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Braden Patten


Bold Points




I'm a husband, lover of Star Wars, outdoors enthusiast, and future Dentist. I will be starting Dental school at UNLV in the Fall of 2022. I love to volunteer and have a special place in my heart for individuals who suffer from physical and mental disabilities. I currently work in a research lab that is dedicated to the study of potential biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease. In my free time I love exercising and volunteering. A few years ago I started running trail ultramarathons. Running long distances has become a love of mine because it takes me to beautiful places and teaches me a lot about myself. I volunteer weekly at an organization that is dedicated to helping mentally and physically disabled individuals learn how to interact with their peers and be contributing members of society. I absolute love service!


University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Dentistry

Brigham Young University-Provo

Bachelor's degree program
2016 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Dentistry
    • Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Own a practice

    • Wet Lab Researcher

      Brigham Young University
      2019 – 20223 years


    Ultra Marathon

    2020 – 2020


    • Squaw Peak 50 Ultra Marathon




    • I was nominated All State, Academic All State, and All Tribune my senior year of High School.


    • Human Biology

      Brigham Young University — Wet Lab Research
      2019 – 2022


    • Orem High School

      2015 – 2016

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Best Buddies — Mentor
      2016 – Present

    Future Interests




    Bold Passion Scholarship
    I love helping others in ways they are unable to help themselves. I believe service is very important. All service is meaningful; however, there are kinds of service I enjoy more than others. I am particularly fond of doing things for others I know they cannot do for themselves. There is something special about serving someone in this way. Ever since I was little, I remember my father bringing me along to serve our elderly neighbors. We would do yard work, shovel snow, paint fences, and more. This kind of service was special to me because I knew the people we were serving could not do these things themselves. Serving others has become one of my passions and is the leading factor behind my career choice. My dream is to become an Oral Surgeon. I’ve witnessed Oral Surgeons change people’s lives, and I want to do the same. My younger sister had numerous oral ailments when she was younger. These conditions made it difficult for her to talk and chew properly. A very kind Oral Surgeon helped my sister in a way no one else could. With his help, my sister was able to talk and chew normally. This service left a lasting impression on me. I love to serve. Serving others has been a leading force in my life. I strive to continually progress and become better so that I, in turn, can help others.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Friendship is a word defined by hardship. We discover what it means to be a friend during times of trial. Friendship is at times inconvenient, but it is always worth it. It is through adversity that I have discovered what friendship truly means. Friendship means being there for someone no matter what. Being a friend means sacrificing your own time to help someone else. Friendship often involves stepping out of your comfort zone to better understand and sympathize with those who are struggling. Friendship is being willing to carry the burdens of others. When I think of examples of true friendship, I immediately think of Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings. Samwise was Frodo’s best friend, and he proved it time and time again. It was on the slopes of Mount Doom when Frodo could finally go no further. Samwise knew he couldn't take away Frodo’s trial of carrying the ring, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him from being a friend. In one of the best quotes in cinematic history, Samwise exclaimed, “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!” Friendship is hard. It often requires that you “carry” those around you when they find themselves unable to go on. Despite the difficulty involved in friendship, it is one of the most rewarding things you can ever have. Not only does it give you a support system for when you require help, but it allows you to learn and grow as an individual. By being a friend, you learn and grow in ways you never thought possible.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    My grandfather has had lots of success in investing. He has given me all sorts of advice over the years. One piece of advice that I have taken to heart is that “a lot of little bits adds up to a lot of bits”. It is a silly saying, but the idea is good. It means that many little investments can add up to be quite a bit in the long run. This advice is great for several reasons. I’m currently a college student who doesn’t have tons of money to invest. I try to invest, but often the investments I make are small. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to believe that anything of worth will come from such small investments. When I feel this, I think back to the idea that making many small investments may eventually provide a large return. This gives me hope for the future as I don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest. This saying also encourages me to be constantly investing. Since I can only invest small amounts, I am encouraged to invest what I can. This mindset has caused me to eat out less and invest the money I would have spent on fast food. This idea of using the money I would normally spend on unessential items and putting it into investments has been engrained in me. There is a lot of good advice out there when it comes to how to invest. One of the most important in my opinion is that “a lot of little bits adds up to a lot of bits".
    Contributing to Smiles Scholarship
