Hobbies and interests
National Honor Society (NHS)
Student Council or Student Government
Adult Fiction
Realistic Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Bailee Broadus
Bold Points21x
Bailee Broadus
Bold Points21x
I am an extraordinarily motivated person who is driven to go above and beyond. I am passionate about learning, extremely competitive in all aspects of life, and I believe hard work is needed to bring success. Although I am heavily involved in school, extracurricular activities, and my community, I still make time to have fun with friends and family. I am a loyal and trustworthy person and expect the same in return from others I surround myself with. Most importantly, I love the Lord my Savior, and I give him credit for all I have achieved in life thus far!
Lubbock-Cooper High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Majors of interest:
- Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Test scores:
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
Teaff Family, Thompson Family, Miller Family and Truby Family2017 – Present8 yearsHelped put up signs, file papers, take pictures of rental homes and run basic errands
McDougal Realtors2019 – Present6 years
Competitive Gymnastics
Club2008 – 20157 years
- I was chosen to perform with the Olympian gymmasts at the Kellogs Tour of Champions in Lubbock
- I won multiple state and regional level medals
Junior Varsity2016 – 20204 years
- JV Captain
Track & Field
Varsity2017 – Present8 years
- 2nd Place in Triple Jump in District 2017
- 1st Place in Triple Jump in District 2018
- 2nd Place 4x400 relay in District 2019
- I was told by the Coach I would be a Varsity Captain this year
Varsity2015 – Present10 years
- Cheer Captain, All-American Cheerleader 4 times, asked to apply to be an NCA instructor
Public services
Meals on Wheels — Collector2021 – 2021Volunteering
South Plains Food Bank — Boxing and sorting food for those in need2019 – PresentVolunteering
Morris Safe House — Took the dogs on walks and fed and loved on them2019 – PresentVolunteering
Buckner Children’s Home — Helped with the shoe drive2020 – 2021Volunteering
Alstrom Angels — Varied from helping set up and take down, serving dinners at their wine nights, and working the Beepball tournament every summer2012 – PresentVolunteering
Salvation Army — Helping stuff backpacks and donating supplies2019 – PresentVolunteering
Ronald McDonald House — Made food for their meals2018 – PresentVolunteering
Lubbock Impact — Volunteer where needed2018 – PresentVolunteering
Second Helpings — Volunteer putting food together2018 – PresentVolunteering
National Charity League — Volunteer at various charities throughout the city2018 – Present
Future Interests
Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
High school can be stressful, especially for students who are involved in extracurricular activities. For me, physical activity is my outlet to release built-up emotions. In my freshman year at Lubbock-Cooper High School, I decided to try out for the volleyball, track, and cheer teams. I was fortunate enough to become a member of all three sports and advance my skills in each. Unfortunately, my sophomore year I began to suffer from excruciating back pain. After repeated weeks of paralyzing shocks and no relief, I knew I needed to see a doctor. My MRI confirmed that I had two stress fractures in my lower spine. This was devastating to hear, but what was even more heart-wrenching was being told that my recovery would take a year and that I could no longer continue my vigorous activities. I struggled at first with this new adjustment I had to make and missed the sports I had to leave dearly. I went from having multiple practices a day, to having little to no exercise at all. However, with therapy and light workouts I was able to strengthen my back. Although I am still susceptible to the same injury, I am able to be physically active once again. In my final year at Lubbock-Cooper, I will be a member of both the varsity cheer and track teams. I was even awarded the honor of being captain of the cheerleading squad and a leading member of the track program. The pain my body experienced taught me that it’s okay to take a break and focus on yourself. I’ve also learned that it is important to remember you are bigger than your circumstance. When a tough situation arises and throws you for a loop, having the right mindset is key to overcoming the challenge.
Bold Driven Scholarship
For the upcoming fall, I have decided to attend Texas Christian University to continue my education. I plan on majoring in Biochemistry and possibly minoring in either Spanish or business. My academic goals for college include keeping up my grades while balancing a social life, as well as joining multiple organizations to ensure I am involved in my campus community. I have already begun breaching the surface of these goals by taking dual credit courses and trying out for the TCU cheerleading squad. I am pleased to announce that I have been able to complete over 30 hours of college coursework and will be a member of the 2022-2023 TCU cheerleading team!
