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Arianna Stubbs


Bold Points




I'm determined, unbreakable and joyful


Merritt College

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • GPA:

Carrington College-Administrative Office

Trade School
2023 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • GPA:

Vanden High School

High School
2010 - 2014
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Lvn

      2019 – Present5 years


    • Painting
      2017 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Flu — Nurse
      2022 – 2023
    ADHDAdvisor's Mental Health Advocate Scholarship for Health Students
    In my world, generational trauma is prevalent, and I have witnessed firsthand how abuse can be misconstrued as love. Because of this early understanding of abuse . My mission statement is helping with mental health. Patients often come in their guards up, unwilling to trust anyone. I’ve learned that sharing my own experiences, including my journey through therapy and meditation, can break down these barriers. I create a safe space for my patients to share their struggles. Throughout my life, I have fought hard for myself. School was one of them , having adhd and dyslexia. I became an advocate for myself, ensuring I received the accommodations I needed to succeed. I've had to leave programs and retake classes I became resilience . Never letting the idea od starting over stop me. I strive to be an example of resilience in my community, showing others that failure is a part of the journey to success. As my career continues from LVN to a RN, I will be incorporating mental health support into my practice. I aim to develop skills in trauma-informed care. I believe that my background as a young African American nurse with ADHD and dyslexia gives me a unique perspective, enabling me to connect with patients on a deeper level. I am them; I understand how the world perceives them, how their families operate, and I know how to communicate effectively. By combining my personal experiences with my professional training, I hope to create an environment where my patients feel seen, heard, and supported. I am committed to using my studies and future career to advocate for mental health awareness, ensuring that those I serve receive the emotional support they need to heal and thrive.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    In my world, generational trauma is alive and well. Abuse as part of love is taught and believed. Real love comes with great arch and accepting physical and mental lashings. If you can no longer handle the abuse, you turn to temporary relief like alcohol or other drugs. Mental well-being is thought of as the boogeyman. Even after witnessing the suicide of my cousin, it turned into "it was only an accident." That he never actually meant to commit suicide; he was just playing with a gun. Depression doesn't exist in their eyes. I see this similar scene play out with my family over and over again. I made it my mission to be different, to go against the grain of the cycle. It has made me the black sheep in my large family. I used to hate that I stood out in this way, but I have taken pride in it. I'm happy they see. I openly speak about going to therapy, using meditation, and other things to cope with life. Cousins have actively started to change themselves because of that. It's small things, but they are trying new things, going on hikes with me and talking about issues instead of masking them or pretending they don't exist. I've been a light in that way. Being open about mental health has helped me beyond compare with my patients as a nurse as well. I'm able to give a different perspective on things than my coworkers can. I am them; I know how the world perceives them, how their families run, and I know what to say.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    Understanding the nature of our universe is of paramount importance for several reasons. Firstly, it satisfies our innate curiosity about the world we inhabit. As sentient beings, we possess a natural inclination to explore and comprehend our surroundings. By unraveling the mysteries of the universe, we satiate our thirst for knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos. Understanding the nature of the universe allows us to make scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs that can improve the quality of human life. Many of the advancements we enjoy today, such as electricity, modern medicine, and space exploration, are the direct result of scientific inquiry into the workings of the universe. By delving into the fundamental principles that govern the universe, we can unlock new ideas and concepts that have the potential to revolutionize various fields and enhance human well-being. Studying the universe provides us with insights into the origins and evolution of our existence. It enables us to explore fundamental questions about the nature of reality, the existence of life beyond our planet, and the ultimate fate of the universe itself. By gaining a deeper understanding of these profound concepts, we can develop a more comprehensive worldview and cultivate a sense of awe and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. In order to better understand the nature of our universe, it is essential to employ a range of ideas and concepts. Firstly, the scientific method serves as a powerful tool for investigating and explaining the natural world. Through observation, experimentation, and rigorous analysis, scientists can formulate hypotheses, test them, and draw conclusions based on empirical evidence. This empirical approach allows us to uncover the underlying principles and laws that govern the universe. Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial in expanding our understanding of the universe. Complex phenomena often require the expertise and perspectives of multiple disciplines to be fully comprehended. By fostering collaboration between scientists from different fields such as physics, astronomy, biology, and mathematics, we can approach problems from diverse angles and develop holistic explanations. The integration of advanced technologies and computational methods is vital in pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. Tools such as telescopes, particle accelerators, and supercomputers enable us to observe distant galaxies, probe the fundamental particles of matter, and simulate complex systems. These technological advancements provide us with unprecedented opportunities to collect and analyze vast amounts of data, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. In addition to these scientific approaches, philosophical and contemplative traditions can also contribute to our understanding of the universe. By engaging in deep introspection, meditation, and philosophical inquiry, we can explore existential questions and probe the nature of consciousness, perception, and reality. These contemplative practices offer alternative avenues for expanding our understanding of the universe beyond empirical observation and experimentation. Ultimately, a multifaceted approach that combines scientific inquiry, interdisciplinary collaboration, advanced technologies, and philosophical contemplation can help us better understand the nature of our universe. By continuously pushing the boundaries of knowledge and embracing intellectual curiosity, we can unlock the secrets of the cosmos, inspire future generations, and pave the way for a more enlightened and harmonious existence on our planet.
