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Alexis Marks


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Hi! Thank for stopping by to consider me for your scholarship opportunity. My name is Alexis but everyone calls me Gracie. I'm 17 years old, almost 18, and I attend school in Wyandotte, Oklahoma. I've been active in my FFA chapter since moving here in 2019 and was an officer last year as well as this year. I show livestock, work part time, maintain my GPA, stay active in my church, and spend time with my family. In my downtime, I like to hang out with my friends, watch movies, go to concerts, shop, and explore my local area. I am so excited to graduate high school and continue my education. I hope to attend Oklahoma State University and pursue a degree in education or agribusiness. I've worked hard to get to this point and am hopeful that my goals are within reach.


Wyandotte High School

High School
2019 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Elementary Education

    • Dream career goals:

      Elementary Teacher

    • Associate

      Dollar General
      2023 – Present1 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Seneca Christian Church — Kid's Church Volunteer
      2019 – Present

    Future Interests


    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    My biological dad left when I was four years old. My mom raised my brothers and me mostly on her own for about 10 years; then she met my stepdad, Mitch. This is how he changed our lives and mine specifically forever. When I said she raised us mostly on her own, I meant she had a series of failed relationships which left me with a hard time trusting men in general. I didn't make things easy for Mitch in the beginning and I still don't some days but he's still here. We don't always get along but, like a dad should, he keeps showing up. Mitch isn't just my stepdad, he's the dad I never had. He's taught me things, he's defended me, he's just a great man. He taught me about animals; I showed a goat this year at our county fair, something that would have never been possible with Mitch. He's always willing to teach me whatever I need to know. He grew up around animals and I'd only been around dogs before we moved into his house. He's the reason I'm attending Oklahoma State University because, without him, I never would have found my love for FFA. He challenges me to be a better person. I have a selfish streak and Mitch calls me on it. He lets me know it's not okay to not think of others before myself. He shows me every day what that looks like. He puts us first all the time. He works so hard to make us all happy and he does it willingly and happily. He told me once that providing for us is what brings him the most joy. He wants me to be that person and I want to be that person also. My dad provides for me. My biological father hasn't done anything for me since I was very young so it's fallen on my mom to provide everything until Mitch. He gives me everything I need and a lot of what I want. He bought me my first car, then replaced it when it stopped running, he bought my goat, he shows up to every event, and that provides the most. It is such a safe feeling knowing someone is looking out for me in the world. I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky. My stepdad performs acts of kindness every day. He's shown me a better way to live and to love. I will be forever grateful to him for the impact he's had on my life.