Hobbies and interests
Horseback Riding
Adult Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Aman Myrsten
Bold Points1x
Aman Myrsten
Bold Points1x
I’m always looking for ways to become a better person and learner, and my goal in life is to do my part in helping to make the world a better place.
The place I’d like to start all this is Hollywood. While it’s the capital of pop culture and progressiveness, I believe that there’s still a lot of work to do there.
I’ve known for awhile that I want to get into film, but it took awhile for me to figure out what mark I wanted to leave with the things I create. Luckily, I’ve finally figured it out: diversity.
While the amazing thing about film is that it can tell any type of story, today’s society doesn’t yet have a wide variety of films sharing the stories of people who aren’t straight or white. I want to be a part of the change that the film industry needs to embrace.
Creating diverse characters and storylines will not only allow people to look up to characters that represent them and their struggles, but will also allow society to move forward from the confining idea of "normal" we've accepted in regards to both characters and plotlines.
I sincerely believe that as a screenwriter, I will be able to make a difference in people’s lives and in the way they see the world. I know that as a child, seeing Disney princesses that were not all straight, white, and waiting for a prince to save them would have opened up my mind much earlier to the possibilities this world has to offer. I want to give both children and adults alike the chance to experience that, helping to be a part of the change that moves our society forward in a more accepting and open minded fashion.
Richard Montgomery High
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Master's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Communication, General
- Film/Video and Photographic Arts
- Community Organization and Advocacy
- Public Administration and Social Service Professions, Other
- Social Work
- History
- English Language and Literature, General
- Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
Dream career field:
Motion Pictures and Film
Dream career goals:
That’s Amore2020 – Present5 years
Club2011 – Present14 years
- Show Ribbons
Story Matters Studios
ActingQuantum Quest2021 – 2021
Future Interests
Lisa Seidman Excellence in Writing Scholarship
If someone were to go into the notes app on my phone, they would probably be drawn to the one pinned at the very top, with the first entry being a line inspired by a 2014 Taylor Swift song. If they were to scroll down a few thumb cramps or so, they might even stumble upon the love confession scene I'd written out in the midnight hours of my freshman year, or my reimagining of season 3 of the 100 in which the two (objectively) best characters aren't killed off prematurely.
While many aspects of this messy, dissorganized jumble of thoughts in my phone might seem outlandish (or even downright confusing), they are very precious to me, as they are a culmination of all of the story ideas I've entertained since 7th grade. Story ideas hit me when I least expect them, in the shower, driving, even when I'm about to fall asleep. From there, they'll stay buzzing around in my brain, festering and developping from simple plot points to full blown storylines until it feels impossible not to write them down.
In taking these ideas into my phone, my mind is able to explore worlds of my own creation, worlds where the endings are all my own. The settings are new places to discover, the plots new adventures to be had, and the characters new friends to make. It's for this reason that I welcome the buzzing, the constant jumble of thoughts begging to be recorded, because while they may enslave me to my notes, forcing me out of my daily routine every time they decide to show up unanounced, they also give me the opportunity to free my mind in incomparable ways, each thought opening my eyes to a new realm of possibilities.
I strive to continue writing to solidify the space in which I record these thoughts, to ensure that I'll always have a place to put them down. However, I strive towards a career in writing for the hope that someday these thoughts and these worlds that I've created will reach a larger audience, an audience who can resonate and find comfort in the lives I've written onto a page. I hope that I will be able to take these jumbled ideas and morph them into stories, and from there, to be able to watch those stories provide just as much of an escape to readers as they do to their devoted writer. Until then, I will continue taking my Taylor Swift lyrics, my love quotes and my TV plots with me in my phone, imagining all of the ways those unfinished stories could go from a chunk to a chapter, and from a pocket to a page.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
At least once a week, typically a Tuesday or Wednesday, my mom and I will realize that we have absolutely no idea what we want for dinner. And so, at 8 o'clock at night, when the two of us have finally found time to sit down and notice our stomachs growling, one of us will make the oh-too-familiar trek to the pantry to pull out a jar of Classico marinara sauce. It's then that we can proceed to make one of the easiest dishes in culinary history: Spaghetti.