    Dedication for Education Scholarship
    I grew up in a lower middle-class family, where I learned the value of hard work, compassion, and community engagement. From a young age, I was involved in various volunteer activities, particularly through my church, where I spent many Thursday nights helping in food banks. These experiences exposed me to the struggles faced by underserved communities and ignited a deep desire within me to make a positive impact on the lives of others. As I pursued my education, I recognized the power of knowledge and its potential to bring about meaningful change. I realized that by equipping myself with the right skills and expertise, I could contribute to addressing the challenges faced by underserved areas in California. With this realization, I developed a clear vision for utilizing my education to uplift these communities and create lasting, positive change. First and foremost, I am committed to completing my education and obtaining a degree in a relevant field such as social work or public health. This academic foundation will provide me with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the complex issues faced by underserved areas and develop effective interventions. In addition to my coursework, I actively seek out opportunities to gain practical experience in community development and outreach programs. I have already organized several giveaways for the women's homeless shelter, providing essential items and support to those in need. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the significance of direct, hands-on engagement with underserved populations. Looking ahead, I plan to work closely with local organizations and nonprofit agencies that are dedicated to addressing the needs of underserved communities in California. By collaborating with these organizations, I hope to contribute my skills and knowledge to develop innovative programs that tackle issues such as poverty, homelessness, and lack of access to healthcare and education. I recognize that the challenges faced by underserved areas are multi-faceted and require a holistic approach. Therefore, I aim to engage in interdisciplinary collaborations, working alongside professionals from diverse backgrounds to develop comprehensive solutions. By fostering partnerships with community members, local authorities, and other stakeholders, I believe we can create a sustainable and inclusive environment that uplifts the lives of those in need. Furthermore, I am passionate about advocating for policy changes that address systemic inequalities. Through research, analysis, and effective communication, I hope to influence policymakers to implement reforms that promote social justice and equal opportunities for underserved populations. Ultimately, my goal is to utilize my education, skills, and experiences to empower individuals and communities in underserved areas of California. I want to be a catalyst for positive change, working towards a future where everyone has equal access to opportunities, resources, and support. By combining my passion for community service with the knowledge I acquire through my education, I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the betterment of society.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    The version of myself is strong ,health happy nuse that runs a business and two small non-profit.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    Helping others and demonstrating compassion is not only a personal inclination but also an essential aspect of building a connected and progressive society. By extending a helping hand, we not only provide immediate assistance to those in need but also contribute to a broader sense of unity and understanding within our communities. In this essay, we will explore the importance of helping others and how it fosters a sense of purpose while promoting social cohesion and national progress. Helping others plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a sense of unity within communities. When we offer assistance, we bridge the gaps that often divide individuals based on social, economic, or cultural differences. By recognizing the common humanity in all people, we strengthen the bonds that hold our communities together. Helping others allows us to connect on a deeper level, fostering empathy, understanding, and a shared sense of purpose. This unity enables us to overcome obstacles collectively and work towards common goals, ultimately creating a stronger and more resilient society. When we engage in acts of service, we gain a better understanding of the challenges and struggles faced by others. This firsthand experience cultivates empathy, allowing us to step into someone else's shoes and view the world from their perspective. By recognizing the diversity of experiences and circumstances, we become more compassionate and tolerant individuals. This heightened empathy and understanding enable us to break down stereotypes, prejudices, and biases, promoting inclusivity and acceptance within our communities. Helping others fosters a culture of respect and appreciation for different backgrounds and experiences. A society that values helping others is more likely to thrive and progress as a nation. When individuals extend a helping hand, it creates a ripple effect that inspires others to do the same. This collective effort leads to the development of a cooperative and compassionate society, where people work together to address societal challenges and uplift one another. By fostering a culture of assistance and support, we build a foundation for progress and development, tackling issues such as poverty, inequality, and injustice. Helping others strengthens the social fabric of a nation and contributes to its overall advancement. Helping others brings a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment to individuals. For many, it is a deeply ingrained instinct that provides a sense of meaning and satisfaction. By utilizing our skills, resources, and time to positively impact the lives of others, we tap into our own potential and contribute to something greater than ourselves. This selflessness not only benefits the recipients of our assistance but also nurtures our own well-being, fostering a positive sense of self and personal growth. Helping others becomes a source of personal gratification and a pathway to a more fulfilling and purposeful life . Helping others is vital for the well-being of individuals, communities, and nations. By fostering unity, enhancing empathy and understanding, promoting cooperation, and fulfilling personal purpose, acts of kindness and assistance create a society that is compassionate, inclusive, and progressive. As someone who feels an innate sense of purpose in helping others, I recognize the transformative power of compassion and remain committed to actively contributing to the welfare and advancement of my community. Together, through our collective efforts, we can build a stronger, more connected,
    Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
