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Angelis Campbell-colon


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Hey, my name is Angelis, I want to be an airline pilot, which makes sense since I am most passionate about aviation and motorcycling. I am a great candidate because I know no matter what I will make my dreams come true. I am willing to work hard to do it because my work ethic is unmatched. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't practice until I get it right I practice until I can't get it wrong.


William Penn High School

High School
2020 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:



      2022 – 20242 years

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Easter Seals — Fill in player
        2023 – Present
      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      Hello, my name is Angelis, I am an incoming freshman at Delaware State University. I know this may sound way simpler than it is but Perseverance. This is how I overcome adversity. Adversity can be challenging but for someone like me who loves a challenge adversity is nothing. With persistence, dedication, hard work, and most importantly belief anything is possible. I am an incoming freshman at Delaware State University looking to graduate in 2028 on time and with an Aviation degree with no debt at all. this may be hard but at the same time so is graduating with a lot of debt. In life, everything can be hard. A wise man once said "Life is hard, choose your hard." it is hard being broke but it is also hard being financially responsible. As a young adult, I hope to live by this quote as I mature and grow into the man I want to become. So going back to the question at hand I overcome adversity by realizing that every struggle I am going through right now is for a reason. I know becoming a Pilot won't be easy, but so is not having a plan. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." This is another great quote to live by. even if everything doesn't go exactly to plan having a plan in place to get where you want to be is a great step in getting to where you want to be. For example, college is tough and so is learning how to fly, it would be even harder for me because I don't graduate until I get that CFI-I rating. This is going to be a big challenge for me and I know that another challenge would be trying to survive off of my family working someplace else doing what I hate for minimum wage just so I can live check to check and find something to complain about. In life we are always going to have struggles and adversity to overcome, the great thing about that is we get to choose what struggle and adversity we are going to overcome. We get to determine if we are going to overcome that adversity or use it for pity or self-doubt. By using these two quotes it helps me stay motivated and dedicated. It is because of these that I have decided to go to an HBCU. DSU has one of the best aviation programs in the country, and I know it won't be easy or cheap. my family doesn't come from a wealthy place, as an Independent student I won't have any help at all paying for college. I am left to do everything alone but I know that if I keep fighting the least I can do is lighten this heavy financial burden.
      Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
      I know I am going to make this sound way simpler than it is but Perseverance. This is how I overcome adversity. Adversity can be challenging but for someone like me who loves a challenge adversity is nothing. With persistence, dedication, hard work, and most importantly belief anything is possible. I am an incoming freshman at Delaware State University looking to graduate in 2028 on time and with an Aviation degree with no debt at all. this may be hard but at the same time so is graduating with a lot of debt. In life, everything can be hard. A wise man once said "Life is hard, choose your hard." it is hard being broke but it is also hard being financially responsible. As a young adult, I hope to live by this quote as I mature and grow into the man I want to become. So going back to the question at hand I overcome adversity by realizing that every struggle I am going through right now is for a reason. I know becoming a Pilot won't be easy, but so is not having a plan. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." This is another great quote to live by. even if everything doesn't go exactly to plan having a plan in place to get where you want to be is a great step in getting to where you want to be. For example, college is tough and so is learning how to fly, it would be even harder for me because I don't graduate until I get that CFI-I rating. This is going to be a big challenge for me and I know that another challenge would be trying to survive off of my family working someplace else doing what I hate for minimum wage just so I can live check to check and find something to complain about. In life we are always going to have struggles and adversity to overcome, the great thing about that is we get to choose what struggle and adversity we are going to overcome. We get to choose if we are going to overcome that adversity or use it for pity or self-doubt. As I have said before I plan on being a pilot for the airlines. While I want this to be my career it is important to note that this career is all about serving others. Taking people from place to place with care and passion. As a pilot, I have hundreds of lives in my hands. For this reason, I must handle the aircraft with love and care.
      James Diorato Memorial Scholarship
