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Rebecca Jaimes-Lazcano


Bold Points




Clinical Laboratory Science is the degree plan that I chose and I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact and contribute to the well being of individuals and communities in need! As a first generation female student, my commitment has pushed me to not only meet but exceed academic standards, continuously improve my skills, and stay updated with the latest advancements in laboratory science. Overall, I am grateful for where I am in life and can not wait for what there is to come!


The University of Texas at El Paso

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions
  • Minors:
    • Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions

Antelope Valley College

Associate's degree program
2018 - 2022
  • Majors:
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Eastside High

High School
2014 - 2018


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      clinical laboratory scientist

    • Dream career goals:

    • Phlebotomy Technician

      Palmdale Medical Clinic
      2022 – 20231 year
    • Barista

      2022 – Present2 years



    2017 – 20214 years


    • Eastside High School

      2014 – 2016

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank — Helper
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Palmdale Medical Clinic — Phlebotomist
      2022 – 2023

    Future Interests


    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    1. From a young age, I have been driven by a passion for understanding the intricate workings of the human body and the role of science in improving healthcare outcomes. Growing up in a household where English was not the primary language, I navigated the dual worlds of cultural heritage and the American way of life, serving as a bridge between my family and the external world. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability, perseverance, and prioritization. What motivates me most is the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the field of healthcare, particularly through clinical laboratory science. If I could do anything with my life, I envision myself continuing to pursue my passion for human sciences and laboratory science, actively engaging in research, and working in healthcare settings that serve underserved communities. My ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on healthcare outcomes and ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has access to quality care. Furthermore, I am inspired by the idea of collaborating with diverse teams of healthcare professionals to tackle complex medical challenges and drive innovation in patient care. As an advocate for health equity, I am committed to addressing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes, striving to create a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system for all individuals and communities. Through continuous learning, professional development, and community engagement, I aim to be the catalyst for positive change and a champion for the advancement of healthcare on a global scale. My journey is fueled by a commitment to improving lives and fostering a healthier, more equitable world for generations to come. 2. What excites me about STEM is its potential to drive innovation and address some of the world's most pressing challenges. In particular, I am drawn to the field of information technology because of its dynamic nature and its ability to transform industries and improve efficiency. Through a career in information clinical technology, I believe I could make a positive impact on the world by developing innovative solutions to complex problems. Whether it's creating software applications that improve healthcare delivery, implementing cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data, or utilizing data analytics to inform decision making processes, I see endless opportunities to contribute to positive change. By leveraging my skills and expertise in information technology, I aim to be at the forefront of technological advancements that enhance people's lives and drive global progress. The prospect of being involved in cutting edge projects that shape the future of technology excites me, and I am eager to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to tackle complex challenges and bring innovative solutions to fruition. Additionally, I am inspired by the potential of information technology to empower individuals and communities, bridging gaps in access to resources and opportunities, and fostering inclusion and equity on a global scale. Furthermore, I am committed to staying updated with the latest advancements in information technology through continuous learning and professional development, ensuring that I remain at the forefront of innovation in the field. As technology continues to evolve, I am excited to explore new avenues and push the boundaries of what is possible in information technology. 3. The greatest challenge I have had to overcome was balancing my academic pursuits with family responsibilities and financial constraints. As a first generation student from a low income background, I faced numerous obstacles on my journey to higher education, including limited access to resources and support systems. Despite these challenges, I remained determined to pursue my dreams and achieve academic excellence, recognizing the transformative power of education in breaking cycles of poverty and inequality. I managed to overcome this challenge by prioritizing my education, seeking out scholarships and grants, and taking on part time work to support myself financially, all while juggling family commitments and navigating the complexities of the college application process. Additionally, I relied on the support of mentors, teachers, and community resources to navigate the college application process and access academic support services, recognizing the importance of building a strong support network in times of need. Through perseverance, resilience, and hard work, I was able to overcome these obstacles and successfully pursue my academic goals, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before. This experience has taught me the importance of resilience and resourcefulness in overcoming adversity, skills that I will continue to apply in all aspects of my life as I strive to make a positive impact on the world around me and inspire others to pursue their dreams. It has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the value of education as a tool for empowerment and social mobility, motivating me to advocate for educational opportunities for individuals from underserved communities.