    I am currently a senior in college, and I will be graduating in April. In September, I will be starting dental school at the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue Dentistry. My desire to pursue Dentistry stems from my sister. Her name is Madi. Madi has Down syndrome. For the first ten years of Madi’s life, she had bad teeth and a misaligned jaw. Thus, things like talking and eating were difficult for her. My parents searched for years to find a dental specialist who would help Madi. My parents talked to many specialists who said they couldn’t help my sister because they were simply unable to help “people like her”. After a long search, my parents finally found an Orthodontist who said he couldn't make any promises, but that he would try to help. I will never forget the times I tagged along to my sister’s appointments. The Orthodontist and his assistants treated my sister with nothing but love and respect. After nearly two years, my sister’s teeth and jaw were fixed. She had become a completely different person. She was much happier, and she smiled much more frequently. She no longer had trouble talking and eating. I will never forget the life-changing effect this Orthodontist had on my sister and family. I know my sister’s situation is not unique. Many people need oral help but do not know where to find it. The reason I am pursuing Dentistry is so I can help people the same way my sister was helped all those years ago. I will offer my services to everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and physical and mental ability. Community is everything. To me, community means family. I have been part of an amazing community for most of my life. I’ve seen the community rally around a family who just lost their father to cancer, I’ve seen the community raise money to help provide Christmas for local families, and I’ve observed members of the community sacrifice their time to volunteer in numerous ways. I do what I can to give back to the community, but I want to do more. Pursuing Dentistry and providing service as a Dentist will allow me to give back to the community in a way I feel is noble. I know the path to becoming a Dentist (or a specialist of some kind) is long and expensive, but I believe it will be well worth it.
    BJB Scholarship
    Community means support. In my opinion, the building block of community is relationships. The relationships you create with those around you mold a random group of people into a community. This community becomes a support system, almost like a second family. I’ve been part of an amazing community. I’ve witnessed many selfless acts of service by members of my community over the years. I’ve seen the community rally around a family who just lost their father to cancer, I’ve seen the community raise money to help provide Christmas for local families, and I’ve observed members of the community sacrifice their time to volunteer in numerous ways. As part of a wonderful community, I do what I can to give back. In my opinion, a wonderful community is one in which the members are looking out for one another. My favorite way to give back to my community is by volunteering my time. I don’t have a lot of money to donate, but I do have a willing heart and a desire to serve. My wife and I live near several elderly couples and widows. When it snows, I wake up early and shovel their walks. Another way I give back is by volunteering at an organization dedicated to helping individuals with physical and mental disabilities. I volunteer my time every week to help these individuals learn how to become contributing members of society in their unique way. I am currently a senior in college. My wife and I will both graduate this year. My goal is to become an Oral Surgeon. My desire to become an Oral Surgeon can be traced back to my younger sister. My younger sister has Down’s syndrome. For the first ten years of her life, she had horrible teeth and a misaligned jaw. This made things like eating and talking very difficult. My parents searched for years to find a dental specialist to help my sister. Numerous specialists declined my parents’ plea because they simply “could not help someone like my sister”. After several years, they found a surgeon who agreed to take on my sister’s case. After nearly a year, my sister’s teeth and jaw were fixed. After this, my sister became a completely different person. She was happier and didn’t have problems eating and talking. This surgeon changed my sister’s life. I want to help people in the same capacity. I want to help people who find themselves in situations like my sister’s. To become an Oral Surgeon, I will need to graduate from Dental School. I start school at the UNLV School of Dental Medicine in September. After completing dental school, I will need to complete a specialty residency program. I know the journey to becoming an Oral Surgeon will be long and expensive, but it will provide me with a good way to give back to my community.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Life is full of challenges, and we face them every day. These challenges can be large or small. Throughout the years, I’ve had my share of challenges that have ranged from getting small rock chips in my car’s windshield to experiencing the death of a loved one. It is important to maintain a growth mindset to deal with challenges successfully. I maintain a growth mindset by making an active effort to view my challenges as opportunities. I know this may sound strange, but let me explain. I’ve found that all the challenges I have ever faced have actually been opportunities. They have often been undesired opportunities, but opportunities nonetheless. These opportunities include the opportunity to work on patience, the opportunity to reprioritize time with family, the opportunity to work harder, the opportunity to be more grateful, and much more. I would not be the person I am today if it weren’t for the opportunities I’ve been presented with that have arisen from the challenges I have faced. I am grateful for the challenges I’ve faced. As I face challenges, I strive to keep a growth mindset by acknowledging that every challenge I face is an opportunity to change. As I have maintained this mindset, I’ve noticed that many of my challenges have become blessings. I am grateful for my challenges.