking a significant step towards realizing my dream as I embark on my journey at Brown University. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to play Division 1 rugby while pursuing my academic interests in Health and Human Biology. The chance to combine my passion for sports with my dedication to understanding the complexities of human health is an opportunity I don't take lightly. Growing up, rugby became more than just a sport to me; it became a way of life. The values of teamwork, resilience, and dedication that I've learned on the rugby field have shaped me into the person I am today. I'm excited to continue honing my skills as a rugby player at the collegiate level while also immersing myself in Brown's rigorous academic environment. While the road ahead may be challenging, I am determined to work hard and seize every opportunity that comes my way. With a strong support system behind me and a burning passion to make a difference, I'm confident that I can achieve my goals and make my mark on the world of medicine.


Middletown High School South

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Medicine
    • Environmental Geosciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      STEM, Pediatrician

    • Lifeguard and Swim Instructor

      Middletown Sports Complex
      2021 – Present3 years



    2021 – Present3 years


    • MVP


    • My School - Middletown South

      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Jersey Shore Youth Rugby — I was a coach and peer leader
      2019 – Present
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    As a multifaceted artist, Zendaya has made significant contributions to various fields, including fashion, acting, singing, and activism. While each aspect of her career is admirable in its own right, I find Zendaya's activism particularly inspiring. Zendaya uses her platform and influence to advocate for social justice issues and promote positive change in society. She is vocal about issues such as racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health awareness, using her voice to amplify marginalized voices and raise awareness about important issues. One aspect of Zendaya's activism that I admire is her commitment to using her platform to promote diversity and representation in the entertainment industry. As a woman of color, Zendaya has faced barriers and challenges in Hollywood, but she has used her experiences to advocate for greater inclusion and opportunities for underrepresented communities. She has spoken out against racism and discrimination in the industry, calling for more diverse representation both on and off-screen. Furthermore, Zendaya's activism extends beyond the entertainment industry to broader social issues. She has been actively involved in campaigns and initiatives aimed at combating systemic racism, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, and promoting mental health awareness. She uses her social media platforms to educate her followers about these issues and encourage them to take action. Zendaya's activism serves as a powerful example of using one's platform for positive change. She is not afraid to speak out against injustice or use her influence to support causes she believes in. Her advocacy inspires others to take action and make a difference in their communities. Overall, while Zendaya's talents in fashion, acting, and singing are impressive, it is her activism and commitment to social justice that I admire the most. She uses her platform to advocate for change and make a difference in the world, and her dedication to fighting for equality and inclusion is truly inspiring.
    Jiang Amel STEM Scholarship
    From a young age, I have always been drawn to the field of medicine, with a particular interest in pediatrics. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand how compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals can impact children and their families. This ignited a passion to pursue a medical career to positively impact the pediatric realm. Throughout my academic journey, I have immersed myself in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects, recognizing their fundamental role in advancing medical research and innovation. My biology, chemistry, and mathematics coursework has equipped me with a strong foundation in the sciences. At the same time, my experiences in laboratory settings have honed my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I am eager to continue my education in STEM fields, knowing that it will provide me with the knowledge and tools necessary to make meaningful contributions to pediatric medicine. One of the challenges I have faced in my journey toward a career in medicine is realizing the immense responsibility of caring for the health and well-being of others, especially vulnerable populations such as children. This realization has profoundly shaped me, instilling a deep empathy, compassion, and commitment to serving others. It has taught me the importance of approaching each patient with kindness, patience, understanding, and advocating for their needs and rights. In addition to the personal growth I have experienced, this challenge has taught me the value of collaboration and teamwork in healthcare. I have learned that addressing complex medical issues requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving healthcare professionals from various backgrounds working together towards a common goal. As I embark on my STEM career in pediatric medicine, I am committed to fostering collaboration and cooperation among colleagues, researchers, and policymakers to improve the health outcomes of children around the world. Furthermore, I am passionate about addressing disparities in pediatric healthcare and ensuring equitable access to quality medical care for all children, regardless of their background or circumstances. Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. I am dedicated to advocating for policies and initiatives that promote health equity and eliminate barriers to care. In conclusion, my passion for pediatric medicine and my commitment to positively impacting the world drive me to pursue a STEM career dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children. Through my academic and professional endeavors, I aspire to contribute to advancements in pediatric research, advocate for the needs of children and their families, and work towards a future where every child can lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    "The light dove, in free flight cutting through the air the resistance of which it feels, could get the idea that it could do even better in airless space. Likewise, Plato abandoned the world of the senses because it posed so many hindrances to the understanding, and dared to go beyond it on the wings of the ideas, in the empty space of pure understanding." The paragraph in question is a metaphorical statement made by Friedrich Nietzsche in his work "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." In this passage, Nietzsche compares the flight of a dove through the air to Plato's philosophical journey beyond the world of the senses. Through this comparison, Nietzsche conveys his understanding of Plato's philosophical trajectory and his own interpretation of the limitations of sensory perception. At its core, Nietzsche's metaphor emphasizes transcending perceived limitations. The "light dove" represents an individual or thinker who encounters resistance or obstacles in their environment during their exploration. Despite these challenges, the dove continues to soar through the air, suggesting a relentless pursuit of higher understanding or enlightenment. Similarly, Nietzsche suggests that Plato, faced with the limitations and hindrances of sensory perception, dared to venture beyond the confines of the material world into the realm of pure understanding or "the empty space of pure understanding." To fully grasp Nietzsche's interpretation of Plato's philosophical journey, it is essential to understand the context in which he presents this metaphor. Nietzsche was critical of traditional metaphysical systems, particularly those that emphasized transcending the material world in pursuit of higher truths or ideals. In Nietzsche's view, such systems often led to a denial or devaluation of life in the here and now and a rejection of the value of sensory experience. According to Nietzsche, this rejection of sensory experience ultimately led to a denial of the fundamental aspects of human existence. In the case of Plato, Nietzsche suggests that the philosopher abandoned the world of the senses because it presented numerous obstacles to understanding. For example, Plato's allegory of the cave illustrates the limitations of sensory perception and the journey toward enlightenment through the realm of ideas. By turning away from the world of appearances and embracing the sphere of pure understanding, Plato sought to uncover universal truths and transcend the limitations of the material world. However, Nietzsche's interpretation of Plato's journey goes beyond mere admiration for his philosophical pursuits. Nietzsche suggests that Plato's flight into the realm of ideas was motivated by a desire to escape the limitations and imperfections of the sensory world. In Nietzsche's view, this flight represents a rejection of life in the here and now in favor of an abstract and idealized realm of pure understanding. For Nietzsche, this flight into the realm of ideas represents a form of escapism—a refusal to engage with the complexities and contradictions of existence. Nietzsche argues that by abandoning the world of the senses, Plato ultimately denied the value of life itself. In contrast to Plato's flight into the realm of ideas, Nietzsche advocates for a philosophy that embraces life in all its messiness and complexity. Rather than seeking to escape from the world, Nietzsche argues that we should embrace it fully, with all its imperfections and contradictions. In conclusion, Nietzsche's metaphor of the light dove cutting through the air illustrates his understanding of Plato's philosophical journey. Through this metaphor, Nietzsche highlights the tension between sensory perception and pure awareness and the dangers of seeking to transcend the material world in pursuit of higher truths. Ultimately, Nietzsche advocates for a philosophy that embraces life in all its complexities and contradictions rather than seeking to escape from it.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Growing up, I was always passionate about soccer. It was my escape, joy, and way of connecting with others. But when I lost my grandfather, who had always been my biggest supporter, I found myself sinking into a deep depression. Soccer, once my refuge, became a painful reminder of his absence. The team dynamics had changed, and I no longer felt the same sense of belonging that I once did. Feeling lost and disconnected, I made the difficult decision to quit soccer. It was a tough choice, but I knew that staying in that environment was not healthy for me. I needed something new that would reignite my passion and help me heal. That's when I discovered rugby. Rugby was like a breath of fresh air. From the moment I stepped onto the field, I felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie I had been missing. The physicality of the sport challenged me in ways that soccer never had, and I found myself pushing my limits and discovering strengths I never knew I had. But more than just a game, rugby taught me invaluable life lessons. It taught me loyalty as I bonded with my teammates and stood by them through thick and thin. It taught me leadership, as I learned to communicate effectively and work towards a common goal. And perhaps most importantly, it taught me resilience. Through rugby, I regained my confidence and rediscovered my love for sports. I no longer felt weighed down by grief; instead, I felt empowered and alive. As I grew more assertive in the field, I also grew more determined to pursue a career in medicine. My grandfather had always encouraged me to dream big and never give up on my goals. He deeply loved rugby, and I often felt his presence watching over me as I played. In a way, rugby became my connection to him, a way of honoring his memory and carrying on his legacy. I am filled with excitement and gratitude as I look towards the future. Receiving a scholarship to play rugby at Brown University is not just a chance to further my athletic career; it's an opportunity to pursue my dreams of becoming a doctor. I am passionate about pediatric medicine and eager to make a difference in the lives of children and families. My experiences on the rugby field have shaped me in countless ways, and I am grateful for the resilience and determination they have instilled in me. I know the road ahead will have challenges, but I can overcome anything that comes my way with hard work and perseverance. As I continue on this journey, I carry with me the lessons I've learned from rugby and the love and support of my grandfather, who will always be my greatest inspiration.
