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Ariyana Martin


Bold Points




My dream is to study clinical psychology at University of Pennsylvania and be the top psychologist in my field.I'll help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and find themselves.I know I can succeed and I will never give up on this dream no matter how tough it gets.


Universal Audenried Charter Hs

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        my school — Teaching the kids how to make cookie dough
        2024 – 2024
      • Volunteering

        Philly Cares — I packed sandwiches and tv dinner trays
        2024 – Present

      Future Interests





      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      My name is Ariyana Martin, I am a now graduated high school student and am going to Widener University to study Psychology. I wouldn't say that I have as much experience in mental health as other people since I was never truly educated on what that means or how it affects but I death with some issues in life that have took a tole on my mind and shaped my personality and ideology of today. When I was young my parents fought a lot. They weren't even together but every time they were even in the same room as each other it turned into a fight over me. As a child I wasn't fully educated on how this constant fighting made me feel. I had many thoughts and feeling about it but was never sure how to express it and even when I was sent to a therapist during the family court days, I only saw the therapist a few times and after a long fight with my dad about putting me in therapy my mom took me out As a kid I couldn't understand why they couldn't be happy together and I hated to see all my friends live in a two parent household when my parents refused to even speak on the phone. I was angry and sad and feeling complex emotions that no one could really help me to solve. As I got older I grew to have a better understanding of why things happened the way they did. This age and wisdom also helped me to realize what type of therapists I hope to be one day and the type of impact I hope to make on peoples lives. Going through my parents custody battle and then my sister running away from home and leaving me I learned that life isn't always as easy as people make it seem. Life is complicated and hard to manage. It wont get easier until you take that first step to make things better yourself and that starts with your attitude and outlook on life. My experiences didn't just change how I see the world though, it also changed what I hope to be one day and how I want to do it. I don't just want a therapist that can only help the clients who have the money to come in and receive help. I want to be able to help people like myself who don't have the money for therapy or have opposing views telling them that therapy can't help. I know for a fact that if I had stuck with therapy I would have been better off but I hope to stop people from having the same regret. I hope to help people live a better life and give them the help I never got as a kid and even now sometimes when I go through stuff. Through my mental problems at home I grew a desire and goal to become an amazing psychologist and help people all over the world who need it.
      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      There are many people who have impacted my life and helped me to realize many full potential. My family always encourages me to do my best and always praises me when I succeed. My friends always support me and remind me of how great I am. Even my teachers have done their part in lifting my spirits and helping me to be the best student and person I can be. One person has truly made me better and impacted my life.This person is my mom. She has supported me every step of the way no matter what I do or if I fall short. She has always been there for me and has never stopped encouraging me to improve. It's thanks to her that I am the young woman I am today. My mom has helped me reach my full potential in many ways. One way is how she always encourages me to do my best. No matter how hard a task is or how much I want to give up,my mom never lets me and always tells me to keep going and do my best. She helps me reach my full potential by never giving up on me even when I wish to give up on myself. My mom is the light in my life that guides me in the right direction and always helps me to improve. I would have never gotten this far in life without my mom being there to guide and help me make the right choices or just to be a supporting voice that stands by whatever decision I decide to make. Her constant support and love has lifted me to incredible heights and I'm sure that she will continue to shower me with this same love and support even when I go off to college and move away. That's another thing about my moms impact on me. No matter how far away we are from each other, she always manages to make me feel like shes right there with me guiding me and holding me close. Even when I'm in New York with my dad and away from her, I can still feel her by my side helping to never give up and to always look at the positives in life even when I feel sad. My mom brings out my best qualities in my character and that is how she really helps me to grow and be my best. My moms love support and even constant nagging has been a huge emotional help for me. Her being in my life has helped me to realize my full potential and she has impacted my life in many ways.
      Carlos F. Garcia Muentes Scholarship
      My family's story isn't as dramatic or eventful as other people's stories but I feel that their life and how far they have come is a story worth telling and a lesson worth learning from. My grandma and grandpa were born and raised in Jamaica , a great country of course but not one with many opportunities. So after having two young children they decided that they wanted to come to America and make a better life for themselves and have better opportunities for their kids. They didn't walk here or cross the border or do any of the courageous and risky tactics that many other people will probably share in their essay. However what my family did still feels important to me. They studied and worked and worked so they could pass the citizens test and gain legal access into this country. They worked hard to remember every piece of American history. To remember knowledge that most regular American citizens don't even know. After all that studying and practicing and having their 6 and 4 year old kids do the same, They finally received citizenship and were allowed to become legal citizens of this country. From then on they continued to work. They got jobs moved between states and took their time building a stable home for their children to grow up in. My mom and her sister didn't even come down here to America until my grandparents had a stable house and plans for their children to go to school. They worked hard to get into this country and even harder to make life here easier for their kids. Then the rest is history. My grandparents worked, had other children and continued to live happy loves even when they eventually split up. Even now that their kids are grown and some were born in their country all their children and grandchildren and even great grandchildren are thankful for all they have done for their family. Now onto the main question of how this story has shaped me and my beliefs. Well this story has showed me that no matter what's your doing or how tough it is, you can never give up. My grandparents would have never gotten into this country if they had just given up when things got hard. The same goes for me, I won't be able to achieve my goals or do great things as a psychologist one day if I give up every time something gets too hard. Life will always be tough and things will always happen to make life harder but you cannot give up. No matter what you must always push through and just do your best. That life motto was shaped by my grandparents amazing story and that is the life motto I will take with me as a psychologist. I will use this motto to inspire my clients and encourage me to never give up just like how it encouraged me. I only hope that my future clients see the beauty of determination like I do thanks to this story.
      Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
      I plan to create a legacy in my future by making therapy and mental health accessible for people of all ages , races and social status involving money. Right now it seems as if therapy and receiving the help you need is only an option for people who have enough money to pay for it or for people who desperately need the help because of mental illnesses and are court ordered to receive it. What about the people who aren't mentally ill and aren't rich. The regular day citizens who just might have had a really rough week and could use someone to talk to who can help them understand how they feel. How will these regular people get help or be in therapy if they don't have the money to afford it. This is a question I have asked myself many times as I strive to be a psychologist one day and now I have my answer. I am the one who will give them the help they need. I will create a therapy center and organization that insists on helping all people whether they can afford therapy or not. I will also Have professional therapist be enlisted in schools so that they can help kids better understand mental health and what that looks like. My goal is to have this dream be my legacy. A chance to help people all over my community and give them the help they once thought was impossible. This is the kind of business I hope to create one day.A therapy center that doesn't charge you for their services but instead focuses on helping you instead of helping themselves get more money. This business would also be open to helping young psychology majors straight out of college get the experience they need in the field so that they can get a good paying career one day. My business set goal will be to help everyone no matter who they are. We will provide people of low income families with the proper mental health care that they need .Creating this business will not only help create my legacy for the rest of my life but also help to allow my light to shine in community. I feel that my light shines it's brightest when I am helping others. I will shine in my community by making people happier since they'll have professional help to go to whenever they need it. I will make people smile and live better lives and that in turn will make me smile and shine. I get a better day out of helping other people live better lives so as long as I am doing that, I will be living an amazing life and creating an amazing legacy for myself. A legacy of happiness and helpfulness.
