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Audriauna Cashion


Bold Points






My main goal in life right now is to go to college to pursue forensics. I am passionate about learning the different ways and methods used to solve crimes. I love watching documentaries or series over how crimes or serial killers have been solved and caught. I want to be a forensic scientist because I don't want to have to work a day in my life, I want to be able to wake up every morning and not dread going to work. I want to make the world a better place and being able to go to college and pursue this will help me be one step closer to achieving this goal.


Apple Springs High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Anthropology
    • Archeology
    • Biology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1090


    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Forensic Scientist or CSI

      Heather Lynn Scott McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
      Hey everyone, my name is Audriauna and I'm 17 years old. I have a huge passion for forensic science and it's my dream to pursue it in college. However, life threw a major curveball at me during my sophomore year of high school. I lost my mom, and it was an incredibly tough time for me. My mom was not only my rock, but she was also my biggest supporter when it came to my education. She believed in me and my dreams, and she always encouraged me to work hard and never give up. Losing her was devastating, and I felt like I had lost a part of myself. Losing someone so important to me made me question everything, including my education. The grief and sadness were overwhelming, and I found myself wanting to give up on school. It felt like I couldn't focus or find the motivation to keep going. But deep down, I knew that quitting school wasn't the answer. I realized that my mom would have wanted me to continue pursuing my dreams. So, I decided to honor her memory by pushing through the adversity and continuing my education. Her belief in me continues to push me forward, even in her absence. She instilled in me a love for learning and a drive to succeed. It wasn't easy, and there were days when the pain felt unbearable. But I surrounded myself with a supportive network of friends, family, and teachers who helped me through the toughest moments. Their encouragement and love gave me the strength to keep going. Every day, I carry her words of encouragement with me. I remember her telling me that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and making a difference in the world Though she is no longer here physically, I feel her presence guiding me every step of the way. Whenever I face challenges or doubts, I remember her unwavering support and it gives me the strength to persevere. As I look ahead to college, I know that my mom's spirit will be with me, cheering me on. I am determined to make her proud by continuing to pursue my passion for forensic science and making a positive impact in the field. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope that by sharing my experience, I can inspire others to find strength in their own journeys and never give up on their dreams, even in the face of adversity.