    P&J Homestead "God Walks" Scholarship
    A good neighbor is not just someone who lives nearby but someone who embodies qualities of compassion, kindness, and supportiveness. They go beyond mere proximity to cultivate meaningful relationships and contribute positively to the well-being of those around them. A genuine desire to see others succeed and thrive is the heart of what makes a good neighbor. One of the most fundamental aspects of being a good neighbor is respect. A respectful neighbor acknowledges and honors the boundaries, needs, and beliefs of those around them. They treat others with dignity and kindness, regardless of differences in background, culture, or worldview. In Christianity, respect is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized love and compassion for one another. The Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matthew 7:12), encapsulates the essence of respectful and empathetic behavior towards neighbors. Moreover, a good neighbor genuinely cares about your well-being and wants to see you succeed. They offer support, encouragement, and assistance when needed without expecting anything in return. This selfless attitude mirrors the Christian principle of agape love, characterized by sacrificial giving and concern for the welfare of others. In the Bible, the apostle Paul writes in Philippians 2:4, "Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others," emphasizing the importance of putting the needs of others before our own. In addition to respect and genuine care, a good neighbor fosters a sense of community and belonging. They actively engage with those around them, forging connections and building relationships beyond the confines of their own property. This sense of community is reminiscent of the early Christian church, where believers came together to share their lives, resources, and faith in fellowship (Acts 2:42-47). Furthermore, a good neighbor offers practical help and support in need. Whether it's lending a listening ear, helping, or offering encouragement, they are there to assist without hesitation. This willingness to serve others mirrors the example of Jesus Christ, who humbly served those around him and called his followers to do likewise (John 13:14-15). A good neighbor is a combination of respect, genuine care, community-building, and practical support. These qualities are not only essential for fostering positive relationships within neighborhoods but also reflect the core values of Christianity. As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to embody the virtues of compassion, kindness, and selflessness in all our interactions. By striving to be good neighbors, we can create communities where everyone feels valued, supported, and uplifted, mirroring the love and grace of God.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Success is not just about personal achievement or accolades; it's about making my family and friends proud and contributing positively to the world around me. Success is about reaching my full potential and using my talents and opportunities to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Winning this scholarship and attending Brown University to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor while playing Division 1 rugby would be my epitome of success. First and foremost, success means making my family proud. They have always been my biggest supporters, cheering me on through every triumph and comforting me through every setback. Their unwavering love and encouragement have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am determined to repay their faith in me by achieving my goals and making a difference in the world. Winning this scholarship would be a tangible way to show my family how much their support means to me and how grateful I am for everything they have done for me. Success also means making my friends proud. They have been there for me through thick and thin, celebrating my victories and lifting me up when I falter. Their friendship and camaraderie have been invaluable to me, and I want to honor their belief in me by striving for excellence in everything I do. Winning this scholarship and attending Brown University would be a personal triumph and a shared victory for all of us. But success is about more than just personal fulfillment; it's also about positively impacting the world around me. As a future doctor, I aspire to use my skills and knowledge to improve the health and well-being of others, particularly children. Pediatric medicine is a field that resonates deeply with me, and I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people and their families. Winning this scholarship would provide me with the education and resources I need to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and making a meaningful contribution to medicine. Playing Division 1 rugby at Brown University would be integral to my journey toward success. Rugby has taught me invaluable teamwork, resilience, and leadership lessons, shaping me into the person I am today. The opportunity to continue playing the sport I love at the collegiate