    Dr. Christine Lawther First in the Family Scholarship
    1. Being the first in my family to obtain a college degree holds profound significance for me. It represents breaking a generational barrier and fulfilling a dream that my parents sacrificed so much for. Growing up, I witnessed their relentless hard work and determination to provide for our family, despite facing numerous obstacles. Their journey instilled in me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of education. Being the first to pursue a college degree not only validates their sacrifices but also serves as a beacon of hope for future generations. It signifies the culmination of years of perseverance, resilience, and dedication, not just for myself, but for my entire family. It's an opportunity to redefine our family's trajectory and inspire others to pursue their aspirations, regardless of their background. 2. In college, I aim to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science. My passion for human sciences and the role of laboratory science in healthcare has been a driving force in my academic and professional journey thus far. Through rigorous coursework, hands-on laboratory experience, and research opportunities, I seek to deepen my understanding of diagnostic techniques, disease pathology, and healthcare delivery systems. Clinical laboratory science offers a unique intersection of my interests in science, healthcare, and service to others. It provides the foundation for me to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of medical diagnostics and patient care, ultimately fulfilling my goal of making a positive impact in the field of healthcare. 3. My long term goals revolve around leveraging my education and expertise in clinical laboratory science to effect positive change in healthcare and community wellness. I aspire to pursue a career as a clinical laboratory scientist, working in healthcare settings that serve underserved and marginalized communities. By providing accurate and timely diagnostic testing, I aim to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce disparities in access to quality care. Additionally, I envision myself actively engaging in research projects aimed at developing innovative diagnostic techniques and technologies that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical testing. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am committed to giving back to my community through mentorship initiatives, outreach programs, and advocacy efforts aimed at increasing diversity and representation in the healthcare workforce. My long term goals are driven by a desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities in need, while also inspiring others to pursue their passions and aspirations.
    Ward Green Scholarship for the Arts & Sciences
    From an early age, I was always fascinated about the medical field. After extensive research of the different roles within the healthcare system, I fell in love with laboratory work. My curiosity piqued when I had the opportunity to become a phlebotomist at a local clinic after receiving my certification while juggling academic responsibilities and employment. I realized the importance these professionals play in healthcare behind the scenes and I aspire to be part of this vital team. Clinical Laboratory Science is the degree plan that I am choosing and I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact and contribute to the well being of individuals and communities in need. As a first generation female student, I am deeply aware of the hardships my parents have done for me. The financial challenges my family has faced by migrating from Mexico to Los Angeles, California, has motivated me to strive for academic excellence. My parents’ sacrifice and determination has taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work. Despite facing linguistic, financial and educational challenges, my commitment has pushed me to participate in a variety of community services. In California, I have volunteered at local clinics as a phlebotomist, helping many patients across all ages. Volunteering in healthcare settings revealed my true calling—the path of a clinical laboratory scientist. My goal is to not only meet but exceed academic standards, continuously improve my skills, and stay updated with the latest advancements in laboratory science. Since moving to El Paso, I have now delved in helping the community through the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank. I helped in distributing, packing, and organizing meals for families in need. I continue to seek to make a positive impact on the world through my education and career choices. By becoming a Clinical Laboratory Scientists, I can help thousands of individuals through accurate and precise testing. I plan on volunteering at a local hospital the coming semesters to shadow those who I aspire to become. The scholarship offered will enable me to successfully become what I have been working for, not only for myself but for others around me. Additionally, it would alleviate financial pressures and allow me to focus more on my studies and my extracurricular activities. Overall, I am grateful for where I am in life and can not wait for what there is to come. Thank you for your consideration.