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” I’ve always appreciated this quote from Anne Lamot. Over the years, I’ve discovered that life is much more difficult when I neglect self-care. If I don’t take care of myself, I am less able to take care of those around me. It took quite a while, but I finally found an activity that helps me unplug and recharge. My preferred form of self-care is working out. I love to run and lift weights. My mind works tirelessly throughout the day. I am constantly thinking about school, work, bills, etc. When I work out, I force myself to clear my mind and not think about my daily worries. When I work out, I get the opportunity to focus on myself instead of everything and everyone else. I have discovered that when I take one hour a day to work out and focus on myself, I have a better attitude the rest of the day. My positive attitude allows me to go about my daily activities with a fresh outlook and optimistic demeanor. Self-care is very important in my opinion. You can’t give of yourself to help others if you have nothing to give. If you first take care of yourself, you will be better able to help others. This is why I find self-care to be so important.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.” I have always loved this quote by Arnold H. Glasgow. Patience is something I am always working on. I’ve learned several lessons along my journey of becoming a more patient person. One of these lessons is that all the good things in life happen because of patience. This lesson is why being patient is so important to me. When I was in my early teenage years, I was impatient and quick to anger. My impatience got me in a lot of trouble and ruined a handful of good things. As I got older, I made a conscious effort to be more patient. Since then, I’ve noticed that all the good things in my life have happened because of patience. My marriage is working because of patience (mostly on my wife's part). I’m on track to graduate with my Bachelor of Science because of my patience. I acquired my current job because of my patience. The number of blessings I can count that have come from patience is seemingly unlimited. Why do I think patience is so important? The answer is simple. I believe all good things happen because of patience.
    Hobbies Matter
    Some people think I’m crazy, but that’s okay. I signed up for my first Ultramarathon on a dare several years ago. As I began my training regime, I quickly fell in love. To this day, one of my favorite hobbies is long-distance trail running. So far, I’ve completed several 50-mile ultramarathons. Why do I enjoy running long distances? There are multiple reasons. Many of my races and training runs take place in the mountains of northern Utah. Going on long runs allows me to see the most beautiful sites. I see sites that 99.9% of people will never see. Running long distances has shown me how beautiful the earth is. Running long distances allows me to push my limits. In my opinion, long-distance running is mostly a mental battle. Eventually, everyone gets to the point where they want to quit. When you reach this point, the only person that can convince you to keep going is yourself. It’s a tough battle to keep moving forward when every muscle in your body is screaming at you to quit. It’s in these moments where I have truly grown the most as an individual. These moments have taught me that I can do hard things. These moments have taught me that I alone control my destiny. The last reason I enjoy running long distances is that it gives me time to be alone. Life is hectic. There is not much time to be alone between school, work, and volunteering. During my long runs, I have time to contemplate how amazing life is. I often pass the time thinking about all of my many blessings and how grateful I am. I’ve found it is often difficult to remember to count one’s blessings during the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Distance running isn’t for everyone, but it’s for me. Running long distances has taught me more about myself than almost any other activity. These are the reasons running long distances is one of my favorite hobbies.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    I first encountered this piece several years ago. I became very emotional as I examined this work. Since that first encounter, this piece has been one of my favorites. There may not be anything stronger in this world than the love a mother has for her children. Despite this, it is my opinion that we as a society often praise the love of a mother but forget the sacrifice of a father. There are many sub-par fathers in this world. There are also many amazing fathers out there. My father is amazing. Growing up, I always knew my mother loved me because she verbalized it many times each day. My father was different. His verbal statements of love were much less frequent. As a young child, it was much easier for me to feel my mother’s love than my father’s. Now that I am older, I understand that my father was constantly expressing his love for me, he was just expressing it in ways I didn’t understand at the time. I now know how much my father sacrificed for me over the years. He always put his comforts and desires on hold so that he could help me achieve what I wanted. He worked long hours each day, not so that he could have money to buy new things for himself, but so that his family would be taken care of. He may not have verbalized his love multiple times each day, but my father sacrificed so much so that his loved ones could have better lives. My father’s sacrifice has inspired me to be the best father I can be. When I have kids, they’ll always know they can count on me for anything. If I can be even half the father my father is, I will have succeeded.
    Bold Science Matters Scholarship