    Throughout my life, my personal faith and belief in God have been sources of strength, comfort, and guidance. In both challenging and joyful times, my faith has provided a solid foundation that has helped me navigate through the ups and downs of life. It has shaped my values, influenced my decisions, and given me a sense of purpose and meaning. In times of hardship and adversity, my faith has been a source of solace and hope. It has provided me with a sense of inner peace, knowing that I am not alone in my struggles. Believing in a higher power has given me the assurance that there is a purpose to my suffering and that I can find strength to overcome obstacles. It has allowed me to surrender my worries and fears, placing my trust in God's plan for my life. This trust and reliance on my faith have carried me through some of the roughest times, providing me with the resilience and perseverance to keep moving forward. Furthermore, my faith has influenced my interactions with others, particularly in my career. As a healthcare professional, having an open heart and compassion for my patients is essential. My faith has played a significant role in cultivating these qualities within me. Believing in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, as taught by my faith, enables me to approach my patients with empathy, understanding, and kindness. It reminds me to see beyond their physical ailments and to recognize their emotional, spiritual, and psychological needs as well. Through my faith, I am reminded of the importance of treating each patient as a whole person, not just a medical case. It encourages me to listen attentively, to offer comfort and support, and to advocate for their well-being. Having an open heart allows me to connect with my patients on a deeper level, fostering a therapeutic relationship based on trust and mutual respect. It helps me to see the humanity in each person I encounter, regardless of their circumstances or background. Looking ahead, I believe that my faith will continue to play a vital role in my career. It will provide me with the strength and resilience to face the challenges that come with working in a demanding and emotionally charged field. It will guide my ethical decision-making, ensuring that I always prioritize the well-being and dignity of my patients. Moreover, my faith will motivate me to seek opportunities for personal and professional growth, to continuously improve my skills and knowledge for the benefit of those I serve. In conclusion, my personal faith and belief in God have had a profound impact on my life. They have been sources of strength, comfort, and guidance through difficult times. My faith has cultivated an open heart and compassion within me, influencing how I interact with others, particularly in my career as a healthcare professional. I am confident that my faith will continue to support and guide me as I navigate my career, helping me to provide compassionate care and make a positive difference in the lives of my patients.
    Reasons To Be - In Memory of Jimmy Watts
    Volunteering is a powerful and transformative experience that has a profound impact on an individual's core values and life goals. Through my own volunteer experiences, I have come to realize the intrinsic value of people and the importance of enacting positive change in the world. This realization has greatly influenced my core values and what I am working towards in my career and life goals. One of the key values that my volunteer experience has instilled in me is compassion. Engaging in volunteer work exposes individuals to diverse communities, each with their own unique struggles and challenges. It allows us to step out of our comfort zones and develop a deep sense of empathy towards others. This compassion, nurtured through volunteering, has become an integral part of my core values. It reminds me of the significance of treating others with kindness, understanding, and respect, regardless of their circumstances. Volunteering has also taught me the beauty of remaining raw and unfiltered. In a world that often emphasizes perfection and curated representations of life, volunteering provides a refreshing perspective. It allows us to witness and engage with individuals in their most vulnerable moments. Through these experiences, I have learned that everything doesn't need to be sugar-coated or Instagram-worthy. Authenticity and genuine connections are far more valuable than superficial appearances. This realization has influenced my core values by encouraging me to embrace and celebrate the genuine aspects of life, both in my personal relationships and in my professional endeavors. Moreover, my volunteer experiences have shaped my career and life goals by inspiring me to work towards creating positive change. Witnessing the impact that dedicated individuals and organizations can have on communities in need has fueled my desire to make a difference in the world. It has motivated me to pursue a career path that aligns with my values, where I can actively contribute to improving the lives of others. Whether it is through working in the non-profit sector, engaging in social entrepreneurship, or advocating for marginalized communities, my volunteer experiences have solidified my commitment to working towards a more equitable and compassionate society. In summary, volunteering has had a profound impact on my core values and the direction of my career and life goals. It has taught me the value of compassion, reminding me to approach others with an open heart. It has also shown me the beauty in remaining authentic and unfiltered, emphasizing the importance of genuine connections. Lastly, my volunteer experiences have inspired me to work towards creating positive change and making a meaningful difference in the world. By integrating these values into my professional and personal life, I hope to contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive society.
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    My pursuit of higher education has been marked by obstacles and challenges, primarily due to my ADHD and dyslexia. However, I have learned to become an advocate for myself, seeking out resources and accommodations to help me succeed academically. Through perseverance and hard work, I have excelled in school, and I am determined to use my education to give back to my community. In this essay, I will explore the obstacles I have overcome in my educational journey and discuss my plans to establish an organization for young women with learning disabilities. My journey towards higher education has been marked by challenges stemming from my ADHD and dyslexia. These conditions have posed significant obstacles to my learning, making it difficult for me to focus and process information. However, with the help of supportive parents and educators, I have learned to become an advocate for myself, seeking out resources such as assistive technology, extra time on exams, and tutoring to help me succeed academically. Despite the challenges I have faced, my experiences have inspired me to give back to my community. I currently volunteer at community food banks and create care packages for the homeless in my area. These endeavors aim to address immediate needs and provide essential items for daily living. Looking ahead, I am passionate about empowering young women with learning disabilities, who face unique challenges in society. I plan to establish an organization dedicated to teaching self-advocacy and fostering self-worth. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and support groups, young women with learning disabilities will learn valuable skills to navigate their lives confidently. My organization will aim to instill in these individuals a sense of self-worth and challenge the limitations placed upon them by society. By providing resources, guidance, and a supportive community, we will help them recognize their potential and encourage them to pursue their dreams. This includes promoting education, career development, and personal growth. Despite the obstacles I have faced, I am committed to using my education to make a positive impact on my community. By establishing an organization for young women with learning disabilities, I hope to empower them to become advocates for themselves and unlock their full potential, creating a brighter future for all.
