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Anastasia Rogers


Bold Points








I would describe myself as an open-minded individual who is persistent in achieving her goals no matter how hard the challenge is. Being a first generation college student from a less fortune background does bring its own set of challenges. The determination I have to walk across that stage will help me come up with a solution to any of those challenges encounter. While in college I have been able to expand my horizons by studying another language. I am studying Marketing and the Japanese language. I joined the Japanese student Association as I wanted to become more involved with the community. I became Vice President of the organization then was promoted to President. During my year as president, we went from nearly dissipating to becoming the second biggest international organization on campus. This was a great adventure to do and the challenges that came with it will surely bring a positive change. We were able to bring in people from Japan for business seminars, workshops and hold a Japanese culture festival for the first time in years. I was able to use the skills I have learned in my marketing classes to promote this organization to become greater than it has been before. It certainly has not been easy but with each scholarship I receive, it gives me the encouragement to keep going!


University of Toledo

Bachelor's degree program
2019 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business/Commerce, General
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Marketing
  • Minors:
    • East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      Work in international marketing relations & own a marketing business

    • Community Assistant

      Olde Towne University Square
      2020 – 20222 years
    • Marketing intern

      University of Toledo
      2021 – 20221 year





    • Green Belt


    • Japanese Business

      Self — Researcher
      2021 – Present


    • Painting

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      International Center for Study Abroad — International informant volunteer
      2021 – 2022