      CJM Rampelt Family Legacy Scholarship
      I have faced many challenges and setbacks in my life that have taught me things and broadened my horizon of thinking.It’s hard to name just one but I would say a big challenge that I faced that has taught me a lot when I first learned how to drive. Driving was scary and there were so many uncertainties in how things would play out. Driving got even scarier when I got into an accident and dented the car while learning. It was my third time getting out on the road and I felt like I’d just ruined it. I was scared and in shock because I never thought something so terrible would happen and I honestly didn’t know what to do next. My family doesn’t have much money and that was the only car we had. My mom was nice enough to teach me how to drive with that car as soon as I got my permit and now I'm just destroying it. No one got hurt and that’s what she kept reminding me but I felt like a failure. I had worked so hard to study and pass my permit test and now I just damaged our car while trying to drive. I felt broken and I thought I’d never get back on the road. I was scared that if I drove again I’d make another mistake, one we simply couldn’t afford to fix. My perspective totally changed though when my mom took me in the car, put me in the driver's seat and we were back at it again. It was scary at first, my hands were shaking at the wheel and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. With a simple push from my mom though I was back at it again. Driving smoothly and carefully as if I hadn’t been scared to drive for months. I was calm and in control and for once I didn’t let my fear stop me from achieving my goal and perceiving. I got better at driving thanks to that determination.I learned that though things can be scary and times do get tough, I should never give up and quit. Always work on your goals no matter what you may face or how scary it may be, because you may learn something really important from it if you keep at it. I closed up after the accident but grew a whole lot when I finally got back onto the road and did what I knew I could do.I’m thankful for my mom for pushing me back into the driver's seat and proud of myself for doing it. I didn’t take my drivers test yet because I knew I needed more time to learn before I was ready but I know I will be soon. There's no fear that can stop me and no challenge I can’t face with some courage and determination.
      Jake Thomas Williams Memorial Scholarship
      I haven't had many experiences with loss as some people have had in their lives. I lost my uncle when I was young but I didn't know him as well and was too young to fully understand death at the time anyways. The death of my family friend Mister Elijah , though that hurt me deeply when it happened. I remembered when I first found out I didn't show any emotion toward it. I basically blocked it out of mind as if it didn't even happen. However the next day when I was watching TV all those feelings I had pushed deep down had come out and I sobbed for an hour. I was watching Naruto and was at the point where my favorite charter Haru died. For a second I almost could not believe it but tears were spewing out of my eyes and I couldn't seem to hold it together. Back then I tried to blame my tears on the sad episode of the show but deep down I knew I was crying because I had just lost a very special man in my life a father figure even. Days after that I still broke down at the thought of his death I could hardly believe he was gone. I hadn't handled his death I tried to escape the fact that it happened. This unhealthy response helped me to see that when I become a future psychologist I will have to help people with this response as well. Many people pretend bad things have not happened to avoid the pain. This is not a good thing to do though and it just forces your emotions to come out at a later date when your still not ready to accept them. My experience with the loss of Elijah helped me to see how I might have to help other people one day when I become a therapist. I'm sure I'll be able to help people in this area of mental health though. I will be able to help my clients in all aspects of mental health even suicide. I feel that many times therapists will ask people who are suicidal why they want to die and what's wrong. I however feel that this approach is not always the right way to handle such a delicate situation. Instead of asking my clients why they want to die I want to help them by asking them if there is any reason to live. A person can stand all day and list the negative aspects of their life but it takes true happiness and hope for a person to be able to list the things in their life that they want to live for. Once I get my clients to list those things I can then help them to see that despite those reasons they have to want to die there are so many positive things or people in their life that can help them to want to live. I hope to make a difference in the fight against suicide by better helping people who deal with suicide and depression. I don't just want to prescribe people medication and say hope this helps. I want to be the help and make a difference in all my clients lives. I want to help people in ways I wish I had gotten it.
      Rev. Ethel K. Grinkley Memorial Scholarship
      My name is Ariyana Martin, I am a senior at Universal Audenried Charter High School and am on track to graduate and start the next stages of my life in Widener University. I'll be in a top college studying psychology so that I can one day become a psychologist and counselor and help many people work through their emotional issues and trauma. My hope is to make a positive impact on the lives of every one of my clients and give them the help they need to keep pushing and work through their issues. I want to spread love wherever I go and share that love with my future clients so that I can help them. I hope to also help my community by creating a fundraiser organization that is dedicated to helping people of low income households receive therapists help. I see even now that so many people just in my neighborhood alone could benefit from being able to talk to a therapist and have somebody in their corner who will just listen to them and help them work through their pain. This kind of help however is unattainable for people who don't have a lot of money. This is why I want to make therapy less expensive for these people. I want people to be able to receive mental help no matter how rich or poor they may be. With this organization I would also like to get more therapist and counselors in schools so they can educate young minds on mental health and help them better understand why they may feel the way they do sometimes. Growing up there was no therapist nearby to explain to me why I may be sad or if my feelings were ok to feel. I am sure many other young children in poor communities could be feeling the same way. This is why I want to have real therapists in schools to help educate the students and help them before their mental health becomes detrimental and beyond help. I also hope to help my clients to see that with God they can work through all their problems even better and achieve all the dreams and plans that God has for them. God has helped me so much in my life and while I do not want to push anyone to christ in a forceful way I do hope to show my clients that with God all things are possible and that he can make your life so much more happier and fulfilling if you just trust him. I pray that while helping my clients work through their problems I can also show them that God has been the one helping me in my life and he can also help them. My dream is to help many people in whatever way they may need it. That is why I plan to become a therapist and be of service to God in helping people all over my community.
      Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship
      My childhood was full of many happy and complicated memories with my family. I spent a lot of time in court while my parents fought for custody and when my father finally got some time to be with me for 2 years, he had to leave and go to the army. It was a sad situation for me and as a six year old child I couldn't understand why he had to leave. I was disappointed because we spent all this time in court just so I could live with him for a little and now I felt that he was abandoning me. The court was tough already and I deeply missed my mom but now even my dad had left me and I felt alone and sad. At first I felt sad, I cried a lot at the thought that my dad would be leaving forever. He couldn't even give a proper explanation because I was too young to understand the army or war or how any of that mattered at the time. Then I started to feel angry at all the things I couldn't understand and all the times I wished I had like My parents.My mom and dad couldn't be there. My mom was in Philadelphia fighting everyday to get me back and my dad was away fighting for his country instead of fighting to be with me.I missed them both so much and couldn't understand why neither of them was around. I especially missed my mom when in dance school or at girl scout. Every other girl there had her mom with her to be supportive and help with the after school activity. All my dancing friends had their dance moms except for me. I felt alone. I wondered why I was the only one suffering and why my parents couldn't be there with me like other parents could. Back then I was young and not as knowledgeable or as understanding as I am now. I felt like the world was taking the ones I love away from me and I would never get them back. Now though I understand many things better. I know that my dad had to go and that despite how hard it was for me, it was especially hard for him to be away from me. I also know that my mom worked hard everyday to have me back and that she never stops loving and never gave up on bringing me home. Both my parents may have been at odds with each other but one thing they do have in common is that they always just wanted to be there for me and be with me very step of the way. It was difficult most times and sad to have both my parents snatched away from me but I learned and grew from it. I learned that life is never easy and that no matter how hard it gets you must push through it. I also learned that even if my parents couldn't;t get along or always be around, they still both loved me very much and just wanted me to be safe and happy.So no matter how tragic this part of my life had once seemed, I grew from it and in the end both my parents became big parts of my life. This is the happy ending to a sad story and a chapter in my life that I' m thankful is now closed.
      Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
      My name is Ariyana Martin. I am a senior at Universal Audenried Charter High School.It’s very close to my graduation and I am getting ready to go off to college and make a life for myself as an adult.I have many dreams and goals that I still hold dear to me now.My career goals are full of big aspirations and a lot of faith. My dream is to go to a top University and study clinical psychology so that I can become a psychologist someday and help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and damages. To accomplish this dream I applied and got accepted into a top school, Widener University . My goal is to go to this school and study my field for 6-8 years to get a doctorate in psychology. This degree will further my education and show future employers how dedicated I am to my field and how excellent I can be in psychology since I have been studying it for so long. I hope that this degree and the experience that I'll gather in school that I will be able to make great changes to the world around me.My hope is to make therapy an available source of help for all people. Not just people with money or people who have shown to be mentally unstable. I want to be able to help everyday run of the mill people who may not have a lot of money but they should still have a therapist in case they need someone to talk to. So many people in my neighborhood alone could benefit from the positive effects of therapy but they just don't have the money to afford it. This is why I hope to create a foundation dedicated to helping the less fortunate people of our city receive psychological evaluations and therapy sessions. I will ensure that I not only have a career but that I'm finding ways to help a multitude of people with this career. I want to have a charity that dedicates it's time to help any person get a therapist . Whether you're rich or poor you deserve to have someone with professional experience to be there and support you. I plan to make this dream and this hope a reality someday. If I'm being honest I have not had much involvement in STEAM besides my basic since and math classes but I have always found it interesting and fun. STEAM has always seemed so cool to me because of how it changes the world around me. STEAM is full of boundless potential to unravel the mysteries of nature and create solutions to complex challenges facing humanity. Whether it's delving into the intricate workings of the human body, designing sustainable energy sources, coding algorithms for artificial intelligence, or exploring the depths of outer space, the allure of STEAM lies in its promise to shape the future and make the world a better place. I feel that society today wouldn't be as great or as advanced without STEAM and that is what makes it so cool. It has changed the world in so many ways just like how I hope to do it one day. If STEAM can make an impact on the world and people I'm sure one day with enough help I'll be able to do it too.
      Jonas Griffith Scholarship
      Deciding what the topic of my life to discuss was at first a difficult task to finish. So many things have happened in my life that I feel have made a big impact on who I am today. There's just so many things I could talk about and so many situations I've been through that I feel could make an amazing essay. One story of my life stands above the rest to me. This is the story of when I got into my first accident while driving. I have faced many challenges and setbacks in my life that have taught me things and broadened my horizon of thinking.It’s hard to name just one but I would say a big challenge that I faced that has taught me a lot when I first learned how to drive. Driving was scary and there were so many uncertainties in how things would play out. Driving got even scarier when I got into an accident and dented the car while learning. It was my third time getting out on the road and I felt like I’d just ruined it. I was scared and in shock because I never thought something so terrible would happen and I honestly didn’t know what to do next. My family doesn’t have much money and that was the only car we had. My mom was nice enough to teach me how to drive with that car as soon as I got my permit and now I'm just destroying it. No one got hurt and that’s what she kept reminding me but I felt like a failure. I had worked so hard to study and pass my permit test and now I just damaged our car while trying to drive. I felt broken and I thought I’d never get back on the road. I was scared that if I drove again I’d make another mistake, one we simply couldn’t afford to fix. My perspective totally changed though when my mom took me in the car, put me in the driver's seat and we were back at it again. It was scary at first, my hands were shaking at the wheel and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. With a simple push from my mom though I was back at it again. Driving smoothly and carefully as if I hadn’t been scared to drive for months. I was calm and in control and for once I didn’t let my fear stop me from achieving my goal and perceiving. There were moments of course where fear did take the control of my mind and I couldn't seem to get the image of the crash out of my head. Even while holding the wheel at times I was still terrified of making the same mistake or just not being good enough to ever learn how to drive. It was even easier to feel self conscious about it when I noticed all my other friends getting their licenses as well. However I could not let these feelings control me. I knew I wanted my license and I knew that I couldn't continue to be afraid of working for it. So even in fear and in my ups and down of trying to drive I persisted. I got better at driving thanks to my determination.I learned that though things can be scary and times do get tough, I should never give up and quit. Always work on your goals no matter what you may face or how scary it may be, because you may learn something really important from it if you keep at it. I closed up after the accident but grew a whole lot when I finally got back onto the road and did what I knew I could do.I’m thankful for my mom for pushing me back into the driver's seat and proud of myself for doing it. I didn’t take my drivers test yet because I know I need more time to learn before I am ready but I know I will be soon. There's no fear that can stop me and no challenge I can’t face with some courage and determination.
      Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
      My name is Ariyana Martin , I am a high school senior at Universal Audenried Charter High School and am on track to go to a top Private University and become an amazing psychologist one day. Despite my big hopes and aspirations, I try to find a chance to do good for others and focus on other people rather than just myself. Even in school while I do focus on studies and having a great career in the future, I still make time to help other people who need it, or just be a support system for the people I care about. My care is how others are doing mentally and my acts of help are my impact on my community and the people around me. One way that I have tried to do this is by doing community service through my school. Doing this gave me the opportunity to help the people around me who needed it and gain new experiences. One community service that I did was when I went to an organization called Philly Cares and I helped them pack up food for homeless people to eat. This taught me many new things and reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for. Those homeless people didn't have much and neither did the people who started this organization but they still gave everything they had to try and provide food and clothes for anyone who needs it. This really spoke to me and I was very happy to be a part of this new experience and be able to pack up all that food for many people in need to eat. Another enjoyable volunteer experience that I had was when I was sent to an elementary school in Philadelphia that was close to mine and taught the students there how to make cookies. I was with the culinary program at my school and we taught them not just about cookies but also about what the culinary program really is and how it has helped us over the past 3 years to take the class. I of course still had a bunch of fun teaching them about how to make cookie dough. The kids were so excited too. Every time we called for a volunteer to help us with something like putting in the sugar or cracking eggs, every single kid raised their hand to try. We had so much fun that day and I really enjoyed putting smiles on those kids faces and giving them a day full of fun and cookies. While these two acts of kindness were only for a few days, I still managed to learn a lot from it and make a difference in my community. I felt special to be a part of the amazing organization that was going on all around the city and giving food to those who need it. I also felt happy for the chance to tell such young impressionable minds how amazing high school can be and show them a very simple recipe that they all took home to do as soon as school ended. These two services may have been brief but they were fun and showed me that even as I get older and have a career someday that I would still love to make time for my community and help others. No matter what the future holds I plan to show kindness and help others and make a difference in peoples lives.
      Snap EmpowHER Scholarship
      I am a senior in High School.It’s very close to my graduation and I am getting ready to go off to college and make a life for myself as an adult.I have many dreams and goals that I still hold dear to me now.My career goals are full of big aspirations and a lot of faith. My dream is to go to a top University and study clinical psychology so that I can become a psychologist someday and help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and damages. To accomplish this dream I applied and got accepted into a top school, Widener University . My goal is to go to this school and study my field for 6-8 years to get a doctorate in psychology. This degree will not only further my education but also show future employers how dedicated I am to my field and how excellent I can be in psychology since I have been studying it for so long. Being a psychologist takes years of hard work and dedication. I know I can do it though and become a top psychologist who can help many people.I will become a great clinical psychologist and support many people on their journey to a happier and mentally healthier lifestyle. I will help people to love themselves more and to have more confidence in themselves. It is my dream to help people with their mental health and I will do whatever I can to get there. I am determined to be a support system for many people in my city who need help and someone to be there for them. This path in psychology excites me because I get the chance to help other people and show them that they can live a happier life with some guidance from someone who cares. So many people are going through a lot of heartache and stress and never have anyone to help them to have less stress or work through their problems. Sometimes you just need a listening ear and I am sure I can be that for any patient that I may have. I hope to help and support women in more ways than that though. I want to help women feel empowered and special without any man needing to validate that. So many women even myself sometimes will wait for a man to love and appreciate them. I want to show women that they can love and appreciate themselves. You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy. You can find happiness within yourself and I want to help women all around the world feel that. I will also support women by sup[porting women charities. I'm sure I'll be making a decent amount of money as a psychologist and will be able to support the charities that I feel can help many women have better lives.
      To The Sky Scholarship
      I have faced many challenges and setbacks in my life that have taught me things and broadened my horizon of thinking.These challenges that I gave faced have motivated me to be a better version of myself and to grow.It’s hard to name just one but I would say a big challenge that I faced that has taught me a lot when I first learned how to drive. Driving was scary and there were so many uncertainties in how things would play out. Driving got even scarier when I got into an accident and dented the car while learning. It was my third time getting out on the road and I felt like I’d just ruined it. I was scared and in shock because I never thought something so terrible would happen and I honestly didn’t know what to do next. My family doesn’t have much money and that was the only car we had. My mom was nice enough to teach me how to drive with that car as soon as I got my permit and now I'm just destroying it. No one got hurt and that’s what she kept reminding me but I felt like a failure. I had worked so hard to study and pass my permit test and now I just damaged our car while trying to drive. I felt broken and I thought I’d never get back on the road. I was scared that if I drove again I’d make another mistake, one we simply couldn’t afford to fix. My perspective totally changed though when my mom took me in the car, put me in the driver's seat and we were back at it again. It was scary at first, my hands were shaking at the wheel and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. With a simple push from my mom though I was back at it again. Driving smoothly and carefully as if I hadn’t been scared to drive for months. I was calm and in control and for once I didn’t let my fear stop me from achieving my goal and perceiving. I got better at driving thanks to that determination.I learned that though things can be scary and times do get tough, I should never give up and quit. Always work on your goals no matter what you may face or how scary it may be, because you may learn something really important from it if you keep at it. I closed up after the accident but grew a whole lot when I finally got back onto the road and did what I knew I could do.I’m thankful for my mom for pushing me back into the driver's seat and proud of myself for doing it. I didn’t take my drivers test yet because I knew I needed more time to learn before I was ready but I know I will be soon. There's no fear that can stop me and no challenge I can’t face with some courage and determination.I am thankful that I learned this lesson and become a better version of myself. A more confident and fearless person who can accomplish anything.