    Social Change Fund United Scholarship
    Achieving optimal mental health within the Black community is a crucial step towards social justice and equality. Addressing the negative impact of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, is essential in breaking the cycle and creating a brighter future. By actively engaging in mental health care and advocacy, we can challenge stigmas, promote positive conversations, and empower individuals to seek the help they need. This essay explores a utopian vision for optimal mental health within the Black community and highlights the role of mental health care and advocacy in achieving social justice for communities of color. In the utopian vision for optimal mental health, the Black community fosters a supportive environment that encourages open dialogue and destigmatizes mental health concerns. It begins with individuals sharing their personal experiences with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions, breaking the silence and promoting understanding. This shift in mindset helps create a safe space where individuals can seek support without fear of judgment or discrimination. Education plays a vital role in promoting optimal mental health within the Black community. By implementing comprehensive mental health education programs in schools and community centers, we can equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to identify and address mental health challenges. Creating awareness campaigns and workshops that specifically target the Black community can help dispel myths, provide accurate information, and encourage early intervention. To achieve optimal mental health, it is crucial to address the systemic barriers that hinder access to mental health care within the Black community. This includes advocating for policies that provide affordable and culturally sensitive mental health services. Increasing the number of mental health professionals from diverse backgrounds and ensuring their training includes cultural competence can help bridge the gap between the Black community and mental health care providers. Community support and resources are vital in promoting optimal mental health within the Black community. Establishing community-based organizations that offer counseling services, support groups, and mentorship programs can provide a nurturing environment for individuals to seek help and connect with others who share similar experiences. These organizations can collaborate with schools, faith-based institutions, and healthcare providers to create a comprehensive support network. In the pursuit of optimal mental health within the Black community, mental health care and advocacy play a transformative role. By promoting positive conversations, challenging stigmas, and providing access to culturally sensitive care, we can empower individuals to break the cycle of mental health challenges. Through education, community support, and a commitment to change, we can achieve social justice and equality for communities of color.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could choose one book for everyone in the world to read, it would be "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. This book is a short but impactful parable that holds valuable lessons applicable to individuals from all walks of life. "Who Moved My Cheese?" revolves around the concept of change and the importance of adapting to it. The story follows four characters, two mice named Sniff and Scurry, and two little people named Hem and Haw, who live in a maze and rely on cheese as a symbol of happiness and success. When their cheese supply is unexpectedly moved, the characters respond differently to the change, offering profound insights into human behavior and attitudes towards change. This book is incredibly relevant in today's rapidly evolving world. Change is an inevitable part of life, and the ability to adapt and embrace it is crucial for personal and professional growth. "Who Moved My Cheese?" conveys this message in a simple yet thought-provoking manner, prompting readers to reflect on their own reactions to change and encouraging them to develop resilience and flexibility. By reading this book, individuals would gain valuable insights into the importance of letting go of outdated beliefs, embracing new opportunities, and being proactive in navigating change. It would inspire them to evaluate their current skills and mindset, encouraging personal growth and opening doors to new possibilities. Furthermore, "Who Moved My Cheese?" has the potential to foster empathy and understanding among individuals. By recognizing that everyone responds differently to change, readers may develop greater compassion and patience towards others' struggles and challenges. This book emphasizes the importance of supporting one another during times of transition, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose. In a world that is constantly evolving, "Who Moved My Cheese?" serves as a guide for individuals to navigate change with courage and adaptability. It empowers readers to take ownership of their lives, embrace new opportunities, and discover hidden potential within themselves. By sharing this book with the world, we can inspire a global mindset shift towards embracing change and pursuing personal growth, ultimately leading to a more resilient and fulfilled society.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    Nestled amidst the serene farmlands of California, my Barbie Dream House is a true sanctuary of tranquility and elegance. Situated on a sprawling ten-acre property, the house exudes a sense of peace and harmony, offering a respite from the bustling city life. Its exterior is a captivating combination of pristine white and three shades of green, seamlessly blending with the surrounding natural landscape. Welcoming guests with a vibrant pop of color, the front door shines in a striking shade of bright pink. Approaching the property, a long and winding driveway leads the way, lined with fragrant flowers and majestic trees that paint a picturesque scene. The property is enveloped by a fence, providing a sense of security and privacy, allowing Barbie and her friends to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of their secluded retreat. Adding to the lively spirit of the home, three adorable rescue dogs roam freely, bringing joy, companionship, and a touch of playfulness to every room. The interior is adorned with an abundance of house plants, creating a refreshing and vibrant environment that promotes relaxation and a connection with nature. Stepping inside, the interior of the Barbie Dream House is a haven of luxury and sophistication. The house boasts an array of fabulous features designed to indulge every desire. Automatic shades and lights create the perfect ambiance, effortlessly adapting to Barbie's preferences and the changing moods of the day. One of the standout features is an expansive closet, meticulously organized to house Barbie's extensive wardrobe. Attached to the mirror is a personal stylist station, complete with a built-in vanity and a dedicated space for hairstyling
    Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