level would be a dream come true and a chance to develop my skills and character further on and off the field. Representing Brown University on the rugby pitch would be an honor and a privilege. I am committed to giving my all to the team and upholding the university's excellence, integrity, and sportsmanship values. Furthermore, attending Brown University would provide me access to world-class education and resources that would help me succeed academically and personally. Brown's commitment to academic excellence and innovation aligns perfectly with my aspirations, and I am eager to immerse myself in the university's vibrant learning community. Whether conducting groundbreaking research, volunteering in the community, or participating in extracurricular activities, I am excited to take full advantage of everything Brown offers and make the most of my college experience. In conclusion, success for me is about making my family and friends proud, positively impacting the world, and reaching my full potential. Winning this scholarship and attending Brown University to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor while playing Division 1 rugby would be realizing those dreams. It would be a testament to my hard work, dedication, and perseverance, and I am committed to seizing this opportunity with gratitude and humility. With the support of my loved ones and the resources provided by this scholarship, I am confident that I can achieve my goals and make a difference in the world.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    In music, specific albums can define eras, capture emotions, and resonate with listeners profoundly. Taylor Swift's "1989 (Taylor's Version)" is undoubtedly one of those albums. Initially released in 2014, re-recording "1989" in 2021 brought new life to Swift's iconic pop masterpiece, offering fans a chance to revisit the album with a fresh perspective and renewed appreciation. If my year so far had a soundtrack, one song from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" that would undoubtedly feature prominently is "Now That We Don't Talk." "Now That We Don't Talk" is a poignant track encapsulating the complex emotions of loss, regret, and nostalgia. With its haunting melody, introspective lyrics, and haunting vocals, the song evokes a sense of longing and reflection that resonates deeply with listeners. As the title suggests, the song explores the aftermath of a relationship's demise and its lingering effects on both parties involved. One of the reasons why "Now That We Don't Talk" would be a fitting addition to the soundtrack of my year is its ability to capture the essence of personal growth and self-discovery. Throughout the ups and downs of life, we often find ourselves grappling with the aftermath of past relationships and their impact on our present. Whether it's the end of a romantic partnership, the dissolution of a friendship, or the estrangement of a family member, the process of letting go and moving on can be a profoundly transformative experience. "Now That We Don't Talk" reminds me of the importance of self-reflection and acceptance in the face of adversity. It's a song that acknowledges the pain of separation while celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. In a year marked by personal challenges and moments of introspection, the song's message of empowerment and growth resonates deeply with my journey of self-discovery. Furthermore, "Now That We Don't Talk" speaks to the universal experience of navigating the complexities of human relationships. In a world where communication is often fraught with misunderstandings and miscommunications, the song's themes of closure and reconciliation feel particularly relevant. As we navigate the intricacies of interpersonal dynamics, we are reminded of the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and understanding in fostering meaningful connections with others. From a musical standpoint, "Now That We Don't Talk" showcases Swift's evolution as an artist and songwriter. The song's ethereal production, layered harmonies, and emotive vocals create a sonic landscape that is both captivating and immersive. With its evocative lyrics and infectious melody, the song has a timeless quality that transcends its release date and continues to resonate with listeners across generations. Ultimately, "Now That We Don't Talk" is more than just a song – it's a testament to the power of music to heal, inspire, and connect us on a deeper level. As I reflect on my journey and the soundtrack of my year so far, "Now That We Don't Talk" serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and complexity of the human experience.