Kathryn Graham "Keyport's Mom" Scholarship

1 winner$1,000
Application Deadline
May 6, 2025
Winners Announced
Jun 6, 2025
Education Level
High School
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High School Senior

Throughout our journey in life we encounter many people. Some are just passing through, others are with us for a season, but some have a profound impact on the development of us as individuals and as God’s children. Kathryn Graham had that profound impact on her small close-knit hometown community of Keyport. She was the type of person who effortlessly cared for everyone, it was just part of her DNA. She never passed judgement on you for your mistakes, but always offered great advice on what you could do better next time or how to see/handle the situation differently. She had the uncanny ability to make you feel like she really understood what you were going through and could relate. She loved her family, God and also our great town of Keyport. In each and every one of her children and grandchildren you can see the caring, servant leadership qualities she passed on to them.

This scholarship aims to honor Mrs. Graham’s impact she had on her community by providing support to students in New Jersey. Any high school senior from New Jersey is eligible to apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you have and plan to make a positive impact on the world through your aspirational career.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Bold.org Profile
Published December 20, 2024
Essay Topic

Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you have and plan to make a positive impact on the world through your aspirational career.

400–600 words

Winning Application

Shaylyn Walsh
Keyport High SchoolKEYPORT, NJ
One may ponder, what exactly is the most important thing that can be taken away after four years of attendance at Keyport High School? For me, the answer is simple; to give back! I, Shaylyn Walsh, am a senior at Keyport High School and I aspire to earn a college degree in a field where I can emulate the most valuable lesson I learned…to give back; to help; to empower; to make a difference, a positive impact, on as many lives as I can. During my high school career I prided myself on achieving high grades and involving myself in sports and clubs. I lettered in each sport I played , each season, every year. I played varsity soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, and track. I also was part of Key Club, Debate club, TV club and a 2024 class officer. Through my vast involvement as a student athlete I was able to capture how important and influential people can be in the life of a young adult. With my own eyes, in my four years of high school, I was able to see firsthand how teachers, coaches, advisors, and our very own athletic trainer can positively impact lives. I spent many hours with these professionals and walk away truly touched. My teachers not only gave me academic content knowledge, but they always went above and beyond to guide me through valuable life lessons. This fostered academic success and self confidence. My coaches, of all disciplines, taught me the incredible power of leadership skills, teamwork, dedication, perseverance and accountability. My advisors showed me how exploring interests and being involved made highschool fun and creates a sense of community and unity. Lastly, our athletic trainer showed me how knowledge, patience, and nurturing enables an athlete to perform to his or her best ability. These influential people helped to shape who I am today and inadvertently led me to pursue a degree where I can positively impact as many human souls as I can. I plan to attend college where I will earn a degree in Nursing. I am hopeful that this degree will allow me to give back to all people of all ages that are in need of care. I not only plan to make a positive impact on my patients, but also on their families. To be faced with sickness, physical or mental disease, injury, or any situation that compromises independence or overall well being is challenging. I aspire to be the ray of sunshine that can bring positivity and hope to all affected.
Isabella Bednarz
Keyport High SchoolKeyport, NJ
Many families stress upon the fact of education, commitment, family and kindness to their kids from such a young age - or at least my family did since I can remember. From first grade the fact of education was always always always super important, I had to make sure that I did well on my multiplication tests, my reading assignments and that carried over into high school and truly taught me many life lessons. High school was challenging for me, I found it difficult to learn during covid, and thought that sometimes I was left stranded especially in the science subject due to covid. But after I was able to blossom, I began taking anatomy - learning about the human body, from muscles to the brain to the skeletal system. My brain was never happier. I really gained interest in the muscular system, especially being an athlete. I was beginning to point out every muscle on my body, where the origin and insertion is and how important that specific muscle is to the body and my body as well as an athlete. Being an athlete, especially a female athlete from the age of four, I never knew how important sports are to me until these last couple of years. From playing soccer on several different teams and even boys teams - soccer has been my go to sport. Basketball and track I began to pick up as I got into high school and also began to enjoy them as well. All three of these sports have taught me many life lessons and continue to do so, they have taught me the most - how to be there for one another, how to build connections, how to have an effective work ethic and especially how to be committed to something. Through school and sports I have been taught the importance of kindness to others, how to approach situations with specific people, how to react to certain situations and how to truly be myself as well. Many may being to ask, what does the importance of a high school anatomy class, soccer, family and kindness have anything to do with the Ms. Kathryn Graham Scholarship - those are how I aspire to inspire others, how to help others and how to teach others as well. Sports will forever be a part of my life, and of course school will as well, but after taking my high school anatomy class and learning about muscles, physical therapy is where I could make my impact on others. I know how frustrating it is when you are injured and cannot play, I have been there, thankfully I had a support system to help me. I hated not being able to play in those moments and wanted to so badly. I did everything and anything I could to get back on the field, court or track the fastest and I learned the importance of health as a high school athlete and I think that is the most important thing I have learned as an athlete. I want to be able to come back to my high school and speak to female athletes about the importance of taking care of their bodies and taking care of the ones around them as well as we all are in the same boat as female athletes - we need to #LeadherForwrd.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is May 6, 2025. Winners will be announced on Jun 6, 2025.