Learner.com Algebra Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Jul 31, 2023
Winners Announced
Aug 31, 2023
Education Level

Algebra is an essential math subject that provides students with a solid foundation for understanding other types of math subjects.

The ever-growing STEM field makes an understanding of algebra even more helpful as algebra is an essential part of many jobs in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields. 

This scholarship seeks to recognize the importance of the subject of algebra by assisting a student who loves math and understands its value.

Any student who loves math can apply for this exclusive scholarship opportunity.

To apply, tell us why you think math is important and why you enjoy learning math.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Bold.org Profile
Published February 2, 2023
Essay Topic

Please tell us why you think math is important and why you love learning math.

400–600 words

Winning Application

Matthew Shank
LeTourneau UniversityGothenburg, NE
Mathematics is what makes the world tick. Everything we see and touch has a mathematical component to it. I have always enjoyed Mathematics, and in many ways, it has been easy for me. However, I love to be challenged and excel at new concepts and ideas. I am excited about going to college in order to be challenged to learn and grow. My goals in the future are primarily in government work (i.e. CIA, NASA, NSA, etc.). I hope to use my skills and growth to better aid the lives of others! One of the most engaging things about mathematics is the ability to collaborate with others. I have had first-hand experience in the classroom helping others learn how to grasp challenging concepts and algebraic problems. It has also been an honor to aid the teachers at times so as to help others better understand the importance of Mathematics in one's life. Mathematics is fun. One of the most fun aspects for me when it comes to solving problems is being challenged by problems no one can solve. My hope one day is to solve at least one of the "unsolvable" problems and win an award for doing so. Problems such as the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture, Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness, P versus NP, Riemann hypothesis., and the Yang–Mills existence and mass gap are just some of the problems I hope to research and apply my self to solving. It would be a wonderful achievement to win the Fields Medal, Nobel Prize, or Abel Prize in Mathematics. I am confident and hopeful that one day I will achieve these great feats. There are many in the world who have had great success in Mathematics, and there are many who have missed out on opportunities to understand and grow in the field. I know that with a scholarship to pursue my passion in Mathematics, I can see my dream achieved. Without great scholarships to aid those pursuing their passions, it becomes harder to focus on what one loves, especially when burdened financially. I would love to receive the learner.com Algebra scholarship. By gifting me with this scholarship, you can be confident that I will strongly aid the field of Mathematics and help our country and world grow to be a more effective place. I seek nothing but the best for myself and others, and your scholarship gift would be wonderfully received and used to its fullest. Thank you!
Mary Grlic
Rutgers University-New BrunswickGarden City, NY
I was fascinated. What made zero different from any other number? Why was it special? I spent the night after my first day of Algebra researching why anything divided by zero is undefined. I found myself exploring unfamiliar numerical concepts far more advanced than anything I was learning in class. Videos of mathematicians explaining sine graphs and parabolic curves filled my YouTube feed. When I did not understand why the natural log of e was 1, I searched for more explanations to satisfy my curiosity. As I grew older, I developed an insatiable desire to problem-solve and apply mathematics to many of my academics and hobbies. While some kids would question the relevance of learning the intricacies of math, I would imagine its endless uses in my everyday life. In high school, I applied my love of math by taking courses in Engineering and Computer Science. I sought programs outside of school to supplement my learning, leading me to work with like-minded students to create an eco-friendly aquarium. As we modeled a prototype, I envisioned numbers and equations swimming through every tank. We calculated the size of the building to better estimate the maximum capacity of sea life. We coded to budget our project. We measured angles and dimensions to design an aesthetically pleasing look while maintaining structural integrity. Without math, we would not have been able to get past the first phase of our project. Using mathematics as the basis of engineering made me wonder where else it could be applied, leading me to recognize the relationship between math and music. When I play my bassoon, I consider the endless ways math transforms dots and lines written on paper into beautiful music. Every difficult passage I come across can be divided into patterns guided by the beat. Crucial to an ensemble’s sound is its tone and intonation based on 1/f noise. As I blow air through my bassoon, sound waves fill the air, and I tune to a perfect “A.” The frequency of each pitch must line up to create a harmony pleasing to the human ear. I aim for every F sharp to sound identical to the last, knowing that the note can morph to E if my embrasure changes in the slightest. The proportional relationships between overtones are the basis of music. Hitting a perfect interval of a third creates a pleasant sound, while a seventh may strike a chord to the listener. Mathematics helps me create raw and emotional music, making me fall in love with my bassoon whenever I pick it up. When I envision the world through numbers and patterns, I can better comprehend and appreciate the complexities of life. Although we may not need to calculate a derivative or use trigonometry every day, math is the foundation that allows us to understand the world. I analyze the numbers and operations in many of the endeavors I pursue. Each of math’s applications has its beauties and quirks but still maintains its axioms that supplement my understanding of the world. The possibilities of math are endless as long as we have the creativity and willingness to look at life from the “right” angle


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jul 31, 2023. Winners will be announced on Aug 31, 2023.