    As an individual who has personally experienced the challenges of mental illness, specifically anxiety and depression, and witnessed its impact on my family, I understand the profound effects it can have on one's life. This essay will shed light on my personal journey and the ways in which mental illness has affected both myself and my family. While the impact has been predominantly negative, I have chosen to break the cycle by seeking therapy and actively working towards healing. Living with anxiety and depression has been an ongoing battle for me. The constant feelings of worry, fear, and sadness have often overshadowed my daily life, affecting my relationships, academic pursuits, and overall well-being. There were times when I felt helpless, trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. Witnessing other family members grapple with similar mental health issues only compounded the challenges we faced. Some of them resorted to self-destructive coping mechanisms, relying heavily on drugs to numb their pain, while others tragically succumbed to suicide. Despite the adversity I faced, I made a conscious decision to break the cycle of mental illness within my family. Recognizing the importance of seeking help, I proactively sought therapy as a means to understand and manage my anxiety and depression. Therapy provided a safe space for me to explore my emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of my mental health struggles. Through therapy, I have learned valuable techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive reframing, and self-care practices that have empowered me to take control of my mental well-being. Moreover, I have also sought support from friends, engaging in open conversations about mental health, and encouraging others to seek help when needed. By sharing my own experiences, I hope to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and create a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking the assistance they require. Mental illness has undeniably had a profound impact on both myself and my family, leading to destructive behaviors and tragic losses. However, I am determined to break this cycle by actively addressing my own mental health issues through therapy and cultivating a supportive network of friends. By sharing my experiences and advocating for mental health awareness, I aim to create a positive impact on those around me. Through my journey, I have come to understand the importance of seeking help, fostering open dialogue, and promoting understanding and empathy towards mental health struggles. It is my hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire others to break free from the grip of mental illness and find the path towards healing and resilience.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    Current Efforts and Future Aspirations Giving back to society is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. Currently, I actively contribute to my community through volunteering at food banks and creating care packages for the local homeless. These endeavors aim to address immediate needs and provide essential items for daily living. Looking ahead, my passion for empowering others, particularly young women with learning disabilities, inspires me to establish a small organization dedicated to teaching self-advocacy and fostering self-worth. Presently, I devote several hours each month to volunteering at food banks. By assisting with sorting, packing, and distributing food, I contribute to alleviating hunger within the community. Recognizing that homelessness often entails a lack of basic necessities, I also assemble care packages containing essential items like socks, underwear, toothbrushes, and razors. These packages serve as reminders that everyone deserves dignity and support in their daily lives. In the future, I aspire to positively impact the world by establishing a small organization dedicated to empowering young women with learning disabilities. Recognizing the unique challenges they face, my organization will aim to teach them how to advocate for themselves effectively. Through workshops, mentoring programs, and support groups, these young women will learn valuable skills to navigate their lives confidently. The primary focus of the organization will be to instill in these individuals a sense of self-worth and to challenge the limitations placed upon them by society. By providing them with resources, guidance, and a supportive community, we will help them recognize their potential and encourage them to pursue their dreams. This includes promoting education, career development, and personal growth. Additionally, the organization will collaborate with schools, community centers, and local businesses to create inclusive environments that accommodate the diverse needs of young women with learning disabilities. By raising awareness and advocating for policy changes, we will strive to reduce stigmas and ensure that these individuals receive the support they deserve. Giving back to society is a lifelong commitment, and my current volunteer work at food banks and care packages for the homeless are small steps in that direction. However, my future plans to establish an organization for young women with learning disabilities hold even greater potential for creating lasting change. By empowering these individuals, I aim to help them overcome societal barriers and unlock their full potential, thus contributing positively to the world we live in. Thank you for your consideration 🙏🏾
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    In a world where countless individuals face challenges that hinder their academic and personal growth, I aspire to make a positive impact by becoming a mentor to young girls. Having experienced my fair share of struggles with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and ADHD, I am determined to help these girls overcome their obstacles and realize their true potential. As someone who has personally encountered the difficulties associated with learning disabilities, I understand the frustrations and self-doubt that often accompany these challenges. By becoming a mentor to young girls facing similar obstacles, I aim to guide them through their educational journey and empower them to excel. I will offer them guidance, support, and encouragement, emphasizing that their learning disabilities do not define their capabilities. Through one-on-one interactions, I will help them develop strategies to overcome challenges, build their self-confidence, and instill in them the belief that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. Mentorship plays a vital role in shaping the lives of young individuals. By serving as a role model, I can demonstrate to these girls that they are not alone in their struggles. Sharing my own experiences with dyslexia and ADHD, I will provide them with a sense of hope and inspiration. Moreover, I will introduce them to successful individuals who have overcome similar obstacles, showcasing the diverse paths to success. By exposing them to positive role models, I will expand their horizons, broaden their aspirations, and motivate them to pursue their dreams despite any limitations they may face. In addition to academic support, I will foster a nurturing environment that promotes personal growth and resilience. Through open and honest conversations, I will listen to their concerns, fears, and aspirations. By cultivating a safe space where they can freely express themselves, I will help them develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, self-advocacy, and effective communication. Furthermore, I will encourage them to embrace their unique strengths and talents, fostering a sense of self-worth and empowerment that extends beyond the classroom. In a world where the potential of countless individuals remains untapped due to learning disabilities, I am committed to making a positive impact. By becoming a mentor to young girls struggling with similar challenges, I aim to guide them towards success, both academically and personally. Through support, encouragement, and a strong belief in their abilities, I will empower them to break free from the limitations imposed upon them and realize their full potential. Together, we can build a future where every young mind thrives, regardless of their learning differences.
