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Adam Pfarr


Bold Points






Hello! My name is Adam Pfarr and I am an incoming freshman at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. It has always been my goal to attend college at Cal Poly and now that it is finally happening I am extremely excited to see where the journey takes me. I will be working towards my bachelor's degree in kinesiology which I will use later to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. I found my passion for sports physical therapy through my love of soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was four years old and after suffering a major knee injury I realized that I can see myself helping other athletes through their injuries as my future career so that they can get back out on the field doing what they love. Thankfully I was able to recover from my injury and I am now attempting to be recruited to the Cal Poly soccer team. I am excited and eager to begin my education at Cal Poly and I am confident that it will be a great experience.


California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027

Central Coast New Tech High

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to become a sports physical therapist to help injured athletes. I believe that having personal experience with sports injuries will allow me to better help athletes who are in the same situation.

    • Racquet stringer

      Sports Warehouse
      2023 – Present2 years



    2019 – 20234 years


    • MVP award

    Track & Field

    2019 – 20212 years


    • High School Varsity Letter


    • Still Frothy

      film editor
      "Adam Pfarr - Still Frothy Surf Video - YouTube"
      2022 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Agape Church — In charge of facilitating games for the kids along with an easter-egg hunt
      2022 – 2022

    Future Interests


    Travis Ely Collegiate Angler Memorial Scholarship
    Fishing has always been a passion of mine. I caught my first fish when I was around four years old with my dad and since then it has been not only a fun pastime, but a defining element in who I am. People often speak about the obvious lesson that fishing teaches us, which is patience, but I want to shed light on some of the less obvious lessons and character traits that fishing can unlock. Sportsmanship as an angler likely looks different than traditional sportsmanship seen in other sports. For me, sportsmanship in the fishing community is about bringing everyone up so that we can all benefit, learn, and enjoy what the sport has to offer. I am all about sharing those secret fishing spots and showing people the bait I use to catch fish. Letting people borrow tackle or teaching someone how to tie a hook are all key elements of sportsmanship that I believe go a long way in preserving the friendly and welcoming community of anglers. Because I started fishing at a young age I was able to pick up these traits as I grew up and now I live by these principles. Letting a classmate borrow my good pencil or striking up a conversation with someone and telling them about the great restaurant I just tried. These basic acts of sportsmanship go a long way and spread throughout every corner of people’s lives in such beneficial ways not only while fishing, but in the community as well. Other ways fishing has shaped the person I am is in my work ethic. Fishing isn’t always a relaxing day on the lake with your friends. My dad and I have progressed from shore fishing at our local lake to spearfishing coral reefs in Hawaii, but one thing you can always be sure of no matter what type of fishing you are doing, is that in order to get that big fish at the end of the day, you have to put in the work. It might start the day before with loading all the gear in the truck. Then the next morning you are waking up at 5am to head down to the water. Maybe it’s a freezing cold morning or it starts raining on you. Sometimes the first couple hours or even the whole day goes by without a single fish. Whatever the circumstances are, fishing teaches you that all the patience and hard work eventually pays off, because when you finally pull up that 15 pound bass that you’ve been hoping bites your hook, you are reminded why you continue going out and doing it again and again. Once again, these lessons have stuck with me throughout my life and it is how I look at a lot of things on a range of scales. Whether it be putting in my hours at work and college during the day so I can come home and see my family when I’m done, or waking up at 6am a few times every week to go to soccer training in hopes that one day I might be playing in a big game on a big stage. It can all be traced back in some way to those lessons learned while fishing. It has shaped my character, grown my relationship with my dad, and given back to so many people in my community and it is something I will always be thankful for.
    NYT Connections Fan Scholarship
    Vault Ear Eye Cheek Pea Leaf Rings Beam Stalk You Lip Finger Silks Bar Bee Tongue Gymnastics equipment (yellow): Vault, Beam, Rings, Bar Parts of a corn plant (green): Stalk, Silks, Leaf, Ear Words that sound like letters (blue): Bee, Pea, You, Eye "Ouch, I bit my ___" (purple): Lip, Cheek, Finger, Tongue I am a big fan of the NYT connections so I was very excited to see this scholarship opportunity. I put a lot of time, thought, and effort into creating this puzzle to encapsulate the key elements of a classic game of connections. I began by coming up with an obvious category which was body parts, but I did not use this as one of the actual answers. Instead I used this as my trick category to build the rest of my answers around. I made sure to include a body part in three of the answers to throw off the puzzle solver. My yellow category is pretty easy and self explanatory and has no trick answers in it because it is meant to be the easiest. My green category is a bit harder and contains a body part to shake things up a bit, but it is still fairly easy. My blue category is a bit tricky and requires some outside of the box thinking as blue categories often do for this game. Finally, I wanted to stick with the classic purple category symbolism by making it a fill in the blank with four different words. I think the progression of difficulty as well as the style of category for each color is a near perfect resemblance to the classic NYT connections puzzle.
    Jennifer Hartwig Scholarship
