Michael Delaney Sullivan Scholarship

2 winners, $1,000 each
Application Deadline
Aug 31, 2022
Winners Announced
Sep 30, 2022
Education Level
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate student at a community college
Field of Study:
Molecular biology
Future Goals:
Transferring to a four-year institution

Molecular biology is a critical industry that’s as important as sectors such as renewable energy in today’s society. 

In order to continue creating positive change in the world, bright students looking to make progress must be supported. With college costs soaring, many students have turned to community colleges for more affordable education and many are discouraged from continuing their pursuit of knowledge beyond community college.  

This scholarship aims to support community college students who are interested in continuing their education at four-year institutions and pursuing careers in molecular biology.   

Any community college undergraduate in California who is studying biology, has a research interest, and is interested in transferring to a four-year college or university may apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, tell us what problem you’re hoping to solve with technology and your education.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Bold.org Profile
Published March 25, 2022
Essay Topic

With your mind as your tool, what problem are you hoping to solve using the most modern and advanced technology in the "-omics" space, and why? 

400–600 words

Winning Applications

Stacy Opubor
California State University-SacramentoSacramento, CA
Ariba S
University of California-BerkeleyFresno, CA
The thought of growing fully functional organs in a laboratory is usually akin to science fiction, but innovation in biotechnology may bring that fantasy to reality. New tissue engineering processes have put researchers closer to triggering the formation of highly-needed organs and tissues. Further advancements are hopeful for the future of organ donation as there are more people in need of a transplant than there are available organs. However, scientists are now thwarted by a new issue: organizing cells into their natural and biological 3D arrangement. Using advanced technology and genomics, I hope to combat and solve this perplexing matter by studying naturally occurring biological polymers to understand biochemical messages affecting cell behavior. The prospect of tissue and cell research is essential to potentially saving the lives of millions who are in dire need of transplants both now and in the future. Genomics refers to the study of mapping and editing a complete set of DNA-- a genome. Our bodies make organs through genomes as it contains all the instructions for every kind of cell. A subset of genes is utilized to create specific types of cells such as heart, skin, liver, etc. Although scientists do not have full knowledge regarding what all the genes are, cells can be used to “turn on” specific genes. Mastering cell behavior will increase optimism for the 100,000+ people on the national transplant waiting list for lifesaving organs (organdonor.gov). Despite 169 million people in the U.S. being registered as organ donors (pennmedicine.org), donating and receiving organs is an intricate and complex procedure. Firstly, a donor’s blood and tissue type must match the recipient’s type. Next, crossmatch and HLA (human leukocyte antigen) testing must occur to account for the recipient’s body potentially rejecting the donor’s organ. Organ suitability is a key issue that could be resolved by laboratory grown organs. Additionally, it is important to consider that those who register to donate are not necessarily able to donate. Out of 1,000 deceased registered donors, approximately 3 people die in a way that supports deceased organ donation. There simply aren’t enough matching organs for those in need. My plan is to transfer to a 4-year university and get involved in stem cell engineering and regenerative medicine to advance methods of transplant research. Revolutionized bioengineering technology that once seemed nearly impossible to attain has now been shot into the realm of possibility. I am eager to crack this problem to make organ donation a thing of the past.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Aug 31, 2022. Winners will be announced on Sep 30, 2022.