    Minority/Women in STEM Scholarship
    As I embarked on my journey into the world of STEM, I faced a series of challenges that tested my resilience and determination. Living with learning disabilities such as ADHD and dyslexia, learning did not come easily to me. However, I refused to let these challenges define me or limit my potential. Instead, I chose to embrace them as an opportunity to grow, learn, and become a fierce advocate for myself and others. One of the most significant challenges I faced was overcoming the barriers created by my learning disabilities. While my peers seemed to effortlessly grasp complex concepts, I often found myself struggling to keep up. The frustration at times felt overwhelming, but I quickly realized that I had a choice – to accept defeat or to fight back. I opted for the latter. With unwavering determination, I sought out resources and support systems that would enable me to navigate the educational landscape with greater ease. I discovered that by speaking up and advocating for myself, I could access accommodations and strategies that helped level the playing field. Whether it was extra time on exams or the use of assistive technology, these tools became instrumental in my academic success. However, my journey was not just about personal triumph; it was about creating positive change in the world through my STEM education. I realized that my unique perspective as a person with learning disabilities could contribute to the field in meaningful ways. This realization became the catalyst for my desire to make a lasting impact. Armed with knowledge and a burning passion, I knew I had a responsibility to uplift others who faced similar challenges. I wanted to use my voice to advocate for inclusivity, support, and understanding within the STEM community. At times, I found myself as the only brown girl in a sea of faces, but instead of feeling intimidated, I assumed the role of a trailblazer. I stood a little taller, knowing that my presence brought representation to underrepresented communities. In order to make the positive impact I envisioned, I actively engaged in STEM initiatives both within and outside of my educational institution. I became a mentor to younger students, sharing my experiences and encouraging them to persevere in the face of adversity. I also joined organizations and participated in outreach programs aimed at dismantling barriers and promoting diversity within STEM. Through my journey, I have come to understand that my learning disabilities do not define me, but rather, they have shaped me into a resilient, empathetic, and tenacious individual. By embracing these challenges, I have honed my problem-solving skills, developed a deep sense of empathy, and cultivated the ability to think outside the box - qualities that are invaluable in the ever-evolving field of STEM. My pursuit of a STEM education is driven by my desire to create a world that is inclusive, innovative, and equitable. I refuse to be limited by my learning disabilities, as they have become my greatest source of strength. By advocating for myself and others, I aim to break down the barriers that hinder progress and accessibility in STEM. With every step forward, I am an agent of change, challenging stereotypes, fighting for representation, and inspiring the next generation of diverse innovators. Through my personal experiences, I have learned the power of self-advocacy, the value of representation, and the importance of making a positive impact on the world. With my voice, my resilience, and my passion, I am determined to contribute towards a STEM community that embraces diversity, nurtures inclusivity, and paves the way for a more equitable future.