    I am a first year student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo majoring in kinesiology. I am extremely invested in the world of sports and health. I have been playing soccer since I was four years old. Up until my early days of high school I was solely invested in soccer and prided myself in doing the best I could. My dream was to become a professional soccer player and play under the lights for a stadium full of people. My sophomore year of high school caused me to heavily reflect on my dream however, as I suffered a slow and discouraging knee injury that put me out of the game for over a year and a half. I needed multiple surgeries and had to undergo a year of physical therapy. At the time, I had friends and family telling me things such as, “everything happens for a reason” and “don’t worry, you’ll come back stronger than ever”. These are not things that I was open to hearing during that time and it felt very discouraging and condescending. Little did I know it would all turn out to be true. I started to think about what I would do with my life without soccer and how I could still do something that I was just as passionate about, but was more within the realm of reality. This is where my physical therapy program came in not only as a way to heal my knee, but to spark my interest in something I could do with my future. I quickly took interest in all the ways they analyze patients, the knowledge they possess about the human body, and the amazing things they do for people’s lives. Being able to assess someone and identify what is causing them pain or discomfort and then come up with a solution to ease and comfort them seemed as cool as a superpower. I developed a vision in my head about helping young athletes like myself, overcome their injuries and get back to doing what they love. This vision still motivates me and it is what I revert to thinking about when I feel discouraged. Just like myself, many people view sports as an outlet to escape the difficulties of life for just a moment. When something gets in the way of that peace it can feel like everything in life is out to get you. With my experience, I am confident that I can positively affect people’s lives by not only guiding them through a program that will help their physical body, but help be a light of encouragement for them through their difficult time. I knew that physical therapy was something I would love doing and it was partially related to sports which, at the time, made it feel something along the lines of “fate”. Now, here I am studying to become the physical therapist that I so desperately want to be. Trudging through the general education requirements my first year at Cal Poly has had its times of difficulty because I do not feel like I am getting any closer to my end goal and I am still dumping money into my education. While my parents have been incredibly generous in helping me pay for as much as they can spare, it is difficult when I do not have any other scholarships and only loans that I fear will build up by the time I graduate. This scholarship will be a huge help in being able to pay for my expenses and ensure I am able to continue studying to achieve my goal.
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    Do not go to school with a negative mindset. You may be dreading having to go back to school after what seemed like such a short summer, but it is important to remember the opportunity you have in your life. You have the opportunity to pursue anything that you are passionate about doing. Whether it be going into college to pursue a further education or going right into your dream job. Either way it is important to find something you are passionate about and work hard towards it, because it really is an amazing opportunity to be able to pursue whatever it is that you are passionate about. Instagram: Adam.pfarr9
    Sports Lover Scholarship
    I have been playing soccer since I was four years old. I have played on club teams, school teams, Sunday league teams, and even indoor soccer teams. My dream has always been to play soccer in college and hopefully go even further to play professionally. Soccer has always been my safe haven. I have met all my best friends through playing soccer and had the best memories playing the sport with them. My hope is that all of the best times are not behind me and I will be able to create new connections and relationships with my future college and team playing soccer. Soccer also happens to be the reason I decided to pursue a career in the field of physical therapy. In just the third game of my Sophomore soccer season in high school I completely tore my ACL. At the time my doctor and I thought it was a small meniscus tear and that it would heal with a few weeks of rest. Once the three weeks were over I got back out on the field only to have my knee give out in my first game back. However, I continued to play game after game having my knee give out every time and each time getting more and more discouraged. I finally accepted that I needed to go back to the doctor and see what was wrong. After I got an MRI I got the confirmation that I would need a reconstruction surgery and would not be able to play soccer for over a year. This all happened in the second semester of my Sophomore year during the pandemic and everything just came tumbling down on me. I lost all my motivation for school and soccer. Once my Junior year had started I was determined to turn my situation around by having a quick recovery and getting good grades throughout all my classes. I began working hard in physical therapy and keeping up with my schoolwork. My physical therapist said I was recovering at a pace almost two months ahead of time and I had straight As in all of my classes. This is when I realized I wanted to pursue physical therapy. It is what helped me stay motivated and my therapist encouraged me to get stronger to get back on the field. My thought has been that I can do the same thing for my future clients. Having been through an injury and having to recover from it, I believe that I can offer relatable advice and encouragement to people in the same situation. Fast forward to today, I have just been cleared to play by my surgeon and physical therapist. I plan to have the best Senior year I can have for soccer and in my classes. I am excited to be back on the right track working towards a career path that I am so excited for and getting better and better in my sport.