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Angel Figueira


Bold Points






My personality has always been enthralled with art and creativity. Passions are directed at art, illustration, and character design. It thrills me to make a customer ecstatic when I finish a commissioned concept art piece. 2020/2021 was a "reset button" year for me. I was home alone a week before starting my senior year when our garage and home exploded into flames. No one was hurt thankfully, and our firemen kept the damage contained to just our home. Today, perhaps the flames of selfishness will be the ones being snuffed out as we all find our NEW NORMAL after the pandemic with courage, kindness, and outer focus. Perhaps all that mattered before will be rebuilt with “self” on the outside of the structure instead of as the usual cornerstone. I would like to be a force that influences that notion through my creative artistry. I am thrilled to have completed 9 college courses and earned my Graphic Design Certificate while in high school. My copyrighted illustrated story/matching video game will help me create my own internships with major studios. Hope will prevail. With faith over fear, and abundant courage and kindness we will all thrive. I am so very blessed to be able to pursue what I call my Life's Energy (vs work!) and your investment in me will serve as a terrific boost to propel me forward. is a site I started at 13, although I gain commission pieces from a number of sites! is a volunteer effort that I hope to help my mom expand as we move into a hopeful future! Shine On!


Legend High School

High School
2017 - 2021

Arapahoe Community College

High School
2017 - 2020
  • Majors:
    • Graphic Communications


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Illustration
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Professional Conceptual Artist

    • Owner Entrepreneur started at 13 years old
      2017 – Present8 years



    2013 – 20152 years


    • Health Professions Education, Ethics, and Humanities

      Edge Program - AP — Student
      2020 – 2021


    • Independent

      Independent Works
      2009 – Present
    • Legend High/ACC Concurrent

      Conceptual Art
      Edge Exhibition Nights,
      2017 – Present
    • Edge Student Led Character Design Curriculum

      Conceptual Art
      The Odyssey
      2019 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Purple Bell - Ring It Forward, Senior Living, — Creative Assistant/ Ideation
      2015 – Present