    Future Interests



    Career Search Scholarship
    As a marketing major, I am excited about exploring a variety of career paths that will allow me to use my creativity and strategic thinking to make a positive impact on the world. Some of the potential careers I am considering include advertising, public relations, social media management, and cause-related marketing. With my degree, I am able to go into various industries. This is one of the reasons I have decided to pursue a creative major that will give me the ability to support myself and use my own creative mind. I believe that advertising is an important aspect of marketing that has the potential to shape people's perceptions and attitudes towards a brand or a product. As an advertising professional, I would be responsible for creating campaigns that capture the attention of consumers and promote products in a way that is both effective and ethical. Public relations is another career path that I am considering. In this role, I would be responsible for managing a company's reputation and building relationships with key stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the media. I believe that public relations is an important aspect of marketing because it helps to create a positive image of the company and its products. Social media management is a career that is becoming increasingly important in today's digital age. As a social media manager, I would be responsible for creating and managing social media campaigns that promote a brand and engage with customers. I believe that social media has the potential to be a powerful tool for marketing, as it allows companies to connect with their customers on a more personal level. Lastly, I am interested in pursuing a career in cause-related marketing. This type of marketing involves partnering with nonprofit organizations to promote their mission and raise funds for important social issues. I believe that cause-related marketing is an important aspect of marketing because it allows companies to give back to society and make a positive impact on the world. Overall, I believe that each of these potential careers has the potential to bring me fulfillment because they allow me to use my creativity and strategic thinking to make a positive impact on the world. As a marketing major, I am excited about exploring each of these career paths and finding the one that is the best fit for me. Thank you for considering my application for the scholarship.
    Yvela Michele Memorial Scholarship for Resilient Single Parents
    As a marketing major and the daughter of a single mother, I have faced my fair share of challenges. Growing up, my mother worked long hours to provide for our family, often working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Despite her tireless efforts, we struggled financially, and there were times when we were forced to make difficult choices and sacrifices. One of the biggest challenges I faced as a child of a single parent was the lack of access to resources and opportunities. My mother was unable to provide me with the same level of financial support and mentorship that children from dual-parent households often have access to. However, I refused to let my circumstances hold me back. Instead, I learned to be resourceful and to make the most of the opportunities that were available to me. I worked hard in school, determined to create a better future for myself. When it came time to apply for college, I knew that I wanted to pursue a degree in marketing. I had always been fascinated by the power of branding and advertising to influence consumer behavior, and I saw marketing as a way to make a positive impact on the world. However, as the daughter of a single mother, I knew that affording college would be a challenge. I worked multiple part-time jobs throughout high school and saved every penny I could, but I still knew that I would need financial assistance to make my dream a reality. That's when I discovered this scholarship opportunity. It was a turning point for me, as it allowed me to pursue my education without the burden of student loans. It gave me the financial support I needed to focus on my studies and to make the most of the opportunities available to me. As a marketing major, I am passionate about using my education to create positive change in the world. I believe that marketing can be a powerful tool for promoting social and environmental responsibility, and I plan to use my skills to work with businesses that are committed to making a positive impact. In addition to my studies, I am also involved in extracurricular activities that align with my values. I volunteer with my school and I am always looking for ways to give back to my community. Ultimately, my goal is to use my education and my skills to create positive change in the world. Whether I am working with a non-profit organization to promote a cause I believe in, or helping a business to develop more sustainable and ethical practices, I am committed to using my marketing skills to make a positive impact. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunities that this scholarship has provided me. It has given me the financial support I needed to pursue my education, and it has also reminded me of the power of hard work and determination. As a marketing major and the daughter of a single mother, I am determined to use my education to create positive change in the world. Thank you for your consideration.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have everyone in the world read just one book, it would be "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This book has the power to inspire and transform its readers, regardless of their age, background, or beliefs. At its core, "The Alchemist" is a story about following one's dreams and finding one's purpose in life. It follows the journey of Santiago, a young shepherd who decides to leave his comfortable life and travel in pursuit of a treasure he saw in his recurring dream. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous obstacles and meets various characters who help him understand the language of the universe and the importance of following one's heart. The reason why I believe "The Alchemist" is a book that everyone should read is that it has the power to remind us of the importance of having dreams and pursuing them. It teaches us that everyone has a unique purpose in life, and it's up to us to discover it and make it a reality. It's a book that can inspire us to take risks, overcome our fears, and trust in the universe to guide us towards our destiny. What I love about this book is that it's written in a simple yet profound language that's easy to understand and relatable to everyone. The characters and events in the story are relatable, and the messages conveyed are universal. Whether you're a student trying to figure out your career path or a retired person looking for a new purpose, "The Alchemist" has something to offer. In conclusion, "The Alchemist" is a book that has the power to transform and inspire its readers. It teaches us the importance of following our dreams and trusting in the universe to guide us towards our purpose in life. It's a book that everyone should read at least once in their lifetime, and I believe it has the potential to make the world a better place by reminding us of the importance of living a fulfilling life.