    Text-Em-All Founders Scholarship
    From an early age, I was always fascinated about the medical field. After extensive research of the different roles within the healthcare system, I fell in love with laboratory work. My curiosity piqued when I had the opportunity to become a phlebotomist at a local clinic after receiving my certification while juggling academic responsibilities and employment. I realized the importance these professionals play in healthcare behind the scenes and I aspire to be part of this vital team. Clinical Laboratory Science is the degree plan that I am choosing and I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact and contribute to the well being of individuals and communities in need. As a first generation female student, I am deeply aware of the hardships my parents have done for me. The financial challenges my family has faced by migrating from Mexico to Los Angeles, California, has motivated me to strive for academic excellence. My parents’ sacrifice and determination has taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work. Despite facing linguistic, financial and educational challenges, my commitment has pushed me to participate in a variety of community services. In California, I have volunteered at local clinics as a phlebotomist, helping many patients across all ages. Volunteering in healthcare settings revealed my true calling—the path of a clinical laboratory scientist. My goal is to not only meet but exceed academic standards, continuously improve my skills, and stay updated with the latest advancements in laboratory science. Since moving to El Paso, I have now delved in helping the community through the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank. I helped in distributing, packing, and organizing meals for families in need. I continue to seek to make a positive impact on the world through my education and career choices. By becoming a Clinical Laboratory Scientists, I can help thousands of individuals through accurate and precise testing. I plan on volunteering at a local hospital the coming semesters to shadow those who I aspire to become. The scholarship offered will enable me to successfully become what I have been working for, not only for myself but for others around me. Additionally, it would alleviate financial pressures and allow me to focus more on my studies and my extracurricular activities. Overall, I am grateful for where I am in life and can not wait for what there is to come. Thank you for your consideration.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    From an early age, my fascination with the complexities of biology and the wonders of medical science laid the foundation for my pursuit of a career as a clinical laboratory scientist and phlebotomist. Driven by curiosity, I entered this path with the intention of unraveling the mysteries inherent in the human body and contributing to the overall well-being of others. In my academic endeavors, I devoted extensive time to mastering the fundamental principles of laboratory science. I delved into rigorous coursework covering biochemistry, hematology, and microbiology, acquiring the skills needed to analyze and interpret intricate medical data. The classroom served as my laboratory, each experiment serving as a crucial step toward proficiency in my chosen field. Understanding the profound impact of patient care, I sought to complement my theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience as a phlebotomist. Beyond viewing blood drawing as a routine task, I transformed it into a skill aimed at providing comfort and reassurance to those undergoing the process. Balancing precision with empathy, I recognized the potential in each interaction to alleviate anxiety and foster trust. Simultaneously, my journey in healthcare led me to a distinctive and rewarding role as a Dutch Bros employee. Immersed in a dynamic environment, I discovered the transformative power of positive human connection. My customer interactions extended beyond the act of serving coffee; they evolved into opportunities to brighten someone's day and offer a moment of respite in their busy lives. These seemingly disparate roles converged to weave a coherent narrative. The meticulousness of a laboratory scientist, the compassion of a phlebotomist, and the infectious enthusiasm of a Dutch Bros employee seamlessly blended together. My purpose became clear: to empower others to be their best selves, whether through precise diagnostics in the lab, a comforting presence during blood draws, or a genuine smile and a cup of coffee. Each day, my motivation is fueled by the conviction that my unique blend of skills and experiences can make a tangible difference in the lives of those I encounter. As I aspire to become a future clinical laboratory scientist, phlebotomist, and Dutch Bros enthusiast, my passion lies in the convergence of scientific expertise and human connection, with the aim of creating a positive impact on the well-being of individuals both within and beyond the confines of the laboratory. Always eager to learn and staying updated on the latest in healthcare and customer service, I'm ready to bring new ideas and a caring attitude to my future roles as a clinical laboratory scientist, phlebotomist, and someone who really loves bring smiles to everyone.