    Trisomy 21. The discovery of Trisomy 21 may not seem like an important discovery, but it has been important to me. I only have one sibling. Her name is Madi, and she is 16 months younger than me. Madi is just like her peers in many ways. She has hopes and dreams, she crushes on boys, she likes ice cream, and she loves Taylor Swift. Despite this, Madi is also very different from most people. Madi has Down’s syndrome. As a result of having Down’s syndrome, Madi suffers from mental and physical disabilities. She has trouble talking and formulating ideas. Growing up, I always understood that my sister was different, but I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t run with me through the fields or play a game of checkers. Despite this, I always loved her and was super protective of her. I distinctly remember numerous times when I stood up to people who were making fun of the way she talked, ate, walked, etc. I learned about Trisomy 21 in my High School biology class. When I learned that Down’s syndrome results from having an extra copy of chromosome 21, I felt as if I finally knew why my sister was the way she is. I learned that she is just like anyone else in virtually every way. The only thing that makes her different is a microscopic chromosome. She is just as special as everyone else. Learning about the discovery of Trisomy 21 inspired me to study Molecular Biology. I am currently a senior in college. I work in a research lab. This lab is dedicated to the study of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and the study of identifying chromosomal abnormalities. The discovery of Trisomy 21 has been very influential in my life.
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    Who doesn’t want to make a difference? Ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to make a difference. I quickly learned that making a difference is just another name for service. I feel most alive when I know I am serving others in a meaningful way. Everyone goes through hardships. I firmly believe we are not meant to go through life alone. I feel most motivated when I can lessen the hardships of others through service. Service is one of the things I believe gives life meaning. When I serve, I get to reach beyond my cares and think about others. The fact that I can make people’s lives better motivates me each day. I am constantly searching for ways to help my fellow man. I’ve found that one of the best ways to make a difference is through small acts of service. Often, the small things cause the largest changes. With each new day, I’m motivated to think more about others and less about myself. I hope to continue to make a difference in this world by serving my fellow man one person at a time.
    The Final Push Scholarship
    I am currently a senior in college studying Molecular Biology. Graduating is important to me because it will allow me to fulfill my dreams. My goal is to become a Dentist or a Dental Specialist of some kind such as an Oral Surgeon, Orthodontist, Endodontist, Pediatric Dentist, etc. My younger sister greatly influenced my goal to become a dentist. My younger sister’s name is Madi. She is 16 months younger than me, and my only sibling. Since we are the only two children in my family, we have always been close. Madi is different from most people because she has Down’s syndrome. As a result of having Down’s syndrome, Madi suffers from mental and physical disabilities. When Madi was younger she suffered from a lot of Orthodontia related problems. Her jaw was incorrectly aligned, and she had gaps in her teeth. These problems made it difficult for her to talk, chew, and sleep comfortably. She has always been a positive person, but it was difficult to watch her as she struggled to chew her food and form coherent words. When my sister was old enough, my parents began searching for an Orthodontist to help correct my sister’s oral ailments. My parents searched for a long time. They met with many dental specialists who were unwilling to help my sister. After nearly 18 months of searching, my parents finally found an Orthodontist who was willing to try and help my sister. My sister proceeded to meet with this Orthodontist regularly over the next couple of years. I will forever remember when I accompanied my sister and mom to the appointments. The Orthodontist and his team always treated my sister with love and respect. I never felt there were any ill feelings towards my sister, only the desire to help. Braces, headgear, corrective bands, spacers, and permanent retainers were all required to fix Madi’s orthodontia abnormalities. After her teeth and jaw problems were fixed, My sister became a completely different person. She became visibly happier now that chewing and talking didn’t require so much effort and strain. She also started smiling more. I know it sounds kind of sappy, but her Orthodontist changed her life. I know my sister’s situation is not unique. I have been involved with the mentally and physically disabled community for many years. I know there are many people like my sister whose lives would be dramatically changed if they could find someone willing to work with them and help them. This is what I want to do. I want to go into Dentistry and help people from all backgrounds. I will be the Dental Specialist who takes on difficult cases like my sister’s. I will feel I am making a difference if I can help improve people’s lives like my sister’s Orthodontist helped her. There are several things I need to accomplish to become a dentist. First, I need to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. I will be graduating this year with my Bachelor of Science. After graduating, I will need to attend dental school. I applied to and was accepted by the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. I will be starting dental school in September. After graduating from dental school, I will need to attend a specialty training program. I know the journey to becoming a dental specialist will be long and expensive, but I believe it will be worth it if I can ultimately help others. This is how I will make an impact through my career. Graduating from college is necessary to make this all possible.
    Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
