Hobbies and interests
ATV Riding
Babysitting And Childcare
Bible Study
Business And Entrepreneurship
Cars and Automotive Engineering
Drag Racing
Spending Time With Friends and Family
I read books daily
Anthony Fox
Bold Points1x
Anthony Fox
Bold Points1x
I am in pursuit of finishing high school by December, 2023 and get right into my career at WyoTech starting January 2024, I will then achieve my goal of becoming a top tech and be the absolute best I can be.
Valley High School (Gilcrest)
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Trade School
Majors of interest:
- Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Team Member/Busser
Cattlemens, Texas Roadhouse, Sonic, and currently Sexy Sammie’s2019 – Present6 years
Club2016 – 20182 years
- Won all my fights and sparring sessions.
Varsity2014 – 20206 years
- 2nd place champions
Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other
Solo/independent — Head researcher2016 – Present
Valley High School
Ceramicsa few pieces from the class but not on me.2022 – 2023
Public services
Valley High School — Help with all classes in reading.2023 – 2023
Future Interests
Hamiltonville Farm Scholarship
I am passionate about the automotive field because of early connection and I truly believe it’s in my blood. I know I can go far in the industry solely based off my passion and dedication, I plan to make a personable experience and meet and connect with as much of the community as possible. I have a goal of obtaining my own shop after finding my way around the industry, I want to have a connection to not only the cars I plan to build, but with consumer as well. I want to have updated and organized times for which we will have a project done, I also want to own the shop with two of my best friends, that I refer to as my brothers Hector and Roberto. We have talked and talked about multiple business ideas over the years, but when I was introduced to WyoTech and had the opportunity to tell them about my new found plan, they were on board. I genuinely believe in our plan of me and Hector going to WyoTech, me for automotive, high performance and business ownership, all the while Hector will do a diesel and advanced diesel program(s). Roberto will be doing auto body work in his fathers shop picking up on all he can, eventually maybe doing over-time in two separate shops to test his abilities being that we will have a business shortly later.
After completing our programs at WyoTech, we will all go work to obtain saving money for land, houses and a shop. I will start an LLC either out of Wyoming or South Dakota depending on finances at that time and venture off into building locally and expand my brand accordingly. After doing so many builds locally and paying off our land, shop, houses and vehicles I hope to transition into an ‘S- Corporation’ and build a shop in a state like South Carolina or Montana, aiming for a “racing capital.” This scholarship will help me by setting me off with stuff like housing, utilities and even food. I do live in a single parent household with two younger brothers so it isn’t always the easiest, this scholarship will help me to get ahead and stay ahead while I’m working, as far as getting groceries, gas for my vehicle, housing/dorm fee’s, laundry fee’s and even helping out my mother with the monthly bills if need be.
Aserina Hill Memorial Scholarship
My name is Anthony Fox, I attend Valley HighSchool and plan to be the next big high performance automotive technician/shop owner. After I graduate my six month core program of automotive and three month specialty of high performance, I plan to possibly take the extra three month course for a shop owning/business portion that would grant me my associates degree all being completed at WyoTech. After I complete that, I have high hopes to go work in a high performance shop out the gates and start building my name. As I build my name I plan to do personal projects and plan to build my own house and shop on a nice place of land I wouldn’t mind staying forever, after working my way up hopefully owning a high performance shop for so many years I want to be financially stable enough to do projects for buddies I meet along the way as well as my own.. then enjoy racing and all my projects I will have done over the years. If I had the opportunity to start my own charity I would provide for single mothers who work to provide for their children as well as themselves without child support. I feel strongly about this because my mother has been and still is a full time working mother all to provide for me and my younger two brothers, I feel like this would be something new and go towards a good cause. I would want to make the charity global, starting in the U.S. I would like it that way to get our name out there as much as possible as well as to touch as many families as possible. I would like to go to homes and personally speak with these families and account for specific needs, instead of just throwing them money that has the possibility of being spent unwisely I would like to do things like take care of their groceries and bills for a month, then influencing them to save money for the next month and invest in a business and continue to take care of them while following a business plan. I would like to do it this way to build relationships and be a “in-tune” based charity organization, I would like to also reward the families who make it in the business world with a partnership or some line of business work that would promote what they had going on as well as build both brands as a whole. I feel as if this would work, because it helps every party involved as well as keeps the day one families and involves new ones by spreading the word. Thank you sincerely for this opportunity as well as your time.