      Hi, my name is Angelis Campbell-Colon and I am passionate about a career in aviation for a plethora of reasons. The biggest one by far has to be the love of flying. Nothing is better than the feeling of being able to completely control each part of the aircraft as I maneuver my way through the sky and clouds. When I am so far off the ground everything looks so small. When you get to fly in the air while the sun is out but you don't touch down until the sun goes down. There is something about that feeling of watching the sunset from an angle that not everyone has gotten to see. To be so privileged to be able to fly off into the sunset is something I will always be grateful for. Another reason I love aviation is the freedom that comes with it. Aviation isn't my only hobby I like riding motorcycles too for the same reason. There is something about the freedom you get when traveling through the air in a small aircraft that hovers through the wind. That freedom of exercising my right to travel. It is amazing how one small propeller can take you anywhere you want to go. As a kid, I was always told that the world was my oyster and I always thought that was a myth or fairy tale. Especially as I got older and reality started settling in. I thought I would have to find a "normal" job to provide for me and my family. With an aviation career, I get to make a living based off of doing what I love. There are so many perks to becoming a pilot. My goal is to make it into the major airlines and fly for United Airlines. I want to start in United Aviate so I can go to United Airlines early and start building my seniority as soon as possible. With seniority I get a more flexible schedule and better pay this way I can have more of a choice as to where I am going with my flights. Which brings me to the next reason I love to travel. I have flown to some pretty cool places in the world I am fortunate enough to have left my home country at a young age. That feeling was amazing and if I have a chance to do that for a living I don't understand why I wouldn't take that chance. Having experienced what it's like to leave the country and what it is like to operate a plane, I know both of these things I love doing, and to be able to do that for a career would be amazing.
      Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
      Hi, my name is Angelis. I am a mixed kid who was born in Brooklyn, New York. as for how I help my family I want to start by telling you about my family first. My mom's side of the family is Puerto Rican while my dad is African American. I was raised by my grandmother on my mother's side of the family since my mom was in the military. I didn't get to meet my Grandfather from my dad's side yet. As for my dad well I didn't get to meet him before he passed when I was 2. I am very grateful for my father's side of the family because even though I might have met them in middle school they accepted me like one of their own. I show my gratefulness with kind acts every day towards all of my family members. For example last week my aunt wanted to move into this apartment badly. She had been living with me and my mother for what feels like forever now, I loaned her 520 dollars which was almost all of the amount that I had in cash at the time and the exact dollar amount she needed to move into her apartment by the time she wanted. Last month my other aunt had asked me to babysit I do not love kids but I understood that she wouldn't be asking unless I needed it. I grew up an only child and the youngest of the I'm not used to babysitting. Although that might be the case I still decided to be of help to her because I knew this was what she needed and if I didn't do it nobody would. I am someone who believes in community service. Every year for two years straight now I have been involved in the easter seals volleyball challenge made to raise money for individuals and families with mental or physical disabilities. I take pride in volunteering for my community so much pride that I was given a recognition of outstanding service by the CEO of Easter Seals, Ken Sklenar, and named community service male athlete of the year at William Penn High School.
      Future of Aviation Scholarship
      When I was a Junior in Highschool I had no idea what I wanted to be when I became an adult. I just knew I studied engineering at my high school because it was easy for me. I knew engineers made a lot of money so I never really thought about anything too deep when it came to life after high school. I always thought I would just make it there and when I made it I would be successful. Until I had a conversation with a young entrepreneur about what success means. As a young junior in high school I thought to be successful was to be wealthy. Now as I get closer and closer to being a freshman in college I realize that success has no definite meaning. Success is what you want it to mean. To me, success isn't about how much money you have or how many nice things you own. Success can't be measured by materialistic items but only by the emotions in which you feel every day as you get up to work. I could have decided to stick to being an engineer and made money, but to me, flying planes is so much more fun. I still have a smile on my face every time I get to control an aircraft. I used to think that although this was something that I love doing I can't afford it and my family doesn't come from a place where doing that was normal. I used to think I couldn't do something like that for a living. I thought it would be too hard and expensive. I was ready to settle for less until I recently had a conversation with a close peer of mine who is a private pilot already and he said something that made me think and will probably stick with me for as long as I live. He told me life without chasing a goal isn't anything. I couldn't agree more, there is no point in life where you meet a goal and now you are just done as you get close to one goal you start planning another, as humans we are always going to want more and better for ourselves and our friends and family. I am going to go to Delaware State University and graduate with all of my ratings from my Private Pilots License to my CFI-I rating. From there I plan on joining a Pilot development program, whether it's one like United Aviate, Alaskan Air True North Program, or Republic Airways Jumpstart Program. From there I would like to end by flying as a captain for United Airlines.