      Joanne Pransky Celebration of Women in Robotics
      My Real Life Friend Darla Jonhson was a lonely girl all her life. Starting from age 4 she realized she was different and that different people like her had a hard time making friends. The other kids on the playground never wanted to play with her. As soon as she walked up to them they would run away. In her mind she wondered who could blame them. With her curly brown untamed hair in an all straight hair, neat clean neighborhood, different just wasn't accepted. For quite some time she began to believe that she would never make a friend and would be alone forever. These feelings were proven untrue though when one afternoon she was watching her favorite cartoon DoggyDoos. The main character Dondo was lonely one day and made a friend's out of tin cans and old batteries. Sure the new friend tried to kill his real friends in an attempt to isolate the main character, but Darla wouldn't have that problem. She had no friends to speak of. She decided then that she would just make a friend. So with the help of sneaking into her father's lab at his big fancy robotics company . At the young age of 8 she made her very first friend. He stood 5 feet tall and was a site to behold. She named him Robbie and spent hours that day teaching him everything she knew about life . After that she took him to the glorified playground. The one where she once felt so isolated and alone, and played with a friend for the very first time.By the time they finally finished it was dark out and not a single person was in sight. That was good though Darla thought " No one needs to see my new friend but me." Years passed and this relationship continued to grow. Everyday after school Darla would rush home to play. Darla cared for him so much. As Darla's 16th birthday passed though things started to change. She noticed years ago that Robbie had articulated human emotions that shouldn't have been possible for him to understand, but since Darla was only 9 years old she shoved it off as nothing important and continued to enjoy his company. When she started 11th grade though she started to realize that the emotions he was developing weren't exactly healthy. He seemed possessive and would get upset when she didn't come home right away. He would also get an attitude if she talked about any of the friends at school. Which was disheartening to her since she spent years without any human friends and now that people finally started to understand her, her first friend wasn't happy about it. Robbie wasn't happy either when she finally got her first boyfriend. An adorable nerd named Dennis in her chem class who she had been watching for some time now had finally got up the courage to ask her on a date. She of course accepted and had the time of her life but that good feeling was destroyed the second she entered her house and saw the way Robbie looked at her , as if she betrayed him.He called her a traitor and said that she must have never cared about him at all if she was willing to throw him away that easily. She fought back claiming that she never threw him away she just wanted a chance to live a normal life. They argued back and forth until the true meaning behind Robbie's feelings came from his metal lips. He told Darla he loved her. She fell silent , trapped in a corner of her own misguidance. All this time she thought Robbie was just feeling lonely but in reality he had developed love and sick feelings towards her. How could she blame him though , for years Darla has been the only person Robbie has ever known and his feelings developed like a real teenage boy. It was only natural for this to happen. But this was bad all in the same. She wasn't sure what to say to this confused confession. Sure he thinks he loves her but he is a robot and nothing can change that. She couldn't love him in that way or make him happy like he wants. She could however find a better way to ease his pain. So after 8 years of keeping Robbie a secret she showed him to her father. Her father was at a lost for words and whether happy or disappointed in his daughters action he just wasn't sure. He knew one thing though , what his daughter was asking him to do was a risky business. Darla begged her father to make a girl robot for Robbie to love. A robot made in her imagination so his feelings of love wouldn't be taken as one sided. Her dad wasn't sure if this was the right move to make. Robots simply weren't supposed to have these sorts of feelings and one robot who could love was bad enough but two seemed dangerous. So he decided to give his daughter a better option. He proposed to her that if she would go to college and study robotics since she had a talent for it, that when she graduated he would help her make a better robot that would keep Robbie happy and keep him from growing emotions he shouldn't;t have. This is what Darla did. She went to college got her degree and 4 years tops created the perfect robot for Robbie to love. She cured his broken heart and kept the secret of these robots hidden from the world. While the robots loved each other in her fathers lab she continued to grow and eventually had a family of her own. She became a well known robotics scientist and shared her expertise with the world. No matter how far she traveled though she would always come back home to visit her first real life friend.
      Cariloop’s Caregiver Scholarship
      I have had many care giving experiences due to having a younger brother , younger cousins and two young nephews to care for and love. I would say that these three kids have impacted my life in many ways and helped me to decide the type of person I want to be in my career goal. All of these kids have made my goal clearer for how I want to help people in the field of psychology and the type of psychologist I want to be in the future. My little brother helped me by teaching me about care and understanding. I always prayed that one day I could have a little sibling and then my adorable little brother came along when I was just 11 years old. He filled a whole in my heart that I always knew was there and now I can't imagine a life without him. He taught me how to be a better sister. He gets in quite a lot of trouble but by being a better sister I learned how to support him and comfort him even when he messes up. I learned to better understand why he does what he does and how to stop it from happening in the future. He taught me not just how to be a better sister but also how to be a better person. My little cousins Aniyah and Samiyah have taught me how to be a better example and how to teach the younger generation the right things that will help them as they get to be my age. Those very smart little girls are always so enthusiastic to hear my opinions and talk to me.This excitement has helped me to learn what to say and how to say it. They've helped me to better control what I say and to make sure that whatever I say is educational or something positive that they can learn from and be happy about. Kids have impressionable minds and these two girls have helped me to see that what I say is important and how they learn from our conversations together is also important. I'll take this lesson with me when I become a psychologist because what I say will also be important then. No matter the patient ,I will need to be cautious of how I approach my conversations with them and make sure that they have a positive effect from what I say. I'm so thankful for this lesson and for the girls that taught it to me. Lastly my amazing little nephews Nate Jr. and Azair have helped me to choose the type of psychologist I hope to be one day. My nephews are special. They have autism and because of this they are a little behind in things like communicating and understanding certain situations. Despite this though they are still incredibly smart boys who have also taught me many things. They taught me patience and they helped me decide that one day I want to study enough so that I can help people just like them. I want to learn a lot in psychology and study the human mind so that I can help other people who have mental disabilities. These kids have changed my life in so many ways and helped me to one day become the best psychologist I can be.
      Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
      God has helped me so much in life especially in my college process. It's been difficult choosing where to go and how I want to spend the next few years of my life, God has helped me through all of it and showed me exactly what I needed to do. God showed me what college I was meant to go to and made it possible for me to achieve my dreams. At the start of this process I was ensure of what college to go to. I applied to a few but wasn't sure of which one was right for me. I however prayed that when my acceptances or declines came back it would show me first hand what school I need to go to. I prayed that after hearing back from my schools there would be no doubt in my mind on where I need to be. God answered my prayers and showed me clear as day what school I am meant to be at. All the other schools either didn't accept me or I felt deep down in my heart that it wasn't the right place. Thanks to God I am now on a set path to go to Widener University and there is nothing that can get in my way or hold me back from my goal. My goal is to actually become a psychologist and I knew Widener was a top choice school to achieve this goal. It's not just about the school though. As long as I have God with me in all my plans and dreams they will prosper and go exactly the way they need to go. God will continue to help me with life by guiding me in the right direction and showing me what I need to see to make good decisions. Being a psychologist means that I will be trusted with other people's emotions, feelings and hearts. I know with God's help I will be able to help those people with their feelings and guide them on a brighter path to happiness. I trust God fully with my hopes and dreams and as long as I keep doing that others will hopefully be able to put their trust in me as well. God has always been there for me. Even before my college process he has helped me and guided all my decisions. God helped me to get into the high school I'm in now and God was there for me when my heart was broken or when I just needed someone to talk to. God has always been by my side to support me and catch me when I fall. I want to be this type of help for others now and in my career and I know no one but God can help me do that. Life will get harder, going into college alone will not be easy but as long I have God by my side I know everything will be alright and I will have no reason to worry. I trust God with all of me. My life , my choices and my future. God has done so much for me already allowing me to get accepted into such an amazing school. I only pray now that he will continue to help me and show me what I need to do.