    John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart Scholarship
    Overcoming Cardiac Disease In the face of adversity, some individuals possess an extraordinary strength, an unyielding spirit that refuses to be diminished. Such was the case with my grandpa, a veteran of 25 years and former slave. Despite a debilitating stroke that took away his ability to walk and speak, he remained determined and showcased the true meaning of resilience. My grandpa's life was a testament to resilience and perseverance. From a young age, it was evident that he possessed an innate fighting spirit that propelled him forward, even in the most challenging times. This indomitable spirit would later prove crucial when he faced the battle of his life: cardiac disease. Growing up, my grandpa endured many hardships. Despite limited resources and opportunities, he remained determined to make a better life for himself and his family. His drive and unwavering determination led him to overcome adversity and achieve success in various aspects of his life. When my grandpa was diagnosed with cardiac disease, it was a devastating blow. The diagnosis shook the core of our family, as we watched a man we so deeply admired face this formidable obstacle. However, my grandpa refused to let his condition define him. He chose to confront his illness head-on with the same fighting spirit that had guided him throughout his life. The journey towards recovery was not easy. The road was long and arduous, filled with surgeries, medications, and numerous doctor visits. But my grandpa approached each step with the mindset of a warrior. He embraced the challenges, viewing them as opportunities to grow stronger. Physical rehabilitation became an integral part of my grandpa's life. Every day he pushed himself, working tirelessly to regain his strength and mobility. It was through sheer determination and willpower that he slowly but surely regained control over his body. He never wavered in his pursuit of a better quality of life, reminding us all of the power of resilience in the face of adversity. However, it wasn't just his physical strength that defined my grandpa's journey. His mental fortitude played an equally significant role in his triumph over cardiac disease. Despite the moments of doubt and frustration, he maintained an unwavering belief in his ability to overcome. He refused to let negativity dictate his mindset, instead focusing on the small victories and milestones along the way. Throughout his journey, my grandpa inspired those around him with his unwavering determination and positive outlook. His resilience became a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges. He showed us that no matter how daunting the obstacle, with a steadfast fighting spirit, anything is possible. My grandpa's journey through cardiac disease serves as a testament to the power of resilience and determination. His indomitable spirit carried him through the darkest moments, propelling him towards triumph. He taught us that being a fighter isn't just about physical strength, but also about a relentless refusal to be defined by one's circumstances.
    Rose Browne Memorial Scholarship for Nursing
    My biggest strength is my empathy and compassion. I have the unique ability to make people feel safe. Within my community, I allow them to come to me . From questions/re-education on things like diabetes, healthy foods, and mental health. Actively, being an example, that mental health is important. Feeling sad, anxious, or depressed doesn't make you crazy. Doesn't make a child disobedient or fast acting. I've been able to change the point of mental health for a few in my community. Get some of the elders in my community to understand mental health better. I've been leading by example. Actively speak about my therapist and coping tools with them . Showing them that acknowledging mental health issues aid in better results. I take pride in speaking about my mental journey. I openly speak to people about my suicide attempts. The moments that felt up to them. One of the families in my community even started family therapy. One of my biggest goals is to create a space for black people in health care. I want black people to feel seen when they need health care. I want to open and run my own clinic. As well as many programs aiding the middle and poor class of society with doctors appointments and education. Individuals are forced in one direction when it comes to Healthcare. There are thousands of medication options. Only a select few are offered to the community. Most create new problems within the body. I want to provide people in the community with a better education of food. Possibly host little home ed classes for kids and one for adults. Create a monthly space for questions and creativity for problems/issues. I want to further my education to a nurse Practitioner. To provide my future patients and members in my community with immeasurable amounts of help. Help from a medical professional that cares. Introduce my clients to a space of historical excellence. Showing my community how our ancestors healed themselves. Showing them how to incorporate natural healing with modern medicine. Seeing my family struggle with their health has influenced me to step up. Being of color you are placed in a box the moment you walk through the door. My patients are going to feel seen when they enter my clinic. I've been diagnosed with the simplest things. Having symptoms of lactose intolerants magically turned into pregnancy symptoms for my doctor. I was only 13 but my doctor was convinced I was lying about being a virgin. I spent the entire being told I was lying by doctors just for the conclusion to I can not have milk. I have dozens of more stories like this one. Theses are the things I would love to change for my patients. thank you for your time and consideration.
    Slater Miller Memorial Fund
    My biggest strength is my empathy and compassion. I have the unique ability to make people feel safe. Within my community, I allow them to come to me . From questions/re-education on things like diabetes ,healthy foods, and mental health. Actively, being an example, that mental health is important. Feeling sad , anxious, or depressed doesn't make you crazy. Doesn't make a child disobedient or fast acting. I've been able to change the point of mental health for a few in my community. Get some of the elders in my community to understand mental health better . I've been leading by example . Actively speaking about my therapist and coping tools with them . Showing them that acknowledging mental health issues aid better results. I take pride in speaking about my mental journey. I openly speak to people about my suicide attempts. The moments that felt up to them. One of the families in my community even started family therapy. One of my biggest goals is to create a space for black people in health care. I want black people to feel seen when they need health care . I want to open and run my own clinic. As well as many programs aiding the middle and poor class of society with doctors appointments and education. The individuals that are forced in one direction when it comes to Healthcare. There are thousands of medication options. Only a select few are offered to the community. Most creating new problems within the body . I want to provide people in the community with a better education of food. Possibly host little home ed classes for kids and one for adults. Create a monthly space for questions and creativity for problems/issues. I want to further my education to a nurse Practitioner. To provide my future patients and members in my community with immeasurable amounts of help. Help from a medical professional that cares. Introduce my clients to a space of historical excellence. Showing my community how our ancestors healed themselves. Showing them how to incorporate natural healing with modern medicine. This is the version of myself I want to tap into . This is the version I want to see come to fruition. There's so much power in giving back and spreading love. I'm excited to do that for my community. I currently work as lvn at a hospital. I'm general ed/ prerequisites for the spring Rn program. I'm taking a full schedule for school. I'm nervous but I can't shake the feeling that this is the right time. I'm spending the rest of the year taking classes. The beginning of next year as well . The program is only a year long. From the program I will gain my ADN and obtain my RN license. After obtaining my license I will then go to another school to obtain my BSN( bachelor of science in nursing) . Work for a year before pursuing my Masters for NP school. It's a long journey to achieve my goals . I believe I've found my purpose.