After graduating college, I plan to apply for and hopefully be accepted into medical school where I can further my education in the human body. After completing all my coursework and required training, I aspire to work in the medical field. I am unsure what I want to do specifically, but I am considering working with children, possibly as a surgeon or family practitioner. I have always been interested in science and the anatomy and physiology of the human body and would love the opportunity to help those in need.
Along with my big academic and career goals, I also dream of having an entertaining personal life filled with many friends and a big family. Some of my future personal life goals include being a mother and living in a beautiful home with my husband and kids, as well as maintaining good mental and physical health. Additionally, I hope to be a good Christian role model to all those around me and pray I can make life-changing impacts on those I come in contact with!
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
High School is a stressful time, especially for students who are involved in extracurricular clubs and sports. For me, physical activity is my outlet to release my built-up emotions. Whether I’m stepping onto the court or into the weight room, it’s a relief to know I can leave my problems at the door.
My freshman year I tried out for volleyball, track, and cheer. I was fortunate enough to become an athlete in all three programs. My sophomore year I was granted the title of captain of the JV Volleyball team and medaled in two events at the UIL District track meet. Seeing my progress and the achievements I had earned brought me great joy, but unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse.
After weeks of intense pain in my back, an MRI confirmed that I had two stress fractures on my lower fifth vertebrae. This was devastating to hear, but what was even more heart-wrenching was being told that my recovery would take a year and that I would have to quit volleyball and the triple-jump track event. I was still able to take part in cheer but was limited in my activity. I went from having multiple workouts a day, to having little to no exercise at all.
Although I am still susceptible to the same injury, I am physically active again. I am currently a member of the Varsity Cheer and Track teams, and I was even awarded the honor of being the Varsity Cheer Captain and a leading member for the track program.
I’ve learned that it is important to remember you are bigger than your circumstance. When a tough situation arises, having the right mindset is key to overcoming the challenges. These circumstances are meant to make you stronger, not break you.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
I have learned that I am more than my God-given talents. Due to a major injury I suffered during high school, I had to give up my favorite sports, which I had excelled in since middle school. I had to learn to find joy in other things and I went through a very tough time in the process. It took me a while to pick myself up and to focus on the good I still had left in my life. I found that I am a good leader and I like to help others. I have joined more organizations in school and I do quite a lot of volunteer work in my community. Both give me the sense of need that being a part of my sports teams did. It also makes me feel good when I get to help other people.
I have learned that it is important to remember you are bigger than your circumstance. When a tough situation arises and throws you for a loop, having the right mindset is the key to overcoming the challenges you face. These circumstances are meant to make you stronger, not break you.
Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship
I show leadership in my life through various activities in and outside of school. One of my biggest leadership roles is having the title of varsity captain for the Lubbock-Cooper cheer squad. This position requires communication skills, accountability, time management, and strategic thinking. The cheer squad is made up of 41 girls and I oversee practices and games, as well as coming up with choreography and skill sequences for pep rallies.
Another way I show leadership is through involvement in organizations including Student Council, National Honors Society, Spanish Club, Health Occupations Students of America, and National Charity League. My participation in these clubs has shown me the importance of giving back to your community and working with others. Some of the leadership qualities I have gained during my experiences with volunteer projects include self-awareness and empathy. I have become a community service leader by finding causes I believe in and visibly and vocally expressing my support. A few years ago I took it upon myself to organize a raffle fundraiser for Alstrom Angels, a local non-profit organization, and raised $650 to donate for their cause. Volunteering for different organizations in my community is a way I can give back.
Although having a title and being involved in your school and community are important, the most important way I show leadership is by being a role model for my younger sister. It’s important for me to set an example for her because she looks up to me for answers and guidance. Being a good role model for others will hopefully help motivate those around me to no longer turn to unhealthy choices, like bullying, and drug use for example.
As a soon to be college student, I see myself being a leader in college by encouraging students to be involved in various organizations and community service projects. Giving back is an amazing way to show your gratitude and appreciation for those who have supported you, not to mention it simply gives you a sense of purpose and makes you feel good. I also hope to demonstrate leadership on campus in the classroom by being actively involved in discussions and turning in my work on time.
Stephen Covey said it best, “Leadership is a choice, not a position”. I choose to be a leader to make a difference.
