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Anna Gullo


Bold Points






I am a queer woman studying school psychology. I have passions for education, mental health care, social emotional learning, and social justice. I am currently enrolled in my Masters level training at Fordham University. I live with my partner adn our two cats. In the short term future, I hope to serve as a pre-school psychologist, identifying and supporting our youngest students to increase their liklihood of academic and personal success. In the long term, I have an interest in advocacy and politics with a focus on special education and mental health care.


Fordham University

Master's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, Other

Canisius College

Bachelor's degree program
2017 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General
  • Minors:
    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
    • Neurobiology and Neurosciences
    • Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:



      2012 – 20153 years


      • Psychology, Other

        Canisius College — Lead Research Assistant
        2017 – 2021


      • Fredonia High School

        School House Rock Live Junior, High School Musical Junior, Beauty and the Beast Junior, Thouroughly Modern Millie, Anything Goes, Bye Bye Birdie, Aida, Footloose
        2013 – 2021

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        ENERGY — Tutor
        2017 – 2021

      Future Interests





      Eco-Warrior Scholarship
      Sustainability has always been a topic close to my heart. As a child, I was raised by parents who placed a great emphasis on reducing our environmental impact. My mother instilled in me the importance of recycling, and my father taught me the benefits of composting. As I have grown older, I have come to realize that sustainability is not just about reducing waste or saving energy, but about the choices we make every day to live a more sustainable life. In my daily life, I make a number of intentional choices to reduce my carbon footprint. One of the most important steps I take is to reduce my energy consumption. I do this by turning off lights when I leave a room, unplugging electronics when they are not in use, and using energy-efficient light bulbs. I also use public transportation whenever possible, or carpool with friends and family. Another way I try to live sustainably is by reducing my use of single-use plastics. I carry a reusable water bottle with me wherever I go, and I bring my own reusable bags to the grocery store. I also avoid buying products that come in excessive packaging, and try to purchase items made from sustainable materials whenever possible. Additionally, I make a conscious effort to reduce my food waste. This includes planning my meals carefully so that I only buy what I need, composting any food scraps, and using leftovers to create new meals. I also try to buy locally sourced and organic produce whenever possible, which reduces the carbon emissions associated with transportation and supports local farmers. The reason I believe it is important to reduce our carbon footprint is because our planet is facing a climate crisis. The consequences of global warming are already being felt around the world, from extreme weather events to the loss of biodiversity. If we continue to consume resources at the current rate, we will cause irreversible damage to our planet. By reducing our carbon footprint, we can help to mitigate the effects of climate change. This means not only reducing our energy consumption and waste, but also supporting policies and practices that promote sustainability. It means investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. It means supporting companies that prioritize sustainability in their operations, and demanding that our governments take action to protect the environment. Ultimately, I believe that sustainability is not just about reducing our carbon footprint, but about living a more mindful and fulfilling life. When we make intentional choices to live sustainably, we become more connected to the world around us. We begin to appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature, and we recognize the importance of protecting it for future generations. In conclusion, living sustainably is an important part of my daily life. I make intentional choices to reduce my carbon footprint by reducing my energy consumption, using reusable products, reducing my food waste, and supporting sustainable practices. I believe that it is important for all of us to do our part to protect the environment, and to support policies and practices that promote sustainability. By doing so, we can create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.
      Mental Health Importance Scholarship
      As someone who identifies as a lesbian and has struggled with mental health challenges, I understand firsthand the importance of prioritizing and maintaining my mental wellness. Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being and impacts every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our work to our sense of purpose and fulfillment. Growing up in a small town, I felt like I didn't have the resources or support to address my mental health concerns. I struggled with anxiety and depression, but I didn't have the language or understanding to articulate what I was experiencing. It wasn't until I entered adulthood and sought out therapy that I began to make significant progress in managing my mental health. For me, maintaining my mental wellness involves a variety of strategies. Therapy has been a critical component of my mental health journey. Talking to a professional who understands the complexities of LGBTQIA+ experiences has helped me unpack and process the challenges I've faced. Additionally, I prioritize self-care practices like exercise, meditation, and creative pursuits. These activities help me manage stress and stay connected to my sense of purpose and joy. I've also found it important to cultivate a supportive community. For me, this has meant connecting with other LGBTQIA+ individuals who understand and empathize with my experiences. Having a network of people who I can be vulnerable with and who support me through my struggles has been incredibly valuable. As a school psychology student, I'm acutely aware of the mental health challenges that many LGBTQIA+ youth face. Research shows that LGBTQIA+ individuals are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation than their heterosexual peers. Discrimination and stigma can exacerbate these challenges and create additional barriers to accessing mental health services. My personal experiences have underscored the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for LGBTQIA+ youth. As a future school psychologist, I hope to advocate for policies and practices that promote equity and reduce discrimination. I also hope to provide individualized and culturally responsive services to students who may be struggling with mental health issues. Ultimately, I believe that mental health is an essential component of overall wellness. Taking care of our mental health allows us to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and to fully engage in the things we care about. As someone who has benefited immensely from prioritizing my mental wellness, I'm committed to helping others do the same