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    In my journey as a clinical laboratory student, I encountered a formidable obstacle that tested my resilience and ultimately strengthened my commitment to leadership in the pursuit of community well-being. During my sophomore year, I faced a significant academic setback that threatened to derail my aspirations in the clinical laboratory field. A challenging series of courses left me grappling with self-doubt and questioning my ability to persevere. Instead of succumbing to the pressure and considering an alternative path, I chose to confront the obstacle head-on. My first step was to seek support from professors and mentors within the clinical laboratory program. Their guidance and encouragement provided me with valuable insights and resources to better navigate the complex coursework. I realized that overcoming challenges required not only individual effort but also a willingness to reach out and leverage the collective knowledge of my academic community. Embracing a proactive approach, I implemented a disciplined study routine and sought additional resources, such as tutoring and collaborative study groups. The process demanded unwavering dedication and countless late nights, but I remained steadfast in my determination to succeed. Through this experience, I cultivated resilience, discovering a reservoir of inner strength that I didn't know I possessed. This journey through academic adversity laid the foundation for my commitment to leadership in the clinical laboratory field. Recognizing the importance of supporting peers facing similar challenges, I initiated a peer mentoring program within the department. By sharing my own experiences and strategies for overcoming obstacles, I aimed to create a supportive network that fosters resilience and academic success. Overcoming this obstacle demanded a level of discipline and time management that I had never experienced before. Late nights of studying after family commitments over the phone became my new norm. The experience taught me the importance of adaptability and prioritization, skills that are crucial not only in clinical laboratory science but also in leadership roles within any community. As a first-generation student, I am deeply aware of the significance of representation in the clinical laboratory field. I have dedicated myself to encouraging underrepresented minorities to pursue careers in healthcare by participating in mentorship programs and volunteering at local schools to share my journey. In conclusion, my triumph over academic challenges and subsequent commitment to leadership in the clinical laboratory field exemplify the qualities championed by Jimmy Cardenas. Just as he inspires through resiliency and dedication to community service, I aspire to continue making a positive impact in my community through my work in clinical laboratory studies, mentorship initiatives, and outreach efforts. This scholarship opportunity aligns with my vision to contribute to a better and healthier community, following in the footsteps of a true community leader like Jimmy Cardenas.
    Financial Literacy Scholarship Award
    In my quest for financial literacy, I've encountered various valuable lessons, each contributing to my understanding of money management. However, the most impactful lesson I've learned is the transformative power of budgeting. This seemingly simple practice has reshaped my financial habits and empowered me to take control of my financial destiny. Budgeting is often underestimated, yet it forms the foundation of sound financial management. It goes beyond restricting spending; it is a dynamic tool that enables individuals to allocate their income purposefully, track expenses, and plan for future financial goals. My journey toward financial literacy truly began when I recognized the significance of creating and sticking to a budget. One key aspect of this lesson was the realization that a budget is not a rigid set of rules but a flexible guide. I learned to view it as a roadmap that adapts to life's twists and turns. By allocating specific amounts to essentials like rent, utilities, and groceries, I could identify areas where I could cut back or save more. This not only helped me avoid unnecessary debt but also allowed me to build a safety net for unexpected expenses. The budgeting process itself taught me another crucial lesson: understanding needs versus wants. Prior to embracing financial literacy, my spending was often impulsive and driven by desires rather than necessities. Through budgeting, I learned to differentiate between what I truly needed and what was merely a fleeting want. This discernment has been instrumental in curbing impulse purchases and ensuring that my financial resources are allocated to what truly matters. Moreover, budgeting has been a powerful motivator for saving. Setting aside a portion of my income for savings became a non-negotiable part of my budget, fostering a disciplined approach to financial planning. Witnessing the growth of my savings over time not only provided a sense of security but also opened doors to opportunities for investment, further expanding my financial literacy. In conclusion, the best money lesson I've received in my journey toward financial literacy is the transformative power of budgeting. This practice has been the catalyst for a profound shift in my financial mindset, teaching me discipline, prioritization, and the importance of planning for both short-term and long-term goals. As a two-year undergraduate student committed to financial literacy, I recognize that this lesson is not just a one-time revelation but an ongoing commitment to building a stable and comfortable financial future.