    I am currently a senior in college studying Molecular Biology. My goal is to become a Dentist or a Dental Specialist of some kind such as an Oral Surgeon, Orthodontist, Endodontist, Pediatric Dentist, etc. By studying Molecular Biology, I study something I find interesting while also fulfilling the requirements for dental school. My younger sister greatly influenced my goal to become a dentist. My younger sister’s name is Madi. She is 16 months younger than me, and my only sibling. Since we are the only two children in my family, we have always been close. Madi is different from most people because she has Down’s syndrome. As a result of having Down’s syndrome, Madi suffers from mental and physical disabilities. When Madi was younger she suffered from a lot of Orthodontia related problems. Her jaw was incorrectly aligned, and she had gaps in her teeth. These problems made it difficult for her to talk, chew, and sleep comfortably. She has always been a positive person, but it was difficult to watch her as she struggled to chew her food and form coherent words. When my sister was old enough, my parents began searching for an Orthodontist to help correct my sister’s oral ailments. My parents searched for a long time. They met with many dental specialists who were unwilling to help my sister because they were, and I quote, “unable to help people like her.” After nearly 18 months of searching, my parents finally found an Orthodontist who was willing to try and help my sister. My sister proceeded to meet with this Orthodontist regularly over the next couple of years. I will forever remember when I accompanied my sister and mom to the appointments. The Orthodontist and his team always treated my sister with love and respect. I never felt there were any ill feelings towards my sister, only the desire to help. Braces, headgear, corrective bands, spacers, and permanent retainers were all required to fix Madi’s orthodontia abnormalities. After her teeth and jaw problems were fixed, My sister became a completely different person. She became visibly happier now that chewing and talking didn’t require so much effort and strain. She also started smiling more. She felt confident in her smile now that she didn’t have gaps in her teeth. It sounds kind of sappy, but her Orthodontist changed her life. I know my sister’s situation is not unique. I have been involved with the mentally and physically disabled community for many years. I know there are many people like my sister whose lives would be dramatically changed if they could find someone willing to work with them and help them. This is what I want to do. I want to go into Dentistry and help people from all backgrounds. I will be the Dental Specialist who takes on difficult cases like my sister’s. I will feel I am making a difference if I can help improve people’s lives like my sister’s Orthodontist helped her. There are several things I need to accomplish to become a dentist. First, I need to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. I will be graduating this year with my Bachelor of Science. After graduating, I will need to attend dental school. I applied to and was accepted by the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. I will be starting dental school in September. After graduating from dental school, I will need to attend a specialty training program. I know the journey to becoming a dental specialist will be long and expensive, but I believe it will be worth it if I can ultimately help others.
    Veterans Next Generation Scholarship
    My father and both my grandfathers are veterans. My father and grandfather on my mother’s side served in the Air Force, while my grandfather on my father’s side served in the Army. Being the son and grandson of veterans has uniquely shaped my career aspirations. Being the son of a veteran has taught me to focus less on myself and more on others. While in the Air Force, my father developed an attitude of personal sacrifice for the benefit of others. From a young age, I was taught the nobility of sacrificing my time to help my fellow man. I remember my father waking me up in the early morning hours on cold winter days to shovel our neighbor’s driveway. I remember my father signing us up to volunteer at soup kitchens on the weekends. My father ingrained in me the belief that you can only learn who you truly are when you are in the service of those around you. This attitude of sacrificing something of my own for the benefit of another has played a large part in my career decision. My goal is to become an Oral Surgeon. After becoming an Oral Surgeon, I want to travel with humanitarian groups. I desire to help individuals in impoverished areas, whether inside or out of the United States. I’ve seen firsthand the life-changing effects an Oral Surgeon can provide, and my goal is to serve others in this capacity. I am working hard to make my dream a reality. I will be graduating college this year with my Bachelor of Science. In September, I will start my dental training at the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. After completing four years of dental school, I will enroll in a 4–6-year specialty program to become an Oral Surgeon. The road to becoming an Oral Surgeon will be long and difficult, but I believe it will be well worth it. Being the son of a veteran has shaped more than my career goals. It has shaped my life. I honestly believe, that if it were not for my father’s service, my core values and principles would be different. Someday, I hope to instill in my children the same values my father instilled in me. I owe much of who I am to the man my father became while in the Air Force. I am proud to be the son of a veteran.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    College is one of the steps I am taking to achieve my dreams. I have the goal of becoming an Oral Surgeon. I want to become an Oral Surgeon for several reasons. One of the reasons I want to study oral surgery is because it will allow me to help others in ways they cannot help themselves. I love service, and becoming an Oral Surgeon will allow me to serve in a capacity I find meaningful. Another reason I want to become an Oral Surgeon is to provide my family with financial stability. My main goal is to provide my family with financial security. I also hope to one day help my children achieve higher education without having to take on large amounts of debt. Becoming an Oral Surgeon will help me achieve my goals of service and financial stability. There are numerous steps I need to take to become an Oral Surgeon. First, I need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree. I am currently a senior in college and will graduate with my Bachelor of Science this year. Next, I will need to attend and complete dental school. I applied and was accepted to the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. I will be starting in September. After graduating from dental school, I will enroll in a specialty training program. These are the steps I need to complete to become an Oral Surgeon. I know the road will be long and difficult, but I believe it will ultimately be worth it. I’m not nervous or scared. I learned long ago that anything is possible with hard work and determination.