Michael Pride, Jr Memorial Humanitarian Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Kacie Allen-Pride
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Raised of $5,000 goal
0 scholarships funded
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    Kacie Allen-Pride


    KC KC


    Nicole Jones


    Aria E Pride


    Yverose Toussaint


Our story

Mike was a bright light in not only the lives of those who knew him personally, but also in the communities that he strived to reach and serve through his organization, ProjectEX. In 2017 Mike was given the vision to found ProjectEX, an organization formed to better communities via a more inclusive and unified local support system. Focused on mental health, youth counseling, addiction services and supporting communities in need, Mike reached out from the ground level to help those most in need in the best way he knew how. He organized food drives and backpack giveaways for students in need. He hit the streets handing out care packages, food items, and more, all in the hopes to make people feel seen. Mike also found himself at inner city high schools speaking to young men and sharing his life experiences. Being that he had fallen into certain troubles in his youth, Mike wanted to reach these young men from a point of caring and true understanding, showing them that there is hope and more than one path to choose from. His purpose was to enable these young men to focus on the beautiful parts of this life journey and not fall victim to the street mentality that so many do indeed fall victim to.

Our goal

I'm starting this scholarship fund in memory of my loving husband, Michael Pride Jr., whose life tragically ended on March 13, 2024 due to gun violence; one of the many issues he was passionate about advocating against. While his dream of a widespread message and support for those most vulnerable was cut incredibly short at just 38 years old, Mike’s message lives on. I want to enable those who share a similar vision for human rights to continue on their path and help the world in their best way as well. He had dreams and plans to take ProjectEX to higher levels, and while he no longer can, my hope is to encourage those with similar dreams to fulfill them via assistance from this scholarship in his memory.

Comments from contributors 11

KC KC29 days ago

I belive in this movement and I know Mike would have wanted to see us continue to move forward.

Nicole Jones1 month ago

To help with someone education

Aria E Pride1 month ago

A very worthwhile cause in Memory of a special person!

Susan Samuel1 month ago

Blessing Blessing 🙌 i continue to support his legacy.

Deborah&Henry L.1 month ago

We love you family. 😍

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