    Will Johnson Scholarship
    How can one person create change for so many through advocacy for the rights of the disabled? Is an amazing question. One way someone can create change, for the disabled is by educating themselves. One way to educate themselves is by speaking and having a real conversation with some disabled. One thing that instantly comes to mind for me his my grandfather. People assumed he was unable to know what was going on around him. He lost his ability to speak normally and walk without assistance after his stroke. In grandfather's case, he let people think whatever they wanted about and he just kept tabs. He was able to find other ways of communicating when given the chance. He always found a way. One thing I noticed about people when it came to my grandfather was they wanted to baby him. Or make up his mind for him. He was fully capable of counting money, singing, dancing and causing trouble. People can educate themselves by taking 30 mins and looking into public cases of different disabilities. Everyone is completely different, nothing affects everyone the same way. I was always willing to be my grandpa's biggest advocate and supporter. Showcase how funny he was. Allowing themselves to look beside them is important. People tend to base someone's capabilities based on themselves. Constantly comparing what they are capable of verse someone with a disability. Either that disability is big or small. Some dancers can do the splits, and some can not. One dancer isn't better than the other because of that. People's capillaries range and that is one way we are unique. Reflective listening to people that are going to try to express their concerns is important. People intend to be so quick to assume what someone wants and do not want. Causing someone with a disability to feel misunderstood and judged. Allowing someone to act, express and move for themselves is everything. For myself I don't a physical disabilities but educational ones. The school hasn't been easy for me at all. I've always had to work twice as hard as my schoolmates. Having dyslexia and adhd made it that way. People would assume I have a low iq or low comprehension skills. I had a friend assume my grades were given to me. Even though I spend every day studying. Coming to school early to study in the classroom and the library. Spending two to three hours after school studying. For me, I learned isn't an option for me. I had one teacher that truly believed in me. She told me early on in my life that I'm going to have to believe in myself. People are always going to have assumptions and low expectations. She wasn't wrong. I told an old counselor I wanted to be a nurse. He laughed in face. Here I am a working lvn. I did lose the fate in myself for a little while. I finally got it back and I'm going back to school. I'm actively pursuing my registered nursing license. Thank you for considering me for this scholarship.
    Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
    Recovery is accepting the unknown and living your truth. I believe Recovery is raw and completely unfiltered. For me in my journey I've learned to accept the unknows in my life. To take pride in all of my struggles .I've wanted to stay completely numb to the world around me because things hurt less. If I was high enough couldn't feel the hurt anymore. After years of running I stop running . I accepted my truths. I accepted my wrongs . I accepted all the parts I played in my wrong doings. I'm now going on two years being sober.
    ProjectGiveBack Scholarship for Black Women
    My biggest strength is my empathy and compassion. I have the unique ability to make people feel safe. Within my community, I allow them to come to me . From questions/re-education on things like diabetes ,healthy foods, and mental health. Actively, being an example, that mental health is important. Feeling sad , anxious, or depressed doesn't make you crazy. Doesn't make a child disobedient or fast acting. I've been able to change the point of mental health for a few in my community. Get some of the elders in my community to understand mental health better . I've been leading by example . Actively speaking about my therapist and coping tools with them . Showing them that acknowledging mental health issues aid better results. I take pride in speaking about my mental journey. I openly speak to people about my suicide attempts. The moments that felt up to them. One of the families in my community even started family therapy. One of my biggest goals is to create a space for black people in health care. I want black people to feel seen when they need health care . I want to open and run my own clinic. As well as many programs aiding the middle and poor class of society with doctors appointments and education. The individuals that are forced in one direction when it comes to Healthcare. There are thousands of medication options. Only a select few are offered to the community. Most creating new problems within the body . I want to provide people in the community with a better education of food. Possibly host little home ed classes for kids and one for adults. Create a monthly space for questions and creativity for problems/issues. I want to further my education to a nurse Practitioner. To provide my future patients and members in my community with immeasurable amounts of help. Help from a medical professional that cares. Introduce my clients to a space of historical excellence. Showing my community how our ancestors healed themselves. Showing them how to incorporate natural healing with modern medicine. This is the version of myself I want to tap into . This is the version I want to see come to fruition. There's so much power in giving back and spreading love. I'm excited to do that for my community. I currently work as lvn at a hospital. I'm general ed/ prerequisites for the spring Rn program. I'm taking a full schedule for school. I'm nervous but I can't shake the feeling that this is the right time. I'm spending the rest of the year taking classes. The beginning of next year as well . The program is only a year long. From the program I will gain my ADN and obtain my RN license. After obtaining my license I will then go to another school to obtain my BSN( bachelor of science in nursing) . Work for a year before pursuing my Masters for NP school. It's a long journey to achieve my goals . I believe I've found my purpose.