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    Who doesn’t want to make a difference? Ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to make a difference. I quickly learned that making a difference is just another name for service. I feel most alive when I know I am serving others in a meaningful way. Everyone goes through hardships. I firmly believe we are not meant to go through life alone. I feel most motivated when I can lessen the hardships of others through service. Service is one of the things I believe gives life meaning. When I serve, I get to reach beyond my cares and think about others. The fact that I can make people’s lives better motivates me each day. I am constantly searching for ways to help my fellow man. I’ve found that one of the best ways to make a difference is through small acts of service. Often, the small things cause the largest changes. With each new day, I’m motivated to think more about others and less about myself. I hope to continue to make a difference in this world by serving my fellow man one person at a time.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    My life has been full of change. Change caused by having a disabled sibling. Change brought about by having a parent and mother-in-law battle cancer. Change in the form of losing a loved one. Change in the form of financial struggles. Even though change is hard, I've learned that it is not always bad. Changing your lifestyle to be more accommodating of another person allows you to express your love. Change caused by medical trials makes you hold the ones you love tighter. Losing a loved one teaches you to not take people or the time you have with them for granted. With all this change, the only thing that has been in my control is how I’ve responded to it. All the change I have experienced has helped shape my hopes for the future. I want to provide a life for my future children in which they will not have to undergo hard financial change. My children will know there will always be food on the table and a roof over their heads. I’ve also decided there are some things in place now that will never change. In the future, I plan to continue to put my family first. Those I love will always know they are my everything. This will not change. I am excited about the future. I experienced a lot of change growing up. The future will bring unavoidable changes; however, I’ve learned some things will never change.
    Bold Relaxation Scholarship
    Complete silence. I live at the base of a mountain in northern Utah. There is a beautiful meadow that lies two miles up the mountain. During the summer, this meadow is teeming with flowers. In the winter, it becomes a white winter wonderland. One of my favorite ways to relax and take care of my mental health is to hike to this meadow and be by myself. I prefer to hike up to this meadow in the early morning hours. This valley is high enough in elevation that I can sit and watch the sunrise. The valley floor comes alive as I sit and watch the sunrise. Sitting in this meadow gives me time to ponder life and think about what I am grateful for. When I dedicate time to count my blessings, I remember how amazing life is. Of course, there are times when life is difficult, but overall, life is beautiful. As I watch the valley floor light up, I think of new beginnings. I love the idea that each new day brings with it new possibilities. The mistakes of yesterday don’t have to dictate the outcomes of today. It’s essential to take care of one’s mental health. I take care of my mental health by taking time to be grateful and ponder new beginnings.
    You Glow Differently When You're Happy Scholarship
    I had nothing left to give. When I crossed the finish line, my eyes became misty. I had accomplished something I never thought was possible. Nearly eighteen months ago, I finished my first ultramarathon. This 50-mile endurance race took place in the mountains of northern Utah. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it was worth it. It took an insane amount of training and dedication. When I think back on this experience, I’m filled with happiness and hope. This experience taught me that I can accomplish difficult things through hard work and dedication.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    I am always looking for ways to serve others. Where I live, it frequently snows during the winter months. One of my favorite ways to provide service to others during the winter is by shoveling driveways and front walkways. When it snows, I walk around the neighborhood and shovel the driveways of several elderly couples. I enjoy serving in this capacity because I know I am doing something for others that would be difficult for them to do themselves. Individuals with mental and physical disabilities have always had a special place in my heart. My love for people with disabilities started at an early age when I finally became a big brother. My one and only sibling has Down’s syndrome. Growing up with a sibling who has a disability fueled me with the desire to give my time to organizations dedicated to helping individuals who suffer from disabilities. Each week I volunteer at an organization committed to helping individuals with Down’s syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Fragile X, etc. While there, I interact with these individuals and help them learn how to contribute to society. I also love spontaneous service. I am constantly looking for ways to serve others in simple ways. I believe we often forget that small acts of service often have the greatest impact on those we serve.