Tim Williams Automotive Student Scholarship
I am applying for this scholarship because, although me and my mother work full time with me also going to school it is difficult to just get by sometimes being that I also have two younger siblings. We have take out a loan for my journey at WyoTech because I am committed and know I will pay it back regardless, although a scholarship would help greatly towards paying my tuition. I have always had great passion in vehicles, while I was super young my uncle would take me to car shows and do things like teach my components of a motor or even sand a old vehicle down to get ready for new paint, whatever it was I picked up on it and loved it. When I got an opportunity to speak to a representative from WyoTech it inspired me immensely and I knew that is what I wanted to do so I did it, I took the course of action to get enrolled and get graduated from high school early to be able to start in January.
After I graduate my six month core program of automotive and three month specialty of high performance, I plan to possibly take the extra three month course for a shop owning/business portion that would grant me my associates degree. After I complete that, I have high hopes to go work in a high performance shop out the gates and start building my name. As I build my name I plan to do personal projects and plan to build my own house and shop on a nice place of land I wouldn’t mind staying forever, after working my way up hopefully owning a high performance shop for so many years I want to be financially stable enough to do projects for buddies I meet along the way as well as my own.. I then want enjoy racing and all my projects I will have done over the years. This has been my goal over the past few months and I’m going to do everything I can to achieve it, I wouldn’t mind owning a shop with some long time friends either, wether it’s to help them get on their feet or because they’ve had a burning passions for vehicles like I have, either way I love to help those whom I genuinely care for. I hope to attain peace and great memories from my years to come in the automotive industry. I thank you greatly for this opportunity.
Anthony McPherson Memorial Automotive Scholarship
The effects of DUI’s can be tragic, some resulting in death, affected futures in certain industries and even taking the ability to drive away. Some specific strategies could be bars implementing a way to get people home, such as personal drivers at each bar where there is a limit to drinks and possibly a small added gas fee depending on where the person is staying. I feel as if this would decrease the DUI rate tremendously, as for people who drink at the comfort of their home or friends house and decide to drive, there is truly no way to stop that as it’s there decision with no super vision.
Techs of Tomorrow Automotive Scholarship by ServiceUp
I was inspired by my uncle at a young age, he had multiple projects that I sat along and learned how certain parts operate all the way to sanding down a beat down body jeep to get a new paint job… I also got to take rides In these projects after they were done, I would watch the progress as they got louder, faster, looking cleaner and the whole process was amusing to me, the one that stands out most was of course the one with the most power which was a newer body style Chevy high country that he did a twin turbo and upgraded motor internals, after the build was set and done it made just about two-thousand horsepower! Although my favorite was his black and gray Mustang Gt350 which made close to eight hundred horsepower to the wheel, this one felt much faster as it got squirmy if you got on the throttle even a little bit… I plan to create a brand from the Automotive industry, similar to what the popular company Saleen does I want to take cars that manufacturers have pushed out, collaborate and make them my own, all the way from motor to cosmetic upgrades and even badging them with my own custom logo… This is an aspirational goal for me because, I want to be able to see people driving something that I not just worked on, but created a vision/ made a whole new vehicle… My plan is after I graduate my six month core program of automotive and three month specialty of high performance, I plan to possibly take the extra three month course for a shop owning/business portion that would grant me my associates degree. After I complete that, I have high hopes to go work in a high performance shop out the gates and start building my name. As I build my name I plan to do personal projects and plan to build my own house and shop on a nice place of land I wouldn’t mind staying forever, after working my way up hopefully owning a high performance shop as I’ve described above. For so many years I want to be financially stable enough to do projects for buddies I meet along the way as well as my own.. then enjoy racing and all my projects I will have done over the years. Thank you for this opportunity, I appreciate it greatly.
Michael Hinrich Memorial Scholarship
As far as my background goes with the automotive industry it’s quite simple, my uncle had project cars all the way up to brand new Ford mustangs as I was growing up, he showed me simple things such as how to sand down a car in preparation for paint as well as the basics of how a motor works. As life changed he had circumstances where he lost those cars and I had no more time to go over to help him work on them anymore, Patrica from WyoTech came to my High school just last year and it immediately sparked my interest again. After I graduate my six month core program of automotive and three month specialty of high performance, I plan to possibly take the extra three month course for a shop owning/business portion that would grant me my associates degree. After I complete that, I have high hopes to go work in a high performance shop out the gates and start building my name. As I build my name I plan to do personal projects and plan to build my own house and shop on a nice place of land I wouldn’t mind staying forever, after working my way up hopefully owning a high performance shop for so many years I want to be financially stable enough to do projects for buddies I meet along the way as well as my own.. then enjoy racing and all my projects I will have done over the years.