      William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
      My career goals are full of big aspirations and a lot of faith. My dream is to go to a top University and study clinical psychology so that I can become a psychologist someday and help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and damages. To accomplish this dream I applied to a top school University of Pennsylvania. The school is only 13 minutes away from me but is one of the best in the country for its psychology program. My goal is to get accepted into this school and study my field for 6-8 years to get a doctorate in psychology. This degree will not only further my education but also show future employers how dedicated I am to my field and how excellent I can be in psychology since I have been studying it for so long. To accomplish this dream though I need money. The large amount of money doesn't come as a surprise to me since I did apply to a top ivy league school, however I never thought that FASFA and grants wouldn't be enough to cover a whole tuition. Having this information made it clear that I need more money to make my dream happen. Which is why this scholarship, no matter how big or small it could be, would generously help me to go to school and become the psychologist I know I can be. Any money given to me can be used greatly to help pay for my schooling, my housing , my meal plan and even my books. I know school will be expensive and I'll need any help offered to me to pay for my education. I also know that though it is expensive, going to Penn is my dream and I will do whatever I can and apply for any scholarship available to help me get there. A school like Penn is usually considered a questionable choice for someone like me.To most I'm just another student living in the city of Philadelphia where the education standards are low and the students intelligence is doubted. This is not me though.I am from a low income family who simply can't afford a school like Penn or any school for that matter but I'm not just any other student. I know I am different from the other students and that I can handle the tough curriculum that Penn will throw at me. I take every challenge I'm faced with and succeed. I work hard for everything I've earned and know I can be an amazing student at Penn. This scholarship can help me to get where I need to be. With this money I will have the chance to go to Penn or any other amazing school and make a life and career for myself. I only hope that I can win the scholarship so that I can make it happen.
      Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
      Just starting out on my college application as a high school senior has not been easy. There have been road bumps and challenges that could have brought me down but instead I used it to help me up and work towards my goals. It has been a difficult process adjusting to graduating and finding the right colleges to apply to but in the end I have gotten through it and now I will get through whatever comes next. One of the most common road bumps has been just coming from a family who was born and raised in Jamaica and don't fully understand the college process as it is now. My mom went to college and applied for FASFA but she did that years ago when the rules were different and the applications were easier to understand. Now things are a little harder and my mom couldn't make sense of the fact that I needed her information to fill out my applications. This was challenging and in some ways became a battle but I got the information I needed and my applications were sent right on time. This difficult experience in navigating college with my mom actually made me realize the type of psychologist I want to be in the future. After I graduate from college with a Doctoral degree in psychology I hope to help hundreds of low income students who are going through the same thing I was. Handling the college process is not easy especially when you have parents that either won't participate or just don't understand what their role is in the process. I hope to provide therapy for people who usually couldn't afford a therapist but could use someone to talk to. Teens especially could use this help because the stress of college and the pressure of getting into a good one can be difficult to manage. I hope to be able to help these teens and their parents to work together during the college process and make the right decisions together. I hope to be a counselor and psychologist for many people especially teens and show them the healthy way to work their problems and start the next phases of their lives. I know many times I felt I needed that but didn't have the money to afford that type of help. So I will ensure that people of all ages, genders and social classes will have the help they need.
      Avani Doshi Memorial Scholarship
      My career goals are full of big aspirations and a lot of faith. My dream is to go to a top University and study clinical psychology so that I can become a psychologist someday and help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and damages even if they don't have as much money as others to afford a therapist. To accomplish this dream I applied to a top school University of Pennsylvania. My goal is to get accepted into this school and study my field for 6-8 years to get a doctorate in psychology. This degree will not only further my education but also show future employers how dedicated I am to my field and how excellent I can be in psychology since I have been studying it for so long.A school like Penn is usually considered a questionable choice for someone like me.To most I'm just another student living in the city of Philadelphia where the education standards are low and the students intelligence is doubted. This is not me though.I am from a low income family who simply can't afford a school like Penn or any school for that matter but I'm not just any other student. I take every challenge I'm faced with and succeed. I work hard for everything I've earned and know I can be a great psychologist. I know I can make a difference in my field and provide mental health sessions and therapist centers to places around the city of Philadelphia where most kids and families don't have the money for that kind of help. I can make therapy sessions more affordable for the low income families of Philadelphia without it being a low quality session.I'm sure that's multitude of kids and families in the city could use an hour or two to just talk to a well trained professional therapist who can help them or just be a listening hear. Many times I felt I needed that from someone but my family simply could not afford it. I want to help diminish this problem by making mental health accessible to everyone. Whether you have money or not you have the chance to get a health evaluation or just talk with a professional to let your feelings out. I don't know how many lives I'll change with this goal or if my message will even take but my hopes will never change. Making something as helpful as therapy available to all people is a goal I will achieve. There are hundreds of people in the city of Philadelphia alone who could use this help and I will do my best as a psychologist to provide this help to them no matter how much money they have.
      Sean Flynn Memorial Scholarship
      My life has been full of laughter and joy. My clumsiness has definitely aided in giving me funny stories to tell about my life. From tripping in random places to embarrassing myself in public , I have a wide range of stories that make me laugh to this day. One of my favorite funny stories to tell is when my family pranks me with hot sauce while I was asleep. Just so you know I absolutely hate anything spicy so this was a traumatizing yet funny time for me. It started as a regular hotel stay with my mom , sister , brother in law and two nephews. Me and my family spent the weekend at a hotel for my nephews birthday. We laughed and watched TV all night and I was getting very sleepy as the hours went by. My sister warned me that if I went to sleep even once I would wake up angry. She said this as a threat because she is notorious for messing with people while they sleep and wouldn't think twice before messing with me. I however was extremely tired and fell right to sleep at about 12:00 am in the morning. While I was sleeping peacefully though my sister Amber was plotting her prank. She put extra spicy hot sauce from the spicy noodle challenge on my mouth and inside of my mouth while I slept. I woke up in agony and terror by the taste of it and could barely keep myself together with the feeling of the spiciness. While I was tiredly yelling at the feeling , my sister and mom were laughing so hard they might die. To make matters worse I started trying to drink from my water bottle to diminish the feeling but instead I felt worse. For starters there was no water in the water bottle, so I added some water. The taste in my mouth still burned and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. I was so mad but I was also super tired so I went back to sleep and ignored the burning sensation on my tongue. When I woke up again my mom and sister were still laughing at me. That's when I realized what they did. They put the hot sauce on my water bottle top so that when I sucked on the straw I was just sucking in more sauce. I was so mad when I found out and stayed mad for at least an hour until I started to laugh too. Even years later after this happened we all still laugh at the hot sauce prank and talk about how funny it was that I never expected it. I'm not sure if others would find this as funny as I do, but its a family memory that I trusted and one that will always be funny to me.
      Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
      I am an African American honors student at Universal Audenried Charter High School. I am a senior who is preparing to go off to college and make a career for myself . At my school we do a number of community service trips so we can connect with the people of our community and help others. I have gone on all these trips and enjoyed the things I did and the people I met. One of my favorite trips that I went on is when we visited an elementary school in South Philadelphia and taught classes of 5th graders how to make chocolate chip cookies. The experience was fun and the kids were lovely to spend time with. We didn't just teach them how to make a yummy treat either. We discussed what high school life is like at our school and what we wanted to be when we graduate. We talked to them about what they need to do when they go to high school and encouraged them to think about what they might want for the future now because that will help them not be so lost when they are our age. The time spent with the kids was full of laughter and joy and if I was given the chance I would definitely go back there. Another fun community service trip that I had the honor of participating in was when we went to the Philly Cares organization and we packed lunches for homeless people. We went to the place and helped by either making sandwiches or cooking food and when it was all done we packed away the food in boxes so it could be given away to homeless people at soup kitchens or on the street. This experience was inspiring because I never knew just how much food could be used to help others. The food was old and donated by people who didn't need it or didn't care for it but that useless food to them was an amazing meal to someone else who didn't have a home to eat it at or a kitchen to make it.It was amazing getting to help hundreds of people have something to eat. I haven't just participated in volunteer events at my school though, I do my best to positively affect my family and help them out as well. I try to help my family when they are going through something emotional and need someone to talk to.This is because my dream and goal is to go to University of Pennsylvania after high school and study psychology so I can become a psychologist and help hundreds of people in Philadelphia. Even the people who can't afford a therapist I would want to help them and get them through life. This is why I start doing that now by just being there and supporting my family whenever they need it. I enjoy helping others and will continue to do it even after I get a career in psychology.
      Honorable Shawn Long Memorial Scholarship
      My career goals are full of big aspirations and a lot of faith. My dream is to go to a top University and study clinical psychology so that I can become a psychologist someday and help hundreds of people work through their emotional issues and damages. To accomplish this dream I applied to a top school University of Pennsylvania. The school is only 13 minutes away from me but is one of the best in the country for its psychology program. My goal is to get accepted into this school and study my field for 6-8 years to get a doctorate in psychology. This degree will not only further my education but also show future employers how dedicated I am to my field and how excellent I can be in psychology since I have been studying it for so long. To accomplish this dream though I need money. The large amount of money doesn't come as a surprise to me since I did apply to a top ivy league school, however I never thought that FASFA and grants wouldn't be enough to cover a whole tuition. Having this information made it clear that I need more money to make my dream happen. Which is why this scholarship, no matter how big or small it could be would generously help me to go to school and become the psychologist I know I can be. Any money given to me can be used greatly to help pay for my schooling, my housing , my meal plan and even my books. I know school will be expensive and I'll need any help offered to me to pay for my education. I also know that though it is expensive, going to Penn is my dream and I will do whatever I can and apply for any scholarship available to help me get there. A school like Penn is usually considered a questionable choice for someone like me.To most I'm just a another student living in the city of Philadelphia where the education standards are low and the students intelligence is doubted. This is not me though.I am from a low income family who simply can't afford a school like Penn or any school for that matter but I'm not just any other student. I know I am different from the other students and that I can handle the tough curriculum that Penn will throw at me. I take every challenge I'm faced with and succeed. I work hard for everything I've earned and know I can be an amazing student at Penn. This scholarship can help me to get where I need to be. With this money I will have the chance to go to Penn or any other amazing school and make a life and career for myself. I only hope that I can win the scholarship so that I can make it happen.
      Simon Strong Scholarship
      I have faced many challenges and setbacks in my life that have taught me things and broadened my horizon of thinking.It’s hard to name just one but I would say a big challenge that I faced that has taught me a lot when I first learned how to drive. Driving was scary and there were so many uncertainties in how things would play out. Driving got even scarier when I got into an accident and dented the car while learning. It was my third time getting out on the road and I felt like I’d just ruined it. I was scared and in shock because I never thought something so terrible would happen and I honestly didn’t know what to do next. My family doesn’t have much money and that was the only car we had. My mom was nice enough to teach me how to drive with that car as soon as I got my permit and now I'm just destroying it. No one got hurt and that’s what she kept reminding me but I felt like a failure. I had worked so hard to study and pass my permit test and now I just damaged our car while trying to drive. I felt broken and I thought I’d never get back on the road. I was scared that if I drove again I’d make another mistake, one we simply couldn’t afford to fix. My perspective totally changed though when my mom took me in the car, put me in the driver's seat and we were back at it again. It was scary at first, my hands were shaking at the wheel and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. With a simple push from my mom though I was back at it again. Driving smoothly and carefully as if I hadn’t been scared to drive for months. I was calm and in control and for once I didn’t let my fear stop me from achieving my goal and perceiving. I got better at driving thanks to that determination.I learned that though things can be scary and times do get tough, I should never give up and quit.If anyone else is going to a similar situation I would hope they do the same thing ,always work on your goals no matter what you may face or how scary it may be, because you may learn something really important from it if you keep at it. I closed up after the accident but grew a whole lot when I finally got back onto the road and did what I knew I could do.I’m thankful for my mom for pushing me back into the driver's seat and proud of myself for doing it. I haven't taken my drivers test yet because I know I need more time to learn before I am ready but I know I will be soon. There's no fear that can stop me and no challenge I can’t face with some courage and determination.
      Aserina Hill Memorial Scholarship
      I am a senior at Universal Audenried Charter High School with a 4.0 GPA and a passion for learning and helping others. I've taken part in many activities that have taught me new things and helped shape me as a person. I joined the pastry club as a sophomore so I could learn more about baking and have fun with my friends. I also joined the Ried Representatives, my school's student government so I could help my school plan fun activities and make important decisions. I haven't just done clubs though I have enjoyed a lot of community service activities as well. I have had many amazing opportunities to do community service and help my community and the people in it. One of my favorite community service jobs was when I went to a local elementary school in South Philadelphia and taught 3 classes of 5th graders how to make cookie dough at home. The experience was so enjoyable and the kids were so fun.I also enjoyed when I volunteered at my school and gave tours to the middle school scholars coming in so they could get an idea of if they wanted to come to my school. Volunteering was truly an awesome experience for me and it really helped enhance my love for helping others.Enjoying volunteering has also given me new things to be excited about for when I go to college since I hope to do volunteer work there as well. I have many goals and aspirations for when I go to college. No matter what University I go to my goal is to study clinical psychology and become an amazing therapist that helps hundreds of people around the world. I'll go to school and take any opportunities that are available to me so I can succeed. I'll do internships and work studies and make connections with people who can help me to grow in my field and get the career I'm working towards. After my undergraduate years I'll be in school again for 2-4 years to get my Doctoral Degree. This will further help me in my goal and show potential employers of my dedication and seriousness. Once I have my career in psychology I'll be helping my clients work through their issues.My job will be to help make other people live better lives. I know want to spend the rest of my life doing it. Helping others and making a difference. This is why if I ever had a charity of my own I would want it to be about just that. I would like my charities goal to be providing information about mental health and therapy to people who are of low income homes and simply don't have the money for a therapist. I would help all types of people who are in need of mental help but just don't have the money for it. We would provide free or cheap therapy sessions from real licensed therapists and we would go to schools and teach the children about mental health and how they can try to not let school work stress them out. I would help many people in my field whether I have this charity in the future or not.I know I want to help others and make this world better.