Don't get me wrong, the pasta is delicious, it has to be to be considered such a staple in my house. However, sprinkling on pre-grated parmesean cheese has never been considered a skill. What makes me happy about this dish though isn't its conveniance, is the way its simplicity gives my mom and I the chance to catch up after a long day.
With no crazy recipe to worry about, in the 15 minutes it takes for the pasta to cook and the sauce to be heated in the microwave, my mom and I are awarded time where our only responsibility is turning off the stove. For these small moments, we don't have to be anything more than a mother and daughter waiting for water to boil, enjoying each other's company.
It's in this time that we can each fully unpack our days, from the good and the bad, the uneventful to the must mentions, by the time we're able to sit down and eat, we've gotten the chance to each be put back on the same page. And so, this undoubtedly easy dish turns a random Tuesday or Wednesday into one of my happiest nights of the week: a night where I can take a break, and talk to my mom.
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
My best skill is the horseback riding I’ve dedicated myself to for years, and plan on continuing doing for as long as I can.
I’ve never been really interested in your “typical” sports, like the ones you’d play at school or join a little league for. Horseback riding however, has been something that I’ve been passionate about for as long as I can remember.
While I’ve been riding for about 10 years now, the last 3 are the ones I’m most proud of, as those are the ones that I’ve had my best friend working alongside me for.
3 years ago, I got the best Christmas present I could ask for in my horse Cosmic, a thoroughbred almost straight off the racetrack with a lot more heart than professional training. Somehow that wacky combination was the perfect match, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.
It hasn’t been easy, and finding time for 5-6 days of riding a week is just as mentally taxing as it as physically, but I wouldn’t trade the time we’ve spent together for anything. It’s paying off too, because after taking everything back to basics and working up slowly, we’ve finally been able to show off all the hard work we’ve put in in local competitions and shows. I’m hoping as the years go on I’ll be able to continue working us up the levels and taking him to larger competitions as we grow and advance together.
I can’t wait to continue my journey with him, and am incredibly thankful to be able to do this sport and work on my skills so often. Cosmic is my forever partner, and continuing to put in the work with him by my side is a privileged I’ll never take for granted.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
There are a lot of things that make me happy. From my friends and family down to my tiny little Pomeranians, I find joy in being surrounded by the ones who love me.
However, if there’s anything this last year has taught me, it’s how to be comfortable sitting in my own silence. What first started as bubbling anxiety at the idea of being stuck inside has now transformed into an understanding of the importance of downtime and self reflection, one of my favorite parts of my self care.
While I still enjoy going out with my friends just as much as I did pre-covid, I’ve now learned to enjoy the silence as well. I look forward to the part of my day where I get to sit down and reflect on everything good, a smile landing on my face as I think about all the ways tomorrow will be even better. It’s given me a chance to connect with and evaluate my emotions, step back and look at problems from better perspectives, and allows me to take a deep breath for what is most likely the first time of the day. I’ve learned so much about myself from these little moments of quiet, and I take those new personal understandings out into the world with me. Late nights with my friends and summertime adventures have never been so enjoyable, and I’ve given myself the confidence to truly speak my mind, now that I can actually understand what’s going on inside of it. I’m truly grateful for every reflective moment I’m blessed with, giving myself a chance to refresh and set my next step forward. Now, I can finally believe myself every time I say “today is going to be a great day.”
Pettable Pet Lovers Scholarship
This is Cosmic, my super goofy off-track thoroughbred I bought 3 years ago and have been retraining ever since. While he loves to sit out in the field and play with his friends, he also loves to show off how athletic he is when the right people are watching! He’s my absolute best friend, the biggest cuddle buddy I’ve ever had, and my favorite part of every day!
Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
Summer was always my favorite time for making memories.
At the end of this day, after all it’s excitement, we stumbled upon an open field, completely open to the night sky.
For hours, we laid there, looking at the stars, who in all their fiery glory made us realize just how small we were.
We spent the night talking about everything. Our goals, regrets, outlooks on the world.
While I can’t say I got much sleep that night, I can say that I left knowing a little bit more about the people around me than I had before.