      Ethan To Scholarship
      As a lesbian studying school psychology, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ experiences are intertwined aspects of my personal and professional life. I have been impacted by both in profound ways, and they have influenced my aspirations and career goals. Growing up in a small town, I felt like I was the only one struggling with my sexuality. I didn't know anyone who was openly LGBTQIA+, and I was constantly afraid of being judged and rejected by my peers and community. I tried to suppress my feelings and blend in, but it took a toll on my mental health. I felt isolated, anxious, and depressed. I didn't have anyone to talk to about my struggles, and I didn't even know how to articulate what I was feeling. It wasn't until I went to college that I started to explore my sexuality and find a supportive community. I came out to my friends and family, and although it wasn't always easy, I felt a sense of relief and freedom. However, my mental health struggles persisted, and I realized that being LGBTQIA+ comes with unique challenges that can exacerbate mental health issues. Discrimination, stigma, and lack of support can lead to feelings of shame, self-doubt, and anxiety. I also learned that LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely to experience depression, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse than their heterosexual peers. Fortunately, I was able to access mental health support in my adulthood. Therapy, medication, and self-care practices have helped me manage my anxiety and depression and improve my overall well-being. However, I know that not everyone has the same access to resources and support. In particular, LGBTQIA+ youth in rural areas and communities of color face significant barriers to accessing mental health services. They may not have a safe space to express their identity or a provider who understands their experiences. As a school psychologist, I want to provide extensive support and community to the LGBTQIA+ population. I want to create a safe and inclusive environment where students can feel seen and valued for who they are. I want to advocate for policies and practices that promote equity and reduce discrimination. And I want to provide individualized and culturally responsive services to students who may be struggling with mental health issues. I believe that mental health and LGBTQIA+ advocacy go hand in hand. By addressing the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ youth, we can promote positive mental health outcomes and foster a more accepting and compassionate society. I am committed to this work and inspired by the resilience and courage of the LGBTQIA+ community. In conclusion, my experience as a lesbian and my struggles with mental health have shaped my perspective and aspirations. I am grateful for the support and community I have found and determined to provide the same for others. As a school psychologist, I hope to be an advocate for LGBTQIA+ youth and to help them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
      Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
      As a lesbian studying school psychology, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ experiences are intertwined aspects of my personal and professional life. I have been impacted by both in profound ways, and they have influenced my aspirations and career goals. Growing up in a small town, I felt like I was the only one struggling with my sexuality. I didn't know many other people who were openly LGBTQIA+, and I was constantly afraid of being judged and rejected by my peers and community. I tried to suppress my feelings and blend in, but it took a toll on my mental health. I felt isolated, anxious, and depressed. I didn't have anyone to talk to about my struggles, and I didn't even know how to articulate what I was feeling. It wasn't until I went to college that I started to explore my sexuality and find a supportive community. I came out to my friends and family, and although it wasn't always easy, I felt a sense of relief and freedom. However, my mental health struggles persisted, and I realized that being LGBTQIA+ comes with unique challenges that can exacerbate mental health issues. Discrimination, stigma, and lack of support can lead to feelings of shame, self-doubt, and anxiety. I also learned that LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely to experience depression, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse than their heterosexual peers. Fortunately, I was able to access mental health support in my adulthood. Therapy, medication, and self-care practices have helped me manage my anxiety and depression and improve my overall well-being. However, I know that not everyone has the same access to resources and support. In particular, LGBTQIA+ youth in rural areas and communities of color face significant barriers to accessing mental health services. They may not have a safe space to express their identity or a provider who understands their experiences. As a school psychologist, I want to provide extensive support and community to the LGBTQIA+ population. I want to create a safe and inclusive environment where students can feel seen and valued for who they are. I want to advocate for policies and practices that promote equity and reduce discrimination. And I want to provide individualized and culturally responsive services to students who may be struggling with mental health issues. I believe that mental health and LGBTQIA+ advocacy go hand in hand. By addressing the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ youth, we can promote positive mental health outcomes and foster a more accepting and compassionate society. I am committed to this work and inspired by the resilience and courage of the LGBTQIA+ community. In conclusion, my experience as a lesbian and my struggles with mental health have shaped my perspective and aspirations. I am grateful for the support and community I have found and determined to provide the same for others. As a school psychologist, I hope to be an advocate for LGBTQIA+ youth and to help them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