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    In the grand tapestry of existence, the universe unfolds as an enigmatic masterpiece, inviting the inquisitive minds of humanity to unravel its secrets. The pursuit of understanding our cosmos is not merely an intellectual endeavor; it is a fundamental responsibility that transcends disciplinary boundaries. The Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship, initiated by Sean Carroll, resonates with the essence of this responsibility, acknowledging the importance of supporting young minds impassioned by the quest to comprehend the universe in its entirety. To grasp the significance of understanding the universe, one must recognize that our very existence is intricately woven into the cosmic fabric. The exploration of the cosmos is not a mere scientific undertaking but a profound philosophical and existential journey. As we delve into the depths of physics, philosophy, biology, mathematics, literature, and beyond, we unearth the interconnectedness of all disciplines—a convergence that mirrors the interwoven nature of the universe itself. The universe, with its vast expanse and myriad phenomena, serves as an eternal muse, inspiring the curious to contemplate our place within it. To understand the universe is to decipher the language of nature, to fathom the forces that govern existence, and to appreciate the elegance of the cosmic dance. This understanding is not a luxury reserved for the select few; it is a birthright that should be accessible to all, irrespective of background or circumstance. The Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship, by emphasizing inclusivity and reaching out to underrepresented communities and first-generation college students, recognizes the importance of diverse perspectives in the pursuit of knowledge. As we strive to comprehend the universe, we must ensure that the chorus of voices contributing to this collective endeavor is as diverse as the cosmic phenomena we seek to understand. It is through this diversity that new ideas, fresh insights, and innovative concepts emerge, propelling our understanding of the universe forward. In my own quest for cosmic comprehension, I aspire to employ an interdisciplinary approach. Drawing inspiration from the unity in diversity observed in the cosmos, I intend to integrate concepts from various fields, fostering a holistic perspective. For instance, combining principles from physics and philosophy can illuminate not only the mechanics of the universe but also the profound implications of our existence within it. Moreover, I aim to embrace a collaborative mindset, recognizing that the collective intelligence of a diverse community far surpasses the capabilities of an individual mind. Collaboration enables the synthesis of different viewpoints, encouraging the cross-pollination of ideas that is essential for breakthroughs in understanding the nature of our universe. In conclusion, the imperative of understanding the universe is a call to embark on a collective odyssey that transcends individual disciplines and societal boundaries. The Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship serves as a beacon, guiding passionate minds toward the illumination of cosmic mysteries. Through inclusivity, interdisciplinary exploration, and collaboration, I hope to contribute to this noble endeavor, unraveling the enigma of the universe and sharing the fruits of understanding with the world.
    Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship
    In a world where the lines between science fiction and science fact often blur, the field of Clinical Laboratory Science emerges as a powerful catalyst for transforming fantastical ideas into tangible realities. As a prospective student in this dynamic discipline, I am deeply committed to the belief that my chosen field of study will play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between imagination and actualization. Clinical Laboratory Science serves as the unsung hero behind the scenes, orchestrating the symphony of diagnostics that underpins modern healthcare. From identifying pathogens to unraveling the mysteries hidden within our genetic code, the scientific realm of clinical laboratories is akin to an alchemist's laboratory, turning abstract concepts into tangible solutions. As a student aspiring to contribute to this transformative field, my focus on the intersection of technology, biology, and medicine will be instrumental in bringing about paradigm shifts reminiscent of science fiction narratives. One area of particular interest lies in the realm of personalized medicine, a concept often explored in the realms of science fiction. The ability to tailor medical treatments to an individual's unique genetic makeup and physiological characteristics is a vision that resonates with futuristic narratives. Clinical Laboratory Science acts as the linchpin in realizing this vision by deciphering the intricate language of genes and proteins. Through advancements in genetic testing and molecular diagnostics, we can unravel the intricacies of diseases, paving the way for personalized treatment plans that were once confined to the realms of speculative fiction. Furthermore, the convergence of technology and clinical laboratory science opens doors to groundbreaking developments reminiscent of sci-fi tales. Automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics are revolutionizing the way laboratories operate, exponentially enhancing efficiency and accuracy. As a student immersed in this cutting-edge environment, I anticipate being at the forefront of integrating these technologies to decode medical enigmas with unprecedented precision. The scholarship offered by Sharp Objects aligns seamlessly with my aspirations. By supporting low-income students with a passion for science, this initiative not only fosters diversity in the field but also empowers individuals to contribute to the scientific tapestry that shapes our future. As a beneficiary of this scholarship, I aim to utilize the resources provided to delve into research projects that push the boundaries of clinical laboratory science, forging a path towards turning speculative concepts into tangible advancements. In conclusion, my journey as a Clinical Laboratory Science student represents more than just a pursuit of academic knowledge—it symbolizes a commitment to turning the fantastical into the feasible. By leveraging the power of diagnostics, personalized medicine, and cutting-edge technologies, I aspire to contribute to a future where the once-unimaginable becomes an integral part of our scientific reality. Through the support of the Sharp Objects scholarship, I am poised to embark on a transformative educational journey that not only fulfills my dreams but also contributes to the ever-evolving narrative of scientific progress.