    @normandiealise #GenWealth Scholarship
    Generational wealth is not just about financial stability and security; it is a legacy of opportunity that can transform the lives of generations to come. For me, breaking the cycle of generational poverty is more than a goal; it is a lifelong passion. Growing up in poverty, I have seen the negative impact it can have on families and individuals. I have witnessed firsthand the struggle to put food on the table, pay bills, and provide for basic necessities. Despite these challenges, my mother instilled in me a strong work ethic, resilience, and determination to succeed. My mother went from being a homeless teen mom to working in the field of her choice. As I look to the future, my primary goal is to break the cycle of generational poverty for myself and my family. I plan to achieve this through education and investing in myself. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and creating a better future. I am committed to obtaining a college degree and pursuing a career in a field that I am passionate about. Furthermore, I plan to prioritize personal development and financial literacy. I believe that self-improvement and learning about money management are essential to achieving generational wealth. By investing in myself, I can create opportunities for myself and my family that would not have been possible otherwise. Moreover, I believe that community involvement and advocacy are essential in breaking the cycle of poverty. I plan to use my skills and knowledge to give back to my community, mentor and empower others who come from similar backgrounds, and advocate for policies that create opportunities for those in need. This is something I believe will create a powerful impact that will not only affect me but others who are in, or may have been, in my situation as well. It can inspire a new generation to not give up even in the face of adversity. I know how much this meant to me when my mentor and my mother instilled this idea into me. In conclusion, breaking the cycle of generational poverty is a deeply emotional goal for me. It is about creating a legacy of opportunity for myself and my family. By prioritizing education, personal development, and community involvement, I believe that I can achieve generational wealth and provide a foundation of financial stability and opportunity for generations to come. Thank you for considering my application.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    Once a small seed, buried deep in the earth I knew not of the challenges, of the hardships, of the hurt But as I began to grow, stretching towards the sun I soon realized that my journey had just begun The soil was tough, the rain too much or too little The winds were harsh, and the sun too hot or too brittle But I stood my ground, held my stem up high And with every obstacle, I grew stronger, reaching for the sky As a flower, my journey was full of thorns and strife Sometimes it seemed like I could barely hold on to life But I kept pushing, kept fighting, kept striving to be The most beautiful flower that I could possibly be There were times when I was trampled upon, crushed underfoot I could have given up then, accepting my fate as soot But I refused to let the darkness consume me And emerged from the dirt, more resilient and free Even when the storms raged and the lightning flashed I held on, my roots digging deep, never to be dashed And as the sun peeked through the clouds, I bloomed A beacon of hope, my beauty never to be doomed I overcame the obstacle, the pain, and the tears I conquered the darkness, the doubts, and the fears And as I stand tall, in all my glory I am a reminder of the strength that lies within our story For just like me, you too can overcome The obstacles that come, the battles that must be won Just keep pushing, keep striving, keep reaching for the light And you too will bloom, your beauty shining bright So let us stand tall, with our heads held high And let our petals unfurl, reaching for the sky For we are not just flowers, we are beacons of hope A reminder that with determination, we can surely cope.
    GD Sandeford Memorial Scholarship
    As a first-generation African American college student, I understand firsthand the struggles that come with pursuing higher education. I am grateful for the opportunity to attend college and pursue my undergraduate degree in marketing, but I know that many of my peers are not as fortunate. That is why I am honored to apply for this scholarship, which would allow me to continue my education and make a difference in my community. Growing up in a low-income community, I witnessed the lack of resources available to families and students. Many of my peers did not have access to quality education or extracurricular activities that would prepare them for college. As a result, I have always been passionate about helping others and giving back to my community. With my marketing degree, I plan to use my skills to support and uplift businesses in underrepresented communities. I want to help small business owners grow their businesses and reach their full potential. I believe that entrepreneurship can be a pathway to economic empowerment and stability, and I want to be a part of that change. In addition to supporting local businesses, I also plan to use my marketing knowledge to address social issues and promote positive change. I am passionate about using advertising and branding to raise awareness and change perceptions about issues such as racism, inequality, and injustice. I want to use my voice and my platform to amplify marginalized voices and advocate for meaningful change. I have also taken advantage of opportunities to develop my marketing skills. I have completed internships, where I have gained valuable experience in areas such as social media marketing, content creation, and brand management. Receiving this scholarship would allow me to continue my education and pursue my passion for marketing. It would also give me the financial stability to take on internships and other opportunities that would help me achieve my goals. Most importantly, it would be a validation of my hard work and dedication to serving my community. It would give the extra motivation by having the belief that someone else believes in me. In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship and share my story. I am committed to using my marketing degree to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. With your support, I know that I can achieve my goals and make a difference in the world. Thank you for considering my application.
    Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
    Growing up in a low-income household, I always knew that pursuing higher education would be a challenge. However, it wasn’t until I entered high school that I began to realize the extent of the financial difficulties I would face in pursuing my dreams. As a BIPOC student, I faced many barriers in accessing opportunities that would prepare me for college. Despite these difficulties, I remain determined to make the most of my education and pursue my dreams of a career in marketing. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been passionate about marketing. It’s always been fascinating to me how companies can use their unique branding and messaging to connect with consumers and build their businesses. In college, I want to study marketing and develop my skills in areas like digital marketing, market research, and product development. With the knowledge and experience gained through higher education, I hope to one day work at a top marketing firm and help businesses of all sizes build their brands and connect with their audiences. However, I’ve faced many difficulties along the way. Growing up, my family struggled to make ends meet, and we often had to make difficult financial decisions. It wasn’t always possible to afford things like extracurricular activities or private tutors, which made it difficult to compete with students from more affluent backgrounds. Additionally, as a BIPOC student, I often felt like I was at a disadvantage when it came to accessing resources and opportunities. Despite these challenges, I’ve never let them hold me back. I’ve worked hard in school and made the most of the opportunities available to me, including volunteering with a local nonprofit that provides tutoring and mentoring services to low-income students. Receiving this scholarship would be life-changing for me. It would allow me to pursue my dreams of higher education without having to worry about the financial burdens that often come with it. With this scholarship, I would be able to afford things like textbooks, school supplies, and potentially even internships that could help me gain valuable experience in the field of marketing. Most importantly, this scholarship would provide me with the financial security I need to focus on my studies and pursue my dreams. Beyond my personal goals, I believe that this scholarship could help create a more diverse and representative workforce in the field of marketing. As a BIPOC student, I’ve seen firsthand the impact that a lack of diversity can have on a company’s marketing efforts. When companies fail to include diverse perspectives in their marketing strategies, they risk alienating entire communities and missing out on valuable opportunities. By supporting BIPOC students like myself, this scholarship can help create a more inclusive and equitable marketing industry that better reflects the diverse world we live in. In conclusion, receiving this scholarship would mean the world to me. It would provide me with the financial support I need to pursue my dreams of higher education and a career in marketing, while also helping to create a more diverse and representative workforce. I believe that with hard work and dedication, I can make a meaningful impact in the field of marketing, and this scholarship would help me get one step closer to achieving that goal. Thank you for considering my application.
    Augustus L. Harper Scholarship
    Education is an essential component of success, and this is evident in the life of Augustus L. Harper, whose legacy is being celebrated through this scholarship. My passion for education stems from the belief that it is the key to personal and societal transformation. Education is not only a means to acquiring knowledge but also a tool that empowers individuals to break free from the chains of ignorance and poverty. Growing up, my mother placed great value on education, and I was encouraged to pursue it with dedication and zeal. Through education, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to excel academically and professionally. It has provided me with a strong foundation and the necessary tools to navigate life's challenges. As a business major, I have come to appreciate the importance of education in the business world, where a solid understanding of financial principles and accounting practices is crucial to success. Education has brought value to my life in numerous ways, and it has been instrumental in shaping my worldview. It has exposed me to diverse cultures, people, and ideas, making me appreciate the richness of the human experience. It has also opened doors for me, enabling me to pursue my passions and fulfill my aspirations. I have gained skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication that are valuable in all areas of life. As I embark on my academic and professional journey, I plan to continue pursuing education with passion and dedication. I aspire to use the knowledge and skills I have acquired to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. Through my academic and professional pursuits, I hope to inspire and empower others, especially those from marginalized communities, to realize their full potential and achieve their dreams. In conclusion, education is a vital tool that transforms individuals and communities. It has brought immense value to my life, and I am grateful for the opportunities it has provided me. I commend the Augustus L. Harper Scholarship for honoring the legacy of a great educator and leader and for supporting students in accounting, finance, and business. It is my hope that this scholarship will enable many to access education and achieve their full potential. In addition, education has allowed me to develop critical thinking skills and broaden my understanding of the world around me. Through my education, I have been exposed to diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas that have challenged me to think beyond my own experiences and assumptions. It has allowed me to become a more empathetic and compassionate person, better equipped to navigate the complexities of our global society. Overall, education has been invaluable in shaping who I am today and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and growing through pursuing a degree in business with a concentration in marketing.
    Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship
    My name is Anastasia, and I am a college student with a degree in marketing. As an African American first generation college student, I understand the financial burden that comes with pursuing higher education. The high cost of tuition, textbooks, and other expenses forced me to take out student loans in order to fund my education. During my time in college, I was involved in various organizations and activities, such as the Japanese student Association and the International Student Association. I also volunteered at a the international office, where I helped with introducing new international students and help them adjust to their new environment. These experiences helped me develop important leadership and communication skills, and gave me a sense of fulfillment by giving back to my community. My ultimate career aspiration is to become a marketing director for a major corporation. I am passionate about creating effective marketing strategies that connect with consumers and drive business growth. In addition, I hope to use my platform as a marketing professional to advocate for diversity and inclusion in the industry. One of my major accomplishments during my college career was becoming president of the Japanese student Association and increasing the club's membership from 20 to 120 people. The organization was originally going to disband but I helped revive it. I was responsible for managing social media accounts and creating promotional materials, which helped me gain hands-on experience in the field. Furthermore, I want to give back to my community by volunteering my time and resources to help other first-generation college students. I want to share my experiences and offer guidance and support to those who are facing similar challenges. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals, regardless of their financial background If I am fortunate enough to receive the Charles Cheesman Student Debt Reduction Scholarship, I plan to use the money I save to invest in my future. I hope to put the funds towards starting a small business, which has been a long-term goal of mine. Additionally, I would like to save money for a down payment on a home, which has become increasingly difficult due to my student loan debt. In conclusion, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. As a first generation college student, I know how hard it is to manage student loan debt and balance other financial responsibilities. The Charles Cheesman Student Debt Reduction Scholarship would not only help alleviate some of the financial burden, but also provide me with the resources to pursue my career and life goals.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    From an early age, I have always been drawn to the unconventional and the unexpected. I have a passion for creativity and innovation, and I am always looking for new ways to express myself and stand out from the crowd. Whether it's through my fashion choices, my artistic endeavors, or my approach to problem-solving, I have always been a maverick, unafraid to take risks and chart my own course. One of the things that makes me unique is my ability to see the world from different perspectives. I have always been interested in exploring different cultures and ideas, and I am constantly seeking out new experiences that challenge my worldview. I believe that this open-mindedness and willingness to embrace diversity is one of my greatest strengths, and it has allowed me to connect with people from all walks of life and understand the complexities of the world around us. In terms of giving back to my community, I am committed to using my creativity and passion to make a positive impact on the world. One area that is particularly important to me is environmental sustainability. I believe that we all have a responsibility to protect the planet and ensure that future generations have a healthy and thriving world to inherit. To this end, I plan to use my education and experiences to advocate for policies and programs that promote sustainability and reduce our impact on the environment. Whether it's through working with local organizations to promote recycling and conservation, or advocating for government action on climate change, I believe that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet and ensuring a sustainable future for all. In addition to my environmental advocacy, I also plan to use my creativity and passion for the arts to give back to my community. I believe that the arts have the power to inspire and transform people's lives, and I am committed to using my talents to make a positive impact on those around me. Whether it's through volunteering with local arts organizations or using my artistic talents to raise awareness for important social issues, I am committed to using my unique perspective and creativity to make a difference in the world. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Maverick Scholarship, and I am excited to continue pursuing my passions and making a positive impact on the world. With my creativity, open-mindedness, and commitment to making a difference, I believe that I have the potential to be a true maverick, standing out from the herd and making a unique and meaningful contribution to the world around me.
    Lotus Scholarship