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    Listening is caring. I have always believed this. When you actively listen to someone, you let them know you care about what they have to say. Far too often, we try to fix problems without fully understanding what the problem is. You can only truly understand what someone is going through if you take the time to actively listen. What does it mean to actively listen to those around you? I think the first step of actively listening is asking questions. I’ve found that many people don’t share what they are truly feeling and thinking unless they are asked. Before you can actively listen to someone, they need to know you are interested in what they have to say. They can know of your interest by the questions you ask. In my opinion, active listening happens with the eyes and body position. Listen with your eyes when someone is relating a story or expressing their feelings. Look at the person who is talking. Make eye contact with them. Ensure them they have your full attention. Listening requires more than the ears. Everyone has something they want to say or a feeling they want to express. I try to actively listen to everyone I interact with. Active listening is just that, active. It is not a passive activity. It requires effort on the part of the listener. Hearing requires your ears, but listening requires much more.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    Graduate school is expensive. I have a goal to help my children financially so they can someday obtain higher education without taking on massive amounts of debt. To do this, I will have to minimize my debts and get a good-paying job that allows me to save money. To do this, I have the goal of becoming an Oral Surgeon. To become an Oral Surgeon, I will need to attend four years of dental school followed by four to six years of specialty training. While becoming an Oral Surgeon is a worthy goal, it happens to be at the end of a long and expensive road. My wife and I have remained debt-free so far by maintaining academic scholarships at the colleges we attend. By working multiple jobs, we have been able to pay for the necessities of life and put some money in savings. This winter, I applied to and was accepted at several dental schools. I will be attending the UNLV School of Dental Medicine starting in September of 2022. By living frugally, using our savings, working (mostly on my wife’s part), and applying for scholarships, my wife and I believe we can minimize the debt we occur in dental school. By minimizing my debt and becoming an Oral Surgeon, I will be in a position to give back to the community and save money so my future children can pursue higher education without going into massive amounts of debt. This goal is always on my mind.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    New beginnings are always possible. I think this every time I witness a sunrise. I live at the base of a large mountain. One of my favorite things is to hike up the mountain in the early morning to witness the sunrise from an elevated viewpoint. I love it when the sun starts to peek over the mountain top and illuminate the valley floor. As the valley floor comes alive, I’m reminded that each new day brings new possibilities. It doesn’t matter what happened the day before. Each new day allows for new decisions and new futures. I love the sunrise. Another simple pleasure in my life is driving with my windows down on a warm summer night. There is something special about how the wind hits my face and rushes through my hair as I drive through the canyons near my home. It is the feeling of being free. Free to make my own choices and do what I want. I often drive with my windows down during the summer to reduce stress and remind myself that I control my life. In my opinion, it’s important to have simple pleasures. Life is good. Simple pleasures help me remember this when times are hard.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    We are not destined to go through life alone. Far too often, we feel we are a lone traveler in a vast sea. For me, giving is important because it allows us and others to overcome feelings of loneliness. Through experience, I’ve found that giving is one of the best ways to help others feel they have worth. When you give, you tell the recipient of your gift that you care enough about them to sacrifice something of your own. I strive to give in many ways. I know I have greatly benefited from the giving of others. For this reason, I try to pay it forward. My favorite thing to give others is my time. I strive to take time out of each day to do things such as shovel snow from a neighbor’s driveway, rake leaves, help move furniture, or stop by to chat. Time is something you can never get back. When you give your time to others, I believe it displays your care for that individual and your desire to tell them that they are not alone. Physical gifts are great too, but I think gifts that require you to sacrifice your time are much more personal. Giving is one of the best ways to help people feel that they are not alone. Too many people struggle from feelings of worthlessness and loneliness. For this reason, I strive to give back. By giving my time to others, I hope to erase some of these negative feelings in my fellow men.
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    Legacy is everything. Eventually, we all will pass on from this life. When we are gone, the only thing left of us will be the legacy we leave. I often wonder if the life I have lived and continue to live will inspire others to greatness or will be frowned upon and forgotten. To me, legacy is the type of life we led and how it affects our loved ones. I have come to believe this by observing my father, his siblings, and their parents. A legacy can be good or bad. How parents live their lives often affects how their children live their lives. I’ve seen firsthand how difficult it is for a child to break the cycle of negative legacies. My father and his two siblings were all adopted from different families at young ages. Despite being adopted, my father, uncle, and aunt all either personally knew, or were aware of who their biological parents were. All the biological parents were not very great people. Alcohol, drugs, abuse, and neglect were all common in the parent's households. Even though my father and his siblings only remained with their biological parents for a short time, their parents left negative legacies that have had tremendous impacts. My uncle has been unable to break the vicious cycle he was sucked into at a young age. He has lived his life as an alcoholic and a drug addict. Like his biological parents, he has become a person no one wants to be