    AHS Scholarship
    Being a first-generation student, navigating the academic landscape can be both rewarding and challenging. One negative aspect of my environment that I would change is the lack of comprehensive support systems for first-generation students. As a first-generation student, I often find myself facing unique obstacles that stem from the unfamiliarity of my family with the intricacies of higher education. One critical change I would implement is the establishment of a robust mentorship program specifically designed for first-generation students. This program would pair incoming first-generation students with experienced mentors who have successfully navigated the challenges of being the first in their families to pursue higher education. The mentors would serve as guides, offering insights into academic expectations, providing tips on time management, and sharing personal experiences that resonate with the unique struggles faced by first-generation students. Additionally, the mentorship program would extend beyond academics to encompass career guidance. Many first-generation students lack access to networks that could help them explore potential career paths and secure internships. A mentorship program would facilitate connections with professionals in various fields, opening doors to opportunities that might otherwise remain closed. Another aspect of the environment I would change is the accessibility of resources. Many first-generation students come from backgrounds with limited financial means, and the cost of textbooks, technology, and other essential materials can be a significant barrier to academic success. Implementing a program that provides financial assistance or free access to these resources would help level the playing field and ensure that all students have equal opportunities to excel. Furthermore, creating a more inclusive and understanding campus culture is essential. First-generation students often face feelings of isolation and impostor syndrome, which can negatively impact their mental well-being. Implementing awareness programs and support groups that address the unique challenges faced by first-generation students would foster a sense of community and belonging, helping to alleviate some of the emotional burdens they may carry. In conclusion, as a first-generation student, I would strive to change the lack of comprehensive support systems in my academic environment. By implementing a mentorship program, addressing financial barriers, and fostering a more inclusive campus culture, we can create an environment that empowers first-generation students to not only succeed academically but also to thrive personally and professionally. These changes would contribute to breaking the cycle of limited access to higher education for future generations of students in similar circumstances. It would also benefit current first-generation students and pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for generations to come.
    Beyond The C.L.O.U.D Scholarship
    Personal experiences often shape our aspirations and fuel our determination. My journey into the field of clinical laboratory science has been deeply influenced by my own experiences and a desire to break barriers, contribute to the healthcare industry, and inspire others, especially as a woman. Through education, I hope to advance the field and promote diversity and inclusion. From a young age, I've been intrigued by the inner workings of the human body and the role of laboratory science in diagnosing and treating diseases. My curiosity was further piqued when I volunteered at a local clinic. The incredible dedication of the clinical laboratory professionals who analyzed blood samples and helped monitor conditions left a lasting impression. I realized the pivotal role these professionals play in healthcare, often behind the scenes, and I aspired to be part of this vital healthcare team. Education is the cornerstone of my journey. I am currently pursuing a degree in clinical laboratory science, and I am committed to excelling in my studies. I understand that proficiency in this field is crucial as it directly impacts patient care and outcomes. My goal is to not only meet but exceed the academic standards, continuously improve my skills, and stay updated with the latest advancements in laboratory science. Through education, I aim to contribute to the field of clinical laboratory science in several ways. Firstly, I plan to engage in research and contribute to the development of innovative diagnostic techniques and technologies. The field is constantly evolving, and I want to be at the forefront of these changes, actively participating in research projects that enhance the accuracy and efficiency of clinical testing. Furthermore, I aspire to work in healthcare settings that serve underserved and marginalized communities. I believe that access to quality healthcare should be a fundamental right, and I want to use my education and skills to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, receives the best possible care. In conclusion, my personal experiences, aspirations, and my journey as a woman in clinical laboratory science have forged a deep commitment to this field. Through education and dedication, I aim to break barriers, contribute to advancements, and inspire the next generation of female clinical laboratory professionals. As I continue on this path, I am confident that I can make a meaningful impact on healthcare and contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities in need. The scholarship would not only ease the financial burden but also validate the sacrifices and hard work that I have done as a woman. It would serve as a stepping stone toward my educational and career aspirations, enabling me to make a positive impact on my community and beyond.