    Growing up in a single-parent, low-income household has presented numerous challenges for me, from financial difficulties to the emotional strain of not having a consistent parental figure in my life. However, these challenges have taught me the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. My mother worked tirelessly to provide for our family, often working multiple jobs to make ends meet. Seeing her unwavering commitment to our family, despite the challenges she faced, has inspired me to persevere through my own challenges. I have learned to approach obstacles with a determined mindset, knowing that hard work and dedication can help me overcome even the most difficult situations. In addition to learning the importance of hard work, growing up in a low-income household has also taught me the value of resourcefulness. I learned early on that I had to be creative in order to make the most of the resources available to me. From finding ways to pay for college, like applying for scholarships and grants, to seeking out alternative sources of support like community organizations and government programs, I have learned to be resourceful in achieving my goals. Looking forward, I plan to use my life experiences to make a positive impact in my community and the world. I believe that my background has given me a unique perspective on the challenges faced by those in low-income communities and those raised by single parents. I want to use this perspective to advocate for policies and programs that provide support for these communities, whether through increased access to education or improved social services. Additionally, I plan to use my education and experiences to directly impact those around me. I hope to work with community organizations to provide mentorship and support to young people facing similar challenges to those I faced growing up. By sharing my experiences and offering guidance, I hope to help others persevere through their own challenges and achieve their full potential. Overall, my experiences growing up in a single-parent, low-income household have taught me the importance of perseverance, resourcefulness, and determination. I plan to use these values to make a positive impact in my community and the world, advocating for policies and programs that support those facing similar challenges and offering mentorship and guidance to young people in need. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Lotus Scholarship, and I am committed to using this support to further my education and continue making a positive impact on the world.
    TeluguPeople for America Scholarship
    I am a humanitarian and I believe this stems from my abusive family. It's an interesting story really. My father had abused my mother, brother and I since I could remember. Thankfully he left once I was 10. How does this shape my thinking? Well, when someone has a traumatizing childhood it can go one of two ways. They can become the monster they hate the most or become the hero they needed. I chose to become the hero. While this path does require more training than it would to be the villain I believe it is worth it. I have first hand experience what it feel like to be betrayed by the person you love the most and I don't want other to experience that feeling. This is why I fight adversity to this day. The first thing I did once I got into college was volunteer to be an international informant greeter. My job was to make sure that international students felt welcome when they first came to our country. A few of their stories truly made my heart cry as they had to find their way here by themselves. They felt like outsiders no matter where they went and a lot of people made assumptions about them. I tried to reassure them that there are good people in the world, and I'll prove it to them by being there when they need me. It was certainly a challenge as I saw firsthand how much it affected them and it reminded me of myself all over again. The saddened smile as they tried to tough it out and hope for better days. Which is why I got a lot of international students to join organizations as they were able to make a lot of new friends! If they didn't want to go alone I would go with them or if they needed someone to go to the store to help them translate I would go. My dream is to work for an American company in an international department. I am passionate about international relations and I believe that my dream will help solve world problems by showing how embracing each others differences can make the world a little more peaceful. There are a lot of assumptions that people make about others. Even the good stereotypes are not good which surprises people. If you assume they are good at something because of their race that diminishes all the hard work that the individual themselves has put in. A perfect example would be working with an American company thinking of letting a smaller Japanese company come within their department. This will get families to move to our countries or vice versa. Making an impact on many lives. The first step to solving world problems is by helping the people.
    Femi Chebaís Scholarship
    My goal in life is to be able to live by my own means and not someone else's.
    Samuel L. Goodman Educational Scholarship
    The ability to say "I did it." The pursuit of higher education is extremely important to me as it helps you become a more well rounded person and see different perspectives that you might not have been able to see before. It also gives you opportunities that can vastly change your life. Going to college as a first generation college student was one of the hardest choices I had to make. While to others it may seem like the most logical option in their next step in life it is a lot harder for someone who comes from a more challenged background. I say this because the fact that it is hard is what makes education itself even more important. Higher education can pull you out of poverty and break the generational cycle. Another benefit of pulling yourself out of poverty is that you can also bring others up with you. I want to be able to bring back what I have learned in school and life experiences back to my community. I have a dream of going back to my school and stepping into the small auditorium we have and giving a speech about how it is possible. Even though we come from a lower income area, it does not define who we are. Yes, we might have a disadvantage as we are minorities and don't have the same resources but that is what makes us stronger. If our car breaks down are we going to have a mental breakdown and give up? No! We are going to give ourselves a little breather and then figure out a solution to the problem. Maybe using your pants string to tie up your muffler that had broken off just to get you home then figure out a more permanent solution. (Funny thing this has happened to me). The tenacity to keep going is what I want to bring to my community. Higher education brings hope, something I hold dear to my heart. In the end, no one can take away the time and money you have invested into yourself. The late nights studying for an exam while somehow creating a professional network and running an organization is something I would never regret. I have learned and experienced so much in short amount of time thanks to higher education. I am not the same person I was a couple of years ago when I started college. For this I will be forever grateful.