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    As the leaves begin to change and the air becomes crisper, one drink from Starbucks holds a special place in my heart: the pumpkin spice chai. This delightful concoction of spicy chai tea infused with pumpkin spice's warm, comforting flavors has become a beloved staple in my fall routine. The pumpkin spice chai first caught my attention several years ago when I was looking for a new autumn-inspired drink to enjoy on my way to work. As someone who appreciates chai tea's rich, complex flavors, I was intrigued by adding a hint of pumpkin spice to the mix. Little did I know that this drink would soon become a character in my own fall narrative. From the moment I took my first sip, I was hooked. The chai's creamy texture and the pumpkin spice's subtle sweetness created a perfect harmony of flavors that instantly warmed my soul. It was like sipping on a cozy blanket on a chilly autumn morning, comforting and invigorating simultaneously. As the days grew shorter and the temperatures dropped, the pumpkin spice chai became my go-to beverage on my way to work. There's something about holding a steaming cup of this delicious drink that instantly lifts my spirits and prepares me for the day ahead. It's become a ritual, a comforting moment of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the morning commute. But the pumpkin spice chai is more than just a tasty beverage – it's become a character in my fall narrative. It greets me each morning like an old friend welcoming me into the new day. It's there to comfort me when the stresses of work threaten to overwhelm me, reminding me to take a moment for myself and savor the little pleasures in life. The pumpkin spice chai has also become a symbol of the changing seasons, a reminder that autumn is a time of transition and transformation. Just as the leaves turn from green to gold and the air grows more relaxed, my daily routine also shifts to embrace the flavors and traditions of fall. And at the center of it all is the pumpkin spice chai, a delicious reminder of the beauty and warmth of the season. In a chaotic and uncertain world, the pumpkin spice chai has become a source of comfort and stability for me. It's a small indulgence that brings joy to my day and helps me appreciate life's simple pleasures. So, as the leaves continue to fall and the days grow shorter, I'll continue to savor each sip of my beloved pumpkin spice chai, grateful for the warmth and comfort it brings to my heart.
    Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
    Losing a close family member or loved one can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. It can shake your world, leaving you feeling lost, alone, and questioning the meaning of everything. For me, that loss came when I lost my grandfather. He was a beloved family member, mentor, and role model to me. His passing left a void in my life that I struggled to fill. Amid my grief, I found myself searching for something to hold onto, something that would bring meaning and purpose back into my life. For years, soccer, a passion of mine, no longer felt like the right fit. The environment had become toxic, and I had lost my love for the game. I needed something new that would ignite my passion and help me find my way again. That's when I discovered rugby. I knew I had found something special when I stepped onto the field. Rugby offered me a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, and physicality that I had been missing. But more than that, it provided me with an outlet for my grief and a way to channel my emotions into something positive. As I immersed myself in the sport, my confidence grew. Rugby taught me the importance of perseverance, resilience, and determination. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to become a better version of myself, both on and off the field. One of the most valuable lessons I learned from rugby was the importance of loyalty and leadership. I discovered that being a part of a team meant more than just showing up to practice and playing games. It meant being there for my teammates, supporting them through their struggles, and leading by example on and off the field. My grandfather always believed in the power of sports to teach valuable life lessons, and I know he would have been proud to see me playing rugby. The sport has brought me closer to him, allowing me to honor his memory and carry on his legacy. But rugby has done more than just help me cope with loss. It has also inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. Through my experiences in the field, I have developed a deep appreciation for the human body and a desire to help others in their times of need. I am passionate about pediatric medicine and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people. Receiving a scholarship to play rugby at Brown University would be a dream come true and a stepping stone toward achieving my goals. It would allow me to continue playing the sport I love while pursuing a top-notch education in a field I am passionate about. In conclusion, the loss of my grandfather was a turning point in my life that forced me to reevaluate what truly matters. Rugby saved me from a dark place and helped me rediscover my passion and purpose. It taught me invaluable lessons in loyalty, leadership, and resilience and inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. Playing rugby at Brown University would be a dream come true and a chance to honor my grandfather's memory and continue his legacy.
    GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship
    Olivia Rodrigo's song "GUTS" delves into the complexities of teenage emotions and experiences, capturing the essence of adolescence with raw honesty and vulnerability. One lyric from the song that particularly resonates with me is, "I've got this feeling in my stomach, sick to death of feeling numb." This lyric encapsulates the turmoil and confusion that often accompany adolescence and the desire to break free from the monotony and find purpose and meaning in life. During my teenage years, I experienced a period of intense struggle and uncertainty after quitting soccer, a sport I once loved deeply. The environment within the team had become toxic and unhealthy, draining my passion for the game and leaving me feeling lost and disconnected. I felt like I had lost a part of myself, and the emptiness I felt in my stomach mirrored the emotional numbness I experienced. However, rugby entered my life at the right time, serving as a lifeline that pulled me out of the darkness. Joining the rugby team introduced me to a supportive and inclusive community where I felt valued and accepted for who I was. The physicality and camaraderie of the sport reignited my passion for athletics, providing me with a sense of purpose and belonging that had been missing since I left soccer behind. Through rugby, I regained my confidence and discovered essential life lessons about loyalty and leadership. As a team member, I learned the value of standing by my teammates through thick and thin, supporting them both on and off the field. I also embraced opportunities to lead by example, motivating my peers to push themselves to their limits and strive for excellence in everything we do. Moreover, rugby sparked my interest in medicine, as I witnessed firsthand the importance of teamwork, discipline, and resilience in sports and healthcare. Inspired by my experiences on the field and fueled by a desire to positively impact the lives of others, I became determined to pursue a career in medicine, with a focus on evolving pediatric medicine. Receiving a scholarship to play rugby at Brown University would fulfill a lifelong dream and allow me to continue growing as a student-athlete and future healthcare professional. It would enable me to pursue my passions for rugby and medicine at a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence and commitment to community service. In conclusion, Olivia Rodrigo's lyric "I've got this feeling in my stomach, sick to death of feeling numb" captures the essence of adolescence and the challenges that come with it, including the search for purpose and identity. For me, rugby served as a beacon of hope during a dark time, teaching me important life lessons and igniting a passion for medicine that continues to drive me forward. With the support of a scholarship, I plan to pursue my dreams further and make a meaningful difference in the world.
    Anderson Women's Rugby Scholarship
    Rugby family means everything to me. It's more than just a team or a sport; it's a community of individuals who share a passion for the game and support each other on and off the field. My experience with rugby has been transformative, and I owe much of my personal growth and development to the relationships I've formed within the rugby family. I first discovered rugby after quitting soccer due to a toxic and unhealthy environment that had caused me to lose my love for the game. I was struggling with depression and felt lost without the sport that had once been such a big part of my life. But when I joined the rugby team, I found a new sense of purpose and belonging. The camaraderie and support of my teammates helped me through some of the darkest times of my life, and I am forever grateful for their friendship. Rugby restored my confidence and taught me valuable lessons about loyalty and leadership. On the field, I learned to trust my teammates and rely on them to have my back, just as I had theirs. Off the field, I discovered the importance of being a supportive and dependable friend who could be counted on in times of need. One of the most critical lessons rugby taught me was the value of perseverance. Despite my challenges and setbacks, I never gave up on myself or my teammates. I learned to push through adversity and come out stronger on the other side. My experience with rugby also inspired me to pursue a career in medicine. Seeing the dedication and teamwork required to succeed in rugby made me realize that I wanted to help others similarly by providing compassionate and skilled medical care. I became passionate about pediatric medicine, drawn to the idea of positively impacting the lives of children and their families. Receiving this scholarship to play rugby at Brown University is a dream come true for me. It allows me to continue playing the sport I love at the collegiate level and will enable me to pursue my academic and career goals. I am excited to join the Brown rugby family and contribute to the team's success on and off the field. In conclusion, the rugby family means everything to me. It's more than just a sport; it's a community of individuals who support and uplift each other through thick and thin. Rugby has taught me invaluable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and leadership and inspired me to pursue a medical career. I am grateful for the friendships and experiences I've gained through rugby, and I look forward to continuing my journey with the sport at Brown University.