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Alyssa Sweat


Bold Points




Hello, my name is Alyssa Sweat! My life goals include finding a career I enjoy, traveling the country, and becoming an inspirational leader along the way. Through the National FFA Organization, I have taken up interests in activities that involve animal care, community outreach, and advocacy. I am excited to see where my journey through college takes me!


Union County High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other
    • Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management
    • Genetics
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Doctorate with my own practice

    • Farm Hand

      Brasstown Beef
      2021 – 2021

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      National FFA Organization
    • Advocacy

      National FFA Organization

    Future Interests





    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    As I prepare for my future by applying to scholarships and colleges, I wonder if I am taking the right steps toward a meaningful life. Such applications make me sit back and think, "Am I pursuing after things that make me happy? Am I creating goals that will lead me to success?" In a world that over-glorifies accomplishments and prosperity, I have come to wonder what the real definition of success really is. One of my favorite quotes is by Time Tebow, who states that "success is just about you, but significance is about other people." I don't want to be someone totally submerged in my own success, but someone who helps the success of others as well. I want my legacy to be based upon my impact, not my wealth. I strive to be someone who finds happiness in helping others as much as she improves herself. I hope to provide kind words during a hard day or to be the hug when someone needs it most. My dreams involve traveling the world, stretching out of my comfort zone, and finding the beauty in what can be such a dark place. I pray that I can connect closer to God, helping others find their true purpose and peace. I want this to be my legacy because I want to make the most of my life while I am here. I don't want to float through and never make a change; I want to be an influence on those who are traveling through lost times. The idea of changing the world can be a little overzealous, but if I can change the world of just one person, I will feel that I have lived this life right.
    Bold Independence Scholarship
    The hustle and bustle of everyday life imposes a problem with creating silence and reflection. The so-called "rat-race" that comes with getting older keeps the average citizen working, running, and constantly distracted. Independence is important to make the most of life, separating oneself from society's unattainable standards of success. For me, to be independent is to accept the aspects that set you apart from someone else. Whether you have a fascination with art, want to travel the world, or your fashion sense is considered quirky, honoring what makes you happy is admirable in a world that wants to fit in. A quote that makes me think of independence is stated by Tim Tebow: "success is just about you, but significance is about other people." In a world full of greed and the endless chase towards success, independence can be found in someone whose goal is to be significant; someone who is fulfilled by helping others and finds happiness in the little things. There have been many times where I just wanted to fit in. Many times I have felt as though I were not "good enough," trying to change myself to fit in with others. However, by being independent I realize all the good things that I can bring to this world by just being me. I can find happiness every day because I am appreciating the parts of life I thoroughly enjoy. I am creating the best version of myself so I can be my best for others. Being independent has taught me that my dreams can be different than everyone else and that no one can hold me back. Not respecting the aspects of life that bring you joy is the biggest act of betrayal you could make towards your own self.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    As I have gotten older and have experienced stressful environments, I have learned to find happiness in the little things. Happiness to me is a rainy day, which forces us to slow down and enjoy the natural beauty of the world. It means channeling my inner child, running barefoot in the wet grass, romping with my dogs, and dancing between raindrops. A rainy day sets my heart free like the overflowing creek near my house, the little aspects of nature raising my spirits. Living in the mountains of North Georgia, I have come to find happiness in nature. Taking a scenic drive over mountain tops reminds me of the vastness and beauty in this world; a hike through the woods provides treasures you cannot find in the city. In a world that finds danger in physical touch, having an occasioanl hug often boosts my happiness. Enjoying a warm embrace every once in a while helps me know that I am not alone. But when I can't hug, hearing kind words provides a happy hug for the mind. Sharing kind words to someone else and to see their face light up is an experience like nothing else. Overall, kindness is what makes me the happiest; whether its brightening someones day or witnessing someone be cheered, a kind gesture returns hope in what can be such a dark world.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    "Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts." This philosophy by Pastor Craig Groeschel sums up the importance of self-care, mentally and physically. As a young female in a society that glorifies money, success, and unattainable beauty standards, I have fallen victim to the negative voice residing in my back of mind. This voice often tells me that I am not pretty enough or smart enough or, ultimately, will never be enough. Giving strength to these thoughts has caused me to give up, to be afraid of failure, and to live with a constant fear overcasting my days. However, finding the right words and the right people have helped to bring my life back. My first step into self-care was finding people who were uplifting, not demeaning. In our technologically advanced world today, it is hard to avoid the self-comparison game of social media. I have intentionally spent less time online, but when I am on there, I focus more on people who are uplifting and provide further self-help tips. I have learned a lot about the positive impacts of eating nutritous foods, getting enough rest, and thinking the right thoughts. Listening to religous speakers and reading the bible has helped me connect with God's truth, which tells me I am wonderfully made with a bright future ahead. Changing the thoughts in my head continues to help change the direction of my life. While rest is important, I have learned to care for myself through work too. Managing my time to complete important tasks reduces procrastiantion and stress. Learning new things helps me feel empowered to reach my goals. Sometimes I still fall short, but giving myself grace and permission to fail helps strengthen me for a healthier, happier life in the future.