    Ahmadi Family Scholarship
    As a first-generation student and the child of immigrant parents, my journey to this point has been marked by numerous challenges, all of which have shaped my character, work ethic, and aspirations. These experiences have been instrumental in molding me into a determined and resilient individual, and the scholarship you offer would provide invaluable support in furthering my educational and career goals. Growing up in a household where English was not the primary language, I encountered the obstacle of navigating two worlds: my family's rich cultural heritage and the need to adapt to the American way of life. Balancing these dual identities presented unique challenges. I often served as a bridge between my parents and the external world, interpreting and translating for them in various settings. These experiences fostered my ability to communicate effectively, a skill that has proven invaluable as I transitioned into academic and professional environments. The financial challenges that my family faced were significant. My parents worked tirelessly in low-wage jobs, making ends meet but unable to set aside funds for higher education. This reality motivated me to strive for academic excellence and actively seek scholarships and grants to fulfill my dreams of higher education. My parents' sacrifice and determination taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work. Being a first-generation student has come with its own set of hurdles. Navigating the complexities of the college application process, financial aid, and academic expectations was daunting. I had to rely on my own resourcefulness and the support of mentors to understand the steps required to gain admission to a university. The scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden but also validate my efforts, reinforcing the belief that my pursuit of higher education is indeed attainable. Additionally, my immigrant parents' experiences have instilled in me a deep appreciation for the opportunities that the United States provides. Their journey to a new country, their sacrifices, and their determination to provide a better future for their children have been my greatest source of inspiration. This scholarship would not only honor their sacrifices but also enable me to fulfill their dreams of seeing their child achieve a college education and contribute positively to society. My journey as a first-generation student and child of immigrant parents has been marked by perseverance and a relentless pursuit of my dreams. Despite facing linguistic, financial, and educational challenges, I have maintained a strong commitment to my studies, earning accolades and accolades that I take great pride in. I have also been actively involved in community service and mentorship programs to give back and support those who face similar obstacles. The scholarship you offer would be instrumental in alleviating the financial pressures that accompany higher education. It would provide me with the means to focus more on my studies and extracurricular activities, reducing the necessity of part-time employment that can detract from academic performance. In conclusion, my journey as a first-generation student and the child of immigrant parents has been a tapestry of perseverance, determination, and resilience. The scholarship would not only ease the financial burden but also validate the sacrifices and hard work of my family. It would serve as a stepping stone toward my educational and career aspirations, enabling me to make a positive impact on my community and beyond. I am deeply grateful for your consideration and support as I continue my educational journey.
    Healing Self and Community Scholarship
    A unique contribution I would give to the world to make mental health care affordable by promoting mental health education in schools, workplaces, and communities, reducing stigma and fostering early intervention. Collaborating with insurance companies to expand mental health coverage and offering subsidies to underserved populations would ensure affordability. Finally, I'd encourage the establishment of local support groups and counseling centers, emphasizing community-driven solutions. By combining technology, education, and community engagement, we can create a more accessible and affordable mental health care system that benefits all. Another way I could contribute to making mental health care affordable is by integrating mental health services within primary healthcare settings. By embedding mental health professionals in family clinics and general medical facilities, we can remove the physical and financial barriers that often deter people from seeking help. This approach fosters a holistic approach to healthcare, where mental and physical well-being are addressed concurrently. It also reduces the stigma associated with mental health care by making it a routine part of overall health management. Such integration could be a transformative step towards a world where everyone has equal access to the mental health support they need. Although I can not do these easily on my own, innovations start with ideas.