around. My father became the opposite. Despite coming from a less than stellar background, my father has worked hard to become the man he is today. He is selfless, service-oriented, hard-working, and loving. He worked hard to put himself through college and medical school. After meeting my mom, he promised himself that he would treat her with respect and not how his biological father had treated his mom. When I was born, he promised himself that his family would always remain the center of his world and that he would do anything for them. When my sister was born, my parents quickly discovered she had Down’s syndrome. Instead of feeling sorry or worried about raising a child with special needs, my father decided from that day on she would always know that she was amazing and had worth despite her disability. My dad is an absolute hero and has created a legacy of love and devotion. Fortunately, I don’t have to break any negative cycles. I plan to continue the cycle created by my father. To continue this cycle, I strive to keep my priorities straight and focus on what is truly most important. In this world, it is easy to get distracted by things that appear to be fun, simple, and popular. Like my dad, I strive to choose the good things that may be hard rather than the bad things that may be easy. Legacy is everything. My father has lived his life in such a way that he has left a legacy of love, sacrifice, hard work, and devotion. I hope to be able to do the same. I am currently a senior in college studying Molecular Biology. I will be attending dental school next year. The pictures below are of my dad and sister, my dad and mom, and my entire family on my wedding day.
    Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
    Do I have worth? Through experience, I’ve come to find that most people ask themselves this question at one time or another. People want to feel they are making a difference and positively impacting the lives of those around them. The worst feeling in the world is that of complete worthlessness. I support and encourage others by helping them see their worth. I’ve found that one of the best ways to encourage others and help them understand they aren’t worthless is by expressing gratitude for them and what they do. By expressing gratitude for someone and their actions, you let them know that they have positively impacted you. They then realize they have worth in your eyes. I strive to express my gratitude constantly for others and their actions. Another thing I’ve found effective in regards to encouraging others is listening. Far too often, we rush to advise without fully understanding the problem. So many people simply want someone to listen to what they have to say. By actively and intently listening, others will feel more comfortable in your presence and will be more likely to share their true thoughts and feelings with you. It is hard to truly address a problem if you don’t know what it is. I strive to listen intently to those around me so I may provide proper encouragement. Everyone needs encouragement at one time or another. I believe in this world, we, as people, are meant to work together and not alone. I encourage those around me by expressing my gratitude for them, for their actions, and listening intently to what they have to say.
    Bold Goals Scholarship
    In my experience, higher education and debt go hand in hand. One of my goals is to help my future children receive higher education. I want to help them financially so they will not have to take on massive amounts of debt. I know that to do this, I will have to minimize my debt, get a good-paying job, live frugally, and save as much money as possible. I am currently a senior in college. I have remained debt-free by maintaining an academic scholarship, applying for FAFSA, and working part-time. Between my job and my wife's job, we have saved up some money that we plan to use to help me further my education. My goal is to become an Oral Surgeon. To make this happen, I will need to attend four years of Dental School followed by 4-6 years of specialty training. I applied to and was accepted by several dental schools this winter. I will be attending the UNLV School of Dental Medicine beginning in September of 2022. Dental School is expensive. As a result of this, my wife and I will try to minimize the debt we incur. We believe that by living frugally, applying for financial aid, using our savings, and working (most likely on my wife's part) we can minimize our debt and graduate dental school with repayable debt. By doing this and eventually becoming an Oral Surgeon, we will be in a good place financially. We will then save money that we can one day use to help our kids pursue higher education of their own. The journey won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    What are your limits? I’ve thought about this question a lot over the last several years. This question drives me to accomplish several items on my bucket list. These items include running a 100-mile race and completing graduate school. I love to push myself to my physical limits. A few years ago, I discovered a love for ultramarathons. I quickly decided that someday I wanted to run a 100-mile endurance race, but this is no small feat. To work towards this goal, I have completed several 50-mile ultramarathons. It’s a lot of work, but I believe I am not far from conquering a 100-mile ultramarathon. I also love to push myself mentally. Ever since I was a young teenager, I knew I wanted to attend graduate school and obtain a higher education. For me, this seemed like a great way to push myself to new heights mentally and intellectually. I am now on my way to obtaining my DMD. I applied to and received acceptance to several dental schools. I will be starting my dental school journey in September of 2022 at the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. Although I am still four and a half years away from becoming a licensed Dentist, I believe I am making good progress towards crossing graduate school off my bucket list. What are my limits? I believe all limits can be overcome through hard work and dedication. This mentality has led to the create an intriguing bucket list. Although the items on my bucket list are difficult, each day I get closer to crossing them off.