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Ariadny Nascimento


Bold Points








My name is Ariadny, and I am a first-generation biology student at Brookdale Community College. I am extremely passionate about my education, and I hope to make the most out of it because as an immigrant student, I know many don't have the same opportunities as I did. I strongly support efforts made in adversity because from an early age, I've always had to take the responsibility of my education with my own hands to be able to navigate the waters of Middle School, High School and now college, even when everything was all new to me. I aspire to one day become a psychiatrist because I am passionate about everything involving mental-health and mental-health disorders. One reason I decided to go to the medical field in particular is because it's so giving to mankind which aligns to my goals and values. I hope to one day be able to make a difference in someone else's live clinically, while sharing my story of how far I've come so that I can inspire others to do the same. One of my favorite quotes of all time is "And without knowing what is to come, I'll go with faith and courage as I continue to become." This quote describes my life journey perfectly because when things feel uncertain, I don't give up, instead, I continue to fight and grow.


Brookdale Community College

Associate's degree program
2019 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      To become a psychiatrist

    • Pet sitting

      2022 – Present2 years
    • Secretary

      1st Option Services
      2015 – Present9 years



    2018 – 20191 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      JBJ Soul Kitchen — As a volunteer I could stay in the back of the house (washing the dishes) and front of the house (serving)
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      TalkCampus — Be a TalkCampus buddy- listen and support those who are struggling with their mental health.
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      iCan Bike Program — Teach kids with disabilities to learn how to ride a bike.
      2022 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Groundswell Community Project — Volunteer- clean up local community.
      2019 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Fulfill — Volunteer- food distribution and sorting pantry.
    • Volunteering

      Caregivers Volunteer of Central Jersey — Volunteer- shop for elderly and help them live independently.
      2020 – Present