      @normandiealise #GenWealth Scholarship
      Generational wealth is a term that is often used to describe the accumulation of assets and resources over time, that are passed down from one generation to the next. To me, generational wealth represents an opportunity to provide financial security and stability for my family, as well as to create opportunities for future generations to thrive. Growing up, I was raised in a family that valued hard work and financial stability. My parents instilled in me the importance of education, saving, and investing, as a means of achieving long-term financial success. As I entered adulthood, I became increasingly interested in the concept of generational wealth and how it could be used to create opportunities and resources for future generations. One of the ways that I plan to achieve generational wealth is through a combination of education, career success, and investment. As I pursue my career in school psychology, I am focused on developing my skills and expertise in the field, and on building a successful career that will provide me with a stable income and financial security. In addition to my career, I am also committed to investing in assets and resources that will appreciate in value over time. This includes investing in stocks, real estate, and other assets that have the potential to generate long-term wealth. Furthermore, I believe that education and financial literacy are critical tools for achieving generational wealth. As I build my own financial success, I am committed to sharing my knowledge and expertise with others, particularly younger generations, who may not have had access to the same opportunities or resources. This includes providing financial education and mentorship to young people and advocating for policies and programs that promote financial literacy and empowerment. However, achieving generational wealth is not just about accumulating assets and resources, but also about using those resources to create opportunities and support for future generations. For me, this means creating a legacy of giving and philanthropy, that will provide resources and support for communities and individuals who may not have had access to the same opportunities. In conclusion, generational wealth is a concept that is deeply important to me, both as a means of providing financial security and stability for my family and as a way of creating opportunities and resources for future generations. Through a combination of education, career success, investment, and philanthropy, I believe that it is possible to achieve generational wealth and to use that wealth to make a positive impact in the world.
      Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
      As a future school psychologist with a passion for special education advocacy, I am deeply committed to making a positive impact in the lives of children and families. I believe that every individual, regardless of their abilities or background, deserves access to high-quality education and support that will help them reach their full potential. My interest in special education advocacy began during my undergraduate studies when I volunteered at a local preschool for children with disabilities. Through this experience, I witnessed firsthand the challenges that families face when navigating the complex world of special education, and the immense impact that effective interventions and support can have on children's lives. This experience inspired me to pursue a career in school psychology, with a focus on early interventions for children with disabilities. As a preschool psychologist, I hope to work closely with families, teachers, and administrators to develop individualized plans and interventions that meet each child's unique needs. I believe that early intervention is critical for setting children on a path toward success, and I am committed to providing high-quality, evidence-based interventions that will help children reach their full potential. In addition to my passion for special education advocacy, I am also deeply interested in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. I believe that STEAM education has the power to transform our world, and I am committed to promoting STEAM education in my work as a school psychologist. One of the ways that I hope to integrate STEAM education into my work is through the use of technology. I believe that technology can be a powerful tool for enhancing learning and supporting the needs of children with disabilities. For example, assistive technology can help children with disabilities to communicate, access information, and participate in learning activities that might otherwise be inaccessible to them. I am also interested in promoting STEAM education through the use of art and creativity. I believe that art and creativity can be powerful tools for engaging children in STEAM learning, and can help children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Ultimately, my goal is to use my education and expertise to make a positive impact in the world. Through my work as a preschool psychologist, I hope to support the needs of children and families in my local community and promote inclusive, equitable, and evidence-based practices that will help all children reach their full potential. I believe that through a combination of advocacy, community involvement, and a commitment to evidence-based practices, we can create a more just, equitable, and inclusive society for all.
      Coleman for Patriots Scholarship