    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    After reading the Ode To Millennials-Gen Z, it made me realize that the new "greatest generation 2.0" will be in charge of what comes next in the world and for the world. I believe, as a Gen Z student, we are more vocal, open-minded, and rational/logical thinkers. In the text, Ode To Millenials-Gen Z, it talked about how the older generation that evolved from the Great Depression of the 1930s into World War II were very stubborn people. It was always their way or no way. They would never give us other options rather than their own. Growing up I have witnessed this type of mentality from my elders. For example, my parents always wanted me to attend college but only in their way. Graduating highschool as a valedictorian I was looking forward to going straight into a University with a scholarship that I have recieved. Unfortunatley both my parents did not want me to leave the house and community college was the only way in their eyes, so I accepted this burden. The older generation's mentality is due to their society's structural at the time, therefore it is not their fault. From experiencing this first hand, I have grown into being more vocal, open-minded, and rational/logical thinker. I have pushed the older generation's "ways" into something that is my own. With this I believe other people like me, Millennials-Gen Z, can evolve and create a new world that will and can benifiet everyone and anyone all around the world.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    My name is Rebecca Jaimes-Lazcano, I am currently 23 years old. Although I am from Los Angeles, California, I have decided to move to El Paso, Texas all by myself. Both of my parents are from Mexico City and they migrated to the United States along with my two older siblings to allow us to become what we strive to be. Since my siblings are much older than me with families and careers, I have witnessed the beauty and power of healthcare. Human sciences have always caught my eye ever since I could acknowledge the impact, influence, and importance of it. It has helped millions of people and advanced medical sciences over the years with the research behind human sciences. Since I was intrigued by the possibilities that health and medical sciences can provide as a career, I knew that I wanted to contribute to it in some way. Before enrolling in my current university, and while I was still in community college, I took the time to obtain my certification to become a phlebotomist all while also working. I had the task of maintaining and balancing my school, job, and training institution. Although It was a tough time, I managed to complete and earn my phlebotomist certification. Once I obtained my certification, I volunteered in multiple hospital and clinical settings on a day-to-day basis for months. These new responsibilities made me finally see the true career path that I wanted to take, clinical laboratory scientist. As a student studying clinical laboratory science, I am fortunate to interact with a cohort of learners specifically focused on human sciences. The learning community within my university, specifically my area of study, seeks to improve and partake in the quality of future healthcare. Clinical laboratory students aim to become the true foundation of healthcare by providing physicians with accurate and reliable test results to improve every patient's health. I plan to use the money to graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science and become a clinical laboratory scientist so I could contribute to the advancement and improvement of the population’s health and wellness through the field of medical sciences. I want to be able to help others behind the scenes to access and accommodate more than one patient at a time. Being a clinical laboratory scientist in the future will allow me to have the opportunity to help many different patients of varying ages, backgrounds, and health statuses.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    What excites me most about college is being surrounded by a nature of passion and determination, exuded by students from all walks of life, striving to better their community. As a student studying clinical laboratory science, I am fortunate to interact with a cohort of learners specifically focused on public health. Future pediatricians, cardiologists, scientists, nurses, and more, are all dedicating years of their lives to civil service. To live to serve is a beautiful ideal. I am so eager to interact with these like-minded individuals and learn what I can from them as well as my professors. I will be presented with differing ethical views, personalities, and points of view. All while interacting with a diverse body of classmates. Differing socioeconomic statuses, ethnicities, genders, and upbringings. It is only with this experience that I can grow academically, mentally, and personally. The learning community within my university, specifically my area of study, seeks to improve and partake in the quality of future healthcare. Clinical laboratory students aim to become the true foundation of healthcare by providing physicians with accurate and reliable test results to improve every patient's health. This sense of ensuring a safe future extends to other areas of study besides those similar to my own. Students in areas such as education, engineering, and psychology, all dedicating themselves to better understand the world around them. This statement can be made with a student pursuing any degree. We would all like to know more so that we can do more. While the thought of always wanting to help others, there are many times when we should be helping ourselves. Being in an environment where school has to be the number one priority in life, we also need to prioritize maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. Taking time for personal use can help release the stress that comes from school, especially during challenges in school. Taking days off, spending time with my family, and going on short walks has helped me improve my mental and physical health. Balancing school and self-care is as important as helping the community. If you can not help yourself, how can you help others? As a student studying clinical laboratory science, I have the opportunity to interact with like-minded individuals to help better our community. It excites me to see the different career paths that all lead to the same goal, to help others. And to help others starts by helping yourself such as taking days off or spending time with your family. Maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul is as important as helping the community.