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    My name is Caitlin, and I am a passionate athlete and aspiring medical professional. I am honored to share my journey with you and express how this scholarship opportunity will significantly impact my life. Growing up, soccer was my first love. I dedicated countless hours to training and competing, but unfortunately, the environment became toxic and unhealthy. The pressure to perform and the lack of support from coaches and teammates took a toll on my mental health, leading to a period of depression. Eventually, I decided to step away from soccer, feeling lost and disconnected from the sport I once adored. During this challenging time, rugby entered my life and became my saving grace. Initially hesitant to try a new sport, I quickly fell in love with the camaraderie, intensity, and sense of belonging that rugby provided. Unlike soccer, rugby embraced me with open arms and taught me the true meaning of teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship. As I immersed myself in the world of rugby, I began to regain my confidence and rediscover my passion for athletics. The sport not only helped me overcome my depression but also instilled in me valuable life lessons, such as loyalty and leadership. On the field, I learned to trust my teammates and lead by example, qualities that have since translated into other areas of my life. Beyond the field, rugby sparked a newfound interest in medicine. Witnessing the physical demands and injuries associated with the sport inspired me to pursue a career where I could make a difference in the lives of others. I became fascinated by the human body and the intricacies of healthcare, ultimately setting my sights on a medical career focusing on pediatric care. Receiving this scholarship would be a dream come true and a pivotal moment in my journey. It would allow me to continue playing rugby at the collegiate level and provide the financial support necessary to pursue my academic and career goals. Attending Brown University, known for its prestigious rugby program and exceptional medical school, would provide me with the resources and opportunities to excel athletically and academically. Furthermore, this scholarship would enable me to pursue my passion for evolving pediatric medicine and making a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of children. Whether conducting groundbreaking research, volunteering in underserved communities, or advocating for healthcare policy reform, I am committed to making a difference and giving back to those in need. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and express my gratitude for this scholarship. Rugby has transformed my life, shaped my aspirations, and fueled my determination to pursue a medical career. With this scholarship, I am confident I can continue to thrive academically, athletically, and professionally, positively impacting the world.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Caitlin, and I am a passionate athlete and aspiring medical professional. I am honored to share my journey with you and express how this scholarship opportunity will significantly impact my life. Growing up, soccer was my first love. I dedicated countless hours to training and competing, but unfortunately, the environment became toxic and unhealthy. The pressure to perform and the lack of support from coaches and teammates took a toll on my mental health, leading to a period of depression. Eventually, I decided to step away from soccer, feeling lost and disconnected from the sport I once adored. During this challenging time, rugby entered my life and became my saving grace. Initially hesitant to try a new sport, I quickly fell in love with the camaraderie, intensity, and sense of belonging that rugby provided. Unlike soccer, rugby embraced me with open arms and taught me the true meaning of teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship. As I immersed myself in the world of rugby, I began to regain my confidence and rediscover my passion for athletics. The sport not only helped me overcome my depression but also instilled in me valuable life lessons, such as loyalty and leadership. On the field, I learned to trust my teammates and lead by example, qualities that have since translated into other areas of my life. Beyond the field, rugby sparked a newfound interest in medicine. Witnessing the physical demands and injuries associated with the sport inspired me to pursue a career where I could make a difference in the lives of others. I became fascinated by the human body and the intricacies of healthcare, ultimately setting my sights on a medical career focusing on pediatric care. Receiving this scholarship would be a dream come true and a pivotal moment in my journey. It would allow me to continue playing rugby at the collegiate level and provide me with the financial support necessary to pursue my academic and career goals. Attending Brown University, known for its prestigious rugby program and exceptional medical school, would provide me with the resources and opportunities to excel athletically and academically. Furthermore, this scholarship would enable me to pursue my passion for evolving pediatric medicine and making a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of children. Whether conducting groundbreaking research, volunteering in underserved communities, or advocating for healthcare policy reform, I am committed to making a difference and giving back to those in need. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and express my gratitude for this scholarship. Rugby has transformed my life, shaped my aspirations, and fueled my determination to pursue a medical career. With this scholarship, I am confident that I can continue to thrive academically, athletically, and professionally, positively impacting the world around me.