Bald Eagle Scholarship
The most influential person in my life was and still is my mother. Since day one she has been there with me, we have had differences, but all it took was time and real talks to solve and understand that it will always be spiritual love. Family is what we got, I learned from my mother in many ways, growing up I seen she was a young mother, younger than her peers and she was always working to provide. My father was in the picture in my earlier years but left close to first grade, leaving my mom to really have to step up to the plate, which she did. My mother taught me work ethic, how to speak, how to present myself, my mother did everything for me she could growing up, I picked this up and it became something I flipped into a goal for myself. I want to take care of my mother and have her not work, as I achieve my own personal goals and have her watch me grown into the man she created.
In my younger years, from about eight-twelve years old I had to watch my mother get beaten from a new relationship of hers at the time, it only got worse as she felt like she had to stay, we had to watch more. Just to name a few experiences/stories that shaped me into the protective man I am over my mother today, one time my mother and this man driving as well as his super young son at the time in the back seat were driving down the highway and he suddenly let go of the wheel threatening my mother and his son, forcing me and my brothers to hear about it later on. Another time the man was caught on gas station footage choking my mother out, causing him to finally get a jail sentence of a year and a half for probation violation only because he had beaten and stalked the previous woman he dated. It was traumatizing at the time, but I have grown from it and it had shaped me into having the sharp alert mind I have for a part of it.
My mother has taught me love, loyalty, emotional strength, dedication, and most importantly to be real. I owe my mother the world back, she is an amazing role model and the best I could have asked for.
Joe Ford Trade Scholarship
I am planning to Attend WyoTech in Laramie Wyoming and pursue an automotive career after high school starting January first, after I graduate this year on December fourteenth. I have always had a passion for cars almost as long as I can remember, when I was young my uncle would take me to a few car shows and even let me help do things like sanding the body down on his jeep to prep it for new paint, when I moved from Cheyenne to Greeley I didn’t have as much free time to spend and work on cars with my Uncle as well as him moving and making life changes. I went through middle school and most of high school until Patrica, a representative of WyoTech came an visited my school and it automatically sparked my interest back up, I got in contact with her immediately and started getting started with being enrolled in WyoTech, I have now been enrolled for a few months and been endlessly applying for scholarships although I have been awarded one so far and some others deadlines down the line, I am low on funds being that I live with my single mother and two younger brothers. I worked full time during this last summer although a really unfortunate car accident involving me and my friend in the car being me getting ran into by an oil truck traveling at sixty-five miles hour on the highway just a few days before school ended my junior year. This was a set back being that my car was in the shop for months and ended up being separated from the body in the trunk, causing them on the day I was supposed to receive it back, to tell us it was totaled. My mother and I since have had struggles getting a group of funds saved up, although I stick to my plan, I keep in contact and even in fact had a meeting yesterday about landing in a high performance specialist shop/job, although it’s a small chance I will strive for it, if not I will enroll in an extra three month program that will allow me to receive my masters degree and learn the business to owning/operating a shop. Which one day I hope to have a personal shop on my own land that I do special jobs for people I meet along my journey, that is down the line as I do want to learn as much as possible as I experience the workforce of the automotive industry. I do not currently have a specific job lined up although I have months to graduate as well as my nine-month program at WyoTech to search and achieve my goals. If I was to call an adult in my life that knows me well they would recommend me for this scholarship because, they know I am honest, hard workin and a work ready individual.
Liv For The Future Scholarship
I show leadership daily by showing my brothers from what I have learned to be as right, I am the oldest sibling with two younger brothers and a single mother. I have had a job and shown income for myself since the age of fourteen, and yes I am still working. I am graduating early to go pursue my passion of building cars, I will be attending the nine-month program at WyoTech where I will have a six month base program of building all motors and learning the components of motors, I will then be placed in a three month specialty program where I will be working with high performance power trains. My mission with this is to show my brothers they can do what they love even though we’ve never been particularly shown the route I’m taking with me being the first college student in my family, I can never be perfect but I do strive to be better, I haven’t always had my head on my shoulders as I do now and there’s still tons of room for improvement, but I try, I try to show leadership and do what is right in the hopes my little brothers and later on children and grandchildren will take after and have a hustle, a strive, a burning passion. This is how I believe I show leadership in my day to day. On my working days which is everyday but two days of the week currently, and that is because my little brother participates in the sport of baseball, and I take him to practice as well as go to his games on those days of mine off. When I am at work I strive to be as productive as possible, I was one of the first hires to my place of employment besides the managers who had been at the conjoint stores for years or months before, with my starting new I had to prove myself after my first few jobs didn’t go as planned with either management not being organized for a corporation/ business or outright stealing money from me because of untaught training. With the new job I worked for a few months and started to get noticed getting moved up after just three months and now after being there for seven months I have got my second promotion and received many five-star reviews. This is how I demonstrate leadership in my work place as well as my home life.