    Future Interests




    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Did you know that emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse? Studies have shown that individuals who experience emotional abuse are at a 3.5 times higher risk of developing anxiety and depression, and at 4 times higher risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Emotional abuse can and often will escalate to physical abuse as I have experienced firsthand. As a 24-year-old, my experiences with emotional and sometimes physical abuse have had a tremendous impact on my life and overall mental health. Growing up with my mother, I am reminded every day she’s using me to her advantage. Comments like “you are crazy to pursue a dream that takes this long” OR “College in the US takes longer because the country itself is a capitalist” are a proof of it. Every day she tries to exert control over my life by dictating what I can and cannot do. Her constant put-downs such as “you’re lucky to have us” have eroded my confidence and made me question my own abilities. Despite all of it, I am still fighting to regain control over my life and my emotions by taking small steps towards independence. Recently, I started working as an Amazon affiliate, a venture that could essentially help me financially while allowing me to go to school. Working harder in her cleaning business, I’m also trying to earn some money to invest in my Amazon affiliate program. Despite all my efforts to succeed, become a doctor and do well in life, anxiety often creeps in, making me wonder if I’ll ever be able to achieve it all or if I am good enough. The uncertainty of being an undocumented student, only adds to the anxiety, making me feel like I’m stuck in a never-ending cycle of fear and self-doubt. Despite the doubts, the fears, the manipulations, the physical and emotional abuse, I refuse to give up on my dreams. A dream that only I know how hard I work for. Deep down, I know I deserve better, I deserve respect, love and support- not the constant belittling, manipulation, yelling and violence that has become all too familiar from getting juice poured on my face, or my back getting slapped or the constant eviction notices, all attempts to break my spirit and keep me in line. However, I will no longer let her behavior determine me or my life’s trajectory. I will rise above and make my dreams a reality, no matter what it takes
    Zamora Borose Goodwill Scholarship
    As a first-generation college student and an underrepresented minority, I've come to realize that my identity has profoundly shaped my perspective and motivation to pursue psychiatry. Growing up in a community where mental health was often stigmatized and resources were scarce, I've witnessed the impact of neglect and marginalization. My experiences have instilled in me a deep empathy for individuals struggling with mental health issues, and a passion to address the systemic barriers that hinder access to healthcare. This understanding has made me aware of the importance of cultural influences in psychiatry. I recognize that mental health is often intertwined with societal factors, family dynamics, and individual experiences which is why I aspire to bring an approach that acknowledges all of these factors. Growing up, I watched my grandmother battle schizophrenia. I saw firsthand what the lack of resources can have on individuals and families like mine. Her journey has shaped me into who I am today and has fueled my desire to become a psychiatrist. But pursuing this dream hasn't been easy. As a first-generation college student, I've had to juggle between academics and work - specifically, helping my parents' cleaning business, which pays for my school tuition. It's a challenge that requires resilience and determination, but one that I proudly embrace, knowing that it will make me a better psychiatrist in the long run. Through this experience, I've learned to navigate different worlds and balance competing demands. I've also come to understand the importance of supporting underrepresented students like me, who often face similar barriers in pursuit of their dreams. This scholarship opportunity would not only help alleviate some of the financial constraints but also validate my experiences and aspirations. It would give me the courage to keep going, knowing that there are people and organizations who believe in me and my potential to create a world where mental health battles are met with compassion and understanding. In conclusion, I am determined to break the cycle of mental health stigma and lack of resources that has affected my family for generations. I will use this scholarship to fuel my passion for psychiatry, and I will pay it forward by advocating for and supporting others who face similar challenges. I am the first in my family to pursue a career in medicine, but hopefully, I won't be the last. With your support, I strive to light the way for others so that we can continue to create a better world.
    Shays Scholarship
    She was an utterly tormented soul on the verge of complete brokenness. That’s the story of my early life. While still living in Brazil from ages 1-11, watching my grandmother descend a slippery slope into schizophrenia was the most difficult time of my life. As both my parents worked full-time jobs, I was the one spending the most time with her. Watching her struggle with a serious mental illness hasn’t been easy, but the experience has shaped me into who I am today. Despite my grandma’s sweet personality, my days felt like solving a puzzle. There would be days I would wake up to see a glittering smile on her face. Others would be like a cloud where she would sit on the couch and stare at the wall for hours while holding a suspicious look on her face; those were moments I knew she wasn’t well. Living with my grandmother has given me insights into who I am today and my life choices. As I wake up every day, there isn’t a single day I won't remember the circumstances my grandmother once faced. Witnessing her deterioration as she swallowed countless pills a day just to be able to function was excruciating. The helplessness of losing a loved one while being unable to alleviate her suffering was a burden that left its mark. “You should go to church” or “You are possessed” are only a few of the many phrases she used to hear daily. Watching her struggle for so many years has made me empathetic not only to her but to all who grappled with similar demons. This empathy became the cornerstone of my aspiration to become a psychiatrist – a calling that stretches beyond individual healing to encompass societal changes. Growing up, I wanted