    Anthony Bruder Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up, sports were always a significant part of my life. I was passionate about soccer and dedicated countless hours to training and playing for various teams. However, as I progressed through my teenage years, I found myself in an unhealthy environment within the soccer community. The pressure to perform, coupled with the toxicity of some teammates and coaches, took a toll on my mental health. Eventually, I reached a breaking point and left the sport I once loved. The aftermath of quitting soccer left me feeling lost and without purpose. I struggled with depression and anxiety, unsure of where to turn next. During this challenging time, rugby entered my life and became my saving grace. A friend suggested I try out for the rugby team, and although I was hesitant at first, I decided to give it a shot. When I stepped onto the rugby field, I felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie I hadn't experienced in years. Rugby provided me with a fresh start and reignited my passion for athletics. It was a sport where teamwork and sportsmanship were valued above all else, creating a positive and inclusive environment that fostered personal growth. As I immersed myself in rugby, I discovered a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance. The physical demands of the sport pushed me to challenge my limits and overcome obstacles on and off the field. I learned the importance of perseverance and resilience, which would shape my future career aspirations. One of the most significant lessons I gained from being a student-athlete was the importance of loyalty and leadership. In rugby, trust and respect are earned through hard work and dedication to the team. I took on leadership roles within my rugby club, serving as a captain and mentor to younger players. These experiences taught me how to inspire and motivate others, skills that would prove invaluable in my future career. Outside of sports, I have diverse interests that complement my athletic pursuits. I am an avid reader and enjoy delving into various genres, from fiction to non-fiction. I am also passionate about community service and have volunteered with organizations focusing on youth development and healthcare initiatives. My experiences as a student-athlete have greatly influenced my future career goals. The values of teamwork, perseverance, and leadership instilled in me through rugby have inspired me to pursue a medical career. I am drawn to the healthcare field because it allows me to combine my passion for helping others with my desire to positively impact the world. In conclusion, being a student-athlete has played a pivotal role in shaping my personal and professional development. Rugby helped me overcome adversity and gave me the skills and confidence to pursue my dreams. I am grateful for the lessons I've learned and the friendships I've forged through sports, and I am excited to see where my journey takes me in the future.
    Derk Golden Memorial Scholarship
    With its raw intensity and camaraderie, rugby holds a special place in my heart, not just as a sport but as a lifeline that pulled me out of depression. My passion for rugby stems from the game itself and the profound impact it has had on my life, shaping me into a stronger, more resilient individual. Growing up, soccer was my first love. I poured my heart and soul into the game, dedicating countless hours to training and competition. However, as I progressed through the ranks, I found myself in an unhealthy environment plagued by toxicity and negativity. The joy I once saw in soccer began to wane, replaced by feelings of frustration and disillusionment. Eventually, I decided to walk away from the sport altogether. Quitting soccer left a void in my life, and I found myself sinking into a state of depression. I felt lost and adrift, unsure of where to turn. During this dark period, rugby entered my life like a beacon of hope. Encouraged by a friend to try it, I reluctantly stepped onto the pitch, not knowing what to expect. I was hooked when I first experienced the bone-crunching tackles and adrenaline-fueled runs of rugby. There was something about the game that spoke to me on a visceral level, igniting a passion within me that I thought had been extinguished forever. Rugby gave me an outlet for my pent-up emotions, allowing me to channel my energy into something positive and constructive. But rugby was more than just a game to me; it was a lifeline that helped me rediscover myself. As I immersed myself in the world of rugby, I found a sense of belonging and camaraderie that I had been missing. The bond forged between teammates on the rugby field is unlike anything I had experienced. In rugby, there are no egos or prima donnas, only a group of individuals united by a common goal. Playing rugby taught me invaluable lessons about loyalty and leadership. I learned to trust in my teammates and lean on them for support on and off the field. Rugby also instilled a sense of responsibility and accountability as I took on leadership roles within my team. Whether it was rallying my teammates during a tough match or leading by example in training, rugby taught me the importance of stepping up when the moment demands it. But the most profound lesson rugby taught me was the importance of perseverance. Rugby has no shortcuts to success; it requires dedication, resilience, and unwavering determination. Through the ups and downs of my rugby journey, I learned to embrace failure as a stepping stone to growth and never to let setbacks define me. In the end, rugby not only saved me from depression but also transformed me into a better version of myself. It reignited my passion for sports and gave me a newfound purpose and direction. Through rugby, I found the strength to overcome adversity and emerge more vital than ever before. And for that, I will be forever grateful.