      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      At first this question seemed difficult to find an answer to since so many people have impacted my life and helped me to be better. My family, friends and church members have always had faith in me and that has kept me strong. There is however one person who I truly feel would be the right answer for this question. My math teacher Ms. Dare has done wonders for me and has never stopped encouraging me and pushing me to get better. Whether it's staying late after school until I get it or coming extra early just so I can get some extra help, Ms. Dare is always there with a smile and ready to help. She truly is the best math teacher I have ever had and this is something I try to tell her everyday.Ms. Dare is the only math teacher who has really believed in my potential and helped me to be even better. Other teachers would just get frustrated with all my questions or annoyed with my confusion but not Ms. Dare. She'll sit with me for hours after school just so I can better understand what we learned.She has never given up on me and has always reminded me that I am smart and that I just needed the right teacher to draw that out of me. She hasn't only helped me with work from her class either. When I needed help studying for my SAT she was the first teacher I went too who I knew would be able to help me. She went through my SAT book with me and worked on any problems I asked so that I could better understand. Even on the day of my SAT test she spent an hour with me early before school even started just helping me with the math and making sure I understood the math problems. Thanks to Ms. Dare working with me and never giving up I got a higher math score that time and could feel proud of my accomplishment. Ms. Dare really is the best math teacher I've had. She is so good at explaining things and making it easy to understand that I purposely chose to have her as my math teacher again this year instead of the other teacher. Ms. Dare has always tried to help me when I get confused about work. Instead of giving me answers when I'm unsure she encourages me. She gives me little hints to provoke thought and helps me to find the answer for myself so I can be even more proud of the work I did. She reminds me that even though I may need some help on the work I don't need anyone to give me the answers to succeed. She has truly helped me to be better at math and be the best student I can be. Ms. Dare has never given up and because of that I worked my hardest to never let her down. He determination to help me inspired me to be better. That's the kind of teacher that helps not only me but other students as well reach their full potential.
      Autumn Davis Memorial Scholarship
      I have had many experiences with mental health due to the fact that my nephew Nate Jr. and Azair both have autism. It hasn't been easy with those two but I've done my best as an aunt and a future psychologist to teach them anything I can to help them grow. I love them to death and spend as much time as possible trying to teach them new things or just reminding them of my love.It has been hard handling them sometimes and I can honestly say that many times I wondered if they would ever grow and get to the stage in development that they needed to be. No matter what happens though I'll never give up on them. They may have trouble communicating or understanding what certain things mean but I know one day they will get there and it's my job as their aunt to help them. Them being mentally challenged also helped to further grow my interests in psychology. I became fascinated with how their brains work and wondered what could be done to help them to grow and learn better. My dream is not only help my nephews one day but to also be able to help people just like them all across the country.This is why I want to go to an amazing school that can help me to learn more about the brain and how it works. My hope is to spend 6-8 years in college studying psychology and then when it's time I'll work at a therapist clinic and spend every day helping people of all ages, races and genders work through their emotional issues and become happier people. Another goal of mine is to learn sign language. Which sounds irrelevant at first glance but it's actually an amazing tool that can be used to help even more people in my life of work for the future.This goal was inspired by my youngest nephew Azair who is only 3 years old and because of his autism he has yet to learn to speak. We've all been trying to teach him simple hand signs to help us communicate better and it has been working in some ways.It has helped us to better understand his needs and wants in a multitude of ways. This progress is what inspired me to learn sign language in the future so that I can provide that same comfort of communication to my clients. Many times a person could be deaf or they could have a mental disability like Azair and not be able to talk.Being able to still communicate with them through sign language can really impact that person and show them that I care because no matter what issue they have I can still speak to them and help them.That security and comfort is the type of therapist I aim to be to my clients of the future. I'm so thankful to my newphews for showing me that and helping to see what type of therapist I want to be.
      Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
      Growing up my favorite childhood Disney Channel show was Jessie and I was truly sad when the show finished in 4 seasons. There was a continuation of the show though called Bunk'd but after the characters from Jessie left that show I had no interest in watching it.That said I believe that a really amazing crossover would be between Jessie and Bunk'd. Before I tell you the story line for how I want the episode to go I first would like to explain the plot for the two shows and the characters in it so there is no confusion on what is happening.In Jessie 4 spoiled rich kids called Emma, Luke, Ravi and Zuri get a new nanny named Jessie who wants to be an actress and works to teach the kids valuable life lessons and how to be better people.In Bun'k Emma, Ravi and Zuri go to a camp for the summer called Campkikiwaka and learn new things about the outdoors and the magic of friendship. Luke wasn't in this show though since he was claimed to be in summer school and only appeared in the show twice for a visit. So I feel that his presence wouldn't be necessary in the Bunk'd/Jessie crossover since he's barely in the Bunk'd show.Where I left off in Bunk'd Emma ,Ravi and Zuri all got amazing opportunities to do things the next summer and couldn't come back to camp so their friend Lou took over and moved on without them.However the remaining characters have made several mentions of missing these three characters so I think the three of them coming back for a visit would be awesome for the audience to see. Emma actually came back for one episode and everyone was happy to see her but I think it'd be awesome if all 3 of them came back.My idea is that Emma,Zuri and Ravi all got breaks from their original summer plans and decided to pay a surprise visit to their previous bunk mates Destiny, Lou, Finn and Mateo. They spend time hanging out with their bunk'd mates and sharing all their exciting stories while two of the new camp members of the season get a little jealous of their relationship. Noah the counselor to Finn and Mateo would be jealous of Ravi's relationship with them. Finn and Mateo would constantly beg Ravi to come back and remember how fun camp was with him. Gwen would also have a similar reaction to the old newcomers. She is sad that Destiny,Lou and Emma keep hanging out without her. They are both so excited to have the original woodchucks back together that they accidentally leave out Gwen.Plus Emma is not really into hunting like Gwen is so no one is doing the things she likes. The only characters who don't react this way is Zuri and Ava.Ava was a little jealous of Emma when she appeared in the actual show where only one of the past kids visited so I feel that she wouldn't react that way this time.Instead she finds an instant bond with Zuri a past camper and owner ,because they are both rebels.So the best ending to all this drama would be that Ava and Zuri go off somewhere alone and could possibly get in trouble.This causes everyone else to go look for them and the two jealous characters Noah and Gwen use their own individual skills to find them.Lou,Destiny,Ravi,Emma,Mateo, and Finn all apologize for how they made Gwen and Noah feel.Then it ends with the three visitors saying their last goodbyes to their fellow campers and everyone moving on.