      As a future school psychologist with a passion for special education advocacy, I am committed to making a positive impact in my local community and beyond. I believe that every individual, regardless of their background or abilities, deserves access to high-quality education and support that will help them reach their full potential. One of the actions I have taken to serve my community is volunteering at a local preschool for children with disabilities. Through this experience, I have had the opportunity to work with children and families who are navigating the complex and often overwhelming world of special education. I have provided support and guidance to families as they advocate for their children's needs and worked closely with teachers and administrators to develop effective interventions and accommodations. In addition to my volunteer work, I am also committed to pursuing ongoing professional development opportunities that will help me serve my community more effectively. For example, I have attended several workshops and training focused on early interventions for children with disabilities. These experiences have given me a deeper understanding of the research-based strategies that can make a significant difference in children's lives, and have helped me develop the skills and knowledge necessary to implement these strategies in a practical, effective way. Looking to the future, I am excited to continue serving my community as a preschool psychologist with a focus on early interventions. I believe that providing high-quality, evidence-based interventions to children and families in their earliest years can have a profound and long-lasting impact on their academic and social-emotional development. As a school psychologist, I will work closely with families, teachers, and administrators to develop individualized plans and interventions that meet each child's unique needs. I am particularly passionate about working with children with disabilities and believe that every child deserves access to a high-quality education that will prepare them for a bright future. I also believe in the importance of advocacy and community involvement in creating a better future for all individuals, particularly those with disabilities. I am committed to working with community organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to advocate for policies and practices that promote inclusion, accessibility, and equity for individuals with disabilities. In conclusion, I am committed to serving my community and making a positive impact on the lives of children and families. Through volunteering, ongoing professional development, and my future work as a preschool psychologist, I hope to contribute to a better future for all individuals, regardless of their abilities or background. I believe that with dedication, hard work, and a commitment to advocacy and community involvement, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and just society for all.
      Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
      As a teenager, I began volunteering at a local homeless shelter and quickly realized that there was a significant need for support for individuals experiencing homelessness in my community. Through my volunteer work, I had the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life and hear their stories, struggles, and triumphs. Many of the individuals I worked with had experienced significant trauma, mental health challenges, and limited access to resources and support. Similarly, as a college student, I became involved with an organization that provided support and resources for immigrant families. I had the opportunity to work directly with families and children who were navigating the complex and often overwhelming process of immigrating to a new country. As part of my role, I provided English and literacy tutoring to the children, which helped them build their language skills and confidence in their academic abilities. Through these experiences, I developed a deep appreciation for the resilience and strength of these individuals and communities. Both my experiences with homeless individuals and immigrant families have informed my desire to become a school psychologist. As a school psychologist, I hope to work with children and families from diverse backgrounds, particularly those who may be experiencing significant stressors and challenges related to homelessness or immigration. I believe that my experiences volunteering with these populations have given me a unique perspective and set of skills that will be valuable in this work. One of the most significant ways that my volunteer experiences have prepared me for a career in school psychology is by giving me a deeper understanding of the complex factors that can impact children's mental health and academic success. Homelessness, poverty, and trauma can all have a significant impact on a child's ability to learn, grow, and thrive. As a school psychologist, I hope to use my understanding of these challenges to develop interventions and strategies that will support children in overcoming these barriers. Additionally, my experiences volunteering with immigrant families have taught me the importance of cultural humility and sensitivity in working with diverse populations. As a school psychologist, I hope to use these skills to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students and families, regardless of their background or experiences. While I am passionate about pursuing a career in school psychology, I am also aware of the significant financial challenges that come with graduate education. Scholarship money would be incredibly valuable in helping me pursue my goals of becoming a school psychologist. It would help alleviate the financial burden of graduate education and allow me to focus on my studies and clinical work. Additionally, scholarship support would give me the opportunity to participate in professional development opportunities, attend conferences, and pursue research projects that will be valuable in my future career. In conclusion, my experiences volunteering with homeless individuals and immigrant families, including providing English and literacy tutoring to immigrant children, have informed my desire to become a school psychologist. I believe that my experiences have given me a unique perspective and set of skills that will be valuable in this work. While pursuing a career in school psychology presents significant financial challenges, scholarship support would allow me to pursue my career goals and make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families.