    Future Interests




    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    Is "Quicksand Avoidance" a skill, or an achievement? I’m an only child that has always been enamored with art and creative works. To be honest, creative outlets have been a method of escape for much of my younger life. I feel blessed that I’ve always just “known” that I will be an artist as I look forward to an exuberant future. Now, about the Quicksand Avoidance. My family has endured “are you kidding me?” levels of trauma and drama during my lifetime, but especially in the last decade. I’ve tried to use my art to bring joy and deflect pain and depression through every circumstance. I’ve learned that it takes a tenacious and (maybe delusional) attitude to keep going through storms. Influencing others emotions through hope, escape, and uplifting works of art will be a fulfilling career for my life’s work. My fiercely independent fighter-pilot grandfather paralyzed himself from the neck down at 72 years old. He worked his way back to driving even though he never regained feeling in his hands and feet (eek!) Then grandmother had a stroke, needed daily assistance, and lost her ability to read, write, or speak for 7 years. Her mind was sharp, and she craved attention. She was adorable and even when visiting every few days seemed like a chore, I knew that sharing myself and my art with her made her heart sing. A few years ago, while preparing a plow truck set-up to keep our employees busy in the winter, the truck came down off the ramps and crushed my father. All of his ribs were broken front and back, and his left hip socket was wrenched behind his pelvic bone. We should have lost him that day, but instead he was back to driving and trying to work after just 12 days. Mom has had profound hearing loss her entire life, but in recent years, her ability to decipher speech has degraded rapidly. She started using captioning apps on her phone to replace the ability to read lips and facial expressions hidden by masks. I was home alone last August, about to start my senior year of high school when our detached garage exploded and caught the house on fire right where I had been sitting next to a gas fireplace. No one was hurt, and our neighbors’ properties were protected by our fabulous first responders. The fire eradicated most of my father's 30 years of tools that he uses in our home-based business. Like so many small business owners, we make just enough to get by, and the pandemic had also been playing havoc with our ability to function. Most of the contents of our home were lost to asbestos and we are still in temporary living, unsure of how we will be operating for the next year. My parents often say, asking “Why me?” with tragedy is very QuickSandy versus “What Am I Supposed to Do with This?” has forward motion. To be totally transparent, there were many days I wanted to ditch that philosophy and feel sorry for myself. Eventually, I chose to view the fire as one giant “re-boot” button. I started my senior year a week after the fire and continued with a mix of hybrid, remote, and in-class learning as our fabulously dedicated educators flexed and adjusted every few weeks with the ebb and tide of the pandemic. I finished 9 college courses while in high school and obtained my Computer Graphic certificate. Hopes for the future: Spared from the fire: my portfolio, including my copyrighted short story and matching video game that I plan to use to create my own custom internships at major studios. I also have my own comic strip. Much of my work can be seen at (established when I was 13.) I am also doing a great number of commissions from various sites assisting established comic book authors with ideation. I am attending Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design this fall. The cost of college is daunting, but I am determined to find scholarships and earn enough to pay my way. I plan to find time to volunteer my art skills to support, which is an early effort close to my mom's heart. The future is bright, and my hope and prayer is that just as most events above will one day be a distant memory, perhaps a post-pandemic world will be encouraged and influenced by my creative artistry! Thank you for your consideration!
    3LAU "Everything" Scholarship
    3 EVERYTHING My personality has always been enthralled with art and creativity. It’s truly my: EVERYTHING¹ Essence of who I am, an artist. But how to translate this into life’s energy versus life’s work? I’ve been blessed with just “always knowing” what I wanted to do. I confess though, that in the past, even from an incredibly young age, my works were more for myself as a source of escape and entertainment. Now I am beyond thrilled when creating a commissioned art piece that pleases my client or fills an emotional need for someone. It’s absolute magic creating an engaging story or art piece that triggers outer focus, emotional response, or simply pure delight in owning a one-of-a-kind treasure. EVERYTHING ² Family - My family has been through unbelievable traumas - a devastating fire that wiped out our home and business last year, dad being crushed by his plow truck, mom’s profound hearing loss, strokes taking speech and paralysis for grandparents. Each time, we keep going, and refuse to let it define us. Unspoken, unconditional support abounds. My hero- artistic uncle Alan has perfected doing what he loves: Large events A/V, heavy metal 80s big hair spandex bands, and now an unbelievable new Rock Opera – King of Flames. Shameless plug: The pandemic wiped out 80% of his revenues from events, so he took a break to finish this unique opera. It even has a violinist that played for Putin. Although he lives in another state, and we don’t talk very often, there is a rock-solid love there and I know that he would walk through fire for me. EVERYTHING³ Relentless Positivity I’m paying my way through art college with a mix of scholarships, grants, and commissions. My focus will be Illustration/Concept Art. I’ve already completed 9 college courses and a computer graphic design certificate while in high school. I believe I have a realistic shot at creating my own customized internships as a concept artist at top studios like Pixar, Nickelodeon, or Klei Entertainment with my portfolio of highly original work. I’m also excited to keep developing my copyrighted whimsical story of a heroin I created 3 years ago. Hannah Hurdle lives in Gloomville, a depressing village with “plotholes” she’s trying to fill that are actually skylights to an underworld below. I have even crafted a video game to complement the illustrated story. This EVERYTHING link is just the tip of the iceberg: I’m constantly cranking out commissioned pieces from a variety of art sites and I find it hard to keep up it current! is my mom’s passion that I’ll be developing visuals for full activity programs once Covid restrictions lift. Thank you for offering this scholarship. Artistic endeavors are all too often snuffed out before they take wing because of the realities of life and fear. Fear is truly False Evidence Appearing Real – yet we all wear the tire tracks from throwing ourselves under that bus. This definitely helps! :3
    JuJu Foundation Scholarship
    Angel Grace Figueira - What Drives Me – What Fuels My Jets – What Makes Me Keep It Simply Shining Inspiration? My personality has always been enthralled with art and creativity. I confess though, even from an incredibly young age, my works were driven more for myself as a source of escape and entertainment. I find that now I am beyond thrilled when creating a commissioned art piece that pleases my client or fills an emotional need for someone. My “more mature” self has experienced the absolute magic that comes from engaging fully with those around us. Written, spoken, and artistic expression are great tools in connecting humanity and I am so blessed to have this natural interest that will be my life’s work (scratch that, the proper word is energy, or JuJu). My family endured a devastating loss of our home and business due to a fire late last year. Although I’ve completed 9 college classes for free while in high school, the college costs are daunting. Our home-based small business will only produce half of what it normally does in 2021. Even a normal year produces just enough to get by. I’ve been trying to keep my grades up and earn funding from any source I can while we are working toward recovery. It helps to stay focused on our blessings and others through all of this. We have seen the entire globe undergo change (and restricted engagement) due to the pandemic. My mom has profound hearing loss and reads lips. She employs captioning apps whenever she can to replace the critical lip-reading hidden behind masks. Everyday privileges like visiting our elderly (close to my heart) are snuffed out with the flame of the virus. So many impacts to overcome with creative positivity, ideas, and grace. The KISS principle to me is Keep It Simply Shining. Seeking to rotate your perspective in the scariest of situations. Asking WHAT am I supposed to do with this has forward motion, asking WHY me is sort of “quicksandy”. Easier said than done, absolutely. I’m determined to propel positivity through my art and relationships. Fueling my jets (ok, my grandpa was a fighter pilot) in college will be my whimsical story of a heroin created 3 years ago. Hannah Hurdle lives in Gloomville, a very gray, depressing town with many unseen elements and characters. I have even crafted a video game to complement the illustrated story. This story and its characters highlight that things are not always as they seem, and that hope can be found in any circumstance. I hope to bring enjoyment and hope to the world with this flagship project. For future volunteer work, I plan to link arms with my mom to bring Patch Adams type projects to oncology centers as COVID allows. is just an early gleam in our eyes for adventures we hope to expand together as I start college. All my best, and kind wishes to all applicants and their pursuits!
    Creative Expression Scholarship