to be her advocate, her voice amplified, yet my youth rendered me invisible. July 2nd, 2022, was the date I was caught by a wave I couldn't handle or so I thought. It was the day her presence transitioned to memory. For months, all I could do was cry and blame myself for the things I didn't do but quickly I realized the battle she fought was now mine to carry on. For that 11-year-old who watched the person she loved the most in the world get judged- I can't quit. For the doctors whose lack of compassion I knew negatively impacted her- I can't quit. And for the little kid in me who always longed to be a beacon of hope but felt unseen- I will not quit. I would choose to walk in my grandmother’s shoe for a day. Her journey through life, especially in facing and overcoming adversities in mental health, is the reason why I chose to go into psychiatry. Though she is physically absent today, her spirit still lingers. I am fueled by the desire to make her proud, to honor her memory by following the path she unknowingly paved. With each step I take, I feel her beside me, encouraging me to strive even further. This chosen profession isn’t just a career; it’s a promise to her, a pledge to create a world where mental health battles are met with compassion and understanding. I stand at the intersection of empathy and expertise, ready to rewrite stories, redefine lives and ensure her legacy through the lives I strive to touch in medicine.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Amid the scent of cleaning supplies and the challenges of being an undocumented college student, I often find myself grappling between two worlds- One where I aspire to become a psychiatrist and the other where my parents urge me to prioritize their business over my education. As the daughter of hardworking immigrant parents who run a cleaning business, my role goes beyond scrubbing surfaces. I am their assistant who’s tied up in a reality where my academic ambitions clash with their expectations. In a home where English stumble, my academic pursuits often get lost in translation. Yet, the tenacity within me refuses to give up on the limitations imposed by the circumstances. Their words “You will eventually become a house cleaner” or “You are crazy to pursue something that takes this long” though disheartening has become the backdrop against which I paint my resilience. Being the first in my family to pursue higher education is a challenge, but it’s a challenge I proudly embrace. The business of cleaning houses is part of my daily life, but so is the dream of studying the complexities of the human mind. My journey is an example of resilience, a story where the underdog fights not against others but against the distractions of its reality. I am more than an assistant in a cleaning business; I am a dreamer, a future psychiatrist and a pioneer breaking through the circumstances. The journey is challenging but it's still mine and I embrace it with open arms. Winning a scholarship becomes a beacon of hope. As an aspiring psychiatrist, the financial support would not only alleviate the burden of tuition but also open doors to opportunities and a brighter future. With a scholarship, I could dedicate more time to my studies and extracurriculars activities. It would serve as a catalyst, allowing me to focus on expanding my knowledge and contributing meaningfully to my field. Additionally, winning this scholarship would also provide me with the means to invest in essential tools for my academic journey, such as a pair of headphones. A pair of headphones will enable me to create a focused environment at home which will then enhance my learning experience. This seemingly small investment holds a great significance, symbolizing the practical ways in which a scholarship could contribute to my academic success as a dedicated student and aspiring psychiatrist. When it comes to the field of psychiatry, I aim to be an advocate for mental health, especially within the immigrant and underserved communities. The support received in scholarship would not only shape my academic journey but also amplify the positive impact I know I can make later in the lives of individuals struggling with mental health challenges. Therefore, winning this scholarship is not just a financial boost; it is an investment in a future where the trajectory of one person’s life can influence the well-being of many others. It’s an opportunity to transform adversity into resilience and, ultimately, to contribute to a world where mental health is prioritized with compassion, defining my success in making a meaningful difference.
    American Dream Scholarship
    Amid the scent of cleaning supplies and the challenges of being an undocumented college student, I often find myself grappling between two worlds- One where I aspire to become a psychiatrist and the other where my parents urge me to prioritize their business over my education. As the daughter of hardworking immigrant parents who run a cleaning business, my role goes beyond scrubbing surfaces. I am their assistant who’s tied up in a reality where my academic ambitions clash with their expectations. In a home where English stumble, my academic pursuits often get lost in translation. Yet, the tenacity within me refuses to give up on the limitations imposed by the circumstances. Their words “You will eventually become a house cleaner” or “You are crazy to pursue something that takes this long” though disheartening has become the backdrop against which I paint my resilience. Being the first in my family to pursue higher education is a challenge, but it’s a challenge I proudly embrace. The business of cleaning houses is part of my daily life, but so is the dream of studying the complexities of the human mind. My journey is an example of resilience, a story where the underdog fights not against others but against the distractions of its reality. I aspire to become a psychiatrist because of my grandmother. Raised by her in Brazil, I witnessed her struggle with schizophrenia along with societal stigma. She is my reason and motivation. Failing to achieve this goal would be like failing to carry on her legacy. My parents expect me to work and assist with their business, despite having multiple investments. Their lack of confidence in my academic capabilities is evident in comments like “You will eventually give up on your major and will want to come back home with us.” These challenges shape my journey and reinforce my determination to prove them wrong. Winning this scholarship is not just a financial boost; it is an investment in a future where the trajectory of one person’s life can influence the well-being of many others. Essentially, my pursuit of becoming a psychiatrist, despite the challenges faced as the daughter of hardworking immigrant parents, demonstrates my definition of the American Dream. This scholarship would not only support my academic journey but also symbolize the realization of a dream that goes beyond personal success. The impact of this scholarship, in the short term, extends to purchasing a pair of headphones which will help me create a focused study environment at home, and eliminate any distractions. In the long term, it will be a vital contribution towards paying for my tuition, ensuring that my aspirations are not hindered by any financial constraints. By overcoming familial expectations, embracing my grandmother’s legacy, and utilizing the scholarship’s support for both immediate and long-term needs, I am not merely pursuing a career; I am forging a path that echoes the essence of the American Dream.
    Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship
    Amid the scent of cleaning supplies and the challenges of being an undocumented college student, I often find myself grappling between two worlds- One where I aspire to become a psychiatrist and the other where my parents urge me to prioritize their business over my education. As the daughter of hardworking immigrant parents who run a cleaning business, my role goes beyond scrubbing surfaces. I am their assistant who’s tied up in a reality where my academic ambitions clash with their expectations. In a home where English stumble, my academic pursuits often get lost in translation. Yet, the tenacity within me refuses to give up on the limitations imposed by the circumstances. Their words “You will eventually become a house cleaner” or “You are crazy to pursue something that takes this long” though disheartening has become the backdrop against which I paint my resilience. Being the first in my family to pursue higher education is a challenge, but it’s a challenge I proudly embrace. The business of cleaning houses is part of my daily life, but so is the dream of studying the complexities of the human mind. My journey is an example of resilience, a story where the underdog fights not against others but against the distractions of my reality. I am more than an assistant in a cleaning business; I am a dreamer, a future psychiatrist and a pioneer breaking through the circumstances. The journey is challenging but it's still mine and I embrace it with open arms. Winning a scholarship becomes a beacon of hope. As an aspiring psychiatrist, the financial support would not only alleviate the burden of tuition but also open doors to opportunities and a brighter future. With a scholarship, I could dedicate more time to my studies and extracurriculars activities. It would serve as a catalyst, allowing me to focus on expanding my knowledge and contributing meaningfully to my field. Additionally, winning this scholarship would also provide me with the means to invest in essential tools for my academic journey, such as a pair of headphones. A pair of headphones will enable me to create a focused environment at home which will then enhance my learning experience. This seemingly small investment holds a great significance, symbolizing the practical ways in which a scholarship could contribute to my academic success as a dedicated student and aspiring psychiatrist. When it comes to the field of psychiatry, I aim to be an advocate for mental health, especially within the immigrant and underserved communities. The support received in scholarship would not only shape my academic journey but also amplify the positive impact I know I can make later in the lives of individuals struggling with mental health challenges. Therefore, winning this scholarship is not just a financial boost; it is an investment in a future where the trajectory of one person’s life can influence the well-being of many others. It’s an opportunity to transform adversity into resilience and, ultimately, to contribute to a world where mental health is prioritized with compassion.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    In my envisioned future, I am the healing hand and a tireless voice of hope, weaving the tapestry of mental well-being and touching lives with compassion as a dedicated physician and advocate.
    Special Delivery of Dreams Scholarship
    Coming to the United States at a young age and having to go to school not knowing a single word of English was a difficult time in my life. I still remember the first day when I walked into the Long Branch Middle School cafeteria. Seeing so many people I didn’t know or didn’t understand made me feel like a stranger. Many times, when in class, I would grab a book to look through its pages but not necessarily read it. I wondered how long it was going to take for me to finally understand the words. At the same time, it was lonely because I couldn’t speak to any of my classmates since I was the only non-English speaker in the class. Eventually, since I was the one going to school, it became my responsibility to be the face of my parent's business. Growing up and having to learn a new language was not an easy step, but I had to be persistent to get there. My journey was and still is filled with discomfort, and doing things I never thought I would have to do, but that is what allows me to grow and become the strong woman I am today. Looking back, not in a million years would I have imagined that one day I would be pursuing biology in college. Attending Brookdale Community College has enabled me to connect with wonderful tutors and professors, and it has motivated me to keep doing the things I love, such as dedicating time to my community, taking several leadership positions, and advocating for mental health. I took the opportunities at Brookdale to prove to myself that I could accomplish all the hard things because with hard work and perseverance, nothing is impossible, it simply means that I will have to work harder to get there. I like to think that discomfort molds us in a positive way, and the reason I am here is because of it. If back then I didn't have the courage to force myself to speak with others even when embarrassment kicked in, I probably wouldn’t have made it this far. The result of my perseverance has always landed me where I want to be. Today, because I can communicate in a second language, I have created ambitious goals for my future, including applying to Ivy League schools and attending medical school, all because of my willingness to embrace new challenges and overcome obstacles. This scholarship will help me further my dreams by getting me 2,500 steps closer to the finish line.