Act Locally Scholarship
I would like to see more people volunteer in our community. There are many non-profit organizations throughout my city that are in desperate need of volunteers. I wish more people were generous with their time and had a giving heart. Generosity means giving to others even when you don't have it to give. It means sacrificing a little piece of you, whether that be your time, your money or even your love. It means going out of your way to help those around you and asking for nothing in return. Sometimes even helping people when they may not even know they need help.
Being generous isn't just an action towards others, but it is a choice. You can choose to help the homeless man on the side of the road, or you can keep driving by like you don't see him. You can choose to stay late with a co-worker who is overwhelmed with extra work, or you can leave when your own job is complete. Not everyone has a generous heart, but anyone can choose generosity.
Generosity isn't just a gift to others, but it can result in greater satisfaction in one's own life as well. When you choose to be generous and show acts of kindness towards others, people around you may be more motivated to choose generosity as well. It can be contagious in the most positive way. Generosity is one of the most admiral qualities a person can express, because it is completely selfless and in no way self-serving.
One of my favorite verses is Luke 12:48 which says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” To me this verse means we are responsible for the things in life we have been given. The verse goes on to say, “and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Meaning the more you are given, the more you will be responsible for; however, God will never hold you accountable for the things you are not given, so instead of focusing on the things you do not have, utilize what you have been given. God blesses everyone with unique gifts and talents to help us reach our full potential. These gifts are entrusted to us, and it is our duty to manage them wisely and with a selfless heart. In Romans 12:6-8 Paul proclaims, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophecy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage; then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” God blesses us not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others so we can glorify him and further his Kingdom. If you are unsure what your gift may be, or even how your gift would best be used, turn to God, and ask him for guidance to help you recognize and discover your gifts. You can also ask your friends and family, because sometimes we do not see in ourselves what others can.
Personally, I feel one of my God given gifts is the ability to serve. I currently volunteer at multiple non-profit organizations within my community. Volunteering at different local organizations is a way I can give back to my community. As a soon-to-be college student, I will use this talent to motivate others to positively impact their community through volunteer work and organizational involvement. Luke 12:48 is a verse I choose to live by and encourage others to do so as well. Do not let your gift go unopened. Be dedicated tonguing generously and to discovering and developing your gift so you can glorify God and bless those around you.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
High School is a stressful time, especially for students who are involved in extracurricular clubs and sports. For me, physical activity is my outlet to release my built-up emotions. Whether I’m stepping onto the court or into the weight room, it’s a relief to know I can leave my problems at the door.
My freshman year I tried out for volleyball, track, and cheer. I was fortunate enough to become an athlete in all three programs. My sophomore year I was granted the title of captain of the JV Volleyball team and medaled in two events at the UIL District track meet. Seeing my progress and the achievements I had earned brought me great joy, but unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse.
After weeks of intense pain in my back, an MRI confirmed that I had two stress fractures on my lower fifth vertebrae. This was devastating to hear, but what was even more heart-wrenching was being told that my recovery would take a year and that I would have to quit volleyball and the triple-jump track event. I was still able to take part in cheer but was limited in my activity. I went from having multiple workouts a day, to having little to no exercise at all.
Although I am still susceptible to the same injury, I am physically active again. I am currently a member of the Varsity Cheer and Track teams, and I was even awarded the honor of being the Varsity Cheer Captain and a leading member for the track program.
I’ve learned that it is important to remember you are bigger than your circumstance. When a tough situation arises, having the right mindset is key to overcoming the challenges. These circumstances are meant to make you stronger, not break you.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity means giving to others even when you don't have it to give. It means sacrificing a little piece of you; whether that be your time, your money or even your love. It means going out of your way to help those around you and asking for nothing in return. Sometimes even helping people when they may not even know they need the help.
Being generous isn't just an action towards others, but its a choice. You can choose to help the homeless man on the side of the road, or you can keep driving by like you don't see him. You can choose to stay late with a co-worker who is overwheled with extra work, or you can leave when your own job is complete. Not everyone has a generous heart, but anyone can choose generosity.
Generosity isn't just a gift to others, but it can result in greater satisfaction in one's own life as well. When you choose to be generous and show acts of kindness towards others, people around you may be more motivated to choose generosity as well. It can be contagious in the most positive way. Generosity is one of the most admiral qualities a person can express, because it is completely selfless and in no way self-serving.