Thank you sincerely for this opportunity.
-Anthony Fox.
Barbie Dream House Scholarship
My Dream house would be located in a beautiful state, most likely South Dakota or somewhere with not many people and lots of scenery… It would have a huge drive way one part of it leading to the main house/mansion and the other part leading to my shop where I will have all my vehicles and other toys. Just to detail some of the inside, I will have a huge kitchen with marble countertops and a plus size fridge and freezer , I will also have a humungous bedroom filled with all the necessity’s I could want and a beautiful white marble and glass vibe to it. I would love a indoor/ greenhouse looking pool room with a hot tub as well, I would want the outside of my house most likely painted black and white or a pretty maroon with white accents and my shop would either be painted that same maroon or if I wanted it black and white I would do the shop all white with black accents… Inside my shop I would love to own my dream cars and some more, I would love to have my current Jeep Patriot in there, my beloved dream car the 1987 Buick GNX, a 2nd gen Dodge Cummins Diesel, a boosted Mustang most likely 2017-2018 gt500. I would just love a overall elegant and beautiful, most of all… personal experience in my home.
Thank you for the opportunity sincerely,
Anthony Fox.
Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
I believe to be fit for the automotive field and specifically a top tech because, I am extremely goal driven, I have tons of ambition, I have a goal of becoming a top tech and a plan to get there, I am an assessing personality in that I figure out a route and plan to why and how I want something. I will accomplish anything I strive for, I am accountable, I am willing to work for what is earned not given, I am big on respect and treating others as you would like to be treated. I am business oriented In that I want the team around me always winning and striving.
My reason for going into this field is a childhood passion that never presented itself as an opportunity for a career. I have always been infatuated with vehicles, specifically speed and the building process of making something nice to your liking. I have been inspired by my Uncle and Grandfather because they were who I knew to have knowledge on motors and chassis/vehicle bodies. I have interest in building something from the ground as that’s in a way how I would describe my life so far, me and my family have had to work for what we earned and this has taught me the way to build something with care and gratitude to make it genuinely how you like it. Even with my first car now, a Jeep Patriot 2012 I have big visions for what I want to do to make it my drag/race car. Although my funds don’t fit this idea I know that with a burning passion and striving soul I will accomplish my goals. I have worked since I was fourteen years of age and as soon as I found out about the WyoTech opportunity I did all I could to be apart of it.
I say all this to say that I will not let you down with this scholarship I will continue to work for my goals and no matter what is thrown my way, I will accomplish them. I know for a fact that I will make the most out of this opportunity and any other great opportunities to be presented in my life. I will become a top tech and build all of my dream cars with my knowledge and funds, something that my family hasn’t had access or opportunities to. I will be the first and do it the best of my ability.
Thank you for the opportunity sincerely,
Anthony Fox.
Frantz Barron Scholarship
I’ve overcame adversity since I was young, my father leaving might as well as my two younger brothers life early on gave us a difficult challenge as well as my young mother. A few years of trying by herself my mother brought an abuser around my family, making us not know what a “right” relationship is supposed to look like it made us follow our mother which was also figuring out life as she went, being that she was institutionalized from twelve years old all the way to eighteen when she birthed me. After this we had to find a way out, our best option was to move a state over from Wyoming to where I am now, Colorado. This came with many adversity’s in itself in that we were out of school for more than three months trying to find an affordable home and getting warnings from the government that we had to get in school asap or my mother would face repercussions, the school change was a huge deal for me and my brothers and my personal experience was going from a sixth grader in elementary in Wyoming to a Sixth grader in Middle school here, meaning the curriculum and environment was totally different, about two to three weeks of being in this school me and my two younger brothers were walking home and ran into a situation of what my guess would be of forty people on the look for trouble, they stood up to me with knifes in hand and this was a time I had yo swallow my pride being that my younger brothers were standing directly next to me.
A move to another new school was the next step, I was enrolled into North Valley Middle School and have moved up to Valley High school since, I have made it my goal to make a better life for me and my family, as I am a first generation college student striving for a career of passion, I have always been into vehicles in general, through my hard times my Uncle as well as Grandfather have always had quick and good looking vehicles which in the times I could be around them, I would be. I would be learning small body work and components of an engine but I never really got the opportunity/time to learn the depths. When Patricia from WyoTech visited my High School I knew immediately that this is what I would pursue, I got in contact right away, had a meeting a few months later and here I am enrolled in WyoTech with a plan to graduate early as a junior in high school in December 2023, then start my career at WyoTech January 2024. I am not the best about writing about all my struggles because I don’t feel entitled to using them as a backboard because they made me who I am and are always going to be apart of me.
I thank you for listening sincerely,
Anthony Fox.